Bullen Brayshaw Deck

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From our family to yours

Bullen & Brayshaw executives have given you the following tasks

A vital part of any team is getting people moving in the same

On-‐board the team direction. An on-‐boarding pack needs to be completed so the
team knows what they are doing.

Bullen & Brayshaw would like to see a project plan so they

Activities breakdown know how you are breaking your activities up within the team
and what you are achieving on a regular basis.

In order to get all the relevant information, you will be

Interview key required to interview key stakeholders in Bullen & Brayshaw to
stakeholders understand their needs and issues.

As part of your presentation you will be required to outline the

Analysis of current current situation, issues, and key questions that are currently
problems affecting Bullen & Brayshaw.

What can Bullen & Brayshaw start doing to help resolve their
current issues. This will form a major part of your presentation.
Recommendations This will include: your idea(s), rough cost, timeline,
stakeholders, and how it will be implemented.
Strategic Objectives of Bullen & Brayshaw

• Bullen & Brayshaw are aiming to leverage their extensive knowledge of the FMCG
industry and collaborate across boarders. To achieve these goals, the company is
pursuing the following strategic objectives:
– Increase communication between segment teams within countries
– Increase communication between segments worldwide
– Explore opportunities for digital collaboration and cooperation
– Improve their brand image with a central theme across campaigns

• Bullen & Brayshaw’s strategic objectives are designed to leverage the skills and
knowledge of all employees across the globe. In doing so, they have hired a new
team of graduates with skills in communication. They expect that this team, full of
creativity and exuberance, will bring new, innovative ideas to the table about how
communication can be enhanced between teams.

• There is money for a communication collaboration system, but Bullen & Brayshaw
executives are unsure if people will use it, or how they will train people.
Due to negative press coverage, sales were effected in Australia

B&B Sales per segment (sku) ‘19-‐20 B&B Revenue per segment ‘19-‐20
(100% = 802m) (100% = $5b)

Softly Softly

10%21%% Smooth 8%

18% Frost 40% Frost

Max Max

19% Frost White 30% Frost White

King King

Sales by Retailer (Australia) Australian Sales per year

$600.00 $1,600.00



2017 2018 2019 2020 $0.00
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Coles Woolworths Priceline Pharmacy Other
Local people delivering for local families

• With the growth of the company, Bullen & Brayshaw have focused on increasing
the local workforces as the brand expands. They believe by focusing on local
people with local knowledge, they will be able to communicate effectively with
their audience.

Employees Breakdown by Geography 2020 Employee Breakdown by age 2020

5% 30,000
New Zealand
4% 25,000


6% Indonesia 20,000
2% 50%
Spain 15,000
Italy 10,000
20% Germany
21-‐25 25-‐35 35-‐45 45-‐55 55-‐65 65+
In 2020, a team of recent graduates came up with 3 potential communication
strategies. All of which were rejected by the board.

Organisational Restructure Global Meetings Social Media Integration

Take away product managers and introduce

Bring over
to train
in men,
women etc)
where id

Have segment conferences every 6 months

people fly toisadiscussed
central location
to ens
Marketing teams are integrated instead of separated.

Increase telepresence meetings between Teams

to share pictures of their successes
People to become experts across a number of areas instead of siloed into a single product.

Bullen & Brayshaw are currently using multiple computer systems to store
data. Only data on the same network are accessible.

Country System
Australia SAP
New Zealand Oracle
China Microsoft Dynamics
Indonesia Excel and Word
Spain SAP
Italy Paper and Folders
Germany SAP

*The softly global team have started to manual enter their sales in Australia's SAP
system to get an idea of the global shampoo sales.

