Lucia 2004

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Origin and petrophysics of dolostone pore space

F. J E R R Y L U C I A
Bureau of Economic Geology, John A. and Katherine G. Jackson School of Geosciences,
The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78713-8924, USA

Abstract: The common claim that dolomitization creates 12% porosity is based on the
mole-for-mole replacement equation. However, in the past 50 years, data have been col-
lected demonstrating that dolomitization does not create porosity. Instead, dolostones
inherit the porosity and fabric of the precursor limestone, and porosity is reduced by over-
dolomitization. The porosity of the precursor limestone depends on the diagenetic history
up to the time of dolomitization. Data show that: (1) carbonates are born with high poros-
ity and lose porosity gradually over a long period; and (2) mud-dominated fabrics compact
more readily than grain-dominated fabrics. The problem of estimating the time of dolomi-
tization is minimized by confining observations to young limestones and associated dolo-
stones. Limited data from Holocene dolomitic sediments suggest no change in porosity with
dolomitization. Study of Plio-Pleistocene carbonates in Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles,
demonstrates that precursor limestones are more porous than dolostones. Limestones
average 25% porosity, whereas dolostones average 11% porosity. Data from the Neogene
of the Great Bahama Bank show that dolostones and adjacent limestones both have 40%
porosity. Porosity studies of the Jurassic Arab D Formation show that dolostones and
associated grain-dominated limestones have similar porosity ranges and that the decrease
in porosity with increasing dolomitization results from compaction of the mud-dominated
fabrics. These data suggest that porosity in dolostone is not created by a mole-for-mole
replacement mechanism, instead, dolostone porosity is: (1) inherited from the precursor
limestone; and (2) occluded by the process of overdolomitization. Palaeozoic dolostones,
however, are commonly more porous than juxtaposed limestones. The explanation for this
observation is that limestones lose porosity through compaction and cementation, whereas
dolostones resist compaction and retain much of their porosity.
Permeability studies have demonstrated that dolomitization of grain-dominated lime-
stones usually does not change porosity-permeability relationships. Instead, precursor
limestone fabric controls pore-size distribution. The dolomite crystal size of a mud-
dominated dolostone may, however, be larger than the carbonate mud size, improving the
porosity-permeability relationship substantially. Hence, there is a predictable relationship
between interparticle (grains or crystals) porosity, permeability, precursor grain size and
dolomite crystal size.

The origin and petrophysics of dolostone have dolostone is formed from non-porous limestone
been linked since 1837, when Elie De Beaumont is incorrect. Data will be presented to show that
proposed that the conversion of limestone to many young limestones are very porous and
dolostone creates 12% porosity because the that this porosity is inherited by replacement
molar volume of dolomite is smaller than the dolostone. Furthermore, the observation that
molar volume of calcite (De Beaumont 1837). many Palaeozoic limestones are less porous
This chemical model was used to explain the than associated dolostones will be shown to
presence of vuggy pore space in dolostones of result from differential compaction, limestones
the Tyrolean Alps, and after 165 years it is still being more susceptible to compaction than
the one most commonly used to explain porous dolostones. The excellent petrophysical quality
dolostones. Although challenged by Landes of many dolostones will be related to: (1) an
(1946), Schmoker & Halley (1982), Halley & increase in crystal size in dolomitized mud-
Schmoker (1983) and, most recently, by Lucia dominated fabrics; and (2) the ability of dolo-
& Major (1994), it is nonetheless the most stone to retain porosity.
common dolomitization model taught in
colleges and universities (Tucker 2001).
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate
that dolostone porosity is not the result of Terminology is discussed here briefly because its
dolomitization and that the concept that porous improper use adds to the confusion that

From: BRAITHWAITE,C. J. R., RIzzI, G. & DARKE, G. (eds) 2004. The Geometry and Petrogenesis of Dolomite
Hydrocarbon Reservoirs. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 235, 141-155. 0305-8719/$15.00
9 The Geological Society of London 2004.
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142 F.J. LUCIA

