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Playing The Heartless

Ruthless, unstoppable, cold, and uncaring. The Heartless

has lost their heart, with all the emotional disconnect
that entails. They are untouchable, invincible, and so, so

The Heartless always has Cold 2, because they are

fearless and without mercy. The different stats slant
them towards either being sexy in their isolation, or a
brooding and creepy figure.

In My Hand makes you impossible to kill unless someone

has your heart, but doesn’t prevent you from Skirting
Death. If you Skirt Death and can’t die, you must pick one
of the other options. Your heart also doesn’t have to be
literal; if you aren’t supernatural, a symbolic
representation will do just as well.

I Only Want To Hurt You allows you to force someone into

their Darkest Self when they come to you for help. This
is a very dangerous and scary move, not just for the
person who you use it on, but also for you. Take care
using it.

The Heartless
It’s better to not care, and you don’t need to anymore. You got rid of your
heart; nothing beats within your chest now, nothing pumps your dense,
heavy blood through your veins. Nothing makes you care so much, like you
used to.
Credits Nobody can hurt you when you’re heartless.
This is a fan Skin for Monsterhearts 2, designed by C.M.Ruebsaat
Check out the game at
Identity Heartless Moves ❍ Icy Cold
When you let someone know you
Name: Laila, Jason, Riviere, Eyes: dead eyes, sadistic eyes, You get In My Hand, and choose one don’t care about them and they
Alliston, Grace, Aur, Karmina, shattered eyes, false eyes, desperate more. keep trying anyway, take a String
Senna, Delane, Felicity, Pearson eyes on them and they mark
● In My Hand experience.
Look: superior, cold, distant, quiet, Origin: lich, clockwork chest, mad Your heart isn’t inside you,
furious. experiment, ice queen, emotionally although it does exist. Anyone ❍ Nerves of Steel
repressed. who holds your heart adds 1 to all When you have to Keep Your Cool
rolls against you. You can only be because of someone else, take 1
killed by whoever holds your Forward to the roll as long as they
Your Backstory Strings heart, although you can always aren’t holding your heart.
Skirt Death. You always know who
Someone has your heart. They holds your heart. ❍ Heartless Words
take 2 Strings on you. When you take advantage of a
❍ I Only Want To Hurt You Condition to Shut Someone Down,
Someone cares what you think. When someone comes to you for add 2 to your roll instead of 1
Take a String on them. help and you reject them, you can
spend all Strings on them to force
them into their Darkest Self.

❍ Perpetual Motion Machine

When someone makes you Skirt
Darkest Self Harm Death, take a String on them and
mark experience. Until you have
Even someone without a heart
has to care about something. You Experience ❍❍❍❍❍ no Strings on them, they deal you
1 less harm.
can’t keep bottling up your
feelings like this. You have to find ❍ Add +1 to one of your stats.
someone who makes you feel ❍ Take another Heartless move.
and get them under your control ❍ Take another Heartless move.
- get your heart back. Escape ❍ Take a move from any Skin.
your Darkest Self when you get ❍ Take a move from any Skin.
rid of whatever you care about ❍ You are followed by Persistent Admiriers
or have a complete breakdown in
front of someone. Conditions

Hot 1 Cold 2 Volatile -1 Dark -1 Sex

When you have sex with someone, ask them if they think
you like them. If they say yes, take a String on them. If
they say anything else, take +1 Forward against them and
Hot -1 Cold 2 Volatile -1 Dark 1 Move take a Condition,.
Sex Move Playing The Heir Your family has strong traditions. You've
heard stories about your aunts and uncles:
After you have sex with someone, tell Scared, conflicted, desperate, violent. some of the stories remind you of you and
them about your secret weakness or a The Heir is about terrible sibling your siblings. You all have these little gifts.
peaceful time you shared with one of rivalry and unreasonable parental
your siblings. They tell you about their expectations. They come freighted Maybe your parents even have a speech
relationship with death. with some heavy issues, and require about it. One's gifts should be used,
a mature outlook to play well - they say. And if one's inheritance isn't
mechanically, it's not a Skin for first- appreciated, it should be seized instead
Darkest Self time players, and nor is it structured
for single-session games.
by someone more able to see the value.
Someone more fit for success in
Treason. You've just this instant
To keep the age differences fresh in the Real World.
put the pieces together, and not a
everyone's minds, always say your
moment too soon. There are those They have an expectation that, by
siblings' ages after their names.
who've feigned kindness to you, and adulthood, you'll be an only child.
When you make your siblings at the
you've even let your guard down a
start, don't go into detail. Just give us Either that or one of your siblings
little - but they didn't count on your
their names and ages, and a glimpse of will be.
survivor's instinct. Quickly, cleverly,
what one or two look like. The rest can
before they can retreat or mount their
be discovered later through play. For
defenses, you must strike them down
your sex move, feel free to make up
unerringly. You escape your Darkest
new stuff about your siblings.
Self when your paranoia is revealed to
be unfounded, or when you push away
When you transfer death to one of
everyone who cares about you.
your siblings using Old Family Friend,

The Heir
the MC chooses which sibling is
taken by death in your stead. See the
Advancement Player Reference Sheet for info about
avoiding death - something you can't
 Take another Heir move. do. Incidentally, you can never gain the
 Take another Heir move.
 Create a new Birthright (MC
Ghoul move Short Rest for the Wicked.
Name Look
It's your choice whether you tell Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
approval) and agree who it's in.
 Take a move from another Skin. the other players about your secret
weakness or not. Either is fine. Austin Saylor-Williams, serious, on edge, tired, dirtpoor,
 Take a move from another Skin.
The Condition like a brother to me isn't Baqar al-Kabir, confident
 You've met your
only for use on boys, and like a sister to Bronwyn Joy "Betsy" Bainbridge,
Extended Family.
me isn't only for use on girls. Cain Adams, spooky eyes, haunted eyes, cold eyes,
 Add 1 to Hot (max 3).
Cézar Barbosa, soft eyes, bags under eyes
 Add 1 to Cold (max 3).
In Or Else, the flashback is a mini-scene Donald Buchanan,
 Add 1 to Volatile (max 3).
between you and that blood sibling, Hiroko Nakahara,
 Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
just long enough for you to tell them Liesa Metzger,
Lucille Robicheau,
what to do in this situation. Or Else Circle one:
can't automatically interrupt other Ocella Caecilius
moves. The phrase "blood siblings" hated, favorite, grew up too fast,
here means "can't be used on PCs." a strong name, a royal name,
born leader, consumer
a warrior's name, a biblical name,
This Skin written by Jackson Tegu for:
Other PCs can't get Birthrights. They're a name proclaiming ownership
Monsterhearts Second Skins yours alone.
Name: Carry Forward Heir Moves Birthrights
You get these two, and choose one more: Begin with none:

 Old Family Friend  Echo in Here

Stats When you take your fourth harm, fall
down dying. You can't avoid death,
When you want a sibling to parrot back
, who's . . . . . .
Add 1 to one of these:
but you can transfer it to one of your something you told them to remember,
Hot -1, Cold -1, Volatile 1, Dark 1 Conditions remaining siblings. Death, be it as a robed
figure or as a shadow in the door, comes
roll with dark. On a 10 up, they say it
verbatim. On a 7-9, as above, but they
for them instead of you. When you wake sound like you when they say it.
into life again, you're fully healed.
  An Inclusive Family
That is, unless your fourth harm is dealt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , who's . . . . . .
by your secret weakness. Choose one: Characters with either the like a sister
(Turn Someone On,  Oxhorn to me or like a brother to me Conditions
Manipulate an NPC)  Applewood
count as your siblings.
 Obsidian
In that case your next remaining sibling
  Brief Candles
inherits your powers, and you just die.
, who's . . . . . .
When you kill someone, mark
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady)  Inheritance of the Eldest experience.
When someone with one of your
Birthrights dies, whether by your hand
or not, fill in that Birthright's circle.
 Pluralize

........................... , who's . . . . . .
Their gift is bestowed on you, and
you've unlocked that power. If a Condition that you're handing out
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) could apply to two people present, give
Harm  Family Portrait it to both of them.
When you remind your siblings that
  Pull The Strings
you're in charge, choose:
Dark Experience Points:
SS gain a String on one of those siblings, ...........................
Siblings that you specify move their
, who's . . . . . .
(Gaze Into The Abyss) SS carry 1 forward to confronting
non-siblings. bodies exactly as you move yours until
>> advance you let them stop.
 Firstborn
Your Backstory Strings When you get someone to attend to  You're All The Same
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , who's . . . . . .
your needs, perhaps combing your hair
or bringing you a glass of water, gain a You can spend Strings on siblings
You've revenged yourself on someone.
String on them. interchangeably.
Agree why and how, and give them 2
Strings on you.

You're afraid of what someone can &

 Or Else
Spend a String on a blood sibling, then Other Moves
will do. Give them 2 Strings on you. flashback to having told them what to
do in the situation at hand. If you told
You have six blood siblings, each with them to do something that kids can do,
a gift that can become yours. In your they're doing it. If it was out of their
Birthrights section, list their names league, or something which might leave
and ages with at least one born each them worse off than what they think
year after you. Gain a String on each. you'll do if they don't - they aren't.
Bronwyn Joy Bainbridge Caecilia Ocella
aka "Betsy" (Ancient Roman version)
(New England Yankee)
Family name first, given name second.
The family name is modified for each sex.
Two given names, the family name, and
Boys have an additional formal name
an informal-use nickname.
used within the family.
Anthony Richard Bainbridge "Dickey"
(Marcus) Caecilius Ambustus
Arthur Lindall Bainbridge "Finn"

Naming The Heir's Siblings

(Gaius) Caecilius Bestia
Calvin Michael Bainbridge "Chip"
(Titus) Caecilius Bucco
David Winthrop Bainbridge "Win"
(Gnaeus) Caecilius Canius
Garrett Scott Bainbridge "Skip"
(Servius) Caecilius Catulus
Henry Mason Bainbridge "Kip"
(Decimus) Caecilius Malleolus
John Brooks Bainbridge "Brooks"
(Tiberius) Caecilius Proculus
John Hubbard Bainbridge "Hub"
(Aulus) Caecilius Quadratus
Theodore Ford Bainbridge "Tad"
(Lucius) Caecilius Varro
William Tawe Bainbridge "Billy"
(Vibius) Caecilius Vespillo
A support document for
Kendall Quinn Bainbridge "Quinny"
Caecilia Atella
Keaton Sloane Bainbridge "Keats"
Caecilia Avita Monsterhearts Second Skins
Parker Morgan Bainbridge "Trip"
Caecilia Fullo
Caecilia Helva
Anne Kimball Bainbridge "Posey"
Caecilia Laenas
Beatrice Margaret Bainbridge "Bea"
Caecilia Lupa
Bethany Louise Bainbridge "Beth"
Caecilia Merga
Dorothy Bettina Bainbridge "Bunny"
Caecilia Regula
Elizabeth Adeline Bainbridge "Poppy"
Caecilia Strabo
India Hastings Bainbridge "India"
Caecilia Taura
Julia Beals Bainbridge "Topsy"
Martha Helen Bainbridge "Mimi"
Mary-Sara Wade Bainbridge "Sissy"
Sarah Peyton Bainbridge "Paige"

This support written by Jackson Tegu with the help and works of
Eric J. Boyd,
Jason Morningstar,
Igor Toscano,
Gregor Hutton,
Christopher Stone-Bush & Tomoko Onishi,
Christian Griffen,
Élise Guérin-Bouchard,
and Jessica Hammer.
Cézar Barbosa Liesa Metzger
Naming The Heir's Siblings (Brazilian) (German)

Armando, Bonifacio, Fausto, Hugo, Bastian, Boris, Dennis, Florian, Frank,

To play the Heir, one must name their Each list is titled with a first-and-last Leandro, Marco, Oscar, Silvio, Ulisses, Juergen, Johann, Nicolaus, Sven, Tobias
six siblings. To support the player who name pairing from the Heir as well Valerio
wishes to have their siblings named in as the culture those names were Sascha
the same culture as their own name, taken from. I've sought names that Ariel, Darci
I offer this humble collection. read correctly with only an American Andrea, Annika, Brigitte, Fabienne,
understanding of English, and Anabela, Beatriz, Bruna, Calixta, Ines, Inga, Kathrin, Melanie, Petra,
Lists are of boy names, unisex names restricted myself to the acute accent. Emiliana, Frederica, Iolanda, Leonor, Sabine
where possible, and then girl names. Madalena, Rosa

Donald Buchanan Lucille Robicheau

Austin Saylor-Williams Bronwyn Joy Bainbridge (Scottish) (Québécois)

Alastair, Dougal, Finlay, Gregor, Alain, Étienne, Francis, Louis, Mathieu,

(Suburban American) (New England Yankee)
Graeme, James, Keith, Lachlan, Olivier, Pascal, Remi, Serge, Yannick
Malcom, Rory
Anthony, Bryce, Chase, Colton, Conner, See Reverse
Michel/Michèle, Samuel/Samuelle,
Dylan, Jared, Kyle, Spencer, Zachary
Cameron, Drew, Jo, Logan, Morgan Frédéric/Frédérique (all pronounced
the same), Claude, Camille
Jade, Riley, Shelby
Ailsa, Faye, Fiona, Catriona, Elspeth,
Irene, Isobel, Morag, Morven, Ruth Alice, Annie, Céleste, Chantal, Éliane,
Brooke, Cassidy, Dallas, Haley, Jenna,
Éveline, Joséphine, Marianne, Mélissa,
Mackenzie, Makayla, Savannah, Sierra,

Baqar al-Kabir Cain Adams Hiroko Nakahara Ocella Caecilius

(Westernized Japanese) (Westernized Ancient Roman)
(Westernized Arabic) (Biblical American)
Hiroto, Isamu, Kenichiro, Koike, Ambustus, Bestia, Bucco, Canius,
Amr, Ghazi, Hamzah, Imran, Khalid, Abel, Abraham, Gideon, Hiram, Jonah,
Mitsuo, Mukai, Noboru, Okada, Catulus, Malleolus, Proculus,
Mahmud, Rashid, Sharif, Yusuf, Zahir Levi, Mordecai, Noah, Saul, Seth
Takahiro, Yujiro Quadratus, Varro, Vespillo
Banujah, Chanda, Faiza, Jihan, Abigail, Delilah, Dinah, Judith, Leah,
Jun, Kohaku Atella, Avita, Fullo, Helva, Laenas,
Kashifah, Ramisa, Maira, Namyla, Naomi, Rachel, Rebekah, Ruth, Sarah
Lupa, Merga, Regula, Strabo, Taura
Suraya, Urshia
Ayumi, Haruna, Hikaru, Hiromi,
Kanon, Kaoru, Saori, Yukari, Yuuko,
Playing the Horseman
Threatening, restless, defensive, driven. The
Horseman faces unresolved questions about their
identity and plays high stakes games to get the
answers they need.

The Horseman can be either temperamental and

magnetic (Volatile 2, Hot 1) or mysterious and
dangerous (Dark 2, Volatile 1). Either way, they are
oriented toward rash actions and physical power,
and weak in social control. They may compensate
for their low Cold stat by resorting to scare tactics.

The Horseman starts with Heads and Steed, which

in combination establish them as a person with an
unstable identity and a terrifying horse (or similar
creature). From there, the Horseman can use their
optional moves to escalate the stakes dramatically.
Dare encourages the Horseman to taunt and
challenge others; The Hunt encourages them to
chase down their enemies; Headless allows for
extreme recklessness; and Green Ribbon rewards
moments of raw vulnerability.

If you are running a game for the Horseman, give

them reasons to lean into their worst instincts and
consider what interesting objects you might
present as potential heads.

The Horseman
Your head is not your own. Yours was stolen from you—by whom or
how, you don't remember. All you know is that you will find it one
day, no matter what it takes. No matter what you have to become.

Credits When you ride, people fear you. And they should: you have nothing to
lose, and they have everything. When you finally find what you're
This is a fan Skin for Monsterhearts 2, designed by Elise looking for, there will be hell to pay.
Grifka Wander. Check out the game at
Identity Horseman Moves  Dare
When you challenge someone to
Name: Alex, Crane, Dolan, Ewen, Eyes: steady eyes, searching eyes, You get Steed, Heads, and one fight or harm you (physically or
Hayaki, Ignacia, Jinal, Joan, flaming eyes, hungry eyes, vacant more: verbally), roll with Dark. On a 7+,
October, Ravid, Scarlett, Winifred eyes they choose one of the following:
 Steed  you accept the challenge and
Your bicycle, skateboard, or other
Look: uncomfortable, agitated, Origin: long dead, transplant, the Horseman takes 1
suitable vehicle/item can become a
intimidating, athletic, wounded cursed, summoned, stuff of legend forward to harming you
steed with the appearance of your
 you accept the challenge and
choosing. Decide what this vehicle
become your Darkest Self
or item is and what it looks like as
 you refuse and the Horseman
Your Backstory a steed. When riding your Steed, it
counts as a Gang, and you can
can give you a condition
 you refuse and the Horseman
choose whether physical harm hits
You are threatening. Gain a becomes their Darkest Self
you or your Steed. If your Steed
String on everyone. On a 10+, you (the Horseman) also
takes harm, it reverts to its
gain a String on them.
original form instantly and you
You made a bet with someone cannot use this ability again until
recently. What was it, and
 Green Ribbon
your Steed rests.
with whom? They gain a String When someone sees you take off
on you. your head and they successfully
 Heads roll to Keep Their Cool, you both
You start with one head, but it's
mark experience.
not rightfully yours. If you want to
Darkest Self replace it with something else—a  The Hunt
pumpkin, another head, a mask— When you are in active pursuit of
 you can. You can switch back to
Your head is not your own. another being, roll with Volatile.
your usual head within a Add +1 if you are on your Steed
You want to find yours, but
you don't know which it is.  Add +1 to one of your stats. reasonable amount of time. and/or if you spend a String on
You had better try them all.  Take another Horseman move. your quarry. On a 10+, choose one.
You escape your Darkest Self  Take another Horseman move.  Headless On a 7+, choose two:
when you find a part of  Take a move from any Skin. You can survive for short periods  you take 1 Harm in the hunt
yourself or you cross running  Take a move from any Skin. with no head at all. When you  your Steed is exhausted and
water, whichever happens  Join a Headless Hunt. are without a head, replace your reverts to its normal form
first. stats with the following: Hot: -2,  your quarry immediately
Cold: -2, Volatile: +3, Dark: +3. You
takes 1 forward to a roll
can see and hear without a head, against you
but you cannot speak.  the hunt takes you to a
dangerous place

When you have sex with someone, each player states

Hot 1 Cold -1 Volatile 2 Dark -1 Sex whether they keep a secret or share a secret. If either
of you shares a secret, state what it is and give a
Move String to the other person. If you both keep a secret,
Hot -1 Cold -1 Volatile 1 Dark 2 you both lose all Strings you had on each other.
Playing the Hunted
Nervous, resourceful, and constantly moving. The
Hunted has a Hunter coming after them, and it’ll be life-
destroying if they ever catch up. They need to always
keep moving, and to try and make sure nobody else gets
caught up in their problems.

The two stat choices for the Hunted both have Volatile
2, because the Hunted is always ready to move and act
at a moment’s notice. They change depending on
whether the Hunted is trying to push people away so
they don’t get hurt (Cold 1) or delving into weirder and
more dangerous things in search of escape (Dark 1).

The Hunter is always after them, and they’ll probably get

more twitchy and desperate as the Hunter accumulates
Strings, taking major steps like changing their identity,
running away from home, or setting up a bomb to avoid
being caught up to. If they get caught by the Hunter,
they aren’t going to win; without friends, they won’t
even be able to escape.

Come Get Me gives you a bit more leeway over how you
interact with your Hunter; if you use this move, you
stand a decent chance of getting away, even without
help. It might even be easier with your Hunter causing a
distraction for anyone else who was after you.

Your Sex Move can serve as a last resort, if your Hunter

has a ton of Strings and you need some space from
them. It can also be used as a weapon against someone
you want to hurt, by putting them in your Hunter’s
sights. The Hunted
Every waking moment is spent looking over your shoulder, and you’ve lost
track of the sleepless nights checking and double checking the doors are
locked, making sure the traps are in place. It’s coming after you, and
nothing it wants is good. You can’t kill it. You can barely hope to escape it if
Credits it gets close enough. Did you hear footsteps?

This skin is designed by C.M.Ruebsaat
Art by silverwood_art
❍ The Dark is Coming
Identity Hunted Moves When you roll 7 or higher to Gaze
You get The Hunter, and choose two
Name: Astin, Cas, D, Hound, Li, Eyes: nervous eyes, distant eyes, Into the Abyss, in addition to the
March, Oneida, Piper, Rae, Sasha, more: regular results, you can ask the
focused eyes, calm eyes, deer’s
Sparrow, Viv eyes abyss 1 question about someone
● The Hunter following or hunting you.
Look: unassuming, altered, Origin: escaped from faerie, The Hunter is after you. At the
reckless, rugged, all smiles government experiment, a family start of each session, the Hunter
gains 1 String on you. Once the
❍ My Prey Alone
curse, failed devil deal, cranky ex If you would die to any means
Hunter has 5 Strings on you, they
catch up, and you will be taken or other than your Hunter, instead
Your Backstory Strings killed, unless someone helps you describe your miraculous escape
and give the Hunter a String on
Someone can tell something is
up, but you’re keeping quiet When you take major steps to
about it. Take a String on them, obscure your trail, you can ❍ Come Get Me
and they take a String on you. remove a String the Hunter has Once each session, say that your
on you. Hunter shows up, right now. They
Your Hunter is after you, and become an immediate threat that
they aren’t stopping. They gain a ❍ Enigmatic everyone present (especially you)
String on you. When you successfully avoid has to deal with. If you escape
someone who is looking for you them, remove a String they have
or who wants your attention, take on you.
Darkest Self Harm a String on them.
❍ Follow Me If You Want
Everything and everyone around
you is a threat. There’s no escape, Experience ❍❍❍❍❍ ❍ Cornered Rat to Live
When you feel like you have When you Run Away, you can
not really. You can’t do anything nowhere to go, give yourself the
but run, and you’ll deal ❍ Add +1 to one of your stats. spend a String on anyone present
❍ Take another Hunted move. Condition trapped. While you to bring them with you wherever
appropriately with anyone who have this condition, you add 1 to
tries to stop you. You escape your ❍ Take another Hunted move. you go. If they refuse to come
❍ Take a move from any Skin. Lash Out Physically. with you, take 2 Strings on them.
Darkest Self when someone
proves to you that they aren’t ❍ Take a move from any Skin.
dangerous, or when you run into ❍ You know some Fellow Runaways.
something really dangerous.

Hot -1 Cold -1 Volatile 2 Dark 1 Sex

When you have sex with someone, erase half the Strings the
Hunter has on you (rounded up). The Hunter gains that
number of Strings on whoever you had sex with, and they gain
Hot -1 Cold 1 Volatile 2 Dark -1 Move The Hunter move until the Hunter has no Strings on them.
Playing The Kitsune
Deceptive, mischievous, seductive, trapped. The Kitsune is about being unable to
tell the truth, even when it would be the best choice to do so.

Nine Tales encourages you to lie by giving away Strings any time you tell the truth.
That isn’t all bad though, as people with Strings on you will use them, giving you
more screen time. Lie enough and people might offer you XP to tell them the
truth for once. This is the reason you don’t have a “mark XP” move. Use it to your

In Japanese folklore Kitsune are shape shifting tricksters, taking the shape of
beautiful women or young girls that seduce or waylay travelers. Skinchange allows
you to assume a human form that is distinctly yours, recognizable to everyone
else. With Sincerest Flattery though, you can take another person’s form and
Kitsunesuki allows you to take another person’s body. You don’t gain any of the
target’s knowledge or mannerisms though, so you might have to hold steady to
avoid raising suspicions.

Use common sense and the fiction when dealing with Conditions while wearing
someone else’s shape or skin. Physical and social Conditions will stay with the
body (whether yours or not), but emotional ones will stay with you.

The word kitsu-ne means “comes to sleep” while ki-tsune means “always comes”.
Because of this, many stories have the kitsune continuing to spend every night
with their lover, even after their true nature has been revealed. These fox-wives
often grant wishes or powers to their lovers (and offspring), both of which are
represented in your Sex Move.

The Kitsune
When you have sex, decide if you have a loud, dramatic, and
obviously fake orgasm. If you do, give your partner the
Move Condition infatuated with [your name] and they choose one:
 they awake the next morning with you in their arms,
The lies started out so small, so innocent. You told yourself they were nec-
with or without reason as to how you got there;
essary to keep playing at being a human. Cover your tracks. Double back on
 they may use a move from any playbook once before the
your trail. Mask your scent. Keep the hounds confused.
next sunrise or sunset (their choice);
 they give you the Condition faker and take a String on
But they kept growing, knotting up on each other like a tangled skein of
yarn. It’s impossible to separate one lie from another now, and you couldn’t
unwind this mess even if you wanted to.
People with the Condition infatuated with [your name] count
as having no Strings on you when using your Kitsune moves.
The only thing to do now? Keep lying.
 False Promises
Identity Kitsune Moves When you glamour worthless junk to
Name: Danny, Jess, Kumiho, Miho, Eyes: cunning eyes, honest eyes, sly You get Nine Tales and Skinchange and serve as a payment or a bribe for
Reynard Sionn, Tamamo, Todd, eyes, hooded eyes, playful eyes choose one more: someone who has no Strings on you, roll
Veronica, Voss with dark. On a 10 up, choose two. On a
Origin: curious about humans,  Nine Tales 7-9, choose one:
Look: opulent, sleek, fur trimmed, a century old, fox lover, nine tailed, Whenever you tell the complete truth,  the glamour is extremely flashy or
vulpine, red headed, beguiling, devoured a thousand livers, messenger without exaggeration, embellishment, or impressive (and the target reacts
obviously false of the kami Inari omission, give anyone listening a String appropriately);
on you.  the glamour lasts for a full scene

Your Backstory Strings  Skinchange rather than just a few minutes;

You chosen item is (circle one):  the target will assume they lost the
a flat broad leaf, a bundle of reeds, a item when the glamour fades.
Your compulsive lying hurt someone human skull, a discarded sandal.
you care about. If they confronted you,  Kitsunetsuki
take a String on each other. If not, they When you balance your chosen item on When you stare into the eyes of a side
take two Strings on you. your head, you assume human form. character who has no Strings on you,
Describe what you look like during your roll with dark. On a 10 up, you possess
You’re not shy about sharing other’s backstory; you’ll always assume this them; you are in full control of their
beds. Take a String each on up to three form while masquerading as a human. body and experience the world through
people that absolutely everyone knows Take the item off, and you’ll revert back their senses until you take harm or
you’ve slept with. to your fox form. choose to leave. On a 7-9, you still
possess them, but choose one:
 Sincerest Flattery
When you mimic the form of someone  you have a voracious appetite and
Darkest Self Harm who has no Strings on you, spend any must eat constantly;
number of Strings on them, then roll  you develop unmistakably vulpine
Every word that falls from your mouth Experience  with Strings spent. On a hit (7 up), you
look and sound like that person until the
facial features, gaining the Condition
is a brazen lie; a malicious falsehood fox-faced;
intended to destroy reputations and next sunrise or sunset (your choice). On
 Add +1 to one of your stats. a 10 up, you can revert to your normal
 you’re unable to speak intelligibly
relationships. You lie even in the face
of irrefutable proof and at great cost
 Take another Oni move. form any time you wish before then.
and can only babble gibberish.
to yourself. You escape your Darkest
 Take another Oni move.
 Take a move from any Skin.  Vixen  Blind Trust
Self when someone you care about When you tell the truth to someone with
is physically harmed by one of your
 Take a move from any Skin. When you successfully turn someone on
 Join an Onizoku family. the Condition infatuated with [your name],
many untruths. (7 up), they choose an additional option
you choose if you give them a String or
from the 7-9 list. not.

Hot 2 Cold -1 Volatile -1 Dark 1 Credits

Hot 1 Cold -1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 This Skin designed by HyveMynd (Chris Stone-Bush)
Play this with Monsterhearts 2, available at
Playing The Knight
Self-sacrificing, heroic, caring, and frightened. The Knight
is threatened by something powerful and dangerous
that they can’t face, in part because they can’t or won’t
put themselves first. They could save everyone, but they
can’t save themselves.

The two stat lines for The Knight let you choose
between harsh and measured (Volatile 2 & Cold 1) or
overly friendly (Hot 2 & Volatile 1). The Knight is
woefully unprepared to face the reality of how bleak the
world can get, hence their low Dark.

The Dragon is the core of The Knight’s playbook, and

what specifically it is can drastically change the themes
and scope of The Knight’s story. A literal dragon or other
monster is certainly an option, but a helicopter parent,
concerns about your sexuality, or the looming threat of
college are all also options. Work with your MC to
determine whether you want the threat to be
supernatural, mundane, or a mix of both!

Dragonslayer allows you to face down threats to the lives

of others, but not to whatever threatens your own life.
However, if someone is threatening you and your little
sister, that’s enough for you to pull a beatdown on them.
A threat to someone’s life doesn’t literally have to mean
they’ll die; it could mean getting grounded for an entire
year, being horribly cursed, or being forced to keep
living with an awful family.

The Knight
You’re a hero. The Knight in shining armour, there to save the day. How
many times have you saved a friend’s ass? You’ve lost count. Point is, you’re
real good at it. But you’ve got a problem, sorta.

Credits There’s a Dragon on the loose, now. I’m sure it’s not a big deal, right? Other
people have bigger problems to worry about. Stick to what you’re good at:
helping people. Even if it means you can’t help yourself.
This is a fan Skin for Monsterhearts 2, designed by C.M.Ruebsaat.
Art by C.M.Ruebsaat.
Check out the game at
Identity Knight Moves ❍ In Shining Armour
You have a suit of ‘armour’ that is
You get The Dragon, and choose one
Name: Chastity, Gawain, Robin, Eyes: righteous eyes, unsure eyes, (circle 1): a costume, cardboard,
Percy, Raseem, Lance, J,A., Trish, more:
shining eyes, wrathful eyes, friendly sports equipment, biker gear.
Artura, Kay, Morgan eyes ● The Dragon
You have a Dragon in your life, When you wear your armour, all
Look: brilliant, strong, optimistic, Origin:, heraldic line, sword from a tree, some big, looming threat that you harm you suffer is reduced by 1,
battered, suck-up overbearing home life, chivalric romance are too afraid to face. When you and nobody can take advantage of
novels, LARPer come in contact with The Dragon, your Conditions when trying to
it may give you a Condition. harm you.

Your Backstory Strings When you successfully defy, ❍ Martyr

defeat, or drive off The Dragon, When someone with Strings on
You fear The Dragon. It gains 3
clear a Condition and erase 1 of its you is about to take harm, you
Strings on you. It cannot be
Strings on you. can show up in the nick of time
defeated if it has Strings on you.
to protect them. You take the
You see somebody else’s problems ❍ Dragonslayer harm instead, and gain a String on
as more important than your When you face down a threat in them.
own. Gain a String on each other. someone else’s life, add 1 to your
rolls and harm.
❍ Righteous Cause
When you declare your intentions
❍ Can’t Save Everyone
Darkest Self Harm When someone gets hurt because
to someone, ask them if you are
on the right path. If they answer
you were too busy to help them, yes, they take a String on you and
You don’t have a chance of
slaying The Dragon. Hell, you Experience ❍❍❍❍❍ mark experience and they take a you take 1 Forward. Otherwise,
String on you. they can give you a Condition.
can’t even stand your ground and
face it. You’re no hero, you’re ❍ Add +1 to one of your stats.
lonely, pathetic, and scared. You ❍ Take another Knight move.
can’t save anyone, least of all ❍ Take another Knight move.
yourself. Escape your Darkest Self ❍ Take a move from any Skin.
by getting a clear, undeniable ❍ Take a move from any Skin.
win, or when someone faces ❍ You lead an Honourable Order.
their own mortality because you
were too scared to save them. Conditions

Hot -1 Cold 1 Volatile 2 Dark -1 Sex

When you have sex with someone, ask them if they feel
like you have things worse than they do. If they say that
you do, mark experience, but The Dragon gains a String on
Hot 2 Cold -1 Volatile 1 Dark -1 Move you. If they say you don’t, take a String on each other.
Playing The Lost
Lonely, explorative, and free. The Lost doesn’t wholly
belong in this world with everyone else. They’re an
outsider not just within the community, but to reality

The two stat lines for The Lost lead you to travelling to
weird and mysterious places (Volatile 2 & Dark 1) or to
using your outsider status to your advantage against
people (Cold 2 & Volatile 1).

The Lost has a heavy focus on exploration; Wander With

Me encourages you to keep looking for new and
unexplored places to take people, while Not Tied Down
pushes you towards escaping to dangerous places or
places where you have control to get the most out of
people following you or leaving you alone.

When creating The Lost, consider what The Paths are to

you. Are they a secret network of passages under the
town? A faerie forest you access through your closet?
The post-apocalyptic future you jump to? Any and all of
these are options. The places the Paths lead are similarly
up to you. A safe place could mean your house, or a
sacred grove. A dangerous place might be a bad part of
town or an irradiated wasteland. A place that doesn’t
exist might be inside a magic book or a shadow version
of your school.

When finding a new length of the Paths, describe it like

you did the first, and come up with another safe place,
dangerous place, and a place that doesn’t exist for it to
lead to. The Lost
You’re not from around here. No, not just this town. This world. This time
period. Maybe even this universe. You really, really don’t belong in this place.

Credits You’ve found something, though. A gap in reality, a place where things are
just weak enough that they’ll tear if you prod them. You’ve found the Paths,
This is a fan Skin for Monsterhearts 2, designed by C.M.Ruebsaat and they’re as strange and weird and wonderful as you could have hoped for.
Check out the game at

This Skin is heavily inspired by the web serial Pale, by Wildbow.

Read his work at
Identity The Lost Moves ❍ Wander With Me
When you show someone a
You get The Paths, and choose one
Name: Ava, Lex, Veronica, Eyes: collapsing eyes, hard eyes, strange place they’ve never been
Thomas, Kegan, Zero, Roman, Mia, more:
unreachable eyes, obscure eyes, before or take them to the Paths,
Erin, Gex, Lenna, Quin hinting eyes take a String on them.
● The Paths
You know an entrance to the
Look: hidden, wanderlust, layers, Origin: stolen shadow, time paradox, Paths, which are (circle 1): endless ❍ Trapped On the Road
helpless, flowing replaced, from another world, homeless When you throw someone bodily
highways, dark forests, shifting
tunnels, mirror towns. onto the Paths, roll with Volatile.
On a 10 up, they end up alone on
Your Backstory Strings You can go to the Paths any time,
right away, and they can take you
the Paths, and must find their
way out. On a 7-9, you end up
to a safe place, a dangerous place, there with them.
Someone is curious about why
you’re here. Gain a String on and a place that doesn’t exist. You
can bring others with you, if they ❍ The Shelter
are willing. You have a temporary shelter to
stay that is nevertheless fully
Someone knows where you came
❍ To My Own Devices yours. It exists in the normal
from, even if you don’t. Give them
When you act to help someone world and all your Paths can lead
a String on you.
without them knowing, mark there. You add 1 to all rolls you
experience. make in your shelter.

Darkest Self Harm ❍ Not Tied Down

When you Run Away from
You don’t belong here. This place
is too limited and claustrophobic. Experience ❍❍❍❍❍ someone, ask them if they follow
you. If they don’t, they lose a
You need to lose yourself further, String on you.
go to the Paths, cut every tie you ❍ Add +1 to one of your stats.
have to the world by any means ❍ Take another Lost move.
necessary. You escape your ❍ Take another Lost move.
Darkest Self when someone ❍ Take a move from any Skin.
forces you to stay put or when ❍ Take a move from any Skin.
you’ve cut every connection you ❍ Find 2 new places the Paths lead.
have. ❍ You get to know Misfits and Vagabonds.


Hot -1 Cold -1 Volatile 2 Dark 1 Sex

When you have sex with someone, you become a bit more
tied down and involved with this place. Give them a String
on you, and take a String on someone they have a String
Hot -1 Cold 2 Volatile 1 Dark -1 Move on.
Playing The Maenad
Short-sighted, impulsive, hedonistic, and destructive,
the Maenad is all about pursuing what feels good right
now, in the moment, and making the consequences
someone else’s problem. The Maenad takes the
adolescent tendency to be short-sighted and ignore
the consequences to the extreme, and if they can pull
others into their risky behavior, so much the better.
For the Maenad, the line between “fun” and “deadly” is
constantly blurring. The two stat choices allow you to
decide whether your Maenad is more about pleasure (1
Hot, 1 Volatile) or risk taking (1 Hot, 2 Volatile).

Note that the Maenad’s pleasure-seeking behavior

doesn’t just revolve around parties. This could mean
skipping school to hang out with friends, gorging on
junk food, shoplifting, abusing drugs or alcohol, etc.
The Maenad uses pleasure to avoid the unpleasantness
of life. Rite of Spring hints at this: their hedonism is
a form of escapism. When creating the Maenad, think
about what forces they’re pushing back against: it could
be overprotective parents, strict teachers, or impossibly
high expectations.

The Maenad’s Darkest Self represents one last ditch

effort to avoid reality by taking things too far. In
folklore, Maenads worked themselves into a frenzy and
often committed acts of brutal savagery with their bare
hands. In a modern setting, this may look like bloody
mosh pits, broken bottles, and parties that rage out
of control. All in all, the Maenad keeps racing the car

The Maenad
faster, and they won’t stop until they crash.

Let the rest of the world worry about rules, responsibilities, deadlines, and
consequences. You’re too busy having fun to let any of that get you down. As
long as you can keep the good times going, reality will never be able to catch
you. That’s why when you’re around, life’s a party, and everyone’s invited.
Maybe one day you’ll grow up and make good choices--that is, if you live
This is a fan Skin for Monsterhearts 2, designed by Taylor Romero. that long. If not? Well, at least you made the most of every minute.
Special thanks to Astra, Tim, Kelsey, and Spokes for their help.
Check out the game at
Identity Maenad Moves  Maenad’s Frenzy
Name: Candy, Agave, Amber, Eyes: wild, glazed, red-rimmed, You get Rite of Spring, and choose Your parties are wild—and
Blythe, Zelda, Dean, Byron, Oscar, dancing, bold two more. dangerous. When engaging in
Tyler, Pablo revelry with at least two other
Origin: made a pact with  Rite of Spring people, you may remove 1 harm
Look: hangover chic, savage, Dionysus, living fast and dying When you go overboard in your and +1 to all rolls to Lash Out
barbaric, rebellious, flamboyant young, rebel without a cause, life pursuit of pleasure, you enter a Physically.
of the party blissed-out stupor. First, name
why you’re indulging: to rebel, to  My Bad Reputation
forget, to fit in, to avoid what’s When you boast about one of
Your Backstory Strings coming. Then Gaze into the Abyss your conditions, ask someone
with a +2. If someone joins you, if it’s really such a bad thing. If
You helped someone loosen up. a successful role will also let you they say no, carry +1 forward to
Gain a String on them. learn one of the following: Turn Someone On. If they say yes,
 A secret desire carry +1 forward to Shut Someone
Somebody saw you go too far and  A past indiscretion Down.
do something you really regret  A personal vice
while indulging. They gain a On a 10+, you also gain a String  Peer Pressure
String on you. on them. On a fail, the party’s When you successfully convince
over, and reality catches up. someone to try something new,
Someone sees you going gain a String on them. Then ask if
overboard and gains a String on they’re having fun. If they say no,
Darkest Self Harm you. they gain a String on you. If they
say yes, they get +1 Forward to
The party is over. Everyone has
gone home. You’re alone, and the Experience   Adrenaline Junkie
When you risk long-term
convince someone else to join in.

consequences are pressing in.

 Add +1 to one of your stats.
consequences in order to pursue  The Call of Dionysus
You need to escape back into the pleasure, mark experience. If When you have collected 3 Strings
refuge of pleasure. Break stuff.  Take another Maenad move.
someone else gets wrapped up in on NPC(s), you may spend them
Cause harm. Turn the party into  Take another Maenad move.
the aftermath, they gain a String to make all NPCs in the scene
a riot. It’s not really a good time  Take a move from any Skin.
on you. lose their inhibitions and give in
unless there’s blood on the floor.  Take a move from any Skin.
to id. A successful shut down will
Anyone who stands against you is  Join a Den of Iniquity.
 We Really Shouldn’t pull an NPC back to reality, but
just an object to be broken. You
When you attempt to Turn the rest are under your spell until
escape your Darkest Self when Someone On, add +1 if giving in to the end of the scene.
you realize no one is having fun temptation is obviously a terrible
anymore or someone forces you plan.
to confront what you’ve been
running from.

Hot 2 Cold -1 Volatile 1 Dark -1 Sex

Whenever you have sex with someone new, act as if you
had rolled a 10 on Rite of Spring. When you have sex with

Hot 1 Cold -1 Volatile 2 Dark -1 Move someone you’ve had sex with before, admit something
you’ve never told anyone else. They gain a String on you.
Player Sheet
Make each main character’s life not boring.
Keep the story feral.
Say what the rules demand.
Say what honesty demands.
 for Monsterhearts 2 

Turn Someone On Lash Out Physically Pulling Strings

When you turn someone on, roll with Hot. On a When you lash out physically, roll with Volatile. When you spend a String on someone, choose one:
10 up, gain a String on them and they choose a On a 10 up, you deal them harm, and they choke  Tempt them to do what you want,
reaction from below. • On a 7-9, they can either up momentarily before they can react. • On a 7-9,  Give them a Condition,
give you a String or choose one of the reactions. you harm them but choose one:  Add 1 to your roll against them, or
 I give myself to you,  They learn something about your true nature  Add 1 to the harm you deal them.
 I promise something I think you want, or and gain a String on you,
 I get embarrassed and act awkward.  The MC decides how bad the harm turns out, To learn about tempting someone, turn to page 26.
 You become your Darkest Self.
For rules on asexuality and non-attraction,
turn to page 49. Healing
Run Away
When you take time to tend to your wounds, once
Shut Someone Down When you run away, roll with Volatile. On a 10 per session you may heal 1 Harm. If someone else is
up, you get away to a safe place. On a 7-9, you get there with you, tending to your wounds delicately
When you shut someone down, roll with Cold. On away but choose one: and intimately - and perhaps with erotic subtext -
a 10 up, choose one from below. • On a 7-9, choose  You run into something worse, you may heal an additional 1 Harm.
one from below, but you come across poorly, and  You cause a big scene, or
they give you a Condition in return.  You leave something behind.
 They lose a String on you, Skirting Death
 If they have no Strings on you, gain one on them,
 They gain a Condition, or Gaze Into the Abyss To avoid death, erase all harm and choose one:
 You take 1 Forward.  Become your Darkest Self,
When you gaze into the abyss, name what you’re  Lose all Strings you have on everybody.
looking for and roll with Dark. On a 10 up, the
Keep Your Cool abyss shows you lucid visions, and you take 1
Forward to addressing them. On a 7-9, the abyss Conditions
When you keep your cool and act despite fear, shows you confusing and alarming visions, but
name what you’re afraid of and roll with Cold. On you get your answer nonetheless. If you take advantage of someone’s Condition
a 10 up, you keep your cool and gain insight: ask while making a move against them, add 1 to your
the MC a question about the situation and take 1 roll. A Condition goes away when the character
Forward to acting on that information. • On a 7-9, Experience suffering it takes appropriate action to alleviate it.
the MC will tell you how your actions would leave

you vulnerable, and you can choose to back down Whenever you fail a roll, mark experience.
or go through with it.
Gangs add +1 to your rolls and harm as applicable.
MC Sheet
Make each main character’s life not boring.
Keep the story feral.
Say what the rules demand.
Say what honesty demands.
 for Monsterhearts 2 

Preparing to Play Principles Side Character Strings

As the MC, teaching the game often falls to  Embrace melodrama. You can spend a side character’s Strings on a
you. This is an outline for how to teach the  Address yourself to the characters, main character in four ways:
game, with page references to help you look not the players.  Offer them an experience point to do
up anything you want guidance on. Feel free to  Make monsters seem human, and vice versa. what you want.
modify this process and teach in whatever way  Make labels matter.  Place a Condition on them.
works best for you.  Give everyone a messy life.  Add 1 to the harm you’re dealing them.
 Find the catch.  Ambush them with a Reaction, setting it up
 Gather Supplies (58)  Ask provocative questions and and knocking it down in one fell swoop.
 Explain Premise and Roles (59) build on the answers.
 Introduce Safety Tools (60)  Be a fan of the main characters.
 Option: Small Town (60)  Treat side characters like stolen cars. Villains
 Pick Skins (61)  Give side characters simple,
 Choose Identities (62) divisive motivations. If a villain becomes meaningfully involved in
 Establish Setting (63)  Sometimes, disclaim decision making. the story, you can do the following two things
 Discuss Roleplaying (65) to give yourself a bit of extra structure and
 Discuss Moves and Strings (66) inspiration for playing them:
 Choose Stats and Moves (67) Reactions  Write a custom Principle for playing them.
 Teach Reactively (68)  Write a custom Reaction for them.
 Establish Backstories (69)  Put them together.
 Set Up Seating Chart (70)  Separate them.
 Start Playing!  Tell them the possible consequences and ask.
 Inflict harm (as established).
 Enact drastic measures.
The First Scene  Turn their move back on them.
 Leap to the worst possible conclusion.
Start the first scene in homeroom, and use your  Expose a dangerous secret to the wrong person.
principles to help uncover tensions.  Take a String on someone.
 Herald the abyss.
If you’re antsy to get the story rolling, here are  Trigger their Darkest Self.
three reliable options:  At every turn: “What do you do?”
 Stage a disappearance.
 Plan a party.
 Demand a fight.
Playing The Fae
Alluring, otherworldly, fickle, and vengeful. The Fae
entices people into making promises, and wields faerie
vengeance when those promises are broken. They also
have the ability to commune with ethereal forces, just
beyond the veil.

