Caracterization of Solid

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Appendix I Characteristics of Solid Particles Nomenclature a,b constants in Eq, (19) Co coefficient of drag in a particle 4a ‘mean opening of successive sieves, (dpi + dy: « 12 en mean diameter of a particulate mass with varying sizes, m 4 sieve size diameter), m 4a surface diameter, m 4 volume diameter, m dy surface volume diameter, m dey so, 1 diameters corresponding to cumulative weights of 84, 50, and 16 %, respectively Fp drag force in a particle, N my ‘mass of particle, ke K, correction factor or non-spherical particle in Bq, (18) uy terminal velocity of non-spherical particles, m/s u, terminal velocity of particles, mis R relative size range defined in Eq, (L6) 5 actual surface of the particle, m” Up ‘minimum fuidization velocity, mis u superficial gas velocity, mls v actual volume of the particle, m? “ ‘weight fraction of particles collected between sieve i and i + 1 ° sphericity < voidage Pe density of gas, kg/m? Pp density of solids, kg/m* H viscosity of gas, ke/S.m Ar Archimedes number, (yp ~ py) Py i Re Reynolds number, Up, ft © Springer International Publishing Switsland 2015 a P, Basu, Circulating Fuidized Bed Boilers, DOL 10,1007/978-3-319-06113-3 a8 Appendix I: Charactersis of Solid Particles ‘The geometric characteristic of a solid particle is defined by its volume, shape and interfacial surface in contact with the environment, Following section discuss the different ways of characterizing single particle or a group of particles Solid Partictes Solid particles are rigid and have a definite shape. A sphere is a natural choice of ‘definition of a patticle, because it gives the lowest surface area for a given volume and can be defined by just one value, ie. diameter. Most natural particles are not spherical. Hence, natural particles are characterized by their degree of deviation from spherical shape, sphericity, and an equivalent diameter. ‘Equivalent Diameters ‘Let us take a non-spherical particle having a surface area, S, and a volume, V, Several types of equivalent diameter ofthe particle can be defined to describe the Particle, as shown in Fig. 11. Four more frequently used definitions are 1. Volume diameter (d,) Volume diameter is the diameter of a sphere that has the same volume as the particle. Equivalent sphere with same fntemal Suave ara 29 he Eaquivalot sphere wth same nal pate fale of Surface to Volume as Srna ‘he orignal particle \,__ Equivalent sphere passing ‘rough sams Aperture 35 oes the origins pale Equivalent sphere ‘Sereen wah same Volume spertire 2 the orginal partele ig. Li. Dileent representations of a non-regular shaped particle Appendix I: Characteristics of Solid Particles a9 d= [evotme otra] = a 2. Surface diameter (d,) Stricter se det of phrenic sess tpi Then, ise a2) _ pests area of particle) 3. Siove size d) Sieve size is the width of the minimum square aperture of the sieve through Which the particle will pass. 4, Surface-volume diameter (d,) Surface-volume diameter is the diameter ofa sphere having the same surface-to- volume ratio as that of the particle dey = 6 (13) Sphericity (9) Sphericity describes the departure ofthe parile’s shape from a spherical one, For example, aspherical particle has a sphericity of 1.0. Surface area of sphere with volume same as particle _ rd? ual surface aca of panels aa) Sphericty(9) Eliminating $ and V from Eqs. (1.1), (L3), and (1.4), one gets: dy = 94, as) The relationship between the above sizes and the sieve size (d,) can be derived ‘through experiments for imegular particles and through calculations for gcometr- cally shaped particles. An approximate relation for crushed quartz of sphericity 0.8 was given as (Abrahamsen and Geldart 1980) d= 1.1Bdp, d, = 0.773d,, dy = O8Td,, 4, = 1.284, 340 Appendix I: Characteristics of Solid Particles ‘Table LA. Sphercty of some eypical materials Paricle Sand (Otawa) ‘Sand nt, jagze® ‘Sand average of ll types) Limestone pum {Coal (crashed) Coal (pulverized) ‘Alumina Caalysts ‘Mica lakes Crushed glass CC catalyst, ‘Adapred trom the Coal Comersion System Data Hand Book (1982), Table 1VB10.1, DOEIFE 5157.2), ‘The sphericity is usually measured experimentally, Typical values of some commonly used particles are given in Table [1 Mean Particle Size and Its Measurement In industries millions of small particles are simultaneously handled for the purposes of reactions, heat and mass transfer, or homogeneity. In such a particulate mass, particles are rarely uniform in size and are characterized by particle size distribu- tion, There are several characteristics properties that define a particulate mass ‘+ Number of particles ‘© Total surface area © Total volume ILis difficult to provide individual attention to these properties of each particle, and hence it is necessary to define some average characteristics. So one finds it convenient to imagine an equivalent particulate mass of particles of uniform size that matches the properties of the actual particulate mass. However, itis possible to natch only two properties between the actual and the equivalent. In fluidization and ‘most chemical engineering applications, total volume and surface area are the ‘wo chosen properties. These represent the material content and interfacial area across which transfer processes occur. For a pressure drop through the bed, the surface area is most important, The mean particle size is thus defined in such a way that it equals the average surface area of particles of sizes in the bed, Sieving is the most commonly used technique for the measurement of the sur- face area of granular solid particles. Particles of size finer than 44 ym needs more Appendix I: Characteristes of Solid Particles ul sophisticated methods but for sizes greater than 44 jm can be measured by using a set of slandard test sieves with square aperture openings. Such test sieves are stacked with the one with the largest aperture on the tope. The lower sieves are selected such that the apertures are smaller, After vibrating and shaking the stack using a sieve shaker for a period of 20-30 min, the particles collected on each sieve tare weighed and assigned a size by taking the arithmetic average of the aperture size of the sieve through which the material just passed and the sieve on which itis retained, dn (16) Dera where dj isthe arithmetic mean of the aperture (opening) of two adjacent sieves and ‘xis the weight fraction of samples collected between these two sieves. The above equation will match the surface to volume ratio of the actual poly-size particles. For nonspherical particles, all having the same sphericity, 9, the mean size d, using Eq, (1.6) would then be gdy. A detailed derivation is given in Howard (1989). However, Eq. (1.6) is not valid for a discontinuous particle size In industries the particle size distribution is sometimes deseribed by dy. This implies that particles below this size constitute 50 % by weight of the sample, The relative size range, R, is another characteristic used to describe the spread ofthe size distribution. It s defined as diy = die Be a7) where dsy and dig are the diameter corresponding to size below which particles constitute 84 and 16 %, respectively, by weight. Packing Characteristics In a particulate mass, particles rest on each other due to the force of gravity to form 1 packed bed. Depending on the shape of particles and packing characteristics, a certain volume of space in between the particles remains unoccupied. Such space is called a void volume and is specified