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' mg the material in thi s chapter,
you sho uld be able to :
the probability den sity fun ctio n of
the normal distribution.
reetate the pro per ties of the nor ma
l distribution.
late sta nda rd val ues .
:.d arms und er the nor ma l curve.

apter 6 v;e dis cus sed tvvo use ful
the ore tica l pro bab ilit y dis trib utio
--- -- and the Poi sso n. For the se dis trib ns , the
utio ns, the ran dom var iab les tha
red were dis cre te. Now we sha t we
ll con cer n our sel ves wit h the pro
uon of a continuous ran dom var bab ility
iab le. A ran dom var iab le is con tinu
sume any val ue in som e inte ous if it
rva l. A con tinu ous ran dom var
~"! m.t s dat a tha t are me asu iab le usu ally
red , suc h as hei ght s, wei ght s, dis
bebili~ dis trib utio n of a con tin uou tan ces and time.
s ran dom var iab le is called a con
..iuuu wi1y distribution
. The mo st imp ort ant con tinu ous tinuous
probability dis trib utio n in
field of sta tist ics is the nor ma l pro
bab ility dist ribu tion or sim ply the
LmU JUIII IJn Its gra
ph, cal led the nor ma l normal
bel l-sh ape d cur ve as shm \'Il
7 1 Th e cur ve ext end s
to the rig ht and left and
IOUICbl~ the x-a xis .

Normal Cun ~ \
rt,. 7.1
7.2 Busin.e
ss Sto..
ran do m var IYI Vf\~
iab le. A fun cti on y == fl . l~~l~
Definition. Let X b e a con.tin uo us . .
probability den~ity_fun cti on
or simply density function for X if it x)s is. Ca.J.lecl. ~
following propertie s · atisfies th~
00 b
(1) .flx) ~ 0 (it) J J( xp =l (iii) P (a.:: X ~ b) = J f (x)cb=
-00 a
. •

For example, consi·der an exp enm en t in wh ich a nu mb er.

X 1s ran do mly sel
. tin uo us ran dom va na ected
the interval [0, 11. Then Xi s a ble su ch tha t fr%
con h f [ b] = b- a
p (a .'.: X .'.: b) = len gt o a,
where a an d b are m . [O ll We now define a fun cti ... (1)
, · on f (x) as follows :
1,if 0 s x s l
.flx) = { o, oth erw ise
We shall sh ow th atf (x) is a density functi on for X. Fir st, sin ce
have flx) ~ 0. Next, since f (x) f (x) is either Oor 1
= 0 for x outs1 e [0 ' ll
'd h
'w e ave , We
00 1
J J (x)dx = J ldx = \x\o1 = 1.
Finally , to verify tha t P (a.:: X.:
: b) = Jf (x) dx , we co mp ute
b b b
Jf( x) dx = J ldx = \x\a = b
a a
wh ich, as sta ted in Eq. l1), is
Pl a.:: X .'.: b).
The no rm al distribution is the
most im po rta nt co nti nu ou s
whose density function may be probability distribution
approximated by the bell-s ha
7 .1. This curve, called the non pe d curve shown in Fig.
nal curve, is the gra ph of the mo
den sity functions, the nonnal st important of all
density .function. In 1733 , Fre
Moivre derived the mathematic nc h Mathematician De
al equation of the no rm al cur
Definition. A continuous ran ve.
dom variable X is called a no
has a nonnal distribution if its nn al random variable or
density function is given by
l(x -µ )
.flx) = -1- e -2- ,er-
cr ~ - oo < x < oo
called the nonnal density functio '
deviation of X res pectively.
n. The pa ram ete rs µ an d cr are the
mean and standard
The normal distribution is oft
en referred to as the Ga uss ian
German ma thema tic i~ Carl Fri distribution after ~he
edrich Ga uss (1777-1855) who
from a stu dy of err ors m repeat also derived its equat:10J1
ed measu rem t f
Symbolically' if X ha s a norm en s o same qu an t·ty
1 •
al dis trib ution wi th me an µ an . 6.
d sta ndard deviation
(11i1) Required Area
= P (- 1.45 < Z < 1. 45)
= P (- 1.45 < Z < 0) + P (0 < Z < 1.45)
(see Fig. 7.16)
= P (0 < Z < 1.45) + P (0 < Z < 1.45)
(by symmetry) -1 .45 P==o
= 2P (0 < Z < 1.45) =2 x 0.4265 = 0.853 l.45
. . Fig, 7,16
Note. The reader must have noticed that sketchmg a picture of th
h elpful in such problems. ect are .
a. IS
If Xis normally distributed with mean µ and standard derivation ,. 0
v, ne rn·
that a separate table of area is needed for each pair of values of µ and F' ight think
this is not the case. The Table III is still used. But one must first e; ortunately
area as an equivalent area under a standard normal curve. Thr_es~ a given
transforming X into a standard normal variable Z (with mean Oand stand ~ 111V?lve8
1) by using the following change of variable formula : ar deviation
Z= X-µ
. . cr . ... (I)
The new vanable Z will always have mean Oand standard deviation 1. Thus for
(1) converts units of X to standard units (Z-values). Observe that when mula
ever x·
between the values X = x1 and X = Xi, the random variable Z will lie betw is
corresponding Z-values : een the
X1 -µ X2 -µ
Z1 = -cr- and Zi = - cr-
Since all the values of X falling between x1 and Xi have corresponding Z-values between
z 1 and Zi, the area under the X curve between the ordinates X = x 1 and X = X:i equals
the area under the Z curve between the transformed ordinates Z = z1 and z= Z-i·
Hence we have
P (x1 < X < Xi) = p (z1 < Z < Zi)
We have thus reduced the required number of tables of normal-curve areas to one-
that of the standard normal distribution.
Example 2. If X is normally distributed with µ = 20 and cr = 4, find each of the
following probabilities :
(t)P(X>l5); (it)P(2l<X<25); (iit)P(l6<X < 22)
Solution. Converting X into a standard normal variable Z by means of the

