Level 6U Number Theory Theta Module Test 1

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Level 6U - Number Theory θ - Module Test

(Induction, GCD, LCM, Euclidean Algorithm, Prime Numbers, Number Bases,

Congruences, CRT, Diophantine Equations)
Total marks - 100

Math Olympiad Program


February 17, 2024

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1. Please make sure that there are total 10 problems in this paper.
2. The Time limit for this exam is 1 hour and 30 minutes. Submissions after that will not be
3. Write your solution in an A4 sheet, scan it upstraight and upload the solutions page-wise
in the google classroom. Else the submission will not be evaluated. Skipping the essential
proofs will not get full credit.
4. Out of the total 10 problems, answering completely any 5 of them will give you
full marks for this paper. Only 5 problems will be evaluated, so there is no use of
answering more than 5 problems.
5. Do not attempt to search for the solutions online as you are proctored and all
solutions available online are available to us as well, so we would easily identify
you if you try to see solutions online. Those people will be directly removed from
this batch.
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Problem 1
20 Marks

Does there exist a natural number “n” such that n2 + n + 1 is divisible by 1955? If “Yes”,
provide an example and if “No”, provide a valid proof.

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Problem 2
20 Marks

What is the minimum number of weights (with proof) which enable us to weigh any integer
number of grams of gold from 1 to 100 on a standard balance with two pans? If the,
(a) Weights should be placed only on the left pan.
(b) Weights can be placed on either pan of the balance.

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Problem 3
20 Marks

Using the properties of congruences, prove that,

89 | 244 − 1 and 97 | 248 − 1

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Problem 4
20 Marks

Prove that the number “6n3 + 3” cannot be a perfect sixth power of an integer for any natural
number n.

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Problem 5
20 Marks

Find all primes “p” and “q” such that p divides q 2 − 4 and q divides p 2 − 1.

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Problem 6
20 Marks

Find the
| ·{z
GCD(111 · · 111}, |11 ·{z
· · 11})
100 times 60 times

where there are one hundred 1’s in the decimal representation of the first number and sixty 1
’s in the decimal representation of the second number.

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Problem 7
20 Marks

There exist unique positive integers x and y that satisfy the equation x 2 + 84x + 2008 = y 2 .
Find x + y .

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Problem 8
20 Marks

Prove that there are infinitely many numbers not containing the digit 0 that are divisible by
the sum of their digits.

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Problem 9
20 Marks

Let a1 , b1 , c1 be natural numbers. We define

a2 = gcd (b1 , c1 ) , b2 = gcd (c1 , a1 ) , c2 = gcd (a1 , b1 ) ,

a3 = lcm (b2 , c2 ) , b3 = Icm (c2 , a2 ) , c3 = Icm (a2 , b2 ) .
Show that gcd (b3 , c3 ) = a2 .

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Problem 10
20 Marks

Find the pairs of integers (x, y ) for which,

4y − 615 = x 2

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