surrounds this issue. Porosity is defined as pore ate found in groundwaters. However, it has
volume divided by bulk volume and in recently been demonstrated that calcium and
geological literature is commonly expressed as carbonate are extracted from the dolomitizing
per cent porosity, i.e. porosity • 100. Pore space fluid, along with magnesium (Lucia & Major
or pore volume is that portion of the bulk 1994). In addition, there are numerous obser-
volume not occupied by minerals. When the vations of 'pore-filling dolomite' in limestones
term porosity is used, the bulk volume of the and dolostones. Gregg et al. (1993) demon-
sample should be clearly understood. In core strated that a large volume of pore space was
analysis, the bulk volume is the volume of the occluded by late dolomite. This pore-filling
sample measured. In thin section, the bulk dolomite did not require the replacement of
volume is the volume of the thin section. CaCO3 to precipitate. Murray (1960) addressed
However, in many instances, the bulk volume is this problem by introducing the concept of local
not clear and may not even be considered, as in and distant sources of carbonate, local source
such comments as 'intergrain porosity' or 'a being equivalent to the volume of carbonate
description of porosity'. Intergrain or inter- available from the dissolution of the local lime-
crystal porosity is the pore volume between stone and distant source being carbonate trans-
grains or crystals divided by the bulk volume ported in with the dolomitizing fluid. Although
under consideration and is expressed as a Murray (1960) envisioned that distant-source
number. It cannot be described except by a dolomitization was a later phase, it is more
number or a reference to a value (high porosity, reasonable to assume that it would be active to
for example). It is correct to refer to intergrain some degree during the replacement phase.
porosity, such as in 'the intergrain porosity is Halley & Schmoker (1983) demonstrated that
25%'. It is incorrect to use porosity with a young limestones in south Florida are very
descriptor, such as 'large and well-connected porous and suggested that the associated dolo-
porosity', but it is correct to say 'large and well- stones inherited their porosity from the precur-
connected pore space'. This distinction becomes sor limestone. They proposed a pore-filling
important to the thesis of the paper, which is phase to account for young dolostones having
that dolomitization does not create porosity. less porosity than associated limestones and
However, it will be demonstrated that dolomi- introduced the term overdolomitization to
tization can create pore space and modify pore describe the pore-filling phase. A more correct
size. chemical model for dolomitization is therefore
one that includes the addition of carbonate
and magnesium during the replacement phase,
The problem and the addition of calcium, magnesium and
The principal culprit responsible for the carbonate during the pore-filling phase.
confusion is the mole-for-mole replacement Morrow (1990) proposed the following
equation for dolomitization: equation (equation 2) for volume-for-volume
replacement. The volume of carbonate needed
Mg +2 + 2CaCO 3 = MgCa(CO3) 2 + Ca +2. (1) to replace the difference in molar volumes is 0.1
for aragonite and 0.25 for calcite. It is reason-
Using this equation, De B e a u m o n t (1837) able to assume that this small amount of carbon-
demonstrated that the mole-for-mole ate will continue to be available for dolomite
conversion of calcite to dolomite results in a precipitation after all the calcite or aragonite
12% decrease in volume because the molar has been replaced until the water reaches equi-
volume of dolomite is smaller than the molar librium with dolomite and calcite/aragonite.
volume of calcite. He proposed, therefore, that This is the pore-filling phase, also referred to as
epigenetic dolostones should have 12% 'overdolomitization' by Halley & Schmoker
porosity. He argued that this fact explains the (1983) and Lucia & Major (1994) (equation 3).
presence of vugs observed in the dolostones in Replacement phase:
the Tyrol. The equation has been the model for
dolomitization most used since that time. (2 - x)CaCO3 + Mg 2+ + x C O 3 -2 =
The problem with this model is that it CaMg(CO3)2 + (1 - x ) C a 2+ (2)
assumes that only magnesium, and no calcium
or carbonate, is added from the dolomitizing where x -= moles of carbonate added from the
water. Weyl (1960), using a conservation of mass dolomitizing fluid.
argument, attempted to demonstrate that no Pore-filling phase (overdolomitization):
carbonate could be added from the formation
waters because of the small volume of carbon- Ca 2+ + Mg 2+ + 2CO3 = CaMg(CO3)> (3)
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Approach Bank both have an average porosity of 40%

