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00;00;06;11 - 00;00;31;23

Man. Oh, man. Where do I begin with this? Just where do I begin? This has to be one
of the most bullshit situations that I have ever been put through in my entire
life. This is the literally the most messed up thing I have ever dealt with. I
cannot believe I even have to come on live to defend myself for this.

00;00;32;18 - 00;01;11;20
But this is serious, guys. Like, for real. I cannot describe this enough. So, yeah,
I'm just going to tell you guys what's happening. Give you guys exactly my side of
the situation, because this has to be literally, like I said, the most bullshit
thing I've ever dealt with in my career. I'm basically being accused of being a
fucking groomer and a pedophile by a big hater of mine called the last supernova.

00;01;12;22 - 00;01;53;11
And the his accuser actions are literally based upon assumption after assumption
because I have proof like physical proof, that I am not what he says I am. And the
fact that I even have to come on this platform and defend myself over such heinous
accusations is absolutely ridiculous. This has been going on Twitter for the past
five days now, and I would like to explain what the hell happened, because I can
already tell you guys that this is not true whatsoever.

00;01;55;28 - 00;02;21;17
So before I get started, I just want to request something to you guys. Do not go
after this person. Okay? That would just make the situation a lot more worse than
it already is. Just do not harass them. Don't go after them. Don't call them out on
Twitter. Don't do anything. Okay? Because that will just make things worse.

00;02;22;01 - 00;02;51;24
And what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to handle this situation logically and
calmly. Okay. So I'm going to explain exactly why this is happening. Yeah, you're
right. It's not okay, because I'm not that's not what I am. And I'm going to prove
it right now. I know people are probably going to say, oh, won't this give them
more attention?

00;02;52;00 - 00;03;29;15
Well, it's really just getting worse. And I would rather defend myself now than
wait even more, because this is literally like I said, this has to be the most
serious thing that I've ever been accused of. And this is already not true for in
the slightest. But I will I will clear things up. Okay. I will clear things up like
right now in front of you guys, because I feel like you guys have the right to know
what is going on.

00;03;29;15 - 00;04;02;10
And I feel like you guys have to realize that I am not who he says I am. I'm not
going to show my face. I'm not going to show anything visual. And I hope you guys
respect that, because the only thing I have is my phone and the fact that I had to
go on this platform tonight of all times, it's just literally messed up to the
point where I literally also am I am on discord right now, literally reading off
the proof.

00;04;03;06 - 00;04;15;04
Am I still alive because I'm on Discord and I cannot see the chat whatsoever? Am I
still connected? I don't know if I am.

00;04;17;29 - 00;04;51;16
Okay. All right. Yeah, I have no idea. The fact that he's literally accusing me of
this is just messed up in general. Because let me tell you guys something. I am not
a fucking pedophile or a groomer. I am not that whatsoever. I have worked way too
hard to get the reputation that I have in this community up to this point.

00;04;52;13 - 00;05;21;03
I would never, ever jeopardize my reputation like this. I would never do this. I do
not have the heart for this. I am not a bad person. I am not a freak. I'm not a
pedophile. I am not a groomer. And I got actual grooming victims. Defend me for it.
Because they have also seen the proof that I am not what know the claims.

00;05;21;28 - 00;05;25;08
And I have the proof right in front of my eyes.

00;05;28;05 - 00;06;21;05
So can you hear me now? I'm on. I'm on the thing right now. This literally. All
right, can you see me? Can you know, not see me? Can you hear me? Can you hear me?
Oh, good lord, man. Okay, okay. Okay. All right. There we go. Okay. All right.
People are coming back. Okay, so I'm just making sure that you guys can hear me,
because this is literally this has to be the most bullshit thing I've ever been a
part of.

00;06;22;23 - 00;06;51;15
No, no, no. Not real supernova is not him or them. It's another Nova. It's the last
supernova. That's who's accusing me of such. Need I mention that these accusations
are not even based on fact? They're based on assumptions. Now, I will clear things
up. I will say one thing. I already know that some of the stuff that I did was odd
and weird.

