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ee oD MEASvRES OF DISPERSION Measures of Dispersion 3.3 3.4 PROPERTIES OF A GOOD MEASURE OF DISPERSION A good measure of dispersion should possess the following properties: 1, Itshould be simple to understand 2. It should be easy to calculate, 3. It should be rigidly defined. 4. It should be based on all the observations. 5. It should be amenable to further mathematical treatment. 6. It should have sampling stability, It should not be unduly affected by extreme observations. 3.5 RANGE a Definition. The range of a set of data is defined as the difference between the largest and the smallest value in the set. Symbolically, Range = L-S where L = largest value and S = smallest value. In case of a grouped frequency distribution, range is defined as the difference between the upper limit of the highest class and the lower limit of the smallest class. Coefficient of Range. The range is an absolute measure of dispersion and is expressed in the unit of measurement of values of a distribution. Hence it cannot be used to compare two distributions expressed in different units. To overcome this difficulty we need a relative measure which is independent of the units of measurement. This relative measure, called the coefficient of range, is defined as follows: Range L-S peg eeeasa nes _ Sane he tan eee A 2 Business Statist, 3.6 MERITS AND DEMERITS OF RANGE Merits, ‘The range possesses the following merits: 1. itis simple to understand and easy to calculate, 2. Itrequires minimum time to calculate the value of range. Demerits. The range has the following drawbacks: 1. Itis not based on all the observations. 2. Range is a poor measure of variation. It considers only the extreme values and (el) us nothing about the distribution of numbers in between. Consider, for example, the following two sets of data, both with a range of 12: A : 8 9 10 1 13, 14 15 17 20 B : 8 12 12 12 13, 13 13 14 20 In set A the mean and median are both 13, but the numbers vary over the entire interval from 8 to 20. In set B the mean and median are also 13, but most of the values are closer to the center of the data. 8. Itis very much affected by fluctuations of sampling. Its value varies widely from sample to sample. 4. It cannot be calculated for grouped frequency distribution with open-end classes, 5. It is not suitable for further mathematical treatment. _Uses of Range. Although the range is a poor measure of variation, it does have some useful applications in the following areas Industry. It is used in industry where the range for measurements on items coming off an assembly line might be-specified in advance. As long as all m™ eee fall within the specified range, the process is said to be in control. Forecasts. It is used by the meteorological department for weather Measures of Dispersion 3.5 As inter-quartile range is based only on Q, and Q,, it measures the length of the interval that contains 50% of the data. nition. Quartile deviation, also called semi inter-quartile range, is 20 absolute measure of dispersion defined by the formula: Quartile Deviation (Q.D.) = 2-21 Quartile deviation gives the average amount by which the two quartiles differ from the median. In a symmetrical distribution, the two quartiles Q, and Q, are equidistant from the median, ie., median ~ Q, = Q,~ median and as such median = Q.D. covers exactly 50% of the data. Quartile deviation, being an absolute measure of dispersion, cannot be used to compare two distributions expressed in different units. For comparative study of variability of tuo distributions, a relative measure known as