(Melim et al. 2001) (Fig. 1). Neither of these
The thesis of this paper is that dolostone examples have evidence of meteoric diagenesis.
porosity is related to the porosity of the precur-
In contrast, outcrops of Plio-Pleistocene lime-
sor limestone and the amount of carbonate stone on Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles, have an
added from the dolomitizing fluid. The average porosity of 25% (Lucia & Major 1994).
approach taken to investigate this thesis focuses Here there is ample evidence of extensive
on three basic questions: (1) What was the meteoric cementation and dissolution that
porosity of the precursor limestone? (2) What resulted in the low porosity values.
volume of carbonate has been added during and Porosity in Cretaceous and Jurassic lime-
after the replacement phase? (3) How much stones commonly decreases as mud content
porosity has been lost to compaction? By increases, a phenomenon illustrated by Loucks
limiting the investigation to young carbonates (2002) using data from Cretaceous limestones in
from non-tectonic settings, the effects of south Texas at depths ranging from 2000 to
compaction and late dolomitization are mini- 2350m. Grain-dominated fabrics have an
mized, allowing work to focus on the nature of average porosity of 13%, whereas mud-
the precursor limestone and the volume of dominated fabrics average 7% porosity (Fig. 2).
carbonate added. Cruz (1997) described Cretaceous reservoirs
found at a depth of 4750 m in the Santos Basin,
offshore Brazil, that have grain-dominated
Porosity o f p r e c u r s o r limestones
fabrics with 16% average porosity and mud-
The porosity of dolomitized limestone will dominated fabrics with 2% average porosity.
depend on whether dolomitization occurred The same cannot be said for the Cretaceous
early or late in the diagenetic history of a lime- Shuaiba mud-dominated fabrics in the Middle
stone. It can occur syndepositionally or it can East that typically have high porosity values. For
occur 160 Ma after deposition, as described by example, in the Yibal Field, Oman, mudstones
Kupecz & Land (1991) for the Ellenburger and wackestones have an average porosity of
(Lower Ordovician) of west Texas. It is well 35% at a depth of around 1450 m. In contrast,
known that carbonate sediments are very Rudist grain-dominated fabrics found in the A1
porous, having porosity values that range from Huwesiah Field have less porosity, averaging
45 to 70%, depending on the volume of lime 18% (Fig. 2). High porosity in the mud-
mud (Enos & Sawatsky 1981). Limestones do dominated fabrics is not unusual when compared
not have porosity values higher than this range with that of the Tertiary of Florida and the Great
and, with rare exception, have porosities much Bahama Bank, but it is unusual when compared
lower. Schmoker et al. (1985) reported an with other Cretaceous carbonates. The Yibal
average porosity value of 12% for limestone Field is the shallowest of the three Cretaceous
reservoirs in the United States with a range of examples presented here, and the high porosity
9-17%. The basic question, therefore, is not most probably results from a lack of deep burial
how limestone porosity was created but how the or lack of cement, as suggested by Moshier
porosity was destroyed and at what rate. The (1989). Other investigators have suggested that
data presented here are from passive margins the high porosity of the Shuaiba mud-dominated
because the porosity history of tectonically fabrics results from dissolution (Harris & Frost
active areas is complicated by the high compres- 1984). My observations, however, agree with
sive forces and temperatures typical of that those presented by Moshier (1989), who
environment. For example, Miller & Folk concluded that the high porosity did not result
(1994) reported a porosity of 0.1 percent for the from dissolution but from incomplete cementa-
thrust and folded Triassic limestones of tion. The lower porosity value in rudist, grain-
northern Italy. dominated fabrics most probably results from
In passive margins limestones tend to retain meteoric diagenesis of the rudist shoal.
their porosity, losing it only gradually over An example from the Jurassic Arab D reser-
geological time by cementation and voir in the Ghawar Field, Haradh area, Saudi
compaction. Grainstones of Eocene age in Arabia, from depths between 2100 and 2200 m,
south Florida located between depths of 92 and is illustrated in Figure 3. Although the data are
490 m have an average porosity of 32%, and highly scattered, average values show a trend of
wackestone 36% (Budd 2002) (Fig. 1). Grain- decreasing porosity with increasing lime mud
dominated fabrics and wackestones from (Lucia et al. 2001), a situation similar to that
Pliocene-Miocene limestones at depths mostly commonly observed in Cretaceous limestone
between 200 and 600 m on the Great Bahama reservoirs.
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Fig. 1. Porosity histograms for grain-dominated and mud-dominated Tertiary limestones. (a) Palaeogene of
west-central south Florida (Budd 2002). (b) Neogene of the Great Bahama Banks (Melim et al. 2001).