00;06;52;10 - 00;07;20;24
I completely get that. But that doesn't make me that type of person because I'm
not. And if I was, those people would have left those people in question. I should
say. My supposed victims, which were not even victims to begin with, would have
left my ass long ago. And they know who they are. They know that I'm literally on
the air right now trying to defend myself with this.

00;07;22;15 - 00;07;54;28
This is not something that I would ever do in my entire life. I do not have the
heart to do this and I never would, because I've built up so much to get to this
point with my reputation that I have right now. So why would I risk ruining myself
over something that didn't even occur? Because I can already tell you that it
happened to the point where it's like taken out of context.

00;07;55;12 - 00;08;25;08
But what didn't happen was that the accusations are being thrown at me. They did
not happen. What did happen was that it was blown way out of proportion. Also, just
don't don't dox their real name. Please don't dox their real name of like the
accuser and such. And I already bet you that is probably going to make a stupid
video about me in the next few minutes.

00;08;25;19 - 00;08;51;23
So I'm doing this in advance just to get this out of the way. If you guys could
post the link to the evidence folder that I have in the chat, that would be greatly
appreciated because this is getting out of hand. I'm keeping the names of my
supposed, you know, victims private. I say supposed victims because they weren't
even victims.

00;08;51;29 - 00;09;16;11
They said so themselves. They defended me. And if they I can't even describe it,
it's just way too much. Somebody post the link in the livestream chat somebody
posted because I literally have evidence to back my claims up that they defended

00;09;18;12 - 00;09;31;03
If not, just send it to their DMS. Yeah. This is terrible. This is fucking
terrible. And I can't believe that this is happening either way.

00;09;33;25 - 00;09;56;13
It has. But let me let me be clear on one thing. I know that some of the stuff that
I said, like the whole sexual jokes towards people in my server and in private
group chats, which should have been kept private from the get go. Look odd to some
people, but I meant nothing behind them because that's how I am.

00;09;56;13 - 00;10;23;22
I joke a lot. That's what I do. That's how my humor is. It doesn't mean I'm
planning anything or thinking of anything. So if people could post the thing in the
chat, that would be fantastic. If you guys can hear me, please post the link of to
all of the, you know, the evidence in the folder. Okay.

00;10;26;05 - 00;10;33;12
Yeah, you're right. That is a lie. Quite a good one. Whoever that was.

00;10;36;16 - 00;11;06;27
But as I was saying about my humor, that's how I am. I don't try to be creepy
because of it. That's just how I am. I'm not a fucking freak for that because
that's literally it's just jokes. I don't mean anything behind it whatsoever. And I
never did from the get go. I never did. All right. Well, if anybody has the
evidence folder, you can post it in there now.

00;11;07;26 - 00;11;19;19
Like, please wait. Did Frank already do it? Because I think I see a link in there.
Just post it because there's your proof right there that they defended me.

00;11;23;11 - 00;11;42;04
Okay. Thank you, Frank. If people can open that, please let me know, because I will
have someone else post the evidence folder in there. But I need to clear my name
now. This has to be the most stupidest thing that I have ever been a part of.
00;11;45;15 - 00;12;09;17
And I can assure you guys that I am not what Nova thinks I am. As I said, don't
harass them. Just don't harass them because that will just make things worse. But
they have been coming after me on Twitter. They've been coming after me on my
YouTube videos where I had to filter out the comments. Yeah, you're right.

00;12;10;22 - 00;12;37;16
They are all lies about me because that is not who I am. Also, I don't know about
perfect. I'm not even I'm beyond perfect. Look, I know I've made some mistakes, but
it was nowhere near pedophilic. Not in the slightest. Because if they were, I would
have been exposed years before. Yes, they did. They called me all of that.

00;12;38;14 - 00;13;05;07
And what they're literally trying to do is to get me off the platform because they
literally hate me so frickin much. It's just getting to the point where it's. It's
annoying. Like, why do I have to hear this? Why do I have to deal with this? This
is not who I am as a person. I'm sorry, but I am not going to stoop that low over
something that didn't even happen.

