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The postcrisis world demands

a much more flexible
approach to global strategy
Finding Your Strategy
and organization. in the New Landscape

yo by Pankaj Ghemawat


Included with this full-text Harvard Business Review article:


1 Article Summary
Idea in Brief—the core idea

2 Finding Your Strategy in the New Landscape


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infringement of copyright. or 617.783.7860.

Finding Your Strategy in the New Landscape

Idea in Brief

In the aftermath of the 2008 crash demand
will remain weak for several years, with
governments taking a more active, possibly
protectionist role. Many companies will
need to try harder to adapt to local norms.
Firms also must be more discriminating
about investments and pay more attention

to emerging-market competitors and to re-
building their own reputations.

The large developing economies still rep-

resent the best market opportunities, but
companies will need to expand into under-
served segments in richer countries. This
will mean offering more-customized prod-
ucts at lower prices. Emerging economies
will also play a bigger role in both process
and product innovation.

The organizational power of the local

country unit will grow, and firms will trans-
fer more key functions away from the home

base. At the same time they will have to

cultivate a more diverse talent pool to re-
flect the new organizational reality. Manag-
ing a more diverse workforce will require a

strong corporate identity and investments

in communication technologies.

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The postcrisis world demands a much more flexible approach to global

strategy and organization.


Finding Your Strategy

in the New Landscape

by Pankaj Ghemawat

The 2008 crash hit cross-border business hard. largest companies, you’ll find that the percent-
The value of international trade was projected age of firms in developed economies that em-
to decline by as much as 9% in 2009. Foreign phasized international or global business in

direct investment has plunged even more: their letters to shareholders declined from 51%
After dropping 15% in 2008, it fell by more in 2006 to 31% in 2008. (In contrast, the per-
than 40% in 2009. Though we may have centage increased among the few companies
reached the bottom, the prospects for the me- from emerging economies in the group.) And

dium term don’t look promising. For much of use of the words “global” and “globalization,”
the next decade, we can reasonably expect to while up significantly, was mostly in references
see weak global growth, pressures from over- to the economic slowdown and its impact on
capacity, persistently high unemployment, company performance.
volatility in the financial markets, costlier cap- Becoming homebodies, however, may be a
ital, a greatly expanded role for governments, bad idea for firms based in the developed
a much larger burden of regulation and taxa- world. Early data for 2009 indicate that China
tion for all, and maybe even increased protec- accounted for 66% of global growth in GDP
tionism. If we experience a second crash, as (excluding countries with negative growth)

some experts worry, these conditions could all and India for 11%. Indonesia accounted for the
worsen. third-largest portion, 4%. Though 2009 was an
It goes without saying that global firms must abnormal year—developed economies will
factor these developments into their strategies snap back—the economic clout of big emerg-
in the new decade. For some, the response will ing markets, particularly China and India, is
be to retrench and focus on home markets. likely to increase over the next few decades,
This already seems to be happening: If you not just the next few years. According to recent
look at the annual reports of the world’s 100 World Bank projections, by 2050 China and

harvard business review • march 2010 page 2

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Finding Your Strategy in the New Landscape •• •S POTLIGHT

India will together account for nearly 50% of play that involved relatively little risk. The idea

global GDP—about the same as the G7’s cur- was to invest abroad and, if that didn’t work
rent share, which is expected to decline to 25%. out, resell at a capital gain. That may be why,
(These GDP figures are all nominal and not ad- according to a survey of HBR readers, 88% of
justed for purchasing power parity.) And since managers in precrisis days thought of global
per capita incomes in China and India are pro- strategy as an imperative, almost an article of
jected to be only one-half to one-third the size faith, rather than as a set of options to be care-

