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Form 2 Business studies


1. Explain the meaning of each of the following trends in business ownership. (4 Marks)
(a) Holding company……………………………
(b) Amalgamation…………………………………
(c) Absorption………………………………………
(d) Cartel……………………………………………
2. Jane decided to take an insurance cover for her car against theft from Sarufi Insurance Ltd. It was valued at
Ksh.600,0000 and she was required to make month y payments of Ksh. 6,000. Identify the appropriate
insurance term for: (4 Marks)
(a) Ksh. 600,000………………………………….
(b) Jane……………………………………………
(c) Sarufi Insurance Ltd………………………….
(d) Theft………………………………………….
3. Outline four benefits of a partnership. (4 Marks)
4. Highlight four factors that may be considered when choosing a means for transporting cash. (4 Marks)
5. State four ways in which the government may be involved in business. (4 Marks)
6. List four sources of capital that may be available to a sole proprietorship. (4 Marks)
7. Outline four circumstances under which a trader would prefer to transport goods by air. (4 Marks)
8. Highlight four reasons for government involvement in business. (4 Marks)
9. Apart from trains and motor vehicles, state four other means of transporting goods and people on land. (4
10. Outline four features of co-operatives societies.(4 Marks)
11. Highlight four functions of Department of External Trade in the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Co-
operatives. (4 Marks)
12. Outline four roles played by the Nairobi Securities Exchange in the Kenyan economy. (4 Marks)
13. Outline four factors that would make two people taking the same type of life assurance policy with the same
insurer to pay different amount of premium. (4 Marks)
14. State the line of communication involved in each of the following: (4 Marks)
a) The manager of ABC Company Ltd talking to manager of XYZ Company
b) A secretary asking for time off from her boss………
c) The Production Manager giving instruction to the Secretary of Sales Manager…………………………

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Form 2 Business studies
d) The Store Keeper giving explanations to the Chief Accountant………………………………………..
15. State three circumstances under which firms would form a cartel. (3 Marks)
16. State four categories in which the various types of business partners may be classified. (4 Marks)
17. Highlightfour ways in which the government creates an enabling environment for the conduct of business in
the country. (4 Marks)
18. Outline four roles of transport in the facilitation of trade. (4 Marks)
19. State four functions of commercial attachẻs. (4 Marks)
20. Outline four benefits that may be realized when two firms form a merger. (4 Marks)

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