00;13;09;04 - 00;13;33;04
Yeah, I know. I look odd sometimes. I know I do. And I realize that. Which is why I
stopped making those kind of jokes in my server like that, because I realized how
out of context it would have been taken. So I stopped. And besides, the joke that
is being talked about right now was made in fucking 2020.

00;13;33;20 - 00;14;01;04
It wasn't even that recent. Like, Oh my God, it was like two years ago. I made that
mistake back then and I learned it from it since. Why would I make the same mistake
twice? This literally, this whole thing is based on shit that is out of assumption
stuff that happened two years ago to a year and a half ago.

00;14;01;24 - 00;14;27;04
Stuff that I've already learned from and never did again. Because I don't want to
stoop that low. Yeah, it looked weird, you know, like what I did, like, with the
whole, I don't know, the, the roleplay stuff that I did was another like a frie
like I realized I shouldn't have done that, but I didn't even go the sexual route.

00;14;27;09 - 00;14;54;02
Yeah, it isn't good. This whole thing is fucking stupid. But the whole thing is. Is
that I am not what? No. Of a claims. Now you're probably wondering what I'm
referring to with the for re ERP stuff, which it wasn't even ERP, to be honest.
Looking back on it, I really mislabel the hell out of it because I had no idea what
the context of it was because I literally don't do it.

00;14;54;25 - 00;15;18;17
But I kind of shot myself in the foot with how I described it because I made it
sound worse than what it really was. But it didn't even go that far. It did not go
as far as people might think or assume. Really, the only thing that that happened
was fucking kissing as furry characters. Not like actually us, like humans and the
age gap.
00;15;18;17 - 00;15;44;12
When I was 19, it was literally 2 to 3 years. Like, they were like, I know I
shouldn't have done it from the get go. I got carried away. This happened a year
and a half ago. But the thing is, I'm not denying it was weird. I'm not like I know
it was weird. 100%, but they are not a victim of mine.

00;15;45;03 - 00;16;11;16
I've known this person for three years now and they know that they know what really
happened behind the scenes. They literally stood up for me saying that I'm not what
they think, that I am the furthest it went was literally kissing is like furry oaks
or something, and that was it, I say or something because I don't even remember
what our has looked like.

00;16;11;16 - 00;16;36;20
And DMS, to be honest, I'm laughing about it because it's like so messed up to even
assume something like that. So it's just it's just awful. Like, awful. I don't know
why I'm even dealing with this stuff because it's literally being blown way out of
proportion to the point where they're making me look like something I am not.

00;16;38;10 - 00;17;05;22
I am 100% innocent. They backed me up. Other people are backing me up on this,
obviously, and I'm just trying to clear my name. Sure, it may not be the best thing
to do considering how it will just give them more attention. But I'm telling you
guys the truth. I am not a fucking pedo. I would never be one.

00;17;07;18 - 00;17;43;16
Ever. Okay. Not in a fucking century or at all in my life. I would never do
anything that low to the point where it would ruin my reputation completely. It's
already ruining my mental health. A fucking sorry, guys. Sorry. I promised myself
before I went live that I would not break down on a livestream. And yet here I am.

00;17;44;08 - 00;18;22;20
So. Just hear me out. I'm telling you guys the actual truth. Nothing. Nothing
fucking happened. Because if something did happen, they would have fucking left me
long ago. I would never have gotten the opportunity to meet them in person. I
wouldn't have gotten the opportunity to do radio reviews with them when season 13
came out just yesterday, during all these accusations and it came out at the worst
possible time.

00;18;23;04 - 00;18;28;02
But I'm telling you guys, this is not who I am.

00;18;30;09 - 00;18;37;17
You probably already know who it is by just giving away that hint. But I'm telling
you guys, the real truth.

00;18;40;04 - 00;19;06;25
I'm just telling you guys respectfully to not harass them for this. I am just
clearing my name. That is all I'm doing. He's already got his own group of goons
coming after me on Twitter. And the thing is, he doesn't even have any evidence
because there is none. There was no evidence from the get go. Not in DMS, not in
behind the scenes, not in anything.