The two stat choices for the Fae allow you to slant
toward being either beautiful and mysterious (Hot 2
& Dark 1) or audacious and alien (Volatile 2 & Hot 1).
With a consistently-low Cold stat, they aren’t prone to
being very chill, cynical, or wry. From their forward
sensuality to their unwavering sense of justice, sincerity
is a big theme for the Fae.

When you play the Fae, promises matter. Use the Fae’s
allure and wit to tease those promises out of other
characters. You can add mechanical incentive for others
to make promises to you by spending Strings to tempt
them to do what you want, or through the move Lure.
Keep track of the promises that others make to you, in
the margins of your character sheet or on scrap paper.

Beyond the Veil, Guide, the option to join a Jury of Fae,

and talk of faery justice all invite you to collaboratively
imagine the world of faery. To do so, ask questions
of the MC, anticipate questions being asked of you in
return, and brace yourself for surprise.

The Fae
At the edges of this world, just beyond the veil, there are colours that few
mortals even dream of. Beauty enough to shatter any heart. The Fae live and
breathe at the edges of this world. They keep a dusting of that magic tucked
behind their ears, just in case.

Credits And the Fae are willing to share. They’re nothing if not generous, asking for
only one thing in return. A promise. Keep it, and the true beauty of the world
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at will be revealed. Break it, and feel the wrath of faery vengeance.
This skin designed by Avery Alder
Identity Fae Moves  Lure
Whenever someone makes
You get Faery Contract, and choose
Name: Anders, Aurora, Crow, Eyes: quick eyes, lyrical eyes, a promise to you, they mark
one more:
Gail, Harmony, Iris, Lilith, Ping, mesmerizing eyes, laughing eyes, experience. Whenever someone
Selene, Sienna, Walthus piercing eyes breaks a promise to you, you
 Faery Contract mark experience.
Look: dainty, girlish, gaunt, Origin: fae born, fae blooded, If someone breaks a promise or
mysterious, dishevelled swapped at birth, stole the gift, contract made to you, take a
 Guide
touched with the gift String on them. When spending a
If you spend a String on someone
String to even out the score
willing, you can bring them
and get justice on a broken
Your Backstory Strings promise, add these options to
across the veil, into the faery
realm. The spell lasts for a scene
Pulling Strings:
or two, before you’re both
You wear your heart on your  they fuck up something simple
returned to the mundane world.
sleeve. Give everyone one String. at a crucial moment, suffering
1 Harm if appropriate,
You’ve captured someone’s fancy.  add 2 to your roll on an act of  Beyond The Veil
vengeance. To seek audience with the Faery
Gain 2 Strings on them.
King, Gaze Into the Abyss. On a 10
up, in addition to other results,
 Unashamed the Faery King reveals to you a
You can give someone a String on
hidden String on someone. Gain
you to add 3 to your attempt to
it. • On a 7 to 9, in addition to
Turn Them On.
Darkest Self Harm other results, the Faery King
demands a favour of you.
 The Wild Hunt
Everything you say seems a
promise. Everything you hear Experience  When you draw upon your
most feral manner, echoing the
seems a promise. If a promise is lithe movements of a cat or the
broken, justice must be wrought  Add +1 to one of your stats.
 Take another Fae move. voracity of a wolf, add 1 to your
in trickery or blood. You aren’t roll to Turn Someone On.
subject to the human rules of  Take another Fae move.
mercy. To escape your Darkest  Take a move from any Skin.
Self, you must in some way  Take a move from any Skin.
re-balance the scales of justice.  You belong to a Jury of Fae.


Hot 2 Cold -1 Volatile -1 Dark 1 Sex When you lie naked with another, you can ask them for a

Hot 1 Cold -1 Volatile 2 Dark -1 Move promise. If they refuse, take 2 Strings on them.
Playing the Ghost
Lonely, wounded, caring, and creepy. The Ghost has
experienced intense trauma, and now seeks validation
and intimacy. They have the potential to provide care
and healing for others, but also tend to ignore personal
and physical boundaries.

The two stat choices for the Ghost let you steer toward
being either icy and distant (Cold 2 & Dark 1), or scary
and moody (Dark 2 & Volatile 1). Your ghost might end
up crying out for help, pushing away the very people
they care about, or burning themself out trying to take
care of others.

At the start of the game, the Ghost’s low Hot stat

means that they aren’t good at Turning Someone On. This
plays into their core dilemma – without social power,
how does the Ghost get the attention and emotional
support that they need? Maybe they’re endlessly giving,
hoping for reciprocation. Helpful Spirit and Transference
both point in that direction. Maybe they’re mean and
spiteful, assuming from the outset that they aren’t
worthy of affection. Unresolved Trauma and Projected
Blame provide a different dynamic, suggesting a mean
and spiteful Ghost who lashes out at those who remind
them of what they’ve lost. Creep and Limitless add a
voyeuristic element, encouraging the Ghost to ignore
others’ boundaries. Lots of other possibilities exist in
the interactions between these moves, too.

The Ghost
You used to have a future. Growing up was a painful tumult at times, but at
least you were growing. Now you only have a past - unfinished business to
take care of before you can leave this world behind.

Life is precious. You understand that, now that you’ve lost yours. You just
Credits want to help. You just want to be seen. But sometimes even the simplest
desires feel so difficult to grasp.
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at
This skin designed by Avery Alder Ghosty ghost, you’re dead.
Identity Eyes: hollow eyes, pained eyes,
Ghost Moves  Projected Blame
While you’ve got the Condition
You get Unresolved Trauma, and
Name: Alastor, Avira, Catherine, dull eyes, unnerving eyes,
choose two more:
traumatized, you may act as
Daniel, Kara, Lenora, Orville, piercing eyes though others had the Condition
Rufus, Spencer, Tien at fault for my death.
Origin: left to die,  Unresolved Trauma
Look: forlorn, scared, stuffy, murdered in cold blood, Whenever something brings to
 Creep
out of place, brooding murdered in hot passion, mind your death, you choke
When you silently witness
a tragic accident, a confused death up and gain the Condition
someone in one of their most
traumatized if you don’t have it
private moments, perhaps
already. Whenever someone helps
Your Backstory Strings you resolve this Condition, you
sleeping or putting on makeup,
gain a String on them.
both mark experience.
Someone knows that you’re dead
 Limitless
and how you died. They gain 2  Helpful Spirit You can walk through walls and
Strings on you. When you help someone resolve a
Condition, gain a String on them.
You’ve been inside someone’s
bedroom while they were  Transference
sleeping. Take a String on them. Whenever you spend time truly
listening to someone else’s
struggles, they heal 1 Harm, and

Darkest Self Harm

then transfer their remaining
harm to you.

You become invisible,

unnoticeable. No one can see you, Experience 
feel you, or hear your voice. You
can still affect inanimate objects,  Add +1 to one of your stats.
but this is your only avenue  Take another Ghost move.
of communication. You escape  Take another Ghost move.
your Darkest Self when someone  Take a move from any Skin.
acknowledges your presence, and  Take a move from any Skin.
demonstrates how much they  You reside in a Haunted House.
want you around.

Hot -1 Cold 2 Volatile -1 Dark 1 Sex When you have sex with someone, you both get to ask a
question of one another. This can be asked in character or
Hot -1 Cold -1 Volatile 1 Dark 2 Move player-to-player. They must answer honestly and directly.
Playing the Ghoul
Obsessive, dangerous, morbid, and quiet. The Ghoul is
constantly contending with voracious Hunger, and the
emotional distance brought on by death makes it easier
to do bad things in pursuit of feeding. They might be a
flesh-eating zombie, or something a little more subtle
and strange.

The two stat choices for the Ghoul paint a portrait of

the character as either cruel and erratic (Volatile 2 &
Cold 1) or disaffected and portentous (Cold 2 & Dark 1).
Since The Hunger forces you to Keep Your Cool to avoid a
feeding opportunity, your Cold stat plays a pivotal role
in maintaining self-control.

Watchful Golem and Esprit de Corpse both present

the ability to steer the Ghoul in a couple different
directions. Are you watching over others out of a
deep-rooted but unexpressed sense of care? Or are you
skulking around serving them because death took away
your sense of independence?

Short Rest For the Wicked is a recipe for pandemonium.

It’s also an invitation to the MC to frame you into a
new, dramatic situation. A lot can happen in a few

Your Sex Move prompts you to create a new Hunger.

It can be anything you like, and it’s added to your
character alongside their existing Hungers. If you have
sex often, you’ll find your appetite growing wider and

The Ghoul
weirder all the time.

Death changed you. It took away your contemplative joy, it dulled your
senses, and it left you impossibly hungry. That hunger is always with you,
like a hum in your ears that swells and crescendos until you can’t hear
anything else. Unattended, it will come to dominate you - but feeding it may
Credits be just as bad.

There is a certain beauty to what you’ve become. Your gaunt body, its
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at unnatural form - it draws people in. Your stark disinterest is beguiling. But
This skin designed by Avery Alder underneath that disaffected presentation - the hunger, the hunger.
Identity Ghoul Moves  Short Rest for the Wicked
When you die, wait it out. A few
You get The Hunger, and choose two
Name: Akuji, Cage, Cole, Georgia, Eyes: hollow eyes, quiet eyes, hours later, you wake up fully
Horace, Iggy, Mara, Morrigan, calculating eyes, harsh eyes, healed.
Silas, Sharona, Victor, Zed hungry eyes
 The Hunger  Watchful Golem
Look: gaunt, stiff, disfigured, Origin: resurrected, constructed, You have a Hunger for (circle 1):
When you defend someone
detached, wrecked disturbed, rejected, sent fear, power, plunder, thrills.
without them ever knowing
about it, mark experience.
When you heedlessly pursue
a Hunger, add 1 to rolls. When
Your Backstory Strings you ignore a promising feeding  Ending
You remember every detail
opportunity, roll to Keep Your Cool.
of your death. When you tell
Someone reminded you what
someone about it, give them the
love was, when you thought that  What the Right Hand Condition morbid and roll to Turn
death had stolen it away from Wants Them On with Cold.
you forever. Give them a String. Your body contains many
histories, and it desires many
Did anyone watch you die? If so,  Esprit de Corpse
things. Create another Hunger.
you gain 2 Strings on each other. When you Gaze Into the Abyss,
the abyss will share with you
 Satiety its Hunger. Treat that Hunger
When you satiate a Hunger, as one of your own until you
Darkest Self Harm choose one:
 heal 1 Harm;
satiate it, and mark experience
when you do so.
 mark experience;
Your dull hunger sharpens. You
can’t focus on anything else but Experience   take 1 Forward.
feeding. And in addition to your
peculiar cravings, you recognize  Add +1 to one of your stats.
something else. That primordial  Take another Ghoul move.
hunger which connects all  Take another Ghoul move.
hungers. Flesh, blood, meat. You  Take a move from any Skin.
escape your Darkest Self once  Take a move from any Skin.
you’ve overindulged, or you’ve  You’re part of a Reckless Crew.
been locked out for long enough
to regain composure. Conditions

Hot -1 Cold 1 Volatile 2 Dark -1 Sex When you have sex with someone, create a new Hunger.
Hot -1 Cold 2 Volatile -1 Dark 1 Move
Playing the Hollow
Uncertain, unstable, impressionable, and lost. The
Hollow doesn’t have a past, and is struggling to imagine
their future. They’re in the midst of an existential crisis,
and being not-quite-real they can only look to those
around them for the answers.

The Hollow’s two stat options slant toward being

either beautiful enigma (Hot 1 & Dark 2) or an erratic
misfit (Volatile 2 & Dark 1). Their Cold stat is low,
making it hard for them to confront their fears or
stand up to others.

The Hollow is yearning for a sense of self, and clinging

to any labels which seem like they might help cobble
together an identity, which is why so many of their
moves revolve around Conditions.

When you use Strange Impressions, you can gain any of

the Skin Moves on the relevant sheet. You aren’t limited
only to the ones which have been selected for that
character. When you temporarily gain a move in this
way, it doesn’t affect the other character’s access to it.

If the Hollow has sex with more than one person

at once, everyone does the writing and revealing
simultaneously. If the Hollow shared an answer with
one or more characters, that’s the set of characters who
mark experience.

The Hollow
They set out to make something from nothing. It’s not clear whether
they succeeded or not. See, it turns out there’s a lot of grey area between
something and nothing.

You’re alive, but you’re not real. You don’t have a soul. You don’t have child-
Credits hood memories, because you don’t have a childhood. You don’t have parents;
you have makers. And those makers forgot to give you a place in the world.
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at
This skin designed by Avery Alder
Identity Hollow Moves  Fake
Add 1 to any rolls you make while
Choose two:
Name: Adam, Baby, Bryce, Eyes: shifty eyes, soulless eyes, lying.
Dorothy, Eva, Franklin, January, wide eyes, vacant eyes,
Max, Nix, Raymond, Summer desperate eyes  Better Than Nothing  Metamorphosis
When you gain a Condition, mark
When you Gaze Into the Abyss,
Look: immaculate, disheveled, Origin: born of a wish, experience.
on a 7 or higher the abyss
haunted, inexperienced, earnest a failed experiment, once a toy, will also show you what you
amnesiac, machine  A Blank Canvas must become, and you can
When you take an action that permanently swap two of your
embodies one of your Conditions,
Your Backstory
allowing that Condition to alter
your sense of self, cross it off and
You’ve been taking your social
 Strange Impressions
add 1 to your roll.
When a main character either
cues from someone, and doing so
harms you or helps you heal,
has taught you a lot about them.  Try Harder Next Time you can respond by studying
Gain 2 Strings on them. When you screw up, give yourself them with wide eyes. If you do,
an appropriate Condition and temporarily gain one of their
Someone’s seen through your take 1 Forward. Skin Moves and add it to your
invented past, and realized it’s all
character sheet. It disappears
lies. They gain 2 Strings on you.
once you use it.

Darkest Self Harm

Your body is a prison. You don’t
belong inside of it. You need to Experience 
put it in harm’s way, and make
it suffer, just like it’s made you  Add +1 to one of your stats.
suffer. There’s got to be a way to  Take another Hollow move.
cut yourself out of it. You need to  Take another Hollow move.
meet your makers, and hold them  Take a move from any Skin.
accountable for what they’ve  Take a move from any Skin.
done to you. To escape your  You’ve found Hollow Siblings.
Darkest Self, you must come to
see how someone else feels more Conditions
trapped than you do.

Hot 1 Cold -1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 Sex

When you have sex with someone, both players secretly
write down whether the sex was confusing or soothing

Hot -1 Cold -1 Volatile 2 Dark 1 Move for their character. If you reveal the same answer, both
characters mark experience.
Playing the Infernal
Tempted, impulsive, and in over their head. The Infernal
has a demonic patron – someone who gets them things
they want, at an unspecified price. The Infernal plays
with themes of temptation, addiction, and dependency.

The Infernal is extremely powerful while sinking

into debt with their Dark Power, though that pushes
them toward an inevitable crash. The crash isn’t a
punishment to be avoided, but rather a dramatic height
in the character arc. When you play the Infernal, don’t
stop just shy of that fifth String of debt or try to play
it safe. The Infernal is most interesting when they are
swinging chaotically between power and powerlessness.

With Dark Recruiter, the specifics of what it means

to bring someone to the Dark Power is left up to
interpretation and context. It might involve ritual
sacrifice, or a simple introduction at the cafe.

The Strings Attached Bargain plays with the “be careful

what you wish for” trope from stories of witches and
genies. Taking this Bargain communicates to the MC
that you want to be punched in the gut by tragic irony
every now and again.

The Infernal
At first, it seemed innocent. It gave you things, made you feel good about
yourself. You came to it with your problems, and it fixed them. When you
asked how you could return the favour, it told you to be patient - that all
debts would be settled in due time. That was the first time you heard it
mention debts.
You’ve got Satan as your cornerman, or a demon in your brain. Or maybe
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at the stars glow just for you. Regardless, you owe a debt to something much
This skin designed by Avery Alder bigger and scarier than you’ll ever be.
Identity Infernal Moves Bargains
You get Soul Debt, and choose one Choose two Bargains that the Dark
Name: Baron, Cain, Chloe, Eyes: empty eyes, calculating
more: Power has made with you:
Damien, Logan, Mark, Mika, eyes, burning eyes, flickering eyes,
Omar, Ophelia, Poe, Yoanna piercing eyes
 Soul Debt  The Power Flows Through
Look: quiet, frantic, venomous, Origin: bartered soul, emissary, You owe a debt to a Dark You
spoiled, spooked last-chancer, legion, lackey, Power. Name it, and choose You can give the Dark Power a
chosen two Bargains it has made String in order to add 2 to your
with you. next roll.

Your Backstory Strings The Dark Power can gain

 Numbing It Out
Strings. If ever it has 5
Strings on you, trigger your You can give the Dark Power
You owe debts. Give away 3
Darkest Self. a String in order to remove a
Strings, divided any way you like
Condition or up to two harm.
between the Dark Power and the
other characters.  Dark Recruiter
When you bring an innocent  Elsewise Power
Someone thinks they can save soul to the Dark Power, mark You can give the Dark Power a
you. Gain a String on them. experience. String to use a move you don’t
have, just this once. This move
can come from any Skin.
 Under Pressure
Darkest Self Harm
If someone has 3 or more
Strings on you, add 1 to  Uncanny Voices
your rolls to carry out their You can give the Dark Power a

You find yourself shivering, needy, bidding. String in order to realize a secret
and alone. The Dark Power will about someone you’re talking to.
make some daunting, open-ended The owner of that character will
 Add +1 to one of your stats.  Can’t Save Myself reveal one of their secret fears,
demands. Every demand fulfilled
brings you closer to feeling whole  Take another Infernal move. When somebody saves you secret desires, or secret strengths
again, and removes one of the  Take the remaining Bargains. from forces too powerful (they choose which.)
Dark Power’s Strings on you. You  Take a move from any Skin. for you to reckon with, they
escape your Darkest Self when  Take a move from any Skin. mark experience, and you
 Strings Attached
the Dark Power is out of Strings,  You supply for Needy Fiends. gain a String on them.
You can ask the Dark Power
or you make a bargain with an for something that you really,
even more dangerous entity. Conditions really want. The MC will attach a
price to the thing you want, and
hint at an undesired twist in its
nature. If you pay the price, you’ll
get what you’re after.

Hot -1 Cold -1 Volatile 2 Dark 1 Sex When you have sex, the Dark Power loses a String on you

Hot 1 Cold -1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 Move and gains a String on whoever you had sex with.
Playing the Mortal
Vulnerable, magnetic, and beautiful. For anybody else,
giving away a String would represent a loss of control.
For you, it’s more symbiotic - you get power by giving
it away. The Mortal explores co-dependency, power
imbalances, and wide-eyed eagerness.

The two stat choices for the Mortal both have Hot 2,
because the Mortal is desirable and special. They differ
depending on whether the Mortal is more impulsive
and panicky (Volatile 1) or brooding and lonely (Dark 1).

True Love is about who you’ve currently placed at the

center of your universe. You don’t necessarily need to
be in a relationship with someone to declare them your

Your Sex Move might seem like a major drawback, but

remember that the Mortal can gain a lot of leverage
from victimhood. Having lovers suddenly get weird,
scary, or hostile after a moment of intimacy gives you
a perfect opportunity to take advantage of moves like
Sympathy Is My Weapon, Excuses Are My Armour, and
Down the Rabbit Hole.

The Mortal
None of them would understand. What you have here, in this dark and
secret place, it’s beautiful. They’d warn you that this sort of beauty is
dangerous, like a raging fire. Well some things are worth getting burned for.

Love has eclipsed all hope, and the dark has left you feeling beautiful.
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at
This skin designed by Avery Alder
Identity Eyes: doe eyes, sad eyes,
Mortal Moves  Sympathy is My Weapon
Every time you forgive someone
You gain True Love, and choose two
Name: Anne, Carla, Deirdre, darting eyes, nervous eyes,
for hurting you, and excuse their
James, Jonathan, Laeli, Patrick, human eyes base nature, gain a String on them.
Robin, Shen, Timothy, Wendy
Origin: new kid in town,  True Love  Excuses Are My Armour
Look: quiet, desperate, awkward, kid next door, your barista, You always have exactly one
When you ignore some blatant
beautiful, displaced someone’s girlfriend, Lover. The first is chosen during
problem with your Lover or how
someone’s boyfriend, nobody Your Backstory. If you ever fall in
they treat you, mark experience.
love with someone else instead,
give them a String and they
Your Backstory Strings become your new Lover. You  Downward Spiral
When you Gaze Into the Abyss, you
always carry 1 forward to earning
your Lover’s heart or fancy. may cause yourself 1 Harm. If you
Declare your backstory last.
do, add 2 to your roll.
Choose one person to be your  Mess With Me,
Lover. Give them three Strings on  Down the Rabbit Hole
Mess With Him When you go poking your nose in
you. Take one String on them. When using your Lover’s name as
affairs not meant for your kind,
a threat, add 2 to your roll to Shut
someone involved in the situation
Someone Down or Keep Your Cool.
gains a String on you, and you
Your Lover gains a String on you.
mark experience.

Darkest Self Harm  Entrenched

If you and another character have
a combined total of 5 or more
Nobody understands you. Nobody
even tries. You do so much for Experience  Strings on one another, gain 1 to
all rolls against them.
the people you love, and they
walk all over you. Enough is  Add +1 to one of your stats.
enough! Betray them. Show them  Take another Mortal move.
what its like to be uncared for.  Take another Mortal move.
Reveal their monstrosity and  Take a move from any Skin.
yours. Only seeing the pain that  Take a move from any Skin.
you’re causing your Lover will let  Take a move from any Skin.
you escape your Darkest Self.

Hot 2 Cold -1 Volatile -1 Dark 1 Sex When you have sex with someone, it awakens something
sinister within. The next time you take your eyes off them,
Hot 2 Cold -1 Volatile 1 Dark -1 Move they become their Darkest Self.
Playing the Queen
Popular, dangerous, bitchy, and commanding. The
Queen has a powerful clique who serves as their gang.
Loyalty and control are crucial if the Queen is to retain
their power, but everyone in the clique has their own
set of needs and desires to contend with.

The two stat choices for the Queen allow you to slant
toward being either desirable and commanding (Hot 2
& Cold 1) or cutthroat and secretive (Cold 2 & Dark 1).
Either way, you’re not very good at getting your own
hands dirty – with a low Volatile stat, you depend on
others to fight your battles and keep you safe.

Depending on the origin you pick and your moves, the

Queen can range from being a mundane human teen all
the way to weird cosmic horror. More than any other
Skin, you’re in control of just how supernatural to
make them. Are you a bossy cheerleading captain,
or a brooding alien swarm queen here to repopulate
the earth?

The Queen
You’re one of the special ones. A sovereign beauty. You deserve more than the
rest of this wretched world does. You deserve the will and worship of those
around you.

And it’s not only because you’re better than them. It’s because you make them
Credits better. Stronger, more beautiful, complete. They’d be nothing without you.

This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at

This skin designed by Avery Alder
Identity Eyes: calculating eyes, Queen Moves  Bought Loyalty
You can give a side character a
You get The Clique, and choose one
Name: Burton, Brittany, captivating eyes, murky eyes, String on you to tempt them to
Cordelia, Drake, Jacqueline, vacant eyes, pretty eyes do your bidding. The MC will tell
Kimball, Raymond, Reyes, Varun, you what sort of bribe, threat,
Veronica Origin: most popular,  The Clique or coaxing it’ll take to get that
most dangerous, cult leader, You’re at the head of the character to do what you want
Look: stunning, domineering, icy, source of the infection, toughest, coolest, most powerful right now.
neurotic, talkative firstborn of the hive mind clique around. They count as a
gang. Choose one of the following
 And Your Enemies Closer
strengths for your gang:
Your Backstory Strings  they’re armed (with guns and
When someone betrays you, gain
a String on them.
real dangerous stuff),
Name three side characters who  they’re connected (with
are members of your gang. Gain a money and designer drugs),  Many Bodies
 they’re talented (in a band or When you promise one of your
String on each.
sports team), gang members to someone, add
 they’re cultists (with dark 2 to your roll to Turn Them On.
You find someone threatening.
oaths and willingness to die). When one of your gang members
Give them a String on you, and
has sex with someone, it triggers
take a String on them.
your Sex Move.
 The Shield
When you’re surrounded by your
gang, subtract 1 from any rolls  Streaming
Darkest Self Harm against you. You have a telepathic connection
with your gang members. You can

They’ve failed you. Again. This always hear their emotions and
 fears. If you try to hear specific
whole mess is their fault, and
why should you have to suffer thoughts, Gaze Into the Abyss
the consequences of their idiocy?  Add +1 to one of your stats. about it and add 1 to your roll.
You need to make an example  Take another Queen move.
out of each of them -- a cruel  Take another Queen move.
and unwavering example. You  Take a move from any Skin.
escape your Darkest Self when  Take a move from any Skin.
you relinquish part of your power  Take The Clique again and
to someone more deserving, or detail another gang.

when you destroy an innocent
person in order to prove your

Hot 2 Cold 1 Volatile -1 Dark -1 Sex When you have sex with someone, they gain the Condition
one of them. While the Condition remains, they count as
Hot -1 Cold 2 Volatile -1 Dark 1 Move part of your gang.
Playing the Vampire
Icy, manipulative, hypnotic, and cruel. The Vampire
thrives on emotional entrenchment and control. The
Vampire knows how to undermine the will of others,
and often possesses an unsettling attitude toward

Both stat options showcase the Vampire’s Hot and

Cold nature, passionately romantic one minute and
downright mean the next. Your choice is about which
way the scale tends to lean: sexy or disdainful.

The Vampire has some moves that are downright scary,

not because of anything supernatural, but because
they are calculatingly and intimately violent. Playing a
Vampire means contending with being a person who
wilfully causes harm. Do you work toward redemption?
Do you give in to dark temptation? Remember that
you’re a main character in this story, and that means
having a character arc beyond simply hurting others.
Or, if not, be prepared to have your role change from
protagonist to villain, as the other characters start
sharpening up their stakes.

The Vampire
You are beauty eternal. You are the darkness that everyone wants to taste,
but no one dares understand. It’s there in your eyes, your carefully chosen
words, and your every gesture: you no longer have a soul.

Some vampires revel in that fact, their afterlife a tapestry of hedonism and
Credits exsanguination. Others hate the evil in their skin, solemnly vowing to a
chaste and lonely existence. Either way, someone suffers. The choice is yours.
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at
This skin designed by Avery Alder
Identity Vampire Moves  The Feeding
You feed on hot blood, direct
Choose two:
Name: Amanda, Cassius, Clayton, Eyes: dead eyes, lusty eyes, from the source. If this is the first
Helene, Isaiah, Jessamine, Jong, pained eyes, hungry eyes, time they’ve ever been fed upon,
Lucian, Marcell, Morana, Serina thirsty eyes  Invited you both mark experience. When
You cannot enter a home you feed, choose two:
Look: intense, aloof, predatory, Origin: newly reborn, without being invited. Whenever  you heal 1 Harm,
smoldering, old-fashioned taken this century, many ages old, someone invites you in, gain a  you take 1 Forward,
lord, cursed blood String on them.  they definitely don’t die.

 Hypnotic
Your Backstory Strings You can hypnotize people who
 Marked for the Hunt
Feeding on someone establishes
have no Strings on you. Roll with a preternatural bond. From that
You’re beautiful. Gain a String on Hot. On a 10 up, they do exactly point forward, whenever you
everyone. what you wish and have no idea Gaze Into the Abyss concerning
that anything is wrong. • On their whereabouts or well-being,
Someone once saved your unlife. a 7-9, the hypnosis works, but roll as if you had Dark 3.
They gain 2 Strings on you. choose one:
 they realize exactly what
 Inescapable
you’ve done to them,
You may spend a String on
 they fuck up your commands,
someone to demand that they
 their sanity is unhinged.
remain in your presence. If they
Darkest Self Harm  Cold as Ice
still walk out on you, gain 2
Strings on them.
When you Shut Someone Down and
Everyone is your pawn, your
plaything. You hurt them and Experience  roll a 7 or higher, you may choose
an extra option from the list.
make them vulnerable, for sport
-- like a cat does with a mouse.  Add +1 to one of your stats.
Maybe you’ll even drain them  Take another Vampire move.
dry, though you’ll certainly take  Take another Vampire move.
your time first. You escape your  Take a move from any Skin.
Darkest Self when you’re put in  Take a move from any Skin.
your rightful place, by someone  You’re in a Vampiric Coterie.
more powerful than you.

Hot 2 Cold 1 Volatile -1 Dark -1 Sex When you deny someone sexually, gain a String on them.

Hot 1 Cold 2 Volatile -1 Dark -1 Move When you have sex with someone, lose all Strings on them.
Playing the Werewolf
Aggressive, domineering, primal, and amorous. The
Werewolf is primed for violence, and knows that
physical dominance is the root of social power. They
are territorial and dangerous, but they draw people in
with their rough, lusty gorgeousness. Rounding out the
Werewolf is a mystical, animal side: they are strongest
when basked in moonlight and guided by primal

Both stat options highlight the Werewolf’s sexy,

dangerous nature. Your choice is about whether they
lean more toward a heart-breaker with a mean streak
(Hot 2 & Volatile 1), or an unpredictable loose-cannon
who it’s dangerous to get too close to (Hot 1 & Volatile

The question of whether you can transform into the

form of a wolf when not your Darkest Self is left up to
individual groups to decide. You have the same stats
and moves regardless of your current form.

The Werewolf
Everyone around you seems so willing to play the roles they are handed, to
quietly colour within the lines. They’ve been tamed, domesticated. You’re of
a different stock: you’ve broken down the fence built to contain you. You’ve
howled at the moon, and heard it howl back.

Credits Now, the transformation is complete. This is what you were always meant
to be. Wild. Unwavering. Alive.
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at
This skin designed by Avery Alder
Identity Werewolf Moves  Heightened Senses
When you rely on your animal
Choose two:
Name: Cassidy, Candika, Flinch, Eyes: cunning eyes, instincts to make sense of a
Levi, Margot, Lorrie, Luna, Peter, predatory eyes, fierce eyes, charged situation, roll with Dark.
Tucker, Zachary savage eyes, wolf eyes  Primal Dominance On a 10 up, ask the MC three
When you harm someone, take a questions from below and take
Look: primal, unkempt, wiry, Origin: born a wolf, bitten, String on them. 1 Forward. • On a 7-9, ask one
rugged, feisty raised by wolves, ancestral power, question from below and take 1
awoken, favoured by the moon  Scent of Blood Forward:
Add 1 to all rolls against those  Where’s my best escape route

who have been harmed in this
Your Backstory
or way in?
scene already.  Which enemy is the most
vulnerable to me?
You lack subtlety. Give a String to  Howl at the Moon  What’s their secret weakness?
everyone. When basked in moonlight, you  What poses the biggest threat
may act as if you had Dark 3. to me?
You’ve spent weeks watching  Who’s in control here?
someone from a distance. Their
 Spirit Armour
scent and mannerisms are  Unstable
When basked in moonlight, any
unmistakable to you now. Gain When you become your Darkest
harm that you suffer is reduced
two Strings on them. Self, mark experience.
by 1, and you add 2 to all rolls to
Keep Your Cool.
Darkest Self Harm
You transform into a terrifying
wolf-creature. You crave power Experience 
and dominance, and those are
earned through bloodshed. If  Add +1 to one of your stats.
anyone attempts to stand in your  Take another Werewolf move.
way, they must be brought down  Take another Werewolf move.
and made to bleed. You escape  Take a move from any Skin.
your Darkest Self when you  Take a move from any Skin.
wound someone you really care  You belong to a Wolf Pack.
about or the sun rises, whichever
happens first. Conditions

When you have sex with someone, you establish a deep

Hot 1 Cold -1 Volatile 2 Dark -1 Sex spiritual connection with them. Until either of you breaks
that spirit connection (by having sex with someone else)
Move add 1 to all rolls made to defend them. You can tell when
Hot 2 Cold -1 Volatile 1 Dark -1 that connection has been broken.
Playing the Witch
Brooding, vengeful, secretive, and occult. The Witch
bides their time, silently judging others until an
opportunity for magical retribution and mischief
presents itself.

The two stat options for the Witch slant toward being
either calculating and venomous (Cold 2 & Dark 1) or
seductive and spooky (Hot 1 & Dark 2). Either way, the
Witch relies on patience to be at the height of their
power. Unless they’re willing to chant in tongues, eyes
swirling a cloudy crimson, their low Volatile stat means
they’re not very good at reacting to unexpected threats.

The best way to keep track of both Strings and

Sympathetic Tokens is to use a different symbol for
each. Since circles are already suggested for Strings,
little stars or triangles would work well for the tokens.
You can keep track of what the physical objects are on
a scrap piece of paper or in the margins of the sheet.

If a character of another Skin takes the Hex-Casting

move without also taking Sympathetic Tokens, the only
way they can cast a Hex is by meeting their target’s
gaze and chanting in tongues – not exactly a subtle

The Witch
In every lock of hair, every furtive glance, every secret note that transfers
hands during history class – there is an invitation. An invitation to be fucked
with. Not that witchcraft is about fucking with others, exactly, but it’s hard
not to notice how utterly malleable the world is, once you know a thing or
two about magic.
Of course, a good witch like you knows restraint. A good witch turns a blind eye
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at to all those invitations, and doesn’t think about how sweet vengeance and con-
This skin designed by Avery Alder trol might be. A good witch is above that sort of thing. At least, most of the time.
Identity Witch Moves Hexes
You start with Sympathetic Tokens Choose two:
Name: Abrielle, Annalee, Eyes: calculating eyes, smirking
and Hex-Casting:
Cordelia, Darius, Evelyn, Gerard, eyes, playful eyes, wicked eyes,
Lucca, Merrill, Sabrina, Vanessa deep eyes  Wither
 Sympathetic Tokens The hexed loses all of their hair,
Look: lithe, guarded, coy, edgy, Origin: taught by grandma, You gain power from or their teeth start falling out, or
meticulous awoken, pagan initiate, tumblr, Sympathetic Tokens - items of their period arrives unexpected
avid reader personal significance taken from and heavy, or their skin gets
others. Sympathetic Tokens all sickly yellow and spotty.
count as Strings. Whatever the specifics, it’s bad.
Your Backstory Strings + Tokens
 Hex-Casting  Binding
You start the game with two You can cast Hexes. Choose two The person cannot physically
Sympathetic Tokens. Decide that you know. To cast them, harm others.
whose and what they are. either expend a Sympathetic
Token during a secret ritual, or  Ring of Lies
One of the others caught you meet the target’s gaze and chant Whenever the person attempts to
rummaging through their friend’s at them in tongues. Then roll lie, they hear a piercing ringing
stuff, but hasn’t said anything. with Dark. On a 10 up, the Hex noise. Big lies will often make
They get a String on you. works, and can easily be reversed. their knees buckle and disorient
On a 7-9, it works but choose one: them. Severe lies can cause harm
 the casting does you 1 Harm;
Darkest Self Harm
or even brain damage.
 the Hex has weird side
effects;  Watching
The time for subtlety and
patience is over. You’re too Experience   trigger your Darkest Self. You enter a deep sleep, and begin
to see the world through the eyes
powerful to put up with their  Transgressive Magic
garbage any longer. You hex  Add +1 to one of your stats. of the hexed. You can feel their
 Take another Witch move. If your ritual transgresses the reactions to and impressions of
anyone who slights you. All of community’s moral or sexual
your hexes have unexpected side  Take all the remaining Hexes. what they are seeing.
 Create a new Hex. standards, add 1 to your Hex-
effects, and are more effective Casting roll.  Illusions
than you are comfortable with.  Take a move from any Skin.
 Take a move from any Skin. Pick one: snakes and bugs,
To escape your Darkest Self, you
 You belong to a Coven.  Sanctuary demonic visages, false prophecies,
must offer peace to the one you non-existent subtext. The hexed
You have a secret place for
have hurt the most. sees that thing everywhere. You
practicing witchcraft. Add 1 to all
rolls you make within this space. have no control over the exact
images or manifestations.

Hot -1 Cold 2 Volatile -1 Dark 1 Sex After sex, you can take a Sympathetic Token from them.

Hot 1 Cold -1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 Move They know about it, and it’s cool.
Playing the Beast
Repressed and afraid of intimacy. The Beast is the one who bottles up their
passions and whose emotions are so locked away that when they do finally
let them out, they explode with a horrible, uncontrollable intensity. The
Beast’s passion transform them into a beast with killer instincts. However
the Beast keeps a connection to others even ion this twisted and malicious
state. They’ll go out of their way to hunt and attack that teacher who
humiliated them, the boy who they had a crush on, or that person who
got in their way. When they finally do return to normal, the Beast may be
horried but they may also secretly have enjoyed giving into their more base

Your two stat choices when using the Beast bring forth two distinct ways.
One whose feral nature desperatley seeks to make a normal life and risks
letting the Beast loose (Hot 2, Cold 1), or someone who is mysterious and
reserved and believes that shutting everyone out is the only way to keep
the Beast on lock (Cold 2, Hot 1). The Beast can be an outcast afraid or their
own strength, or a social butterfly whose a ticking time bomb. When the
Beast finally gets loose, there will be hell to pay.

Your Moves will shape the triggers and decide how easy it will be for you
to go Feral, but also the abilities you gain while Feral. Taking Tooth & Claw
turns you into a literal monster and makes you to more akin to hunt those
who have done you wrong. While taking Cat’s Eye increases your ability to
give you an edge over people mentally. If you take the advancement that
gives you a gang, you will discover a group of other Beasts who also suffer
from your condition.

The Beast
They were called frigid. A prude. An ice queen. Their friends always thought they
were just too uptight, and that they’d be fine if they just loosen up a little. Have
some fun. But they know the truth. When they let go - when they lose control,
even for a moment - they can feel themselves starting to change. The terrible
animal in them is always roaring at the ones they love, always trying to claw its
way out. And when it gets out, people get hurt. And the worst part? Sometimes
they kind of like it.
Credits The Beast knows it’s nature, it’s being, that it’s dangerous, that it needs to kept
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at away forever. But maybe, just maybe it’s time to let it out.
This skin was designed by Topher Gerkey and updated by Nicholas Francia
Art created by Noeland.
o Beauty & The...
Identity Beast Moves You can spend a string on some-
Names: Blake, Christina, Etienne, Eyes: Intimidating eyes, glacial You get Caged Heat, and choose two one to simultaneously turn them
Irena, Isabeau, Jivan, Natassja, eyes, demure eyes, conflicted eyes more: on and shut them down. Roll once
Paul, Simone, Tobias and apply all the results; you may
Origin: Hexed, drank from a • The Caged Heat choose whether to use Hot or Cold
Look: Pristine, rigid, icy hot, shapeshifter’s pawprint, cursed Whenever you are turned on, your for this roll. On a miss, gain the
sculpted, exotic bloodline, deep hypnosis inner beast begins to assert itself. condition Feral.
experiment You gain the condition Feral, and o Tooth & Claw
for as long as you have that If you are Feral and have lost your
Your Backstory Strings
condition you may use Hot instead human shape, add 1 to your roll
of Volatile to Lash Out Physically. when you Shut Someone Down by
Two of the others have asked you You can attempt to Keep Your Cool frightening them or when you Lash
out in the past, but you turned in order to remove this condition. Out Physically.
them down. Take a string on each Additionally, while Feral choose
of them. two: o Fight or Flight
+You mostly retain your human If you are Feral and have lost your
You try not to have strong feelings shape. human intelligence, when you Lash
about anyone. No one else can +You mostly retain your human Out Physically and roll 10 up you
start with more than one string on intelligence and personality. can pick two options. Roll Cold
you. +You mostly retain self-control instead of Volatile to Run Away.
over your violent and malicious
impulses o Predator & Prey
o You Wouldn’t Like Me If you are Feral and have lost your
impulse control, take a string on
Your Caged Heat move is triggered
Darkest Self Harm
anyone at whom you Lash Out
by intense jealousy, anger, or
Physically and inflict harm.
You are an animal. No trace of hatred in addition to by being
turned on. o Cat Eyes
Experience O O O O O
your human body or mind remains,
only your most primal emotions - When you look into someone’s eyes
lust, fear, anger, jealousy, hatred. • Add +1 to one of your stats. o Scaredy Cat
and gaze into the abyss, on a 10 up
You are drawn to anyone you have • Take another Beast move. Your Caged Heat move is triggered add this option: You know their
such intense feelings for, but your • Take another Beast move. by intense fear, shame, or sorrow deepest fear or secret lust, and add
only means of interacting with • Take a move from any Skin. in addition to by being turned on. 1 to your roll when using that
them is to savagely attack them. If • Take a move from any Skin. information to Shut Them Down or
you can’t fnd someone you know, • You’re in a Bloodline of Beasts. Turn Them On.
any target will do. You cannot
escape your Darkest Self until you
take a life. Conditions

Hot 2 Cold 1 Volatile -1 Dark -1 Sex

Immediately after you have sex with someone, you become
your Darkest Self and gain the condition Feral. That person

Hot 1 Cold 2 Volatile -1 Dark -1 Move gains +1 forward when attempting to stop you from your
Playing the Believer
Certain, dedicated, paranoid, out of touch, and a bit unhinged. The Believer
is all about following hunches, taking risks, and somethings being
completely wrong. They pursue the special things in the world in the hopes
that they’ll rub off and make them special as well. Their Obsession drives
them in all aspects of their life. The plot implication of their Obsession
aren’t limited only to them. They are not special because of their Obsession,
they’re reaching for something that’s more interesting than the rest of their

The two stat choices of the Believers are similiar but interchanging Hot and
Cold. Your connection to the supernatural is ever present, do you look at
society with ever hopeful eyes hoping to gain potential allies and
acceptance of your theories (Dark 2 & Hot 1)? Perhaps however you scorn
society for how they denied you and called you crazy throughout your
pursuit of knowledge (Dark 2 & Cold 1)? Whether your intention to protect
society or just for your own personal gain is up to you, and your
motivations behind your Obsession should drive your character as it is as
important as your Obsession itself.

Taking moves such as You Gotta Believe Me, and I Know In My Heart will
allow you to stand strong and fight back against most of the people who
would deny your research as fantasy. Not only does this allow you refute
their claims, it may aid as an important tool in recruiting them to your side.
Trust No One and Precaution serve as means to support breaking the rules
and going deep in the danger when it comes to pursuing your Obsession.

Your Darkest Self represents the dark ends that you’ll go to in order to
prove or find what your looking for. You no longer care about the collateral The Believer
or how many friends you need to bury before you get what you want. You It all makes sense now. The hidden messages, the secret symbol, all the details
built a house of cards that is bound to come down and when it does, it just outside a normal person’s perception that lie just beneath the surface. It
comes down hard. means something, it all has to mean something. You know you’re not crazy, and
once you get the proof you need everyone else will know it too. This is the first
small step in unraveling the whole fucked up mystery.

But remember... knowledge is a dangerous thing.

This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at
This skin was designed by Learned Knave and updated by Nicholas Francia
Photo by Behind Blue Skies
o Always Watching
Identity Believer Moves When someone is talking about
Names: Sanford, Dana, Jose, Eyes: Distant eyes, wide eyes, dart- You get The Truth is Out There, and you or your Obsession, you may
Mabel, Finn, Chaos, Ruth, Lucas, ing eyes, confident eyes, worrying one more move. give them a String to bust in half-
Alex, Walker, Carmela, Neptune eyes cocked and carry 1 forward to
• The Truth is Out There pursuing your Obsession for that
Look: Haggard, shifty, polished, Origin: Gloryhound, a legacy, You have an Obsession with a scene.
thin, ostentatious, sunday best, close encounter, the people must person, group, location, event or
smelly know object. When you satisfy your o Precaution
curiosity and find something new When pursuing your Obsession, and
about your Obsession, mark
Your Backstory Strings
you’re in over your head, reduce
experience. When you believe any harm you take by 1 and add 1
You have some good evidence that you’ve learned everything you can to any rolls you make to Keep Your
someone you know isn’t human. about your Obsession, change it to Cool. If someone is aiding you in
Take a String on them. something new. When you reveal your investigation, they also gain
your Obsession to someone for the this benefit.
There is one person that you trust first time, they take a String on
absolutely, even if they don’t you. o Trust No One
always see things for what they When you go behind the back of
o You Gotta Believe Me
are. You’ve even shared your an authority figure to pursue your
Obsession with them. Take a String When you preach to the nonbe-
Obsession, mark experience. If you
on them and they take two Strings lievers roll with Hot. On a 10+,
are caught, add 1 to your roll to
on you. they take your side or they gain
Run Away this scene.
the condition Conspirator. On a
7-9, they give you a condition and o I Know in My Heart
choose one:
When you ignore the evidence and
Darkest Self Harm + You take a string on them.
+ They promise something they
double down on what you already
None of them will listen to you. believe, add 1 to all your rolls to
think you want.
Experience O O O O O
Don’t they understand how import- Shut Someone Down and
+ They make a run for it.
ant this is to the world? Pursue Turn Someone On for the rest of the
your Obsession at all costs, dragging • Add +1 to one of your stats. scene.
o Super Sleuth
as many people along as you can. If • Take another Believer move.
you can’t force them, then they’re • Take another Believer move. When you go hunting for physical
just another obstacle on your path • Take a move from any Skin. evidence, roll to Gaze Into the Abyss.
to enlightenment of yourself, and • Take a move from any Skin. If anyone is aiding you, give them a
of others. You escape your Darkest • You’re in an Investigation Squad. String and add 1 to your roll. On a
Self when you come to understand hit, you receive some sort of
how much you have hurt others by physical clue to your investigation.
your obsessive behavior. Conditions

Hot 1 Cold -1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 Sex When you have sex with someone, whichever one of you is more

Hot -1 Cold 1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 Move immersed in the supernatural take two Strings on the other.
Playing The Bogeyman
Intense, pushy, thrilling and going a bit too far. The
Bogeyman thrives for horror and danger, never quite
satisfied with the scares they do get. They are an
adrenaline junky or horror movie fan that goes further
and further every time, regardless of the consequences.

