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**IELTS Speaking Lesson on Advertisement**

**Part 1 - Introduction and Warm-up (2-3 minutes)**

*Examiner:* Good day! Let's begin by discussing the topic of advertisement. How do
you feel about advertisements in general? Do you think they are important?

**Sample Answer:**
*Candidate:* Good day. I believe advertisements play a crucial role in today's
world. They are everywhere, from television to social media, and they help us learn
about new products, services, and even social issues. While some ads can be
annoying, they are essential for businesses and can be informative if done well.

**Vocabulary Words/Expressions:**
1. **Crucial:** Extremely important or essential.
2. **Annoying:** Irritating or bothersome.
3. **Informative:** Providing valuable information or knowledge.

**Part 2 - Cue Card (4-5 minutes)**

*Examiner:* Now, I'd like you to talk about a memorable advertisement you have seen
recently. Please describe the advertisement, explain why it caught your attention,
and discuss its effectiveness.

**Sample Answer:**
*Candidate:* Certainly. One memorable advertisement I recently saw was a video
campaign by a nonprofit organization advocating for environmental conservation. The
ad depicted a lush forest with vibrant wildlife and a crystal-clear river, all set
to a soothing soundtrack.

What made this advertisement stand out to me was its breathtaking visuals and the
emotional impact it carried. The combination of stunning cinematography and the
message of protecting our environment was both visually captivating and emotionally
stirring. The ad effectively conveyed the urgency of environmental conservation.

The effectiveness of this advertisement lies in its ability to engage viewers on an

emotional level. It doesn't just inform; it inspires action. After watching it, I
felt a strong desire to contribute to environmental causes and protect our planet.

**Vocabulary Words/Expressions:**
1. **Cinematography:** The art and technique of film photography and camera work.
2. **Breathtaking:** Extremely impressive or stunning.
3. **Urgency:** The need for immediate action or attention.

**Part 3 - Discussion (4-5 minutes)**

*Examiner:* In the world of advertising, what do you think are the most effective
strategies to capture people's attention?

**Sample Answer:**
*Candidate:* Effective advertising strategies vary, but a few common methods come
to mind. Firstly, storytelling is a powerful tool. When an advertisement tells a
compelling story, it can connect with viewers on an emotional level, making it more
memorable. Secondly, humor can be highly effective. Funny ads tend to stick in
people's minds, and they are more likely to be shared on social media, which
extends their reach. Finally, using celebrities or well-known figures in
advertisements can draw attention because people are often interested in what their
favorite personalities are promoting.
**Vocabulary Words/Expressions:**
1. **Compelling:** Evoking interest, attention, or admiration in a powerful and
irresistible way.
2. **Memorable:** Worthy of being remembered or easily recalled.
3. **Extend (one's) reach:** To increase the number of people who see or hear
something, often through social media or other means.

**Note:** This IELTS speaking lesson provides a sample answer and relevant
vocabulary words for the given topic of advertisements. Candidates should practice
speaking fluently and naturally, and they may include personal experiences and
examples in their responses to achieve higher scores.

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