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Receptionist: Good afternoon. Dublin Castle hotel, Beverley speaking.
Guest: Hello, Beverley. This is Ivan Ward. I’m calling from New York.
Receptionist: Hello, Mr Ward. How can I help you?
Guest: My wife and I have a reservation for tomorrow for three nights. I’m afraid we’ve missed
our connecting flight and we’re waiting for the next flight. The earliest we can be in
Dublin is the day after tomorrow.
Receptionist: I see. Let me call up your reservation on the computer. Ah! Here it is. Do you still want to
spend three nights with us?
Guest: Unfortunately, we can’t. Our cruise from Dublin to Edinburgh leaves on Monday
Receptionist: OK. So that will be two nights – bed and breakfast. I’m afraid I have to charge you 50 per
cent for tomorrow night, because your contract had a 48-hour cancellation fee.
Guest: Oh!
Receptionist: If we’re able to let the room, we’ll notify you and you’ll get a bigger refund – but not for
the full amount.
Guest: OK. Will we get the same room?
Receptionist: I’m not sure. If someone requests three nights, we’ll give you a room on another floor
that is vacant. It’s identical to the one you booked originally, but it won’t have the same
view. You asked for a non-smoking room, didn’t you?
Guest: That’s right. Umm ... , by the way, does the hotel have a safety deposit box?
Receptionist: Yes, we do, but we don’t accept valuables, I’m afraid. We do take passports for
safekeeping, though. Is there anything else I can do for you, Mr Ward?
Guest: Yes, please. There’s a blues concert at the Sugar Club on Saturday night. Do you think
you could get us two tickets?
Receptionist: Sure. I’ll call them immediately. May I charge the cost of the tickets to your credit card?
Guest: Yes. That would be fine. Oh … one other thing. I forgot to mention this when I made the
booking – my wife is lactose intolerant.
Receptionist: That’s not a problem at all. At breakfast, there’s a large selection of other foods that she’ll
be able to eat.
Guest: Good. Thanks for all your help, Beverley.
Receptionist: You’re welcome. We look forward to seeing you at the Dublin Castle.

1. T 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. F

© Burlington Books: Evaluation Standards Assessment Test 3 10

Peter: Welcome to Ecology Spot. This evening, Sarah Thomas from Oakfield School is going to tell
us about walking school buses, and Derek Marsh will be reporting from the 25th Ecofest right
here in town. First, Sarah. You’re here to tell us about the Walking School Bus.
Sarah: Hi, Peter. Well … in September 2015, Oakfield School joined thousands of other schools in
Britain that have got walking school buses. It became necessary because of the terrible traffic
jams around the school every morning caused by parents driving their children to school. As a
result of the walking bus, today there is less air and noise pollution around the school, our
students are learning about road safety and they’re getting physical exercise at the same time.
Peter: Umm … can you explain exactly what a walking school bus is?
Sarah: Sure … it’s a fun, healthy and safe way of travelling to school. Children walk to school in a
group using an agreed route. There are set stations along the way where children can wait to
join the bus. By the way, all the routes have been assessed by a Road Safety Officer and the
children are under the supervision of adults who have been specially trained. For safety
purposes, everyone on the walking bus wears a high-visibility jacket.
Peter: So, if you see what looks like a long yellow caterpillar with school bags walking in your
neighbourhood, you should know that it’s a walking school bus.
Sarah: Exactly! And our walking school bus operates every day, rain or shine. Some days it looks like
a yellow caterpillar with umbrellas! The programme is working well, but we need more
volunteers. So, if anyone listening to this programme can volunteer one or two mornings a
week, please contact me at Oakfield School or on the Walking School Bus website.
Peter: How many students participate in the walking bus, Sarah?
Sarah: About 60 students on three different routes participate regularly. And there are plans to start a
“bicycle train”, so students who ride their bikes to school can participate, too. This means that
we’re also looking for adults with bicycles to accompany the riders on a safe route every
morning. Our walking school buses have made an amazing difference to the quality of life in
our area. In fact, we believe that like many other schools in Britain, we’ve reduced our
ecological footprint quite considerably by implementing the project. For the benefit of your
community, think seriously about joining us.
Peter: Thank you, Sarah, and good luck. And now, after the adverts, we’ll be joining Derek Marsh at
the local Ecofest.

1. An ecology show.
2. Because of traffic jams caused by parents driving their children to school.
3. The students learn about road safety and get physical exercise.
4. Everyone wears a high-visibility jacket.
5. They can contact her at Oakfield School or on the Walking School Bus website.
6. They are planning a “bicycle train”.
7. They’ve reduced their ecological footprint.

© Burlington Books: Evaluation Standards Assessment Test 3 11

Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

1. Travelling in Third World countries can pose many challenges.
2. Contaminated drinking water is one of the main sources of health problems for travellers.
3. A credit card is always useful, but it won’t be accepted everywhere.
4. ... it’s advisable to keep your money and passport in a money belt or pouch.
5. You should have some knowledge of the local language as there are many places where people don’t
speak English.
6. Check up on what’s acceptable etiquette and clothing in the areas you are visiting.
7. It’s also advisable to find out how much the fare should be in advance.

1. and chocolate consumption / and eating chocolate
2. Crichton’s study / the study
3. regularly
4. second group
5. culture and upbringing
6. which
7. increase
8. fat and sugar

Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

© Burlington Books: Evaluation Standards Assessment Test 3 12

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