Revised Section

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Revised Section: Results and Discussion

4.1 Above Ground Biomass (kg)

The results showed significant differences (P<0.05) among sources of nutrients, with the highest
biomass recorded from EFM (6.933 kg), followed by EGM (6.533 kg), EPM (6.200 kg), and
RFR (5.233 kg), with the lowest from GM (1.933 kg). These results align with Effa et al. (2015),
who reported that nitrogen application significantly increases plant height, leaf index, and total
dry matter (TDM) above the control.

Contrast with Related Literature: According to the related article by Oktem et al. (2020), the
highest grain yield value was obtained with farmyard manure at 489.71 kg/da, which underscores
the effectiveness of organic fertilizers in enhancing biomass production. This comparison
highlights that EFM, which also incorporates organic components, shows superior performance
in promoting biomass accumulation, similar to Oktem's findings.

4.3 Cob Length (cm)

The results indicated a significant difference among nutrient sources, with EGM recording the
highest cob length (16.33 cm), followed by EFM and RFR (15.67 cm), and the least from GM
(12.00 cm). Dada et al. (2023) found that the length of kernels was highest in plots amended with
8 t/ha compost manure, similar to our results with EFM.

Contrast with Related Literature: In the related article by Dada et al. (2023), the significant
increase in cob length with compost manure is attributed to improved soil structure and nutrient
availability. Our study supports this finding, as the enhanced cob length with EFM also reflects
the benefits of nutrient-rich organic amendments.

4.4 Weight of Grain + Cob (kg)

Data showed significant differences among nutrient sources, with EFM recording the highest
weight (3.633 kg), followed by RFR (2.833 kg) and the least from GM (1.133 kg). Agackesen et
al. (2022) similarly reported that the highest fresh ear kernel weight was found in late milk
maturation due to dry matter accumulation.
Contrast with Related Literature: The related study by Agackesen et al. (2022) indicates that
the timing of nutrient application influences grain weight, which corroborates our finding that
EFM, with its balanced nutrient release, leads to higher grain and cob weights.

4.5 Grain Weight (kg)

There was a significant difference among nutrient sources, with the highest grain weight from
EFM (2.433 kg), followed by RFR (1.967 kg), and the lowest from GM (0.800 kg). Cihangir et
al. (2019) noted that environmental conditions and nutrient sources positively impact grain

Contrast with Related Literature: Cihangir et al. (2019) found that environmental factors and
nutrient quality significantly influence grain weight, similar to our observation with EFM, which
provides a conducive environment for grain development due to its nutrient richness.

4.6 Total Grain Yield (t/ha)

Significant differences were observed among nutrient sources, with the highest yield recorded
from EFM (2.028 t/ha), followed by EPM (1.861 t/ha) and the least from GM (0.669 t/ha).
Pricinotto et al. (2014) reported similar findings with high yields from compost-amended plots
due to improved soil properties.

Contrast with Related Literature: Pricinotto et al. (2014) highlighted the importance of
organic amendments in enhancing soil fertility and yield, paralleling our results where EFM
significantly improved grain yield, emphasizing the value of organic nutrients in sustainable

This revision provides a detailed contrast of your results with those from relevant literature,
thereby addressing your supervisor's comments effectively .
please proceed with popping % and nutrient uptake

To address your supervisor's comments and provide a meaningful contrast in your report, you
need to integrate the information from the related article and your own research. Here’s a
detailed revision for the sections on popping percentage and nutrient uptake, drawing from both

Popping Percentage

Revised Section:

The popping percentage is a crucial quality parameter for popcorn, reflecting the efficiency of
the kernels to pop into consumable popcorn. The study conducted at Bunda College, Malawi,
during the 2022/23 growing season revealed significant differences among treatments in terms of
popping percentage. Specifically, enriched farmyard manure (EFM) showed the highest popping
percentage at 77.67%, significantly outperforming other treatments such as goat manure (GM),
which had the lowest popping percentage at 55.33%.

In comparison, another study by Shafai et al. (2020) examined the effect of different nitrogen
levels on popcorn under rainfed conditions and found that higher nitrogen levels significantly
improved the popping percentage. The highest popping percentage of 82.91% was recorded with
150 kg/ha nitrogen (N3) treatment, compared to 76.62% with 90 kg/ha nitrogen (N1). This
contrast highlights that while both organic and inorganic nutrient sources can enhance popping
efficiency, the type and level of nutrient application play a significant role in determining the

Nutrient Uptake
Revised Section:

Nutrient uptake, particularly nitrogen and phosphorus, is vital for the growth and quality of
popcorn. The study at Bunda College revealed that while there were no significant differences in
nitrogen uptake among the treatments, there was a trend where inorganic fertilizers showed
slightly higher nitrogen content. For instance, the recommended fertilizer (RFR) treatment
resulted in a nitrogen uptake of 0.5647%, whereas goat manure (GM) had the lowest at 0.4113%.
This suggests that inorganic fertilizers may provide a quicker release of nitrogen compared to
organic sources, which release nutrients more slowly during decomposition.

Supporting these findings, the related study by Shafai et al. reported that increasing nitrogen
levels significantly enhanced nitrogen uptake in both the plant at anthesis and grain at harvest.
The 150 kg/ha nitrogen (N3) treatment resulted in the highest nitrogen uptake, indicating that
higher nitrogen application rates can improve nutrient uptake efficiency in popcorn.


The comparison of results from these studies underscores the importance of both the type and
level of nutrient sources in optimizing popping percentage and nutrient uptake in popcorn. While
organic sources like enriched farmyard manure can significantly improve popping percentage,
higher levels of inorganic nitrogen fertilizers can enhance nutrient uptake. Thus, integrating both
organic and inorganic nutrient sources may offer a balanced approach to achieving sustainable
and high-quality popcorn production.

By incorporating these contrasts, you provide a more comprehensive and meaningful analysis,
addressing your supervisor's comments effectively.


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