The Bogeyman’s stat lines both show off an attraction

to danger and the bizarre, Volatile and Dark. They differ
in whether you find pleasure in physical danger, or
whether you like a more creepy, atmospheric mood.

The Bogeyman likes to freak people out. Stalker in the

Night can lead into Fear-Eater can lead into A Scary Kind
of Sexy. When forcing other characters to Keep Their Cool,
it’s up to them what they’re scared of, but up to you and
the MC what the consequences for failure will be.

Deeper Than Before turns The Abyss into someplace you

can physically visit. Work with the MC to determine
what it looks like when you step into it, and ask
questions; if you show up in someone else’s visions, are
you in danger from their version of The Abyss? Or are
you just an intangible ghost, there to watch but not

The Bogeyman
You’re always looking for the next fright, the next danger, the next thing to
push you on this wild ride called life. Horror movies or walking down dark
alleyways... doesn’t matter. Who cares if the things you like are considered
‘scary,’ or ‘dangerous,’ or ‘could get someone killed?’
Credits You’ll have the time of your life, no matter what happens. The creepy and
weird is your ocean, and you’re the shark who can’t stop smiling.
This is a fan Skin for Monsterhearts 2, designed by C.M.Ruebsaat
Check out the game at
Identity Bogeyman Moves ❍ That’s Why They’re
You get Fear Eater, and choose one
Name: Kallen, Mags, Jack, Blake, Eyes: pitch eyes, intense eyes, When someone tells you what
Coco, Ebony, Slash, Senna, Teller, vengeful eyes, hunting eyes, dragged more:
scares them, you both mark
G.E, Caliban, Lexie eyes experience and you take a String
● Fear-Eater
on them.
Look: grinning, ragged, dark oil, Origin: from the abyss, someone’s fear, When you’re trying to frighten
niche cosplay, antique urban legend, creep, horror movie fan someone, you can spend a String ❍ Not a Wuss, Are You?
to force them to Keep Their Cool. If When you ask someone to go
they’re a side character or roll a 7- somewhere obviously dangerous
9, they pick one: with you, give them a Condition if
Your Backstory Strings ✦ I freeze up, giving you a they refuse, and mark experience
moment to act. if they accept.
Someone gives you chills - the ✦ I panic and flee.
bad kind - when you look at ✦ I scream in shock. Give me a ❍ Deeper Than Before
them. Give them a String on you. Condition. When you want to go into The
Abyss itself, Gaze Into the Abyss.
You whispered to someone from ❍ A Scary Kind of Sexy On a 10 up, when you look away,
the dark. Take a String on them. When you show someone how you will be in The Abyss; you can
freaky and dangerous it really is traipse around in it or even show
to be around you, roll to Turn up in other people’s visions. On a
Them On with Volatile. 7-9, pick 1.
✦ The MC gives you a Condition
Darkest Self Harm ❍ Stalker In the Night as you arrive.
You can see in the dark and make ✦ Something follows you out of
People thought you were creepy
and dangerous before... just they Experience ❍❍❍❍❍ no sound unless you want to. the Abyss.
✦ Trigger your Darkest Self the
When someone is in the dark, any
wait and see. Give them a reason harm they inflict on you is next time you see someone.
to really be scared. Fear isn’t ❍ Add +1 to one of your stats.
❍ Take another Bogeyman move. reduced by 1, and you can give
enough, it’s time for blood and away that you’re there use Fear
knives and hunting. Everyone is ❍ Take another Bogeyman move.
❍ Take a move from any Skin. Eater without spending a String
victim or fellow hunter, and on them.
there are no in-betweens. You ❍ Take a move from any Skin.
escape your Darkest Self once ❍ You lurk with a Creep Cohort.
something comes along that
scares even you, or someone you Conditions
thought was a victim messes you

Hot -1 Cold -1 Volatile 2 Dark 1 Sex When you have sex with someone, ask them if you are
scary. If they say yes, take a String on them. If they say no,

Hot -1 Cold -1 Volatile 1 Dark 2 Move give yourself a Condition.

Playing The Caged
Trapped, naive, pliable, and eager to experience. The
Caged has been kept away from the rest of the world for
most of their lives, and is only now getting to
experience for the first time what is normal to everyone

The two stat lines for the Caged allow you to choose
between someone who pushes away the outside world
(Cold 2 & Hot 1) or embraces it all, evil and good alike
(Hot 2 & Dark 1). The Caged is not used to typical threats
and dangers, leaving them with low Volatile.

The Caged gains experience incredibly quickly compared

to most Skins; between Where Are We Going?, Still
Learning, and their Kiss Move, they’ll advance fast
enough that they should have the ability to become
Experienced whenever it makes sense within the

It is intentional that The Caged does not focus very

much on the Cage itself, and chooses to instead explore
the feeling of leaving your comfort zone - or your prison
- for the first time. The Cage is less important than the
behaviours and feelings it left you with.

The Caged
You’ve never been a part of the world everyone else grew up in. You lived
most of your life in a cage; a comfortable cage, maybe, or a beautiful one,
but still a cage. It is strange out here.

Credits You’re free now, or at least more so than you’ve ever been. You’re sheltered
and too different to ignore, but maybe you can find a way to fit in despite it
This is a fan Skin for Monsterhearts 2, designed by C.M.Ruebsaat
Check out the game at
Identity The Caged Moves ❍ Where Are We Going?
When someone asks you to go
Name: Alex, Zivanka, Grace, Eyes: curious eyes, keyhole eyes, Start with Sheltered, and choose one somewhere with them, mark
Paton, Abby, Niko, Jean, Tanya, guarded eyes, telling eyes, endearing more. You cannot take Experienced experience if you agree. If
Orion, Freya, Dove, Paris eyes when you take a move. something goes wrong, give them
a Condition.
Look: demure, old-fashioned, Origin: former cultist, giant’s daughter, ● Sheltered
sportsy, unearthly, immature helicopter parents, sealed-away god, You have a bit of a disconnect ❍ Still Learning
homeschooled from the rest of the world. When When someone agrees to teach
someone tries to Turn You On, you something you should know
rather than picking a reaction, by now, you both mark
Your Backstory Strings you can choose to take the experience.
Condition naive, oblivious, or
Someone has been inside your innocent instead. ❍ A Gilded Cage
cage. Gain a String on them.
When you bring someone back to
❍ Experienced a place you feel trapped, ask them
You think someone can help you
You know how the world works (explicitly or implicitly) if they
learn about the world outside
now. When someone helps you want to help you escape. If they
your cage. Give them two Strings
act outside your comfort zone, answer yes, take 1 Forward. If they
on you.
roll to Turn Them On. On a 10 up, answer no, you can roll to Shut
take 1 Forward, and they must Them Down with Hot.
also choose the following reaction
❍ Thought It Was Normal
Darkest Self Harm in addition to a normal reaction:
When you defy social norms and
✦ I am impressed, and say so.
draw attention to yourself, take 1
You don’t want to be the naive
one anymore. You need to be Experience ❍❍❍❍❍ ❍ Friendly Innocence Forward to Shut Down or Run
Away from anyone staring at you.
taken seriously, by your friends, When you hang out with
by your cage... go wild, go crazy, ❍ Add +1 to one of your stats. someone dangerous or nasty
anything to make sure you’ve ❍ Take another Caged move. because you don’t know any
proven yourself. Escape your ❍ Take another Caged move. better, take a String on them.
Darkest Self when you willingly ❍ Take a move from any Skin.
go back to your cage, or when ❍ Take a move from any Skin.
people consider you a badass, a ❍ Lose Sheltered and your Kiss Move.
credible threat, or a totally Gain Experienced and your Sex Move.
different person.
Kiss When you kiss someone, it feels like a big deal. Give them
a String on you and mark experience.
Hot 1 Cold 2 Volatile -1 Dark -1 Sex
Do not start with this move. When you have sex with
someone, ask them what they want most from you. They

Hot 2 Cold -1 Volatile -1 Dark 1 Move must answer honestly. If you give it to them, take a String
on them.
Playing the Calaca
Disarming, cute, freakish, and yet so cheerful. The Calaca is the happiest
person dressed in funeral blacks you’ve ever seened, a wise confidant who
gives the most profound advice one moment, writing odes to death and
decay while using a brightly colored pen. Your Haunting Visage might be
horrificially terrifying but that doesn’t change your devious sunny
disposition. Solve the problems brought forth to you and make sure,
whoever they are, remembers your name.

Your two stat choices both have Dark 2 because of your connection to
death itself, and how integral it is to you. But your secondary stat will
shape your actions, are you the party spirit who tells people to accept death
as a new beginning rather than the end (Dark 2 & Hot 1) or do you show
people how cruel and forebearing death really is, a literal spirit of death,
wings and all. (Dark 2 & Cold 1) The Calaca doesn’t capitlize on
oppurtunities, rather it creates them.

Moves such as Sugar Skull and Morte Alata make your Haunting Visage ever
stronger, allowing you supplment most of your moves for your strongest
stat. Pick those moves if you intend to be in your true form alot and want
to get your mileage out of it. Moves like Day of the Dead and Santa Muerte
are wild card that can change your entire pace pace around. Helping people
you care about especially by giving them guidance should be one of your
main priorities. Your story is the story how made other people’s stories
better. Your meddling creates drama but you best believe they’ll remember
you at the end of it all.

Your Darkest Self is dangerous and dark to the say the least, your wisdom
is even more profound and yet cruel. Convince your friends that death is The Calaca
not the end, it’s the beginning and a beginning they shouldn’t wait to get Death is not the end, in fact it is only the beginning. This is what the Calca
started. believes. Instead of regretting their death like that of the Ghost, or just barely
hanging in as a corpse like the Ghoul, the Calaca is the embodiment of living
it as one of the dead. They want to teach others what death has taught them,
impart the lessons they’ve had over the years. They ocassionally begin to miss
the pleasantries that they had when they were alive, but who cares being dead is
Credits However sometimes they don’t want to accept your knowledge or your gift of
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at death and you can understand. If you could see how great being dead was why
This skin was designed by Topher Gerkey and updated by Nicholas Francia can’t they? Maybe they need a little push, from your friendly walking, talking
Photo by Ruines Humaines skeleton.
o Morte Alata
Identity Calaca Moves In your true form, you possess
Names: Cal, Catrina, Charity, Eyes: Hollow eyes, gleaming eyes, You get Haunting Visage and choose a pair of bony wings. Roll Dark
Grace, Daniel, Frida, Jack, Manuel, wise eyes, vivid eyes, kind eyes two more: instead of Volatile to run away by
Mercedes, Scully escaping into the air.
• Haunting Visage
Look: Skin like porcelain, gothic Origin: Bone elemental, corpse At any time you can transform into
o Santa Muerte
lolita, deathly pale, painted face, bride, death spirit, neromantic your true skeletal form. If anyone When you help another character
rail thin construct, summoned ancestor witnesses this process, they take a come to terms with the concept
string on you. You roll Dark instead of death or the death of someone
else, mark experience and roll to
Your Backstory Strings
of Cold to Shut Someone Down, and
cause people to Keep Their Cool in Make Others Feel Beautiful.
Someone is actually a long lost your presence. You can’t Turn
Someone On while using this move.
o Day of the Dead
descendant of yours, take a String
When you throw a party or
on them.
o Ofrendas celebration, it invigorates you. You
When someone offers something may use a move from any playbook
Someone has seen you transform-
to them in your name, give them once for that scene only.
ing into your true form, give them
a String. advice on their issue. If you do
Gaze into the Abyss, if you roll a hit
choose one:
+Your visions show what they
must do, they carry 1 forward.
+The visions heal your friend,
they may remove one condition.
+Take a string on your friend.
Darkest Self Harm o Mi Memoria
Your sweetness and humor is a When you take your fourth harm,
Experience O O O O O
mask, you have denied your true depart from this plane and to the
nature far too long. Spent too land of the dead. As long as you
much time teaching others to not • Add +1 to one of your stats. still have strings on a single person
to fear death and not enough time • Take another Calaca move. you may return.
teaching them to embrace it. Twist • Take another Calaca move.
your words and teachings, bring • Take a move from any Skin. o Sugar Skull
forth others to join your black • Take a move from any Skin. You are more pleasant than most
parade. You can only escape your • You’re apart of a Family Legacy. others in your visage, you can roll
Darkest Self when someone to Turn Someone On while in your
teaches you to love life again, or true form. When using this move
when you drive someone to take Conditions roll with Dark instead of Hot.
their own life.

Hot 1 Cold -1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 Sex When you have sex with someone, ask them if they will always

remember you. If they say yes, treat it as you had used Ofrendas
Hot -1 Cold -1 Volatile 1 Dark 2 and rolled a 10+. Choose all three options instead of one.
Playing the Creature
Protective, territorial, vengeful, and hopeful. The Creature is embodiment of
mother nature rising up to protect itself from industrial expansion.
Whether it be preventing a company from dumping toxic waste into a body
of water, turning a forest preserve into a landfill, using animals in
experiments, or hunting endangered species, the Creature will be there to
stop them. A sort of nature vigilante, the Creature has a cause that they will
pursue considering it their highest priority.

Your two stat choices both have Volatile 2 because your naturally pissed off
that someone is threatening your cause. Whether or not you still believe
that humans can be turned around with some prodding (Volatile 2 and Hot
1) or perhaps that they are beyond reason (Volatile 2 & Cold 1), you put your
environment and your cause first before anything else.

Moves such as Cold-Blooded Fury and Apex Predator allow you to become
more monster than protector. Allowing you to take harm they attempt to
dish out and inflict it right back, but be careful once you draw blood you
might find it hard to avoid all out war against your opposition. Songbird
allows you to make rousing speeches and pursue non-violence, with Frog
Kiss being important when your taking that special someone on a magic
carpet ride of your environment.

Your Darkest Self is when you decide that you can’t stop the inevitable and
perhaps it’s better to turtle up and make best of the time you have. The
bulldozers will be here before dawn, so enjoy the last night you have in
your home. Sometimes you find that you cause is properly protected, and in
that case just take up a new cause to champion towards.
The Creature
All that time and energy on a petition - all the convincing, all the seducing, all
the threatening - and what do they get when they present city hall with a
thousand signatures? They throw it in the trash, and continue to destroy their
home anyway. The Creature wanted to do things peacefully perhaps, they
wanted to believe in the good of man to protect something precious to them.

But it didn’t work out that way, and now it’s time for plan b. If they won’t read
Credits the signatures, listen to the protests, or speak at the debates then it’s time they
felt the horror of a pissed off monster. Maybe when the town has been
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at terrorized they’ll finally get it through their thick heads.
This skin was designed by Topher Gerkey and updated by Nicholas Francia
Photo from The Shape of Water
o Eco-Terrorism
Identity Creature Moves When you turn to violence and
Names: Bessie, Blue, Champ, Gil, Eyes: Aquamarine eyes, teary eyes, You get Missing Link and one more. sabotage in order to further your
Jake, Jenny, Laguna, Madison, limpid eyes, wide-set eyes, black cause, mark experience and take
Ramon, Rico, Thetis eyes • Missing Link
a String against someone who is
Pick an environment, you are against your cause.
Look: Swimmer’s build, Origin: Last of your kind, completely adaptable to it. If it’s
olive-skinned, nearly hairless, chemical spill exposure, first of a body of water you can breathe o Apex Predator
surfer’s tan, fishy smell your kind, cryptid, magic underwater, if it’s a cave system You can shed your human skin to
you can see in the dark and etc. become a scaly monstrosity. In this
Additionally, you have a cause form, you take 1 less harm from
Your Backstory Strings related to your environment. You any attack down to a minimum
get +1 forward to all actions taken of 0. You cannot Turn Someone On
Someone who once an ally to your
to further your cause. and can roll with Volatile to Shut
cause. They take 2 Strings on you.
Someone Down.
o Cold-Blooded Fury
You know someone is secretly When you are filled with righteous o Territorial
involved in workings against your anger in the service of your cause, Your environment is also your
cause. Take 2 Strings on them. you can do extra harm when you territory. When you rest in your
lash out physically. territory, clear all conditions and
heal 1 Harm. If someone invades
o Frog Kiss your territory, you get +1 forward
When you kiss someone while in to attempts to remove intruders
your environment to impart the from your territory.
same adaptability to possess for a
scene. Roll with Hot, on a 10+ they

Darkest Self Harm

take to it fine and adapt as normal.
On a 7-9, their body reacts weird
Everything sucks and nothing you and they take either 1 Harm or a
Experience O O O O O
do can change that. It’s time to condition. On a miss, this fails
leave this world, grab the completely and are harmed greatly.
person you care about the most • Add +1 to one of your stats.
and retreat back to your • Take another Creature move. o Songbird
environment. Defend it against • Take another Creature move. When you speak passionately to
anyone and everyone, and ignore • Take a move from any Skin. convince someone to join your
the rest. You can’t make a differ- • Take a move from any Skin. cause, roll with Volatile. On a 10+,
ence anyway. You escape your • You join some Environmentalists. they mark experience if they help
Darkest Self when someone shows you. On a 7-9, you take a String on
you that you’ve changed things for them. On a miss, they take a String
the better. Conditions on you.

Hot -1 Cold 1 Volatile 2 Dark -1 Sex When you have sex with someone, treat protecting them as part

of your cause until you have sex with someone else. Additionally,
Hot 1 Cold -1 Volatile 2 Dark -1 treat them as if you had rolled a 10+ while using Frog Kiss.
Sex Move Playing The Cuckoo Others' lives are just so fascinating.
That's why you want to walk a mile
Once you've had sex with someone, Playful, jealous, magical, spiteful. The in their shoes... and pants... and
add 1 to your rolls for passing as them. Cuckoo is a clothes-stealing magical shirt. That's why you want to look
shapeshifter. Play this Skin if you out through their
(List them here, and also add +1's to want to mess with other people's eyes, make a few
your outfit list.) relationships and play with gender.
promises with their
voice and maybe
People you've slept with: The magic of Feathers lets you
be partially undressed passing as kiss someone via
someone and have sexual organs like those sweet lips.
theirs instead of yours. You can only
pass as one person at a time, and
when you're totally naked, you're you. Look at that smile.
Darkest Self Guarding the secret of your
You could be
shapechanging might slow down
Somebody is a hack at playing the story. Shredding the Looking Glass
themselves in their own life. It provides a disincentive to uncover you;
grates on you. It's time for you, the it also interacts with Close To The Sun.
understudy, to take that place in
the spotlight; you portray them so If you have Strings that you got while
much better than they do. It's time passing as someone else, they can be
to take them out of the picture, using explained as new things you've learned
whatever means necessary. Replace about that person rather than social

The Cuckoo
them. You escape your Darkest Self power they've ceded to you.
when something they do surprises
you, or someone shows a genuine care With That Good, your impression is so
for them, or you succeed. polished that those interacting with
you can learn something new about

the actual person you're passing as.
Without it, Strings others gain on you Name Look
might be fruitfully confusing. That's ok! Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
 Take another Cuckoo move. Alex, Checha, Coby, Francis, Garnett, sleek, flashy, comfortable,
 Take another Cuckoo move. Using A Little Bird Told Me is like
shutting people down who aren't even Jay, Jamie, Kealoha, Robin, Taylor exuberant, eclectic
 Take a move from another Skin.
 Take a move from another Skin. in the scene.
an androgynous name, tempting eyes, knowing eyes,
 You've got a Flock of Wannabes. an unconventional name, innocent eyes, flirty eyes, vibrant eyes
 Add 1 to Hot (max 3). Facts about real cuckoos
an artist's name, a bird name,
 Add 1 to Cold (max 3). a name of replacement
 Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). Cuckoos parasitically lay their eggs
 Add 1 to Dark (max 3). in other species' nests. The host birds Origin
then raise the young cuckoos, often Circle one:
feeding them before their own young.
If there isn't enough to go around, the foster kid, left in a basket, miracle baby,
host's own children starve. When the from the stars, middle child
This Skin written by Jackson Tegu for: nestling cuckoos first hatch, many
Monsterhearts Second Skins eliminate their nestmates by pushing
them over the side.
Name: Carry Forward Cuckoo Moves  Close To The Sun
When someone suspects that you're
You get these two, and choose one more: not who you appear to be, mark
 Feathers
Stats Your magic lets you pass as the person
whose clothes you're wearing. When
 That Good
Add 1 to one of these: While you're passing as someone, if
you're seen wearing someone else's anyone would gain a String on you,
Hot 1, Cold 1, Volatile -1, Dark -1
Conditions clothes, but aren't yet passing, roll
with hot. On a 10 up, you're passing
they instead gain it on the person
you're passing as.
as them - you'd fool their mother and
their favorite hookup. Mark the outfit
 Brood Parasite
 you're wearing below. • On a 7-9, same
When you can tell that someone wants
as above, but choose one:
what you have, or wants to be in your
SS the magic will dissipate if you kiss
(Turn Someone On, shoes, gain a String on them.
or get kissed,
Manipulate an NPC) SS the magic will dissipate if you lash
Notes out at anyone.  Jumping Out Of Clocks
When you disrobe for someone, take
 1 forward to rolling with volatile, and
While you're passing as someone, give
Cold social Conditions you receive to them they choose:
instead. Physical Conditions still stick SS offer you an experience point to
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) do what they want,
to you. Anyone who takes Feathers also
gets Shredding the Looking Glass. SS trigger your Darkest Self.

 Shredding the Looking Glass  A Little Bird Told Me
Volatile When someone suspects you're not When you blab vicious lies about
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) someone behind their back, roll
who you appear to be, read them this:
"If the enchantment were to be with cold. On a 10 up, give them a
broken, the edges would be very sharp. Condition. • On a 7-9, give them a
 Condition, but some people don't
You momentarily notice a gap in my
believe you, so gain the Condition liar.
Experience Points:
magic. Choose one:
(Gaze Into The Abyss) SS tear my magic away - my identity
is revealed and the clothes are in
>> advance
tatters, but you get scratched up
in the process and take 1 harm,
Your Backstory Strings SS or, shake your head to clear it - it
was nothing." Other Moves
You've stolen an outfit from someone.
Record it under Outfits and gain a
String on that person. Outfits (Mark while passing as)
You can collect more than four, of course.
Someone gave you an outfit so that
you could impersonate them - discuss 
with them and decide why. Record
it under Outfits and you each get a 
String on one another.

Playing the Faithful
Judgemental, hypocritical, supportive and commited. The Faithful is
someone who puts their trust in their belief even when they fall short of
their own expectations. The Faithful may lead to questioning the existence
of higher powers, but they also can bring some interesting conflicts with
the supernatural characters forward; especially those with an aversion to
religous symbols.

Your two stat choices both do not mire themselves with Dark, as doing so
would only lead to temptation further down the road. Whether you choose
to preach your word and use your natural charisma to keep to your faith
(Hot 2 & Volatile 1), with a dash of zealotry in the mix or are hypercritical
of these sinners around you (Cold 2 & Hot 1), the road of the Faithful is
about weathering doubt, navigating temptation, and sticking to your faith.

Breath of Life is your most powerful move at your disposal but with having
to tap into Dark, it’s risky and has the potential to harm not only yourself
but the others around you greatly. This move, along with Stigmata and
Unshakeable grant you the ability to defend yourself those who would
tempt you as long as you have a String before hand to spare. If you don’t,
you’ll find yourself drained and having to clear the condition before using
them again. Sanctuary can help with this and any other nasty conditions
and harm you might take throughout your story.

The Faithful is one who can stop and deter violence in their tracks and
avoid those who would attempt to brush aside them. Meant to handle any-
thing thrown at them, however eventually things will break and when they
do it’s going to be biblical. Once you enter your Darkest Self, it’s goodbye
prayer groups and hello smiting the wicked or whoever manages to piss The Faithful
you off. Sure, it might seem unorthodox, but you know you’ll be forgiven in Lost among a sea of ignorance and what they call sin, the Faithful is the lone
the end. paragon amonster the rest. They know the others have no idea what faith is, or
have the humility to commit themselves to anything beyond their petty wants.
But for the Faithful that is ok, it is there job to show them. They’ll preach to
whoever’ll listen and save their souls whether they want it or not.

But your commitments wouldn’t be meaningful without temptation lurking.

Credits Your body screams at you to betray your sacred promises. Your faith may grant
you strength, but it’s not always easy to stand up for what’s right. It’s hard for
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at you to be strong all the time, and something’s gotta give.
This skin was designed by author unknown and updated by Nicholas Francia
Photo by Maria Marchetti We all need forgiveness for something, right?
o Sanctuary
Identity Faithful Moves Whenever you pray and consecrate
Names: Rebecca, Rachael, Noah, Eyes: Sentimental eyes, judgmen- You choose two: a safe place for another, if they
Chastity, Jacob, David, Michael, tal eyes, glimmering eyes, green spend a night there with you, both
Leah eyes • Martyr of you may remove a condition and
When you take harm because you heal 1 Harm.
Look: Cheery, reserved, average, Origin: Raised that way, born were helping or protecting
strong, old-fashioned again, back on the wagon, simple someone, mark experience and
take a String on whoever you were
o Breath of Life
faith, guided by a divine power When you lay your hands on a
helping or protecting.
wounded person and do not have
Your Backstory Strings o Eye for an Eye the condition drained roll with
When someone gives you a Dark. On a 10+, they heal all harm
You watch everyone, practically and you gain a String on them. On
condition, give them a condition in
unnoticed, waiting for them to slip a 7-9, choose one:
return. If you were already going
up. Take a String on everyone. + They heal all harm and you
to give them a condition, add 1 to
your next roll against them instead. take that harm instead.
Someone knows your greatest sin. + They heal all harm and some-
They take 2 Strings on you. o Unshakeable one nearby (MC’s call) takes that
When another PC tries to Turn You harm afterward.
On or Shut You Down, and you do Afterward, give yourself the
not have the condition drained you condition drained.
may spend a String or gain the
condition drained to have their roll When you lay your hands on
be shifted one category lower. (10+ someone recently dead and you
to 7-9, 7-9 to a miss.) don’t have the condition drained,
don’t roll, they come back from the
Darkest Self Harm o Stigmata dead and choose one:
The judgment of the Heaven and + Someone nearby dies (MC’s
When someone inflicts harm in
Experience O O O O O
the divine is upon them! You see call)
your presence, and you do not have
sin and corruption all around you, + You die
the condition drained you may
and it’s your mission to stamp • Add +1 to one of your stats. + Something powerful and dark
spend a String on them or gain the
it out, burn the wicked and cast • Take another Faifthul move. comes back with them.
condition drained to have them
down the prideful! No longer will • Take another Faithful move. Afterwards, give yourself the
take the harm as well.
they mock you for your beliefs. • Take a move from any Skin. condition drained.
You’ll create hell on earth to • Take a move from any Skin.
save their souls. You escape your • You’re apart of a Church Group.
Darkest Self when you repent and
someone forgives you of your
wrongdoings. Conditions

Hot 1 Cold 2 Volatile -1 Dark -1 Sex When you deny someone sexually, gain the condition tempted

and take a String on them. When you have sex with someone,
Hot 2 Cold -1 Volatile 1 Dark -1 you lose all your Strings on them and remove a condition.
Notes on The Firestarter
Keep notes on this page.

The Firestarter
You’ve always thought fire was beautiful, the way it dances and sways; as a
child you couldn’t look away. You were always touching candles and reaching
for the hot stove top.

There was a time when that’s all it was. You remember being able to feel cool,
calm, relaxed. But then you began to see everything wrong with the world.
_________________________________________ So much to hate. A fire grew in your chest, a heat behind your eyes.
It fed itself inside you until you felt like you wanted to blow smoke.
This is a Skin by Orion Canning for Monsterhearts by Avery Alder (buriedwith-, with help from Ross Cowman, Morgan Stinson, Robert It felt lethal.
Bruce, Jackson Tegu, ESDP, Max Hervieux, Jane Rodgers, and Avery Alder.
Reformatted by Max Hervieux. Not for distribution.
Identity Eyes Firestarter Moves m Fire Walk With Me
You and anything you’re touching
Name smoldering eyes, desperate You get these two, and one more.
are immune to flame.
Aidan, Ashley, Blaze, Diesel, Ho- eyes, gleeful eyes, hard eyes,
l Hate List m Fool’s Fire
taru, Ignacio, Phoenix, Scarlet, blank eyes, cruel eyes When someone seeks your
Shula, Tyson You keep a list of things you hate.
Origin When you hate something write it romantic attention and either
Look lone survivor of a fire, spoiled on your hate list. When you forgive bungles the attempt or you refuse
scarred, bombshell, frenetic, rotten, product of abuse, test or destroy something on your hate their advances, give them the
oily, dangerous subject, child of the revolution list, cross it out. If it was destroyed Condition moth to the flame.
_________________________________________ also mark experience. Normally
You add 1 to rolls to shut down or
Your Backstory Strings
you can’t have more than 3 entries
on your hate list at once. lash out against people with the
Condition moth to the flame. They
You started a really big fire once. l Temper
mark experience if you have sex
What were you thinking about When you think about how much
with them.
when you started it? Add that to you hate something on your hate
your hate list. Who saw you do it? list, choose something that bursts m Hot In Here
Give them a String on you. into flame and roll with volatile. You have a way of lowering other
On a 10 up, the fire catches and peoples’ inhibitions. After you turn
Someone got too close to you and
burns. • On a 7-9, as above, but someone on or lash out physically,
got burned. Now they’re just an old
everyone there (including you) adds
flame. Gain 2 Strings on them. choose 2:
~ someone realizes you caused it, 1 to further rolls to turn someone
Hot 1 Cold -1 Volatile 2 Dark -1 ~ it spreads out of your control, on or lash out physically until you
Turn Someone On Shut Someone Down Lash Out Physically Gaze Into the Abyss ~ you gain the Condition drained, leave.
Keep Your Cool Run Away ~ that thing takes little harm. m Kindling

Darkest Self
When you tell someone what you
m Explosive
qqqq You’re like a bomb waiting to go wish would happen to something
Burn ‘em. Burn ‘em all. on your hate list, roll with hot.
Experience mmmmm
off. When you take your fourth
Maybe they deserve it. Maybe they harm, deal four harm to everyone On a 10 up, they choose: do it and
just annoy you. Either way they nearby. mark experience, or don’t do it and
m Add +1 to one of your stats. you get a String on them. • On a
are going to learn what it means
to hurt. Go after each thing on
m Take a Firestarter move. Hate List: 7-9, instead they choose:
your hate list, one by one, until m Take a Firestarter move. ~ they do it but you’re blamed for it
you cross them all out. If there’s m Take a move from any Skin. ~ they’ll help you do it,
nothing left on your hate list, turn m Take a move from any Skin. ~ they don’t do it and you add them
on yourself. After all, you deserve m You command a Group of to your hate list even if it’s full.
to be at the top of that list, for all ____________________
Vandals. m Tongue of Flame
your flaws and hypocrisy. Look at
the blood on your hands. No one Conditions You can pull Strings on fire as if it
were an NPC.
deserves to be hurt more than you. _________________________________________
You escape your Darkest Self when
When you have sex with someone, talk about the things you
someone proves they’re on your
hate. They choose: tell you what’s good about something on
side, or when you’re engulfed in
+1 Forward
your list and cross it out, or tell you what they hate most and
add it to your hate list, even if it’s full.
Playing the Freshman
Unformed, naïve, uncertain, and immature. The
Freshman is just beginning to truly engage with
the world around them, and finding out that it’s
more complicated than it used to be. The
Freshman is not necessarily an actual ninth grader,
but they haven’t quite come into their monstrosity yet.

Representing their clean slate, the Freshman never

starts out with positive or negative stats, and does
not have the opportunity to change this. This
allows them to take one of the stat lines from
whatever Skin they graduate to.

At the start of the game, the Freshman’s abilities

are limited. The Skin allows for three total
advances from earning experience, but they can
graduate to a different Skin whenever their player
feels ready. If you know ahead of time what the
Freshman’s future holds, great — the MC should
work that into the game. It’s also okay to
be uncertain going in.

When you graduate to a new Skin, change

whatever Identity elements you want to change.
Fill out the new Backstory elements. Discard your
moves, Strings, Conditions, and any leftover
experience. You’re a new person now: act like it.

If playing a game where all characters start out

as the Freshman, play until the last member

The Freshman
0f the group has chosen their new Skin, then
wrap up the Season.

Being a teenager sucks. Your parents think you’re still a little kid. Your
teachers want you to grow up. It’s impossible to tell from one day to the
next if someone’s a friend or a foe. No one gets you, but they all think they
know you. How can they know you when you don’t even know yourself?
Credits Your classmates won’t let you live down a single mistake, so tread
carefully, kid. You don’t want to go from fresh meat to dead meat, do you?
This is a fan Skin for Monsterhearts 2, designed by Chloe Sobel.
Check out the game at
❍ Strike A Violent Pose
Identity Freshman Moves When you Lash Out Physically
Name: Archie, Diego, Eun-ho, Eyes: eager eyes, innocent You gain I’m Just A Kid, and choose
against a friend, add 1 to your roll
Ginger, Jenny, Jules, Munya, eyes, naïve eyes, nervous eyes, one more:
and take an appropriate Condition,
Ned, Rashid, Rue, Spinner, Viva frightened eyes
or subtract 1 from your roll and
● I’m Just A Kid take a String on them.
Look: reticent, childish, ill at Origin: new, popular kid’s When you use your youth and
ease, confident, ungainly little sibling, skipped a grade, naivete to get out of a difficult
homeschooled, army brat ❍ Our Cracking Bones
situation, take an appropriate
When you tend to someone else’s
Condition and gain a String on
wounds, gain a String on them.
another person involved.
Your Backstory Strings
❍ It’s Brutal Out Here
Someone witnessed your most When you offer support to
embarrassing moment. They someone else, by listening to them
gain a String on you. vent or being a shoulder to cry on,
gain a String on them.
You’re keeping someone’s
biggest secret. Take a String ❍ Life Is A Nightmare
on them. When you Gaze Into The Abyss and
roll a 7 or higher, take a Condition
that reflects your reaction to what
you see, and mark experience.
Darkest Self Harm
Everything was simpler when
you were a kid. You could Experience ❍❍❍❍❍
cry and scream and hit as
hard as you wanted, and ❍ Take another Freshman move.
happiness was so simple to ❍ Take another Freshman move.
come by. You take refuge in ❍ Choose a new Skin.
the impulsive, aggressive
actions of your childhood, Conditions
and lash out at anyone
asking you for more. You
escape your Darkest Self
when you let yourself be
vulnerable with someone
you care for.

Hot 0 Cold 0 Volatile 0 Dark 0 Sex When you have sex with someone, tell each other
your greatest insecurity. If either of you lies, take 2

Hot 0 Cold 0 Volatile 0 Dark 0 Move Strings on the other.

Playing the Fury
Desperate, longing to be accepted and the rage, and constantly pushed
around. The Fury is one that knows rejection and pain well. The Fury
balances their life as depicted in Futile Hope. An engine that drives their life,
ability and most importantly their scorn. The Fury operates around putting
themselves out there, willingly trusting and believing in people even though
they know they shouldn’t, and when they are betrayed they are ready to
massively overreact to the provider of that betrayl.

The two stat choices for the Fury describe two very different but equally
powerful beings. The Fury who when pushed to the edge who physically
lashes out with everything forcing others to feel the very real pain the Fury
suffers (Volatile 2, Dark 1) or the Fury that when pushed to the brink
becomes emotionally numb to everything around them and takes
advantage of the emotional vunerabilities of their fellow teens (Cold 2, Dark
1). The Fury is usually but not always an outcast, but perhaps they are a
well respected member of their community but misunderstood. Whatever
the Fury’s deal is, you can bet it’s going to be a story that doesn’t end well
for them.

Your fellow players will have an incentive to be nice to you and then dump
you, taking advantage of gaining strings against you while forcing you to
lose the strings against them. But their temporary gain is ultimatley the
Fury’s greatest weapon. Being Betrayed is to your advantage since it powers
up all your Fury moves and provides lots of grist for the drama mill. Think
carefully when choosing your moves about what kind of walking
megapsychic catastrophe you’d like to be. Firestarter doesn’t need to imply
pyrokinesis; it’s just a name and can represent any ability that causes chaos
and destruction. Some of the moves are more themed around telepathy or The Fury
clairvoyance than the others, which allow you to enact your Fury in much They never wanted this. They never wanted to be different or special or a freak.
more devious ways. They wanted to fell like every other kid and just fit in. To be liked. To be accept-
ed. Maybe even to be loved. They never felt like it was so much to ask for? The
When you are your Darkest Self, be sure to go all out with your Fury is not a bad person, not inheritantly. However the Fury is drawn to their
descriptions. Your moves can affect crowds and radically alter the abilities by their circumstances. They were hurt, they were betrayed. They were a
environment when you’re in a full-on rage, so cut loose and enjoy your bottle of emotional trauma that has been shaken up one too many times. Guess
revenge. what? Now that bottle is ready to pop.
Credits We always expect those that are pushed around to finally push back. But never
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at like this. The Fury is unbridled anger and power, a teenager scorn. The Fury
This skin was designed by Topher Gerkey and updated by Nicholas Francia knows in their being that if they cannot be loved, then damn well they will be
Art created by Youth Ministry feared. Feared by everyone.
o Mind Over Matter
Identity Fury Moves When you Lash Out Physically using
Names: Alice, Bea, Cam, Carrie, Eyes: Desperate eyes, brittle eyes, You get Futile Hope, and choose two your power instead of physical
Charlie, Kim, Jill, Joe, Robin, Will teary eyes, resentful eyes, twitchy more: attacks, you may roll with Cold
eyes instead of Volatile. If you are
Look: Raggedy, unfashionable, • Futile Hope Betrayed, your victim must Keep
nerdy, nervous, beneath notice, Origin: Genetic mutation, Whenever someone acts kind or Their Cool before attempting to Run
frightened government program, confluence accepting toward you, you each Away.
of bloodlines, abused child take a string on the other, and you o Scanners
get the condition Hopeful (which
Roll with Dark to invade some-
Your Backstory Strings
replaces Betrayed if you have it). If
someone you trust betrays or hurts one else’s mind. On a 10 up, take
you while you are Hopeful, lose all a string on them, and they must
You have a secret crush on some-
strings on them, replace Hopeful honestly answer one question. On
one. Take a string on them.
with Betrayed, and roll with Dark. a 7-9, they most honestly answer
On a 10 up, trigger your Darkest one question and choose one:
Someone has been bullying you.
Self. On a 7-9, choose one: + They take a string on you
Give them a string on you.
+ Give them one more string on + Give yourself the condition
you Creepy
+ Take 1 harm from psychic + You each take 1 harm
feedback On a 6 or less, they must answer
+ Trigger your Darkest Self one question with a plausible lie
When you are your Darkest Self, and you must believe it. If you are
your Fury moves are amplifed. Betrayed, do 1 harm to them in
You can affect groups of victims addition to any other results.
in the immediate area, and your o Dominate
Darkest Self Harm destructive powers can affect large You can roll with Volatile instead of
Nobody loves you. Nobody ever structures like buildings Hot to turn someone on by using
your mental abilities. On a 10 up,
Experience O O O O O
will. They only pretended to like o Firestarter
you so they could hurt you even in addition to giving you a string,
more. There’s nothing left for you • Add +1 to one of your stats. Roll with Volatile to unleash your they must follow one short-term
here but revenge, so burn it all • Take another Fury move. powers against your tomentors. command of your choice. On a 7-9
down. Smash everything to pieces. • Take another Fury move. On a 10 up, do 2 harm. On a 7-9, do also give yourself the condition
Rip their secrets out and lay it bare • Take a move from any Skin. 1 harm, give them an appropriate Creepy. If you are Betrayed, also
for the world to see. You escape • Take a move from any Skin. condition, and choose one: give them the condition Enthralled.
your Darkest Self when you are • You’re in a Pyschic Gestalt. + Give yourself the same condition o Just Desserts
confronted by someone who has + Take 1 harm When you successfully Lash Out
never hurt, excluded, or betrayed + Trigger your Darkest Self Physical or Shut Someone Down on
you, or are shown an act of Conditions If you are Betrayed, you may also someone who has wronged you,
kindness that seems genuine. carry 1 forward against them. gain an experience.

Hot -1 Cold -1 Volatile 2 Dark 1 Sex When you have sex with someone, gain two strings on that per-

Hot -1 Cold 2 Volatile -1 Dark 1 Move son and give yourself the condition Hopeful.
Playing the Gargoyle
Guardians, protectors, old souls, and reluctant warden of the walls. The
Gargoyle is the stone sentry who guards their domain whether it be a high
school, church, a summer camp, community center, nightclub, apartment
complex, or any other establishment that has a community and regular
hours of operation. The Gargoyle has two concerns: their domain, and the
timer associated with their curse that forces them to back to stone until
sunrise or sunset. The Gargoyle must accept the fact that the life they live is
only half as normal, and unlike most teens at their age their curfew is one
they cannot break.

The two stat choices for the Gargoyle expresses two possiblities of what
the Gargoyle represents. The Gargoyle who viciously protects the physical
grounds of their domain and punishes those who would cross it (Volatile
2 & Cold 1) or the literal embodiment of their domain’s spirit who push
to keep that spirit alive (Hot 2, Volatile 1). The Gargoyle ponders it’s own
existence but does not concern itself about the dark things that lie off it’s
ground or beyond the curtain. The Gargoyle can be stoic but relatable, excit-
ed but also lonely. Their struggle to make the best of their situation while
forcing themselves to be ever vigilant; the Gargoyle faces exhaustion and
depression about their situation.

Similarly, not all Gargoyles are stone statues in their dormant or animate
forms. You could be a sculpture of metal or wood or plaster, a painting or
mural, an old mascot costume or band uniform. Anything works as long as
it’s at least vaguely an anthropomorphic form, and it should be something
that won’t be easily missed when you are walking around looking like a hu-
man. As a Gargoyle you’re tied to your domain, so protecting and helping it
should always be your first priority. Balancing your duty versus your friends The Gargoyle
will be difficult. Warden & Charge allows you to alleviate this and shift your They remember being a real human kid once, a long time ago. Before they built
protection to the individuals of the community rather than your domain it- the school. Before they were cursed to become the guardian of their domain.
self. If you want to indulge in your monster personality, consider Grotesque But after a while the Gargoyle has come to accept the terms of their eternal
and Gullet in order to become the thing of legends. lease. They are in your classes, attend pep rallies, run for student council. They’ve
enjoyed the same classes over and over again, playing the joys of high school on

Credits They were created to bless this school, and they will continue to guard it for
years to come. The Gargoyle is the warning and the punishment to the various
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at thieves, vandals, and other undesirables who would stain their grounds.
This skin was designed by Topher Gerkey and updated by Nicholas Francia
Art created by Blablover5
o Grotesque
Identity Gargoyle Moves You may transform into your
Names: Arris, Belvedere, Cary, Eyes: Hard eyes, suspicious eyes, You get School Spirit, and choose animate form. In this form you are
Chevron, Gable, Garret, Laurel, protective eyes, dry eyes, glassy one more: an inanimate object brought to life.
Rochelle, Tiffany, Veranda eyes While animate you take 1 less harm
• School Spirit from anything that harms you(to
Look: Dressed in school colors, Origin: animistic spirit, From sunrise to sunset (or vice a minimum of zero harm) and you
greyish skin, sculpted face, large cornerstone sacrifce, magically versa) you appear to be a normal get +1 to Lash Out Physically or Shut
mouth, stiff posture animated statue, cursed victim human being, but when your Someone Down.
period of activity ends, you become
o Rival Schools
Your Backstory Strings
dormant. While in this state, you
are an inanimate object and are For the purposes of School Spirit,
Someone saw you transforming invulnerable to harm, but incapa- acting against a rival school or
into your dormant form. They take ble of taking any action. Choose a people associated with it counts as
2 strings on you. domain. When not dormant, you being within your domain.
gain a +1 to all rolls while in your
domain. o Pep Rally
You’ve been watching someone
who seems to have a great love When rolling to Turn Someone On,
for your school. Take 2 strings on o Raise the Alarm on a hit, you may remove a
them. During your dormant period, if condition from them as well as
someone else is in your domain yourself if you are in your domain.
you can assume your human form.
If you are alone, you can still o Gullet
become human, but take 1 harm. If You can vomit a gout of flame or
you leave your domain, you torrent of freezing water. Roll with
instantly know if someone enters Volatile or Hot: on a 10 up, you
Darkest Self Harm or threatens the domain. do 1 harm to your target and they
Nobody else loves this school like must hold steady. On a 7-9, choose
o Warden & Charge
Experience O O O O O
you do. They just don’t understand one:
how important it is. You’d be For the purposes of School Spirit, + You do 1 harm
nothing without it, and you’re • Add +1 to one of your stats. protecting the people associated + You miss, but they must hold
the only one that can protect it. • Take another Gargoyle move. with your domain (students, facul- steady
All those people that had stained • Take another Gargoyle move. ty, employees) while outside your + You miss, but you get a string
this school- they’re all enemies, • Take a move from any Skin. domain counts as being inside your on them
and they all have to be punished. • Take a move from any Skin. domain. On a 6 or less, you miss and they
Severely. You escape from your • You’re in a Stone Flock. get a string on you.
Darkest Self only when someone
shows you how your actions are
hurting your school. Conditions

Hot -1 Cold 1 Volatile 2 Dark -1 Sex

When you have sex with someone, protecting them counts as
protecting your school for the purposes of School Spirit, and

Hot 2 Cold -1 Volatile 1 Dark -1 Move you cannot lash out physically at them for any reason. This lasts
until you have sex with someone else.
Playing the Goblin
Energetic, resilient, and obsessive. The Goblin wants
things with everything they have, and leaves the rest in
the dust. Control is hard for you to come by, but there's
little that can stop you when you put your mind to

The Goblin is always reckless and chaotic with their

Volatile 2 stat, and get to choose between being a messy
kind of sexy (Hot 1) or using their recklessness to dive
into the weird and supernatural (Dark 1).