00;19;06;25 - 00;19;36;05
Because it never fucking occurred. It only looked odd because it was taken out of
context like it was from the fucking get go. Like, unbelievable. Like, do you
really have nothing better to do in your life than to fucking accuse me of such
heinous things that I would never fucking do? It's really getting to me, man.
That's. And if another thing.

00;19;36;11 - 00;20;03;03
If I was, like, an actual freak, I wouldn't have the friends I still have to this
day, especially the people who are like minors in the community. I don't fuck with
them. Okay. Besides the whole quote unquote ERP shit, it wasn't even ERP. It wasn't
because it didn't go that far.

00;20;06;02 - 00;20;31;23
It didn't go that fucking far because it was stopped before it went any further,
because I didn't want to make myself look you like I didn't want to make myself
look that way. It's just. I just can't believe it. I can't really believe this is
happening. Like, I don't even know how I'm going to be on for.

00;20;34;12 - 00;21;04;10
But here's here's the thing. I can literally read out what my supposedly grooming
victims have said to me. They literally stood up to me. They stood up towards Nova,
who was the accuser of all this, along with Sharon fucking diamond legends, too,
because they're on his side. Mr. Weather is on his side, too. Safe to say he's
never being featured in a future episode of radio reviews ever fucking again.

00;21;06;00 - 00;21;55;17
Because I never thought he would believe somebody as low as him for making these
allegations out of complete and utter assumption. There is literally no goddamn
proof because no proof was made. Not behind the scenes, not in the servers,
anything. All it was was a bunch of repeated bullshit that was taken out of context
by them, from my server and from a private group chat that Mr. Weber fucking leaked
the screenshots of tried to make me look bad and added their own twists and false
information and I just cannot begin to fathom the absolute bullshit that is
happening to me right now.

00;21;55;17 - 00;22;10;28
This is literally the worst fucking time of my life right now. And I would I never
thought that I would have to defend myself over something that I would never
commit, ever.

00;22;13;15 - 00;22;53;00
If you guys didn't look in the evidence folder. Yes. He apparently made the video
yesterday. I didn't watch it because I already know it's full of the bullshit
evidence that he has compiled just to try and cancel me over hate and grudges and
out of context, information, misinformation and fact misinformation. Because that's
all it fucking is. And he has the audacity to compare me to so many easy West armed
w ex who are actual predators.
00;22;53;00 - 00;23;17;16
By the way, complete and utter slander of my fucking name. That's not who I am.
Come on, man. I didn't do the shit they did, and I never fucking will. I don't
groom 12 year olds. I don't have child porn on my computer. I don't fucking groom

00;23;19;22 - 00;23;45;03
Oh, please, Sharon, go fuck yourself. You're just as bad in this situation because
you, along with Nova are literally fucking slandering me. That's all you're doing.
That's literally all you're doing, and you know it. You're not like, I wish there
was a more peaceful way to resolve this, but there isn't.

00;23;49;03 - 00;24;18;00
It really wasn't. You guys asked for this, and now I have to clear my name because
of all you guys. And not just that, we literally have a lot of evidence, and I'm
not the only one backing up my claim here. A lot of other people are backing me up
because I've showed them the proof. I showed that to them and they know the
bullshit that is happening right now.

00;24;19;08 - 00;24;41;25
I would never stoop that low ever. It's as simple as that. Now, don't get me wrong,
I did make mistakes, but they were not pedophilic. It's what I mentioned earlier
with the whole furry kissing thing. But that's literally as far as it went.

00;24;45;17 - 00;24;48;21
It never went further than that.

00;24;52;12 - 00;25;25;15
It's just like I'm admitting to that right now. I know it was weird, but it wasn't
ERP. It wasn't it didn't even go that far. It was really just a mistake that just
shouldn't have been made even if it didn't go as like. Even if it didn't go that
far, which thankfully it didn't, it was still a foolish mistake.

00;25;27;00 - 00;26;07;13
But to flat out call me those heinous names for something that is literally not
even close to what our wax sirona or Eazy West did. That's just wrong. Like, for
real. That is literally. That's just not right. Because I would never go that far.
Never done it. Never will. I cannot stress that enough. I've been trying to prove
it time and time again.

