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2015-2016 F4S/C Grammar Practice 3 Answer Key

2015-2016 F4S/C Grammar Practice 3 Answer Key Second Term

Part A: Parts of Speech: (7%)
1. conjunction (1%) 5. determiner (modifies route) (1%)
2. pronoun (relative pronoun) (1%) 6. preposition (followed by a noun) (1%)
3. adverb (modifies caught) (1%) 7. preposition (followed by a noun) (1%)
4. noun (1%)

Part B: Prepositions: (6.5%)

1. in (0.5%) 5. on (0.5%) 9. with (0.5%) 13. off (0.5%)
2. from (0.5%) 6. in (0.5%) 10. up (0.5%)
3. X (0.5%) 7. after (0.5%) 11. out (0.5%)
4. X (0.5%) 8. at (0.5%) 12. for (0.5%)

Part C: Question tags: (6%)

1. need we (1%) 4. don’t I (1%)
2. won’t you (1%) 5. do I (1%)
3. doesn’t she (1%) 6. didn’t I (1%)

Part D: Sentence patterns: (6%)

1. S-V (1%) 3. S-V-SC (1%) 5. S-V-IO-DO (1%)
2. S-V (1%) 4. S-V-O (1%) 6. S-V-O (1%)

Part E: Clauses identification: (10%)

Subordinate Clauses Types of Types/Functions Marks
1. X X X 0.5%
2. that…supports ADJ X 0.5%
which…profile ADJ
3. that…life N Apposition to a Noun 0.5%
4. that…pleasure N Object of a Verb 0.5%
but…heart ADV Contrast
if…foods ADV Condition
that…him ADJ X
5. this…best N Object of a Verb 0.5%
she…years ADJ X
6. Though…court ADV Concession 0.5%
7. What…learning N Subject 0.5%
8. that…languages N Subject Complement 0.5%
2015-2016 F4S/C Grammar Practice 3 Answer Key

9. although…countries ADV Concession 0.5%

10. Whenever…stress ADV Time 0.5%
that…life N Object of a Verb
11. Although…stress ADV Concession 0.5%
12. Even…exams ADV Concession 0.5%
13. who…concerned ADJ X 0.5%
they…education N Adjective Complement
14. Once…skill ADV Time 0.5%
15. if…expectations ADV Condition 0.5%
16. for…in ADV Reason 0.5%
17. X X X 0.5%
18. X X X 0.5%
19. that…does ADJ X 0.5%
20. that…succeed N Apposition to a Noun 0.5%

Part F: Articles: (6%)

1. the (0.5%) 4. the (0.5%) 7. the (0.5%) 10. The (0.5%)
2. X (0.5%) 5. an (0.5%) 8. the (0.5%) 11. a (0.5%)
3. the (0.5%) 6. the (0.5%) 9. X (0.5%) 12. the (0.5%)

Part G: Error Identification and Correction: (6%)

1. D humourous  humorous (1%)
2. D equal to those  equal to that (1%)
3. D more large  larger (1%)
4. D more expensive  most expensive (1%)
5. C practices of government’s  government (1%)
6. D America  American (1%)

Part H: Multiple-choice Questions: (6%)

1. D (0.5%) 2. C (0.5%) 3. B (0.5%) 4. A (0.5%) 5. B (0.5%) 6. C (0.5%)

Part I: Tenses: (20%)

1. is reading (1%) 7. escaped (1%)
2. is making (1%) 8. was thought (1%)
3. were doing (1%) 9. have been recaptured (1%)
4. will also be doing (1%) 10. Had you taken (1%)
5. will be preparing (1%) 11. would have been avoided (1%)
6. will be reading (1%) 12. will have been (1%)
2015-2016 F4S/C Grammar Practice 3 Answer Key

13. made (1%) 17. will not (X) become / would not (X)
14. has set (1%) become (1%)
15. will you (1%) 18. graduates (1%)
16. are (not) protected / were (not) (1%) 19. will have been studying (1%)
protected (1%) 20. has been increasing (1%)

Part J: Inversion: (7%)

1. No sooner than the ceiling crashed onto the dining table had they eaten dinner.
2. Never in his life had Jack been to such a fantastic restaurant. (1%)
3. Not only were most people in our country short of money, but my grandparents
were also short of money.
OR Just as most people in our country were short of money, so too were my
grandparents. (2%)
4. Were Rex a little more hard-working, he would not fail. (1%)
5. Only when someone complained at the reception did they realize the painting
had been hung upside down. (1%)
6. So energetically and elegantly did they dance that the tutors complemented
them. (1%)

Part K: Cleft Sentences: (22.5%)

1. It is driving a vintage car that makes you stand out in a crowd. (1.5%)
2. It was yesterday when the alarm sounded that the Prime Minister was travelling
to France. (1.5%)
3. It was when the play was about to end that I could not help weeping. (1.5%)
4. Had I had to choose between staying in my country and moving ahead, it were
the first option I would have taken . (1.5%)
5. Benidorm is a nice place for vacation, but it is to Marbella where I’m going this
summer. (1.5%)
6. It is my mother who cherishes her bag a lot which has been stolen. (1.5%)
7. What he had been doing was having an argument with his wife for two hours
before he went to work. (1.5%)
8. It was János Irinyi, a Hungarian chemist, invented the non-explosive match in
1836. (1.5%)
9. It is because of her husband’s bad affairs that she feels devalued. (1.5%)
10. It was by doing a lot of sit-ups that they were trained. (1.5%)
11. What you should have done was told your father that you will leave late. (1.5%)

2015-2016 F4S/C Grammar Practice 3 Answer Key

12. It was by giving his sister a present that he made her optimistic after her
accident. (1.5%)
13. ‘What I will do is finish my work at eight,’ Edmond said. (1.5%)
14. What the businessman did was (to) discuss the details of the transaction so
carefully that they even video-taped the whole conference. (1.5%)
15. It was to have more budget for their activities and resources that the Student
Union advisors wanted. (1.5%)

BONUS (+11)
(a) Yes. (1%)
(b) that…Oscars (1%)
that…us (1%)
(c) Noun clause, Apposition to a Noun (2%)
Relative/Adjective clause (1%)
(d) If ‘that’ in the sentence has a function, it is a relative clause. (1%)
If ‘that’ in the sentence has no real function, it is a noun clause. (1%)
If the subordinate clause is complete, it is a noun clause. (1%)
If the subordinate clause is not complete, it is a relative clause (1%)
(e) Pronoun. (1%)

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