as voidage or porosity, defined as Void volume Voidage (c) = Porosity = —___Veld volume __ Voldage (0) = Porsit) = Tetame of particles and voids (1s) “The measurement of particle volume is simple, but the precise measurement of surface area is very difficult. This problem compounds when one attempts to define 302 Appendix I: Characteristics of Solid Particles the sphericity of a mass of a large number of dissimilar particles. The packin characteristics of particles are important parameters that depend on the particle’s shape and mode of packing. In some special situations, such as in the vicinity of a sphere or a plane wall, the distribution of local voidage becomes important, Unlike bulk voidage, it is not uniform or monotonically varying. It follows a damped oscillatory pattern, Particle Classification In the light of uidization experience, Geldart (1973) classified solids broadly under four groups, A, B, C, and D as shown in Fig. 1.2. The particle's classification is plotted against the density difference between the solid and the fluidizing gas. This classification is important in understanding the fluidization behaviour of solid particles, because under similar operating conditions particles of different groups may behave entirely differently Group € ‘These particles are very fine and are typically smaller than 30 ym (pp = 2500 kg/m"). The interparticle forces are comparable to the gravitational force on these particles. So, these particles are very dificult to Muidized. An attempt at fluidization often results in channelling. Special techniques are required t fli- idize these particles. 4, um) Fig. 12. Powder classication of granlar solids (Prom Geldat (1973), “Types of gas fuidiza- lion” ponder technology, 7, pp. 285-292. Reprinted with permission from Elsevier Sequoia S.A.) Appendix I: Characteristics of Solid Paricles ua ‘Table 12. Distinguishing feature of four groups of panicles Group a a D Paricle sae for <20 jm | 20110 pen 110-700 an 700 pm = 2.000 kg/m’ Channing Severe Lite Negligible | Negligible Expansion Low High Medium ‘Medium ‘Minimum bubbling [No bubble | >Unr THU | velocity. Une ‘Solid mixing [High Medium [ow Sprouabilty None ‘Shallow bed | Readily as back-mixing High Low ‘lugging mode Fat ruining | Axisymmatis | Mostly | Mostly wall plugs axisymmetric | slugs Group A ‘These particles are typically in the range of 30-100 jum (p, = 2500 kg/m). These particles fuidize well, but expand considerably after erossing the minimum fluid ization velocity and before bubbles start appearing. Many circulating fluidized bed systems use Group A particles. Group B ‘These particles are normally in the range of 100-500 ym (if p, ~ 2500 kg/m?) size, They fluidize well. Bubbles appear as soon as the minimum fluidization velocity is exceeded. The majority of the CFB boilers use this group of particles. Group D ‘These are the coarsest of all particles (2500 um) (for p, = 2500 kg/m"). They require a much higher velocity to fluidize these solids. Spouted beds generally ‘operate on this size of solids ‘A comparison of properties of particles of different groups is given in Table 1.2. Terminal Velocity of a Particle Consider a paticle falling freely from rest under gravity in an infinite and stationary ‘medium; the particle accelerates under the action of gravity. ‘The buoyant force and ‘the fluid drag oppose the effect of gravity. ‘The particle accelerates until it reaches an ‘equilibrium velocity called the terminal velocity. ‘When a fluid flows over a stationary particle or travels at a velocity higher than an upward moving particle, the particle experiences an upward drag, buoyancy force, and downward gravitational force, as shown in Fig. 13. The drag force on the aaa Appendix I: Characteistes of Solid Particles Fig. 