00;26;11;23 - 00;26;41;20
Here's the thing, though. Here's the thing. Ego ized. You saw the two pieces of
evidence where my supposed grooming victims have defended me. And when they did,
they defended me for a good reason because I never groomed them. And on top of
that, I have other actual grooming victims defending me, too, including the one
that our M.W. ex unfortunately groomed, which, by the way, are an ex terrible

00;26;41;20 - 00;27;10;02
Absolutely fucking terrible. Like what the fuck he did was just inexcusable.
Absolutely inexcusable. I am saying that right now. He is just I am so glad that he
is gone from the Internet. I am so glad because that person drove me to suicide.
When I first joined, the community drove me to self-harm constantly stalked me and
cyberbullied me and my friends.

00;27;10;16 - 00;27;46;19
So he is literally about as big of a piece of shit as he fucking sounds. These
allegations are just absolutely disgusting. It's disgusting. Okay. It is. And I am
fucking tired of it. I'm tired of being called something. I'm not. I know the shit
that happened was weird. It was weird. I get that. I get that. I'm not denying

00;27;47;14 - 00;28;24;27
But whatever happened was settled last year between us privately. Like it should
have been kept. This whole thing is just a disgusting shitstorm, man, because I
cannot begin to express my frustrations that I have from this. I literally was
afraid to tweet about the NASCAR race because they would attack me and call me the
fucking B-word repeatedly on every tweet that I make over something that I am
completely the opposite of.

00;28;25;02 - 00;28;57;04
I'm not what they say I am and what they when they do say it. It's out of clout.
It's out of fucking slander. It's literally that's what it is. Slander. They have
no proof. They have no evidence to back up the fucking claims that they shouldn't
have to begin with. All they fucking have is just a goddamn damn mish mash of out
of context jokes, text messages, and a so-called confession that I said and
unfortunately mislabeled.

00;28;57;15 - 00;29;17;07
I know that it probably makes me look more bad, but I told you the context of it.
The victim that I. I say victim in quotes, by the way, because they're not a
fucking victim. They even said so that I am not a victim of that or they're not a
victim of me. You know what I mean? They said that themselves.

00;29;17;15 - 00;29;38;29
I didn't tell them to say it. I didn't force them to say it. And if I did, they
wouldn't be fucking friends with me. They would have been gone long ago. I would
have exposed long. I would have been exposed long ago if that was really the case.
Because this this has got to be the most bullshit thing I've ever went through.

00;29;39;00 - 00;29;42;20
This is incredibly fucking stupid.

00;29;45;16 - 00;30;08;20
I know I'm not entirely in the right in this situation and I realize that. But that
shit happened a year and a half ago, and it didn't go that far because I didn't
want it to. I didn't want it to. For this specific reason, because I had a feeling
it would be taken out of context. And sure enough, that's exactly what happened.

00;30;09;25 - 00;30;39;27
I really cannot believe I am saying what I am saying right now, because these words
will stick by me for a long ass fucking time, because having to defend myself over
something completely out of context like this is just absolutely ridiculous. Here's
another thing. Now he is accusing me of having a sexual relationship with Makoto or
formerly Raven Feather.

00;30;40;06 - 00;31;06;24
That is also not true because me and Mac never dated. We never dated. We have been
best friends for three years now. We fucking met twice. We met in April. We met in
December of 2021 with me in east north car w x with his parents supervising both
meet ups. And that doesn't really make a difference even if his parents were not

00;31;07;00 - 00;31;34;01
I would not hurt Makoto or anyone like that because we are best friends. What
motive do I have for that? I know the out of context sexual jokes was weird, but
they were just jokes. I did not mean anything behind that. And besides, they're not
even fucking ready for that type of shit and neither am I. I just don't even know
how to say this.

00;31;35;23 - 00;32;07;08
Yeah, I have witnesses that can confirm that nothing happened with me and Mac OC,
including David because he was there. He was there for the December meet up. He
witnessed what happened. Nothing did. We had a great time. We had fun. That was the
whole point of it. It wasn't to go fucking hurt him. Jesus Christ, what kind of
person do you think I am?