These data are consistent with the conclusion dominated fabrics are commonly dense and
of Schmoker & Hally (1982) that, in a passive- grain-dominated fabrics are commonly porous.
margin environment, limestones lose their
porosity gradually, probably related to their
Porosity o f associated dolostones
burial history (Fig. 4). Limestones less than
40 Ma old can have 30-40% porosity. The excep- Limestones lose their porosity gradually over
tion is limestone that has experienced extensive tens of millions of years, and dolomitization can
meteoric diagenesis, in which case porosity is occur syndepositionally or millions of years
reduced to the 20-30% range. There is no after deposition. The porosity of the precursor
distinction between grain- and mud-dominated limestone will, therefore, partly depend on the
fabrics. Beginning with Cretaceous limestone, time of dolomitization. Determining the age of
however, mud-dominated fabrics gradually dolomitization relative to the host limestone is
become less porous than grain-dominated never easy. The dolomitization of peritidal sedi-
fabrics. In the author's experience, this trend ments is assumed to be syndepositional.
continues into Palaeozoic rocks, where mud- Dolomitized subtidal facies that are continuous
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Fig. 2. Porosity data for Cretaceous limestones. (a) Plot of porosity v. lime mud content for south Texas
Cretaceous samples, showing that average porosity decreases with increasing lime mud content (Loucks 2002).
(b) Porosity histograms for Shuaiba (Cretaceous) samples from Oman. Mud-dominated samples from theYibal
Field have an average porosity of 35%. Rudist grainstone samples from the A1 Huwiasiah Field have an
average porosity of 18%.

Fig. 3. Cross-plot from the Arab D reservoir in the Haradh area of the Ghawar Field, Saudi Arabia. (a)
Porosity v. rock fabric. GDP: grain-dominated packstone; MDP: mud-dominated packstone. (b) Porosity v. per
cent lime mud. Although there is considerable scatter in the data, the average trends show decreasing porosity
with increasing lime mud content (Lucia et al. 2001).

with and lie b e n e a t h peritida! d o l o s t o n e are to s o m e o t h e r datable d i a g e n e t i c or structural

generally t h o u g h t to be the same age as the event. Oxygen and strontium isotopes have
tidal-flat dolomite. T h e age of subtidal dolo- b e e n used to give a P e r m i a n age to the dolomi-
s t o n e b o d i e s n o t c o n t i n u o u s with tidal-flat tization of P e r m i a n c a r b o n a t e s in west Texas
dolostones is difficult to d e t e r m i n e , and the time (Bein & L a n d 1982). D o l o m i t i z a t i o n of the E1
of d o l o m i t i z a t i o n is often d e t e r m i n e d b a s e d on P a s o G r o u p o c c u r r e d a f t e r c o l l a p s e of an
g e o c h e m i c a l data or relating d o l o s t o n e bodies O r d o v i c i a n c a v e r n system, a c o l l a p s e t h a t
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146 F.J. LUCIA


- - E n o s and Sawatsky (1981)

~ , Melim et al. (2001)
David Budd (2002)

Cretaceous Shuaiba
PDO data

.,,,,,,.Jurassic Arab D
~ ,f Lucia (2001)
0 I I I I I I I I I Cretaceous Pearsall
50 100 Loucks (2002)
Ume m u d (%)

Fig. 4. Plot of per cent lime mud v. per cent porosity for Holocene, Neogene, Palaeogene, Cretaceous and
Jurassic limestones. The plot shows: (1) the gradual loss of porosity with time (and presumably burial); and (2)
greater porosity loss with increasing mud content starting in the Cretaceous, or 100 Ma after deposition.

