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Bangladesh Bank

Head Office Deposit Insurance Department

Post Box No.‐325

02 Kartik, 1419
Circular No.‐ DID‐03/2012 Date:
17 October, 2012

Managing Director/Chief Executive

All Scheduled Banks in Bangladesh

Dear Sir,

Regarding the Public Awareness about

Deposit Insurance Systems.

Please refer to BRPD Circular No. 11, dated on October 27, 1996 of Banking
Regulation & Policy Department (BRPD) on the captioned subject.

It is essential to increase public awareness regarding the protection of bank

depositor’s deposit, reducing risk, market discipline & stability of financial sector through
Deposit Insurance System.

Therefore, it has been instructed to make a display board & place it in your Head
Office along with all branch offices in a noticeable place to notify depositors about the
aforesaid systems as per the attached sample.

Please acknowledge receipt.

Yours faithfully,
Enclosure: 01 (One)

(Khagesh Chandra Debnath)

General Manager
Phone‐ 9530179
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