coefficient of quartile deviation is defined. Definition. The coefficient of quartile deviation is a relative measure of dispersion defined by Cah a Coefficient of Quartile Deviation = 52g, = O57 FO} Coefficient of quartile deviation is a pure number independent of the units of measurement and can be used to compare two distributions expressed in different units. Example 3. Calculate quartile deviation from the following distribution : a ; §-7 8-10 11-13 14-16 17-19 pera eae: a 24 38 20 4 lution, Calculations For Quarti : Business Stats Statistics N Xc Q- (2 7.5+23 xs =7.5 + 1.375 = 8.875 Computation of Q,: 2%. = 75; and the c.f. just greater than or equal to 75 ‘The class corresponding to this c.f, is 10.5 - 13.5. Thus Q, - class is 10.5 ~ | 3N. BN og “ = aan = 105+ B58 «3 = 10.5 + 2.92 = 13.49 Computation of Quartile Deviation: im 13.42 -8.875 QD. = Sonor Se ee = 2.27 (app. Example 4, Find the value of third quartile if the values of first quartile and quartile deviation are 90 and 20 respectively. [Dethi Univ. B.Com. (P) 2013) Solution. Quartile deviation is given by pee es Substituting Q, = 90 and @.D. = 20 in the above formula, we obtain 20 = 23-90 = Q,-90= 20x2 = 40 = Q, = 90+40 = 130. 5. If the first quartile is 48 and quartile deviation is 6, find the median ‘the distribution to be symmetrical). [Dethi Univ. B.Com. (P) 1996] deviation is given by Bete substitu , = 48 and Q.D, = 6 in the above formula, we obtain 6 = pewesisies Gs to Q3 -48 4 2 Measures of Dispersion Marks 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 N= 125 N _ 125 Computation of Q, + = “4” = 31.25; the c.f. just greater than or equal to 31.25 is 40. Therefore Q, lies in the class 20 - 30 and is given by N is G pet 20 +32:28=16 «10 = 26.35. 3N Computation of Q, : ~,- = 93.75; the cf. just greater than or equal to 93.75 is 96. ‘Therefore Q, lies in the class 40 — 50 and is given by 3, aC Q, = 1+ a chee 40+ 28-7578 10 = 48.88 3-01 341 = Business as . 25% of the data at the lower end and 25% of the data at the upper end. ter, cannot be considered as a good measure of dispersion. 2. Quartile deviation is not suitable for further mathematical treatment 3. Ris affected considerably by sampling fluctuations. : EXERCISE 3.1 1, (a) What is meant by dispersion? {®) List the various methods of measuring dispersion. [Dethi Univ. B.Com. (F) 1998, 2005, 2006, 2. What do you mean by relative measure of dispersion?[Delhi Univ. B.Com. (P) 2003) 3. Distinguish clearly between absolute and relative measures of dispersion 4. Explain briefly (9 Range, and (ii) Semi-interquartile range.[Detht Univ. B.Com. 1989) 8. 6. [Delhi Univ. B.Com. (F) 1995, 2094, What is coefficient of quartile deviation? State the formula. [Dethi Univ. B.Com. 1994 Find the range of the daily wages of 10 persons given below: 240, 180, %250, 160, %200, 280, 220, %170, 8210, x70 ‘7. The following are the prices of shares of a company from Monday to Saturday: Days 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Prive (in®) 55 4 52 53 56 58 Calculate the range and the coefficient of range. Find the range and the coefficient of range from the following data: 135 140 145 143 148 149 150 4 6 6 3 5 w 1 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 16 us) 20 17 9 ent of range of the weights of 100 male students of ABC Measures of Dispersion 39 Marks 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 No.ofStudents: 60 45 120 2 9 80 120 60 [C.A. Foundation, Dec. 1993] 15. Find the interquartile range and the coefficient of quartile deviation from the following data: Size ofitem : 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 Frequency : 10 15 20 25 10 12 8 ANSWERS 6. %120 7. 