continued through the Silurian (Lucia 1995a). basis of textural evidence, that Holocene
Late dolomitization, therefore, occurred at least dolomite from Andros Island is pore filling.
100 Ma, and perhaps as much as 160 Ma, after However, no porosity data were presented to
deposition, assuming the Pennsylvanian age for demonstrate porosity gain or loss.
the dolomitization proposed by Kupecz & Land The transition from dolostone to limestone
(1991) for the time-equivalent Ellenburger found in Plio-Pleistocene carbonate outcrops on
Group. Wilson et al. (1990) dated late dolomiti- Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles, was described by
zation in the Italian Alps by physical relation- Lucia & Major (1994). They attributed dolomi-
ships to igneous intrusives, and Zempolich & tization to the evaporite reflux model and
Hardie (1997) dated late dolomitization by concluded that these carbonates have never
physical relationships to Alpine folding and been buried. The limestone is composed of
thrusting. grain-dominated fabrics with an average
To minimize the possible time gap between porosity of 25% and a porosity range of 10-40%
deposition and dolomitization, porosity infor- (Fig. 5). Porosity values are lower than those
mation is collected from young carbonates found in carbonate sediments because of the
where limestones and dolostones are juxta- extensive meteoric diagenesis during Pleisto-
posed. The youngest dolomite known is cene low stands (Lucia & Major 1994). The
Holocene in age and is commonly found near porosity values of dolomitic limestones range
the surface in evaporitic tidal-fiat deposits. between 20 and 30%, a range similar to that of
Unfortunately, there is little porosity infor- limestone porosity. The adjacent dolostones
mation published about Holocene dolomitic have an average porosity of 11% and a porosity
sediments or dolostones. What few data are range of 3-30%. If magnesium only and no
available have been published by Lucia (1999) carbonate were added during dolomitization, as
and indicate that Holocene dolomitic sediments is assumed by the mole-for-mole replacement
are very porous (Fig. 5), showing no trend of model, the average dolostone porosity should
increasing or decreasing porosity through be 35% instead of 11% (Fig. 6). The mole-for-
dolomitization. Clearly, porosity is not created mole dolomitization equation therefore does
by dolomitization but inherited from the not explain porosity values. Some carbonate, as
sediment. Lasemi et al. (1989) concluded, on the well as magnesium, must be added to keep the
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Fig. 5. Ternary diagrams of porosity, dolomite and CaCO3 data from the Holocene and Plio-Pleistocene. (a)
Holocene data from Qatar and Bonaire showing no recognizable change in porosity with increasing amounts
of dolomite (Lucia 1999). (b) Plio-Pleistocene data from Bonaire showing no increase in porosity during
calcite replacement and loss of porosity during overdolomitization (Lucia & Major 1994).

Fig. 6. Porosity-frequency plots for dolostone, the precursor limestone and a hypothetical dolostone
calculated from the limestone frequency plot, assuming mole-for-mole replacement (Lucia & Major 1994),
showing that the mole-for-mole model does not explain the dolostone porosity.

porosity from increasing during the replace- 2001) is found in the U n d a well drilled on the
m e n t phase, and calcium, magnesium and Great Bahama Bank at a depth of 270-354 m.
carbonate must be added after the replacement The dolostone has an average porosity of 40%
phase to reduce average porosity to 11%. (Melim et al. 2001), which is equal to the
Dolostone of Miocene age (McNeill et al. average porosity of limestones in the U n d a and
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148 F.J. LUCIA

Fig. 7. Porosity histograms for (a) Neogene limestones from the Unda and Clino wells and (b) Miocene
dolostones from the Unda well, Great Bahama Banks (Melim et al. 2001). Both limestone and dolostone have
40% porosity, showing that dolostone porosity is inherited from limestone.

Clino wells (Fig. 7). Little is understood about (2001). There is no indication of extensive
the origin of the dolomitizing water, except that meteoric diagenesis. The age of dolomitization
it was most probably modified seawater, and and the nature of the dolomitization water are
little is known about the time of dolomitization poorly understood, although geochemical data
(Swart & Melim 2000). There is no evidence suggest modified marine water (Cantrell et aL
that these carbonates were ever subjected to 2001). A plot of dolomite as a per cent o f b u l k
extensive meteoric diagenesis. The originally v o l u m e (BV) v. porosity shows that porosity
high porosity of about 70% in the wackestones tends to decrease as per cent BV dolomite
was therefore reduced to the present value of increases (Fig. 8). At about 80% BV dolomite,
40% by simple burial c e m e n t a t i o n and porosity increases to a point similar to that of
compaction, whereas the grain-dominated the porosity of the limestone. From this point
fabrics retained their depositional porosity of on, the samples are all dolostone, except for a
40%. It is likely that dolomitization occurred few anomalous calcitic dolostones, and the
after the wackestones were compacted to 40% porosity of the dolostone decreases. This
porosity. The high porosity in muddy sediments relationship is similar to one described by
is lost in the first 100 m of burial, according to Powers (1962). The decrease in porosity from 0
Goldhammer (1997), indicating that dolomiti- to 80% BV dolomite is attributed to an increase
zation occurred after 100 m of burial. The simi- in mud-dominated fabrics and a corresponding
larity between limestone and dolostone porosity increase in compaction. The compaction is
values suggests that: (1) dolostone porosity was thought to occur much later than dolomitiza-
not created through the process of dolomitiza- tion, and the porosity of the precursor limestone
tion but was simply inherited from the precur- and dolomitic-limestone fabrics is suggested to
sor limestone: and (2) no carbonate was added be between 30 and 40%. Carbonates with more
after the replacement phase of dolomitization. than 80% BV dolomite resisted compaction
Unfortunately, no limestone-dolostone pairs because the dolomite forms a supporting frame-
are available from Cretaceous reservoirs. A work. The grain-dominated fabrics also resisted
search of the literature indicates that there are compaction. The similarity between the
but a few Cretaceous dolostone reservoirs. Data porosity of grain-dominated limestones and
from the Arab D reservoir in the Ghawar Field, dolostones suggests that dolostone porosity is
Saudi Arabia, of Jurassic age provide insight inherited from the precursor limestone. The loss
into the porosity history of interbedded lime- of porosity in the dolostone is attributed to vari-
stones and dolostones. Rock fabrics from the ations in the porosity of the precursor and to the
Arab D reservoir were originally described by addition of carbonate after the replacement
Powers (1962) and more recently by Lucia et al. phase (overdolomitization).
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Fig. 8. A plot of porosity v. bulk-volume dolomite (dolomite as a per cent of mineral volume plus porosity) for
various fabrics, showing that average porosity decreases with increasing dolomite until little or no calcite
remains. This loss of porosity is attributed to differential compaction related to the increase in mud-dominated
fabrics, which are most susceptible to compaction. Dolostone porosities can be as high as limestone porosity
but decrease as dolomite cement is added (overdolomitization).

