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I am the Love that dare not speak its name.

Lord Alfred Douglas Love and scandal are the best sweetness of tea. Henry Fielding Do you know the land where the lemon-trees flower? Gothe Sweet as the primrose peeps beneath the thorn. Oliver Goldsmith Amazing Love! How can it be? That thou, my God, shouldst die for me? Charles Wesley Whatever you do, stamp out abuses {superstition} And Love those who Love you. Voltaire No, no regrets, No, we will have no regret As you leave, I can say Love was king, tho for only a day Michel Vaucaire Love and war is the same thing, And stratagems and policy are as allowable In one as in the other. Cerventes If Love be good, from whens comth my wo?

Geoffry Chaucer The stoics define Love as the Endeavour to Form a friendship inspired by beauty Cicero When poverty come in at doors, Love leaps out at windows John Clark Say what you will, it is better to be left Than never to have Loved William Congreve Whom the lord Loveth he chasteneth Hebrews Izib If you would be Loved, Love Hecato Love in a hut, with water and a crust Is- Love, forgive us-cinders, ashes, dust John Keats No sooner met but they looked, No sooner looked but they Loved, No sooner Loved but they sighed But asked one another the reason But Love is blind, And Lovers cannot see The pretty follies those themselves commit Speak low, if you speak Love There is no creatures Loves me, And if I die, no soul shall pity me. William Shakespeare

Love is a symbol of eternity. It wipes out all sense of time, Destroying all memory of A beginning and all fear of an end Madame De Stetl To say that you can Love one person all Your life is just like saying that one Candle will continue burning as long as you live Leo Tolstoy

Because of her fair locks, for when she Winds them round a young mans neck, She will not set him free again Goethe The speaking in a perpetual hyperbole is Commonly in nothing but in Love Nuptial Love makes mankind; Friendly Love perfects it, But wanton Love corrupts it And embosses it Francis Bacon See how Love and murder will out. Loves but the frailty of the mind, when it is not With ambition joined William Congreve Love, in present- day society, is just the exchange Of two imaginary pictures, and the contact of One epidermis with another. Nicholas Chamfert

Love lies beyond The tomb, the earth, which fades like dew! John Clare All thoughts, all passions, all delights Whatever stirs this mortal frame? All are but ministers of Love, And feed his secret flame. Samuel Taylor For in my mind, Of all mankind I Love but you alone John Ball Love is the child of freedom Old French song A guileless passion has its own intuition, And knows by instinct that Love kindles Love If the light is the first thing we turn to with Love, Surely it is Love that first brings light to the heart Balzac The business of Love some what resembles the Business of physic; No matter for qualifications, He that makes vigorous pretensions to either Is surest of success Love when founded in the heart, Will show itself in a thousand unpremeditated Sallies of fondness Goldsmith Those that have longest Love best

Samuel Johnson To be able to say how much you Love is to Love but little Petrarch Love is swift, sincere, pious, pleasant, gentle, Strong, patient, faithful, prudent, long-suffering, Manly and never seeking her own; For where so ever a man, seeketh his own there He falleth from Love Thomas a Kemps

The joy of Love is too short; And the sorrow there of, And what cometh there of dureth over long Sir Thomas Malory But true Love is a durable fire, In the mind ever burning Never sick, never old, never dead, From itself never turning Sir Walter Raleigh Love is not to be purchased and affection has no price Sir Jerome Whatever people may say, Love without hope or demands is more certain to Such a womans heart than all the Calculations of seductions Alexander Pushkin Love is sickness full of woes all remedies refusing Samuel Daniel

Harmony is pure Love, For Love is complete agreement Lope De Vega I dare not ask a kiss, I dare not beg a smile, Lest having that or this, I might grow proud the while Robert Herrick Love cures people both the ones who give it And the ones who receives it Karl Menninger The first duty of Love is to listen Paul Tillich In every Love affair, there is one who Loves And one who permits himself or herself to be Loved William Walter Passages of Love are more impressive than passages of danger Joseph Conrad I love alone do we find our support Love can neither be purchased nor commanded Leo Tolstoy It is one of lifes greatest blessings to share ones thoughts, Feelings and impressions with anther soul Nikolai Gogol Love has its tortures for every age Ivan Turgenev Love is a condition of mind,

