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Systems Transformation and

Portfolio Approach Training

Phase Report - Curriculum Design and Planning

Date Prepared for Prepared by

19 August 2022 Parima Suwannakarn, Policy Exploration Expert Michael McAllum, Lead Systems Transformation Expert
Diastika Rahwidiati, Strategic Innovation Specialist

Thailand Policy Lab CHÔRA Foundation

Systems Transformation and Portfolio Approach Training 2

Context and Intent

The Thailand Policy Lab intends to introduce and build the The Thailand Policy Lab, through UNDP, has engaged CHÔRA
capabilities of a group of Thai policymakers on systems Foundation to conduct a training program that covers the
transformation and portfolio approach and to adapt such a following:
methodology to the policymaking context in Thailand through an
● Conceptual and theoretical foundations for systems
intensive training programme, by testing the process on an
transformation and portfolio design through content that
emerging issue that Thailand is facing.
is accessible to policymakers
To this end, the Thailand Policy Lab aims to support the NESDC ● Portfolio Design, including the articulation of portfolio
and other government partners in Thailand in building their logic, articulating positions within the portfolio, and
capacities to design and visualise a thematic system, to develop designing context-appropriate interventions.
and dynamically manage a portfolio of initiatives or prototypes
Insights and materials from the training sessions will be compiled
aimed at facilitating system transformation, and to adapt and
into a separate report, to be submitted by CHÔRA Foundation to
codify such an approach for policymaking in Thailand.
the Thailand Policy Lab.
Systems Transformation and Portfolio Approach Training 3

1 Project Overview
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Project Phases
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Project Team

● Lead Systems Transformation Expert: Mike

● Strategic Innovation Designer: Dias
● Project Coordination: Anita
● Visual Designer: Jakub
Systems Transformation and Portfolio Approach Training 6

Ways of Working

The project will be structured around ‘hands-on’

training, applied learning and a coaching model
that will equip teams with the theory and skills to
put the portfolio and system transformation
approach into practice.
This will be done mainly through weekly
generative sessions supported by independent
work carried out between sessions by the
participants (“between work”).
The majority of the generative sessions will be
delivered online, with the exception of two
in-person workshops scheduled in August and
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2 Curriculum Design
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Phase 1 | Understanding the Context

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Phase 2 | Creating a Portfolio: mapping positions & options

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Phase 3 | From Options to Interventions: Prototyping and

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Phase 3 | From Options to Interventions: Prototyping and

Testing (continued)
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Phase 4 | Enactment

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