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Introduction to
Management & Organizations

Prof. Dr, Daw Hla Myint

What is Management?
• The planning, organizing, leading, and controlling of human and other
resources to achieve organizational goals effectively and efficiently.

Who are Managers?

Someone who works with and through other people by coordinating and integrating
their work activities in order to accomplish organizational goals.
The people responsible for supervising the use of an organization’s resources to
meet its goals.
Resources are organizational assets such as:

• People
• Skills
• Knowledge
• Information
• Raw materials
• Machinery
• Financial capital
A deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some
specific purpose

Common Characteristics of Organizations

• Have a distinct purpose (goal)
• Composed of people
• Have a deliberate structure
Organizational Performance
Organizational Performance
• A measure of how efficiently and effectively managers are using
organizational resources to satisfy customers and achieve goals.
Efficiency – To do the things right!
• A measure of how well or productively resources are used to achieve
a goal.
Effectiveness – To get the right things done!
• A measure of the appropriateness of the goals an organization is
pursuing and the degree to which they are achieved.
What do managers do?
Functional approach

• Defining goals, establishing strategies to achieve goals, developing plans
to integrate and coordinate activities
• Arranging work to accomplish organizational goals
• Working with and through people to accomplish goals.
• Monitoring, comparing, and correcting the work
Management Roles
Interpersonal roles
• Figurehead, leader, liaison
Informational roles
• Monitor, disseminator, spokesperson
Decisional roles
• Disturbance handler, resource allocator, negotiator
Management Roles
Interpersonal roles
• Figurehead, leader, liaison
Informational roles
• Monitor, disseminator, spokesperson
Decisional roles
• Disturbance handler, resource allocator, negotiator
Managerial Skills
Technical skills
• Knowledge and proficiency in a specific field
Human skills
• The ability to work well with other people
Conceptual skills
• The ability to think and conceptualize about abstract and
complex situations concerning the organization
Managerial Competencies
“The process by which resources – human, economic and
technical – are organized to pursuit of goals.”

The Entrepreneurial Cluster

Concern for:
• Achievement
• Initiative
• Information
• Efficiency
• Detail
Achievement Orientation
• Work to meet/surpass standards
• Take calculated risks
• Commit to firm measurable goals
• Set challenging but realistic goals
• Go Beyond the requirements of the job
• Point out things that need to be done
• Do things before being asked
• Persist to overcome obstacles
• Go beyond job description
Information Seeking
• Actively gather information
• Seek relevant viewpoints
• Collect information from many sources
• Dig beneath the obvious
• Find out what others are doing
• Maximum result minimum effort
• Develop better way of doing things
• Eliminate waste
• Sensitive to use of time and resources
Attention to Details
• Accuracy and adherence to standards
• Detailed explanations of how to do things
• Double-check of accuracy
• Insist others check the quality
Problem Solving Cluster
• Conceptual ability
• Diagnostic ability
• Planning ability
• Flexibility
• Creativity
Conceptual skills
• Rapidly identify the key issues
• See connections/patterns not obvious to others
• See underlying themes
• Relate to the big picture
• Reduce information to a useful form
Diagnostic Skills
• Use existing frameworks etc to recognise patterns and solve problems
• Diagnose specific needs and makes changes accordingly
• Ask questions to size up a situation
• Identify strengths and weaknesses
• Analyse situations for cause-and-effect
Planning Skills
• Develop logical plans and goals
• Set priorities
• Develop plans that anticipate obstacles
• Anticipate the consequences of situations
• Evaluate advantages/disadvantages of alternatives
• Adapt as the need arises
• Switch strategies when necessary
• Adjust quickly to changing work priorities
• Willing to change or modify strong opinions
• Adapt own style to the requirements of the situation
• Explore ways of dealing with issues/problems
• Generate innovative solutions
• Use resources/people in new ways
• Identify a variety of possible explanations for a situation
• Quickly generate many ideas for solving problems
Organization Cluster
The ability to:
• Influence
• Direct
• Co-ordinate
• Impact
Influence Skills
• Things done through the co-operation of others
• Work for solutions benefiting all parties
• Know how to use informal system to get things done
• Get others to support recommendations and ideas
• Convince others to accept point of view
Ability to Direct
• Require others to comply with directives
• Use personal authority
• Tell others – expect them to meet obligations
• Tell others what they have to do
• Reprimand/discipline those who fail to perform
Ability to Co-ordinate
• Work to get best results from people
• Get people to resolve conflicts
• Work to develop an atmosphere of team work
• Build teams of co-workers
• Make members participate
Ability to Impact
• Act with confidence
• Quickly gain respectable
• Make favorable first impression
• Present forcefully, crisply, impressively
• Quickly take charge of meetings/discussions
Interpersonal Cluster
Concern to:
• Encourage
• Understand
• Relate
• Develop
• Communicate
• Make others feel good about their work
• Treat people fairly and equally
• Give credit/recognition to others
• Encourage people when they fail
• Keep people motivated
• Accurately understand others feelings etc
• Understand unstated concerns
• Take time to listen
• Relate to people
• Accurately read moods/feelings
Relating to Other
• Establish/maintain friendly relationships
• Establish rapport with others
• Put in time and effort to help others
• Maintain friendly relationships with a wide variety of people
• Get satisfaction from meeting others needs
• Establish/maintain friendly relationships
• Establish rapport with others
• Put in time and effort to help others
• Maintain friendly relationships with a wide variety of people
• Get satisfaction from meeting others needs
• Clearly and effectively
• Effective writer
• Clear, concise and to the point
• Speaks in a logical well-ordered fashion
• Communicate complex issues with good examples
How the Manager’s Job Changing?
• The Increasing Importance of Customers
• Customers: the reason that organizations exist
• Managing customer relationships is the responsibility of all managers and employees.
• Consistent high quality customer service is essential for survival.
• Innovation
• Doing things differently, exploring new territory, and taking risks
• Managers should encourage employees to be aware of and act on opportunities for
Why Study Management?
• The Value of Studying Management
• The universality of management
• Good management is needed in all organizations.
• The reality of work
• Employees either manage or are managed.
• Rewards and challenges of being a manager
• Management offers challenging, exciting and creative opportunities for meaningful and
fulfilling work.
• Successful managers receive significant monetary rewards for their efforts.

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