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A Vectors Exercise

1 9740/2011/01/Q7 (modified)

Referred to the origin O, the points A and B are such that OA = a and OB = b . The point
P on OA is such that OP : PA = 1: 2 , and the point Q on OB is such that OQ : QB = 3 : 2 .
The mid-point of PQ is M (see diagram).

(i) Find OM in terms of a and b and show that the area of triangle OMP can be written
as k a  b , where k is a constant to be found. [6]

(ii) The vectors a and b are now given by

a = 2 pi − 6 pj + 3 pk and b = i + j − 2k ,
where p is a positive constant.
(a) Find a vector that is perpendicular to both a and b. [2]
(b) Find, in terms of p, the length of projection of the vector a on b. [2]
(c) Find the angle between a and b . [2]

Given that a is a unit vector,

(d) find the exact value of p , [2]
(e) give a geometrical interpretation of a  b , [1]
(f) give all possible geometrical interpretations of a  b . [2]

(iii) Given that a = 2 , b = 5 and the angle between a and b is 30 , find the exact
value of AQ. [3]

A Vectors Exercise
1 9740/2011/01/Q7 (modified)

Referred to the origin O, the points A and B are such that OA = a and OB = b . The point
P on OA is such that OP : PA = 1: 2 , and the point Q on OB is such that OQ : QB = 3 : 2 .
The mid-point of PQ is M (see diagram).

(iii) Find OM in terms of a and b and show that the area of triangle OMP can be written
as k a  b , where k is a constant to be found. [6]

(iv) The vectors a and b are now given by

a = 2 pi − 6 pj + 3 pk and b = i + j − 2k ,
where p is a positive constant.
(a) Find a vector that is perpendicular to both a and b. [2]
(b) Find, in terms of p, the length of projection of the vector a on b. [2]
(c) Find the angle between a and b . [2]

Given that a is a unit vector,

(d) find the exact value of p , [2]
(g) give a geometrical interpretation of a  b , [1]
(h) give all possible geometrical interpretations of a  b . [2]

(iii) Given that a = 2 , b = 5 and the angle between a and b is 30 , find the exact
value of AQ. [3]

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