When mind is out of condition Love is a cigarette which begins with fire And ends in smoke Anonymous Love knows no compulsions It is that fire which can neither be lit Nor extinguished at will Mirza Ghalib I regard Love as one of the most important Things in human life Bertrand Russell Love has eye lids as well as eyes James Boswell Love is not subject of reasoning but of falling James Russell Love is a thing you cannot argue about P.G. Wodehouse There is only one law in Love, And that is to make those you love happy Stendhal Love is like a mushroom, You are never sure whether It is the real until it is too late Anymous Love is the most selfish of all the passions Alexander Dumas Love is the highest and strongest form of The expansion of the soul

Thomas Mann Whoever Loved that Loved not at first sight Christopher Marlowe I Love like God Loves-without distinction of Time, space, race, colour, sex and so on Henry Miller I like not only to be Loved, But to be told that I am Loved; The realm of silence is Large enough beyond the grave George Eliot To Love for the sake of being Loved is human But to Love for the sake of Loving is angelic Alphonse de Lamartine We can only Love truly by suffering And only trough suffering Dostoevsky When a man fall in Love, He becomes like a boot soul soaked in water, It can be bent anyway you like Nikolai Gogol We have nothing to fear from those who Love us We must never look for discretion in first Love; First Love is accompanied by such Excessive joy that unless the joy be allowed to overflow, It will stifle you Alexander Dumas Love is the wisdom of the fool and the folly of the wise Samuel Johnson

Love is not blind; That is the last thing it is, Love is bound; And the more it is bound the less it is blind G.K. Chesterton Love never dies of starvation, But often of indigestion Ninon de Lenctos It is better to Love two too many than one too few Sir. John Harington To Love is to battle No and yes together Two syllables in Love Love, timeless island, Is land surrounded by time besieged by might? To love is to die And live again and die again! It is liveliness Octavio Paz I Love you because I am mortal and you are For Love is sufficient unto Love Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself I Love you You one a beautiful thought, A thing too apart to hold in the hand, And a song in my dreaming It is in my heart to be worthy of your Love Love is the evil between Lover and Lover

Love that does not renew itself everyday Becomes a habit and turn slavery Lovers embrace that which is between Them rather that each other Love and doubt have never been on speaking terms Love is a word of light, Written by hand of light, Upon a page of light Kahlil Gibran

Let us roll all our strength, And all our sweetness, Up into one ball; And tear our pleasures with rough strife, Through the iron gates of life Andrew Marwell Love will do the deed For with Love Stony hearts will bleed Love is swift of foot Loves a man of war Georgre Herbert Why, man, she is mine own, And I as rich in having such a jewel As twenty seas, if all their sand were pearl, The water nectar and the rocks pure gold William Shakespeare By heaven, I do Love: And it hath taught me the rhyme And to be melancholy

Lord Byron In real life, Love ahs to be possible Even it is not returned right away, Love can only survive When the hope exists that you will able To win over the person you desire The wise are wise only because they Love And the foolish are foolish only because They think they can understand Love Love is much like a dam: If you allow a tiny crack to form through Which only a trickle of water can pass, That trickle will quickly bring down the whole structure And soon no one will be able to control The force of the current To Love is to loose control Love can consign us to hell or to paradise, But it always takes us somewhere We simply have to accept it, Because it is what nourishes our existence If we reject it, We die of hunger, Because we lack the courage to stretch out hand And pluck the fruit from the branches Of the tree of Love We have to take Love where we find it, Even if that means hours, days, weeks Of disappointment and sadness The moment we begin to seek Love, Love begins to seek us My heart told me that I was in Love And I fell asleep with a smile on my lips Paulo Coelho What was the meaning- was it Love? Love at first sight, As poet sing