of those in advanced economies, there’s room fully evaluated.
for even higher growth rates in these markets Now that the bubble has burst, many firms
after 2050. The same holds true in many other are being reminded that a significant portion
emerging markets as well. of their global operations subtract, rather than
That said, managers cannot afford to ignore add, economic value. This isn’t just a result of
the risks of pursuing a global strategy in the un- the crisis; it was true in the years leading up to
certain years ahead. To successfully negotiate the downturn. Of course, some global invest-
the rockier path before them, they must ments will pay off in the long run. Neverthe-

change their strategic approach in several di- less, in a postbubble world, where the cost and
mensions. My purpose in these pages is to sug- even the availability of capital are issues, firms
gest what direction they might take across this will need to be more ruthless about terminat-
new, more rugged terrain. I’ll look first at how ing long-standing loss makers—and more se-
the crisis affects a company’s basic strategic en- lective in pursuing new opportunities. Some of
vironment and then explore how that trans- this selectivity can be imposed by raising hur-
lates into changes in product and market focus, dle rates and tightening assumptions around
organizational and supply chain structures, tal- terminal values. Some firms are also trying out
ent management choices, and, of increasing im- other approaches, such as allocating resources
portance, the management of corporate repu- according to their articulated strategic priori-
tation and identity. In other words, I’ll take you ties. A number of large companies have turned
through the hub and spokes of a typical strat- on the investment spigots in China and, to a
egy wheel, outlining the steps that firms should lesser extent, India—and for other platforms
consider taking with each. (See the exhibit for growth—while tightening the financial

“New Strategy Directions.”) taps elsewhere. Other companies have re-

sponded to resource constraints by offshoring,
Strategy and Competition outsourcing, and forging strategic alliances
Most companies’ global strategies have been (which seem to be on an upsurge).
based on a vision of a world that’s steadily, even Many companies from the developed world
rapidly, becoming more integrated, where the also need to widen their competitive focus.
key challenge is keeping up with that integra- Last year, in the space of two weeks, I spoke
tion. But given what we’ve witnessed in the with the two market leaders in a particular

past two years, it makes more sense to adopt a product category about globalization. It was
vision in which national differences remain clear that the two companies were mostly fo-
pronounced (and may become even more so), cused on each other. I tried to point out that if
and managing those differences is the primary they considered China to be their major area
challenge. Companies whose strategies cur- for growth, it behooved them to pay at least as
rently emphasize smoothing differences and much attention to local Chinese competitors as
achieving economies of scale across national they did to each other, especially since their
boundaries may need to shift toward adapting sector was not R&D- or advertising-intensive
to local conditions. Companies whose strategies (the two clear markers of multinational advan-

Pankaj Ghemawat (pghemawat@ emphasize arbitrage—taking advantage of dif- tage). As the economies of China and other de- is the Rubiralta Professor of ferences—may need to make the same shift; veloping nations surge, they will produce for-
Global Strategy at IESE Business School now is not the time to be perceived as an ex- midable homegrown rivals, of ever larger size
in Barcelona. He is the author of Rede- ploitative foreigner. and reach—an issue that Thomas Hout and I
fining Global Strategy: Crossing Borders Resource allocation processes will have to reviewed in “Tomorrow’s Global Giants? Not
in a World Where Differences Still Matter change, too. During the years of rising asset the Usual Suspects” (HBR November 2008).
(Harvard Business Press, 2007). His prices, many companies came to think of glo- Let’s turn now to how these strategic shifts
website is bal strategy as one long asset-accumulation play out in the functional components of a

harvard business review • march 2010 page 3

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Finding Your Strategy in the New Landscape •• •S POTLIGHT

multinational’s strategy. ways to target underserved segments. Wal-

Mart, for example, has begun a major push
Markets and Products into U.S. urban markets. The top 15 metropoli-
When it comes to customers and product tan areas represent more than a third of the
choices, three main changes are likely. total U.S. market, but Wal-Mart’s share in them
First, multinationals from advanced econo- is only 4%, compared with 10% in the United
mies will have to rethink their customer target- States overall. The company’s new urban strat-