6, 0.054 8. 20, 0.07 9. 0.714 10. 15, 0.11 11. 160 12. 35,0042 18. 3 Ib, 0.0236 14. ().38.75; (919.375; (ii) 0.3647 15. 12.5, 0.1968 3.9 MEAN DEVIATION OR AVERAGE DEVIATION ‘As discussed earlier, the two measures of dispersion, viz., range and quartile deviation. are not based on all the observations. Moreover, they do not show any scatterness around an average and thus completely ignore the composition of the series. However, if we wish to measure variation in the sense of showing the scatterness around an average, we must include the deviations of each and every item from an average. ‘Mean deviation or the average deviation helps us in achieving this goal. As the name suggests, this measure of dispersion is obtained on taking the average (arithmetic mean) of the deviations of the given values from a measure of central tendency. According to Clark and Schkade: “Average deviation is the average amount of scatter of the items in a distribution from either the mean or the median, ignoring the signs of the deviations. The average that ‘the scatter is an arithmetic mean which accounts for the fact called the mean deviation”. 3.10 Business stati Procedure for Computing the Mean Deviation We now outline the procedure for computing the mean deviation. Step 1. Calculate the average A about which mean deviation is to be computed, by the methods discussed earlier, Step 2. Find the deviation of each observation X from A and denote it by D. That is, find D= X= A. Step 3. Find the absolute value of the deviation of each observation from A ignoring « signs and denote it by | D\. Step 4. Find the sum of all absolute deviations obtained in Step 3 to get >'| D| Step 5. Divide the sum obtained in Step 4 by the number of observations to get the required mean deviation about the average A. Computation of Mean Deviation - Discrete Series In case of discrete series where the variable X takes the values X,, X2, ..., X,, with respective frequencies f,, fy, -.--» fy the mean deviation about an average A is given by Mean Deviation (about an average A) = LAA! _ ZAP where N= ¥;f is the total frequency and D= X-A Procedure for Computing the Mean Deviation Step 1. Calculate the average A about which mean deviation is to be computed. Take the deviation of each observation from A and denote it by D. That is, find gece to'get > F (DI! by. rer to get the required Measures of Dispersion Coefficient of Mean Deviation 3.11 ‘The measures of mean deviation as defined above are absolute measures depending on the units of measurement. The relative measure corresponding to the mean deviation, called the coefficient of mean deviation, is given by ‘ Mean Deviation Coefficient of M.D. = “Average about which itis calculated Coefficient of M.D. about mean = MP Mean * 2 MD and Coefficient of M.D. about median = jug Coefficient of mean deviation is a pure number independent of the units of measurement and can be used to compare two distributions expressed in different units. Example 7. Find the mean deviation about the median for the following data: 56 46 79 26 85 39 65 99 29 72 Find also the coefficient of mean deviation. Solution. Arranging the data in ascending order of magnitude, we get 26 29 39 46, 56 65 rai te 85 99 Poe eer ont lO ae Lie ne oc Ghee Sthitem) EOE po = 56445: Business Statistic, 3.12 TIP! _ 204 M.D. (about median) = “7 t ao 7 20.4. : Mean Deviation _ 20.4 _ Coefficient of M.D. = ——wredian ” 60.5 ~ 73* Example 8, Calculate mean deviation about the mean for the following data x : 10 lL 12 13, 14 Total ca 5 3 12 18 12 3 48 Solution. Calculations for Mean Deviation x we IX D=x-X |p| fldl 10 3 30 -2 me 6 56 12 132 -1 1 12 12 18 216 oO oO oO 13. 