Is then no fiction Toru Dutt O beloved I miser of thy rich and happy voice, One word, one word to tell me that thou Lovest Aurobindo That for me alone your Love has been waiting Through worlds and ages awake and wandering Is it true? Rabindranath Tagore

I want to be Loved And if Love is not to be had, I want to be dead, just dead My Love is an empty gift, a gilded empty container; Good for show, nothing else Ah! Why does Love come to me like pain? Again and again and again? Love is youth times magic; And I still entitled to its lure? Dont call on me, fastening your eyes on mine Kamala Das Nay weep not, Love! Thou shouldst not weep The world is our entire home; Lifes watch together we shall keep, Well Love wherere we roam Gokak Falling in Love for the first time is perhaps The most wonderful emotional Experience one can have

The Love affair is in its prime it is Wonderful for those who are in Love? The happiness and worry experienced By those around them is ignored Betty Shine Friendship is disinterested commerce between equals; Love, an object intercourse Between tyrants and slaves Oliver Goldsmith Love is universal migraine A bright stain on the vision Blotting out reason Robert Graves Love is swift of foot; Loves a man of war And can shoot; And can hit from far Love bade me welcome; Yet my soul drew back Guilty of dust and sin George Herbert You say, to me wards you affections strong Pray Love me little, so you Love me long Robert Herrick My Love shes but a lassie yet James Hogg Oh, when I was in Love with you Then I was clean and brave A.E. Housman Love is like the measles; We all have to go through it

Jerome K Jerome She is Venus when she smiles; But shes Juno when she walks, And Minerva when she talks Ben Johnson I Loved him not; And yet now he is gone I feel I am alone Walter Savage Landor

I Loved you, So I drew these tides of men Into my hands and wrote my will across The sky in stars D.H.Lawrence For Love that time was not as Love in now a days Sir Thomas Malory My Love is of birth as rare As it is, for object, strange and high; It was begotten by despair, Upon impossibility I would Love you ten years before the flood, And you should if you please refuse Till the conversion of the Jews; My vegetable love should grow Vaster than empires and more slow Andrew Marvel She whom I Love is hard to catch and conquer, Hard but on the glory of the winning were she won

George Meredith Love then, and even later, was the Whole concuss of everyones life That is always the fate of leisured societies Napoleon Bonaparte I do not Love thee! No! I do not Love thee! And yet when thou art absent I am sad Caroline Norton

Loves perfect blossom only blows Where noble manners veil defect Angels may be familiar; Those who err each other must respect Coventy Patmore Love is not the dying moan of a distant violin Its the triumphant twang of a bed spring S.J. Perlman When I am dead, my dearest Sing no sad songs for me, Plant thou no roses at my head, Nor shady cypress tree; Be the green grass above With showers and dewdrops wet; And if thou wilt, remember, And if thou wilt, forget Christina Rossetti Love rules the court, the camp, the grave, And men below, and saints above; For Love is heaven, and heaven is Love Sir Walter Scott

Come; let us make Love deathless, thou and I Herbert Trench I Love alone we hate to find Companions of our woe William Walsh Love is the part of every heart; It pains man when its kept close, And others doth offend, when it is let loose John Suckling

So Love is Lord of the entire world by right Edmund Spenser True Loves the gift which god had given To man alone beneath the heaven Sir Walter Scott Love means never having to say youre sorry Erich Seyal I feared mumping kiss Of those women of winter, Bathsheba, Lara, Tess Whose tragedy mad less of life, Where Love was more Than Love of literature Derek Walcot Love is like any other luxury You have no right to it Unless you can afford it Anthony Trillope

What is Love? It is that powerful attraction Towards all that conceive, or fear, Or hope beyond ourselves P.B.Shelley Love is a fervent fire Kindled without desire, Short pleasures, long displeasure; Repentance is the hire; And pure treasure without measure Love is a fervent fire Alexander Scott

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