Wants and Goblin Brain allow the Goblin to take Strings

on themself, taking control of their actions when they
would normally struggle. Strings gained on yourself
cannot be used for Pulling Strings, and only function for
the move Goblin Brain. When they pick a new want, it
has to be something they haven’t picked before, but it
doesn’t have to be something from the list: those are
just for starters, and you can make whatever you want

The Warrens can be metaphorical or literial: if you go a

more supernatural route, they might be long twisting
tunnels filled with refuse and garbage, where all manner
of goblins spawn. If you want to be mundane, then the
Warrens might be a state of mind where you calm
yourself down, or a network of alleyways you especially

Bugs and Boogers lists ‘taboo’ and ‘offensive’ as things

you might be to trigger the move. Make sure to stick to
your group’s lines and veils within this move; slurs or
sexual comments might be too much for some people.
The Goblin
Some people think you’re impulsive, or reckless, or just plain weird. But you
know what you want, better than anyone. If you can just satisfy yourself,
then maybe you can control the wild energy you have.

Credits Little goblin, play wild and play dirty.

This skin is designed by C.M.Ruebsaat

Art by C.M.Ruebsaat
❍ Down and Dirty
Identity Goblin Moves When you take harm, you can
You get Goblin Brain, Wants, and reduce the harm by 1. If you do so,
Name: Allison, Cat, Chick, Dylan, Eyes: shifty eyes, sallow eyes, choose one more: take a Condition, and give a
Meg, Munch, Nessi, Possum, Ryan, bleary eyes, dirty eyes, wandering
Tay, Toad eyes ● Wants Condition to whoever harmed
You want (circle 1): shinies, you.
Look: trashy, lumpy, chaotic, Origin: goblin king, from the attention, blood, pets. Once you’ve
gangly, disheveled garbage heap, class clown, gotten it, take a String on ❍ Steal Away
adopted, lost messenger yourself, and pick something new. When you take something from
someone, they choose one:
Your Backstory Strings ● Goblin Brain ✦ They won’t notice until later.
✦ They lose a String on you.
When you have to be patient, roll
to Keep Your Cool. When you Keep ✦ They have to offer you
You’re trying, real hard. You even
Your Cool by practicing self- something you Want in exchange.
gave someone a gift. Take a
String on yourself and them. control, you can spend a String on
yourself to add 2 to the roll. ❍ Any Attention Is Good
You have a hard time focusing on Attention
stuff, and people can take When you do something reckless
❍ Bugs and Boogers
advantage of that. Give a String or dumb to impress someone, give
When you Shut Them Down by
to everyone. them a String and take a String on
doing something taboo, offensive,
or disgusting, roll as if you had
Darkest Self Harm Cold 3.
❍ The Warrens
When you retreat to the Warrens,
Self control? Caring what other
people think? Who gives a shit! Experience ❍❍❍❍❍ ❍ Trade Ya
When you show someone a stash
the place where the goblins live
and rest, Gaze Into the Abyss. On a
Nothing can hold you back, of cool stuff you have, ask them 10 up, the Warrens will give you
especially not morals or ❍ Add +1 to one of your stats.
what thing you have that they what you need to satisfy your
compassion. You’re a whirlwind ❍ Take another Goblin move.
want. If you give it to them, they Wants. On a 7-9, the Warrens will
of chaos, theft, and impulse, ❍ Take another Goblin move.
take +1 Forward to using it, and dump you somewhere
grabbing whatever you want and ❍ Take a move from any Skin.
you take a String on them. inconvenient when you leave.
leaving things smashed in your ❍ Take a move from any Skin.
wake. You escape your Darkest ❍ You’re part of a Hob Gang.
Self when you destroy something
irreplacable or spend 3 Strings on Conditions
yourself to calm down.

Hot 1 Cold -1 Volatile 2 Dark -1 Sex When you have sex with someone, they choose what you
Want now, and you can take a String on yourself and
Hot -1 Cold -1 Volatile 2 Dark 1 Move mark experience.
Playing the Succubus
Lonely, heartless, public, dangerous. The Succubus is temptation in the
literal flesh: always there to give everyone what they want, to make up for
their weaknesses, to save them the trouble of becoming a better person. All
they have to do is ask. But deep down they know, everytime they ask, the
Succubus takes something from them and eventually they’ll be nothing left
to take.

The two stat choices for the Succubus both have Hot 2, because turning
people on and enticing them with your assets is exactly what you were
born to do. If your looking to play a mega bitch who isn’t afraid to be a
tease and put down those lesser than them (Hot 2 & Cold 1) or perhaps
maybe your more in touch with your infernal side and want to better emu-
late the true legend of the Succubus (Hot 2 & Dark 1), the Succubus has got
you covered. The Succubus relies on buying their friends rather than mak-
ing them. Horde all the strings you can, and keep them under your spell.

Your Infernal Gifts allow you turn the whole tide of the game, the trade
off is you never decide how they get used. Don’t get directly involved with
conflicts, instead play the role of the arms dealer and fuel both sides with
your infernal delight. Take Addictive to help better keep NPCs and other
players under your thumb. Take advantage of the fact it doesn’t require a
full sexual act to activate. Wet Dreams is a powerful tool that allow you to
better manipulate and position for your agenda, but note that while pow-
erful you’ll need to be cunning in order to be in someone’s prescence while
they sleep.

Your Sex Move is going to be going off alot, netting alot of Strings on ev-
eryone you take a turn with and giving you more leverage for your other The Succubus
actions. When you Darkest Self finally comes to light, your not worrying Everybody wants them. Hell, you can’t deny that you want them to. They are lust
about playing a sensitive game anymore. You want to mess with enough incarnate. People come to them begging for a moment of pleasure in the school’s
relationships until the whole social order of the school comes down. toilet, or to help seduce the object of their desire. Everyone wants something and
the Succubus is there to give to them. They understand that their relationships
are based off a system of give and take, and that the people who claim to love
them are nothing more than junkies of their flesh.

Credits The Succubus feeds of people desire and hidden kinks that make them feel a
bit better about their own jostled existence. When their partners get what they
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at want, ultimately they do as well. Mama always said your body was a temple, she
This skin was designed by Ernesto Pavan and updated by Nicholas Francia never said it couldn’t be open for a priced admission.
Photo from Golden Darkness Cosplay.
Identity Succubus Moves Infernal Gifts
Names: Bastien, Damon, Eve, Eyes: Amazing eyes, “a bit off” You get Infernal Gifts and choose Choose two Infernal Gifts to begin
Georgina, Judith, Lilith, Salem, Sa- eyes, otherworldly eyes, piercing one more move. with.
lome, Saoul, Vincent. eyes
• Infernal Gifts o Gift of Beauty
When you have time and intimacy Anyone bestowed with this gift
Look: Boy/Girl next door, chase Origin: demonblood, from Hell,
with someone, you can bestow may spend it to get an automatic
and pure, jailbait, dark and sexy, genie out of the bottle, possessed,
upon them an infernal gift. They 10 when Turning Someone On.
just a bit too nice sold your soul
must be willing. If they accept, you
take a string on them and they o Gift of Might
Your Backstory Strings gain the gift until it is spent. When Anyone bestowed with this gift
your gift is spent, you mark may spend it to get an automatic
Somebody asked you for a Gift, experience. You can bestow as 10 when Lashing Out Physically.
and did something horrible with it. many Gifts as you want, but
Ask them what they did and take 3 nobody can have more than one o Gift of Prescence
Strings on them. gift bestowed upon them at once. Anyone bestowed with this gift
o Addictive may spend it to get an automatic
Someone caught you by surprise, 10 when Shutting Someone Down.
by doing something for you with- When you give physical pleasure to
out expecting anything in return. somebody else; they gain the
You don’t understand but you’re condition addicted to [your name]. o Gift of Knowledge
going to discover why, ask them Anyone bestowed with this gift
o Taboo may spend it to get an automatic
what they did for you and give
When you spend a string to offer 10 when Gazing into the Abyss.
them 2 Strings.
someone experience to do some-
thing against the community’s
o Gift of Protection
Darkest Self Harm moral and sexual standards and
they accept mark experience. Anyone bestowed with this gift
You thought you were using may spend it to counter the effect
o Wet Dreams
Experience O O O O O
others, but they are really using of any skin move.
you. You are their whore, their When in the presence of someone
harlot, their toy, and you always • Add +1 to one of your stats. who is sleeping, roll with Dark. On
have been. Why not be exactly • Gain the remaining Infernal Gifts. a hit, you can see their dreams. Ask
what they all want? You give • Take another Succubus move. 2 on a 10+, 1 on a 7-9:
yourself to everybody and • Take a move from any Skin. +What is this person’s heart’s
anybody. You don’t react when • Take a move from any Skin. desire?
mistreated, because you believe • You have the help of an Incubus. +Who does this person hate the
you deserve it. You escape your most?
Darkest Self when someone shows +What does this person
you unconditioned kindness. Conditions desperately need?

Hot 2 Cold -1 Volatile -1 Dark 1 Sex

When you have sex with someone, you always bring them to
climax and take a String. If you reach it too, give them a String;

Hot 2 Cold 1 Volatile -1 Dark -1 Move if not, inflict them with an appropriate condition.
Playing The Triocha
Complex, powerful, fluid, and questioning. The
Triocha is three people in one body, sharing their
knowledge and abilities with each other. Or maybe
they're just three personas, or three aliases. Maybe
only one of them knows the truth.

Unlike most Skins, the Triocha does not have stat

options. Instead, their different aspects specialize
in certain stats, and they can move between those
aspects. With powerful bonuses to Dark, Volatile,
and Hot, they are a force to be reckoned with - if
they're in the right aspect at the right time. They
are not Cold, because the Triocha struggles to
detach themselves from any situation.

The Triocha is based on the idea of the tripartite

deity that shows up in many cultures, from the
Irish Morrigan, the Greek Fates and Furies, the
Norse Norns, even the Catholic Trinity. Instead of
borrowing powers directly from any of these, the
Triocha is defined by the ability to shift between
personas, capable of being the right person for
almost any situation, if they can assume the right

You may invoke more specific aesthetics to

resemble your deity or mythical figure of choice,
but no knowledge is necessary to play. Likewise, many
of these figures are female, but you do not have to be.
Anyone can feel like they have multiple faces that

The Triocha
they show to the world.

Some people spend their whole lives perfecting one thing, one skill. But
not you. You can be stronger, sexier, smarter, swifter than anyone else.

But not all at the same time. Sometimes it gets hard to keep track of who

you really are - if there even is a single identity you can claim. You juggle
three times as many worries, problems, relationships, and obligations as
This is a fan Skin for Monsterhearts 2, designed by Misha anyone else. But if it ever gets too much? Well, you can always switch
Grifka Wander, at Check out the game at faces again.
Who nearby means me

Identity Triocha Moves

Where should I be looking
Eyes: dancing, birdlike, You start with One of Three, and
Name: Minthe, Dahlia, Quinn, deep, solemn, unreadable choose one additional move.
Ottilie, Machiko, Shreya, Moira,
Eino, Entelo, Ji-Hun, Qasim,  One of Three  That Wasn't Me
Origin: incarnated myth,
spell gone wrong, spell Each midnight, you choose which When you attempt to convince
Look: mercurial, ethereal, gone right, born different, one of your three aspects you will someone that your other aspect
feral, innocent, distant cursed inhabit for the next day. These is a different person than your
aspects all look distinctly different. current aspect, they may mark
Each aspect specializes in one trait an experience if they believe you.
Your Backstory Strings —Dark, Hot, or Volatile—and
One of the other characters has a
receives a +3 to that stat. They  Past, Present, Future
have -1 to all other stats. There is
close relationship with one of When you Gaze Into the Abyss,
no Cold aspect. In order to change
your aspects, but not the others. proceed as normal; but no matter
your aspect, you must complete a
They gain 2 Strings on you. what the result is, you may ask
ritual. Roll a flat roll. On a success,
you change without consequence. the MC one of the following
You warned another character of questions, which they must
On a fail, you cannot change. On a
approaching harm, just in time. answer honestly (if not clearly):
mixed success, pick one:
You gain one String on them.
• It hurts. Take 1 Harm, and • Who nearby means me harm?
describe how the mark of it
• Where should I be looking next?
lingers. • What do I need to be wary of?
Darkest Self • Someone sees you change. • Which aspect will serve me best
The MC chooses another tomorrow?
It's all gotten too overwhelming.  character to receive a
Managing everyone's expectations, String on you.
their needs, their inability to  Add +1 to one of your stats. • It disorients you. You forget  Speak My Name
understand you as you truly are.  Take another Triocha move. the last ten minutes, and
You're done catering to them.  Take another Triocha move. lose forward holds you Each of your aspects may give one
You'll say exactly what you think,  Take a move from any Skin. have. token to another character. If this
be exactly who you want, hurt  Take a move from any Skin. • You enter your Darkest Self. character activates the token, it
exactly who you want to hurt.  Join a Collective (Gang). gives you an ability depending on
"This isn't like you!" they cry. Well. which aspect it is tied to. You will
Whatever the result, describe the
They've never know the full you. appear in the aspect used to
ritual and how you ensure that it summon you. You do not have the
is powerful, personal, and magical. option of refusing the connection, so
You escape your Darkest Self when
someone tells you a truth about give your tokens wisely.
yourself, and you believe them.  We're All Listening • Hot: You can speak psychically
with the holder of your token,
If someone tells you a secret, they no matter the distance
mark one experience. If you • Dark: You can see and hear what
When you have sex with someone, ask them who they
Sex want you to be. While in the aspect that most suits their reference or use the secret while in
any other aspect than the one they
they see and hear, no matter the
answer, you have +1 to all rolls assisting them.
told, they gain 2 Strings on you. • Volatile: You will appear in their
location, no matter the distance
Playing the Unchained
Repressed, looking to be freed, addictive, and wrapped up in immense
dysphoria. The Unchained is violent dysfunction wrapped in a package and
topped with a pretty bow. The Unchained has their other self as an outlet
for all their secret needs. Constantly warring between accepting
accountability for the actions of the other, or living the life they always
wanted to. There is no obstacle the Unchained can’t break through with the
aid of his alter ego.

The two stat choices of the Unchained reflect not just yourself but also
your other self. Is your base identity someone who is cold and has
immersed themselves in keeping others at bay before transforming into a
social butterfly of flirting and violence (Cold 2 & Dark 1)? Or maybe your
base identity is someone who is outspoken and slightly vunerable, leaving
your other self as a cold uncaring beast who only wants to hurt others (Hot
2 & Dark 1)? Because of your natural connection to both sides of yourself,
you are naturally immersed in Dark.

Taking Dysphoria/Eurphoria allows benefits for each stat spread you can
choose from allowing you to perform normal actions to your transformed
form’s strength rather than their weakness. Taking Addiction and Unholy
Glee allows you to play as someone who enjoys their transformation rather
than fearing it, but be careful it’s a slippery slope. If you want to make your
other self a truly frightening change, take Your Not Me! for the potential to
turn your other self into a full blown menace.

Play to your strengths of versatility and don’t be afraid to cause a mess,

by transforming there is no problem you can’t solve. Understand that one
cannot exist without the other and balance is always needed. When your The Unchained
Darkest Self you are at your strongest but you are also at your most Most people wonder about the person they should be, doing the things they
vulnerable. shouldn’t do. The Unchained doesn’t need to wonder because their id and ego are
in constant war with one another. All day, every day, burying their real desires
because giving in would mean losing everything - family, friends, and a place
in the world. So they kept their head down, and hated themselves. Everything
feeling wrong to them.

Credits But now it’s time for that to change, have your cake and eat it to. Indulge in
every pleasure you can imagine. People get hurt all the time, it’s a small price to
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at pay for tasting the forbidden fruit, right?
This skin was designed by Topher Gerkey and updated by Nicholas Francia
Photo by Shutterstock
Identity Unchained Moves o Freedom of Consequence
Whenever you transform from
Names: Bruce, Eliza, Fanny, Hank, Eyes: Yearning eyes, dilated eyes, You start with The Formula, choose your other self back to normal, heal
Jackson, Jacqueline, Julia, Marlowe, frightened pupils, bloodshot eyes, one more. 1 Harm and clear a condition.
Mary, Tom smoldering eyes, hungry eyes
• The Formula
o Unholy Glee
Look: Pristine, stuffy, nerdy, Origin: Checmical concotion, You have an other self, this
When you are your normal self
average, tailored, sickly, unkempt, invocation of Janus, mathetmatical alternate version of may look or
and take happiness or pride in the
tendy, hulking, stunning, small formula, sensory deprivation act completely different. It to fulfill
violent or shameful incidents your
your repressed desires. Transform-
other self was involved in, you may
ing in either direction requires
Your Backstory Strings preparation, although you will
mark experience.
always transform back when you
Someone is important to you and o Enemy Unknown
are unconscious. When you
someone is important to your Your other self is a true separate
transform into your other self, all
other self. Give a string to each identity. Neither of you
stats below 0 add 2 to their
person. remembers the actions of the
respective stats and all stats above
2 subtract 2 from their respective other. Track strings as if you were
Someone has accidentally two separate characters, you and
witnessed your transformation into your other self get a string on the
your other self. Each of you takes a o Addiction other when you take this move.
string on one another. You no longer need a preparation
process and may become your oth-
er self at will. Only being uncon-
scious will return you to normal.
When you become your other self,
carry 1 forward. If you go a full day
Darkest Self Harm without becoming your other self,
You transform into your other self, roll to Keep Your Cool. If you don’t
Experience O O O O O
but now things are different. You roll a 10+, give yourself the
are truly free because it is in condition Withdrawl.
complete control. No limits, no • Add +1 to one of your stats.
constraints, no regrets. Use and • Take another Unchained move. o Dysphoria/Euphoria
abuse anyone in your way. Nothing • Take another Unchained move. When you’re transformed into your
is important but satisfying your • Take a move from any Skin. other self, you may roll Hot when
every whim. You escape your • Take a move from any Skin. you Shut Someone Down or Keep
Darkest Self when you cause some • You form a Collective. Your Cool. You may also roll Cold to
sort of unforgivable harm to Turn Someone On or Run Away.
someone your normal self cares
about. Conditions

Hot -1 Cold 2 Volatile -1 Dark 1 Sex When you have sex with someone, your other self carries 1 for-

Hot 2 Cold -1 Volatile -1 Dark 1 Move ward to harm that person. When your other self has sex with
someone, take a string on that person.
Sex Moves Playing The Unicorn
You have three intimacy moves:
Desperate, kind, helpful, good. The
When you lay your head in a virgin's lap, Unicorn tries to be a benevolent
gain a point of Integrity and choose: supporting force in the world, but they You try so hard to help, and
SS give them 1 forward to don't believe in themselves. to be good. But you feel like
protecting you, a foal out on the ice and the
SS roll to turn them on. The Unicorn looks at the concept lake is ringed by wolves and
of virginity as a binary thing. Before your inner warmth makes the
When you kiss a non-virgin, take 1 harm. the game starts, tell the MC what ice beneath you weaken.
universally “counts” and "doesn't
When you have sex, lose all your count” as losing your virginity,
One of the best things in this
Integrity. remembering to account for
interactions between people with the world and not long for it.
same genitals. Before someone has
Darkest Self done those things, they are a virgin. If
your group fades to black instead of
describing the sex acts, your MC will
This is it. Everything falls apart, and
ask questions to clarify if characters
you can't hold it together anymore. It's
have lost their virginity or not. Of
not because everything is too much
course, players still say when their
to bear – just that you aren't good
own Sex Moves occur. Speaking of,
enough. So beg their forgivenesses,
read your three intimacy moves!
everyone you've wronged by being too
weak to help; and show them how
You start off able to gain Integrity,

The Unicorn
sorry you are, in whatever small ways
but perhaps have nothing to spend
you can muster before the final curtain
it on. That's ok. If your integrity stat
falls. Don't seek their acceptance.
is highlighted, you mark experience
You don't deserve it. You escape your
when you roll, not when you gain a
Darkest Self when someone reflects to
point. You define what issues matter
you a glimmer of your own self worth.
to you: start with People Should Never.
Name Look
Both Lesser Beasts and Hunted Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
Advancement externalize the Unicorn's power,
Abdul-Rahman, Abilene, Acacia, birthmark, mohawk, actual horn,
populating the world instead of giving
them agency. If you take either of Aedelwine, Aghavni, Aiko, Ajit, Akash, hairstyle, trick of the light
 Take another Unicorn move.
those moves, tell the MC right then Andy, Astrid
 Take another Unicorn move.
what's cool about it to you. Once play translucent eyes, solitary eyes,
 Take a move from another Skin.
is under way, the MC will control the a name beginning with A, stoic eyes, modest eyes, humble eyes
 Take a move from another Skin.
characters from these moves. a brave name, a selfless name,
 You're accepted by a
Circle of Friends.
a nigh-forgotten name,
a fortuitous name
People Should Never
 Add 1 to Hot (max 3). I Believe In You is for after they roll, Circle some and make up your own:
 Add 1 to Cold (max 3). whereas Prophecies is for before -
 Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). maybe well before. eat meat, lie, talk back, be selfish,
 Add 1 to Dark (max 3). Origin hurt the environment, break the law,
If you take Blessings, remind the other Circle one: support sweatshops, disobey elders,
This Skin written by Jackson Tegu for: players that you have it. Ask about the swear, dance, drive a car, do drugs,
things their characters long for using
Monsterhearts Second Skins your character's voice, too.
magic is dying, hunted to extinction, appropriate cultures, bully, gossip,
survivor, blessed, our last hope misgender people, make someone cry
Name: Carry Forward Unicorn Moves  A Good Person
You get this one, and choose two more:
Spend an Integrity to offer someone an

experience point to do what you say.
 With Integrity If they undertake to do that thing, and
Add 1 to one of these four: You judge your own actions harshly, you directed them towards making
Hot 1, Cold -1, Volatile 1, Dark -1 holding yourself to a high moral a third party happier at no one's
standard. You have a fifth stat to reflect
expense, mark experience.
 Conditions this, which starts at zero and can climb
to 3. Gain a point of Integrity when
Hot SS you take the moral highground
 Speak From The Heart
When you have someone else's best
(Turn Someone On, about an issue that matters,
interests at heart, add 2 to your rolls to
Manipulate an NPC) SS you follow through on something
manipulate an NPC.
important that you say you'll do.

You can gain up to 1 Integrity per  Lesser Beasts

When you're near them, animals can
scene. When a move calls for you to
Notes roll with integrity, erase 1 Integrity converse in human speech. Full
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) sentences and broad concepts, with
after you roll.
strange gaps of knowledge.

  I Believe In You
When you believe in someone who has
 Hunted
Volatile just done less than their best, make
There are things that hunt you, things
you often catch out of the corner of
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) eye contact with them and roll with
your eye. When one of them comes out
integrity (& then erase 1). On a 10 up,
into the open, choose:
the roll they just made counts as a 10.
 SS stand up to it and award yourself
• On a 7-9, add 1 to the roll they just
a point of Integrity,
Dark Harm
made. When time seems to stop and
SS call out for help and anyone who
fate hangs in the balance, sometimes
(Gaze Into The Abyss) comes to your rescue marks
believing in somebody is enough.
SS look directly at it and ask the MC

 Experience Points:  Prophecies
When you predict the outcome of a
a question about your hunters.

Integrity  
>> advance PC's intended action well before they
 Blessings
undertake it, roll with integrity (&
(If you pick this, read it aloud.)
then erase 1). On a 10 up, the decisive
Your Backstory Strings
When other people seek your blessing
move's roll will succeed as a result of
and erase a String on you, tell
10 up, or automatically miss, choose
them whether you approve of their
Someone is thinking about taking now. • On a 7-9, as above, but you'll
intentions. If you approve, they carry
something from you - discuss with have to be there to help it along.
1 forward to realizing it. If you don't,
them and decide what it is. You each they take that String on you back.
get a String on one another. On a successful roll, read this aloud:
"A PC may defy this prediction by
Someone's in love with you and has breaking their own heart."
told you about their feelings. Gain 2
Strings on them.

Other Moves
Playing the Unseen
Voyeuristic, constantly tempted, and watched by no one. The Unseen is
alone and unnoticed. An urban legend and a phantasm, unseen and usually
forgotten. For some reason the Unseen is gone from this world, whether
she is literally invisible or just unable to be noticed. The Unseen is alone but
they are free, they don’t have to go to class if they dont want to. It’s easy
for them to skulk around and spy on everyone, and go about unchalleneged
by anyone.

The two stat choices for the Unseen set you on two different paths. Are
you a being who is cold towards everyone and out of touch, looking to
torment those for her lonliness (Cold 2, Volatile 1), or perhaps you are the
embodiment a literal urban legend and a connection deeply ingrained with
the Abyss (Dark 2, Cold 1). With a low Hot stat across the board, the Unseen
cannot interact with others to the point were perhaps they have forgotten
what it means to interact with people in the first place. Whether it be the
mystery of tracking down the reason for your condition or learning to live
in a world that recognizes you one moment and forgets you the next.

When playing the Unseen, your main mechanic is your gift as well as your
curse. While you won’t be able to interact with others most of the time,
you will be able to use your talents to gather information and complete
your agenda unopposed. Taking Voyeur allows you to capitilize on this more
and allows you universal prescence in a game. Blackmailer grants you
bonuses on collecting dirt on all the PCs and NPCs within the game
allowing you to rack up strings and free to spend your social leverage. If
you have They’re Not There, think about how to inadvertenly shut your
target down, you won’t be able to directly interact or even leave stuff but
by pushing others you can get to the people you want to get to. The Unseen
They’ve seen every dirty secret that this place has to offer. From the secret
Give into the temptation to do all sort of things since nobody can see you. hookups, to the secret drug users, the murders, the thieves, all of them thought
Your not accountable to anyone, after all. As your Darkest Self, go all out: no one had seen them. But the Unseen saw them. Nobody every noticed them,
create a new aspect of your legend, whether it’s causing major chaos, but they see everything. All the things they do when they no-one is watching.
inflicting heavy violence, or creating a spectacle that they cannot ignore And maybe it’s time they started taking advantage of that.
your name. They will worship you eventually.

This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at
This skin was designed by Topher Gerkey and updated by Nicholas Francia
Art created by James Green.
o Blackmailer
Identity Unseen Moves When you spy on someone in a
Names: Billy, Cecily, Grifn, Grover, Eyes: Knowing eyes, translucent You get They’re Not There or See private moment, take a string.
Jacques, Kitty, Laura, Lyle, Marcy, eyes, downcast eyes, pearly eyes, Right Through You, and choose one When you a spend a string to offer
Sebastian, Sue forgettable eyes more: experience, keep the string if they
Look: Bad posture, peering Origin: invisibility formula, • They’re Not There
through bangs, beiges and creams, psychic blank spot, cursed to fade You are unnoticeable. No one can o Voyeur
t-shirt that is a hand-me-downse away, someone-else’s problem see, hear, smell, or otherwise sense You may spend a string on some-
you or anything in your posses- one to insert yourself into any
sion. People will avoid you with scene that person is in. When you
Your Backstory Strings being aware of it. Evidence of your gaze into the abyss about someone
prescence is also ignored. Cameras you have a string on, spend it in
You are beneath notice. Erase all
and non-sentient devices can still order to change a miss into a 7-9,
strings that other characters have
record and register you. If you or a 7-9 into a hit.
on you so far.
want to make yourself known, roll
Cold. On a hit, you can interact o Urban Legend
You watch everyone in their When you do something extreme
with others for one scene. On a
private moments. Take 1 string on in order to attract attention, roll
7-9, you stay invisible but can leave
everyone else. Volatile. On a hit, mark experience
whispers, notes, or small indirect
actions. and treat anyone who is affected
Someone inadvertantly showed you as if you had shut someone down.
some very juicy blackmail material. • See Right Through You On a 7-9, gain the condition Urban
Take 1 extra string on them. Legend and treat them as if you’d
You are perfectly transparent.
Nothing including cameras can see shut someone down.
you. This only affects your body,
o Enemy Unknown
Darkest Self Harm
not anything you wear or carry.
You can still be sensed by anything When you are invisible and lash out
Such a bland and boring wallflow- but sight. Interacting with others physically, add 1 to your roll. Others
Experience O O O O O
er. You’re not even interesting normally may involve wearing take -1 to attempts to lash out
enough to torment. None of them bandages, full covered clothing, or physically at you.
know you even exist. What will it • Add +1 to one of your stats. a mask. If your disguised and your o Fade to Black
take to get them to notice you? • Take another Unseen move. nature is exposed roll Cold. On a
Something big. Something bloody. • Take another Unseen move. You can run away as if rolled a 10
hit, you can retain self-control and without having to roll, but choose
Something vile and terrifying and • Take a move from any Skin. make a hasty escape. On a 7-9, you
above all, something showy. They • Take a move from any Skin. one:
are enraged and embarrassed. All + They take a string on you.
won’t be able to ignore you after • You become an Urban Legend. onlookers get a string on you.
this. You can escape your Darkest + You take 1 harm.
Self when someone makes it clear + You gain the condition Urban
that they know you exist. Conditions Legend.

Hot -1 Cold 2 Volatile 1 Dark -1 Sex

When you have sex with someone, give up all strings on them.
They develop an uncanny sense for your presence and notice

Hot -1 Cold 1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 Move you without rolling. This lasts until either of you have sex with
someone else, or until they harshly ignore you.
Sex Move Playing The Wyrm
When you have sex with someone, Controlling, manipulative, brooding, You see what most miss,
read them this: "Choose at least one jealous. The Wyrm is a player of mind passing glances that tell
thing from this list, and for each that games and a dealer in social currency. tales of control. You've been
you choose, describe something I learn It's also a rather complicated Skin, transformed by your aching
about you from our intimacy: perhaps best played by those who've desire for power over people.
SS Give me a String on you, and take played before. They're hard to acquire all at
something from my collection. once, but you can win them
SS Give me a String on you, and take During backstory, you'll be asked
bit by bit, piece by piece,
a String on me as well. to select some PCs to be “merely
string by string.
SS Give me a String on you, and I'll currency” and others to be “treasure.”
promise you anything you'd like. Metaphorically speaking, you use one
SS Give me a String on you, and then to get the other. Your opinions of them What you've changed into -
give me a Condition." can change, of course. you're the kind of thing that
runs the world. You don't
You can't use Bargaining Ceremony to have to be liked to be obeyed,
Darkest Self give away Strings that other people
have collected on you. It's great to
or understood to be feared.
There's nothing so excellent
speak as your characters while sliding
You've become too heady, too lax, too as the delicate flavor
trade offers back and forth on index
vague. You need to dominate one of the of power over others.
cards. A bargain can of course include
people-things that you treasure, let it
objects, promises, and especially
know that it's yours, that it doesn't get
things from your Bait collection. Give
to choose who owns it – you do. You
them a good deal, get what you want,

The Wyrm
escape your Darkest Self when your
and keep them coming back. Try to
treasured thing proves that you don't
keep notes about everyone's Strings
own it entirely, or when you see the
on one another. A tip to keep the story
difference between objects and people.
rolling: after each offer or refusal,
describe a detail about your poise or

subtle movement - encourage your
bargainer to do the same. Name Look
Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
 Take another Wyrm move. Condition examples in Broker are from
moves from the Ghost, Queen, Ghoul, Alister, Bellinda, Donna, Eustace, sharp, dangerous, expensive,
 Take another Wyrm move.
Selkie, Serpentine, Heir, and Firestarter. Midas, Ormr, Tatsuya, Uther, collected, quiet
 Take a move from another Skin.
Take this when those or other Skins Veles, Vritra
 Take a move from another Skin.
with moves that generate Conditions burning eyes, sly eyes, greedy eyes,
 You find some willing
are in your group. Remember to give a sinister name, a name full of teeth, bored eyes, unblinking eyes
Collection Curators.
out those Conditions yourself, too! a coiling name, a name of wealth,
 Add 1 to Hot (max 3).
a royal name
 Add 1 to Cold (max 3).
 Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). With Where I Want You, the MC might Origin
 Add 1 to Dark (max 3). have another scene occur first, but it Circle one:
won't include you or your obsession.
To frame a scene, say these five things: slept under a mountain, in your blood,
where it takes place, what time of day awakened, enamored with objects,
This Skin written by Jackson Tegu for: it is, how many minutes or hours have heart got so black
passed since the previous scene, who's
Monsterhearts Second Skins there, and what's generally going on.
Name: Carry Forward Wyrm Moves  Broker
You're attuned to how people value
You get these two, then choose one: and weaken one another. Whenever
you gain a String on someone with
 Bargaining Ceremony any Conditions named in a Skin move,
Stats Drinking tea, sharing a cigarette,
playing chess, or sitting back to back
such as blamed, one of them, morbid,
Add 1 to one of these: dazed, snake food, like a sister to me, like
are all ceremonies. a brother to me, or moth to the flame,

Hot -1, Cold 1, Volatile -1, Dark 1

Conditions When negotiating a bargain during
mark down 2 Strings on that person
instead of 1.
a ceremony, both of you can offer
Strings as part of that bargain. This  Where I Want You
 can include Strings you have on others, When you obsess about someone, you
or new Strings that you generate on may spend 4 Strings on them; you'll
yourselves. When you're both satisfied, frame the next scene either of your
(Turn Someone On, the exchange occurs. characters appear in. Frame a scene
Manipulate an NPC)
Notes  The Bait
with just the two of you, and until
you've made a move, no one else can
You have a collection of beautiful enter and they can't leave.

things – maybe zines, jazz records,
Cold or old jewelry. When you show it  Jealous Coils
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) to someone, they inevitably find When anyone gets close to someone
something they fancy. They will mark you covet and you act territorial, roll
experience when it becomes theirs and with dark. On a 10 up, both: they lose
 is no longer yours. Also, choose one: a String on your coveted, and you gain
SS they see something someone else a String on your coveted. • On a 7-9,
would like, and when you show gain a String on your coveted, and your
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
that someone the something, coveted chooses:
carry one forward against them, SS they give you a Condition,
SS the time has flown by and it's SS you say something you'll regret.

hours later than you thought.
Dark Experience Points:  Scales
(Gaze Into The Abyss)  Wingman Once per session, you can transform
When you wax poetic about the beauty
 
>> advance
of another PC, that other PC rolls to
into a terrifying beast of talons and
coils. Give yourself the Condition
turn on the person you're talking to. secretly vulnerable. While transformed,
Your Backstory Strings you can roll to lash out physically with
dark, except do as much harm as
Judge each other PC as either you like. When the scene ends, you
“treasure” or “merely currency.” collapse back into your human form.

If they're treasure, describe the Other Moves

moment they caught your eye, and
give them a String.

If they're merely currency, take

a String on them. Read them this:
"Describe something off-putting that
I said to you."
Playing the Mare
Lonely, terrifying, mysterious, and invasive. The Mare
steps into people’s dreams as they sleep, manipulating
their thoughts and perceptions. They are nightmarish,
and nobody wants to be around a nightmare.

The two stat choices for the Mare both have Dark 2,
because the Mare deals in the weird and creepy side of
the world. They are different depending on whether the
Mare is more cool and manipulative (Cold 1) or
frighteningly vicious (Volatile 1). Very few people like or
tolerate the Mare, so they have low Hot no matter what.

Inflict Nightmares provides a new way of manipulating

the actions of other characters to compliment the basic
moves. You can tie their fate to other characters by
moving who they have Strings on, change how they are
seen by others, or make them look at something they’d
rather not.

Like a Fading Dream can mess with the relationships

between characters to an extreme degree. It is up to the
MC and the group whether or not there is any way for
other characters to regain their memories of the Mare,
or whether they are lost forever.

Bump in the Night gives you plenty of licence and

opportunities to exercise your other moves, such as
Kinda Creepy or Inflict Nightmares with more ease. When
you use this move, make sure to describe how your
body twists and contorts in unnatural ways.

The Mare
The moon shines through the window, leaf-dappled light illuminating
someone sleeping on the bed. That’s where you come in. They toss and turn,
breaking out in a sweat. Their wake with a scream and a shout, and it takes
them a long time to get back to sleep.
Credits But when they finally do, you slip out from behind their curtains, taking the
nightmare with you. They might never even know you exist during the light
This skin is designed by C.M.Ruebsaat
Check out the game at of day, but at night you occupy their every thought.
Identity Mare Moves ❍ Into the Dreamscape
When you Run Away by stepping
You get Inflict Nightmares, and
Name: Aisling, Erin, Hayal, Eyes: dark eyes, muddy eyes, into the world of dreams, add 2 to
Kieran, Leto, Morpheus, Plen, choose one more:
stark eyes, ethereal eyes, bedroom your roll. If you spend a String on
Weaver, Zoe eyes someone willing, you can bring
● Inflict Nightmares them with you for a scene or two,
Look: wet, twisted, hidden, Origin: someone’s dream, sleep When you visit someone in their before you’re both returned to the
barely-there, grave-pale paralysis demon, cosmic messenger, dreams, roll with Dark. On a 10 mundane world.
dreamweaver, forgotten up, choose one from below. • On a
7-9, choose one from below, but ❍ Like a Fading Dream
they notice your intrusion and When someone has no Strings on
Your Backstory Strings take a String on you. you, add this option to Inflict
✦ They gain a Condition, Nightmares:
You’ve been protecting someone ✦ Move a String they have on ✦ They won’t remember who
in their sleep. Gain a String on someone to someone else, or you are when they wake up.
them. ✦ Force them to Gaze Into the
Abyss, but you name what they’re
Someone knows your name. Give looking for. ❍ Bump In the Night
them two Strings on you. You can squeeze under doors, fit
beneath beds, and crawl along
❍ Coming to Terms ceilings. When you are in a room
When you force someone to with someone who isn’t aware of
confront their guilt or regrets, you you, add 1 to all your rolls against
Darkest Self Harm mark experience and give them a

You don’t belong with the others;

they were right. You’re not Experience ❍❍❍❍❍ ❍ Kinda Creepy
meant to be in this world. Force When someone ignores you, asks
your way into their private ❍ Add +1 to one of your stats. you to leave, tells you you are
thoughts and moments until they ❍ Take another Mare move. creepy, or flees from you, take a
can’t ignore you, and then ruin ❍ Take another Mare move. String on them.
them. You escape your Darkest ❍ Take a move from any Skin.
Self when someone accepts you ❍ Take a move from any Skin.
despite knowing your intentions. ❍ You lead a Dark Cavalry.


Hot -1 Cold 1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 Sleep When you fall asleep beside someone, you can Inflict
Nightmares on them as though you rolled a 10.
Hot -1 Cold -1 Volatile 1 Dark 2 Move
Playing the Minotaur
Violent, lonely, and a downright bullt. The Minotaur is one who secretly
longs for friendship and acceptance, easily manipulated by anyone who
knows how to push their buttons. The Minotaur is often used and aimed
towards specific people in order to carry out the agenda of those who
control the Minotaur.

The two stat choices of the Minotaur highlight similiar schools of thought
with different ways of execution. Your traditional Minotaur is hotblooded
and angry ready to punch their way through anyone while being vunerable
to the jests of others, and being as passionate in their love life as they are
in their violence (Volatile 2 & Hot 1). The other path dictactes a Minotaur
who is as mentally cruel as they are violent pushed this way through years
of loneliness and perhaps even abuse. (Cold 2 & Volatile 1).

The conditions associated with the Minotaur are largely metaphorical. In

the Maze represents a way to express that your dangerous attention has
been drawn to them, whether or not this ends in you beating them up is
up to you. Golden Thread represents someone who is in your good books or
someone who you were asked to leave alone by someone worth listening

The Minotaur revolves around inflicting these conditions as often as possi-

ble. Take the moves Matador and Seeing Red in order to easily dispatch your
conditions to everyone around you. No Way Out represents a more super-
natural move that’ll allow you to track the object of your anger no matter
how far they are.

When your Darkest Self break, you got a list and you’ve checked it twice. The Minotaur
Dispatch as much violence as possible and don’t stop until everyone’s been It wasn’t like you to be a bully. It’s not your fault your bigger than the others, or
given an attitude adjustment. are a little slow in your words, or are as they say naturally scary. But the
Minotaur knows it is what it is. They understand that their friends are afraid
of them or worse want to use them. But atleast if you beat people up for them
they’ll give you the time of day. Anything is better than being alone.

Sometimes you regret it, sometimes it hurts you. But getting angry always seem
Credits to be a fine solution. Anything to escape the labyrinth.

This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at

This skin was designed by Topher Gerkey and updated by Nicholas Francia
Art created by Takao Shigeyama.
o The Matador
Identity Minotaur Moves When someone asks you to beat
Names: Aster, Bastien, Doracas, Eyes: Dull eyes, red-glinting eyes, You get Labyrinth, and one more. someone up for them, you may
Ferdie, Johnny, Manny, Nandi, furious eyes, threatening eyes, treat it as if they had spent a String
Norman, Rosie, Shamala lonely eyes • Labyrinth and mark experience. Give their
When you do harm to someone target the condition In the Maze.
Look: Beefy, sweaty, looming, Origin: Bestial demigod, abused gain a string. You gain +1 on all
shaggy, bodybuilder animal growth hormones, cursed, rolls against someone except Turn o Seeing Red
experiment, anger issues Someone On when they have the
When you Gaze into the Abyss
condition In the Maze. You take -1
about someone your furious with,
Your Backstory Strings
on all rolls against someone except
roll Volatile instead of Dark. On a
Turn Someone On when they have
hit give them the condition In the
You regulary act as an enforcer for the condition Golden Thread.
Maze, on a 10+ the next time you
someone. They take two Strings on would damage you do an
you. o Bestial Lust additional 1 Harm.
When you roll to Turn Someone On,
You recently bullied someone. Take
remove a condition from yourself. o Ariadne
a String on them.
If you do this give your target the When someone with In the Maze
Golden Thread condition. condition asks for your forgiveness
and you comply, take a String on
o Bully that person and give them the
When you use physical force to Golden Thread condition.
intimidate or harass, roll Volatile
instead of Cold to Shut Someone
Darkest Self Harm
You’re nothing but a violent animal o No Way Out
You have a link to people who
Experience O O O O O
and everybody knows it. They used
you like a weapon pointing at their incur your wrath. When someone
enemies. So it’s time, be the violent • Add +1 to one of your stats. has the condition In the Maze you
animal. Track down anyones that’s • Take another Minotaur move. can always track where they are.
In the Maze, and show them how • Take another Minotaur move.
bestial you truly are or find new • Take a move from any Skin.
victims. You escape your Darkest • Take a move from any Skin.
Self when you’ve taken vengeance • You have a a Herd of Cronies.
against someone In the Maze or are
confronted by someone with the
Golden Thread. Conditions

Hot 1 Cold -1 Volatile 2 Dark -1 Sex

When you have sex with someone, give them a string on you and
the condition Golden Thread. They may choose to ask you to spare

Hot -1 Cold 2 Volatile 1 Dark -1 Move one person; if they do, give that person the condition Golden
Thread as well.
Playing the Mummy
Royal, confident, powerful, and fallen. The Mummy is a person out of time
that has lost their former glory with a unquenchable thirst to get it all
back. They are aware of exactly how great they are, and completely
convinced of their own innate royalty. Never questioning whether they
deserve it or not, because of course they do. Only the best of the best will
suit someone with their lofty status. Any actions they take to aquire these
things is justified to them. Selfish at their core.

The two stat choices paint the same story but different themes, the
Mummy can be as glorious as they think they are with beautiful stature
that truly makes them feel like the ruler they truly are (Hot 2 & Dark 1),
however the Mummy can be someone drapped in the mysticism that is
often associated with the lore, a priest or priestess that uses their magic in
order to ensnare everyone around them, forcing them to submit (Dark 2 &
Cold 1).

Taking the move Soulmate adds another whole new field of play to the
Mummy allowing you to pick another character and giving you the task to
force them under you, as your second in command, but your second
nonetheless. Mummy’s Curse deters others from attemping to harm you, and
Soul Eater giving you a powerful weapon to use against those who try to
cross you. The Cursed Artifacts is by far the most powerful move the Mum-
my has in terms of versatility but also is a double edge sword. Use it wisely.

Pursue your former glory, whether you do this through subversion or

directly, the Mummy may attempt to sate themselves with their new life
but in the end it will never be enough. When you finally enter your Darkest
Self, your plan trumps all and it’s time to go to work. The Mummy
The Mummy once had it all. Wealth, power, station, the adoration of followers,
love, magic. They were the kings and queens of old civilizations, at the head of
the table, and that life was good. However something took it away from,
wretching them from glory and leaving them with nothing but darkness and the
cruel tides of time.