If Bullen & Brayshaw are going to collaborate across boarders, they are going
to need to make significant changes

Current Situation Current Capabilities Presidents‘ Future Vision

• Aging workforce has • Currently no system to • Ability to pass on

significant knowledge that record their knowledge knowledge from generation
is not recorded • B&B supply laptops but to generation
• When employees leave their there is not a central • Storage of information so
knowledge is not retained document sharing system we can draw on it once the
• Teams are not communicating Only way for teams to talk is employee is gone
with each other before via email. Generally emails • International teams and
launching a campaign are not sent internationally partnerships are made to
• No incentives to work • Some domestic teams talk best serve customers
together as a global (or
and share capabilities but • A collaborative and
domestic team)
far and few between innovative environment
• Lack of creativity and
• Ideas tend to be reactive to where ideas are shared
innovation as many teams
competitors in the market • Drawing on our global
ideas have been repeated
and do not draw on the experts and bringing the
and are stale
extensive knowledge of our best people into the room
global network to grow brands universally
• No collaboration tools to
• Email and phone are the • Increase collaboration tools
foster community
only methods for including telepresence and
environment collaboration. Only one other collaboration tools.
telepresence system per However they are unsure
country what these are

Bullen & Brayshaw have noted the following trends in global communication

Cloud Computing
What is it?
Cloud computing allows users to obtain information through the internet Highly secure
regardless of their physical location. Their data, previously stored in a central When implemented by an expert team, the information on the cloud is
system is now stored online, accessible from anywhere. highly secure.
Opportunities Cost Reduction
Teams are able to share work across boarders and collaborate on different A central cloud based system will cost less than multiple data
projects at the same time. warehousing systems in each country.
Provides on-‐demand expansion when extra space is needed.
Rise of Digital
What is it?
With more people connected then ever before, many businesses are turning Scalable
to tablets and mobiles to conduct work on the go. There is significant As many or as little Bullen & Brayshaw programs or files can be accessible
investment in allowing businesses to access all of their files on their tablets. dependant on what is required.
Opportunities Needed by Bullen & Brayshaw?
Teams are able to work on the go and remotely when needed. They can Executives are still unsure if many of their employees use this technology
crunch large numbers and bring up file instantly from their device. and how they would collaborate with it.

Yammer Teams
What is it? Scalable What is it? Scalable
Internal business social media Free trials could be used in some Microsoft’s online messenger system Free trials exist and we could pilot it
system that allows employees to teams to pilot the effectiveness. that allows businesses to within a single geographic location.
share ideas, stories and files. Needed by B&B communicate via message, call, or Needed by B&B
Opportunities Could solve the communication video conference. Could reduce number of meetings,
Could be used to create groups for between team issues but would our Opportunities could foster collaboration. Still unsure
each segment to share ideas. staff know how to use it? Easily integrates with existing of its applicability
outlook email system.
Management comments are focused on Bullen & Brayshaw’s

Comments from Presidents

• “We are a family company but we don’t talk like a family. Everyone is too busy to help anyone out”
• “We need to look at the younger generation. What do they know that we are missing.”
• “Our technology is out of date and starting to impact operation, we need to get ahead of the game”.

Comments from VP of Products (Hair) Australia

• “It’s not like we don’t want to talk to our counterparts in Asia. Its just we don’t have any way to.”
• “I’m worried about the cultural barriers. I don’t know about European non-‐verbal cues.”
• “The emails we get from the other parts of the business are terrible. No one knows how to write around here. I spend
most of my day interpreting”.

Comments from VP of Products (Hair) Italy

• “How am I meant to run campaigns when I have to fund everything out of our budget. There is no support for up and
coming business areas at Bullen & Brayshaw. We have to fend for ourselves.”
• “Our team have tried to increase sales but we Spain undercutting their prices, people are just buying online.”

Comments from VP of Products (Deodorant) New Zealand

• “What happened between Canada and Italy was ridiculous. We always tell Australia who we get to promote our brands
to ensure consistency of message. I wonder if they ever check their emails.”
• “The last company I was at had internal collaboration tools. I’m hoping we follow suit soon”

Comments from Chief Information Officer

• “I’d love an upgrade, but my team cant deliver it. We do not have the capabilities in our team to introduce a
communication system.”
• “I don’t know if our staff could ‘pick up and run’ with a new system. There will need to be a lot of handholding.”

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