ing. In large emerging markets they have tradi- egy involves smaller store formats and more at-
tionally focused on the urban elite, who can tention to mobilizing local political support.
buy premium products in upscale retail out- Second, most markets will experience pres-
lets. Going forward, companies will need to sures on pricing. Economic weakness and extra
penetrate more geographies, channels, and in- capacity, and possibly a shift in the zeitgeist
come levels. Within China, many successful from excess to frugality, have already pushed
multinationals have already developed strate- prices downward. Expansion into poorer mar-
gies at the provincial level and are now work- kets at home and abroad will intensify this

ing at the level of clusters of cities and rolling trend. This will require companies to do some
inland from the coast. India is seeing a similar repositioning—even in the luxury products
pattern. sector in booming markets such as China. Ac-
At home, multinationals should also look for cording to Forbes, Tiffany has faltered in China
because its stores are small and offer only a
limited range of high-end products. Louis Vuit-
ton and Gucci, in contrast, have prospered
New Strategy Directions with larger stores that offer many items at
Companies need to rethink their strategies in response to the changed economic price points of several hundred dollars, which
landscape. This wheel describes the adjustments they should consider for each com- appeal to the luxury “entrants” and to gift buy-
ponent of strategy. ers, who account for a large portion of luxury
purchases in China.
Finally, multinationals will have to develop
products and services that are fundamentally

different from what they’re used to selling, as

well as regional varieties of offerings, as local
differences in, for instance, taste, price sensitiv-
AND INNOVATION ity, and infrastructures for service and delivery
become more important. This is obviously a
STRATEGY AND challenge: If it’s hard for a company to recog-
nize that what worked in New York isn’t work-
ing in Mumbai, it will be even harder for it to

REPUTATION recognize that what worked in Mumbai may
not work in Nagpur. But the savvier players
ORGANIZATION are already trying this approach. Nokia’s 1,000-
AND PEOPLE plus-employee R&D force in India has engaged
in extensive product adaptation, some of it fo-
cused on rural and other lower-income mar-
kets. The results include a basic mobile phone
that doubles as a flashlight for use during
power outages and a phone designed to be

Adapt to local Focus on Rethink the scope Re-create country Build a strong
differences underserved of offshoring manager functions corporate identity
segments Operations and Innovation
Invest more everywhere Simplify supply chains Relocate key functions Emphasize On the supply side, several interrelated shifts
selectively corporate
Recognize price Import process Develop a globally citizenship are taking place. The pressing need to reduce
Watch for pressures innovations from representative
emerging-market emerging economies talent pool Restore the global trade imbalances from record and
competition Cultivate requisite reputation of
variety Move R&D to where Exploit business in clearly unsustainable levels, the rise of protec-
the researchers and communication general
the market growth are technologies tionism, and concerns about the environment

harvard business review • march 2010 page 4

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Finding Your Strategy in the New Landscape •• •S POTLIGHT

are undermining the traditional “Chimerica” that labor-intensive plants can be more flexible

model, in which the United States imports than, yet just as reliable as, more-automated
large volumes of goods from China. Before the plants. It also turns out that the gain in flexibil-
crisis, companies became accustomed to off- ity can more than compensate for the higher
shoring, but they should at least take a second wage bill. The flow of knowledge and innova-
look at the practice now. It’s noteworthy that tion in operations has begun to reverse, with
the U.S. global giants that were financially plants in places like Mexico becoming models

healthy and confident enough to make major for plants in the United States.
operations investments recently have stressed A reversal is happening in product innova-
that they made those investments at home. In- tion, too. It’s clear from labor projections that
tel, for example, has talked up its new U.S. technical manpower is growing rapidly in
semiconductor plants, and GE its new U.S. emerging markets and that multinationals will
wind turbine facilities. Of course, these are have to shift the locus of R&D there. The pro-
just two particularly vivid examples; both jections forecast a shortfall in the global supply
companies continue to invest substantially if of many categories of engineers and other