However now they have awakened, and while the world has moved, some things
Credits still remain the same. They’ll have their rightful place again, and it doesn’t
matter what they have to do to get it.
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at
This skin was designed by Topher Gerkey and updated by Nicholas Francia
Photo by Helen Stifler
o Royal Decree
Identity Mummy Moves
You may roll with Hot to Shut
Names: Ampata, Ananka, Ardath, Eyes: Haugthty eyes, unsleeping Take Mummy’s Curse and two more. Someone Down.
Cleo, Johann, Juanita, Kharis, Otzi, eyes, dry eyes, heavily made up
Ramses, Xin Zhui eyes, lonely eyes • Mummy’s Curse
o Cursed Artifacts
When anyone inflicts at least 1
You possess a large collection of
Look: Imperious, old-fashioned, Origin: Betrayed royalty, peat bog harm on you, they are forced to
cursed artifacts. You can use these
wealthy, foreign, compelling, murder, sacrificial offering, watery roll to Keep Your Cool. If they are an
artifacts to your own advantage if
powerful grave, frozen solid NPC, give them a condition.
you are willing to endure the side
effects. Each time you use an arti-
o Soul Eater
Your Backstory Strings You feed off the life force of others
fact, choose a Boon:
+ Add 1 to one of your stats for a
Someone has accepted their place with a kiss. When you feed roll scene.
at your feet. Take a String on them. with Dark. On a 10+, deal 1 Harm + Do 1 Harm to someone.
and mark experience. On a 7-9, deal + Remove 1 Harm from someone.
You see someone as a threat to 1 Harm and they take a string on + Give someone a condition from
your position, they take a String on you. someone.
you. + Remove a condition from
o Soulmate someone.
A lover from a past life has been + Treat one roll as if you had
reincarnated. Choose someone to rolled a 10+.
be your soulmate, you add 1
ongoing to all rolls against one Also the MC chooses a Curse:
another. You may spend a String + Subtract 1 from one of your
you have on your soulmate to enter stats for a scene.
any scene they are in. + Take 1 Harm.
Darkest Self Harm + Gain a condition of the MC’s
You have been patient for lon- o Past Life choice.

Experience O O O O O
ger than most civilizations have Whenever you meet a new + Someone gains a string on you.
existed, and now your patience is character you may declare if you + One of your Mummy moves
exhausted. No more planning, no • Add +1 to one of your stats. knew them in a past life, roll with stops working for a scene.
more manipulating. Claim your • Take another Mummy move. Dark. On a 10+, the person’s past
riches, retake your birthright, • Take another Mummy move. life was a friend or ally, take a
eliminate the kin of your enemies. • Take a move from any Skin. String on each other and mark
If you have a soulmate, pursue • Take a move from any Skin. experience. On a 7-9, they were
them relentlessly. You escape your • You’re in a Ancient Cult. an acquaintance, make a request
Darkest Self when you achieve one of them if they take it they gain a
of your goals or someones manages String of you or mark experience.
you to force you into submission. Conditions On a miss, they were an enemy.

Hot 2 Cold -1 Volatile -1 Dark 1 Sex

When you have sex with someone, take a String on them and
give them a command. They carry 1 forward toward any action

Hot -1 Cold 1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 Move they take that is intended to benefit you. If they are your
soulmate, mark experience.
Playing the Muse
Misunderstood genius, passionate, and obsessed. The Muse is a savant who
can elevate their skill to truly be called a master, or they could if something
wasn’t holding them back. A terrible injury, disfigurement, or other obsta-
cle prevented them from truly reaching the heights they were destined for.
Both those who cannot do, teach. So the Muse takes on a Prodigy, someone
to pass down their art. The Muse is crazed brilliance manifested directed at
their one chosen student. They’ll do anything - no matter how vile - to see
them succeed.

The two stat choices for the Muse both contain Cold because they are indif-
ferent and hardened to most of the outside world. Whether you approach
furthering your Prodigy as something increasingly violent (Dark 2 & Cold 1)
or perhaps you prefer to ensure to keep your Prodigy under your thumb as
long as possible (Cold 2 & Volatile 1), your moves and your actions revolve
around your Prodigy.

If you wish to eliminate the obstacles around your Prodigy choose Punjab
Lasso in order to give the upper hand as your targets become embroiled
within your schemes and traps. Taking Grasshopper or Scorpion and Don Juan
Triumphant allows you to focus on grooming your Prodigy to become your
eternal love. When your Darkest Self strikes it’s now the time to enact that
plan and whisk them away to the land of your fantasies.

The Muse
You’ve always had an amazing talent, something that could set you beyond the
rest. But the others never could see past your flaws, whether it was your past, or
your own appearance and so you remained scorned that is until you met them.
They got your attention whether it was their own skill, beauty, or just passion.
You knew in an instant that you needed them, you wanted them, and their
success became your own.

Credits You’ll do anything to make sure they get ahead in life, taking out the
oppositon, teaching them personally, or leaving a trail of bodies and bribery. You
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at will become their guardian angel, the phantom behind their genius, the man
This skin was designed by Topher Gerkey and updated by Nicholas Francia behind the curtain.
Photo taken by @A_Star_Guardian
o Don Juan Triumphant
Identity Muse Moves When you are wearing your mask,
Names: Abner, Erika, Etta, Jason, Eyes: Broken eyes, hopless eyes, You get Masked Phantom, and you can roll with Cold instead of
Karla, Petrie, Santini, Shawna, Song, fanatical eyes, inspired eyes, jealous Prodigy, choose one more: Hot to turn someone on. Add 1
Winslow eyes to your roll if your target is your
• Masked Phantom Prodigy.
Look: Fidgety, scarred, pale and Origin: Born disfigured, faustian When you wear a mask, no one can
sickly, disabled, well-dressed bargain, terrible accident, targeted perceive your true identity. Other
o Punjab Lasso
by a rival, crippling insecurity players who roll a hit to lash out When you spend time planning
physically towards you can choose and observing someone, you can
roll Dark instead of Volatile to lash
Your Backstory Strings
to forgo all other effects and rip
your mask off instead. out physically. When you lash out
physically at someone within your
Choose one person to be your
• Prodigy lair, you may this move regardless
Prodigy. Take three Strings on
if you have time to plan or not.
them. Give them one String on you. You always have exactly one
Prodigy. The first is chosen during o Grasshopper or Scorpion?
Somebody spins tales of your Your Backstory. If you deny and When you force your Prodigy to
masked alter ego, and is one of scorn your Prodigy, lose all strings make a choice between you and
your biggest fans. Take one String on them and choose a new one. If someone else, they choose one:
on them. they deny and scorn you, they lose +They stay with you, you take a
all strings on you and you choose a String on them, and they add 1
new one. When you choose a new on their next roll against you.
Prodigy, give them a String. You +They leave you, they lose a
always carry 1 forward to String on you if they have any,
furthering the career or fame of and you add 1 on their next roll
your Prodigy.
Darkest Self Harm
towards interfering with or
harming their other interest.
There is only one person in the o The Lair
Experience O O O O O
world who truly understands Your school or setting contains o Toccata & Fugue
your genius and torment, and you your secret lair, accessed through When someone unmasks you for
will do anything to make them • Add +1 to one of your stats. a variety of hidden passages and the first time, give them a String
yours forever. It’s time to enact • Take another Muse move. ways only you know and have and mark experience. If this was
your plan. Kidnap them, eliminate • Take another Muse move. made your own. When you’re done willingly, you gain a String on
anyone who interferes and bound • Take a move from any Skin. nearby your lair and you run away, them and they may clear a
them to you for eternity. Only • Take a move from any Skin. you can treat a miss as a 7-9, or a Condition. If they did this against
when your Prodigy takes harm as • You recruit Benefactors to your 7-9 as a 10, but the person chasing your will, give them a Condition
a result of your actions can you cause. you is now aware that your lair and add 1 forward toward harming
escape your Darkest Self. exists.
Conditions them for this scene.

Hot -1 Cold 1 Volatile -1 Dark 2

When you have sex with your Prodigy, they can act as if they had The
Sex Lair move until either of you has had sex with another. If you are

Hot -1 Cold 2 Volatile 1 Dark -1 Move intimate with someone other than your Prodigy, you can treat them as
your second Prodigy until either of you is intimate with someone else.
Playing Necromancer
A loner, frustrated, and polarized. The Necromancer
thinks people are way too confusing; it’s easier to just
be by yourself. Or in your case, in the company of the

The two stat lines for The Necromancer paint you as

either grim and aggressive (Dark 2 & Volatile 1) or
closed-off and mysterious (Cold 2 & Dark 1). The
Necromancer has low Hot because people are just the

The Necromancer obviously has very strong connections

to death and dying; Medium and Dark Return will both
only work if an important character is dead, and several
of their moves revolve around harm. This doesn’t mean
The Necromancer has to be violent themselves, but you
are definitely incentivized to seek out blood and death.

When using Dark Return on side characters, it is mostly

up to the MC what ‘slightly off’ means. Perhaps they
lose their capacity to feel fear and pain, or develop a
taste for rotten things. It might be worth giving them
custom principles and reactions as though they were

The Necromancer’s Darkest Self represents The

Necromancer’s dynamic of extremes; they are either
totally opposed to living company, or they obsessively
desire it. They don’t get a healthy in-between.

The Necromancer
You’ve never really been comfortable with people, friends, that sort of stuff.
People are so much easier to deal with when things aren’t so complicated. A
quick rite over a shallow grave, and ol’ bones is your new best bud.

Credits That’s the dream, of course. People are too damn nosy to leave you alone.

This is a fan Skin for Monsterhearts 2, designed by C.M.Ruebsaat

Check out the game at
Identity Necromancer Moves ❍ Ugh, People
When you refuse someone’s
Choose two:
Name: Cabal, Morgan, Nico, Eyes: haunted eyes, hooded eyes, company, mark experience. If they
Chiccy, Gus, Kaya, Eliza, Aur, wondering eyes, esoteric eyes, dark come along anyway, they may also
Tatiana, Jonny, Olivia. eyes
❍ Dead to the World
mark experience.
When someone hurts you and you
don’t react, you can increase the
Look: goth, aloof, anxious, Origin: occult knowledge, ghostly ❍ Making Friends
distracted, pastel goth possession, followed by ancestors, I see harm you mark by 1. If you do,
take a String on them and give When you perform a ritual to
dead people, loves zombie movies
them a Condition. summon the dead from the earth,
they function as a gang until the
Your Backstory Strings ❍ NecRomancer sun touches them. If you already
have a gang, you take 1 less harm
When someone is close to death,
while they surround you.
You took a walk with someone in with 2 or more harm marked, you
a graveyard. Take two Strings on may roll with Dark to Turn Them
them. On. ❍ Dark Return
When you perform a rite to stuff
Someone won’t leave you alone. someone’s soul back into their
Give them a String on you. ❍ Medium body, enter your Darkest Self if
When you speak to the dead, you
you are not already in it, and
can ask them questions as though
bring them back to life just
they were still alive as long as you
slightly off. If they are a player
stand over their grave or body
character, they must choose one
Darkest Self Harm and hold something significant to
of the following options.
them. Other people can also talk
✦ Increase their Dark by 1 and
You can’t stand being by yourself to the dead by holding hands with
anymore. It’s infuriating that Experience ❍❍❍❍❍ you while you do this.
reduce any other stat by 1.
✦ Change their playbook to
nobody seems to understand reflect their reanimated form.
what you want. Insert yourself ❍ Add +1 to one of your stats.
into every conversation, drag ❍ Take another Necromancer move.
people along with you into ❍ Take another Necromancer move.
danger, and do anything to get ❍ Take a move from any Skin.
people to hang out with you. You ❍ Take a move from any Skin.
escape your Darkest Self when ❍ Summon an Undead Horde.
someone proves that they
genuinely want to hang out with Conditions

Hot -1 Cold -1 Volatile 1 Dark 2 Sex When you have sex with someone, ask them if you matter
to them. If they say yes, give them a Condition. If they say

Hot -1 Cold 2 Volatile -1 Dark 1 Move no, take a String on each other.
Sex Move Playing The Neighbor Sometimes when you watch
scary movies you wonder if
When you scream out someone's name Uncertain, messy, helpless, undecided.
monsters and creatures and
during sex, gain a String on them. The Neighbor is all about making
choices, pushing others into making things from beyond the grave
choices, and throwing themselves are really real. It freaks you

Darkest Self into situations that won't necessarily out pretty bad. But then you
end up in their favor. Play this Skin if just snuggle down onto the
you're not too worried about having couch with all your friends
You feel... you feel like a monster.
the game reward you mechanically, and know that everything is
What kind of monster do you feel
but you want interesting things to be going to be alright.
like? A werewolf, a vampire, a ghost,
happening all around you all the time.
a queen... it can be anything you can
think of. Tell the MC, and they'll hand
Most of the Neighbor's moves include
you that Skin or the closest thing to
something to choose, and lots of
it. It can be different each time. Read
those choices might bite the Neighbor
their Darkest Self: you are drowning
instead of assisting them - that's what
in metaphor. Choking on it. Your body
kind of a mess you are. The moves to
isn't supernatural, but you're gonna
the right of the page are the ones in
take it right to the line. You become
which another player makes a choice.
that Darkest Self.
Hints: make others decide everything
for you, and never settle with their
Advancement decisions. Remember to gaze into
the abyss, even though you're not a

The Neighbor
 Take another Neighbor move. monster.
 Take another Neighbor move.
 Take a move from another Skin. Whenever one of your moves trigger,
 Take a move from another Skin. read the whole thing aloud (except
 You've started a for the list in Nap Fan - it's too long.)

Special Interest Club.
Add 1 to Hot (max 3).
Transparency is very important when
playing the Neighbor. Show everyone Name Look
how to push your buttons. Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
 Add 1 to Cold (max 3).
 Add 1 to Volatile (max 3).
With Mixed Messages, the Neighbor is Hamish, Luke, Margaret, Ming, boyish, hot mess, stilted, easy-going,
 Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
making assumptions about the other Muhammad, Natalie, Sasha, Sofia, femme
character's intentions. The two parts Vicente, Wei
of it aren't symetrical - if you fail to smiling eyes, confused eyes,
shut them down, that doesn't mean a common name, a friendly name, hopeful eyes, sunny eyes, averted eyes
they're turned on. an unassuming name, a lucky name,
a human name
If you choose Precarious, read the Origin
move aloud. Also, use your character's Circle one:
voice to drop none-too-subtle hints
about presents you'd like, and beg for boy next door, girl next door,
another chance where appropriate. Be newly social, latchkey kid, divorce kid
This Skin written by Jackson Tegu for: prepared to remind the other players
about the move.
Monsterhearts Second Skins
Name: Carry Forward Neighbor Moves  Precarious
(If you pick this, read it aloud.)
Choose three: When someone gives you a gift or
another chance, give them a String.
 Last One Picked
Stats When someone special overlooks
you, choose:
 Spooked
Add 1 to one of these: When you run into someone's arms,
SS publicize it and give them they choose:
Hot 1, Cold -1, Volatile 1, Dark -1 Conditions a Condition,
SS let them see you crying and
SS you mark experience,
SS they become their Darkest Self.
take a String on them. If it's an NPC, MC chooses: you mark
experience, or they make a hard move.
  Mixed Messages
When you're alone with someone,  Self-Deprecating
decide if you're attracted to them or When you talk shit about yourself to
(Turn Someone On, not.
Manipulate an NPC) someone, they choose:
SS If you are, tell them why you can't
Notes be together and roll to shut them
SS argue and give you a String,
SS let it slide and shut you down.
down, adding 1 to the roll. If it's an NPC, MC chooses: they argue

SS If you're not, tell them all the and give you a String, or they mock
Cold things they've got going for them you and the MC makes a hard move.
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) (to let them down easy) and roll to
turn them on, adding 1 to the roll.
 Home Life
When a monster sees what a normal
  Two Eyes life you have, they choose:
When you take your glasses off, add SS they gain the Condition monstrous,
1 to your hot. You actually need your SS you gain the Condition delicious,
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
glasses, so subtract 1 from rolls where SS you carry 1 forward to making
sight matters. them feel human.

 Lucky I Guess  Nap Fan
Dark Experience Points: When you remain oblivious to As soon as you fall asleep somewhere,
(Gaze Into The Abyss) troubling or supernatural occurrences, choose two below for the MC to detail.
carry 1 forward.
>> advance The MC will tell you when you wake
up, and then tell you the details.
 All the Wrong Places SS something has been left for you,
Your Backstory Strings When you help someone you're sweet SS someone unexpected is nearby,
on look for love elsewhere, choose: SS someone's been trying to
You live next to someone; your SS they carry 1 forward to realizing contact you,
bedroom windows face. Choose: that love, SS something happened at home,
SS you watch them through the SS the two of you gain Strings on SS something has been canceled,
blinds and they've noticed, each one another. SS something has been broken,
gain 1 String on one another; SS you had a nice dream.
SS you leave your blinds up while
you change, each gain 2 Strings

Other Moves
on one another.

You made out with someone a while

ago. Gain a String on them and give
them 2 Strings on you.
Sex Move Playing The Neighbor Sometimes when you watch
scary movies you wonder if
When you scream out someone's name Uncertain, messy, helpless, undecided.
monsters and creatures and
during sex, gain a String on them. The Neighbor is all about making
choices, pushing others into making things from beyond the grave
choices, and throwing themselves are really real. It freaks you

Darkest Self into situations that won't necessarily out pretty bad. But then you
end up in their favor. Play this Skin if just snuggle down onto the
you're not too worried about having couch with all your friends
You feel... you feel like a monster.
the game reward you mechanically, and know that everything is
What kind of monster do you feel
but you want interesting things to be going to be alright.
like? A werewolf, a vampire, a ghost,
happening all around you all the time.
a queen... it can be anything you can
think of. Tell the MC, and they'll hand
Most of the Neighbor's moves include
you that Skin or the closest thing to
something to choose, and lots of
it. It can be different each time. Read
those choices might bite the Neighbor
their Darkest Self: you are drowning
instead of assisting them - that's what
in metaphor. Choking on it. Your body
kind of a mess you are. The moves to
isn't supernatural, but you're gonna
the right of the page are the ones in
take it right to the line. You become
which another player makes a choice.
that Darkest Self.
Hints: make others decide everything
for you, and never settle with their
Advancement decisions. Remember to gaze into
the abyss, even though you're not a

The Neighbor
 Take another Neighbor move. monster.
 Take another Neighbor move.
 Take a move from another Skin. Whenever one of your moves trigger,
 Take a move from another Skin. read the whole thing aloud (except
 You've started a for the list in Nap Fan - it's too long.)

Special Interest Club.
Add 1 to Hot (max 3).
Transparency is very important when
playing the Neighbor. Show everyone Name Look
how to push your buttons. Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
 Add 1 to Cold (max 3).
 Add 1 to Volatile (max 3).
With Mixed Messages, the Neighbor is Hamish, Luke, Margaret, Ming, boyish, hot mess, stilted, easy-going,
 Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
making assumptions about the other Muhammad, Natalie, Sasha, Sofia, femme
character's intentions. The two parts Vicente, Wei
of it aren't symetrical - if you fail to smiling eyes, confused eyes,
shut them down, that doesn't mean a common name, a friendly name, hopeful eyes, sunny eyes, averted eyes
they're turned on. an unassuming name, a lucky name,
a human name
If you choose Precarious, read the Origin
move aloud. Also, use your character's Circle one:
voice to drop none-too-subtle hints
about presents you'd like, and beg for boy next door, girl next door,
another chance where appropriate. Be newly social, latchkey kid, divorce kid
This Skin written by Jackson Tegu for: prepared to remind the other players
about the move.
Monsterhearts Second Skins
Name: Carry Forward Neighbor Moves  Precarious
(If you pick this, read it aloud.)
Choose three: When someone gives you a gift or
another chance, give them a String.
 Last One Picked
Stats When someone special overlooks
you, choose:
 Spooked
Add 1 to one of these: When you run into someone's arms,
SS publicize it and give them they choose:
Hot 1, Cold -1, Volatile 1, Dark -1 Conditions a Condition,
SS let them see you crying and
SS you mark experience,
SS they become their Darkest Self.
take a String on them. If it's an NPC, MC chooses: you mark
experience, or they make a hard move.
  Mixed Messages
When you're alone with someone,  Self-Deprecating
decide if you're attracted to them or When you talk shit about yourself to
(Turn Someone On, not.
Manipulate an NPC) someone, they choose:
SS If you are, tell them why you can't
Notes be together and roll to shut them
SS argue and give you a String,
SS let it slide and shut you down.
down, adding 1 to the roll. If it's an NPC, MC chooses: they argue

SS If you're not, tell them all the and give you a String, or they mock
Cold things they've got going for them you and the MC makes a hard move.
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) (to let them down easy) and roll to
turn them on, adding 1 to the roll.
 Home Life
When a monster sees what a normal
  Two Eyes life you have, they choose:
When you take your glasses off, add SS they gain the Condition monstrous,
1 to your hot. You actually need your SS you gain the Condition delicious,
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
glasses, so subtract 1 from rolls where SS you carry 1 forward to making
sight matters. them feel human.

 Lucky I Guess  Nap Fan
Dark Experience Points: When you remain oblivious to As soon as you fall asleep somewhere,
(Gaze Into The Abyss) troubling or supernatural occurrences, choose two below for the MC to detail.
carry 1 forward.
>> advance The MC will tell you when you wake
up, and then tell you the details.
 All the Wrong Places SS something has been left for you,
Your Backstory Strings When you help someone you're sweet SS someone unexpected is nearby,
on look for love elsewhere, choose: SS someone's been trying to
You live next to someone; your SS they carry 1 forward to realizing contact you,
bedroom windows face. Choose: that love, SS something happened at home,
SS you watch them through the SS the two of you gain Strings on SS something has been canceled,
blinds and they've noticed, each one another. SS something has been broken,
gain 1 String on one another; SS you had a nice dream.
SS you leave your blinds up while
you change, each gain 2 Strings

Other Moves
on one another.

You made out with someone a while

ago. Gain a String on them and give
them 2 Strings on you.
Playing the Proxy
Victim, villain, slaver, and slave. The Proxy is under the eye of a cruel entity,
forcing them to choose between their own survival or the survival on
others. Aware of their actions some times and other times not, the Proxy
dawns the mask in order to serve it’s master. Their task, to torment the
target that It gives them and bring these poor unfortunate souls closer to
It’s grasp. When their target’s spirit is broken and consumed, the Proxy can
rest easy if only for a bit. Another one in it’s ranks.

The two stat choices for the Proxy allow you to choose a path of a violent
and dangerous being (Volatile 2 & Dark 1) or the silent watcher who waits
among the tree (Dark 2 & Cold 1). With a consistenly low Hot stat, they
are unhinged and the feeling of something being off is ever present. From
their masked alter ego to their increasing paranoia and prey mentality; the
theme of desperation and survival are big for the Proxy.

While you play the Proxy, your information gathering is your greatest toll.
Use the Proxy’s ability to quickly gain strings in order to entice your targets
into the grasp of It. Entice and over experience for investigating your clues,
taking trips into the woods or abandoned houses at night, or convincing
them to poke around in things they probably shouldn’t; then use The Sick-
ness to force them to take their own The Sickness and continuing the chain.

If you take Cryptic Bullshit, try to describe your notes, videos, or voicemails
as disturbingly and puzzlingly as possible. Inflicting the right conditions is
how you can gain leverage against your target and force them deeper into
It’s control. Make them vunerable, your goal is not to break them instantly
but rather wear them down and when they are at their weakest, It will
come for them. The Proxy
It has chosen it’s champion, it’s slave, it’s hunter. It doesn’t have a known origin,
and cannot be comprehended but one thing for sure: It is dangerous. Ever swell-
ing darkness, and living in our deepest and darkest of imaginations. The Proxy
is a plaything of It. The Proxy may not understand why the Sickness has been
passed onto them, but it knows that if it does not play the game It is presenting
to them, than a fate worse than death awaits them.

Credits But the Proxy has a way out, pass the Sickness on and hunt for It’s favor. Every
victim the Proxy stalks and hunt is another few years, days, or perhaps only
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at hours added onto the Proxy’s lifespan. As long as they continue to be useful to It
This skin was designed by Topher Gerkey and updated by Nicholas Francia they can survive.
Art created by Catonice
o Am I Interrupting?
Identity Proxy Moves Gain a string when you
Names: Aimee, Alex, Emi, Evan, Eyes: Angry eyes, dead eyes, You get The Sickness, and choose successfully gain access to your
Jessie, Kevin, Noreen, Tim, Tyler, paranoid eyes, sorrowful eyes, one more: subject’s home or their social
Zack veiled eyes media accounts and leave a sign
• The Sickness for them to find. When infiltrating
Look: Baby face, carrying a Origin: Stalked since childhood, Choose one character to be your your subject’s home you do not
camera, clinging briars, gangly, delved too far, created a hoax that subject. You may change which trigger security, or leave accidental
sickly, shifty became true, student flmmaker, character is your subject at any traces of your prescence.
time, but you must have least
o Stalk
Your Backstory Strings
three strings on your new subject.
Everytime you spend a string on When you gaze into the abyss
You’ve been spying on everyone for your subject, It takes a string on about your subject, On a 10 up,
a while now. Gain one string on them. gain a string on them and you
everyone. Gain two extra strings on know exactly where they are
your subject. o Cryptic Bullshit and what they’re doing. On a 7-9
When you Shut Someone Down choose one:
You’ve also been obsessively indirectly, through sending them a + You can see what they’re doing,
recording yourself, and someone written or video message, roll Dark but It gains a string on you.
has discovered and watched some instead of Cold. This can consist of + You can see what they’re doing,
of your footage. That person takes mysterious but meaningful images, but take 1 harm.
a string on you. phrases written in ciphers, or re-
o Masked and Dangerous
curring symbols. Add +1 to the roll
When you are masked, others
It starts with five strings on you. if it’s against your subject.
must Keep Their Cool before they
o Path of Black Leaves can attempt to Turn You On, Shut
Darkest Self Harm
You Down, or Lash Out Physically at
When a character attempts to run
you. If you successfully Run Away
You’ve become desperate now - It away from you, you may spend
while masked, people will only
Experience O O O O O
is closing in, and your time is a string. Unless you allow it, you
have vauge and hazy recollections
running out. You’ll do anything to cannot be run away from. You will
of you.
save yourself, and you know what • Add +1 to one of your stats. always be around the next corner,
It wants. Find someone close to • Take another Proxy move. hiding behind a nearby tree, or
your subject and offer them up - • Take another Proxy move. your victims will find themselves
either kill them yourself in Its • Take a move from any Skin. repeatedly passing through the
name, or offer them up to It • Take a move from any Skin. same hallways and doors without
directly. You escape your Darkest • You’re in a Secret Cult. actually getting anywhere. Gain a
Self when you have sacrificed string on your subject if you allow
someone else in your place or you them to escape, instead of
face the music yourself. Conditions spending a string.

Hot -1 Cold -1 Volatile 2 Dark 1 Sex

When you have sex with someone, make them your new
subject (even if they don’t meet the criteria), and both of you

Hot -1 Cold 1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 Move mark experience. This counts as spending a string on them.
Playing the Reaper
Legendary, sought after, burdened, and inadequate. The Reaper has a great
deal of power, but it comes with responsibility and using it to benefit
themselves personally is problematic. Others suck up to the Reaper, but the
Reaper wonders if anyone cares about them, personally, or just their job.
They often live in the shadow of their predecessor. It’s hard to live up to
the name.

The two stat choices for the Reaper present two very different sides of the
same coin. A character who is cruel and very much in touch with their
position as the ferrymen of the dead (Dark 2 & Cold 1) or a Reaper who is
much more in touch with their emotions and very much here to stop to
punch a timecard (Volatile 2 & Hot 1). Your powers of death make you leaps
and bound stronger than most people and other skins, however just keep
in mind the code of the reaper, which is a guillotine that hangs over your
neck at all times.

All in a Day’s Work and Don’t Fear the Reaper allow you to play to the duality
of your nature, rewarding you for just following orders if you choose to
simply stick to the protocol or encouraging you to go off-book and aid in
whatever problems you deem fit. Are you a Reaper because you are fulfill-
ing a debt or an obligation, or perhaps you see yourself as a dark avenger
ready to strike at those that would bring the realm of the Underworld into

Your powers of death make you ever so versatile for every situation, choose
The Reaping and Gate of the Underworld if you wish to play as something
more akin to the Chosen. Choosing to go with Convene, and License to
Depart puts you more on the role of a spiritual medium than your typical The Reaper
loose cannon Reaper. They are the teens with the strange jobs they are always going to, always
cancelling at the last minute because they got “called in”. They might not want
Using your Sex Move not only brings them into the messy business of this job but deep down they know it’s what makes them special. The Reaper is
reaping but may also aid them at their darkest hour. When Darkest Self is a defender, a salary man, and most of the time it’s errand boy. The Reaper is
in effect, you are “fired” from guiding, ferrying, and executing, those powers called in to face the threats to the sanctity of life and death, the Ghoul that lives
should be lost as well. It is important that, without the mantle of Reaper, forever, he’s on the list. That Ghost that keeps attacking the students after dark,
you are just a normal person. they’re another name for the reaping.
Credits The Reaper is an ally to all things living and scourge to everything undead or
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at immortal. Armed with great power, and even greater responsibility.
This skin was designed by Jadanol and updated by Nicholas Francia But sometimes you just need to let loose and break a few rules.
Photo from “Stranger Things”, owned by Netflix.
Identity Reaper Moves Powers of Death
Names: Alexander, Chandra, Cla- Eyes: Hollow Eyes, Normal Eyes, You get Code of the Reaper and Choose two Powers of Death to
rice, Delphine, Edward, Hannibal, Ashamed Eyes, Judgmental Eyes, choose one more move. begin with.
Isis, Rex, Somchai, Yukio Sarcastic Eyes, Nurturing Eyes
• Code of the Reaper o The Reaping
When you call upon your Powers of You have a specially made reaper
Look: Concealed, pale, average, Origin: stumbled on to the power,
Death for official Reaper business. weapon. When using this weapon,
lanky, nervous the replacement, heir to the scythe,
you roll your powers normally. treat rolling a 7-9 on lash out
it’s just my day job
When you use them for any other physically checks against your
reason, roll Dark. On a 10+, your targets as if you have rolled a 10+.
Your Backstory Strings powers work normally. On a 7-9,
o Convene
choose one:
Someone knows your secret, and + Your superiors take notice of You can call for the spirits of the
how to reach your superiors. They your violation. deceased and speak with them as
take a String on you. + Someone learns a secret of long as you possess a personal item
your trade, they gain a String. of theirs.
You know someone who is terrified + You pay the blood price, take 1 o License to Depart
of death and all it’s friends, take a Harm. With a short prayer, you may
String on them. instantly send any spirit, demon,
o All in a Day’s Work
or otherworldly power back to
When you successfully complete a whence they came. If this entity is
task assigned by your superiors or stronger than you, however, you
when you risk your job for must weaken it in order to
someone, mark experience. successfully send it.
o Not Their Time o Alter Fate
Darkest Self Harm When you intercede and attempt By touching a person, you may
You’ve abused your powers too to bring someone back from the clear them of ailments or
dead or perhaps saving yourself. conditions. They are healed but
Experience O O O O O
long and are now fired. Losing the
title and the perks that come with Roll Dark. On a 10+, fate is rewrit- choose yourself or someone else
being a Reaper. You have thrown • Add +1 to one of your stats. ten and they/you return on the willing to gain that condition or
away what makes you special, • Gain the remaining Powers of brink with 3 Harm. On a 7-9, they ailment. You may spend a string on
and now no one will care about Death. only come back to finish their goal. someone who is unwilling to have
you. You will do anything to get it • Take another Reaper move. o Don’t Fear the Reaper them gain it instead.
back. To escape your Darkest Self, • Take a move from any Skin. When someone flirts with you, o Gates of the Underworld
you must resolve and repent for • Take a move from any Skin. bribes you, or attempts to turn You can bring yourself and anyone
your violations of the code to the • You are apart of a Reaper Squad. you on successfully, take a string you are touching to the
satisfaction of your superiors, or on them. If you refuse, they lose a underworld and your headquarters.
when you take on an even greater Conditions String on you. Beware many things call the
mission. underworld it’s home.

Hot -1 Cold 1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 Sex

When you have sex with someone, they hold 1. The next time
they would mark their fourth Harm Box, they instead spend

Hot 1 Cold -1 Volatile 2 Dark -1 Move their hold.

Sex Move Playing The Sasquatch
The person you have sex with smells Shy, awkward, private, honest. The
like you afterward, and gains the Sasquatch is all about watching from
Condition scented. If they face their the sidelines and having a painfully Everyone around you seems
peers before scrubbing it off, they hard time in social situations. to have it figured out. They
mark experience. flirt and joke and walk
When you're right there, you can around holding hands. You
make others act first by using Musk don't have it figured out.
Darkest Self and Icebreaker. When it hasn't been
established that you're somewhere
When people look at you, you
want to disappear.
else right now, you can watch
Now, right now, it's time to rain
the scene unfold using Hidden In
stones down upon the bullies and
The Scenery. To transition from
the excluders. It's time to wreck their
participating in the scene to observing
precious stuff, to shove them back so
it, use Disappear.
hard that they'll never even dream of
messing with you or anyone ever, ever
Pick Icebreaker or Understanding if you
again. You escape your Darkest Self
want to know people better than they
when you hurt one of those people
know you. However, it's quite possible
more than they've ever hurt anyone
people won't want to be around you
else... and more than you meant to.
after you use these moves on them:
that's part of the tension of having
powers like these.

The Sasquatch
Pick The Long Fuse if you want to
 Take another Sasquatch move. explore a kind of after-the-fact anger
 Take another Sasquatch move. where, after you bottle it up, it comes
 Take a move from another Skin. bubbling out later as rage or self-
 Take a move from another Skin. harm. Oh, and “later” means the next
You find a Secret Club.
Add 1 to Hot (max 3).
reasonable opportunity. You'll see it.
Name Look
Your given move, Musk, will kick in Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
 Add 1 to Cold (max 3).
 Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). whenever you sweat around people:
whether it's at basketball practice, Ainsley, Amanda, Bjorn, Cedar, awkward, sweet, tentative,
 Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
outside on a hot day, or because a cute Donavan, Gavin, Heather, Mouse, more to love, hirsute
person is talking to you. Orion, Shizu
sparkling eyes, wide eyes,
You can rid yourself of your backstory a peaceful name, a hippie name, shallow eyes, sensitive eyes,
Condition just like any Condition. an unremarkable name, a hidden name, forgettable eyes
the name of an outsider
The Sasquatch can sometimes be so
good at making themselves scarce Origin
that they write themselves out of the Circle one:
story. To avoid this, keep your eye out
for things you want to see come true, abandoned, transfer student,
This Skin written by Jackson Tegu for: and then take a few steps in from the walked out of the forest,
sideline to give those things a good,
Monsterhearts Second Skins solid push.
was a quiet child, no family photos
Name: Carry Forward Sasquatch Moves  The Long Fuse
When you or someone wrapped in
You get this one, and choose two more: your arms would take harm, you may
negate that harm. If you do so, name
 Musk something that you hold dear - if you
Stats You have a distinct smell, unpleasant
to some, intriguing to others. When
don't destroy that something later, do
Add 1 to one of these: yourself the harm then.
you sweat in the presence of other
Hot -1, Cold -1, Volatile 1, Dark 1 Conditions people, roll with volatile. On a 10 up,
the MC gives you a String on someone
 Hidden In The Scenery
When it appears that you're not
there and they choose: around, you may roll with dark. On
SS compliment you, a 10 up, you're there and you remain
 SS apologize to you, completely unnoticed. • On a 7-9, you're
SS give themselves to you. there, and somebody sees. If they don't
• On a 7-9, the MC gives you a String draw attention to you, they gain a
(Turn Someone On, on someone there, and that character String on you at the end of the scene.
Manipulate an NPC) gives you a Condition, delivered in the
Notes most appropriate way.
 Negatives
 When you really, really want specific
 Icebreaker evidence of yourself to disappear,
Cold You radiate awkwardness and people be it a physical object or something
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) don't know how to talk around you. from the memory of someone with no
When someone speaks to break a Strings on you, roll with dark. On a 10
silence or to start a new conversation, up, it happens. Those tracks are gone.
 you may roll with dark. On a 10 up, • On a 7-9 the evidence or memory is
choose two of these questions for gone, but the pieces don't all add up: a
them to blurt truthful answers to, mystery remains.
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
whether or not you actually ask.
• On a 7-9, choose one question and
 Disappear
during this conversation you both blurt
 When you run away, on a 10 up you
out truthful answers to it.
may instead choose this result:
Dark Experience Points:
SS Who do you want to make out with?
SS What don't you want me
SS you slip from view and remain
(Gaze Into The Abyss) there, invisible.
to find out?
>> advance
SS What do you intend to do?
On a 7-9, add this option to the list:
SS you disappear on the spot, causing
SS What do you wish I'd do?
wild confusion, and the witness
Your Backstory Strings SS What are you scared of?
SS What are you ashamed of?
who cares the most about you
gets a String on you.
SS Do you like me?
You've been a wallflower all your life,
but someone finally noticed you.  Understanding
When you hold someone close, gain
Give them a String.
a String on them.
Someone makes fun of you. What do
they say? They give you a Condition,
Other Moves
and you gain 2 Strings on them.
Playing The Seer
Insightful, curious and paranoid. The Seer knows there is
more to life than what most can see, and they’re going
to dig until they uncover every last little secret being
kept from them.

The two stat options for the Seer will always have high
Dark, because you are always digging deeper than you
should. They differ in whether you use their gifts to put
yourself on top of the social ladder (Hot 1) or if you
stockpile knowledge and gossip to use against people
(Cold 1).

The Sight should only be triggered in scenes where a

main character is present, unless the side character is
particularly important. Whims of the Heart, for example,
shouldn’t trigger when a side character falls in love with
another side character, and Curse of Endings shouldn’t
trigger unless a main character is around to watch the
side character mess up their life.

The Seer likes conspiracies and secrets; they don’t

necessarily have to be big. If someone cheated on their
girlfriend and told their best friend about it, that is as
much a conspiracy as all the theatre kids sacrificing
dreams to a dark power each Halloween.

The Seer
Everything is connected. There are tangled webs weaving the world together,
there for anyone who noticed to pluck and tease at. Conspiracies, secrets,
gossip... it’s all yours.

Credits You see everything.

This is a fan Skin for Monsterhearts 2, designed by C.M.Ruebsaat.

Check out the game at
Identity Seer Moves Visions
You get The Sight, and choose one Choose two that you see:
Name: Cariolanus, Petra, Selene, Eyes: prying eyes, watchful eyes,
Rory, Alex, Steph, Olivia, Chance, more:
vacant eyes, clear eyes, muddy eyes
Ix, Jasmine, Del, Kare ❍ Blood and Fury
● The Sight When someone Skirts Death, gain
Look: distressed, in a fog, Origin: let spirits in, unlocked brain, You see more than average. one Fate. Spend Fate to have the
sleepless, kinda noir, knowing smile detective movies, born with visions, Choose two ways your Sight gives final say in how bad it turns out
gossipy you Visions. when someone takes harm.

Visions are triggered using Fate. ❍ Whims of the Heart

Your Backstory Strings and Fate You start with two Fate. When someone falls in love or has
their heart broken, gain one Fate.
You know where someone goes Spend Fate to Pull Strings without
when they want to be alone. Take
❍ Lift the Veil
When you help someone find spending any Strings even if you
a String on them. aren’t present in a scene.
their way deeper into the
mystical and weird, mark
You’re suspicious that someone
experience and gain one Fate. ❍ Things Speak
knows more than they let on.
When someone gives weight to an
Give them two Strings on you.
❍ Conspiracy Web inanimate object, gain one Fate.
When you manage to connect Spend Fate to determine when
someone to a mystery or strange and where an object gets lost, and
Darkest Self Harm event, take a String on them and
gain one Fate.
who finds it.

You can see omens and clues ❍ Can’t Lie To Me

everywhere. How everything ties Experience ❍❍❍❍❍ ❍ Ever Deeper When someone tells a big lie to
together in one big knot, linking When you dig into strange you, gain one Fate. Spend Fate to
every little conspiracy and piece ❍ Add +1 to one of your stats. mysteries as you Gaze Into the read someone’s thoughts for a
of knowledge you’ve uncovered. ❍ Take another Seer move. Abyss, you may ask the Abyss a moment.
Now that you know everything, ❍ Take the remaining Visions. follow-up question.
it’s time to share it with the ❍ Take a move from any Skin. ❍ Curse of Endings
world. Reveal every secret, every ❍ Take a move from any Skin. When someone completely messes
lie, every untruth. Show everyone ❍ You have Weird Sisters. up their own life, gain one Fate.
their rotten underbellies. Escape Spend Fate to give someone the
your Darkest Self when you Conditions Condition doomed or fighting
become genuinely surprised by
something you didn’t know.

Hot 1 Cold -1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 Sex

When you have sex with someone, ask them if they have
secrets to share with you. If they do, they must answer a
question you ask honestly, and you gain one Fate. If they
Hot -1 Cold 1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 Move don’t, you take a String on them.
Sex Move Playing The Selkie The weight and crash of the water was your first
home. There are times you miss it terribly, and raise
your keening voice, and those that can hear are
When you have sex with someone, Confused, homesick, beckoning. Their
moved... closer. You have a removable pelt that you
it counts as submerging yourself in moves evoke homesickness and draw
were born in beneath the waves. When you wear it,
water. Since all oceans tell you their elemental power from bodies of water.
you look just like a seal. And when you remove
secrets, gain a String on someone else Selkies have an inner yearning that
it, you feel raw and beautiful.
they’ve had sex with. other people instinctively respond to.
You’re living on land now, far
The Selkie is a creature caught
away from everything you’ve
Darkest Self between kingdoms. When she removes
her pelt she appears human and can
known; shocked by newness and
possibility, burdened by longing
walk the land as humans do. When
People have mistreated you and made and the tyranny of choice. The air
she dons her pelt she resembles a seal
you an outcast here. It’s time to show moves fast over you.
and can return to the ocean kingdom.
them how it feels to be lost at sea,
Except, if she returns to that ocean
to be apart from the things you have What do they call it?
kingdom, she can’t leave again.
loved, to have parts of your identity Ah, wind.
stolen from you. So you will flood
When your seal pelt is missing, you
the Earth. You will destroy what they
are still able to enter the water and
cherish. And you will take their pelts.
swim as well as a human can. Outer
You escape your Darkest Self when this
Skin doesn’t work, but all your other
place reminds you of home, or when
moves do.
you recognize what you came here for.
Mechanically, it’s great for you when
someone else has your pelt. If you
The Selkie
throw yourself into doing the tasks
they put before you, Their Word will
 Take another Selkie move. provide Strings, bonuses, and plenty of
 Take another Selkie move. interesting situations. It also gives you
 Take a move from another skin. a reason to care about the same things
Take a move from another skin.
You’ve enchanted a
other characters care about. Forcing
them to return it might not be as fun. Name Look
Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
Group of Fishermen.
 Add 1 to Hot (max 3). Your sex move counts as submerging
yourself in water for Body of Water, Bersh, Dominic, Fiona, Jasdeep, John, mussed, bedraggled, damp, sleek,
 Add 1 to Cold (max 3).
as being soaking wet for Siren Song, Louie, Mattieu, Nula, Phillipa, Rowan riveting, unforgettable
 Add 1 to Volatile (max 3).
 Add 1 to Dark (max 3). and would easily trigger Salt if you
were crying. a distant name, a watery name, confused eyes, deep eyes,
a name that implies change, glistening eyes, oil-drop eyes,
Outer Skin states that if you return a name that has undergone translation far away eyes
to your homeland, the character’s
story is over and you need to create
a new character. This only applies if Origin
The Selkie returns home to its family Circle one:
and its former life. Merely swimming
around in the ocean won’t trigger this like grandmother,
Revised Version requirement. enticed from the sea by art,
This Skin written by Jackson Tegu breaking the rules about land-dwelling, curious about the human form
Name: Carry Forward Selkie Moves  Siren Song
When you’re soaking wet, you can sing
You get the first two, then choose one: a haunting song and roll with cold.
On a 10 up, all who hear it stumble
 Outer Skin entranced toward you, though a
Stats When you wear your pelt you look like
a seal. Without it, you can swim like
character that takes harm will stop
Add 1 to one of these: suddenly and gain the Condition dazed.
a human, but with it you can breathe • On a 7-9, all who hear it stumble
Hot -1, Cold 1, Volatile -1, Dark 1 Conditions underwater and swim like the dickens,
and, if you want to, return to The Deep
entranced toward you until they would
face harm or physical danger, and then
Kingdom. If you do return there, it’s for they choose:
good, so make a new character. SS press forward and take the harm,
 SS or stop suddenly and gain the
 Their Word Condition dazed.
People can steal your pelt, but never
(Turn Someone On, destroy it. When someone withholds
Manipulate an NPC)
 Salt
your pelt and demands that you do
Notes something for them before they’ll
Whenever your tears mix with water,
roll with dark. On a 10 up, choose
give it back, add 1 to rolls you make someone you want to see. They show

in pursuit of that task. If they don’t up, with or without reason. • On a
Cold return your pelt, take a String on them, 7-9 they still do, but they have the
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) and they'll give you another task. Condition drained and they bring
trouble with them.
Pelt Held By:
  Ocean’s Breath
Volatile  Body of Water
When you feel homesick, roll with
cold. On a 10 up, choose one for the
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
Harm When you go a day without
submerging yourself in water, take
MC to detail:
SS the ocean brings forth something
 1 harm. Whenever you submerge that it thinks will make you feel
yourself in water and can relax, heal 1 better,
Dark Experience Points: harm and 1 Condition. SS the ocean takes away something
(Gaze Into The Abyss) that it thinks is bothering you.
 Catch of the Day On a 7-9, choose as above, but the
>> advance
Whenever you don’t understand what’s ocean doesn’t understand the human
going on or what someone means, world very well and causes serious or
Your Backstory Strings and it gets you into trouble or leads unexplainable damage in the process.
you to make unwise choices, mark
You’ve seen someone swimming, experience.
but they either didn’t see or didn’t
recognize you. Gain a String on them.