The data from H o l o c e n e and Tertiary lime-

Porosity stone-dolostone pairs demonstrate that young
100% dolostones inherit porosity from precursor lime-
stones (Fig. 9). The Miocene example has less
porosity than the Holocene example reflecting
d o l o m i t i z a t i o n after shallow burial. The
Holocene /
, ......... , \ / \ /L\ Bonaire example demonstrates that if the lime-
stone has u n d e r g o n e extensive meteoric dia-
Plio-Pleistocene )z._.._..~\ /
(Lucia and Major 1994) /
~ -- ~'
genesis, with accompanying porosity loss,
~ / ~ - - / \ .~,//~( Mebiiamnet
a I) porosity in the dolostone reflects this loss. In
addition, dolomite cementation continues after
Jurassic~ ~ / ~ / "~ r e p l a c e m e n t dolomitization. The Jurassic
example illustrates the effect of burial diagene-
sis and overdolomitization on porosity values.
The dolostones resist compaction and preserve
porosity. However, the addition of pore-filling
100% 100% d o l o m i t e after r e p l a c e m e n t reduces porosity
CaCO3 Dolomite below the porosity of the precursor limestone.
The m u d - d o m i n a t e d limestones, and to some
Fig. 9. Ternary diagram of porosity, CaCO3, and d e g r e e g r a i n - d o m i n a t e d limestones, lose
dolomite from the Holocene, Plio-Pleistocene, porosity through compaction. Porosity reduc-
Miocene and Jurassic. There is little difference tion with increasing dolomite is therefore not
between limestone and dolostone porosity in the related to the dolomitization process but to the
Holocene and Miocene. The decrease in porosity
with increasing dolomite in the Jurassic is attributed susceptibility of m u d d y sediments to com-
to differential compaction of limestone v. dolostone. paction.
Both Plio-Pleistocene and Jurassic data show loss of A recent defence of the mole-for-mole m o d e l
porosity in the dolostone through was offered by Wilson et al. (1990) and
overdolomitization. Zempolich & Hardie (1997). In both papers the
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150 F.J. LUCIA

