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The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations IMPACT FACTOR

(ISSN – 2689-100x) 2021: 5. 857

Published: April 30, 2021 | Pages: 689-694
Doi : OCLC - 1121105668

Using Videos And Multimedia In Teaching Foreign Languages

For Slow Learners

Mirzanazarova Vazira Akbaraliyevna

Teachers Of Namangan State University, Faculty Of World Languages, Namangan, Uzbekistan

Alimova E’zozxon Ne’matullayevna

Teachers Of Namangan State University, Faculty Of World Languages, Namangan, Uzbekistan
Journal Website:
http://usajournalshub.c Rahmonova Dildora Abdulxamid Qizi
Teachers Of Namangan State University, Faculty Of World Languages, Namangan, Uzbekistan
Copyright: Original
content from this work
may be used under the
Karimova Sadoqat Abduxamidovna
terms of the creative Teachers Of Namangan State University, Faculty Of World Languages, Namangan, Uzbekistan
commons attributes
4.0 licence.

In this article shown that using video materials is of practical interest to language program
designers and administrators, who want to attract slow learners to programs that will help them
to learn with their needs and interests, to teachers, who would like to use pedagogical techniques
that reinforce and develop slow learner’s frequency to procure foreign languages, and to learners
themselves, who are facing difficulties in terms of speaking and listening.

Foreign languages, audio-visual material, traditional education, slow learners, positive effect, target
language, linguistic competence, educational achievement.


We know that English language is an highly acknowledged and recognized by

international language in the world. So that educational institution in our Uzbekistan too.
teaching English has become very important For this our first president Islam Karimov On
and popular in the several years and is being December 10, 2012 signed a decree “On

The USA Journals Volume 03 Issue 04-2021 689

The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations IMPACT FACTOR
(ISSN – 2689-100x) 2021: 5. 857
Published: April 30, 2021 | Pages: 689-694
Doi : OCLC - 1121105668

measures to further improve foreign language MAIN PART

learning system”. According to this decree, all
the stages of education system should Learners could learn more quickly if the
continuously work on learning and teaching FL. teaching methods used match their preferred
But our learners or children are having learning styles. This has a further positive
difficulties in the process of learning. In order effect on learning and teaching process. And
to achieve main goals in the methodology using the suitable learning styles was achieved
teachers should teach or motivate our learners great opportunities to identify slow learners
with a help of modern technologies. One of the abilities. Actually, slow learners vary from
best ways of the teaching English is using reluctant learners. A slow learner to begin with
videos in teaching foreign languages. Actually, wants to learn, but has a problem with the
Video is one of modern technologies used as an process. A reluctant or hesitant learner is not
audio-visual material in foreign language motivated and can also be passive aggressive,
classroom and gives more chance to slow creating more problems for teachers and
learners. parents through non-cooperation. Reluctant
learners seldom have learning disabilities.
In fact, learners with below average cognitive
abilities whom we cannot term as disabled are In this case using videos in teaching is more
called slow learners. They struggle to cope effectively way to improve slow learners’
with the traditional academic demands of the competence. It gives learners clear concept
regular classroom. Obviously, slow learners are clarity, as everything can be visualized and
normal students but the problem is that they explained in detail. Moreover, children who are
are simply not interested in studying under good visual learners have a lot of advantages
traditionally accepted system of education. studying from videos. They can learn more
Slow learners should not be confused with efficiently and it helps retain and maintain
learners in need of special education or interest for longer periods of time.
reluctant learners who are non-cooperative. A
Videos, like other theme-based materials, are
learner may fail to excel in some classes or in
effective springboards for other content-based
some subjects but it does not imply that he or
classroom activities. They provide background
she is a slow learner.
information and proper stimuli for subsequent
Every child is special. As every child is different, reading, writing, speaking and listening
there is every possibility of improvement, activities as mentioned by Stoller (1993, p.3).
sooner or later. The source of energy is lying
As Tomalin (1991) observed, the use of video in
within them but the only thing is to stretch the
the classroom is highly motivational for slow
hand of confidence towards them which will
learners. They are stimulated to acquire new
solve their problem and improve their quality.
words and phrases, while they are learning
The teachers and guardians may resort to some
about the target culture and they are receiving
of the teaching aids available to special
renewed input of the target language.
education learners that may enhance interest
of slow learners and help them get involved in Moreover, video materials have plenty of
the learning process. advantages in English teaching for slow

The USA Journals Volume 03 Issue 04-2021 690

The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations IMPACT FACTOR
(ISSN – 2689-100x) 2021: 5. 857
Published: April 30, 2021 | Pages: 689-694
Doi : OCLC - 1121105668