00;32;08;18 - 00;32;34;20
That's bullshit, man. I'm sorry. It just makes me so mad that I am being called all
of this. All that predator, this predator, that pedophile, this groomer, this. I
would not fucking do this shit, ever. I know I won't. Everybody knows I won't. And
if I did. If I did, I would have been gone long ago. But I'm not.

00;32;34;20 - 00;33;07;23
I'm still fucking here. I've been on this long enough. This shit has been going on
since May of this year. Fucking me. And he just now brought it up on the 19th of
October when the cage okay. 110 episode was out and he did it again. When the solar
crank episode came out, he went at it again accusing me of this, accusing me of
that, framing me for this, framing me for that.

00;33;07;23 - 00;33;40;03
So literally, I don't understand. I'm not denying that it like some of the stuff
was weird. I know it, but it wasn't pedophilic nor sexual. Well, except for the
jokes I made. But they were just jokes. I'm talking about the whole kissing thing
with the the 16 to 17 year old. But that was literally all that happened. And I
realized I got carried away.

00;33;40;04 - 00;34;27;25
That was a year and a half ago. I realized that never done it since, ever. And
besides, if it did go farther, which it didn't, they would have been gone from my
friends list. But no, they're still with me to this day. I am proud to say that
they are still good friends with me. Both of them also apparently making sexual
jokes like that, like I did with Makoto when he did it first is illegal.

00;34;29;07 - 00;35;21;19
Yeah, it looks weird, but is it illegal? No, of course not. And it's just jokes.
That's like that's like saying that it's illegal for a comedian to make fun of 911
or some shit like that. Sure, it was offensive. Yeah, to some people, but I don't
know. I just don't know, man. Not to mention that Nova is literally making these
false claims public when my supposed quote unquote victims wanted it to be private,
completely disregarding their wishes on this situation, literally doing it just to
target me like I swear to God I am not who they think I am.

00;35;21;19 - 00;35;49;08
I am not who they say I am. I have proof and people to back me up. Seriously, I do.
And I don't care if Nova or Ceron is watching this and you're probably going to
fucking laugh at me for saying this, but I really, really wish there was a better
way to resolve this, because at this point you're blowing this way out of

00;35;49;08 - 00;36;16;20
The proof is in the fucking chat. I know some of it was weird. I am not denying
that. Just hear me out. You wanted me to go live. I'm doing it to defend my name.
The proof is in the chat. They said what they said and I've got witnesses for it.
No matter what you want to say, they're not true.

00;36;18;04 - 00;36;48;01
Phenix pinned the file in Google Docs. This was when it happened for the second
time. They literally went in there and stood up for me. That says a lot. And for
them to continuously accuse me of that when they said themselves that they weren't
going to press charges or anything. Because let me tell you something, there was
nothing to press on.

00;36;49;00 - 00;36;58;01
There's nothing in our fucking DMS that could even remotely have charges pressed
against it because nothing fucking went that far.

00;37;02;08 - 00;37;19;29
Let me pin it. Let me pin the fucking evidence folder. Oh, God. I can't. I don't
think I can. I don't know how I can't pin it either.

00;37;22;08 - 00;37;43;28
By the way, if y'all are calling me like ATP, four, four, five and shit like that,
just just stop. Just fucking stop. I'm nowhere near that creep. Nowhere near it. I
haven't done the shit he does. I haven't done the shit that he did. I really

00;37;47;19 - 00;38;07;02
This is the. See, this is. You see what kind of this is? The kind of lunatics I'm
dealing with here. You see these guys coming in the chat right now? You see these
guys fucking calling me EDP four, four, five and shit like that when I'm nowhere
near that, you see what kind of lunatics I'm dealing with here?
00;38;08;17 - 00;38;23;17
You see that? This is what I'm talking about. This is literally what I'm talking
about. I'm not what he fucking says I am. Phenix. Just keep that link copied to
clipboard, please.