13. Forces acting on a on se Dame mode s Ul ro particles, and is defined as Fo= Co(S og as) ‘The velocity, U; isthe free stream velocity with which the fluid approaches the particle. The drag coefficient, Cp, is observed to be a function of the Reynolds number, defined as aloe # Re (410) ‘The characteristic relation between Cp and Re for particles of different shape factors can be expressed as pat, ) co= 7s aay ‘The constants a and b can be approximated as Howard 1989) ange ike Regine O +9260 KI/kg of sulfur (3) where m and n are stoichiometric coefficients of Eq, (11.2) For absorption of the SOs, limestone is fed into the fumace. Limestone is fist calcined to CaO through the following endothermic calcination reaction: cace = C20 +€0 1830 kI/kg of CaCOs (ma) If the sorbent contains magnesium carbonate, an additional endothermic reaction MgCO, = MgO + CO; + 1183 kI/kg of MgCO,, (us) Appendix I: Stoichiometric Calculations uo Calcium oxide, from either limestone or coal ash, absorbs a fraction of the sulfur dioxide released from the coal during combustion, The reaction is CxO 4 $0p-+ 140» = CaSO,—ISI41 KI/kg of Sulfur (TL) The above equation shows that oxygen is equired for both the combustion and the sulfation reactions. Since in any gas-solid process the contact between the gas and solid is less than perfect, an excess amount of oxygen is needed, The extra sir that provides this oxygen is called excess air. Compared to pulverized coal and bubbling fuidized bed combustion, the CFB allows a beter gas-solid mixing. This excess air is about 20 % for the combustion and sulfation reactions combined. Air Required ‘The dry air required for compl by c combustion of a unit weight of coal, My is given Mig = [L1.53C + 34.34 (H- 0/8) + 4.348 + A'S] ke/kg coal (1.7) where C,H, O, and S are weight fractions of fuel constituents known from the ultimate analysis. For each unit mass of sulfur converted to calcium sulfate, an additional amount of dry air, A, is required (see reaction IL6). So the extra air required for a unit weight of coal is A * S, where A is 2.17 for sulfur capture and is, zero when no sulfur is captured as calcium sulfate For efficient combustion, a certain amount of si, in excess of what is required ‘theoretically, is provided. To gct the air one must moltiply the theoretical air by the excess air coefficient, EAC. The total dry air, Ty, is sum of the theoretical requirement and whatever excess air is allowed to complete the combustion, Tyg = BAC Muy kg /kg burned. (ms) The excess air coefficient, EAC, is defined in such a way that EAC = 1.2 would, mean 20 % excess ai. Air usually contains some moisture. In standard air this weight fraction of moisture, Xp, is about 0.013 kg/kg air, and X, is the weight fraction of moisture in the air. Thus, My. the total wet air, is na = Ta + Xm). (us) 350 Appendix T: Stoichiometric Caeuatons Sorbent Requirement Ifthe coal ash contains a negligible amount of calcium oxide, the sorbent required (Lp to retain the sulfur in a unit weight of coal is found from the following equation: 100s 32Xeccon (10) where Sis the weight fraction of sulfur in coal, and Xeycos is the weight fraction of CaCOs in the sorbent, Ris defined as the calcium to sulfur molar ratio inthe feed of sorbent and coal, respectively ‘Sometimes the coal ash contains an appreciable amount of calcium oxide, which removes a part ofthe sulfur released from the cou. If Xug is the weight of calcium oxide per unit weight of coal fed, the inherent Ca/S ratio is (32X,/56 .S). Thus the Timestone required for removal of the same amount of sulfur (Ey, 8) will be reduced by the above amount. Thus, R is to be replaced by R’ in Eq, (II.10) and elsewhere, (uit) Solid Waste Produced From reactions (11.4) to (ILS) we find that the sorbent decomposes