12 156 1 1 12 a 3 42 2 2 6 aad) DSX = 576 Yipl= 36 an Deviation about Mean = ZAP! = 8 = 07s. culate the mean deviation from the median for the following data: 10-20 20-30 30-40 40- 50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 i. 6 12's 18 25 20 10 7 deviation from baie be median. [Delhi Univ. B.Com. (P) 1982 of Dispersion 3.13 Measun N Computation of Median :We have “> = 50, The evf, just greater than or equal to 50 jg 63 and the corresponding class interval is 50-60. Thus the median class is 50 - 60. N ‘ 50 Median (Md) = 14 2——xn = 50420 120 50+4.8 = 54.8. x10 = 504 f Computation of Mean Deviation : - Z£1D. M.D. APL Coefficient of M.D. from median M.D. (about media: Median Example 10. Calculate the mean deviation from the mean for the following data: Marks : 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 No. of Students: 6 5 8 1s 7 6 3 [C.A. Foundation, May 1999] Solution. Calculation of Mean Deviation From Mean ‘Mid-value | No. of Students a x of SX D=xX-XK 5 6 30 28.4 15, 5 75 18.4 20-30 25 8 200 35 15. i Business Statistic, Calculation of Mean Deviation Mid-Value | No. of Students a x f ef | D=X-Md | IDI | fio, 23 5 S -13.93 13.93 28 15 20 - 8.93 8.93 133.95 33 28 48 3.93 3.93 110.04 38 42 90 1.07 1.07 44.94 43 15 105 6.07 6.07 91.05, 48 12 117 11.07 11.07 132.84 53 3 120 16.07 16.07 48.21 N= Df =120 I> fIDI= 630.08 Computation of Median : x - 120 = 60; the c.f just greater than or equal to 60 is 99, Thus median lies in the class 35.5 - 40.5 and is given by N Median (Md) = 1+ fe = 35.5 + 20-38 =f8 x5 =35.5+ 1.43 = 36.93 4 M.D, (about Median) = ZAP Ss eae ee Coefficient of Mean Deviation (about median) = = 0.142. aa 5 AND DEMERITS OF MEAN DEVIATION 0 understand and simple to calculate. ch and every item of the data. res of Dispersion 3.15 Measu! 5, calculate the mean deviation about the median in respect of the following data: 6 38 8 © _ a ae [calcutta Untv. B.Com. 1973) 44, Find the mean deviation about the mean in respect of the following data: at a) 63 55 2 a7 5. Calculate the mean deviation about the mean for the following data: Pee ee f @ | uet2ontine 0b wilt 8 seuss 3/aacaeamal [cA. Foundation, May, 2001] 6. Calculate the mean deviation about the median for the following data: a 25 35 45 SS 65 75 SS) s eum sea: 4 3 5 6 6 a 6 a 4 [Dethi Univ. B.Com. (P) 1981] 7. Calculate the mean deviation about the median for the following data: aera: 2-4 426.) one meee Frequency + 3 4 2 1 7 @. Find the mean deviation from the mean for the following data: Class Interval : 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 frequency : 8 12 10 8 Calculate the mean deviation from the mean for the following data and fh Marks : 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 No, of Students: 5 8 —. 3.16 Business Stat IX, X,,...., X,are the class marks of a set of grouped data with class frequencie, Fy fas «. . fp then the standard deviation is given by +3 (XR) fa (Ka— 8) fn (Xn-X) _ [EF (x-H) ea. ov’ where N= >/f is the total frequency and X ~ 2% «tne arithmetic mean of the distribution. Definition. The variance of a given set of observations is defined as the square of itg standard deviation and is denoted by o?. Thus x2 x2 X(x-X) DF (x-%X) Ce ae a ae Example 12. Calculate standard deviation of the following marks obtained by 5 students in a tutorial group: E Marksobiained : 8 12 13 15 22 [Delhi Univ. B.Com. (P) 1997) Solution. Calculation of Standard Deviation 2 x-X% (x-x)? ates 36 -2 4 =) 1 1 1 64 X(x-X)? = 106 Measures of Dispersion saz tia Computation of S.D. ‘S.No x xx (xx) 1 w 