Someone stole your pelt, withholding Other Moves

it from you to make you their errand
boy. They said they'll give it back. Each
gain a String on one another, and they
say the first task they've given you.
Playing The Demi-God
Confident, cocky, conniving and convincing. The Demi-God has a bit of a hero
complex. Feeling the intense need to be “perfect” and “worthy”, the Demi-God
will go to great lengths to prove their worth. Even if it is to the detriment of
others. Especially if it is to the detriment of others. In fact, one of the best
ways to build yourself up is to tear others down right?

Both stat options exemplify The Demi-God’s power and beauty. Showcasing
either their God-Like image (Hot 2 & Volatile 1) or their legendary strength
(Volatile 2 & Hot 1). Either way these stat options highlight The Demi-God’s
biggest flaw, their inability to be distant. After all, every person who gives
them attention is another adoring Fan.

You start with the base moves Act of God and Zeus Complex. These moves
highlight who the Demi God is at their core. A show off. Gathering Fans is
incredibly important for the Demi-God because the amount of people who
love them can lead to some interesting rewards. The move Zero to Hero can
help rack up those Fans.

Deus Ex Machina plays on the Demi-Gods hero complex and gives them the
chance to “save the day”. While Hunk-ules and Legendary deal with the Demi-
Gods sexual prowess and irresistible nature. The move Pedestal lets them use
their status as a way to knock someone down a peg.

The Demi-God
The universe is bigger than some might believe. You know this to be true. You
have always been more than human. You’ve always been strong, powerful,
charming and damn near perfect. The legends that speak of what you are, fall

But you’ve always felt the need to prove something. To show everyone that you are
Credits deserving of the power and perfection that you’ve been given. That you are worthy.

This is a fan Skin for Monsterhearts 2, designed by Nicole Tuttle (@NicoleVoice) And you plan to convince everyone, if it’s the last thing you do.
Check out the game at
Demi-God Moves
Identity ❍ Deus Ex Machina
When stepping in to take care of someone
You get Act of God and Zeus Complex and
Name: Ajax, Athena, Cade, Cleo, Eyes: cocky eyes, confident eyes, else's problem you carry +1 Forward to any
choose one more :
Daphne, Dimitri, Lee Ori, Penelope, heroic eyes, joking eyes, pleading rolls involved with solving their issue for
Selene eyes them. If they didn’t ask for your help,
⬤ Act of God
You can perform a minor act of God. Work carry +1 Forward, and take a String on
Look: chiseled, desperate, hand Origin: abandoned by the gods, them.
with your MC to determine your brand of
crafted, shimmering, statuesque fulfilling a prophecy, greek
Godly Powers (lightning, water, storms,
mythology, sent on a quest, ❍ Zero to Hero
strength, speed etc.). Roll with Volatile. On
stolen by humans God you’re hot. When someone attempts
a 10 up you perform an incredible feat,
choose one: to Turn You On, give them the Condition

Your Backstory Strings deal 1 Harm, Fan.

take +1 Forward,
Someone told you they didn’t need you gain a Fan. ❍ Hunk-ules
your help. They take a String on you. • On a 7-9 you perform the feat, but When you Turn Someone On successfully
nobody witnesses it, so what’s the point. √ and they give themselves to you take an
Someone made you feel worthy when • On a failure, you lose a Fan. additional String on them.
you didn’t feel it yourself. Take a
String on them. ⬤ Zeus Complex ❍ Legendary
If someone you have sex with talks
Your reputation and your name mean
favorably about the experience with
Darkest Self Harm everything to you. Your Fans mean
everything to you. Keep track of how
someone else, mark experience.
You’re done feeling like you're not many characters currently have the
❍ Pedestal
good enough. Show everyone just Condition Fan. That number can lead to
how perfect you can be. Win the Experience ❍❍❍❍❍ incredible things. (The following list does
If you are attempting Shut Someone Down
in order to build yourself up, roll with
contests, steal their girlfriends, beat ❍ Add +1 to one of your stats. not stack, the level you are in is the only
everyone at everything. You escape ❍ Take another Demi-God move. reward you receive)
your Darkest Self when you have ❍ Take another Demi-God move. 5-6 Fans: carry +1 Forward to Turn
irrevocably, painfully and publicly ❍ Take a move from any Skin. Someone On.
lost. ❍ Take a move from any Skin. 7-9 Fans: carry +1 Forward to use Act of
❍ You meet a Half-Sibling. God.
10-19 Fans: automatically succeed when
attempting to Turn Someone On.
Conditions 20+ Fans: mark experience for every
sexual partner you have while in this

Hot 1 Cold -1 Volatile 2 Dark -1 Sex When you have sex with someone they must tell you if you are
the best they’ve ever had. If you are, mark experience. If not, the

Hot 2 Cold -1 Volatile 1 Dark -1 Move person who was the best gets a String on you
Playing The Seer
Omniscient, observant, and manipulative. The Seer thrives on knowledge and
understanding. The Seer knows how to gather information and use it for
their own personal gain. They are watchful, insightful, and can literally see
right through people. Their currency is secrets. The more they know about
someone, the more power they have.

Both stat options highlight the Seer’s strange ability and their distant
demeanor. Your choice is if they lean more towards a lone wolf who can read
people (Cold 2, Dark 1) or someone slightly more reserved with a thirst for
information and dirt (Dark 2, Cold 1).

You start with base moves Your Eyes and When Tomorrow Passed. Which are
your abilities as a Seer. Optic Nerve and I Can Show You the World can enhance
your inherent abilities to make you more powerful but force you to
relinquish some power of your own.

I See You gives you an advantage in volatile situations. While Dilated helps you
remain aloof and distant. Transparent rewards you for going against the Seer’s
nature of exposing secrets.

The Seer
Their eyes are your eyes. Their life is yours to view. You know their secrets and their
weaknesses. You’ve always found yourself on the outside. Never fully accepted
anywhere. But you are everywhere.

Some think you’re a good listener. Others call you a stalker. Either way they’re right.
You know people, you understand them.
You can see them.
This is a fan Skin for Monsterhearts 2, designed by Nicole Tuttle (@NicoleVoice)
Check out the game at
Seer Moves
❍ Exposed
Identity If you learn someone’s secrets by looking
through their eyes, take a String on them.
You get Your Eyes and When Tomorrow
Name: Ellie, Flynn, Jace, Kyle, Marcus, Eyes: blinking eyes, color If you use this information against them,
Passed choose one more:
Moria ,Rey, Silva, Xavier changing eyes, colorless eyes, take another.
heterochromic eyes, searching
⬤ Your Eyes
Look: closed off, collected, eyes ❍ Optic Nerve
You have the ability to look through
comfortable, confident, outcast You can spend a String you have on
someone else's eyes as if they were your
Origin: born this way, delivered someone to automatically succeed at using
own if you have seen their eyes before.
in a dream, hereditary, stolen the move Your Eyes to look through their
Roll with Dark. On a 10 up it succeeds, and
power eyes. But they take a String on you.
you can witness a full scene. • On a 7-9 it
succeeds but they can tell someone is in
Your Backstory Strings their head. ❍ Dilated
When attempting to Shut Someone Down
You’ve seen through someone in their ⬤ When Tomorrow Passed you can spend a String you have on them
weakest moment, gain a String on You are able to see glimpses of an to add 2 to your roll.
them. individual's past or future. Roll Gaze into
the Abyss. On a 10 up you get a clear ❍ I Can Show You the World
Someone managed to blind you, they snapshot of a moment in their past or You have the ability to influence and
take 2 Strings on you. future and can take a String on them. • On change what someone sees. Once you have
a 7-9 you can still see the moment but successfully used Your Eyes roll with Dark

again. On a 10 up you can manipulate the
Darkest Self they take a String on you. • On failure, you
see two versions and have no way of image they see. (Change the people
You gain the Condition blinded and knowing which one is real. present, change someone’s action) they
cannot use your gifts. The only eyes believe this is what truly happened. • On a
you have are your own. But you still Experience ❍❍❍❍❍ ❍ I See You 7-9 you can still manipulate the image but
have their secrets, their weaknesses. When you want to Lash Out Physically you choose one:
❍ Add +1 to one of your stats.
Expose and exploit them. Reveal every can instead roll with Dark. On a 10 up you you take 3 Harm
❍ Take another Seer move.
dark and twisted facet of information deal 1 Harm and see a brief moment of you lose all Strings
❍ Take another Seer move.
until you’ve ruined them completely. weakness from their past. • On a 7-9 you trigger your Darkest Self
❍ Take a move from any Skin.
You escape your Darkest Self and choose one: • On a failure, you trigger your Darkest
❍ Take a move from any Skin.
resolve blinded when someone deal no Harm but see the moment of Self.
❍ You are a part of a Seer
exposes a secret of yours. Collective. weakness,
deal 1 Harm but do not see the moment. ❍ Transparent
Conditions If you discover someone’s secret by
looking through their eyes, and choose to
tell them what you’ve discovered about
them instead of using it against them,
mark experience.

Hot -1 Cold 1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 Sex When you have sex with someone, you are able to see through
their eyes and view their last sexual partner. Take a String on that

Hot -1 Cold 2 Volatile -1 Dark 1 Move person.

Playing The Fable
Curious, out of place, literary and fictional. The Fable’s first life was on the
pages of a book, a short story, or a poem, living the way the author chose for
them. Now that they are free, they must make their own choices. Write their
own story.

The two stat options for The Fable slant toward being vengeful and
mysterious (Volatile 2 & Dark 1) or alluring and puzzling (Hot 2 & Dark 1) .
Either way, the Fable relies on their ability to perplex and surprise people.
And their low Cold stat is a testament to how out of place they feel in their
new reality.

Most of the Fable’s move choices revolve around their need to control their
own story. Narrator lets them rewrite a moment that causes them Harm. And
Read Me forces others to have less of a choice, just as The Fable once did.
Labels and Rewrite History touch on the importance of Conditions to the Fable,
and how the words other people force on others can impact who they are.

Bound finds a way for the Fable to measure how far they’ve come from who
they once were on the page. Ink Spilled can help them attempt to fit into this
world, for a price. And Cover Judgement puts the metaphorical pen in the
Fable’s hands and lets them write someone’s description.

The Fable
You’ve spent your life trapped on the pages of someone else’s favorite story. A famous
literary title, or maybe a lonely teens creative writing project. Reliving the same
moments over and over and over again for their benefit. Only able to make the
decisions that were written for you.

But not anymore. You’re out. You are the author of your own story now.
This is a fan Skin for Monsterhearts 2, designed by Nicole Tuttle (@NicoleVoice)
Check out the game at
Fable Moves
❍ Ink Spilled
Identity When attempting to Keep Your Cool you
can automatically succeed by reciting a
Choose three:
Name: Atticus, Arthur, Frank, Daisy, Eyes: alluring eyes, convincing eyes, passage from your story that speaks to
Darcy, Finn, Gwen, Heath, Jo, Juliet knowing eyes, pained eyes, searching your courage, bravery or passionate
❍ Narrator
eyes demeanor. But choose one from the list
Once per scene, when you take Harm, roll
Look: bookish, mysterious, out of below as you succumb to someone else's
Dark to rewrite what happened to you. On
place, spell binding, well read Origin: banned book rebellion, idea of who you are.
a 10 up choose two from the list below.
product of a prophecy, someone’s each main character gives you a
• On a 7-9 choose one:
worst nightmare, spoken into reality, Condition,
heal 1 Harm,
wished from the pages you lose all your Strings,
take a String on someone you deem
responsible for the Harm, you take 3 Harm.

Your Backstory Strings the Harm is transferred to someone

else. ❍ Rewrite History
Someone has read your story and You are tired of being labeled by other
liked the character more than you. ❍ Labels people. Once per session you can remove
Take a String on them. Every time someone Gazes Into the Abyss all but one Condition. Alter the remaining
about you, give them a Condition. Condition to mean the exact opposite.
Someone has made the connection
and suspects where you come from. ❍ Read Me ❍ Covered Judgment
They take 2 Strings on you. When you attempt to Turn Someone On You’ve been judged before. So why not
and are successful you can spend a String return the favor. When meeting someone
Darkest Self Harm you have on that person to remove one of for the first time, give them a Condition,
their choices. and carry +1 Forward to Shut Them Down.
Who were you kidding? You are who
the author says you are. You are
❍ Broken Binding
nothing more than the words on a ❍❍❍❍❍ When you Lash Out Physically decide if this
page. Make no decisions. Follow other ❍ Add +1 to one of your stats. is something the “character” version of
people’s leads. This world is their ❍ Take another Fable move. you would do in this situation. If it’s not,
story, you’re just a side character. You ❍ Take another Fable move. mark experience.
escape your Darkest Self when ❍ Take a move from any Skin.
someone praises a quality you have ❍ Take a move from any Skin.
that your character version doesn’t. ❍ You meet your Author (or
Author’s Descendent).


Hot -1 Cold -1 Volatile 2 Dark 1 Sex

When you have sex with someone you can hear their inner
narration of the encounter and know how they really feel about
it. (The partner should give a 1-2 sentence summary of their
Hot 2 Cold -1 Volatile -1 Dark 1 Move feelings about the experience)
Playing The Cold One
Glistening, magical, and powerful. The Cold One has the ability to manipulate
colder weather patterns for their own personal gain. Family is intrinsically
important to the Cold One, blood and found, and they will find themselves
making concessions and choices specifically in the best interest of the people
they consider family.

Both stat choices for the Cold One have a focus on the cold of the weather
you can control, which fuels your ability to manipulate and produce colder
weather. You could be cold and calculating (Cold 2, Dark 1) or cold and
powerful (Cold 2, Volatile 1). Either way, The Cold One is one to fear.
Your moves Let it Go and Frosted Family are your base moves. You are able to
perform cold weather related feats of magic up to a city wide radius at its
most powerful. Being a member of your family has its advantages, to both
you and them.

Frost Bitten and Ice Castle gives you the ability to defend, avenge, and protect
those you care about and hurt, threaten and bind those who you don’t. Melt
With You enhances your icy alluring nature, while Conceal Don’t Feel allows
you to better care for and understand those people you hold closest.

The Cold One

Everyone has a favorite season. A time of year where the weather reflects their souls.
You feel whole in winter. The freezing temperatures, the inches of snow, the glistening
of ice. It all makes you feel at home. It makes you feel safe. And you know how to
manipulate it. Many people long for warmth during the darkest, coldest times of year.
But it doesn’t bother you. Not one bit.

This is a fan Skin for Monsterhearts 2, designed by Nicole Tuttle (@NicoleVoice)
Check out the game at
Cold One Moves
❍ Melt With You
Identity When attempting to Turn Someone On you
may roll with Cold because your icy
You get Let it Go and Frosted Family and
Name: Aspen, Blanca, Cole, Christian, Eyes: glassy eyes, icy eyes, secret nature seems alluring to others. If you
choose one more:
Crystal Ellie, Jack, Kari eyes, stormy eyes succeed and this person is a part of your
⬤ Let it Go: “family”, you gain an additional String on
Look: bright, icy, pale as snow, royal, Origin: born with powers, gifted them.
You have the ability to manipulate and
stunning power, science accident, stolen
produce cold weather patterns. When you
power ❍ Ice Castle
attempt to use this ability roll with Cold.
On a 10 up it works the way you wanted When attempting to protect someone in
in any size you require up to a city wide your “family” you may spend 2 Strings to
radius. • On a 7-9 it works only up to a treat your next roll as if you rolled a 10 up.

Your Backstory Strings mile wide radius but the outcome of the
❍ Conceal Don’t Feel
weather was not exactly what you
Someone saw you abuse your powers. expected. • On a failure you take 1 Harm as You can Gaze into the Abyss with Cold. If
They gain 2 Strings on you. your powers backfire. you're gazing about a member of your
"family" treat a failure as if you rolled a
Someone is a member of your ⬤ Frosted Family: 7-9.
“family”. Give them the proper When you consider someone a member of
Condition and take a String on them. your “family”, either chosen or blood, give
them the Condition frosted family. You

Darkest Self Harm have a +1 Forward to helping anyone with

this Condition. If you remove this
You’ve held it in long enough. It’s Condition from someone (because you no
time to let the storm rage on. Use longer consider them family) they take 1
your powers recklessly and without Experience ❍❍❍❍❍ Harm as you cause a frozen heart.
limits. Get revenge on your enemies, ❍ Add +1 to one of your stats.
punish those who forced you to hide. ❍ Take another Cold One move. ❍ Frost Bitten
While in your Darkest Self, your ❍ Take another Cold One move. Roll with Volatile to attack a singular
powers have deeper consequences. ❍ Take a move from any Skin. opponent with your powers. On a 10 up
You escape your Darkest Self when ❍ Take a move from any Skin. you cause 2 Harm of frostbite. • On a 7-9
someone threatens your “family” or ❍ You meet another Weather- you cause 1 Harm of frostbite on your
makes you come face to face with the caster. opponent but you are unable to control
damage you’ve done. your diameter and cause yourself 1 Harm
Conditions as well. • On a failure you can choose to
either loose all Strings, or trigger your
Darkest Self.

Hot -1 Cold 2 Volatile -1 Dark 1 Sex

When you have sex with someone they must name their strongest
emotion at the time of the encounter. They gain the Condition
frozen and feel primarily that emotion until the Condition is
Hot -1 Cold 2 Volatile 1 Dark -1 Move resolved.
Playing Banshee
Deadly, determined, dangerous, and desperate. The Banshee has a very
strange relationship with Death. To best play the Banshee you should first
discover what that connection with Death looks like to you. Your
relationship with Death is complicated, dark and a slippery slope.
Banshees have incredible power, and are burdened with the knowledge of
Death. Power that can help others. But sometimes Death asks for favors in
return. Which might not always be worth it.

Your stat lines as a Banshee both highlight your twisted and deathly
nature. But you can choose if you lean more towards violent and troubled
(Volatile 2, Dark 1) or vicious and threatening (Dark 2, Volatile 1).

You start with the base move Scream which is your inherent Banshee
ability to predict and sense the possibility of Death. The moves Death
Sense and Frequencies allow you to fine tune your relationship with Death
in order to receive additional useful information.

Deafened and Sonic Push expand on your more volatile nature and let you
harness your power in threatening situations. To be deafened is to be
hindered. When someone has the Condition deafened they are unable to
use one of their skin moves. If the person does not have skin moves, they
are unable to hear. If the Banshee has the Condition deafened it can only
be cleared by making a bargain with Death. Morbidly Curious makes
romance a beneficial thing and Death and All His Friends gives you more
options in social situations.

The Banshee
Death isn’t exactly your friend. Acquaintance is more like it. You can hear it,
understand it, predict it. Sometimes even speak to it. Or scream at it. Your screams
have always been a way to communicate. To warn.

But knowing when it will arrive comes at a cost. And the price may very well be
something even worse than Death itself.
This is a fan Skin for Monsterhearts 2, designed by Nicole Tuttle (@NicoleVoice)
Check out the game at
Identity Banshee Moves
Name: Amalia, Bentley, Conor, Fallon, Eyes: empty eyes, jumpy eyes, You get Scream and choose one more: ❍Sonic Push
Kayla, Marcus, Masie, Mindy, Nala, You can push people away with your
knowing eyes, pleading eyes, wide
Vince √⬤ Scream screams. Roll Volatile, on a 10 up
When you or an ally are about to choose two from the list below. • On a
Look: detached, disheveled, fronting, enter a situation, roll Dark to sense 7-9 choose one:
Origin: awoken by a ritual, born
haunted, worried the danger. On a 10 up, you can tell if do 1 Harm
of a banshee, drank the blood of
someone might end up dead. If so, you push them 20 feet in any direction
the dead, inherited gift, recruited
scream and only characters with skins take a String on them
by death
can hear this. If you or your ally still give them a Condition

Your Backstory
chooses to pursue it after hearing the
Strings scream, take +1 Forward. • On a 7-9 ❍ Deafened
you don't know if someone might end When confronting someone, roll
You predicted Someone’s death and
up dead, but you can tell if someone Volatile to Scream. 10 up they receive
saved them from it. Take a String on
has died entering a similar situation in the Condition deafened and lose one
the past. • On a failure, choose to of their skin moves for the remainder
either take 2 Harm or gain the of that scene. If the individual does
Someone should be dead. But they
Condition deafened. not have skin moves they cannot hear
aren’t. And you don’t know why. They
for the remainder of the scene.
gain a String on you.
❍ Death Sense
Darkest Self Harm You can always tell if/when someone ❍ Frequencies
You can hear the dead’s last words.
you’ve had a conversation with in the
Your screams have gone unnoticed past dies. Roll Dark, on a 10 up choose When you are near a body, roll Dark.
for long enough. If they won’t listen On a 10 up choose two from the list
two. • On a 7-9 choose one:
to your warnings then you shouldn’t ❍❍❍❍❍ you can tell how they died below. • On a 7-9 choose one:
give them any. No one deserves your you can tell where they died hear the last words they spoke
❍ Add +1 to one of your stats.
help. Let them walk into danger, let you can tell what they felt as they hear the last words they heard
❍ Take another Banshee move.
them make horrible mistakes. It’s not died. hear the last thought they had
❍ Take another Banshee move.
your job to stop them anymore. In ❍ Take a move from any Skin.
fact, steer them in that direction. ❍ Morbidly Curious ❍ Death and All His Friends
❍ Take a move from any Skin.
Point them directly down the path If someone who knows about your When attempting to Shut Someone
❍ You meet Death face to face.
towards Death. Let them save relationship with Death attempts to Down, roll instead with Volatile and
themselves. You escape your Darkest gain an additional option: give them
Turn You On, mark experience.
Self when someone you didn’t warn the Condition deafened.
dies, or you predict your own death.

Hot -1 Cold -1 Volatile 2 Dark 1 Sex When you have sex with someone you can sense the air of death
around them. Instantly know how many people they’ve lost in

Hot -1 Cold -1 Volatile 1 Dark 2 Move their lives.

Playing the Raven
Nightmarish, nefarious, and nevermore. The Raven has developed a sixth
sense to not only discover but to truly understand someone else’s trauma.
They have the potential to use this talent to help others face their
demons and come to terms with their mistakes, loss and fear, or they can
use what they’ve learned to hit others where it hurts most.

Your stat options for the Raven both favor Dark which is what the Raven
uses to forge their connection to someone’s fears and guilts and how they
help them confront their demons. However it is your choice if your Raven
is more tempting and persuasive (Hot 1, Dark 2) or forceful and impatient
(Volatile 2, Dark 1).

You begin with Quoth and Merely This. Quoth showcases your talent at
finding out about someone’s fears, guilt and grief. Nevermore showcases
your ability to fight without ever lifting a muscle, but using nightmares
against them. Bust of Pallas lets you choose the direction you plan to go
when Lashing Out Physically. Midnight Dreary offers benefits when you
share vulnerable moments with others, but forces you to acknowledge
how vulnerable you are.

Confrontation helps you get people to face their trauma. And Sorrow for
the Lost lets you utilize the information you’ve gathered to forge stronger
connections. As the Raven you ultimately have a choice to make, do you
use these fears, guilt and grief to help them through it? Or to hit them
where it will hurt most? Unmerciful Disaster forces you to make that

The Raven
choice. You can become what you are with Tis a Visitor. And you can use
what you know with Ghastly Grim and Ancient.

You have the gift, or curse, of understanding someone’s worst guilts, their darkest fear,
their deepest grief. They come to you for advice, for acceptance, for the hard truths.
You know what they need to face, you know what they’re hiding from.

You know what they’ve lost. And it’s your job to make them confront it.
Credits Only this and nothing more.

This is a fan Skin for Monsterhearts 2, designed by Nicole Tuttle-Robb (@NicoleVoice)

Check out the game at
Raven Moves ❍ Midnight Dreary
Identity You get Quoth and Merely This and one Every time you sleep in the same bed
Name: Allen, Edgar, Fitz, Isaac, Kohl, Eyes: forgiving eyes, knowing more: as another person, mark experience,
Anabelle, Evangeline, Lenora, eyes, puzzled eyes, scanning eyes, but choose 2:
Madeline, Uma taunting eyes, √⬤ Quoth have a nightmare
When you are alone with someone, take 1 Harm
Look: beguiling, nightmarish, Origin: awoken, from a roll with Dark to compel them to tell loose a String
melancholic, welcoming, wistful nightmare, hatched, returned, you their fear, guilt, or grief. On a 10
sent up they tell you truthfully a deep ❍ Confrontation
seated fear, guilt or grief (your choice). When helping someone confront and
• On a 7-9 they can choose whether or face their current fear, guilt or grief,

Your Backstory
add +1 Forward to all rolls to
not to tell you. • On a failure they do
not tell you, and they know you tried accomplish that goal.
You’ve found someone who has the to push them.
same fear, guilt or grief as you. They ❍ Sorrow for the Lost
take 2 Strings on you. ⬤ Merely This You can use your knowledge of
Every time you learn someone’s fear, someone’s pain to truly connect with
You’ve solidified your station as the guilt or grief, through moves or them. If you do, add 2 to your roll to
one people can come to for advice otherwise, take a String on them. Turn Them On.
and help. Take a String on everyone.
❍ Nevermore ❍ Unmerciful Disaster
When you Lash Out Physically against If you help resolve someone’s
Darkest Self Harm someone you can confront them with Condition you can either both mark
a nightmare to instead affect them experience, or you can use Quoth as if
You’ve helped others face their own you’ve rolled a 10 up.
problems for too long. It’s time you Experience ❍❍❍❍❍
mentally. On a 10 up you trap them in
a nightmare, do 1 Harm and give them
focus on yourself. Pursue your own ❍ Add +1 to one of your stats. ❍ ‘Tis a Visitor
the Condition haunted. If you know
desires, do what makes you feel ❍ Take another Raven move. You have the ability to shift into a
their current fear and you used it for
happy and powerful, ignore anyone ❍ Take another Raven move. raven. Any Strings or Damage you take
the nightmare, you also gain a String.
else’s problems. If it doesn't concern ❍ Take a move from any Skin. in this form are doubled.
• On a 7-9 they catch a glimpse of a
you, then it’s not worth your time. ❍ Take a move from any Skin. nightmare and gain the Condition
You escape your Darkest Self when ❍ You meet an Unkindness. ❍ Ghastly Grim and Ancient
haunted. • On a failure, you
you feel genuine guilt over something The secrets you know matter. Spend a
accidentally show them your own
you’ve done. String you got from learning
Conditions nightmare and get a String on you.
someone's fear, guilt or grief to add 2
to any roll against, or for, them.
❍ Bust of Pallas
You may use Dark and Volatile

Hot 1 Cold -1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 Sex When you have sex with someone, you can choose to tell them
something you're guilty of. If you do, take a String on them. If

they tell you something their guilty of, they take a String on you.
Hot -1 Cold -1 Volatile 2 Dark 1
Playing The Chimera
Hybrid, hostile, haunted, and hollowed. The Chimera is an unnatural
combination of two skins. Double the monster, double the fun. The
Chimera can be played as a mixture of any two Monsterhearts 2 Skins.

For the Chimera’s stat options, you must choose one of the stat options
from your two chosen skins. Your choice of which skin to lean on could
inform your character's backstory, which skin they favor, and how they
view themselves. So pick carefully!

You start with the base move Two is Better than One which establishes
you as a crossover between the two skins. From there you have the
choice to choose skin moves from your chosen skins, or take moves
from The Chimera skin that will highlight your duality. Speaking of, The
Duality of Monster grants you the ability to merge your Skin’s Sex moves.
Allowing your two sides to exist simultaneously. Double Trouble offers an
advantage in physical altercations, while Porque No Las Dos? forces you
to choose between your two sides for a reward.

Takes Two to Know Two heightens your ability to find others who are
similar to you. Two Many Cooks makes it easier to keep people at arms
length. Twin Peaks gives you limited power over how people see you, for
a price.

The Chimera
A Chimera is a single organism that’s made up of cells from two “individuals''.
Containing two sets of DNA, two separate organisms. All in one body.

You’ve never fit in. You aren’t meant to. You are different. Unique. Even more monstrous
than monsters. It can be pretty lonely being the only one like you.

Credits But twice the issues also means twice the power after all.

This is a fan Skin for Monsterhearts 2, designed by Nicole Tuttle (@NicoleVoice)

Check out the game at
Chimera Moves
❍ Twin Peaks
Identity When you receive a condition, you
You get Two is Better than One: may alter it to mean the exact
Name: Annabeth, Carollyn, Carmen, Eyes: accusing eyes, hesitant eyes,
opposite. If you do, you trigger your
Delia, Finn, Gwen, Koal, Liam, Nick, lying eyes, sad eyes, searching
√⬤ Two is Better than One Darkest Self.
Zeke eyes
Immediately gain your two chosen
Look: confusing, displaced, exotic, Origin: absorbed a twin, born of Skins’ base moves. If a Skin you chose
jumpy, loner two skins, created by a scientist, does not have a base move, choose
skin two is a recent addition, one from the available moves.
❍ The Duality of Monster
You are able to use both of your Skin’s
Your Backstory
Sex Moves simultaneously.

You’ve been watching someone and √❍ Double Trouble

have admired their ability to fit in. When attempting to Lash Out
Take 2 Strings on them. Physically against a target for the first
time in a scene, they automatically get
You’re different, mysterious and you a glimpse of your true nature and you
stick out like a sore thumb. People deal an additional Harm.
have noticed that. Give everybody 1
String. ❍ Porque No Las Dos?
When Gazing into the Abyss you may
take +1 Forward if you admit out loud
Darkest Self Harm which of your two Skin’s you’re more
ashamed of.
You’re not different. You’re not
unnatural. You’re unique. You’re one Experience ❍❍❍❍❍
❍ Takes Two to Know Two
of a kind. And you’re powerful. You
❍ Add +1 to one of your stats. You have the ability to know if anyone
deserve the spotlight. So take it.
❍ Take another Chimera move. has ever switched Skin’s. You can’t tell
Confront every bully, exert your
❍ Take another Chimera move. what they are, or what they were but
dominance over everyone. You escape
❍ Take a move from any Skin. you know they’ve changed.
Darkest Self your when someone
❍ Take a move from any Skin.
treats you with genuine kindness or
❍ Find another Chimera. ❍ Two Many Cooks
genuine hatred. If someone who successfully rolls to
Conditions Turn You On has any Strings, you can
steal one.

Choose a Stat Line from one of your Two Skins. Fill it in below. Sex When you have sex with someone, you can choose one of your
chosen Skin’s sex moves to use. You can alternate freely between

Hot _ Cold _ Volatile _ Dark _ Move them.

Playing The Magician
Magical, magnetic, masterful, and machiavellian. The Magician is a powerful
being with a flare for the dramatic. What’s the point of doing something
show worthy without any witnesses? The Magician strives to entertain,
perplex and tantalize their audience. When playing the Magician make every
choice a powerful one, make every move a noticeable one, make sure
everyone knows your name.

Your stat options for The Magician revolve around their showmanship and
talent. You can choose which they favor more. Mesmerizing and skilled (Hot
2, Dark 1) or mysterious and masterful (Volatile 1, Dark 2).

You begin with the move Illusionist. This is the basis of your power, your
ability to make people see what you want them to. Both Now You See Me and
And For My Next Trick play on your skill of knowing things about other people,
and being able to discern what’s real and what’s not. While the move Now
You Don’t plays on your ability to disappear in plain sight.

Sawed in Half lets you personalize how you can Lash Out Physically with great
reward and great consequence. Fickle Nickel demonstrates your skill in close
up magic and allows you to make things vanish. You can rival even the best
mentalist with your move I’m Thinking of a Phrase while Pick a Card rewards
you for your mastery of the craft.

The Magician
Some call it a trick, some call it magic, you call it useful. You’re a performer, a
storyteller, an enchanter. You take pleasure in inspiring wonder and confusion
in your audience. They never know what to expect from you, you prefer it that
way. You’re skilled in the art of misdirection, distraction, and lies. And they
always buy it, hook line and sinker.
After all, you know how to put on one hell of a show.

This is a fan Skin for Monsterhearts 2, designed by Nicole Tuttle-Robb (@NicoleVoice)

Check out the game at
Magician Moves
❍ And For My Next Trick....
Identity Always carry +1 Forward against being
fooled, tricked or lied to.
You get Illusionist, and choose one more:
Name: Ariana, Criss, David, Derren, Eyes: beckoning eyes, fiery eyes,
Dorothy, Fay, Judy, Katherine, Lance, mischievous eyes, safeguarded ❍ Sawed in Half
⬤ Illusionist
Penn eyes, sparkling eyes Use your powers to Lash Out Physically.
You have the ability to create powerful
illusions and make people see what you Choose your method:
Look: enchanting, flamboyant, Origin: born into the craft, magic Misdirect (Dark) or Maim (Volatile).
want them to see. Roll Dark, on a 10 up
marketable, mysterious, unassuming shop relic, magical mentee, Misdirect: On a 10 up it works, distracting
your illusion is perfect to the untrained
powers arrived in a time of need, them perfectly. • On a 7-9 you distract
eye. • On a 7-9 your illusion works but
youtube tutorials your target as well as one other person
choose 1 from below:
they can tell it’s a lie the MC chooses.
Your Backstory Strings your materials malfunction, someone Maim: On a 10 up it works perfectly, you
nearby takes Harm deal your target 2 Harm. • On a 7-9 you
You’ve tricked someone into believing still deal 2 Harm, but you Harm another
you create the wrong illusion
what you wanted them to. Take 2 person the MC chooses as well.
Strings on them.
❍ Now You See Me
You are automatically aware of anyone ❍ Fickle Nickel
You’re the center of attention, the
who attempts to Gaze into the Abyss about You can make small objects vanish. Roll
greatest showman, and they all watch
you. To try and find out where they are, Dark. On a 10 up it vanishes without a
you, all the time. Everyone takes 1
roll Dark. On a 10 up you can pinpoint trace and only you know it’s location. • On
String on you.
their location. • On a 7-9 you get two a 7-9 choose 1 from below:

the item vanishes, and is replaced with
Darkest Self
locations with no way to discern which is
accurate. something else.
You’re done playing it safe, you’re the item vanishes and you have no idea
done with silly little party tricks. It’s √❍ Now You Don’t where it went.
time to go big or go home. Push your Experience ❍❍❍❍❍ When in a dangerous or awkward the item vanishes, to your other hand.
limits, test your powers, and force ❍ Add +1 to one of your stats. situation, roll Volatile to disappear. On a 10
people to take notice. Your powers up you disappear magnificently and ❍ I’m Thinking of a Phrase
❍ Take another Magician move.
are stronger but more unpredictable magically, and nobody in the area can You have the ability to read someone’s
❍ Take another Magician move.
when in your Darkest Self. You escape track you. • On a 7-9 you disappear, but thoughts. Spend a String on someone to
❍ Take a move from any Skin.
your Darkest Self when your tricks treat this as if you’ve rolled a mixed immediately learn their most recent
❍ Take a move from any Skin.
harm a person you care for. success on Run Away and choose from that thought.
❍ You join a Secret Society of
Magic. list.
❍ Pick a Card
Conditions When you effectively and unquestionably
fool someone, mark experience.

Hot -1 Cold -1 Volatile 1 Dark 2 Sex

When you have sex with someone, you put on a great show, really
wowing your audience. Choose one of their moves, they have a

permanent +1 Forward to using that move until you entertain a
Hot 2 Cold -1 Volatile -1 Dark 1 new sexual audience.
Playing Manticore
Wicked, wayward, wretched, and worrisome. The Manticore is a creature of
chaos. They enjoy watching it, creating it, and enforcing it. The Manticore
isn’t evil, but does find a wicked satisfaction in evil actions. Except when
you’re the target of that destruction. It is best to find the balance between
wanting chaos for others and being afraid of it.

Your stat options for the Manticore both favor Volatile, seeing as you are a
brash and powerful creature. You can decide if your Manticore favors it’s
ancient powers of corruption (Dark 2, Volatile 1) or if your Manticore is more
adept at social games of manipulation and isolation (Volatile 2, Cold 1).

You begin with Man-Eater. This move highlights the importance of the
connection to human flesh and rewards you for satisfying your cravings.
Vicious Strike and Razor Rows showcase your unique physical attributes and
allow you to both defend and attack with your particularly dangerous
physiology. You can always find a place to hide with Home Sweet Lair.

Draconic Heights gives you great reward with some risk. And See More Evil
plays into your personal preference of witnessing chaos and destruction. Skin
of the Manticore highlights your tough skin and solidifies your station as
socially untouchable. Like Calls to Like allows you glimpses into others darkest
moments while threatening to share your own moments of darkness.

The Manticore’s Darkest Self explores the ramifications and darkness that can
surround you when you take the time to really think about the things you’ve

The Manticore
done. And the Sex Move plays on the Manticores ideas about what it means
to be good.

You’re not evil. But that doesn’t mean that the screams of pain, the wake of
destruction, and the panic surrounding chaos doesn’t fill you with wicked glee. You love
to watch things break. You delight in the pain of others.

Your alliances always align with those who cause the most damage, wreak the most
havoc, bring the most pain.
You’re not evil. But boy wouldn’t it be fun if you were?
This is a fan Skin for Monsterhearts 2, designed by Nicole Tuttle-Robb (@NicoleVoice)
Check out the game at
Manticore Moves
❍ See More Evil
You are able to see perfectly in the dark. If
Identity You get Man Eater, and choose two more: you witness someone do something under
the cover of night, gain a String on them.
Name: Alias, Benedict, Carmen, Eyes: carless eyes, beckoning eyes,
Francesca, Klaus, Liam, Louisa, Nesta, burning eyes, dark eyes, excited ⬤ Man-Eater
You crave a connection with human flesh. ❍ Like Calls to Like
Quinten, Vivica eyes
Keep track of all your sexual partners (this When you’re near someone, roll Dark.
list stacks and your body count is reset On a 10 up you catch a glimpse of a truly
Look: chilling, intimidating, Origin: experiment gone wrong,
when you enter your Darkest Self). selfish, destructive or evil act someone has
mischievous, playful, secretive forged in hell, from birth, made
5-9: You can Turn Someone On with Volatile. committed. • On 7-9 you still see an act
to create balance
10-14: Carry +1 Forward to Lash Out they’ve committed, but they catch a
Physically the first time in a scene. glimpse of something you’ve done as well.
15-19: Anyone who attempts to Gaze Into • On a failure you are confronted with a
The Abyss about you can only do so on a vision of the worst act you committed, and
full success. take 1 Harm.
Your Backstory
You’ve been intimate with someone Strings 20+: You can only take a fourth Harm from
a mental weapon. Any other form will not ❍ Home Sweet Lair
and let your guard down, count them You have a gift for finding secret
cause a fourth Harm.
as your first body for Man-Eater and hideaways. Wherever you are, roll Cold to
give them a String on you. find a lair. On a 10 up you are able to find a
❍ Vicious Strike
When you Lash Out Physically you can do so lair and you are completely alone and
You know of a wicked and monstrous
with long and sharp nails. On a success you untraceable. • On 7-9 You find a lair, but
act this person committed. Take 2
also give your target the Condition you are not alone.
Strings on them.
draining. They immediately lose access to
❍ Razor Rows
one of their moves. And they lose access to
Darkest Self an additional move for everyday they do You can reveal 2 rows of razor sharp teeth.
You’ve done so many horrible things in not resolve the Condition. Moves return Roll Volatile to bite your target. On a 10 up
your life. You’ve destroyed everyone when the Condition is resolved. Your bite does 2 Harm and your target is
and everything you’ve ever cared about. Experience ❍❍❍❍❍ temporarily paralyzed in their spot. • On
You’ve delighted in others' failures, and √❍ Draconic Heights 7-9 your bite does 1 Harm. • On a failure
found joy in their downfalls. But you’re ❍ Add +1 to one of your stats. choose one:
You can sprout dragon-like wings and fly.
the real failure. You don’t deserve ❍ Take another Manticore move. gain the Condition draining
Your wings can deal an additional Harm if
anything good in life. You don’t deserve ❍ Take another Manticore move. trigger your Darkest Self
used to Lash Out Physically. However, due to
happiness, you’d only destroy it. Let ❍ Take a move from any Skin.
limited mobility your Volatile stat is
them walk all over you. Let yourself be ❍ Take a move from any Skin. ❍ Seeing Red
reduced to 0 while in this form.
miserable. You deserve it. You escape ❍ You meet a Harbinger of You are foreboding and intimidating. You
your Darkest Self when someone you’ve Chaos.
❍ Skin of the Manticore can Gaze into the Abyss with Volatile.
hurt in the past forgives you or
someone makes you feel worthy. Once per game you can resolve any
Condition you receive immediately.

Hot -1 Cold -1 Volatile 1 Dark 2 Sex When you have sex with someone, ask them if they think you’re a
good person. If they say yes, you mark experience. If they say no,

Hot -1 Cold 1 Volatile 2 Dark -1 Move they mark experience.

Playing Sphinx
Jaded, jilted, judicious, and just. The Sphinx has one job. Protect those who
deserve to be protected. And destroy those who don’t. And only The Sphinx
can determine which category someone falls under. Much like the Sphinx’s
from Greek and Egyptian mythology, this Sphinx plays guardian and

Your stat options for the Sphinx both favor Dark, which is where your powers
of judgment originate from. But you get to decide if you protect and destroy
in a more charming way (Hot 2, Dark 1), or physical way (Dark 2, Volatile 1).

You begin with Riddle of the Sphinx. This is your test. This is how you
determine someone’s worth. Guard the Tomb and My Pharaoh allow you to
protect those who are guarded. While The Fall of Thebes and The Muses’ Song
help you destroy those who are marked.

Hesiod’s Delight gives you the chance to level the social playing field. While
Pride of Chios rewards you for a job well done. Luxor Influence makes it so that
you can reap the benefits of all the hard work you put in.

The Sphinx’s relatively simple Sex Move allows for you to truly see how the
people with these Conditions can affect you. And the Darkest Self forces you
to ignore your tried and true test.

The Sphinx
It’s always the same. Protecting those who earn it. Punishing those who don’t.

Yours is not an easy job. Testing others to see if they are worthy. Someone has to do it,
and you are certainly good at it. You can always tell if someone deserves your help, or if
it’s your duty to destroy them.

Credits It doesn’t really matter to you, because you’re fulfilling your destiny either way.

This is a fan Skin for Monsterhearts 2, designed by Nicole Tuttle-Robb (@NicoleVoice)

Check out the game at
Sphinx Moves
❍ Looming Presence
Identity You can roll Volatile to Shut Someone Down
if they have the marked Condition.
You get Riddle of the Sphinx, and choose two
Name: Ajax, Alexander, Ares, Eyes: fearsome eyes, judgmental
Cassandra, Daphne, Hector, Iris, Jason, eyes, longing eyes, scanning eyes, ❍ The Fall of Thebes
Penelope, Phoebe spiteful eyes You can attempt to ruin someone socially.
⬤ Riddle of the Sphinx
Ask someone a question, give them a Roll Dark when speaking about someone
Look: feline, guarded, looming, Origin: from the nile, sands of with the Condition marked. On a 10 up
riddle, or offer a hypothetical situation.
slouched, statuesque time, self appointed, sent by the choose 2 from below. • On a 7-9 choose 1.
You are looking for one specific answer.
gods, uncovered in the rubble the person you are speaking to thinks
If they get the answer you’re looking for,
give them the Condition guarded. You are poorly of the person who is marked and
always able to locate someone who has they give them a Condition.
Your Backstory Strings this Condition. If they do not answer the marked person can only Turn On or
correctly, give them the Condition Shut Down the person you’re speaking to
Someone used to be marked but with a full success, anything lower is a
marked. It is your goal to socially,
found a way to redeem themselves. failure (this lasts as long as they have
emotionally and physically destroy this
Give them 2 Strings. the Condition marked).
person. If these Conditions are resolved by
any means, you must reuse this move in the marked person doesn’t know you
You admire someone’s ability to were the one behind this.
order to give them another Condition.
protect or destroy others. Take a
String on them. ❍ The Muses’ Song
❍ Pride of Chios

You can spend a String you have on
Darkest Self
When you successfully protect someone
with the Condition guarded, mark someone with the Condition marked to
You’ve been burdened with this duty experience. automatically succeed at using The Fall of
for too long, for what feels like Thebes.
centuries. And you’re tired of it. Experience ❍❍❍❍❍ ❍ Guard the Tomb
Everyone with the Condition marked When in the presence of someone with ❍ Hesiod’s Delight
❍ Add +1 to one of your stats.
and guarded switch. Protect those the Condition guarded they may choose to Whenever someone gains a String on you.
❍ Take another Sphinx move.
who deserve to be destroyed. And use their own, or your stat line for any roll Roll Hot. On a 10 up You also gain a String
❍ Take another Sphinx move.
destroy those who deserve your they make. on them. • On 7-9 You gain a String on
❍ Take a move from any Skin.
protection. You escape your Darkest them, but they get an additional String on
❍ Take a move from any Skin.
Self, and the Conditions revert, when ❍ Luxor Influence you.
❍ You meet a Muse.
someone you’re seeking to destroy, When someone has 3 or more Conditions
protects you or someone you try to that they’ve garnered due to your ❍ My Pharaoh
protect, attempts to destroy you. Conditions influence, you can Lash Out Physically as if Once per game you can remove one
you rolled a 10 up. Condition from everyone with the guarded

Hot 2 Cold -1 Volatile -1 Dark 1 Sex

When you have sex with someone who has the Condition
guarded, give them a String. If they have the Condition marked,
take a String on them. If they don’t have either Condition. Give
Hot -1 Cold -1 Volatile 1 Dark 2 Move them 2 Strings on you.
Playing The Dryad
Vibrant, vivacious, vengeful, and vicious. The Dryad has an intimate and deep
connection to the world around them. The ground beneath their feet, the air
blowing through their hair, and all the living breathing gifts from the Earth in

The stat options for the Dryad favor their connection to the earth and their
inhuman beauty and allure. You decide if they are breathtaking and
connected (Hot 2, Dark 1) or formidable and striking (Dark 2, Hot 1).

