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Time : 4 Hours



Pre Nurture and Career Foundation Division

1. In an acute triangle ABC, let D, E, F be the midpoints of BC, CA, AB respectively. Let X, Y be the feet of
altitude from D to AB, AC respectively. The line through F parallel to XY meets line DY at P. Prove that
AD ^ EP.
2. Let a1, a2, ..... a2021 be 2021 integers which satisfy
an + 5 + an > an + 2 + an + 3
for all integers n = 1, 2, ...., 2016. Find the minimum possible value of the difference between the maximum
value and the minimum value among a1, a2, .... a2021.
3. Let n and k be positive integers. Let A be a set of 2n distinct points on the Euclidean plane that no three points
in A are collinear. Some pairs of point in A are linked with a segment so that there are n2 + k distinct segments

4 3/2
on the plane. Prove that there exists at least k distinct triangles on the plane with vertices in A and sides as
the aforementioned segments.
4. Find all functions ƒ : ¡ ® ¡ such that

ƒ (y ƒ (x + y) + ƒ (x)) = 4x + 2y ƒ (x + y)
for all, x,yÎ ¡ .

5. Let x, y, z be three positive integers with gcd (x, y, z) = 1. If

x | yz (x + y + z)
y | xz (x + y + z)
z | xy (x + y + z)
x + y + z | xyz,
show that xyz (x + y + z) is a perfect square.
6. Let ABC be a scalence and acute triangle, with circumcentre O. Let w be the circle with centre A, tangent to BC
at D. Suppose there are two points F and G on w such that FG ^ AO, ÐBFD = ÐDGC and the couples of points
(B, F) and (C, G) are in different halfplanes with respect to the line AD. Show that the tangents to w at F and G
meet on the circumcircle of ABC.

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