learners which could be embodied in the attention and care for being duly helped in
following aspect: educational achievement. If teachers have
clear goals in mind and plan the teaching
• It gives students clear concept clarity, process and strategies with video materials
as everything can be visualized and and can improve slow learners’ comprehensive
explained in detail. linguistic competence, their cultural awareness
and their aesthetic appreciation skills.
• Video visuals tend to be more
interesting and engaging, when Media plays an important role is everyone’s
compared to text. life. The vocabulary related to media is rich and
extremely varied. Essentially, there are two
• Teaching English with video materials
main types of media related vocabulary:
can stimulate learners’ autonomy and
vocabulary related to printed word and
vocabulary related to the spoken word as used
• Video materials enrich classroom in broadcasts either on radio, TV or through the
activities, motivate learners’ passion internet.
for English learning and help to hold
There’s no doubt that the media plays a huge
their attention in the classrooms.
role in everyone’s lives these days. From
• It helps retain and maintain interest for driving down the freeway and seeing a
longer periods of time. billboard to looking at photos of celebrities
taken by the papparazzi in the tabloids at your
• It provides an innovative and effective local supermarket, everyone is someone’s
means for educators to address and target audience for advertising.
deliver the required curriculum
content. One way to avoid advertising is by watching
public TV. However, there are also sponsors for
• Videos are mostly very demonstration- these TV stations. If you watch cable TV during
friendly and etc. primetime, you’ll be bombarded with ads.

RESULTS Some media isn’t so bad. For example, you can

subscribe to a quarterly academic journals. The
Harmer (2001) suggested “students learn more articles are reviewed by a copy editor so the
quickly if the teaching methods used match writing is excellent. In newspapers, check the
their preferred learning styles”. As learning by-line on articles, so you can follow the
improves, so does self-esteem. This has a authors online. Another idea is to read
further positive effect on learning. Students editorials to get important opinions on
who have become bored with learning may trending news. Some TV stations also have
become interested once again. The student- great news coverage, including embedded
teacher relationship can improve because the reportersthat visit war zones to cover the news
student is more successful and is more on the scene. You can get an overview of the
interested in learning. So that slow learners or day’s news by listening to the anchormen and
educationally backward children needs special

The USA Journals Volume 03 Issue 04-2021 691

The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations IMPACT FACTOR
(ISSN – 2689-100x) 2021: 5. 857
Published: April 30, 2021 | Pages: 689-694
Doi : OCLC - 1121105668

anchorwomen cover the stories of the day. Vocabulary is also an area where teachers are
Some TV channels get a scoop if they’re the asking for guidance on instructional
only on reporting on a story. approaches, strategies, and materials. As it is
known multimedia, especially Internet and
Finally, you can also depend on TV stations to media are available in most schools that
provide public service announcements in case teachers could harness now to improve
of an emergency. Usage of ITC resources is one vocabulary learning, tools that capture the
of the important objectives in learning foreign interest of pupils and that provide scaffolds
language. Many studies have been conducted and contexts in which to learn with, and about,
about the relationship between technology words more profitably.
and language. Some of them have focused on
attitudes of the participants while some have CONCLUSION
taken concrete test scores into account.
Overall, the results of multiple studies seem to In conclusion gaining vocabulary is obviously
suggest that active leisure use of the Internet an essential part of a learning a language.
is beneficial for one's English skills. Reading There are several important parts of this
online texts, both in one's own time and when learning process:
assigned, are extremely good for acquiring
1. Listening Carefully
necessary language skills. Linguists conducted
a study exploring the correlation of language 2. Pronouncing the Words
acquisition and reading for pleasure online. The
result was that the pupils who spent more time 3. Dramatization
reading on the Web scored better on reading
tests. Furthermore, scholars studied ESL All this actions may be produced with the help
business pupils' approaches and attitudes of Internet Tools. The Internet is a vast
towards learning vocabulary through Internet environment in which language is used in many
reading. In the study, he divided the ways. It provides linguists with many
participants into two groups, consisting of possibilities for study. show that online
readers and non-readers. Interestingly enough, language has its benefits for encouraging
he also monitored the participants' vocabulary creativity and interest in writing. Therefore, the
knowledge throughout an 8-week period. The thought that the Internet is beneficial for
results showed that those who were assigned language learning is gaining support.
to do online reading scored higher in the post-
test. The youth themselves also feel that they In principles of vocabulary instruction I have
learn through browsing the Web. Scientists analyzed linguists' consideration about the
studied upper secondary pupils' motivation in concept of the relationship between
relation to learning English in the Internet. Aim technology and language. Scientists studied
was to chart how the Internet affected young upper secondary pupils' motivation in relation
people's motivation, skills and attitudes to learning English in the Internet. Aim was to
towards learning English. The results showed chart how the Internet affected young
that over 80% felt motivated to learn English. people's motivation, skills and attitudes
towards learning English. The results showed

The USA Journals Volume 03 Issue 04-2021 692

The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations IMPACT FACTOR
(ISSN – 2689-100x) 2021: 5. 857
Published: April 30, 2021 | Pages: 689-694
Doi : OCLC - 1121105668

that over 80% felt motivated to learn English. him/herself via a recording). These
All in all, young people view learning through recommendations to improve vocabulary by
the use of Internet positively. encouraging wide reading, teaching words and
word learning strategies, and promoting active
Analyzing methods that use Internet resources learning and interest in words are very
to engage pupils in vocabulary learning we interesting.
have found ten strategies of teaching English
Vocabulary to primary school children: REFERENCES
1. Karimov I. Measures for further
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The USA Journals Volume 03 Issue 04-2021 693

The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations IMPACT FACTOR
(ISSN – 2689-100x) 2021: 5. 857
Published: April 30, 2021 | Pages: 689-694
Doi : OCLC - 1121105668

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The USA Journals Volume 03 Issue 04-2021 694

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