precursor limestone is assumed to be dense, but relationship to crystal size (Lucia 1995b). The
no porosity values are reported for the current pore space and porosity are inherited from the
limestone and no discussion of the diagenetic precursor limestone, not created through
history of the limestone is presented. Wilson dolomitization. Similarly, the pore-size distri-
et al. (1990) referred to 'porous dolomite' but bution in grain-dominated dolopackstones is
offered no porosity measurements to substanti- controlled by the grain size and sorting of the
ate or quantify this observation. Zempolich & precursor limestone, and the pore space and
Hardie (1997) presented a well-documented porosity are inherited from the precursor lime-
history of porosity evolution observed at lime- stone.
stone-dolomite contacts. Visible porosity in thin In m u d - d o m i n a t e d dolostones, however,
section and polished slabs was determined to be crystal size pays a dominant role in pore-size
10-15% using point-counting methods. Micro- distribution (Fig. 10). As the dolomite crystal
pores are not visible in thin sections of slabs, so size increases, the pore size also increases. In
point-count porosity values are typically under- this case, the porosity of the dolostone is inher-
stated. The large crystal and grain sizes of these ited from the precursor limestone, but the pore
fabrics suggest, however, that the visible space is newly created. If a wackestone is
porosity values are close to total porosity. The converted to dolostone with a fine (less that
age of the pore space relative to dolomitization 20 ~m) crystal size, the dolostone will have pore
is not clear. Most of the pores are oomolds that sizes similar to those of the precursor limestone
can be reasonably assumed to have formed because lime mud is commonly composed of
early in the diagenetic history of the limestone crystals and grains that are less than 20 ~m in
and before dolomitization. It is nevertheless size. However, if the dolomite crystals are larger
argued that oomolds are found only in associ- than 20 ~m, the pore size will be larger than that
ation with the dolomitization front. Also, the of the precursor limestone, and permeability
limestone is a deep-water oolite shed off a will be higher and water saturation lower for
shallow-water platform, minimizing the likeli- equivalent conditions. Assuming that inter-
hood of oomolds being formed by meteoric particle porosity is constant, permeability of
dissolution. In addition, oomolds are commonly mud-dominated dolostones is a direct function
produced by dissolution of unstable aragonite, of dolomite crystal size, and permeability
and aragonite is uncommon in the greenhouse increases by about a factor of 10 as crystal size
environment of the Triassic. Interestingly, both increases from fine to medium to large (Fig. 10).
these papers focus on diffusion of magnesium Figure 11 illustrates the process of converting
for dolomitizing the dense limestone, as did a wackestone with micropores to a medium
Miller & Folk (1994). This is a very different crystalline dolowackestone with large intercrys-
dolomitization model from the fluid-flow model tal pores. As dolomite is formed, it replaces not
envisioned in this paper and could result in no only the lime mud particles but also pore space
additional carbonate being available during between them. The adjacent lime mud is
dolomitization. dissolved to supply most of the carbonate
needed to fill this pore space. A small amount
of carbonate comes from the dolomitizing water
Petrophysical properties as well, keeping the porosity constant. As
If dolostone simply inherits porosity from the dolomitization progresses, the crystals impinge
precursor limestone, and may actually reduce on one another, and intercrystal pore space is
porosity through overdolomitization, why are created. The size of this pore space is controlled
dolostones often better reservoirs than lime- by the size of the dolomite crystals and is larger
stones? One reason is that dolostones are less than the micropores. When all or most of the
susceptible to compaction than limestones, lime mud has been dissolved, carbonate must be
maintaining their porosity more effectively. supplied to the growing rhombs by dissolution
Another reason is the change in pore structure of the large allochems, resulting in the
that occurs during dolomitization. Permeability formation of grain moulds, a type of separate
and water saturation are two important petro- vug (Lucia 1995b, 1999). Porosity is not
physical parameters that describe a carbonate increased by this process because the dissolved
reservoir. They are controlled fundamentally by carbonate is reprecipitated locally on the
pore-size distribution, and pore-size distribution growing dolomite crystals, along with a small
has been shown to be controlled by particle size amount of carbonate from the water. At this
and sorting (Lucia 1995b). The pore-size distri- stage, the wackestone and dolowackestone have
bution in a dolograinstone is similar to that in the same porosity but different pore space; the
the precursor limestone and typically has little pore space in the dolowackestone was created
Downloaded from at Carleton University Library on June 18, 2015



[] Xl size <20 pm Class 1

9 XI size 20-1 00 lam ~ 4- 4-+/,,"
4 Xl size >100 tam / -r_t/ T. /

4- / 4- 4-4- ~- ~ / Class 2

4- / 4-
, ~4-
4- 9
v ~ 4-44_4- ,-t- , ~ : - I v '" //u Class 3
. m


10 -h
13_ 4- -t-/ 7- ~. / 9 / 9 ,,u[] L_~ /"

-t- /4- 4- .. oo~ [] []

4- / 4/- 9 4- 9 q - o
~ /"-o 9 ~ /v'eoo
~~ "_ ~176
-s ~ []
1_ ~0.,'_o-o- [] / " Do

4- -I-
-h~- o+
0.1- / 9 i i I
6 8 0 30
Interparticle porosity (%)

Fig. 10. Cross-plot of interparticle porosity (intercrystal porosity) and permeability showing the effect of
crystal size in mud-dominated dolostones (Lucia 1995b). Petrophysical classes 1, 2 and 3 are shown for
comparison purposes.