2 4 2 w a i 9 w 2 Mt w=20 -18 324 PACE ee CEES ae E(x) ( = eo 52a Oe ‘Thus the standard deviation of wages for the group of 10 workers is %6. Example 14. Calculate the standard deviation for the following data: 2 y 20 30 40 50 60 70 Pine. 8 12 20 10 6 4 Solution. Calculation of Standard Deviation = sui to ae x of i X10] 50 (Glee eae 20 8 160 -21 441 [ 30 12 % 40 20 i= 50 10 | 60 |_70 Business Statistic, 3.18 Solution. Calculation of Standard Deviation Marks | Mid value vo. of Students a Ba x iff SK x-X (x - X) 0-10 5 10 50 -26 676 10-20 15 15 225 -16 256 20-30] 25 25 625 + 36 30-40 35 25 875 4 16 40-50 45 10 450 14 196 50-60 | 55 10 550 24 576 60-70 65 5 325 34 1156 = 100 | Spx = 3100 Freee I S100, a W 100 =i E EF (X-X) [25400 and Bee cee ey co, 7 YS? = 1594. nt Methods of Calculating Standard Deviation — Ungrouped Data definition, the standard deviation of an ungrouped data consisting of nobservations 4 X, is given by x) 1 by definition is very effective if X is an integer. , its computation becomes very cumbersome Measures of Dispersion 3.19 finally, if cis the common factor of the given data, then we may apply the following method, called step-deviation method. Formula 3 (Step-deviation Method). According to this method, standard deviation given by Tue (Fu? oe PH - (Et) x0, waarous ok ae ‘Remark. If we compare Formula 2 with Formula 1, we immediately conclude that standard deviation is independent of change of origin. However, if we compare Formula 3 with Formula 2, we find that standard deviation is not independent of change of scale, Thus the above two observations lead to the following important conclusion: “Standard deviation of a distribution is independent f change of origin but not of s ‘a haalgings An Important Result: ¥X? = n(o? +X?) ‘The above result follows immediately from Formula 1. In fact, applying Formula 1, we get - . os LE _ (EX) ml Xara) ie 7 7 n = AEX? = ot 2 or YX? = n(o?+ ¥%), The above result is quite useful to find the correct value of standard one or more of the observations are wrongly copied down. For instanc Different Methods of Calculating Standard Deviation -¢ X, are the class marks of a set of ea Batp ae T r 3.20 Assumed Mean Method. According to this method, standard deviation is given by 2 2 Pape? (Ef) | wnere a= x- Step-deviation Method. According to this method, standard deviation is given by 2 2 x BRE STEEY wh tere u~ X74 Example 16. From the following information, find the standard deviation of X and y variable: Dix 255, 3% 250, 3x2 =6750, yy? -6840, N-10 [Dethi Univ. B.Com. (#) 1997, Solution. Standard Deviation of X variable. By — = {£750 (235)' - fors—(23.5)? - Ye75~55225 122.75 = 11.08 ee eee yn of first n natural numbers. [Delhi Univ. B.Com. (P) 2014] Measures of Dispersion 3.21 ia and their standard deviation is (as Sengers were found ticketless on a bus, The sum of squares tion of the amount found in their pockets were 72000 and 6 respectively. If the total fine imposed on these passengers is equal to the total amount recovered from them and fine imposed is uniform, what is the amount each one of them has to pay as fine? What difficulties do you visualize if such a system of penalty were imposed? [Dethi Univ. B.A, (Eco. Hons.) 1993, B.Com (H) 2017] Solution. Let X, denote the amount (in %) found in the pocket of ith passenger, i= 1, 2, ... 