quietly overseas. But that holds its own lesson: technical personnel, in a field already domi-
When offshoring does make sense, managing nated by graduates of universities and techni-
the discourse around it is more important cal schools in India and China. Consequently,
than ever. large high-tech firms with interests in emerg-
Unless protectionism spikes, significant off- ing markets are starting to think hard about
shoring will most likely continue. But supply basing their R&D efforts in those countries. In-
chains will need to become shorter, simpler, tel, in fact, has already designed one chip al-
and more robust, which means they’ll require most entirely in India: the Xeon 7400 proces-
In a postbubble world, major reconfiguration. In the recent past the sor, which it rolled out in 2008.
division of tasks across countries became ever
firms must be more finer and more complex; the manufacture of Organization and People
some garments, for instance, might have in- As operational norms and patterns in learning
ruthless about volved as many as 40 processing steps in a and innovation begin to reflect the new oppor-
terminating loss makers. dozen countries. Now increased concerns tunities and constraints, so too will norms

about the environment and sensitivity to en- around organizational structure and talent.
ergy prices, not to mention the possibility of Before the crash, many companies were
protectionism, appear to be reversing that moving toward globally integrated structures.
trend. A 2009 survey of logistics providers re- But the notion that we live in a world where
vealed that nearly one-quarter of North Amer- the constituent parts of enterprises can and
ican and European clients had taken steps to should be bound ever more tightly together
shorten their supply chains during the previ- has been challenged by contagion, economic
ous year. In the airline industry, international volatility, and changing political sentiments.

carriers continue to debate the sustainability of We may therefore see some organizational
flying empty aircraft to developing countries in power flow back to country managers as com-
Asia and Central America, where costs are panies tone down their attempts to eliminate
lower, for routine maintenance. or exploit cross-border differences and instead
Perspectives on skills and process innova- look to adapt to local conditions.
tions are also changing. Traditionally, compa- But in view of the other new priorities on
nies tended to transfer older, less-automated the agenda—bringing lower-end products to
technology to plants in less-developed coun- market sooner; dealing with local rivals more
tries. Those plants didn’t contribute to techno- aggressively; taking out costs in design and

logical advances. But recent reports on manu- manufacturing; and expanding faster into new
facturing firms—for instance, the global segments and territories—more changes are
components survey sponsored by the Alfred P. called for. Because local knowledge has be-
Sloan Foundation—reveal that many Western come critical and the need to shorten learning
multinationals have actually started to import and action cycles more urgent, companies
some of their less-automated processes back must go beyond simply setting up local opera-
into plants in high-wage regions. Their experi- tions and start building deep local connections.
ence in low-wage countries has shown them A number of companies have begun moving

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Finding Your Strategy in the New Landscape •• •S POTLIGHT

some key functions out of headquarters. IBM’s hensible presentation in English but harder to

global procurement office, for instance, is now get people listening to it to invest in compre-
located in Shenzhen, China. Cisco set up Cisco hension. Research shows, for example, that
East as a second headquarters in Bangalore. people very quickly tune out when they have
Perhaps the most dramatic example is pro- trouble understanding an accent. Companies
vided by the GM reorganization. The com- could do far more to take advantage of modern
pany’s Mexican and Canadian operations will communications to close not only geographic

continue reporting to the person overseeing but also cultural and demographic distances.
the United States, but operations pretty much
everywhere else apart from Europe will now Identity and Reputation
report to the head of China, which last year Establishing a strong one-firm identity will be
overtook the United States as the automaker’s key to managing long-distance interactions in
largest market in terms of number of vehicles the days ahead. Firms that have clear and well-
supplied. This is a basic realignment of the understood values and communication norms
power structure within a hitherto U.S.-centric but also respect diversity are likely to deal bet-

