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O*NET Interest Profiler:

Top Interests, and likes:

1) Enterprising
a) Persuading and leading people
b) Making Decisions
c) Taking risks and profits
2) Conventional
a) Working with clear rules
b) Following a strong leader
3) Artistic
a) Creativity in their work
4) Investigative
a) Searching for facts
b) Figuring out problems

Traits I received, but didn’t agree with:

1)Work that can be done without following a set of rules

2) Not helping and not being of service to others

Least Interested in, and dislikes:

1) Realistic
a) Working with plants and animals
b) Real World materials like wood, tools, and machinery
c) Outside work
2) Social
a) Teaching
b) Giving advice

Careers I would enjoy going into, with proficiency aptitude-wise, Mainly long-term goals:
❖ Lawyer
❖ Judicial Law Clerk
❖ Writer/Author
❖ Business Intelligence Analyst
❖ Accountant (Forensic)
❖ Forensics
❖ Psychology (Research)

❖ Accounting/financial Firm
❖ Bank

Careers I wouldn't enjoy:

● Construction
● Nurse
● Surgeon
● Environmentalists
● Geographers
● Veterinarian
● Cosmetologist

On Assessment two:

-Supervisory Work

Aptitude Traits:
-Following Routine
-Enjoys Statistics
-Prominent with administrative

I feel as though many aspects lined up, in one way or another.

They were many broad or vague characteristics, though they did match a lot up to me. I am a
very routined person, who can coordinate goals, I’m a dedicated worker, and I’d be good in a
leadership, business, Liberal arts, or STEM field. Though, that doesn’t quite narrow much down.

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