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**IELTS Speaking Lesson on News Sources**

**Part 1: Introduction and Warm-Up**

Good day! Today, we will delve into the intriguing world of news sources. In this
session, we aim to explore the various mediums through which information is
disseminated and discuss their impact on society. Let's start with a warm-up
question to get our thoughts flowing.

*Warm-Up Question:*
**"What types of news do you usually follow, and how do you stay updated on current

*Sample Answer:*
I am an avid consumer of diverse news genres, ranging from global affairs to
technology advancements. To stay abreast of current events, I employ a multifaceted
approach. Firstly, I subscribe to reputable online news platforms, where I receive
real-time updates and in-depth analysis on a myriad of subjects. Secondly, I
dedicate time to reading quality print newspapers, as they often offer a more
comprehensive perspective on unfolding events. Lastly, I leverage social media
platforms, where I follow reliable news channels and engage in discussions to gain
diverse insights from the global community.

1. **Reputable (adjective):** Having a good reputation; reliable or trustworthy.
- *Sample Sentence:* I prefer to rely on reputable news sources to ensure the
accuracy of the information I receive.

2. **Multifaceted (adjective):** Having many aspects or facets; diverse.

- *Sample Sentence:* The issue at hand is multifaceted, requiring a
comprehensive understanding of various factors.

3. **Avid (adjective):** Having a strong interest in or enthusiasm for something.

- *Sample Sentence:* As an avid reader, I spend hours exploring literature from
different cultures and genres.

**Part 2: Cue Card**

*Cue Card:*
**Describe a memorable news story that you recently came across. Explain how you
learned about it and its impact on you.**

*Sample Answer:*
One particularly memorable news story that captivated my attention recently was the
breakthrough in renewable energy technology. I stumbled upon this remarkable
development through an in-depth feature article on a reputable science and
technology news website. The story highlighted the successful implementation of a
cutting-edge solar energy project that demonstrated unprecedented efficiency and
sustainability. This news left a lasting impact on me as it not only showcased
human ingenuity but also offered a glimmer of hope for addressing the global
climate crisis.

The intricate details provided in the article, along with expert opinions and
visual aids, allowed me to grasp the magnitude of this achievement. This news story
sparked a newfound interest in renewable energy solutions, inspiring me to delve
deeper into the subject and explore ways to contribute to a more sustainable
1. **Ingenuity (noun):** The quality of being clever, original, and inventive.
- *Sample Sentence:* The success of the space mission was a testament to human
ingenuity in overcoming formidable challenges.

2. **Unprecedented (adjective):** Never done or known before; unparalleled.

- *Sample Sentence:* The new technology introduced an unprecedented level of
efficiency in the production process.

3. **Glimmer of Hope (idiom):** A small sign of hope or encouragement in a

difficult or challenging situation.
- *Sample Sentence:* Despite the adversity, the recent diplomatic talks provided
a glimmer of hope for a peaceful resolution.

**Part 3: Discussion**

*Discussion Question:*
**How do you think the rise of social media has influenced the way people consume
and share news?**

*Sample Answer:*
The advent of social media has undoubtedly revolutionized the landscape of news
consumption and sharing. On one hand, the immediacy of platforms like Twitter and
Facebook allows users to access breaking news in real-time, fostering a sense of
global interconnectedness. Conversely, the democratization of information on these
platforms has led to the spread of misinformation and the creation of echo
chambers, where users are exposed to biased perspectives that align with their pre-
existing beliefs.

Moreover, the viral nature of news on social media can amplify the impact of
certain stories, turning them into global phenomena within hours. This has both
positive and negative implications, as it can raise awareness about important
issues but also contribute to the sensationalization of news for the sake of

1. **Democratization (noun):** The action of making something accessible to
everyone; the process of democratizing.
- *Sample Sentence:* The democratization of information through the internet has
empowered individuals to participate in discussions on a global scale.

2. **Echo Chamber (noun):** An environment in which a person encounters only

information or opinions that reinforce their existing views.
- *Sample Sentence:* Social media can sometimes create echo chambers, limiting
exposure to diverse perspectives.

3. **Sensationalization (noun):** The presentation of information in a way that is

intended to provoke public interest or excitement, often at the expense of
- *Sample Sentence:* The media's tendency towards sensationalization can distort
the public's perception of events.

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