00;38;27;15 - 00;38;51;21
Yeah, you're right. And even then, it doesn't matter if my closest friends on here
are not. Well, it does matter. But it didn't matter either way. If it's just my
close friends on here because they know the real me. I got evidence that they said
I didn't do this shit. It's literally in the fucking drive folder, man. It's
literally in there.

00;38;52;06 - 00;39;18;01
I am not denying, however, that some of the shit in there was weird. I acknowledge
that. I acknowledge that 100%. Okay. I'm not denying that part. What I am denying
is the fact that you are calling me all of these heinous names when I am nowhere
near that.

00;39;23;01 - 00;39;57;27
You see these lunatics? Yeah, I already know. He put a post about me. That's why I
am speaking up on this. I know he has alts. I know he does. He's literally doing
this just to try and get me off the platform because he hates me so frickin much.
It's like he thinks I'm here to fight him. I'm not here to fight.

00;39;58;27 - 00;40;11;22
Just stop saying all these false accusations about me. That's all. That's all I
fucking want. That's literally all I want. I'm not here to fucking fight you. Okay?

00;40;13;29 - 00;40;49;00
Like, I know our interactions were not the best, but I'm not here to fight. But if
you're going to say false things about me, then that's when I'll fucking fight. And
you asked for it by posting your stupidly false claims on Twitter to try and cancel
me. I literally had to block every account that called me a pato over this because
not only did I want I didn't want other people to see that because it wasn't even

00;40;50;07 - 00;41;15;01
But I was also afraid that I would like people would just straight up believe them
without asking for any proof or evidence. It's not that I'm fucking guilty, which
I'm not. I'm trying to defend myself. This is literally the only fucking time that
I'm going to talk about this. This is the only time I am talking about this,
because that is all I need to say.

00;41;18;18 - 00;41;49;03
I cannot believe I am even under the gun for shit like this when I've got literal
proof that they said I am not anything of the sort. It's in the drive folder. They
said I didn't do it. I know I didn't do it. Yeah, he is. He is. Send the damn link
again as much as you can.

00;41;53;00 - 00;42;26;13
Basically, somebody is accusing me falsely, by the way, of being a fucking
pedophile and a groomer. And I have proof that I'm not. Like I said, do not harass
Nova for this. They may have harassed me and my friends enough, but don't do it
back to them. Like, please, just don't. Don't harass them. Please. Okay. Just don't
you see all these fucking freaks coming into the chat?

00;42;27;15 - 00;43;11;07
You see that? You See all these people? They must be fucking all of them. Just
unbelievable. Just unbelievable. I know. Nova doesn't even know me. Sure, we've
interacted before, but he is assuming all this shit. Yeah, I've tried. I've tried.
I tried to. I tried to ignore it, but I couldn't. These allegations are just way
too serious to go silent about because that would make me look guilty, which I'm

00;43;15;01 - 00;44;02;17
I am just incredibly upset about these allegations and here's one thing that really
confuses the hell out of me. I tried to defend myself when this first came about on
Discord. And I said this excuse me. I said this. And I quote, If I really was a
groomer, they would have left me long ago. Do you really think that they would be
friends with me to this day still, if I actually was what they claim I am?

00;44;04;19 - 00;44;46;18
Basically, tribal. It provides. It basically proves that they said themselves that
I did not do any of this to them. That's what's in there. There's literally two
screenshots. Oh, well, well, that's. That's the thing, RJ. I don't. That's the
thing. I don't. It only went as far as, like, kissing, like I said, but didn't go
any further than that.

00;44;47;21 - 00;44;51;03
I don't know how much more I can say it.

00;44;56;20 - 00;45;10;02
I just don't even know what to say anymore because this is literally being blown
way out of proportion.

00;45;13;28 - 00;45;23;07
I don't even think I can pin it.

00;45;27;19 - 00;45;57;10
Don't worry. I'm still here. I'm still here. That's because I went to Discord. I'm
back. I'm back. I'm back. Can you guys hear me? Yeah. I went to Discord. I went to
Discord. That's why. Because. All right. Can you guys hear me now? Am I better?
Okay, good. Okay. I just cannot stress the fact enough that I am not what they
claim I am.