through dolomitization. After all the limestone the class 3 field. The effect of dolomitization on
has been dissolved, the d o l o m i t e crystals petrophysical properties is to increase the petro-
continue to grow using magnesium, calcium and physical characteristics of m u d - d o m i n a t e d
carbonate from the dolomitizing water until the fabrics from class 3 to classes 2 and 1. In a dolo-
water reaches equilibrium. This overdolomi- stone reservoir the mud-dominated fabrics are
tization can reduce porosity to 5 % or less. With therefore commonly excellent reservoir rocks,
burial, the partially dolomitized wackestones along with grain-dominated dolostones,
lose porosity by compaction, whereas the dolo- whereas in a limestone reservoir only grain-
stones resist compaction and retain their dominated fabrics have excellent reservoir
porosity. quality.
Figure 12 is a cross-plot of interparticle
porosity and permeability for all dolostones.
Large crystalline dolostones with any precursor
fabric, as well as dolograinstones, plot in the The data presented here suggest the following
petrophysical class 1 field (see Lucia 1995b). model for porosity development in dolostones
Medium crystalline, mud-dominated dolostones in a passive-margin environment. Assuming
and grain-dominated dolopackstones plot in the that dolomitization occurred within the first
petrophysical class 2 field, and fine crystalline, 40 Ma after deposition, it can be reasonably
mud-dominated dolostones plot in the petro- assumed that the limestone porosity was in the
physical class 3 field. According to Lucia 30-40% range. During the replacement phase,
(1995b), grainstone fabrics plot in the class 1 the dolostone will inherit this porosity and any
field, grain-dominated packstones plot in the change in molar volume will be offset by the
class 2 field and mud-dominated fabrics plot in precipitation of pore-filling dolomite using
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152 F.J. LUCIA

0 0 0

,Z::l ' - - 9 0

~.~ ~

~ ~.~

~ .~-~


' ~ o ~

9 9

9~ - s ~ 2 ~-~

9-" o-a~ ~'a

~ o o t ~ ~'o-a

N 2 u ~
Downloaded from at Carleton University Library on June 18, 2015


Fig. 12. Cross-plot of interparticle porosity (intercrystal and intergrain porosity) and permeability comparing
distribution of the five basic dolostone rock fabrics with the petrophysical class fields. Dolograinstone and
large crystalline (Lxl) dolostone plot in the class I field, grain-dominated dolopackstone and medium
crystalline mud-dominated dolostone (Mxl mdf) plot in the class 2 field, and fine crystalline mud-dominated
dolostone (Fxl mdf) plot in the class 3 field (Lucia 1995b).

carbonate t r a n s p o r t e d in the dolomitizing stones. The limestone will lose porosity prefer-
water. After the replacement phase, dolomite entially with burial owing to compaction, result-
continues to precipitate in the pore space and ing eventually in porous dolostones and dense
overdolomitization occurs reducing porosity to limestones. This process, however, will take
as low as 5%. h u n d r e d s of millions of years in a passive-
The dolomitization model must account for margin setting.
the addition of magnesium as well as carbonate This model is based on an open-circulation
during the replacement and the overdolomi- system in which flowing dolomitizing water
tization phase. brings in magnesium, calcium and carbonate
Replacement phase (Morrow 1990) hydrodynamically. In a diffusion-dominant
dolomitization model, it is possible that only
(2 - x)CaCO3 + Mg 2+ + xCO32- = magnesium and calcium are transported in and
CaMg(CO3)2 + (1 - x)Ca 2+ (2) out of the limestone along the dolomitization
front and that carbonate is not available to form
where x = moles of carbonate added from the additional dolomite to c o m p e n s a t e for the
dolomitizing fluid. molar volume changes. As long as there is fluid
Pore-filling phase (overdolomitization) flow, however, the availability of carbonate
from the water to add dolomite to offset the
Ca 2+ + Mg 2+ + 2CO3 = CaMg(CO3)2. (3) volume change must be considered.
Dolostones commonly make excellent reser-
Limestone porosity is lost to compaction and voirs because they retain porosity and because
cementation very gradually over tens of millions m u d - d o m i n a t e d dolostones can have larger
of years, with mud-dominated fabrics losing pore sizes than m u d - d o m i n a t e d limestones.
porosity faster than grain-dominated fabrics. Grain-dominated dolostones tend to have the
Dolostones resist compaction more than lime- same pore structure as the precursor limestone.
stones, although initially dolostones will have Dolomitized mud-dominated fabrics, however,
the same or less porosity than adjacent lime- can have significantly larger pores than the
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154 F.J. LUCIA

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