into CaO, MgO, and inerts, Out of this a part of the CaO is converted into CaSOy, The spent sorbent ‘would thus be comprised of CaSO,, unconverted CaO, unconverted MgO, and inert components of the sorbent. The weight of spent sorbent produced per unit weight of coal bumed, Ly, is the sum of CaSO,, CaO, MgO, and inert, Spent sorbents = calcium sulfate + calcium oxide ~ magnesium oxide inert s LeXcacon _SEnr] , 40LyXugcos = 13658, + 56/22 AObaXuscos boy = 13655 Boe + of at ES LyXin (mL.12) where Ly is the sorbent fed per unit weight of coal bumed and is given by Eq. 1.10), The total solid waste contains, in addition to the spent sorbent (L,), coal ash (ASH) and unburned carbon, less the CaO content of coal converted to CaSO, and included in Ly (Xeas)- The solid waste produced per unit weight of coal bured is thus Appendix I: Stoichiometric Calculations 351 W, = [by + ASH + (1 E-News (13) where unburnt carbon is approximated as (I~ E,) Gaseous Waste Products ‘The weight of flue gas due to the combustion reaction, W,, is the sum of carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur dioxide, and fly ash. These individual constituents of @ flue gas can be found as follows: Carbon Dioxide Carbon dioxide produced from fixed carbon in coal = 3.66 C. (4) In addition to the CO; produced form the fixed carbon, an extra amount of carbon dioxide is generated due to calcination of CaCO and MgCOs in the sorbent material (see Eqs. (Il) and (IL5)). This amount, Weo2, may be calculated as 44SR[ 100Xigcor Xvecor icon = TSR | , MOMneco8) 395, jo XMecos) as) W 3 if a 1374 sat +1 mal (1s) ‘where R is the calcium to sulfur molar ratio. Example-1 "The following table gives an analysis of a piece of coal. Calculate the amount of CO, produced per kilogram of the coal bumed. Assume that calcium to sulfur molar ratio of 2.5. The limestone contains 88 ‘% CaCO by weight and 10 % MgCOs by weight. H [0 [N |S [ASH [Moisture 8 [62 18 22 90 (35 Je imate analyse of coal @) 728 Solution Using Eq, 1.14 we caleulate the kg CO. per kg fuel burn as: CO; produced from coal combustion = 3.66 x 0.728 = 2.66, (CO produced from calcination (Eq. 1.15) Weor = 1.375 x 0.022 « 2.5(1 + 119 x 0.1/0.8) = 0.0858 ke/kg fuel Total carbon dioxide produced = 2.66 + 0.0858. = 2.745 kg per kg of coal bummed. 382 Appendix I: Stoichiometric Calculations Water Vapor Water in the flue gas comes from the combustion of hydrogen in the coal and the ‘moisture present in the combustion ait, coal and limestone. The water in the fue gas per unit weight of coal burned is Water vapor =9114 EAC: MayXqe +My LyXun, (16) Nitrogen Nitrogen from fuel and air — N + 0.768 May 7) Oxygen ‘The oxygen in the Ave gus comes from oxygen in the coal, excess axygen inthe combustion air, and the oxygen left in the flue gas for incomplete capture of sulfur. We recall from Eq. (1.6) that for each mole of unconverted sulfur % mole of oxygen is saved, Thus the oxygen in flue gas is = 0 +0.2315 My(BAC-1) + (1 (1118) Sulfur dioxide Af only Eyer fraction ofthe sulfur is converted to CaSO,, the SOs present inthe flue gas is 28(1— Eur) (iis) Fly ash ‘The flue gas may carry a part of the coal ash or sorbents. Though it is very small in amount and is eventually collected in the dust collector, it carries through the convective section of the boiler a fraction of the sensible heat that may not be negligible. The fluc gas is approximated on the basis of Unit weight of coal bumed = a. ASH, 20) where a, is the fraction of the ash in coal as it appears as fly ash (0.1 ~ 0.5). The total weight of the flue gas can be found by adding up the above compo- nents. Simplifying them, the total weight of the flue gas per unit weight of coal bummed is W, = Mya 0.2315 Mgs 43.66 C4914 My + Ly: Xqg +++ 2S S(1~ Ene 119K pcos Keacos + harssn(1 + ) 4: ASH k/ke bum, (121) Appendix I: Stoichiometric Calculations 383 oe = “Theol a, kgf 10.00 Volatile tern coal (Dry ath re basi) % Fig. 1.1 Thcortcal dy ar requited to release 10,000 KI of heat asa funeton of volatile mater in the coal on dry-asb-ifee basis Heating Value of Fuels ‘The approximate higher heating value, HH, of a solid fuel may be calculated from the Dulong and Petit formula: HAY = 33823 C 4 144249 (H— 0/8) +9418 S KI/kg. (1122) Higher heating value assumes water vapour in combustion product to condense, but lower or net heating value (LAV) assumes it to leave as a vapour, So, LHV is, calculated by subtracting the heat of vaporization of the moisture in the fuel from the HV. (pe + ee ha te 23) Vv ty Mm up “yore * Teorsa? HEY — where H and M,are weight fraction of hydrogen and moisture respectively in fuel on “as received” basis, hg is the heat of vaporization of water. There is no international standard for the value of h,, which is heat of vaporization at the partial pressure of water vapour in the combustion product, Standards ike ASTM DS865-13 and ASME Test code PTC 4 specifies 43985 Iimole or 2441 Ki/kg of water for reference tem perature 25 °C (43985 ki/kmol) (ASTM DS865-13) forthe value of fi,. Ths reference temperature corresponds to partial pressure of 0.0316 bar, For this reason one could find different values of h, in other references. If the ultimate analysis of the coal is not known but the proximate analysis and heating value of the fuel are available, one can use Fig. Il] to estimate the theo- retical ait requirement. This figure plots the theoretical dry air required in ke/ 10,000 iJ fired against the volatile matter of coal on a dry-ash-free basis, 384 Appendix I: Stoichiometric Calculations For example, the theoretical air requirement for 10,000 KJ from a coal with 30 % volatile matter on a dry-ash-free basis will be Irom Fig, II.1) 3.25 kg, Ifthe heating value of the coal is 23,255 kU/kg, the theoretical dry air requirement is 3.259 « 23,255/10,000 = 7.578 kgikg. The weight of wet air (1.3 % moisture and 20 % ‘excess ait) is 7.578 * 1,013 » 1.2 = 9.21 kgikg, Example 2 For the ultimate analysis of a coal given below find the stoichiometric ‘quantities for use in the design of a boiler worked out in Chapter 6. For 90 % sulfur ‘capture the boiler requires @ Ca/S molar ratio of 2.0. Composition of the limestone is also given below. Moisture in air is 1.3 %. Solution 1. The ultimate analysis of the coal is given as Xm = 13%, Mr=71%, C= 56.59%, H= 4.21%, N=09%, , $=4.99%, 0 = 5.69%, ASH = 20.06%, Xe = 0.56 2. Er = 90%, 9, Xugcos = 0.09 3. Inherent Ca/S = = 0.064 g/kg. ‘Using Eq, (IL10 and IL11) one gets sorbent requirement as = 100 x 0.0499 @ ~.06832 x 0.9) = 0335kg/kg. 4, HEIV (Eq. (1L.22)] = 33823 x 0.5659 + 144249(0.0421 ~ 0.056918) + 9418 * 0.0499 = 24657 klik. 5. LHV [Eq, (1.23)] = 24657 - 2441 x (9 * 0.0421 + 0.0716) = 23561 klik 6. Theoretical dry ait, Bq, (1.7), man ‘may = 11.53 x 0.5659 + 34.34 (0.0421 -0.0569/8) +4345 x 0,0499 + 2.17 x 0.0499 = 8.051 ke/kg. 7. Total dry air including 20 % excess air, Eq. (11.9) = Total wet air = 9.66 % (1 + 0.013) = 9.79 kghkg. 8. Total flue gas weight, Eq, (IL21) Np (IL 17) = 0.7685 x 8.051 * 1.2 + 0.009 = 7.43 keke, 11,0 (11.16) = 9 * 0.0421 + 0.335 « 0.071 + 0.071 + 0.013 * 8.081 x 1.2 = 0,600 kg/kg. CO, (I-14 and TL15) = 3.66 x 0.5659 05 * 1.2 = 9.66 kgikg. Appendix I: Stoichiometric Calculations 355 4 1.375 x 0,0499 x 2 x [1 + (1.19 x 0.09/0.9)] = 2.22 keke. 805 (11.19) = 2 * 0,0499 « (1 = 0.9) = 0.01 kelkg, (y From (I1.18) = 0.0569 + 0.2315 * 8.05 x (1.21) + 0.5 * 0.0499 x (1-09) = 0.432 keke. W, using ([1.21) = 9.78 ~ 0.2315 8,05 + 3.66 0.5659 +9 * 0,0421 + 0.071 + 0,335 » 0.071 + 0.009 + 0.0569 + 2.5 x 0.0499(1-0.9) + 1.375 x 0.0499 x 2 (1 + 1.19 * 0,09/0.9) = 107 kgikg. 