You begin with Earthly Anchor and Planted which connects you deeply to the
earth and allows you to wield that connection. Your life is tied to nature and
because of that intimate connection your soul can be reborn as long as you
have a remaining Anchor. With Slice of Life you can use the essence of life
within the Earth to heal others. Hidden allows you to become the very thing
that gave you life.

Anchorless and Save The Trees highlight the deep connection you have with
your Anchors and help you protect that connection and recover in the case
that that connection is lost. Roots lets you utilize your relationship with plant
life and Tree Bark gives you a physical manifestation of the power of the trees.
Natural Beauty shows that your beauty can assist you socially.

Your Darkest Self plays on the idea of nature vs. nurture and forces you to
ignore the nurture of your human life and rely heavily on the power that
comes from your connection to the earth and nothing else. Your Sex Move

The Dryad
gives you the ability to enchant others into protecting you.

You are nature, and nature is you. You can uncover the secrets that hide within the
earth as if they were secrets of your own. Much like nature, you can be calm and
serene, or vicious and vengeful. You have the power of the very ground you stand
on in the palm of your hands. Your roots run deep, your power grows tall.

In the age old debate of nature vs. nurture, you know intimately that nature could
kick nurture’s ass.

This is a fan Skin for Monsterhearts 2, designed by Nicole Tuttle (@NicoleVoice)

Check out the game at
Dryad Moves
√❍ Anchorless
If one of your Earthly Anchors is destroyed,
Identity You get Earthly Anchor and Planted and choose
mark experience.

Name: Aurora, Dahlia, Ivy, Kai, Oliver, Eyes: enchanting eyes, glittering one more:
❍ Tree Bark
Orion, Rahul, Vale, Verna, Willow eyes, penetrating eyes, seductive Your skin is as tough as the trees you are
eyes, soulful eyes ⬤ Earthly Anchor connected to. You can sacrifice one of your
Look: breathtaking, chic, grounded, You have an Earthly Anchor, a tree, that acts Earthly Anchors to negate any Harm that
hippie, lumbering, wallflower Origin: chosen by nature, fused to as your connection to the natural world and would have been the fourth, for yourself or an
nature by a spell, personified soul your abilities. When you reach your fourth ally.
of a tree, reborn from the earth Harm, instead of Skirting Death, you die and
your body is absorbed into the earth where ❍ Natural Beauty
you lie, and a tree grows in its place and You’re mesmerizing. When you roll to Turn
becomes another Earthly Anchor. You are Someone On successfully, you can also give
Your Backstory Strings reborn from your Earthly Anchor a few hours
later. When you have been reborn 3 times you
them a Condition.

Somebody knows the location and automatically trigger your Darkest Self. Your ❍ Hidden
significance of your Earthly Anchor. Anchors can be destroyed however and you You can hide in plain sight by transforming
They take 2 Strings on you. can be killed if all of your Anchors are into a beautiful tree. Roll Hot. On a success
destroyed. you are able to transform convincingly. On a
You’ve used your connection to earth 10 up, choose two from below. • On a 7-9,
to help someone in a time of need. ⬤ Planted choose one:
Take a String on them. You have the ability to manipulate plants. Roll you can still hear everything around you
Dark. With a success you are able to grow or you can still speak
Darkest Self Harm manipulate plants around you, additionally on you heal 1 Harm by connecting to nature.
a 10 up, choose two from below. • On a 7-9, • On a failure choose one:
You’ve tried to fit in with the choose one: take 3 Harm
humans. You’ve abided by their man
cause 1 Harm trigger your Darkest Self
made laws. But humans don’t know ❍❍❍❍❍ give a Condition
what’s best. They don’t understand ❍ Add +1 to one of your stats. temporarily restrain a target ❍ Save the Trees
that the power of nature cannot and ❍ Take another Dryad move. • On a failure the plants resist, trigger your You can tell when one of your Earthly
should not be contained. Ignore their ❍ Take another Dryad move. Darkest Self. Anchors is threatened. You can sacrifice and
rules, show them how powerful ❍ Take a move from any Skin. mark to your third Harm to appear at your
nature can be. You escape your ❍ Take a move from any Skin. ❍Slice of Life threatened Anchor.
Darkest Self when someone you care ❍ You’re part of a Pack of You can connect to the very essence of life
about threatens your Earthly Anchor within the earth and gift someone a small ❍ Roots
or one of your Anchors is destroyed. piece of it. When attempting to heal Harm, You can ask the nature around you questions.

roll Dark. On a 10 up, you can Heal someone Roll Dark. On a 10 up, choose two questions
up to 3 Harm. • On 7, heal 1 Harm and give from below. • On a 7-9, choose one:
them a Condition. who has been here recently?
what did you see here recently?
what did you hear here recently?

Hot 1 Cold -1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 Sex When you have sex with someone they are bound to your Earthly
Anchor. They feel a draw to protect it, and you. This lasts until

Hot 2 Cold -1 Volatile -1 Dark 1 Move either of you have sex with someone else.
Playing Nightmare
Daunting, dangerous, devious, and deadly. The Nightmare is the
monster under the bed, the shadow in the closet, the sound in the
hallway. They thrive on other people’s Fear, and when they can’t get
enough, they make their own.

The stat options for the Nightmare both highlight their ability to force
Fear, but you get to decide if they are vicious and scary (Volatile 2,
Dark 1) or terrifying and detached (Dark 2, Cold 1)

You begin with Dream Hopper and FEAR, both of which showcase your
mastery of Fear. You are able to travel into dreams and affect them in
frightening ways, but your powers don’t only exist in the confines of
nightmares. You aim to foster fear in everyone, but those who in your
mind “deserve it” you have a special ability to affect them in particular
with You Did What Now? You can use the Shadows around you with In
the Shadows and Consumed in Darkness.

Throwing Shade allows you to keep your detached personality and

carefully cultivated coldness intact socially while Naked and Afraid and
Cold Hearted gives you an advantage if some people look past, or
embrace your demeanor. And you can grow stronger and more secure
the more Fear that surrounds you with Frightfully Tasty.

Your Darkest Self forces you to forget any semblance of humanity and

The Nightmare
become the monster that so many believe you are. Your Sex Move
gives you a small reprieve from the constant fear plaguing your mind.

Children are scared of you, adults wield you, everyone underestimates you.
Everyone is afraid of being afraid. Except you. You thrive on Fear, you feed on it.
You create it. Crafting someone's perfect nightmare is a delicate process, you
have to understand them in order to destroy them and you know exactly how
to do it.
Credits In every closet, under every bed, you’ll be there. You’ll always be there.
This is a fan Skin for Monsterhearts 2, designed by Nicole Tuttle (@NicoleVoice)
with Zachary Robb (@thatguyzackrobb)
Check out the game at
Nightmare Moves √❍ Throwing Shade
Identity You get Dream Hopper and FEAR and choose
Most people find your cold demeanor
intimidating, and you know how to wield it
one more:
Name: Blair, Carrie, Cole, Damien, Eyes: blackened eyes, drilling eyes, to great effect . When you roll to Shut
Isaac, Laurie, Lyn, Niles, Salem, Tomas magnetic eyes, teasing eyes, veiled Someone Down, a 7-9 counts as a full success.
⬤ Dream Hopper
Look: pale, scarred, shadowed, sunken Whenever someone you have met before is
√❍ Cold Hearted
sleeping you can enter their dreams. In order
cheeks, tattooed Origin: agent of fear, bullied and You’re detached and stone-hearted, but that
to interact with their dreams, roll Dark. On a
sick of it, cleaved from a dream, calls to some people. You can roll to Turn
10 up, choose 2 from below. • On a 7-9,
local boogeyman, victim turned Someone On with Cold.
choose one:
give them the Condition frightened of √❍ Frightfully Tasty
When someone in your presence is
Your Backstory Strings
deal I Harm, unquestionably terrified, heal 2 Harm by
manipulate the dream feeding off their fear.
You’ve noticed that darkness • On a failure, you are kicked from their
surrounds someone else, the way it subconscious and take 1 Harm, and they ❍ In the Shadows
surrounds you. Take a String on them. remember you were in their dream. Roll Volatile to slink into the Shadows. On a
10 up, you disappear completely but can still
Someone has seen you in their ⬤ FEAR listen to the scene. • On a 7-9 you are
dreams. They take a String on you. Show them what there is to be afraid of. In transported someplace else by the Shadows.
order to frighten someone, roll Dark. On a 10
up, give them the Condition frightened of √❍ Consumed in Darkness
Darkest Self Harm _________ and choose something to fill in the You can use your connection to the Shadows
blank. • On a 7-9 they get the Condition to your advantage. Roll Volatile to attack
You’ve let other emotions take the frightened of The Nightmare. And they are someone with the Shadows. On a 10 up
wheel too often, let humanity cloud choose 2 from below. • On a 7-9, choose one:
afraid of you.
your true goal. But no more. There ❍❍❍❍❍ deal 1 Harm
can be only fear now. Terrify them, ❍ Add +1 to one of your stats. ❍You Did What Now? restrain a target
make them cower, make them ❍ Take another Nightmare move. You want to punish people who have give a Condition
scream. Darken their dreams, ruin committed hateful acts towards you. You they don’t know you wielded the
❍ Take another Nightmare move.
their happiness, let fear rule. No one carry +1 Forward to using any of your moves Shadow
❍ Take a move from any Skin.
is safe. You escape your Darkest Self against someone who has dealt you Harm or • On a failure, choose one:
❍ Take a move from any Skin.
when you are genuinely frightened of given you a Condition in the past. take 1 Harm
❍ You can hear the Whispers of
something. the Shadows. trigger your Darkest Self
√❍ Naked and Afraid
If someone you’ve dealt Harm or given a
Conditions Condition to in a dream rolls to Turn You On,
mark experience.

Hot -1 Cold -1 Volatile 2 Dark 1 Sex When you have sex with someone you catch a glimpse of
something that always calms their fears.
Hot -1 Cold 1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 Move
Playing The Mirror
Lonely, lost, and lying. The Mirror believes the only way they can fit in is by
adjusting who they are to fit the personality of the people surrounding them.
They very rarely let anyone see who they are on the inside, because they
aren’t quite sure who that even is anymore. The best way to play the Mirror
is to decide who they are at their base level… and discover all the ways they
choose to conceal that person. The Mirror strives to learn everyone’s secrets,
and to be everyone's best friend.

The Mirror always has a Dark of 2, due to their uncanny ability to read
people. But The Mirror can be insightful and social (Dark 2, Hot1) or insightful
and reserved (Dark 2, Cold 1). Either way, The Mirror’s Volatile stat is low
because they believe the best way to get what you want is not to be
aggressive, but to be clever.

You start with base moved Reflection and Shattered. Reflection helps you fit
into social circles, while Shattered can expose you for the fraud you are. While
not a Volatile creature, The Mirror is still useful in fights with their moves
Echo and Made of Glass. Each giving the Mirror a way to assist and survive in
aggressive situations.

The move Repeat After Me gives the Mirror a practical use of their insightful
manner by recalling past dialogue and events. While Counterfeit helps you
craft a perfect identity that can be alluring to anybody at any time. The
upside of being everyone’s person, means you can learn everyone’s secrets.
This is especially useful with Look Right Through.

The Mirror
You’ve found the best way to survive is by showing people what they want to see, and
by telling them what they want to hear. You’ve done such a good job of becoming what
everyone else needed that you’re not sure who you are anymore.

And that’s ok. Because why would you be yourself, when being everyone else is so much
This is a fan Skin for Monsterhearts 2, designed by Nicole Tuttle (@NicoleVoice)
Check out the game at
Mirror Moves
Identity ❍ Made of Glass
If you take any Harm you can choose to
You get Reflection and Shattered and choose
Name: Ava, Elle, Eve, Hannah, JJ, Eyes: curious eyes, gleaming eyes,
one more: roll with Dark to reflect it onto someone
Mallam, Nolon, Otto, Silis knowing eyes, reflective eyes,
else. On a 10 up you choose who the Harm
shifting eyes
⬤ Reflection reflects to and they take the Harm instead.
Look: antiquated, dingy, non-specific, • On a 7-9 the MC chooses who takes the
Origin: foster kid, gifted, You’ve mastered the art of showing and
pale, shifty Harm.
professionally trained, reissued telling someone what they want to see
that way, youngest of a large and hear. When attempting to fool
someone by becoming a perfect fit for ❍ Repeat After Me
them, roll with Dark. On a 10 up they You can remember and repeat back entire
believe you entirely and accept you into scenes of dialogue and actions. Roll to

Your Backstory Strings their circle. Keep Your Cool. On a 10 up you remember
and can recite the entire scene back
• On a 7-9 they accept you but choose one:
You’ve successfully used your Mirror you lose a String at random, verbatim and mark an experience. • On a
tricks to be with someone intimately, you take 1 Harm. 7-9 you remember the general idea, but
gain a String on them. cannot recall specifics. • On a failure, you
⬤ Shattered remember false information but claim it
Someone saw right through your When you reach 3 Harm you gain the to be true.
ruse, they know your game. They gain Condition shattered. You feel imperfect,
1 String on you. like everyone knows you’re a fraud. Your ❍ Counterfeit
Dark stat lowers by 1 while you have this When trying to Turn Someone On while not
Darkest Self Harm Condition. You can only remove this being yourself, roll with Dark. On a 10 up
Condition when you have healed all Harm. you succeed. • On a 7-9 choose one from
You’ve lost all sense of self and below:
identity. Become the people you
Experience ❍ Echo they get a String on you,
admire. Steal their perfect lives, and ❍❍❍❍❍ gain the Condition shattered (If you do
When you Lash Out Physically you can roll
take it all for yourself. No matter ❍ Add +1 to one of your stats. with Dark instead to use your assailants not currently have Harm you cannot
what you have to do, and how you ❍ Take another Mirror move. moves against them. On a 10 up you resolve this Condition until the next
have to do it. You escape your ❍ Take another Mirror move. mirror their last Harm dealing move on time you heal).
Darkest Self when someone reminds ❍ Take a move from any Skin. them, dealing the same amount of Harm.
you who you are. ❍ Take a move from any Skin. • On a 7-9 You can mirror the move, but ❍ Look Right Through
❍ You’re recruited by a MC chooses how bad the Harm is. • On a You’ve gotten very skilled at
Government Organization. failure, you trigger your Darkest Self. understanding people's innermost fears,

wants and desires. When someone
confesses a fear, want or desire to you.
Gain a Sting on them. If you use that fear,
want or desire against them, mark

Hot 1 Cold -1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 Sex You always absorb and utilize the sex move of your previous
partner. If your previous partner did not have a sex move, you use

Hot -1 Cold 1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 Move the last partner’s who did.
The Forgotten Skins
A collection of skins for monsterhearts 2nd edition
Rebalances & Designs by Nicholas Francia

“The Forgotten Skins” are a collection of Topher Gerkey’s original Skin for the Skinless supplement written for Monsterhearts 1st
Edition and a few fan favorites that did not recieve updates to 2nd edition. I am not nor do I claim to be the original designer of
these skills. Every skin has gone through some form of conversion or rebalance, through several hours and sessions of playtesting.
“The Forgotten Skins” is a love letter to these skins, and a hope that these skins will help add variety to your next session.
Special thanks to Avery Alder and Jackson Tegu who inspired me to reupdate these skins and Topher Gerkey for creating the
original Skin for the Skinless for which inspired this project. Some skins have been simply rebalanced and look identitical to their
original skins, some skins have new moves, and some skins have their base mechanics completely rewritten. Please enjoy and
remember that this is a free supplement. Please redistribute to your friends and players alike, but I ask that you do so while
paying credit to myself and the original creators. I hope you enjoy “The Forgotten Skins”!

While never required, if you would like to support me you can do so at . I greatly appreciate any
support you give. Thank you all.
Playing the Beast
Repressed and afraid of intimacy. The Beast is the one who bottles up their
passions and whose emotions are so locked away that when they do finally
let them out, they explode with a horrible, uncontrollable intensity. The
Beast’s passion transform them into a beast with killer instincts. However
the Beast keeps a connection to others even ion this twisted and malicious
state. They’ll go out of their way to hunt and attack that teacher who
humiliated them, the boy who they had a crush on, or that person who
got in their way. When they finally do return to normal, the Beast may be
horried but they may also secretly have enjoyed giving into their more base

Your two stat choices when using the Beast bring forth two distinct ways.
One whose feral nature desperatley seeks to make a normal life and risks
letting the Beast loose (Hot 2, Cold 1), or someone who is mysterious and
reserved and believes that shutting everyone out is the only way to keep
the Beast on lock (Cold 2, Hot 1). The Beast can be an outcast afraid or their
own strength, or a social butterfly whose a ticking time bomb. When the
Beast finally gets loose, there will be hell to pay.

Your Moves will shape the triggers and decide how easy it will be for you
to go Feral, but also the abilities you gain while Feral. Taking Tooth & Claw
turns you into a literal monster and makes you to more akin to hunt those
who have done you wrong. While taking Cat’s Eye increases your ability to
give you an edge over people mentally. If you take the advancement that
gives you a gang, you will discover a group of other Beasts who also suffer
from your condition.

The Beast
They were called frigid. A prude. An ice queen. Their friends always thought they
were just too uptight, and that they’d be fine if they just loosen up a little. Have
some fun. But they know the truth. When they let go - when they lose control,
even for a moment - they can feel themselves starting to change. The terrible
animal in them is always roaring at the ones they love, always trying to claw its
way out. And when it gets out, people get hurt. And the worst part? Sometimes
they kind of like it.
Credits The Beast knows it’s nature, it’s being, that it’s dangerous, that it needs to kept
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at away forever. But maybe, just maybe it’s time to let it out.
This skin was designed by Topher Gerkey and updated by Nicholas Francia
Art created by Noeland.
o Beauty & The...
Identity Beast Moves You can spend a string on some-
Names: Blake, Christina, Etienne, Eyes: Intimidating eyes, glacial You get Caged Heat, and choose two one to simultaneously turn them
Irena, Isabeau, Jivan, Natassja, eyes, demure eyes, conflicted eyes more: on and shut them down. Roll once
Paul, Simone, Tobias and apply all the results; you may
Origin: Hexed, drank from a • The Caged Heat choose whether to use Hot or Cold
Look: Pristine, rigid, icy hot, shapeshifter’s pawprint, cursed Whenever you are turned on, your for this roll. On a miss, gain the
sculpted, exotic bloodline, deep hypnosis inner beast begins to assert itself. condition Feral.
experiment You gain the condition Feral, and o Tooth & Claw
for as long as you have that If you are Feral and have lost your
Your Backstory Strings
condition you may use Hot instead human shape, add 1 to your roll
of Volatile to Lash Out Physically. when you Shut Someone Down by
Two of the others have asked you You can attempt to Keep Your Cool frightening them or when you Lash
out in the past, but you turned in order to remove this condition. Out Physically.
them down. Take a string on each Additionally, while Feral choose
of them. two: o Fight or Flight
+You mostly retain your human If you are Feral and have lost your
You try not to have strong feelings shape. human intelligence, when you Lash
about anyone. No one else can +You mostly retain your human Out Physically and roll 10 up you
start with more than one string on intelligence and personality. can pick two options. Roll Cold
you. +You mostly retain self-control instead of Volatile to Run Away.
over your violent and malicious
impulses o Predator & Prey
o You Wouldn’t Like Me If you are Feral and have lost your
impulse control, take a string on
Your Caged Heat move is triggered
Darkest Self Harm
anyone at whom you Lash Out
by intense jealousy, anger, or
Physically and inflict harm.
You are an animal. No trace of hatred in addition to by being
turned on. o Cat Eyes
Experience O O O O O
your human body or mind remains,
only your most primal emotions - When you look into someone’s eyes
lust, fear, anger, jealousy, hatred. • Add +1 to one of your stats. o Scaredy Cat
and gaze into the abyss, on a 10 up
You are drawn to anyone you have • Take another Beast move. Your Caged Heat move is triggered add this option: You know their
such intense feelings for, but your • Take another Beast move. by intense fear, shame, or sorrow deepest fear or secret lust, and add
only means of interacting with • Take a move from any Skin. in addition to by being turned on. 1 to your roll when using that
them is to savagely attack them. If • Take a move from any Skin. information to Shut Them Down or
you can’t fnd someone you know, • You’re in a Bloodline of Beasts. Turn Them On.
any target will do. You cannot
escape your Darkest Self until you
take a life. Conditions

Hot 2 Cold 1 Volatile -1 Dark -1 Sex

Immediately after you have sex with someone, you become
your Darkest Self and gain the condition Feral. That person

Hot 1 Cold 2 Volatile -1 Dark -1 Move gains +1 forward when attempting to stop you from your
Playing the Believer
Certain, dedicated, paranoid, out of touch, and a bit unhinged. The Believer
is all about following hunches, taking risks, and somethings being
completely wrong. They pursue the special things in the world in the hopes
that they’ll rub off and make them special as well. Their Obsession drives
them in all aspects of their life. The plot implication of their Obsession
aren’t limited only to them. They are not special because of their Obsession,
they’re reaching for something that’s more interesting than the rest of their

The two stat choices of the Believers are similiar but interchanging Hot and
Cold. Your connection to the supernatural is ever present, do you look at
society with ever hopeful eyes hoping to gain potential allies and
acceptance of your theories (Dark 2 & Hot 1)? Perhaps however you scorn
society for how they denied you and called you crazy throughout your
pursuit of knowledge (Dark 2 & Cold 1)? Whether your intention to protect
society or just for your own personal gain is up to you, and your
motivations behind your Obsession should drive your character as it is as
important as your Obsession itself.

Taking moves such as You Gotta Believe Me, and I Know In My Heart will
allow you to stand strong and fight back against most of the people who
would deny your research as fantasy. Not only does this allow you refute
their claims, it may aid as an important tool in recruiting them to your side.
Trust No One and Precaution serve as means to support breaking the rules
and going deep in the danger when it comes to pursuing your Obsession.

Your Darkest Self represents the dark ends that you’ll go to in order to
prove or find what your looking for. You no longer care about the collateral The Believer
or how many friends you need to bury before you get what you want. You It all makes sense now. The hidden messages, the secret symbol, all the details
built a house of cards that is bound to come down and when it does, it just outside a normal person’s perception that lie just beneath the surface. It
comes down hard. means something, it all has to mean something. You know you’re not crazy, and
once you get the proof you need everyone else will know it too. This is the first
small step in unraveling the whole fucked up mystery.

But remember... knowledge is a dangerous thing.

This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at
This skin was designed by Learned Knave and updated by Nicholas Francia
Photo by Behind Blue Skies
o Always Watching
Identity Believer Moves When someone is talking about
Names: Sanford, Dana, Jose, Eyes: Distant eyes, wide eyes, dart- You get The Truth is Out There, and you or your Obsession, you may
Mabel, Finn, Chaos, Ruth, Lucas, ing eyes, confident eyes, worrying one more move. give them a String to bust in half-
Alex, Walker, Carmela, Neptune eyes cocked and carry 1 forward to
• The Truth is Out There pursuing your Obsession for that
Look: Haggard, shifty, polished, Origin: Gloryhound, a legacy, You have an Obsession with a scene.
thin, ostentatious, sunday best, close encounter, the people must person, group, location, event or
smelly know object. When you satisfy your o Precaution
curiosity and find something new When pursuing your Obsession, and
about your Obsession, mark
Your Backstory Strings
you’re in over your head, reduce
experience. When you believe any harm you take by 1 and add 1
You have some good evidence that you’ve learned everything you can to any rolls you make to Keep Your
someone you know isn’t human. about your Obsession, change it to Cool. If someone is aiding you in
Take a String on them. something new. When you reveal your investigation, they also gain
your Obsession to someone for the this benefit.
There is one person that you trust first time, they take a String on
absolutely, even if they don’t you. o Trust No One
always see things for what they When you go behind the back of
o You Gotta Believe Me
are. You’ve even shared your an authority figure to pursue your
Obsession with them. Take a String When you preach to the nonbe-
Obsession, mark experience. If you
on them and they take two Strings lievers roll with Hot. On a 10+,
are caught, add 1 to your roll to
on you. they take your side or they gain
Run Away this scene.
the condition Conspirator. On a
7-9, they give you a condition and o I Know in My Heart
choose one:
When you ignore the evidence and
Darkest Self Harm + You take a string on them.
+ They promise something they
double down on what you already
None of them will listen to you. believe, add 1 to all your rolls to
think you want.
Experience O O O O O
Don’t they understand how import- Shut Someone Down and
+ They make a run for it.
ant this is to the world? Pursue Turn Someone On for the rest of the
your Obsession at all costs, dragging • Add +1 to one of your stats. scene.
o Super Sleuth
as many people along as you can. If • Take another Believer move.
you can’t force them, then they’re • Take another Believer move. When you go hunting for physical
just another obstacle on your path • Take a move from any Skin. evidence, roll to Gaze Into the Abyss.
to enlightenment of yourself, and • Take a move from any Skin. If anyone is aiding you, give them a
of others. You escape your Darkest • You’re in an Investigation Squad. String and add 1 to your roll. On a
Self when you come to understand hit, you receive some sort of
how much you have hurt others by physical clue to your investigation.
your obsessive behavior. Conditions

Hot 1 Cold -1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 Sex When you have sex with someone, whichever one of you is more

Hot -1 Cold 1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 Move immersed in the supernatural take two Strings on the other.
Playing the Calaca
Disarming, cute, freakish, and yet so cheerful. The Calaca is the happiest
person dressed in funeral blacks you’ve ever seened, a wise confidant who
gives the most profound advice one moment, writing odes to death and
decay while using a brightly colored pen. Your Haunting Visage might be
horrificially terrifying but that doesn’t change your devious sunny
disposition. Solve the problems brought forth to you and make sure,
whoever they are, remembers your name.

Your two stat choices both have Dark 2 because of your connection to
death itself, and how integral it is to you. But your secondary stat will
shape your actions, are you the party spirit who tells people to accept death
as a new beginning rather than the end (Dark 2 & Hot 1) or do you show
people how cruel and forebearing death really is, a literal spirit of death,
wings and all. (Dark 2 & Cold 1) The Calaca doesn’t capitlize on
oppurtunities, rather it creates them.

Moves such as Sugar Skull and Morte Alata make your Haunting Visage ever
stronger, allowing you supplment most of your moves for your strongest
stat. Pick those moves if you intend to be in your true form alot and want
to get your mileage out of it. Moves like Day of the Dead and Santa Muerte
are wild card that can change your entire pace pace around. Helping people
you care about especially by giving them guidance should be one of your
main priorities. Your story is the story how made other people’s stories
better. Your meddling creates drama but you best believe they’ll remember
you at the end of it all.

Your Darkest Self is dangerous and dark to the say the least, your wisdom
is even more profound and yet cruel. Convince your friends that death is The Calaca
not the end, it’s the beginning and a beginning they shouldn’t wait to get Death is not the end, in fact it is only the beginning. This is what the Calca
started. believes. Instead of regretting their death like that of the Ghost, or just barely
hanging in as a corpse like the Ghoul, the Calaca is the embodiment of living
it as one of the dead. They want to teach others what death has taught them,
impart the lessons they’ve had over the years. They ocassionally begin to miss
the pleasantries that they had when they were alive, but who cares being dead is
Credits However sometimes they don’t want to accept your knowledge or your gift of
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at death and you can understand. If you could see how great being dead was why
This skin was designed by Topher Gerkey and updated by Nicholas Francia can’t they? Maybe they need a little push, from your friendly walking, talking
Photo by Ruines Humaines skeleton.
o Morte Alata
Identity Calaca Moves In your true form, you possess
Names: Cal, Catrina, Charity, Eyes: Hollow eyes, gleaming eyes, You get Haunting Visage and choose a pair of bony wings. Roll Dark
Grace, Daniel, Frida, Jack, Manuel, wise eyes, vivid eyes, kind eyes two more: instead of Volatile to run away by
Mercedes, Scully escaping into the air.
• Haunting Visage
Look: Skin like porcelain, gothic Origin: Bone elemental, corpse At any time you can transform into
o Santa Muerte
lolita, deathly pale, painted face, bride, death spirit, neromantic your true skeletal form. If anyone When you help another character
rail thin construct, summoned ancestor witnesses this process, they take a come to terms with the concept
string on you. You roll Dark instead of death or the death of someone
else, mark experience and roll to
Your Backstory Strings
of Cold to Shut Someone Down, and
cause people to Keep Their Cool in Make Others Feel Beautiful.
Someone is actually a long lost your presence. You can’t Turn
Someone On while using this move.
o Day of the Dead
descendant of yours, take a String
When you throw a party or
on them.
o Ofrendas celebration, it invigorates you. You
When someone offers something may use a move from any playbook
Someone has seen you transform-
to them in your name, give them once for that scene only.
ing into your true form, give them
a String. advice on their issue. If you do
Gaze into the Abyss, if you roll a hit
choose one:
+Your visions show what they
must do, they carry 1 forward.
+The visions heal your friend,
they may remove one condition.
+Take a string on your friend.
Darkest Self Harm o Mi Memoria
Your sweetness and humor is a When you take your fourth harm,
Experience O O O O O
mask, you have denied your true depart from this plane and to the
nature far too long. Spent too land of the dead. As long as you
much time teaching others to not • Add +1 to one of your stats. still have strings on a single person
to fear death and not enough time • Take another Calaca move. you may return.
teaching them to embrace it. Twist • Take another Calaca move.
your words and teachings, bring • Take a move from any Skin. o Sugar Skull
forth others to join your black • Take a move from any Skin. You are more pleasant than most
parade. You can only escape your • You’re apart of a Family Legacy. others in your visage, you can roll
Darkest Self when someone to Turn Someone On while in your
teaches you to love life again, or true form. When using this move
when you drive someone to take Conditions roll with Dark instead of Hot.
their own life.

Hot 1 Cold -1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 Sex When you have sex with someone, ask them if they will always

remember you. If they say yes, treat it as you had used Ofrendas
Hot -1 Cold -1 Volatile 1 Dark 2 and rolled a 10+. Choose all three options instead of one.
Playing the Creature
Protective, territorial, vengeful, and hopeful. The Creature is embodiment of
mother nature rising up to protect itself from industrial expansion.
Whether it be preventing a company from dumping toxic waste into a body
of water, turning a forest preserve into a landfill, using animals in
experiments, or hunting endangered species, the Creature will be there to
stop them. A sort of nature vigilante, the Creature has a cause that they will
pursue considering it their highest priority.

Your two stat choices both have Volatile 2 because your naturally pissed off
that someone is threatening your cause. Whether or not you still believe
that humans can be turned around with some prodding (Volatile 2 and Hot
1) or perhaps that they are beyond reason (Volatile 2 & Cold 1), you put your
environment and your cause first before anything else.

Moves such as Cold-Blooded Fury and Apex Predator allow you to become
more monster than protector. Allowing you to take harm they attempt to
dish out and inflict it right back, but be careful once you draw blood you
might find it hard to avoid all out war against your opposition. Songbird
allows you to make rousing speeches and pursue non-violence, with Frog
Kiss being important when your taking that special someone on a magic
carpet ride of your environment.

Your Darkest Self is when you decide that you can’t stop the inevitable and
perhaps it’s better to turtle up and make best of the time you have. The
bulldozers will be here before dawn, so enjoy the last night you have in
your home. Sometimes you find that you cause is properly protected, and in
that case just take up a new cause to champion towards.
The Creature
All that time and energy on a petition - all the convincing, all the seducing, all
the threatening - and what do they get when they present city hall with a
thousand signatures? They throw it in the trash, and continue to destroy their
home anyway. The Creature wanted to do things peacefully perhaps, they
wanted to believe in the good of man to protect something precious to them.

But it didn’t work out that way, and now it’s time for plan b. If they won’t read
Credits the signatures, listen to the protests, or speak at the debates then it’s time they
felt the horror of a pissed off monster. Maybe when the town has been
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at terrorized they’ll finally get it through their thick heads.
This skin was designed by Topher Gerkey and updated by Nicholas Francia
Photo from The Shape of Water
o Eco-Terrorism
Identity Creature Moves When you turn to violence and
Names: Bessie, Blue, Champ, Gil, Eyes: Aquamarine eyes, teary eyes, You get Missing Link and one more. sabotage in order to further your
Jake, Jenny, Laguna, Madison, limpid eyes, wide-set eyes, black cause, mark experience and take
Ramon, Rico, Thetis eyes • Missing Link
a String against someone who is
Pick an environment, you are against your cause.
Look: Swimmer’s build, Origin: Last of your kind, completely adaptable to it. If it’s
olive-skinned, nearly hairless, chemical spill exposure, first of a body of water you can breathe o Apex Predator
surfer’s tan, fishy smell your kind, cryptid, magic underwater, if it’s a cave system You can shed your human skin to
you can see in the dark and etc. become a scaly monstrosity. In this
Additionally, you have a cause form, you take 1 less harm from
Your Backstory Strings related to your environment. You any attack down to a minimum
get +1 forward to all actions taken of 0. You cannot Turn Someone On
Someone who once an ally to your
to further your cause. and can roll with Volatile to Shut
cause. They take 2 Strings on you.
Someone Down.
o Cold-Blooded Fury
You know someone is secretly When you are filled with righteous o Territorial
involved in workings against your anger in the service of your cause, Your environment is also your
cause. Take 2 Strings on them. you can do extra harm when you territory. When you rest in your
lash out physically. territory, clear all conditions and
heal 1 Harm. If someone invades
o Frog Kiss your territory, you get +1 forward
When you kiss someone while in to attempts to remove intruders
your environment to impart the from your territory.
same adaptability to possess for a
scene. Roll with Hot, on a 10+ they

Darkest Self Harm

take to it fine and adapt as normal.
On a 7-9, their body reacts weird
Everything sucks and nothing you and they take either 1 Harm or a
Experience O O O O O
do can change that. It’s time to condition. On a miss, this fails
leave this world, grab the completely and are harmed greatly.
person you care about the most • Add +1 to one of your stats.
and retreat back to your • Take another Creature move. o Songbird
environment. Defend it against • Take another Creature move. When you speak passionately to
anyone and everyone, and ignore • Take a move from any Skin. convince someone to join your
the rest. You can’t make a differ- • Take a move from any Skin. cause, roll with Volatile. On a 10+,
ence anyway. You escape your • You join some Environmentalists. they mark experience if they help
Darkest Self when someone shows you. On a 7-9, you take a String on
you that you’ve changed things for them. On a miss, they take a String
the better. Conditions on you.

Hot -1 Cold 1 Volatile 2 Dark -1 Sex When you have sex with someone, treat protecting them as part

of your cause until you have sex with someone else. Additionally,
Hot 1 Cold -1 Volatile 2 Dark -1 treat them as if you had rolled a 10+ while using Frog Kiss.
Playing the Faithful
Judgemental, hypocritical, supportive and commited. The Faithful is
someone who puts their trust in their belief even when they fall short of
their own expectations. The Faithful may lead to questioning the existence
of higher powers, but they also can bring some interesting conflicts with
the supernatural characters forward; especially those with an aversion to
religous symbols.

Your two stat choices both do not mire themselves with Dark, as doing so
would only lead to temptation further down the road. Whether you choose
to preach your word and use your natural charisma to keep to your faith
(Hot 2 & Volatile 1), with a dash of zealotry in the mix or are hypercritical
of these sinners around you (Cold 2 & Hot 1), the road of the Faithful is
about weathering doubt, navigating temptation, and sticking to your faith.

Breath of Life is your most powerful move at your disposal but with having
to tap into Dark, it’s risky and has the potential to harm not only yourself
but the others around you greatly. This move, along with Stigmata and
Unshakeable grant you the ability to defend yourself those who would
tempt you as long as you have a String before hand to spare. If you don’t,
you’ll find yourself drained and having to clear the condition before using
them again. Sanctuary can help with this and any other nasty conditions
and harm you might take throughout your story.

The Faithful is one who can stop and deter violence in their tracks and
avoid those who would attempt to brush aside them. Meant to handle any-
thing thrown at them, however eventually things will break and when they
do it’s going to be biblical. Once you enter your Darkest Self, it’s goodbye
prayer groups and hello smiting the wicked or whoever manages to piss The Faithful
you off. Sure, it might seem unorthodox, but you know you’ll be forgiven in Lost among a sea of ignorance and what they call sin, the Faithful is the lone
the end. paragon amonster the rest. They know the others have no idea what faith is, or
have the humility to commit themselves to anything beyond their petty wants.
But for the Faithful that is ok, it is there job to show them. They’ll preach to
whoever’ll listen and save their souls whether they want it or not.

But your commitments wouldn’t be meaningful without temptation lurking.

Credits Your body screams at you to betray your sacred promises. Your faith may grant
you strength, but it’s not always easy to stand up for what’s right. It’s hard for
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at you to be strong all the time, and something’s gotta give.
This skin was designed by author unknown and updated by Nicholas Francia
Photo by Maria Marchetti We all need forgiveness for something, right?
o Sanctuary
Identity Faithful Moves Whenever you pray and consecrate
Names: Rebecca, Rachael, Noah, Eyes: Sentimental eyes, judgmen- You choose two: a safe place for another, if they
Chastity, Jacob, David, Michael, tal eyes, glimmering eyes, green spend a night there with you, both
Leah eyes • Martyr of you may remove a condition and
When you take harm because you heal 1 Harm.
Look: Cheery, reserved, average, Origin: Raised that way, born were helping or protecting
strong, old-fashioned again, back on the wagon, simple someone, mark experience and
take a String on whoever you were
o Breath of Life
faith, guided by a divine power When you lay your hands on a
helping or protecting.
wounded person and do not have
Your Backstory Strings o Eye for an Eye the condition drained roll with
When someone gives you a Dark. On a 10+, they heal all harm
You watch everyone, practically and you gain a String on them. On
condition, give them a condition in
unnoticed, waiting for them to slip a 7-9, choose one:
return. If you were already going
up. Take a String on everyone. + They heal all harm and you
to give them a condition, add 1 to
your next roll against them instead. take that harm instead.
Someone knows your greatest sin. + They heal all harm and some-
They take 2 Strings on you. o Unshakeable one nearby (MC’s call) takes that
When another PC tries to Turn You harm afterward.
On or Shut You Down, and you do Afterward, give yourself the
not have the condition drained you condition drained.
may spend a String or gain the
condition drained to have their roll When you lay your hands on
be shifted one category lower. (10+ someone recently dead and you
to 7-9, 7-9 to a miss.) don’t have the condition drained,
don’t roll, they come back from the
Darkest Self Harm o Stigmata dead and choose one:
The judgment of the Heaven and + Someone nearby dies (MC’s
When someone inflicts harm in
Experience O O O O O
the divine is upon them! You see call)
your presence, and you do not have
sin and corruption all around you, + You die
the condition drained you may
and it’s your mission to stamp • Add +1 to one of your stats. + Something powerful and dark
spend a String on them or gain the
it out, burn the wicked and cast • Take another Faifthul move. comes back with them.
condition drained to have them
down the prideful! No longer will • Take another Faithful move. Afterwards, give yourself the
take the harm as well.
they mock you for your beliefs. • Take a move from any Skin. condition drained.
You’ll create hell on earth to • Take a move from any Skin.
save their souls. You escape your • You’re apart of a Church Group.
Darkest Self when you repent and
someone forgives you of your
wrongdoings. Conditions

Hot 1 Cold 2 Volatile -1 Dark -1 Sex When you deny someone sexually, gain the condition tempted

and take a String on them. When you have sex with someone,
Hot 2 Cold -1 Volatile 1 Dark -1 you lose all your Strings on them and remove a condition.
Playing the Fury
Desperate, longing to be accepted and the rage, and constantly pushed
around. The Fury is one that knows rejection and pain well. The Fury
balances their life as depicted in Futile Hope. An engine that drives their life,
ability and most importantly their scorn. The Fury operates around putting
themselves out there, willingly trusting and believing in people even though
they know they shouldn’t, and when they are betrayed they are ready to
massively overreact to the provider of that betrayl.

The two stat choices for the Fury describe two very different but equally
powerful beings. The Fury who when pushed to the edge who physically
lashes out with everything forcing others to feel the very real pain the Fury
suffers (Volatile 2, Dark 1) or the Fury that when pushed to the brink
becomes emotionally numb to everything around them and takes
advantage of the emotional vunerabilities of their fellow teens (Cold 2, Dark
1). The Fury is usually but not always an outcast, but perhaps they are a
well respected member of their community but misunderstood. Whatever
the Fury’s deal is, you can bet it’s going to be a story that doesn’t end well
for them.

Your fellow players will have an incentive to be nice to you and then dump
you, taking advantage of gaining strings against you while forcing you to
lose the strings against them. But their temporary gain is ultimatley the
Fury’s greatest weapon. Being Betrayed is to your advantage since it powers
up all your Fury moves and provides lots of grist for the drama mill. Think
carefully when choosing your moves about what kind of walking
megapsychic catastrophe you’d like to be. Firestarter doesn’t need to imply
pyrokinesis; it’s just a name and can represent any ability that causes chaos
and destruction. Some of the moves are more themed around telepathy or The Fury
clairvoyance than the others, which allow you to enact your Fury in much They never wanted this. They never wanted to be different or special or a freak.
more devious ways. They wanted to fell like every other kid and just fit in. To be liked. To be accept-
ed. Maybe even to be loved. They never felt like it was so much to ask for? The
When you are your Darkest Self, be sure to go all out with your Fury is not a bad person, not inheritantly. However the Fury is drawn to their
descriptions. Your moves can affect crowds and radically alter the abilities by their circumstances. They were hurt, they were betrayed. They were a
environment when you’re in a full-on rage, so cut loose and enjoy your bottle of emotional trauma that has been shaken up one too many times. Guess
revenge. what? Now that bottle is ready to pop.
Credits We always expect those that are pushed around to finally push back. But never
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at like this. The Fury is unbridled anger and power, a teenager scorn. The Fury
This skin was designed by Topher Gerkey and updated by Nicholas Francia knows in their being that if they cannot be loved, then damn well they will be
Art created by Youth Ministry feared. Feared by everyone.
o Mind Over Matter
Identity Fury Moves When you Lash Out Physically using
Names: Alice, Bea, Cam, Carrie, Eyes: Desperate eyes, brittle eyes, You get Futile Hope, and choose two your power instead of physical
Charlie, Kim, Jill, Joe, Robin, Will teary eyes, resentful eyes, twitchy more: attacks, you may roll with Cold
eyes instead of Volatile. If you are
Look: Raggedy, unfashionable, • Futile Hope Betrayed, your victim must Keep
nerdy, nervous, beneath notice, Origin: Genetic mutation, Whenever someone acts kind or Their Cool before attempting to Run
frightened government program, confluence accepting toward you, you each Away.
of bloodlines, abused child take a string on the other, and you o Scanners
get the condition Hopeful (which
Roll with Dark to invade some-
Your Backstory Strings
replaces Betrayed if you have it). If
someone you trust betrays or hurts one else’s mind. On a 10 up, take
you while you are Hopeful, lose all a string on them, and they must
You have a secret crush on some-
strings on them, replace Hopeful honestly answer one question. On
one. Take a string on them.
with Betrayed, and roll with Dark. a 7-9, they most honestly answer
On a 10 up, trigger your Darkest one question and choose one:
Someone has been bullying you.
Self. On a 7-9, choose one: + They take a string on you
Give them a string on you.
+ Give them one more string on + Give yourself the condition
you Creepy
+ Take 1 harm from psychic + You each take 1 harm
feedback On a 6 or less, they must answer
+ Trigger your Darkest Self one question with a plausible lie
When you are your Darkest Self, and you must believe it. If you are
your Fury moves are amplifed. Betrayed, do 1 harm to them in
You can affect groups of victims addition to any other results.
in the immediate area, and your o Dominate
Darkest Self Harm destructive powers can affect large You can roll with Volatile instead of
Nobody loves you. Nobody ever structures like buildings Hot to turn someone on by using
your mental abilities. On a 10 up,
Experience O O O O O
will. They only pretended to like o Firestarter
you so they could hurt you even in addition to giving you a string,
more. There’s nothing left for you • Add +1 to one of your stats. Roll with Volatile to unleash your they must follow one short-term
here but revenge, so burn it all • Take another Fury move. powers against your tomentors. command of your choice. On a 7-9
down. Smash everything to pieces. • Take another Fury move. On a 10 up, do 2 harm. On a 7-9, do also give yourself the condition
Rip their secrets out and lay it bare • Take a move from any Skin. 1 harm, give them an appropriate Creepy. If you are Betrayed, also
for the world to see. You escape • Take a move from any Skin. condition, and choose one: give them the condition Enthralled.
your Darkest Self when you are • You’re in a Pyschic Gestalt. + Give yourself the same condition o Just Desserts
confronted by someone who has + Take 1 harm When you successfully Lash Out
never hurt, excluded, or betrayed + Trigger your Darkest Self Physical or Shut Someone Down on
you, or are shown an act of Conditions If you are Betrayed, you may also someone who has wronged you,
kindness that seems genuine. carry 1 forward against them. gain an experience.