00;45;58;02 - 00;46;29;00
Not one bit. Okay. And the fact that, by the way, the grooming victim of RW X is in
this chat right now, do you fucking realize the audacity that you must have as a
fucking person to compare me to someone like that when I did nothing of the sort?
Can you imagine doing that to try and ruin someone's life?
00;46;29;05 - 00;46;30;11
Can you imagine that?

00;46;33;06 - 00;46;39;04
It's just unreal. It's just unreal.

00;46;41;12 - 00;47;04;11
I'm saying this right now. Just don't harass Nova. I am. All I'm doing is just
making this to clear my fucking name. Because that's all that I'm. That's the only
ultimate goal that I have right now. Let me move over to another couch.

00;47;07;19 - 00;47;25;29
Okay. Can you guys still hear me? Because I really don't know what to say about
this sleep. Okay. What do you mean? Someone deleted the folder. What do you mean?
Like my evidence folder?

00;47;30;18 - 00;48;05;18
Wait, someone deleted my evidence folder or. No worries. Good thing I have backup
of that too. Yup. He has it. He has it this time. Make it so that it's literally,
like, not editable. Wait. Oh, no, not mine. Somebody deleted Nova's evidence

00;48;07;28 - 00;48;48;12
Wow. Nova's evidence folder just got raided. Oh, my God. Wow Holy shit. It's gone.
What the hell? Who did that? Okay, I need to know who did that. That is fucking
okay. That is gold. That is comedy. Gold. Who Did this. Who? I. Oh, my God. Massive
bra moment. Who the fuck did that? That is unbelievable. Wow. Oh, no way.

00;48;49;05 - 00;49;17;10
Ain't no way. No way, no way. Piedmont. No way. No fucking way. No fucking way.
Broad ensemble. Liverpool. That is on real. Wow. Unreal.

00;49;19;10 - 00;49;43;02
That's unbelievable. I cannot believe that, dude. Immediate w. Holy shit. Also also
also also real quick, I need to discuss something real quick. Then I just want to
clarify. And it's about diamond legends.

00;49;45;18 - 00;50;30;25
He did not. He is not one of the people that actually called me the p word. Word
for word. The only person who did that was Nova. Diamond was just on their side
with it, but they didn't call me that. As far as I know, the only one who really
did that word for word was Nova. That's all I know.

00;50;30;25 - 00;50;34;00
Either way. Okay.

00;50;36;15 - 00;50;40;18
It's just. I'm just going to make this clear.
00;50;42;21 - 00;51;13;18
I don't know what else to like say to this, but the final, like my final saying on
this is that I didn't do anything like this. I would never do anything like this.
And I didn't ask anybody to wipe that folder either. I was on. I was not expecting
that whatsoever. Like I never was. That was just a surprise.

00;51;14;01 - 00;51;24;04
But I didn't ask anybody to do that. But I got the evidence. I got the proof. It's
all in my folder.

00;51;26;27 - 00;51;56;26
That's all I have to say on the matter. Just don't believe what they have to say,
okay? Because they have no proof. There is no proof from the get go. And I would
never do anything like this, ever. This is the this is the only time that I'm going
to come live about this. Okay. Because I know that I didn't do this.

00;51;58;00 - 00;52;23;16
They know I didn't do this. There's proof that they said I didn't do this. And I
got literal, actual grooming victims defending me on it, too. And besides, if I was
that type of person, I would have been exposed long ago.

00;52;26;06 - 00;53;04;19
With that, I think I've defended myself enough because I already provided the
proof. Thank you for Phenix like posting the evidence chat. I'm going to get off
this live stream right now. Take it however you wish. But I'm telling the truth. I
got evidence. It's in the chat. Go see it. More radio reviews. Episodes will be
coming out on Wednesday and I will not stoop to that level no matter what they say.

00;53;08;11 - 00;53;39;04
With that, thank you for all of the support. I genuinely appreciate it. I need to
take care of some stuff. I will keep my head up high for you guys. Just help me
through this, okay? Because I am not what they claim. I'm telling you that right
now. Thank you for the support. And I love you guys. Peace.

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