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P G C o l l e g e , V a r a
.A . V n a si

Name - Saket Kumar

Class - B.A. Social Science
Roll no. - 21232PSY044
Subject - Perception, attention &
Sem - VI
Submitted to - Anupriya mam
The Gestalt Approach to
Gestalt psychology is a school of thought that looks at
the human mind and behavior as a whole. When
trying to make sense of the world around us, Gestalt
psychology suggests that we do not simply focus on
every small component. Instead, our minds tend to
perceive objects as elements of more complex systems.
A core belief in Gestalt psychology is holism, or that
the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. This
school of psychology has played a major role in the
modern development of the study of human sensation
and perception.
Gestalt Principles – a Background
"Gestalt" is German for "unified whole". German
psychologists Max Wertheimer, Kurt Koffka, and Wolfgang
Kohler created the Gestalt Principles in the 1920s.
Principles of Gestalt Psychology
The principles of gestalt's approach :
Principles of Gestalt Psychology
Proximity :
The principle of proximity states that objects that are close to
each other tend to be perceived as a unified group or pattern
rather than individual elements.

Similarity :
Elements that are similar to each other in shape, color, or
orientation are perceived as a group.
Principles of Gestalt Psychology
When presented with an incomplete or fragmented image,
our minds tend to fill in the missing parts to perceive a
complete and whole object.

We tend to perceive smooth and continuous patterns
rather than abrupt changes or interruptions in visual
Principles of Gestalt Psychology
Figure-Ground Relationship:
Our perception organizes visual stimuli into a figure,
which is the object of focus, and a background, which
provides context for the figure.

Symmetrical arrangements or forms are perceived as
more stable, balanced, and complete compared to
asymmetrical ones.
Cognitive Implications
Examining the cognitive implications of
Gestalt psychology in understanding
human cognition and problem-solving.
How the mind processes information
Cognitive Implications
Organization of Perceptual Experience:
Gestalt principles explain how our
minds naturally organize sensory input
into meaningful perceptions,
highlighting the active role of cognition
in shaping our understanding of the
Cognitive Implications
Problem-Solving and Insight:
Gestalt psychologists suggest that
problem-solving often involves a
restructuring of perception, leading to
sudden insights or "aha" moments,
emphasizing the importance of holistic
and creative thinking.
Cognitive Implications
Learning and Memory:
Gestalt principles influence how we
encode, store, and retrieve information.
For example, the principle of similarity
may aid in categorization and retrieval
of related information.
Cognitive Implications
Visual Perception and Attention:
Understanding Gestalt principles helps
in designing visual stimuli to attract
attention and convey information
effectively, influencing various fields
such as advertising, user interface
design, and education.

Summarizing the impact of Gestalt

psychology on our understanding of
perception. Emphasizing the significance
of holistic perception in cognitive
Thank you

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