9, Weight of spent sorbent from (Bq, (.12)] = (0.0499 136 x 0.9/32) + 56{(0.335 * 0,9/100) ~ (0.0499 x 0.9/32)] + (0.335 * 0,09 * 40/84) + 0.335 * 001 = 0.290 kgikg. Reference ASTM 5865-13, (2013). Stundard test method for gross csloviie value of coal ‘American Socety of Testing Materials. Oct ASTM Subcommittee DOS 21, p. 10 Appendix III Simplified Model for Sulfur Capture Nomenclature Refer to the nomenclature in Chap. 5 on Emission ‘Model assumptions: 1. Gas is in plug flow. 2. Solid in the CFB furnace is back-mixed, 3. Cross section average bed density decreases exponentially from the secondary ai level to the top of the furnace and is expressed as: als) = paloo) + [a(0) ~ po(oo)le * au.) where p,(c0) is the asymptotic value of bed density. The exponent ‘a’ can be found from a fitting of the given (or calculated) axial voidage distribution of the 4, The amount of sulfur dioxide capture in the sub-stoichiometric region below the secondary air injection level is negligible but all sulfur in the fuel is converted. into sulfur dioxide within this region, ‘The kinetic rate of sulfation is proportional to the first-order sulfur dioxide concentration and volume of sorbents, ‘A mass balance of sulfur dioxide over a horizontal slice of the furnace gives: yds m —KCsonC, (m2) where xis the height in umace, m isthe molar rate of formation of sulfur dioxide per unit volume of the bed, Cso2 is the concentration of sulfur dioxide, Vis the superficial as inthe bed, and C, isthe molar concentration of ealeium in the bed given by C, = geass, The reaction rate (K Cso2) is the molar rate of sulfation or absorption of SO, per mole of calcium in the sorbent, It 8 a function of the 1 SpringeeInerational Publishing Switzerland 2015 387 P, Bas, Circulating Fuidized Bed Boiler, DOL 10,1007/278-3-319-0613-3 358 Appendix I: Simplified Mode! for Sulfur Capture maximum §(00) and current 3() extent of conversion of CaO into CaSO, (sulfa tion), and is given by Eq, (5.21). The maximum extent of sulfation, 3(00) is found through sorbent characterization experiments, Since sulfur dioxide is assumed to be released only below the secondary air entry level, the concentration of SO; at x = 0 is Cy, and m = 0 for 0- adnoip| eve) yt sree aio) care aro S960 E60 adi) 1e6r)6¥ LL seve e660 ‘aavoun| iste _osr 9E9r 5E660 adioiy)Trer_6¥or ost 9660 aidnory | 9ct1 res sss9 9660 Twin) Kv) Shere zeae 96560 adooip gost gore wave 966° sadvoip sere) 1ce9 re 966560 udioip) use9) avs co 9660 vdnoip| sso cree ere S800 9e660 Vdwoip) aow'y Lure wro) pro 16690 10 ¥ dnoip | cowry este sao) «eo L660 eso oso) Vdvoip| psLr erst 000) _sP0 966560 zo esto) oF Vidi) sey ast ‘36000, eco 96690 oro 0) oe “doug | sq) ae =) “yu yuo | uaa fpmoa) Gata “0 * sa Ma] x a9 = MN BCEO= "7 WBN 0x ba = uy or =" (ESO CCO“OS % ECO “8 PON “& LET“OD) uu je09 tos se3 am KG = 3, OO Gay 9. 02 “ones donee SUnON 9° AT O16, Appendix 1V: Tables of Design Data 366 D) gh P + gh2+.1q +9 = 4p aomessdum yo uonouny vse soe wounos soe soy aunssaud suByEsOUNe 1 (FOU UE ‘sey IPEMS SION sols wres=| Ox Posi] soe * Sort xTUSI=) 01x av0e) pO aD sudong 909) .T x LLL) 0069 oO. a Tx oot) pO HOS) wt cs} sar Ot x C198 SUBE-| 01x Sous] LST Fos] 2px angns OL > 6059901» L066, 01 * OFM] _9SLE SUN oy Spo OWL) Ole ese) gor sius| ove “on Fam EOL XSSOL) Ole cose) gore tees) 1TH ON] aH} sna OLX LRT) OT x GFL60) 01 x S6K6OD-| FET ON] 9P0 SHUN % OL S65-| 01x SST) or x vaso) -ze st] of) andra seg en > 697 jose-| 0» 186s) 9tte pe] *0) spp woo =p HOUT a1 See) or x cues, 01 x stro | 09 woe et rou ef «91610 z oH wap ll = 996 T= T1961 0) av eo x cIET a0 x 07ST 0 wiixo el» F187 WN ian P 2 4] 8) xy maim mnoqoyy | wyman0g soma ‘ose jo way suB=dS LAT AIEEE

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