2023 Badelon Paul English IIIQuesting Through The Canterbury Tales

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Questing through The Canterbury Tales

Part One: (no changes made after feedback)

Who is the author of The Canterbury Tales? List five (5) bulleted facts about this author’s life
(biographical information).
-The author of The Canterbury Tales is Geoffrey Chaucer.
- He was born in around 1342 – 1343
-Between 1370 and 1378 he was sent on seven missions to Flanders, France and Italy
-He was also one of King Edward’s closest friends
-Chaucer's wife, Philippa, was a member of the Queens household.
-He served the English army.
Why did people of the Middle Ages go on pilgrimages and where were the pilgrims of The
Canterbury Tales going?
People in the Middle Ages went on pilgrimages to pray and sought a solution to their
What is the significance or importance of Canterbury? For example, what happened there?
Canterbury is significant to all pilgrims since it’s an important site after the death of Thomas
Becket. I also went there 2 weeks ago and learned that Henry VII destroyed his memorial

Part 2 (Made some editing after feedback and put my answers into a single paragraph as well as
adding more details)

I have picked Glastonbury Tor and Stonehenge; this pilgrimage is significant because it has
been the site for many ceremonies and rituals of diverse spiritual groups throughout history.
Stonehenge interests me because of how little we know about it, I find it astonishing that
people back in 2600 BCE built it or maybe not… If they did, all the stones that make up the
pilgrimage weigh tonnes, so I always ask myself how they managed to construct this magical
place. The feeling you get when you visit the pilgrimage is another reason why I chose to
write about it. I vividly remember the feeling I got when I set foot on the site, I pictured
supernatural characters roaming the area such as the ones from Norse mythology.
Part 3 ( Made some editing after feedback)

What is a frame story?

A frame story is a story within another story. For example, if a character in a novel tells a
story, the story she is telling is a frame story.
How is The Canterbury Tales an example of a frame story?
The Canterbury tales is a perfect example of a frame story since it contains 24 tales/stories.
You could also estimate that it’s frame story because the title refers to the tales of

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