20. Then we are given : qhus, the mean of first n natural numbers is gxample 18, Twenty pas and the standard dev 20 n= 20, 2x =2000 and o=6 = ‘The total fine imposed on 20 ticketless passengers is given to be equal to the total amount recovered from them. 20 ‘Total fine imposed on 20 passengers = > X; i= dt 20 eee paid by each pasceneen = ae ot ¥. Xj. (fine imposed is uniform) ia 2 Now, ot = Li 32 * = Be Saat Sa ie, =64 > X=8 ‘Thus, the fine to be paid by each passenger is 8. s, we find a few a 3.22 Business Sta 8 Calculate the monthly average pension payable per persion and the standarg deviation. [Dethi Univ. B.Com. (H) 2005 (sor) Solution. Calculation of Average Monthly Pension and Standard Deviation Age Group Tally | Frequency] Amt.ofPension | A =30 (years) Marks &) la=x-30| fa fd? 60-65 mL 20 -10 -70 700 65-70 mm 25 -5 -25 125 70-75 mI 30 oO oO 0 75-80 | lll 35 & 20 100 80-85 IL 40. 10 30 300 | Lfa Dra? = ==45 = 1225 The average monthly pension is given by an Ay 2f4 ~ 30+ = 30-1,8 = 228.20. fa 2 2 aie (hse) = az = V49=3.24 = 45.76 =%6.76. Mean and Standard deviation of the following continuous series are 31 1 a 3 25 10 10 5 [Dethi Univ. B.Com. (H) 1990] prec class interval so that width ett Measures of Dispersion “p, is given by the formula psa? (5 fay 70 (a0)? ° oe xh 5.9 a 40 { N ( N ‘ 15.9" Vio0 (ito) ui 70-O0.16xh or 15.9 = J2.54h = 1,.59h rhe » 159 = vi 5 159h = 15.9 or h ‘Thus the width of each class interval is 10. ‘The mean is given by the formula o ‘a r g- artftsn > 31 Aszhxto0 or 31=A-4 = An35 Hence assumed mean from which deviations have been taken is A = 35. Using the X-A formula d = >, or X= A+ dh, the various class marks are + 2 ¢ 5 15 25 35, 45 55 65 ‘As the width of each class interval is 10 and the variable under study is a continuous one, the various class intervals are : 5 Glass Interval : 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 ‘Frequency ? 10 15 25 25 10 10 in sic l Example 21. The mean of 5 observations is 4.4 and the variance is 8.24. If three of the five observations are 1, 2 and 6, find the values of the other two. 5 [Dethi Univ. B.Com. (H) 1995, 20 Solution. We are given: n=5, X =44 and o?=8.24 oe 3.24 Correcting Incorrect values of Mean and Standard Deviation Quite often while tabulating data some values are wrongly copied down. F. it may happen that an observation, say 36, was wrongly copied down a: might have used this wrong value in the calculation of Mean and Standard When such an error is found out there are two options — either to make all calc a fresh, which is a very tedious task or to correct the values of mean and deviation by adjustment and readjustment of wrong and right figures. Th ‘option is much easier and consumes much less time. To illustrate, let us cor following example. Example 22. The mean and standard deviation of 100 items are found to be 10. Ifat the time of calculations, two items are wrongly taken as 30 and 70 in: 3 and 27, find the corrected mean and corrected standard deviation. [Dethi Univ. B.Com. 1986, 2001) ‘Solution. In usual notations, we are given: n= 100, X =40 and c= 10 Now, DX = nX = 100 x 40 = 4000 and =x? = n(c? =X?) = 100 (100 + 1600) = 100 (1700) = 1,70,000 If the wrong observations 30 and 70 are replaced by the correct observations 3 and 27, then Corrected 5X = 4000-30-70+3+27=3930 1,70,000 — (30)? — (70)? + (3)? + (27)? Measures of Dispersion 3.25 ae — mk, +no¥ where d) = %1-X, d= X,-X and X= a is the combined mean. ‘the result can be generalised to more than two sets of data, For example, if X, Xo, , be the means, 0, 6,,.... ., ¢, be the standard deviations and n,, Ma, vay TH BE the number of observations in each set, then the standard deviation of ‘the combined data with n, +n, +... .. + n, observations is given by na(o3 +43) +n, Tm tng+n#Nq X,-X 2 RvemeRy tat me Be Sa Rie the comlaines aaa ‘Example 23. From the following information, calculate the combined standard deviation: n= 90 X=20 o,=8 n,= 60 Xj=15 o,-6 [Delhi Univ. B.Com. 2004] Solution. Let X denote the combined mean and g denote the combined standard deviation. Then mX1+ngX2 _ 90x20+60x15 _ 1800+900 ming ~ 90+60 Ina(o? +4?) +no (03 +a mt Pe Business Statistic Solution. Let n,, ns, n denote the number of observations in Group J, Group Il, Grow, Ill respectively. Then we are given n, +n, +n, = 200 But n,=50 and n,=90 » 50+n,+90=200 > n,=60 Let X,, Xj, Xs denote the means of Group J, Group I, Group I[respectively. Then the combined mean, X, is given by gz = mtitneXz teks = 5041134 60% Xp +90x115 x nyt+ng+n3 = 116 200 => 23200 = 5650+ 60X2 + 10350 => 60 Xz = 23200-5650 - 10350 = 7200 x 7200 ’ Se Salta = 120 Let c,, 5, 63 denote the standard deviations of Group J, Group I, Group respectively ‘Then the combined standard deviation, s, is given by ny (of +4?) +n2(o3 +43) +ng(o3 +43) 7 + ng +ng > (n, +n, +n,)o? = n, (0? + d?) +n (03 + dZ) + n(03 + a2) where d, = X,- X =113-116=-3 d, = X2- X =120-116 d, = X,-X = 115-116=-1 200 (7.746)? = 50 (36 + 9) + 60 (49 + 16) + 90 (o3 + 1) 200 (60.000516) = 2250 + 3900 + 90 + 9063 12000 = 6240 + 9003 9053 = 12000-6240 = 5760 oy erly oO 64 => o,=8 (rejecting ve value) X=120 and o,=8. 100 items with mean 15 and standard 6 and standard deviation : sub-group. follows Measures of Dispersion a MX) 4 NQXQ 100 x15 + 150X; x ia we get 15.6 360 =A. 3900 = 1500+ 150X_ = 150X%,=2400 = X2=16 Ini(of +d?) +n9(03 + a3) Also, Ne nen. ating where 4 = X,-X =15-156--06 d, = Xo-X = 16-15.6=0.4 100(9 + 0.36) +150(03 +0.16) ae 313.44 x 250 = 936 + 24+ 15063 or, 3360 = 960+ 15063 => 15003=2400 => f= 16 or o,=4 Thus the mean and standard deviation of the second sub-group are 16 and 4 respectively. Example 26. For a group containing 100 items, the arithmetic mean and standard deviation are 8 and 10,5 . For 50 observations selected from these 100 observations, the mean and standard deviation are 10 and 2 respectively. Find the mean and standard deviation of the remaining 50 observations. [Delhi Univ. B.Com (H) pig! Solution. The given information can be put in the tabular form as follows : 3.28 Business siz ‘Thus the mean and standard deviation of the remaining 50 items are 6 ;,,, respectively. 3 Example 27. For two groups of observations the following results were avail Group 1 Group It L(X-5) = 8 ¥(X-8) =-10 ¥(x-5)? = 40 ¥(x-8)? = 70 n= 20 n= 25 Find the mean and standard deviation of both the groups taken together. [Dethi Univ B.Com (#) 2006, Solution. In terms of usual notations, we are given the following information { Group I Group It xa 8 -10 ra? 40 70 " 20 25 A 5 8 Computation of Mean and Standard Deviation rsion 3,29 measures of Dis geample 28. The mean height of students in a class is 152 em. The mean height of poys is 158 ems. with a standard deviation of 5 cm and the mean height of girls is j48 em with a standard deviation of 4 cm, Find the percentage of boys and girls in the class and the standard deviation of all the students of the class taken together. [Dethi Univ. B.Com. (H) 2013] solution. The given information can be put in the tabular form as follows + Boys Girls Total ‘Number n % ntn Mean height ¥, = 158 ¥,=148 ¥-152 ‘standard deviation 9 ce Ge mk gk sana 1587 +148n5 182- —Treng => _—«*1S Ry + 152n,= 158m, + 1482 Applying the formula X = for the combined mean, we get > ama 6n, => mrldn, or ed = Number of boys and girls are in the ratio | 4s %ofboys = Z2z*100 = 40% and % of girls= 525x100 = 60% ‘The combined standard deviation of all the students is given by eu . 2 +d?) +n (03 + a3 my tn = Ryo K = 1568-15276 =

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