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Nama : Putri A’isyah Mardhiyyah

NIM : 220112984
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris


Title : Development of Spelling Reading Learning Media App-Based Learning

Media for Grade 1 Elementary School (Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran
Membaca Mengeja Berbasis Aplikasi untuk Kelas 1 Sekolah Dasar)
Writer : Ferry Tri Widyowati, Intan Rahmawati, Wawan Priyanto
Publisher : Undiksha Press, November 30th, 2020
Link :

Reading learning is learning that requires attention from an educator. Reading includes
several aspects, namely word recognition, literal comprehension, interpretation, critical
reading and creative reading (Rahim, 2011).
Beginning reading is an initial skill that must be learned or mastered by readers and focuses
more on physical or physical activities (Dalman, 2017; Turahmat, 2010).
Beginning reading activities include several stages, namely letter shape recognition,
recognition of linguistic elements, recognition of the relationship / correspondence of spelling
and sound patterns, slow reading speed (Hermansyah et al, 2019; Sabrina & Laily, 2016).

The formulation of the problem is How the characteristics of application-based reading
learning media for grade 1 elementary school? This research aims to develop characteristics
that are valid and practical Application-based Reading Spelling learning media.

The purpose of this research is to develop the characteristics of valid and practical
Application-based Reading Spelling learning media, so the type of research used is
development research or Research and Development (R&D).
In this development research, researchers create a learning media in the form of a Reading
Spelling Application that will help students learn to read from the alphabet to story reading.
The development design of the Reading Spelling Application media refers to the steps of
research and development using the ADDIE method (Analysis, Design, Development,
Implementation and Evaluation).
a. Observation, by looking at the condition of class 1 SD Tegalsari 01 about learning
media and giving instruments in the form of unstructured interviews and
b. Questionnaire, researchers gave a questionnaire to the teacher to find out the needs
and problems that occurred in class 1 SD Tegalsari 01.
c. Documentation, in the form of photos during the interview process and observation of
the 1st grade teacher.

Results and Discussion

The research was conducted at SDN Tegalsari 01 Semarang with 28 students.
In the development research of Application-Based Spelling Reading Learning Media in grade
1 Elementary School using the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development,
Implementation and Evaluation).
The development of Application-Based Spelling Reading Learning Media was developed for
first grade students to be able to learn to read fluently using learning media that can be used
The selection of application-based spelling learning media is based on teacher needs
questionnaire and structured interviews at three elementary schools namely SDN Pedurungan
Kidul 01 Semarang, SDN Jomblang 03 Semarang and SDN Tegalsari 01 Semarang.
The results of the questionnaire and structured interviews mentioned the lack of reading
learning media that is gradual and can be used continuously.

Based on the results of research and development of Application-Based Spelling Reading
Learning Media for Elementary Schools, it can be concluded that Application-Based Spelling
Reading Learning Media is prepared for students who have not been able to read fluently.
Application-Based Spelling Learning Media obtained scores from material experts and media
experts obtained a score of 93.43%. The Application-Based Spelling Learning Media also
obtained a student response score of 99.46% and a teacher response score of 96.6%.
In this case, the Application-Based Spelling Reading Learning Media for grade 1 is suitable
for use in learning.

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