INMO Race - 4

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® Mathematics


1. Some 46 squares are randomly chosen from a 9 × 9 chess board and are colored red. Show that there is 2 × 2
block of four squares of which at least three are colored red.
2. Given a graph with 99 vertices and degrees in {81, 82, ......., 90}, prove that there exist 10 vertices of this
graph with equal degrees and a common neighbour.
3. Consider a set of 16 points arranged in a 4 × 4 square grid formation. Prove that if any 7 of these points are
coloured blue, then there exists an isosceles right-angled triangle whose vertices are all blue.
4. If given n points in the plane with integer coordinates, then always there are three of them whose centre of
gravity has integer coordinates. Find least value of n.
5. For any positive integer m, show that there exist integers a, b such that

1+ 2
|a| £ m, |b| £ m, 0 < a + b 2 £
m +2

6. (a) Show that if we select 7 numbers from 13 consecutive numbers, among the selected numbers, there are two
numbers that differ by either 4 or 9.

(b) A Ì {1, 2, ....., 40} such that for any a, b Î A, |a – b| ¹ 4 and |a – b|¹ 9. Show that |A| < 20.

7. Let A1B1C1D1E1 be a regular pentagon. For 2 £ n £ 11, let AnBnCnDnEn be the pentagon whose vertices are the
midpoints of the sides of the pentagon An–1Bn–1Cn–1Dn–1En–1. All the 5 vertices of each of the 11 pentagons are
arbitrarily coloured red or blue. Prove that four points among these 55 points have the same colour and form
the vertices of a cyclic quadrilateral.

8. The base of a pyramid is a convex polygon with 9 sides. Each of the diagonals of the base and each of the edges
on the lateral surface is colored either black or white. Both colors are used (Note that the edges of the base are
not colored). Prove that there are three segments that form a triangle and colored with the same color.

9. We are given a set M of 100 distinct positive integers none of which has a prime factor greater than 12. Prove
that M contains at least one subset of four distinct elements whose product is the fourth power of an integer.
10. Let n ³ 4 and A, a subset of {1, 2, ....., 2n – 1} containing n elements. Show that we can find elements of A such
that their sum is divisible by 2n.
11. Two concentric discs are each divided into 100 sectors, as indicated in the Figure. Fifty sectors on each disc are
selected at random and painted black. The center disc is rotated to any arbitrary position and the number of
color matches between inner and outer sectors is counted. Show that regardless of the initial coloring there must
be some position that has at least fifty matches.

12. The numbers 1, 2, ....., 2005 are divided into six disjoint subsets. Prove that there are numbers a, b, c not
necessarily distinct belonging to one of the subsets such that a + b = c.

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