CJR Bahasa Inggris Bisnis Enda Pernanda Tumangger

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DOSEN PENGAMPU: Yeni Erlita, S.Pd., M.Hum

Oleh :


Management A 2019

Journal Table

No Identity of journal Journal 1 Journal 2

1 Title of journal The use of reciprocal Patients with hemianopic
teaching to improve alexiaadopt an inefiicient eye
students’reading movement strategy when text
comprehension skill reading
2 The writer (s) A. Handoko Pudjobroto Spitsyna,Richard C.,
Endang setyaningsih Shillcock,Richard J. S., Wise
and Alexander P. Leff
3 Volume Volume VII No.2 129
4 City of publisher Jateng london
5 Year of publishing 2013 2006
6 Pages 8 10

Journal Introduction

Our praise and gratitude to God Almighty for His abundant grace and grace so that we
can complete our research the Use of reciprocal teaching to improve students' reading
comprehension skills.The objectives of the research are: (1) to identify whether and to
what extent the use of reciprocal teaching can improve the students’ reading
comprehension skill; and (2) to describe what happens to the class climate when
reciprocal teaching are implemented in the reading class. The research is carried out at
SMP Negeri 1 Jaten Karanganyar. The subject of the research is the students of class
VIIIG of SMP Negeri 1 Jaten in the academic year of 2012/2013.
In the journal explains that reading is an effort to cure patients with a right-sided
homonymous hemianopia. Recruited to be sustainable, single-blinded, crossover,
behavioral, Rehabilitation studies aim to increase their reading speed. and in the journal
want to check factors affecting reading scan planning. The aim of this study is to discuss
whether reading can explore patterns in the eye movements of patients with a random
placement model. Eye movement patterns must be distinguished generated by the random
placement model

Informataion Journal 1 Journal 2

Strengthness 1. The method of 1. The contents of the journal
research is clear so are easy to understand and
we can understand interesting too read
it well.

Weakness 1. The author 1. The weakness of this journal

develops important is that the data submitted is
points to study, the not so specific, making it
material presented difficult for lay readers to
is also very understand.
complete so that we
can better
understand the
2. The weaknesses of
this journal are the
methods delivered
are not very
complete, the data
released is not so
specific, and the
pictures / graphics
that are made are
repeated so that it
makes it difficult
for ordinary readers
to understand
In this journal aims to make reading to help students become strategic readers, in the
sense that they will be able to use effective reading strategies to get a better understanding. In the
first journal it has been shown, using word-based analysis, that the spatial and temporal aspects
of the HA attention reading window are strongly influenced by hemianopia and the dominance of
inhalants of the occipito-temporal lobe damage. Patients do not resort to solely bottom-up
solutions (reading saccades independent of the text: global control theory) nor do they become
too dependent on the top-down process (saccades that are too confident) to their blind fields
based on context); Their reading fixation is longer, but the most crippling feature of their reading
behavior is the adoption of excessive ladder strategies, primitive responses are usually replaced
by other effective strategies in patients with chronic lesions when trying other visuomotor tasks.
And in the second journal it has been revealed that students' abilities in understanding the literal
and inferential understanding of the given parts are significantly improved through training in the
use of reading strategies, including predicting, mapping the text, and summarizing. The
effectiveness of this strategy has been found among Indonesian students from vocational high
schools studying English as a foreign language


Journal Pertama : http://www.isetl.org/ijtlhe/International_Jou

rnal_of_Teaching_and_Learning_in_Higher _Education

Jounal Kedua :https://academic.oup.com/brain/article/129/1/158/311841

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