GM: The China operation is now regarded by ter with cultural and national differences in
many as the more interesting part of the com- developing, communicating, and executing
pany. Looking forward, people are talking of strategies. Strong global leadership-develop-
more multinationals with dual headquarters, ment programs can also help—although in
one in the West and one in Asia (most likely the present environment these seem to be
China). subject to the same kinds of cuts as, say, golf
Such organizational power shifts will de- tournament sponsorships. The general point
mand fundamental changes in the diversity of is that firms will need to invest in organiza-
In a recent survey by management ranks. The profile of most large tional glue if they are to remain more than the
U.S. corporations still reflects past patterns of sum of their parts.
Pew Research, only 21% operations, rather than intended future pat- The identity challenge posed in the new en-
terns. Their management is still dominated by vironment is not only internal. With govern-
of respondents thought Americans, and few have really come to terms ment taking on an expanded role as investor,
business executives with diversity. A Boston Consulting Group customer, regulator, and tax collector, corpo-

study of large multinationals and their aspira- rate diplomacy is becoming a more important
contributed a lot to tions in 16 rapidly developing economies con- component of strategy in the postcrisis world.
society. ducted before the crisis found a gross mis- In such an environment, the insistence that
match between the amount of growth targeted the marketplace should completely dictate
in these geographies (about 33% then, and outcomes is unlikely to win friends and influ-
probably more now) and the percentage of top ence people. CEOs and other executives will
personnel from or located in them (less than need to spend more time managing govern-
10% then and probably now as well). Clearly, ment relationships.

this is not sustainable. Beyond simply dealing with the govern-

Finally, we have to become much smarter ment, however, companies need to come to
about the way we manage interactions among grips with the fact that the general reputation
diverse, far-flung employees. Although compa- of business is at an all-time low. In a recent sur-
nies have globalized their footprints, their vey conducted in the United States, the Pew
managers still communicate across geogra- Research Center asked the public how much
phies mostly by traveling to and fro, holding people in 10 occupations contributed to the
conference calls, and, to a lesser extent, e-mail. well-being of society. Business executives were
Companies rarely exploit the new collaborative ranked at the very bottom of the group. Only

tools of the web, such as chat rooms and on- 21% of respondents thought they contributed a
line bulletin boards, to build a stronger sense lot, while 23% thought lawyers, the second-
of community. least-favored occupation, did. (The military
The challenges of cross-border communica- and teaching professions ranked the highest;
tion can be quite subtle. Language barriers, for with scores of 84% and 77%, respectively.)
example, are less of a problem for those provid- Though attitudes look a little bit more posi-
ing information than for those receiving it; it’s tive in emerging markets, the standing of capi-
easy for a Chinese manager to make a compre- talism and private business enterprise is being

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Finding Your Strategy in the New Landscape •• •S POTLIGHT

challenged in fundamental ways. Any com- ago. A second important message is that multi-

pany that wants to thrive in this environment nationals must increase diversity in their ranks
has to reassess its efforts to bolster its reputa- but, at the same time, build cohesive corporate
tion in particular and the reputation of busi- cultures and tighten their talent management
ness in general. Because it’s not going to be practices. That creates a tension, of course.
business as usual! Nevertheless, developed-world companies
Rebuilding the reputation of business may have to become more cosmopolitan in their

also help with the broader challenge of protec- worldview and more discriminating in their in-
tionism. Since studies show that protectionism vestment choices. They still have time—but
flourishes when trust in economic institutions not much—to make that adjustment and to ex-
is low, the restoration of trust in business may ploit what remain strong advantages in many
help contain it. sectors.
That concludes our whirl around the strat-
egy wheel. If there is one overarching message Reprint R1003B
to take away from the trip, it’s that for the typi- To order, see the next page

cal multinational the postcrisis world requires or call 800-988-0886 or 617-783-7500
a somewhat looser approach to strategy and or go to
organization than was popular just a few years

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