Hot -1 Cold -1 Volatile 2 Dark 1 Sex When you have sex with someone, gain two strings on that per-

Hot -1 Cold 2 Volatile -1 Dark 1 Move son and give yourself the condition Hopeful.
Playing the Gargoyle
Guardians, protectors, old souls, and reluctant warden of the walls. The
Gargoyle is the stone sentry who guards their domain whether it be a high
school, church, a summer camp, community center, nightclub, apartment
complex, or any other establishment that has a community and regular
hours of operation. The Gargoyle has two concerns: their domain, and the
timer associated with their curse that forces them to back to stone until
sunrise or sunset. The Gargoyle must accept the fact that the life they live is
only half as normal, and unlike most teens at their age their curfew is one
they cannot break.

The two stat choices for the Gargoyle expresses two possiblities of what
the Gargoyle represents. The Gargoyle who viciously protects the physical
grounds of their domain and punishes those who would cross it (Volatile
2 & Cold 1) or the literal embodiment of their domain’s spirit who push
to keep that spirit alive (Hot 2, Volatile 1). The Gargoyle ponders it’s own
existence but does not concern itself about the dark things that lie off it’s
ground or beyond the curtain. The Gargoyle can be stoic but relatable, excit-
ed but also lonely. Their struggle to make the best of their situation while
forcing themselves to be ever vigilant; the Gargoyle faces exhaustion and
depression about their situation.

Similarly, not all Gargoyles are stone statues in their dormant or animate
forms. You could be a sculpture of metal or wood or plaster, a painting or
mural, an old mascot costume or band uniform. Anything works as long as
it’s at least vaguely an anthropomorphic form, and it should be something
that won’t be easily missed when you are walking around looking like a hu-
man. As a Gargoyle you’re tied to your domain, so protecting and helping it
should always be your first priority. Balancing your duty versus your friends The Gargoyle
will be difficult. Warden & Charge allows you to alleviate this and shift your They remember being a real human kid once, a long time ago. Before they built
protection to the individuals of the community rather than your domain it- the school. Before they were cursed to become the guardian of their domain.
self. If you want to indulge in your monster personality, consider Grotesque But after a while the Gargoyle has come to accept the terms of their eternal
and Gullet in order to become the thing of legends. lease. They are in your classes, attend pep rallies, run for student council. They’ve
enjoyed the same classes over and over again, playing the joys of high school on

Credits They were created to bless this school, and they will continue to guard it for
years to come. The Gargoyle is the warning and the punishment to the various
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at thieves, vandals, and other undesirables who would stain their grounds.
This skin was designed by Topher Gerkey and updated by Nicholas Francia
Art created by Blablover5
o Grotesque
Identity Gargoyle Moves You may transform into your
Names: Arris, Belvedere, Cary, Eyes: Hard eyes, suspicious eyes, You get School Spirit, and choose animate form. In this form you are
Chevron, Gable, Garret, Laurel, protective eyes, dry eyes, glassy one more: an inanimate object brought to life.
Rochelle, Tiffany, Veranda eyes While animate you take 1 less harm
• School Spirit from anything that harms you(to
Look: Dressed in school colors, Origin: animistic spirit, From sunrise to sunset (or vice a minimum of zero harm) and you
greyish skin, sculpted face, large cornerstone sacrifce, magically versa) you appear to be a normal get +1 to Lash Out Physically or Shut
mouth, stiff posture animated statue, cursed victim human being, but when your Someone Down.
period of activity ends, you become
o Rival Schools
Your Backstory Strings
dormant. While in this state, you
are an inanimate object and are For the purposes of School Spirit,
Someone saw you transforming invulnerable to harm, but incapa- acting against a rival school or
into your dormant form. They take ble of taking any action. Choose a people associated with it counts as
2 strings on you. domain. When not dormant, you being within your domain.
gain a +1 to all rolls while in your
domain. o Pep Rally
You’ve been watching someone
who seems to have a great love When rolling to Turn Someone On,
for your school. Take 2 strings on o Raise the Alarm on a hit, you may remove a
them. During your dormant period, if condition from them as well as
someone else is in your domain yourself if you are in your domain.
you can assume your human form.
If you are alone, you can still o Gullet
become human, but take 1 harm. If You can vomit a gout of flame or
you leave your domain, you torrent of freezing water. Roll with
instantly know if someone enters Volatile or Hot: on a 10 up, you
Darkest Self Harm or threatens the domain. do 1 harm to your target and they
Nobody else loves this school like must hold steady. On a 7-9, choose
o Warden & Charge
Experience O O O O O
you do. They just don’t understand one:
how important it is. You’d be For the purposes of School Spirit, + You do 1 harm
nothing without it, and you’re • Add +1 to one of your stats. protecting the people associated + You miss, but they must hold
the only one that can protect it. • Take another Gargoyle move. with your domain (students, facul- steady
All those people that had stained • Take another Gargoyle move. ty, employees) while outside your + You miss, but you get a string
this school- they’re all enemies, • Take a move from any Skin. domain counts as being inside your on them
and they all have to be punished. • Take a move from any Skin. domain. On a 6 or less, you miss and they
Severely. You escape from your • You’re in a Stone Flock. get a string on you.
Darkest Self only when someone
shows you how your actions are
hurting your school. Conditions

Hot -1 Cold 1 Volatile 2 Dark -1 Sex

When you have sex with someone, protecting them counts as
protecting your school for the purposes of School Spirit, and

Hot 2 Cold -1 Volatile 1 Dark -1 Move you cannot lash out physically at them for any reason. This lasts
until you have sex with someone else.
Playing the Minotaur
Violent, lonely, and a downright bullt. The Minotaur is one who secretly
longs for friendship and acceptance, easily manipulated by anyone who
knows how to push their buttons. The Minotaur is often used and aimed
towards specific people in order to carry out the agenda of those who
control the Minotaur.

The two stat choices of the Minotaur highlight similiar schools of thought
with different ways of execution. Your traditional Minotaur is hotblooded
and angry ready to punch their way through anyone while being vunerable
to the jests of others, and being as passionate in their love life as they are
in their violence (Volatile 2 & Hot 1). The other path dictactes a Minotaur
who is as mentally cruel as they are violent pushed this way through years
of loneliness and perhaps even abuse. (Cold 2 & Volatile 1).

The conditions associated with the Minotaur are largely metaphorical. In

the Maze represents a way to express that your dangerous attention has
been drawn to them, whether or not this ends in you beating them up is
up to you. Golden Thread represents someone who is in your good books or
someone who you were asked to leave alone by someone worth listening

The Minotaur revolves around inflicting these conditions as often as possi-

ble. Take the moves Matador and Seeing Red in order to easily dispatch your
conditions to everyone around you. No Way Out represents a more super-
natural move that’ll allow you to track the object of your anger no matter
how far they are.

When your Darkest Self break, you got a list and you’ve checked it twice. The Minotaur
Dispatch as much violence as possible and don’t stop until everyone’s been It wasn’t like you to be a bully. It’s not your fault your bigger than the others, or
given an attitude adjustment. are a little slow in your words, or are as they say naturally scary. But the
Minotaur knows it is what it is. They understand that their friends are afraid
of them or worse want to use them. But atleast if you beat people up for them
they’ll give you the time of day. Anything is better than being alone.

Sometimes you regret it, sometimes it hurts you. But getting angry always seem
Credits to be a fine solution. Anything to escape the labyrinth.

This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at

This skin was designed by Topher Gerkey and updated by Nicholas Francia
Art created by Takao Shigeyama.
o The Matador
Identity Minotaur Moves When someone asks you to beat
Names: Aster, Bastien, Doracas, Eyes: Dull eyes, red-glinting eyes, You get Labyrinth, and one more. someone up for them, you may
Ferdie, Johnny, Manny, Nandi, furious eyes, threatening eyes, treat it as if they had spent a String
Norman, Rosie, Shamala lonely eyes • Labyrinth and mark experience. Give their
When you do harm to someone target the condition In the Maze.
Look: Beefy, sweaty, looming, Origin: Bestial demigod, abused gain a string. You gain +1 on all
shaggy, bodybuilder animal growth hormones, cursed, rolls against someone except Turn o Seeing Red
experiment, anger issues Someone On when they have the
When you Gaze into the Abyss
condition In the Maze. You take -1
about someone your furious with,
Your Backstory Strings
on all rolls against someone except
roll Volatile instead of Dark. On a
Turn Someone On when they have
hit give them the condition In the
You regulary act as an enforcer for the condition Golden Thread.
Maze, on a 10+ the next time you
someone. They take two Strings on would damage you do an
you. o Bestial Lust additional 1 Harm.
When you roll to Turn Someone On,
You recently bullied someone. Take
remove a condition from yourself. o Ariadne
a String on them.
If you do this give your target the When someone with In the Maze
Golden Thread condition. condition asks for your forgiveness
and you comply, take a String on
o Bully that person and give them the
When you use physical force to Golden Thread condition.
intimidate or harass, roll Volatile
instead of Cold to Shut Someone
Darkest Self Harm
You’re nothing but a violent animal o No Way Out
You have a link to people who
Experience O O O O O
and everybody knows it. They used
you like a weapon pointing at their incur your wrath. When someone
enemies. So it’s time, be the violent • Add +1 to one of your stats. has the condition In the Maze you
animal. Track down anyones that’s • Take another Minotaur move. can always track where they are.
In the Maze, and show them how • Take another Minotaur move.
bestial you truly are or find new • Take a move from any Skin.
victims. You escape your Darkest • Take a move from any Skin.
Self when you’ve taken vengeance • You have a a Herd of Cronies.
against someone In the Maze or are
confronted by someone with the
Golden Thread. Conditions

Hot 1 Cold -1 Volatile 2 Dark -1 Sex

When you have sex with someone, give them a string on you and
the condition Golden Thread. They may choose to ask you to spare

Hot -1 Cold 2 Volatile 1 Dark -1 Move one person; if they do, give that person the condition Golden
Thread as well.
Playing the Mummy
Royal, confident, powerful, and fallen. The Mummy is a person out of time
that has lost their former glory with a unquenchable thirst to get it all
back. They are aware of exactly how great they are, and completely
convinced of their own innate royalty. Never questioning whether they
deserve it or not, because of course they do. Only the best of the best will
suit someone with their lofty status. Any actions they take to aquire these
things is justified to them. Selfish at their core.

The two stat choices paint the same story but different themes, the
Mummy can be as glorious as they think they are with beautiful stature
that truly makes them feel like the ruler they truly are (Hot 2 & Dark 1),
however the Mummy can be someone drapped in the mysticism that is
often associated with the lore, a priest or priestess that uses their magic in
order to ensnare everyone around them, forcing them to submit (Dark 2 &
Cold 1).

Taking the move Soulmate adds another whole new field of play to the
Mummy allowing you to pick another character and giving you the task to
force them under you, as your second in command, but your second
nonetheless. Mummy’s Curse deters others from attemping to harm you, and
Soul Eater giving you a powerful weapon to use against those who try to
cross you. The Cursed Artifacts is by far the most powerful move the Mum-
my has in terms of versatility but also is a double edge sword. Use it wisely.

Pursue your former glory, whether you do this through subversion or

directly, the Mummy may attempt to sate themselves with their new life
but in the end it will never be enough. When you finally enter your Darkest
Self, your plan trumps all and it’s time to go to work. The Mummy
The Mummy once had it all. Wealth, power, station, the adoration of followers,
love, magic. They were the kings and queens of old civilizations, at the head of
the table, and that life was good. However something took it away from,
wretching them from glory and leaving them with nothing but darkness and the
cruel tides of time.

However now they have awakened, and while the world has moved, some things
Credits still remain the same. They’ll have their rightful place again, and it doesn’t
matter what they have to do to get it.
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at
This skin was designed by Topher Gerkey and updated by Nicholas Francia
Photo by Helen Stifler
o Royal Decree
Identity Mummy Moves
You may roll with Hot to Shut
Names: Ampata, Ananka, Ardath, Eyes: Haugthty eyes, unsleeping Take Mummy’s Curse and two more. Someone Down.
Cleo, Johann, Juanita, Kharis, Otzi, eyes, dry eyes, heavily made up
Ramses, Xin Zhui eyes, lonely eyes • Mummy’s Curse
o Cursed Artifacts
When anyone inflicts at least 1
You possess a large collection of
Look: Imperious, old-fashioned, Origin: Betrayed royalty, peat bog harm on you, they are forced to
cursed artifacts. You can use these
wealthy, foreign, compelling, murder, sacrificial offering, watery roll to Keep Your Cool. If they are an
artifacts to your own advantage if
powerful grave, frozen solid NPC, give them a condition.
you are willing to endure the side
effects. Each time you use an arti-
o Soul Eater
Your Backstory Strings You feed off the life force of others
fact, choose a Boon:
+ Add 1 to one of your stats for a
Someone has accepted their place with a kiss. When you feed roll scene.
at your feet. Take a String on them. with Dark. On a 10+, deal 1 Harm + Do 1 Harm to someone.
and mark experience. On a 7-9, deal + Remove 1 Harm from someone.
You see someone as a threat to 1 Harm and they take a string on + Give someone a condition from
your position, they take a String on you. someone.
you. + Remove a condition from
o Soulmate someone.
A lover from a past life has been + Treat one roll as if you had
reincarnated. Choose someone to rolled a 10+.
be your soulmate, you add 1
ongoing to all rolls against one Also the MC chooses a Curse:
another. You may spend a String + Subtract 1 from one of your
you have on your soulmate to enter stats for a scene.
any scene they are in. + Take 1 Harm.
Darkest Self Harm + Gain a condition of the MC’s
You have been patient for lon- o Past Life choice.

Experience O O O O O
ger than most civilizations have Whenever you meet a new + Someone gains a string on you.
existed, and now your patience is character you may declare if you + One of your Mummy moves
exhausted. No more planning, no • Add +1 to one of your stats. knew them in a past life, roll with stops working for a scene.
more manipulating. Claim your • Take another Mummy move. Dark. On a 10+, the person’s past
riches, retake your birthright, • Take another Mummy move. life was a friend or ally, take a
eliminate the kin of your enemies. • Take a move from any Skin. String on each other and mark
If you have a soulmate, pursue • Take a move from any Skin. experience. On a 7-9, they were
them relentlessly. You escape your • You’re in a Ancient Cult. an acquaintance, make a request
Darkest Self when you achieve one of them if they take it they gain a
of your goals or someones manages String of you or mark experience.
you to force you into submission. Conditions On a miss, they were an enemy.

Hot 2 Cold -1 Volatile -1 Dark 1 Sex

When you have sex with someone, take a String on them and
give them a command. They carry 1 forward toward any action

Hot -1 Cold 1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 Move they take that is intended to benefit you. If they are your
soulmate, mark experience.
Playing the Muse
Misunderstood genius, passionate, and obsessed. The Muse is a savant who
can elevate their skill to truly be called a master, or they could if something
wasn’t holding them back. A terrible injury, disfigurement, or other obsta-
cle prevented them from truly reaching the heights they were destined for.
Both those who cannot do, teach. So the Muse takes on a Prodigy, someone
to pass down their art. The Muse is crazed brilliance manifested directed at
their one chosen student. They’ll do anything - no matter how vile - to see
them succeed.

The two stat choices for the Muse both contain Cold because they are indif-
ferent and hardened to most of the outside world. Whether you approach
furthering your Prodigy as something increasingly violent (Dark 2 & Cold 1)
or perhaps you prefer to ensure to keep your Prodigy under your thumb as
long as possible (Cold 2 & Volatile 1), your moves and your actions revolve
around your Prodigy.

If you wish to eliminate the obstacles around your Prodigy choose Punjab
Lasso in order to give the upper hand as your targets become embroiled
within your schemes and traps. Taking Grasshopper or Scorpion and Don Juan
Triumphant allows you to focus on grooming your Prodigy to become your
eternal love. When your Darkest Self strikes it’s now the time to enact that
plan and whisk them away to the land of your fantasies.

The Muse
You’ve always had an amazing talent, something that could set you beyond the
rest. But the others never could see past your flaws, whether it was your past, or
your own appearance and so you remained scorned that is until you met them.
They got your attention whether it was their own skill, beauty, or just passion.
You knew in an instant that you needed them, you wanted them, and their
success became your own.

Credits You’ll do anything to make sure they get ahead in life, taking out the
oppositon, teaching them personally, or leaving a trail of bodies and bribery. You
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at will become their guardian angel, the phantom behind their genius, the man
This skin was designed by Topher Gerkey and updated by Nicholas Francia behind the curtain.
Photo taken by @A_Star_Guardian
o Don Juan Triumphant
Identity Muse Moves When you are wearing your mask,
Names: Abner, Erika, Etta, Jason, Eyes: Broken eyes, hopless eyes, You get Masked Phantom, and you can roll with Cold instead of
Karla, Petrie, Santini, Shawna, Song, fanatical eyes, inspired eyes, jealous Prodigy, choose one more: Hot to turn someone on. Add 1
Winslow eyes to your roll if your target is your
• Masked Phantom Prodigy.
Look: Fidgety, scarred, pale and Origin: Born disfigured, faustian When you wear a mask, no one can
sickly, disabled, well-dressed bargain, terrible accident, targeted perceive your true identity. Other
o Punjab Lasso
by a rival, crippling insecurity players who roll a hit to lash out When you spend time planning
physically towards you can choose and observing someone, you can
roll Dark instead of Volatile to lash
Your Backstory Strings
to forgo all other effects and rip
your mask off instead. out physically. When you lash out
physically at someone within your
Choose one person to be your
• Prodigy lair, you may this move regardless
Prodigy. Take three Strings on
if you have time to plan or not.
them. Give them one String on you. You always have exactly one
Prodigy. The first is chosen during o Grasshopper or Scorpion?
Somebody spins tales of your Your Backstory. If you deny and When you force your Prodigy to
masked alter ego, and is one of scorn your Prodigy, lose all strings make a choice between you and
your biggest fans. Take one String on them and choose a new one. If someone else, they choose one:
on them. they deny and scorn you, they lose +They stay with you, you take a
all strings on you and you choose a String on them, and they add 1
new one. When you choose a new on their next roll against you.
Prodigy, give them a String. You +They leave you, they lose a
always carry 1 forward to String on you if they have any,
furthering the career or fame of and you add 1 on their next roll
your Prodigy.
Darkest Self Harm
towards interfering with or
harming their other interest.
There is only one person in the o The Lair
Experience O O O O O
world who truly understands Your school or setting contains o Toccata & Fugue
your genius and torment, and you your secret lair, accessed through When someone unmasks you for
will do anything to make them • Add +1 to one of your stats. a variety of hidden passages and the first time, give them a String
yours forever. It’s time to enact • Take another Muse move. ways only you know and have and mark experience. If this was
your plan. Kidnap them, eliminate • Take another Muse move. made your own. When you’re done willingly, you gain a String on
anyone who interferes and bound • Take a move from any Skin. nearby your lair and you run away, them and they may clear a
them to you for eternity. Only • Take a move from any Skin. you can treat a miss as a 7-9, or a Condition. If they did this against
when your Prodigy takes harm as • You recruit Benefactors to your 7-9 as a 10, but the person chasing your will, give them a Condition
a result of your actions can you cause. you is now aware that your lair and add 1 forward toward harming
escape your Darkest Self. exists.
Conditions them for this scene.

Hot -1 Cold 1 Volatile -1 Dark 2

When you have sex with your Prodigy, they can act as if they had The
Sex Lair move until either of you has had sex with another. If you are

Hot -1 Cold 2 Volatile 1 Dark -1 Move intimate with someone other than your Prodigy, you can treat them as
your second Prodigy until either of you is intimate with someone else.
Playing the Proxy
Victim, villain, slaver, and slave. The Proxy is under the eye of a cruel entity,
forcing them to choose between their own survival or the survival on
others. Aware of their actions some times and other times not, the Proxy
dawns the mask in order to serve it’s master. Their task, to torment the
target that It gives them and bring these poor unfortunate souls closer to
It’s grasp. When their target’s spirit is broken and consumed, the Proxy can
rest easy if only for a bit. Another one in it’s ranks.

The two stat choices for the Proxy allow you to choose a path of a violent
and dangerous being (Volatile 2 & Dark 1) or the silent watcher who waits
among the tree (Dark 2 & Cold 1). With a consistenly low Hot stat, they
are unhinged and the feeling of something being off is ever present. From
their masked alter ego to their increasing paranoia and prey mentality; the
theme of desperation and survival are big for the Proxy.

While you play the Proxy, your information gathering is your greatest toll.
Use the Proxy’s ability to quickly gain strings in order to entice your targets
into the grasp of It. Entice and over experience for investigating your clues,
taking trips into the woods or abandoned houses at night, or convincing
them to poke around in things they probably shouldn’t; then use The Sick-
ness to force them to take their own The Sickness and continuing the chain.

If you take Cryptic Bullshit, try to describe your notes, videos, or voicemails
as disturbingly and puzzlingly as possible. Inflicting the right conditions is
how you can gain leverage against your target and force them deeper into
It’s control. Make them vunerable, your goal is not to break them instantly
but rather wear them down and when they are at their weakest, It will
come for them. The Proxy
It has chosen it’s champion, it’s slave, it’s hunter. It doesn’t have a known origin,
and cannot be comprehended but one thing for sure: It is dangerous. Ever swell-
ing darkness, and living in our deepest and darkest of imaginations. The Proxy
is a plaything of It. The Proxy may not understand why the Sickness has been
passed onto them, but it knows that if it does not play the game It is presenting
to them, than a fate worse than death awaits them.

Credits But the Proxy has a way out, pass the Sickness on and hunt for It’s favor. Every
victim the Proxy stalks and hunt is another few years, days, or perhaps only
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at hours added onto the Proxy’s lifespan. As long as they continue to be useful to It
This skin was designed by Topher Gerkey and updated by Nicholas Francia they can survive.
Art created by Catonice
o Am I Interrupting?
Identity Proxy Moves Gain a string when you
Names: Aimee, Alex, Emi, Evan, Eyes: Angry eyes, dead eyes, You get The Sickness, and choose successfully gain access to your
Jessie, Kevin, Noreen, Tim, Tyler, paranoid eyes, sorrowful eyes, one more: subject’s home or their social
Zack veiled eyes media accounts and leave a sign
• The Sickness for them to find. When infiltrating
Look: Baby face, carrying a Origin: Stalked since childhood, Choose one character to be your your subject’s home you do not
camera, clinging briars, gangly, delved too far, created a hoax that subject. You may change which trigger security, or leave accidental
sickly, shifty became true, student flmmaker, character is your subject at any traces of your prescence.
time, but you must have least
o Stalk
Your Backstory Strings
three strings on your new subject.
Everytime you spend a string on When you gaze into the abyss
You’ve been spying on everyone for your subject, It takes a string on about your subject, On a 10 up,
a while now. Gain one string on them. gain a string on them and you
everyone. Gain two extra strings on know exactly where they are
your subject. o Cryptic Bullshit and what they’re doing. On a 7-9
When you Shut Someone Down choose one:
You’ve also been obsessively indirectly, through sending them a + You can see what they’re doing,
recording yourself, and someone written or video message, roll Dark but It gains a string on you.
has discovered and watched some instead of Cold. This can consist of + You can see what they’re doing,
of your footage. That person takes mysterious but meaningful images, but take 1 harm.
a string on you. phrases written in ciphers, or re-
o Masked and Dangerous
curring symbols. Add +1 to the roll
When you are masked, others
It starts with five strings on you. if it’s against your subject.
must Keep Their Cool before they
o Path of Black Leaves can attempt to Turn You On, Shut
Darkest Self Harm
You Down, or Lash Out Physically at
When a character attempts to run
you. If you successfully Run Away
You’ve become desperate now - It away from you, you may spend
while masked, people will only
Experience O O O O O
is closing in, and your time is a string. Unless you allow it, you
have vauge and hazy recollections
running out. You’ll do anything to cannot be run away from. You will
of you.
save yourself, and you know what • Add +1 to one of your stats. always be around the next corner,
It wants. Find someone close to • Take another Proxy move. hiding behind a nearby tree, or
your subject and offer them up - • Take another Proxy move. your victims will find themselves
either kill them yourself in Its • Take a move from any Skin. repeatedly passing through the
name, or offer them up to It • Take a move from any Skin. same hallways and doors without
directly. You escape your Darkest • You’re in a Secret Cult. actually getting anywhere. Gain a
Self when you have sacrificed string on your subject if you allow
someone else in your place or you them to escape, instead of
face the music yourself. Conditions spending a string.

Hot -1 Cold -1 Volatile 2 Dark 1 Sex

When you have sex with someone, make them your new
subject (even if they don’t meet the criteria), and both of you

Hot -1 Cold 1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 Move mark experience. This counts as spending a string on them.
Playing the Reaper
Legendary, sought after, burdened, and inadequate. The Reaper has a great
deal of power, but it comes with responsibility and using it to benefit
themselves personally is problematic. Others suck up to the Reaper, but the
Reaper wonders if anyone cares about them, personally, or just their job.
They often live in the shadow of their predecessor. It’s hard to live up to
the name.

The two stat choices for the Reaper present two very different sides of the
same coin. A character who is cruel and very much in touch with their
position as the ferrymen of the dead (Dark 2 & Cold 1) or a Reaper who is
much more in touch with their emotions and very much here to stop to
punch a timecard (Volatile 2 & Hot 1). Your powers of death make you leaps
and bound stronger than most people and other skins, however just keep
in mind the code of the reaper, which is a guillotine that hangs over your
neck at all times.

All in a Day’s Work and Don’t Fear the Reaper allow you to play to the duality
of your nature, rewarding you for just following orders if you choose to
simply stick to the protocol or encouraging you to go off-book and aid in
whatever problems you deem fit. Are you a Reaper because you are fulfill-
ing a debt or an obligation, or perhaps you see yourself as a dark avenger
ready to strike at those that would bring the realm of the Underworld into

Your powers of death make you ever so versatile for every situation, choose
The Reaping and Gate of the Underworld if you wish to play as something
more akin to the Chosen. Choosing to go with Convene, and License to
Depart puts you more on the role of a spiritual medium than your typical The Reaper
loose cannon Reaper. They are the teens with the strange jobs they are always going to, always
cancelling at the last minute because they got “called in”. They might not want
Using your Sex Move not only brings them into the messy business of this job but deep down they know it’s what makes them special. The Reaper is
reaping but may also aid them at their darkest hour. When Darkest Self is a defender, a salary man, and most of the time it’s errand boy. The Reaper is
in effect, you are “fired” from guiding, ferrying, and executing, those powers called in to face the threats to the sanctity of life and death, the Ghoul that lives
should be lost as well. It is important that, without the mantle of Reaper, forever, he’s on the list. That Ghost that keeps attacking the students after dark,
you are just a normal person. they’re another name for the reaping.
Credits The Reaper is an ally to all things living and scourge to everything undead or
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at immortal. Armed with great power, and even greater responsibility.
This skin was designed by Jadanol and updated by Nicholas Francia But sometimes you just need to let loose and break a few rules.
Photo from “Stranger Things”, owned by Netflix.
Identity Reaper Moves Powers of Death
Names: Alexander, Chandra, Cla- Eyes: Hollow Eyes, Normal Eyes, You get Code of the Reaper and Choose two Powers of Death to
rice, Delphine, Edward, Hannibal, Ashamed Eyes, Judgmental Eyes, choose one more move. begin with.
Isis, Rex, Somchai, Yukio Sarcastic Eyes, Nurturing Eyes
• Code of the Reaper o The Reaping
When you call upon your Powers of You have a specially made reaper
Look: Concealed, pale, average, Origin: stumbled on to the power,
Death for official Reaper business. weapon. When using this weapon,
lanky, nervous the replacement, heir to the scythe,
you roll your powers normally. treat rolling a 7-9 on lash out
it’s just my day job
When you use them for any other physically checks against your
reason, roll Dark. On a 10+, your targets as if you have rolled a 10+.
Your Backstory Strings powers work normally. On a 7-9,
o Convene
choose one:
Someone knows your secret, and + Your superiors take notice of You can call for the spirits of the
how to reach your superiors. They your violation. deceased and speak with them as
take a String on you. + Someone learns a secret of long as you possess a personal item
your trade, they gain a String. of theirs.
You know someone who is terrified + You pay the blood price, take 1 o License to Depart
of death and all it’s friends, take a Harm. With a short prayer, you may
String on them. instantly send any spirit, demon,
o All in a Day’s Work
or otherworldly power back to
When you successfully complete a whence they came. If this entity is
task assigned by your superiors or stronger than you, however, you
when you risk your job for must weaken it in order to
someone, mark experience. successfully send it.
o Not Their Time o Alter Fate
Darkest Self Harm When you intercede and attempt By touching a person, you may
You’ve abused your powers too to bring someone back from the clear them of ailments or
dead or perhaps saving yourself. conditions. They are healed but
Experience O O O O O
long and are now fired. Losing the
title and the perks that come with Roll Dark. On a 10+, fate is rewrit- choose yourself or someone else
being a Reaper. You have thrown • Add +1 to one of your stats. ten and they/you return on the willing to gain that condition or
away what makes you special, • Gain the remaining Powers of brink with 3 Harm. On a 7-9, they ailment. You may spend a string on
and now no one will care about Death. only come back to finish their goal. someone who is unwilling to have
you. You will do anything to get it • Take another Reaper move. o Don’t Fear the Reaper them gain it instead.
back. To escape your Darkest Self, • Take a move from any Skin. When someone flirts with you, o Gates of the Underworld
you must resolve and repent for • Take a move from any Skin. bribes you, or attempts to turn You can bring yourself and anyone
your violations of the code to the • You are apart of a Reaper Squad. you on successfully, take a string you are touching to the
satisfaction of your superiors, or on them. If you refuse, they lose a underworld and your headquarters.
when you take on an even greater Conditions String on you. Beware many things call the
mission. underworld it’s home.

Hot -1 Cold 1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 Sex

When you have sex with someone, they hold 1. The next time
they would mark their fourth Harm Box, they instead spend

Hot 1 Cold -1 Volatile 2 Dark -1 Move their hold.

Playing the Succubus
Lonely, heartless, public, dangerous. The Succubus is temptation in the
literal flesh: always there to give everyone what they want, to make up for
their weaknesses, to save them the trouble of becoming a better person. All
they have to do is ask. But deep down they know, everytime they ask, the
Succubus takes something from them and eventually they’ll be nothing left
to take.

The two stat choices for the Succubus both have Hot 2, because turning
people on and enticing them with your assets is exactly what you were
born to do. If your looking to play a mega bitch who isn’t afraid to be a
tease and put down those lesser than them (Hot 2 & Cold 1) or perhaps
maybe your more in touch with your infernal side and want to better emu-
late the true legend of the Succubus (Hot 2 & Dark 1), the Succubus has got
you covered. The Succubus relies on buying their friends rather than mak-
ing them. Horde all the strings you can, and keep them under your spell.

Your Infernal Gifts allow you turn the whole tide of the game, the trade
off is you never decide how they get used. Don’t get directly involved with
conflicts, instead play the role of the arms dealer and fuel both sides with
your infernal delight. Take Addictive to help better keep NPCs and other
players under your thumb. Take advantage of the fact it doesn’t require a
full sexual act to activate. Wet Dreams is a powerful tool that allow you to
better manipulate and position for your agenda, but note that while pow-
erful you’ll need to be cunning in order to be in someone’s prescence while
they sleep.

Your Sex Move is going to be going off alot, netting alot of Strings on ev-
eryone you take a turn with and giving you more leverage for your other The Succubus
actions. When you Darkest Self finally comes to light, your not worrying Everybody wants them. Hell, you can’t deny that you want them to. They are lust
about playing a sensitive game anymore. You want to mess with enough incarnate. People come to them begging for a moment of pleasure in the school’s
relationships until the whole social order of the school comes down. toilet, or to help seduce the object of their desire. Everyone wants something and
the Succubus is there to give to them. They understand that their relationships
are based off a system of give and take, and that the people who claim to love
them are nothing more than junkies of their flesh.

Credits The Succubus feeds of people desire and hidden kinks that make them feel a
bit better about their own jostled existence. When their partners get what they
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at want, ultimately they do as well. Mama always said your body was a temple, she
This skin was designed by Ernesto Pavan and updated by Nicholas Francia never said it couldn’t be open for a priced admission.
Photo from Golden Darkness Cosplay.
Identity Succubus Moves Infernal Gifts
Names: Bastien, Damon, Eve, Eyes: Amazing eyes, “a bit off” You get Infernal Gifts and choose Choose two Infernal Gifts to begin
Georgina, Judith, Lilith, Salem, Sa- eyes, otherworldly eyes, piercing one more move. with.
lome, Saoul, Vincent. eyes
• Infernal Gifts o Gift of Beauty
When you have time and intimacy Anyone bestowed with this gift
Look: Boy/Girl next door, chase Origin: demonblood, from Hell,
with someone, you can bestow may spend it to get an automatic
and pure, jailbait, dark and sexy, genie out of the bottle, possessed,
upon them an infernal gift. They 10 when Turning Someone On.
just a bit too nice sold your soul
must be willing. If they accept, you
take a string on them and they o Gift of Might
Your Backstory Strings gain the gift until it is spent. When Anyone bestowed with this gift
your gift is spent, you mark may spend it to get an automatic
Somebody asked you for a Gift, experience. You can bestow as 10 when Lashing Out Physically.
and did something horrible with it. many Gifts as you want, but
Ask them what they did and take 3 nobody can have more than one o Gift of Prescence
Strings on them. gift bestowed upon them at once. Anyone bestowed with this gift
o Addictive may spend it to get an automatic
Someone caught you by surprise, 10 when Shutting Someone Down.
by doing something for you with- When you give physical pleasure to
out expecting anything in return. somebody else; they gain the
You don’t understand but you’re condition addicted to [your name]. o Gift of Knowledge
going to discover why, ask them Anyone bestowed with this gift
o Taboo may spend it to get an automatic
what they did for you and give
When you spend a string to offer 10 when Gazing into the Abyss.
them 2 Strings.
someone experience to do some-
thing against the community’s
o Gift of Protection
Darkest Self Harm moral and sexual standards and
they accept mark experience. Anyone bestowed with this gift
You thought you were using may spend it to counter the effect
o Wet Dreams
Experience O O O O O
others, but they are really using of any skin move.
you. You are their whore, their When in the presence of someone
harlot, their toy, and you always • Add +1 to one of your stats. who is sleeping, roll with Dark. On
have been. Why not be exactly • Gain the remaining Infernal Gifts. a hit, you can see their dreams. Ask
what they all want? You give • Take another Succubus move. 2 on a 10+, 1 on a 7-9:
yourself to everybody and • Take a move from any Skin. +What is this person’s heart’s
anybody. You don’t react when • Take a move from any Skin. desire?
mistreated, because you believe • You have the help of an Incubus. +Who does this person hate the
you deserve it. You escape your most?
Darkest Self when someone shows +What does this person
you unconditioned kindness. Conditions desperately need?

Hot 2 Cold -1 Volatile -1 Dark 1 Sex

When you have sex with someone, you always bring them to
climax and take a String. If you reach it too, give them a String;

Hot 2 Cold 1 Volatile -1 Dark -1 Move if not, inflict them with an appropriate condition.
Playing the Unchained
Repressed, looking to be freed, addictive, and wrapped up in immense
dysphoria. The Unchained is violent dysfunction wrapped in a package and
topped with a pretty bow. The Unchained has their other self as an outlet
for all their secret needs. Constantly warring between accepting
accountability for the actions of the other, or living the life they always
wanted to. There is no obstacle the Unchained can’t break through with the
aid of his alter ego.

The two stat choices of the Unchained reflect not just yourself but also
your other self. Is your base identity someone who is cold and has
immersed themselves in keeping others at bay before transforming into a
social butterfly of flirting and violence (Cold 2 & Dark 1)? Or maybe your
base identity is someone who is outspoken and slightly vunerable, leaving
your other self as a cold uncaring beast who only wants to hurt others (Hot
2 & Dark 1)? Because of your natural connection to both sides of yourself,
you are naturally immersed in Dark.

Taking Dysphoria/Eurphoria allows benefits for each stat spread you can
choose from allowing you to perform normal actions to your transformed
form’s strength rather than their weakness. Taking Addiction and Unholy
Glee allows you to play as someone who enjoys their transformation rather
than fearing it, but be careful it’s a slippery slope. If you want to make your
other self a truly frightening change, take Your Not Me! for the potential to
turn your other self into a full blown menace.

Play to your strengths of versatility and don’t be afraid to cause a mess,

by transforming there is no problem you can’t solve. Understand that one
cannot exist without the other and balance is always needed. When your The Unchained
Darkest Self you are at your strongest but you are also at your most Most people wonder about the person they should be, doing the things they
vulnerable. shouldn’t do. The Unchained doesn’t need to wonder because their id and ego are
in constant war with one another. All day, every day, burying their real desires
because giving in would mean losing everything - family, friends, and a place
in the world. So they kept their head down, and hated themselves. Everything
feeling wrong to them.

Credits But now it’s time for that to change, have your cake and eat it to. Indulge in
every pleasure you can imagine. People get hurt all the time, it’s a small price to
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at pay for tasting the forbidden fruit, right?
This skin was designed by Topher Gerkey and updated by Nicholas Francia
Photo by Shutterstock
Identity Unchained Moves o Freedom of Consequence
Whenever you transform from
Names: Bruce, Eliza, Fanny, Hank, Eyes: Yearning eyes, dilated eyes, You start with The Formula, choose your other self back to normal, heal
Jackson, Jacqueline, Julia, Marlowe, frightened pupils, bloodshot eyes, one more. 1 Harm and clear a condition.
Mary, Tom smoldering eyes, hungry eyes
• The Formula
o Unholy Glee
Look: Pristine, stuffy, nerdy, Origin: Checmical concotion, You have an other self, this
When you are your normal self
average, tailored, sickly, unkempt, invocation of Janus, mathetmatical alternate version of may look or
and take happiness or pride in the
tendy, hulking, stunning, small formula, sensory deprivation act completely different. It to fulfill
violent or shameful incidents your
your repressed desires. Transform-
other self was involved in, you may
ing in either direction requires
Your Backstory Strings preparation, although you will
mark experience.
always transform back when you
Someone is important to you and o Enemy Unknown
are unconscious. When you
someone is important to your Your other self is a true separate
transform into your other self, all
other self. Give a string to each identity. Neither of you
stats below 0 add 2 to their
person. remembers the actions of the
respective stats and all stats above
2 subtract 2 from their respective other. Track strings as if you were
Someone has accidentally two separate characters, you and
witnessed your transformation into your other self get a string on the
your other self. Each of you takes a o Addiction other when you take this move.
string on one another. You no longer need a preparation
process and may become your oth-
er self at will. Only being uncon-
scious will return you to normal.
When you become your other self,
carry 1 forward. If you go a full day
Darkest Self Harm without becoming your other self,
You transform into your other self, roll to Keep Your Cool. If you don’t
Experience O O O O O
but now things are different. You roll a 10+, give yourself the
are truly free because it is in condition Withdrawl.
complete control. No limits, no • Add +1 to one of your stats.
constraints, no regrets. Use and • Take another Unchained move. o Dysphoria/Euphoria
abuse anyone in your way. Nothing • Take another Unchained move. When you’re transformed into your
is important but satisfying your • Take a move from any Skin. other self, you may roll Hot when
every whim. You escape your • Take a move from any Skin. you Shut Someone Down or Keep
Darkest Self when you cause some • You form a Collective. Your Cool. You may also roll Cold to
sort of unforgivable harm to Turn Someone On or Run Away.
someone your normal self cares
about. Conditions

Hot -1 Cold 2 Volatile -1 Dark 1 Sex When you have sex with someone, your other self carries 1 for-

Hot 2 Cold -1 Volatile -1 Dark 1 Move ward to harm that person. When your other self has sex with
someone, take a string on that person.
Playing the Unseen
Voyeuristic, constantly tempted, and watched by no one. The Unseen is
alone and unnoticed. An urban legend and a phantasm, unseen and usually
forgotten. For some reason the Unseen is gone from this world, whether
she is literally invisible or just unable to be noticed. The Unseen is alone but
they are free, they don’t have to go to class if they dont want to. It’s easy
for them to skulk around and spy on everyone, and go about unchalleneged
by anyone.

The two stat choices for the Unseen set you on two different paths. Are
you a being who is cold towards everyone and out of touch, looking to
torment those for her lonliness (Cold 2, Volatile 1), or perhaps you are the
embodiment a literal urban legend and a connection deeply ingrained with
the Abyss (Dark 2, Cold 1). With a low Hot stat across the board, the Unseen
cannot interact with others to the point were perhaps they have forgotten
what it means to interact with people in the first place. Whether it be the
mystery of tracking down the reason for your condition or learning to live
in a world that recognizes you one moment and forgets you the next.

When playing the Unseen, your main mechanic is your gift as well as your
curse. While you won’t be able to interact with others most of the time,
you will be able to use your talents to gather information and complete
your agenda unopposed. Taking Voyeur allows you to capitilize on this more
and allows you universal prescence in a game. Blackmailer grants you
bonuses on collecting dirt on all the PCs and NPCs within the game
allowing you to rack up strings and free to spend your social leverage. If
you have They’re Not There, think about how to inadvertenly shut your
target down, you won’t be able to directly interact or even leave stuff but
by pushing others you can get to the people you want to get to. The Unseen
They’ve seen every dirty secret that this place has to offer. From the secret
Give into the temptation to do all sort of things since nobody can see you. hookups, to the secret drug users, the murders, the thieves, all of them thought
Your not accountable to anyone, after all. As your Darkest Self, go all out: no one had seen them. But the Unseen saw them. Nobody every noticed them,
create a new aspect of your legend, whether it’s causing major chaos, but they see everything. All the things they do when they no-one is watching.
inflicting heavy violence, or creating a spectacle that they cannot ignore And maybe it’s time they started taking advantage of that.
your name. They will worship you eventually.

This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at
This skin was designed by Topher Gerkey and updated by Nicholas Francia
Art created by James Green.
o Blackmailer
Identity Unseen Moves When you spy on someone in a
Names: Billy, Cecily, Grifn, Grover, Eyes: Knowing eyes, translucent You get They’re Not There or See private moment, take a string.
Jacques, Kitty, Laura, Lyle, Marcy, eyes, downcast eyes, pearly eyes, Right Through You, and choose one When you a spend a string to offer
Sebastian, Sue forgettable eyes more: experience, keep the string if they
Look: Bad posture, peering Origin: invisibility formula, • They’re Not There
through bangs, beiges and creams, psychic blank spot, cursed to fade You are unnoticeable. No one can o Voyeur
t-shirt that is a hand-me-downse away, someone-else’s problem see, hear, smell, or otherwise sense You may spend a string on some-
you or anything in your posses- one to insert yourself into any
sion. People will avoid you with scene that person is in. When you
Your Backstory Strings being aware of it. Evidence of your gaze into the abyss about someone
prescence is also ignored. Cameras you have a string on, spend it in
You are beneath notice. Erase all
and non-sentient devices can still order to change a miss into a 7-9,
strings that other characters have
record and register you. If you or a 7-9 into a hit.
on you so far.
want to make yourself known, roll
Cold. On a hit, you can interact o Urban Legend
You watch everyone in their When you do something extreme
with others for one scene. On a
private moments. Take 1 string on in order to attract attention, roll
7-9, you stay invisible but can leave
everyone else. Volatile. On a hit, mark experience
whispers, notes, or small indirect
actions. and treat anyone who is affected
Someone inadvertantly showed you as if you had shut someone down.
some very juicy blackmail material. • See Right Through You On a 7-9, gain the condition Urban
Take 1 extra string on them. Legend and treat them as if you’d
You are perfectly transparent.
Nothing including cameras can see shut someone down.
you. This only affects your body,
o Enemy Unknown
Darkest Self Harm
not anything you wear or carry.
You can still be sensed by anything When you are invisible and lash out
Such a bland and boring wallflow- but sight. Interacting with others physically, add 1 to your roll. Others
Experience O O O O O
er. You’re not even interesting normally may involve wearing take -1 to attempts to lash out
enough to torment. None of them bandages, full covered clothing, or physically at you.
know you even exist. What will it • Add +1 to one of your stats. a mask. If your disguised and your o Fade to Black
take to get them to notice you? • Take another Unseen move. nature is exposed roll Cold. On a
Something big. Something bloody. • Take another Unseen move. You can run away as if rolled a 10
hit, you can retain self-control and without having to roll, but choose
Something vile and terrifying and • Take a move from any Skin. make a hasty escape. On a 7-9, you
above all, something showy. They • Take a move from any Skin. one:
are enraged and embarrassed. All + They take a string on you.
won’t be able to ignore you after • You become an Urban Legend. onlookers get a string on you.
this. You can escape your Darkest + You take 1 harm.
Self when someone makes it clear + You gain the condition Urban
that they know you exist. Conditions Legend.

Hot -1 Cold 2 Volatile 1 Dark -1 Sex

When you have sex with someone, give up all strings on them.
They develop an uncanny sense for your presence and notice

Hot -1 Cold 1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 Move you without rolling. This lasts until either of you have sex with
someone else, or until they harshly ignore you.

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