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The Feasibility of Calabaza Cucurbita

moschata Peel as Pasta Noodles

Aerone Kurth N. De Nieva

Rayner Alwyne S. Batister

IV-Delta Andromedae

Arturo S. Blanco

1|Page Research Teacher

Table of Contents

Title Page………………………………………………………………………… 1

Background of the Study…………………………………………………… 4

Statement of the Problem…………………………………………………. 5

Hypotheses……………………………………………………………………… 5

Research Paradigm…………………………………………………………… 6

Significance of the Study…………………………………………………… 7

Scopes and Delimitations………………………………………………….. 7

Definition of Terms…………………………………………………………… 8


Related Literature…………………………………………………………….. 9

Related Studies…………………………………………………………………


Research Design……………………………………………………………….

Rating Scale……………………………………………………………………..

Materials and Equipment……………………………………………………



Cost/ Budgetary Requirement……………………………………………

Gantt Chart……………………………………………………………………...



Background of the study

Food waste remains a prevalent issue, encompassing the squandering

of edible materials at various stages of the food supply chain. Within this
context, the peel of Calabaza Cucurbita moschata, a commonly discarded
portion despite containing notable nutrients, stands as an example of
underutilized food waste.

In many culinary practices, the flesh of Calabaza Cucurbita moschata

finds use in diverse recipes owing to its flavor and nutritional richness.
However, the peel often faces neglect and is considered a form of food waste
due to common disposal practices. Despite containing valuable nutrients,
fibers, and beneficial compounds, the peel is frequently overlooked and

Efforts to repurpose food waste materials, including Calabaza

Cucurbita moschata peel, are gaining attention. One innovative approach
involves exploring the potential of Calabaza Cucurbita moschata peel in
creating pasta noodles. By utilizing this typically discarded portion as a key
ingredient in noodle production, there's an opportunity to transform Calabaza
Cucurbita moschata peel from a neglected waste item into a valuable culinary

With this information, the researchers came up with an idea to utilize

the often-discarded Calabaza Cucurbita moschata peels as noodles for pasta.

This study aims to investigate the feasibility Calabaza Cucurbita

moschata peel as a significant component in the creation of pasta noodles.
Through this exploration, the researchers seeks to showcase a sustainable

approach, repurposing food waste like calabaza peel to create nutritious and
potentially innovative food products such as noodles.

Statement of the Problem

The objective of this research is to determine the feasibility of Calabaza

Cucurbita moschata peel as an alternative noodles for pasta making.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the nutritional value of pasta noodles made from Calabaza

Cucurbita moschata peel?

2. What is the best treatment for making the pasta noodles from Calabaza
Cucurbita moschata peel?

3. Is there a significant difference between pasta noodles from Calabaza

Cucurbita moschata peel and commercially available pasta noodles in terms

a. Shelf Life

b. Cost

c. Taste

d. Acceptability

e. Availability


H0 - There is no significant difference that exist in the parameters used,

namely Shelf Life, Cost, Taste, Acceptability and Availability to determine the
feasibility of Calabaza Cucurbita moschata peel as pasta noodles.

H1 - There is a significant difference that exist in the parameters used, namely
Shelf Life, Cost, Taste, Acceptability and Availability to determine the
feasibility of Calabaza Cucurbita moschata peel as pasta noodles.

Research Paradigm

Input: Output:

Calabaza Cucurbita Pasta Noodles

moschata peel

 Gathering of
moschata peel
 Preparation of
 Processing of
moschata peel
 Experimentation
on the different
 Data gathering
 Results and
 Conclusion

Significance of the study

Examining the potential use of Calabaza Cucurbita moschata peel in

pasta noodles holds substantial importance. It represents a promising avenue
for diversifying ingredients in pasta production, potentially enhancing
nutritional value while reducing waste. This exploration aims to foster
sustainable practices in food manufacturing, promoting resourcefulness in
utilizing vegetable parts often discarded. Moreover, it opens doors for future
research in developing innovative food sources and aligning culinary practices
with environmental sustainability.

For future Researchers: This study will present a starting point for delving
deeper into alternative ingredients in food production. It encourages further
investigation into enhancing the nutritional profiles of staple foods and offers
a foundation for exploring sustainable and health-oriented food
manufacturing techniques.

For the Community: This study will showcase potential economic

opportunities for farmers and local producers. It offers a prospect of more
nutritious dietary options without compromising taste or accessibility,
potentially benefiting community health.

For the Environment: From an environmental standpoint, this exploration

signifies a step towards minimizing food waste within the food industry. By
repurposing overlooked vegetable parts, it aligns with sustainability initiatives,
contributing to reducing the environmental footprint associated with food

Scopes and Delimitations

This research study will focus on studying the feasibility of Calabaza

Cucurbita moschata peel as noodles for pasta production. The researchers will
use Calabaza Cucurbita moschata peel as their Independent variable and past
noodles as Dependent Variable. The Calabaza Cucurbita moschata peel will be
collected and processed. This study will be conducted for 6 months from
November 2023 to June 2024.

