IOQM 2022 Minimocktest 1

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IOQM 2022
Mini Mock Test 1
Mock Test Pattern
Type No. of Total Marks

2 Marker 5 Questions 10 Marks

5 marker 4 questions 20 Marks

10 Marker 1 Questions 10 Marks

2 Marker
If x and y are real numbers such that
, Find xy.
2 Marker
If x and y are real numbers such that
, Find xy.
2 Marker
In a quiz, no two people had the same score and the score of each participant
is equal to n + 2 − 2k where n is a constant and k is the rank of the participant.
If the total score of all participants is 2009, find the smallest possible value of
2 Marker
In a quiz, no two people had the same score and the score of each participant
is equal to n + 2 − 2k where n is a constant and k is the rank of the participant.
If the total score of all participants is 2009, find the smallest possible value of
2 Marker

If m and n are integers such that 3m + 4n = 100, what is the

smallest possible value of |m − n|?
2 Marker

If m and n are integers such that 3m + 4n = 100, what is the

smallest possible value of |m − n|?
2 Marker

How many ordered triples of integers (x, y, z) are there

such that x2 + y2 + z2 = 34 ?
2 Marker

How many ordered triples of integers (x, y, z) are there

such that x2 + y2 + z2 = 34 ?
2 Marker
The figure below shows two parallel lines, l and m, that are distance 12 apart.
A circle is tangent to line l at point A. Another circle is tangent to line m at
point B. The two circles are congruent and tangent to each other as shown.
The distance between A and B is 13. What is the radius of each circle? Express
your answer as a fraction in reduced form.
2 Marker
The figure below shows two parallel lines, l and m, that are distance 12 apart.
A circle is tangent to line l at point A. Another circle is tangent to line m at
point B. The two circles are congruent and tangent to each other as shown.
The distance between A and B is 13. What is the radius of each circle? Express
your answer as a fraction in reduced form.
2 Marker
The figure below shows two parallel lines, l and m, that are distance 12 apart.
A circle is tangent to line l at point A. Another circle is tangent to line m at
point B. The two circles are congruent and tangent to each other as shown.
The distance between A and B is 13. What is the radius of each circle? Express
your answer as a fraction in reduced form.
5 Marker
Let ΔABC be an isosceles triangle with AB = AC, and denote by ⍵ the unique
circle inscribed inside the triangle. Suppose the orthocenter of ΔABC lies on
⍵. Then there exist relatively prime positive integers m and n such that cos
∠BAC = m/n. Find m + n.
5 Marker
Let ΔABC be an isosceles triangle with AB = AC, and denote by ⍵ the unique
circle inscribed inside the triangle. Suppose the orthocenter of ΔABC lies on
⍵. Then there exist relatively prime positive integers m and n such that cos
∠BAC = m/n. Find m + n.
5 Marker
Let ΔABC be an isosceles triangle with AB = AC, and denote by ⍵ the unique
circle inscribed inside the triangle. Suppose the orthocenter of ΔABC lies on
⍵. Then there exist relatively prime positive integers m and n such that cos
∠BAC = m/n. Find m + n.

Let the vertices of the triangle be A, B, and C, with A the vertex of the
isosceles triangle. Let H be the orthocenter and l the incenter of the
triangle. Additionally. Let D denote the intersection of the incircle
and BC, and let F be the foot of the perpendicular from, B to AC.
Suppose that ∠ACB = ∠ABC = x. Then ∠FBC = 90° - ∠ACB = 90° - x.
Additionally , since I is the intersection of the angle bisectors of the
triangle. ∠IBD = x/2. Next note that tan∠IBD = ID/DB and tan ∠HBD =
HD/DB. Plugging in our expressions for x, this gives
5 Marker
Let ΔABC be an isosceles triangle with AB = AC, and denote by ⍵ the unique
circle inscribed inside the triangle. Suppose the orthocenter of ΔABC lies on
⍵. Then there exist relatively prime positive integers m and n such that cos
∠BAC = m/n. Find m + n.

Rewriting in terms of sines and cosines (and in addition using a

tangent half-angle identity) gives

Finally, we have
cos ∠BAC = cos(180° - 2x) = -cos(2x) = 1 - 2cos2x = 1 - 2
5 Marker
Using the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, we can form 7! = 5040 7 -
digit numbers in which the 7 digits are all distinct. If these
numbers are listed in increasing order, find the 2016th number in
the list
5 Marker
Using the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, we can form 7! = 5040 7 -
digit numbers in which the 7 digits are all distinct. If these
numbers are listed in increasing order, find the 2016th number in
the list
5 Marker
Using the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, we can form 7! = 5040 7 -
digit numbers in which the 7 digits are all distinct. If these
numbers are listed in increasing order, find the 2016th number in
the list
Let’s consider each of the digits of the number in order.
There are 6! = 720 numbers starting with 1, then another 720 starting with 2 then another
720 starting with 3. The total is now over 2016, which means that the first digit of the
number must be 3. That means we are looking for the 2016 – 2. 720 = 576th number
starting with 3.
We now keep going. There are 5! = 120 numbers that start with 31, then another 120 with
32, then 34, 35,36. Because 576 – 4. 120 = 96, that means we’ re looking for the 96th
number beginning with 36.
Finally, there are 4! = 24 numbers that start with 361, then another 24 that start with 362,
then 364, then 365. Because 96 = 4. 24 we’ re looking for the last number that starts with
365. The remaining digits then have to be in descending order, which means the number is
3.657, 421.
5 Marker

How many ordered pairs of integers (x, y) are there such that
0 < |xy| < 36?
5 Marker

How many ordered pairs of integers (x, y) are there such that
0 < |xy| < 36?
5 Marker

In ∆ABC, ∠A = 90° and ∠B = ∠C = 45°. P is a point on BC and Q, R are the

circumcenter of ∆APB and ∆APC respectively. If BP = √2 and QR = 2, find PC.
5 Marker

In ∆ABC, ∠A = 90° and ∠B = ∠C = 45°. P is a point on BC and Q, R are the

circumcenter of ∆APB and ∆APC respectively. If BP = √2 and QR = 2, find PC.
10 Marker

Let f(n) denote the number of positive integral solutions of the equation
4x+3y+2z = n. Find f (2009) − f(2000).
10 Marker

Let f(n) denote the number of positive integral solutions of the equation
4x+3y+2z = n. Find f (2009) − f(2000).
Let’s Bring

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