Definition of Terms

Pasta- Pasta is a staple food derived from durum wheat semolina or

other grains, shaped into various forms and commonly enjoyed as a versatile
dish worldwide.

Calabaza- Refers to various species of winter squash

Calabaza peel- Outer rind or skin of the Calabaza squash

Flour- A powdery substance, typically made by grinding grains, nuts,

seeds, or roots.

Egg- A nutrient-dense culinary ingredient produced by birds.






This chapter will provide different information and materials needed in the
study. It will also present the research design and statistical tool that will be
used in the research study.

Research Design
One- Way- ANOVA (Analysis of Variance will be used to establish the
significant difference between the control variable and experimental variables
in terms of shelf life, cost, taste, acceptability, and availability.

A. Treatments

Treatments Flour Calabaza Salt
(grams) peel Egg (mL) (grams)
Commercially Commercially Commercially Commercially
Control available available available available
pasta pasta pasta pasta
noodles noodles noodles noodles

10 | P a g e
T1 50 grams 25 grams 15ml 2 grams
T2 50 grams 50 grams 15ml 2 grams
T3 50 grams 75 grams 15ml 2 grams
Table 1: The treatments that will be used in the study

B. Rating Scale

There will be 41 respondents who will evaluate the parameters such as

shelf life, cost, taste, acceptability, and availability. The respondents will test
the parameters of the three treatments. The researcher will ask them to rate
the pasta noodles using the following rating scales.

Table 2: Rating scale for shelf life

Rating Descriptive Interpretation

5 9-10 days
4 7-8 days
3 5-6 days
2 3-4 days
1 1-2 days

Table 3: Rating scale for cost

Rating Descriptive Interpretation

5 Very Cheap
4 Cheap
3 Moderately Cheap
2 Expensive
1 Very Expensive

Table 4: Rating scale for taste

Rating Descriptive Interpretation

5 Extremely Delicious

11 | P a g e
4 Very Delicious
3 Delicious
2 Moderately Delicious
1 Not Delicious

Table 5: Rating scale for acceptability

Rating Descriptive Interpretation

5 Highly Acceptable
4 Very Acceptable
3 Acceptable
2 Fairly Acceptable
1 Not Acceptable

Table 6: Rating scale for availability

Rating Descriptive Interpretation

5 Very High Availability
4 High Availability
3 Moderate Availability
2 Low Availability
1 Very Low Availability

C. Materials/Equipment
For the making of pasta noodles from Calabaza Cucurbita moschata
peel it will undergo the preparation of materials, drying, powderizing of from
Calabaza Cucurbita moschata peel, mixing the ingredients, and molding. The

12 | P a g e
materials such as blender, molder, knife, egg, salt, and flour will be available
in the researchers house. The Calabaza Cucurbita moschata peel will be
collected from bought Calabaza or from vegetable vendors in the public

D. Flowchart of the study

Collection of Calabaza Cutting of the pasta

Cucurbita moschata peel noodles

Molding of the pasta

Preparation of Materials

Drying and Powderizing of

13 | P aCalabaza
ge Cucurbita Mixing of the ingredients
moschata peel
This experimental flowchart will show the preparation and process for
the production pasta noodles from Calabaza Cucurbita moschata peel. The
processes will include Collection of the variables, preparation of materials, sun
drying for 2 days and powderizing using a blender, mixing of the dry and wet
ingredients, molding of the mixed ingredients into pasta noodles and cutting it
into pasta noodles.

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List of Activities Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Ma Jun
I. Title Making
Formulation of
Initial defense
Reformulating of
Title Defense and
Proposal Defense
II. Thesis Writing
Background of the
Statement of the
Significance of the

17 | P a g e
Scopes and
Chapter 2: Review
of Related
Chapter 3:
Research Design
Re formulating of
chapters I-III
III. Laboratory
Plant Identification
IV. Finalization of
Writing of Chapter
IV. (Results and
Writing of Chapter
V. (Conclusion,
and Summary
Checking of
Chapter I-V
Editing of Chapter
I-V (Suggestions
of research
Final Defense

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19 | P a g e

Description Quantity Amont

Printing (Title 3 copies Php100


Printing (Final 3 copies Php200


20 | P a g e
Coupon bond (A4) 2 reams Php500

Bookbinding 3 copies Php600

CD Burn 3 copies Php150

Plant Identification Php300

Ingredients for the Php100

pasta noodles

Transportation fare Php200

Total Php2150

21 | P a g e

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