z = X-µ = X-20
cr 4


• 1111,•t' ~ - 20 = - 1.25
,1c 15 Z=' 4
X"' '
' fOf I 5) ,;; p (Z > - 1.25)
11' v7 1
f(" =' P(-1.25 < Z< 0) + 0.5
(see Fig. 7.17) -1.25 µ =o

=' p (0 < Z < 1.25) + 0.5 (by symmetry) Fig. 7.17

= 0.3944 + 0.5 = 0.8944 (using Normal Table)

a].ues corresponding to x1 = 21 and ~ = 25 are :
(ii) ~ = 0.25
Z1 = 4

- ~ -20 = 1.25
Zi - 4
X < 25) p (0.25 < Z < 1.25)
:.f 1 < = p (0 < Z < 1.25) - P (0 < Z < 0.25) µ =o ~
(see Fig. 7.18) Fig. 7.18
= Q.3944 - 0.0987 = 0.2957 (using normal Table)
zvalues corresponding to x 1 = 16 and ~ = 22 are :
(iii) 'fhe
16-20 =_ l
Z1 = 4

22-20 = 0.5
and Zi = 4
-1 µ = 0 .5
:.P(l6 <X< 22)= P(-l<Z <0.5)
= p (-1 < Z < 0) + P (0 < Z < 0.5) (seeFig. 7.19) Fig.7.19

= p (0 < Z < 1) + P (0 < Z < 0.5) (by symmetry)

= 0.3413 + 0.1915 = 0.5328 (using normal Table)
Example 3. A project yields an average cashflow of ~550 lakhs and standar d deviation
cash flow of 10. Calcula te the following probabi lities assumi ng the normal
distribution :
(1) Cash flow will be more than ~675 lakhs.

(ii) Cash flow will be less than f 450 lakhs.

(iii) Cash flow will be between N25 lakhs and f750 lakhs.
[Delhi Univ. B.Com. (HJ 2010]
Solution. Let X be the random variable denoting cashflow. Then Xis normall y
distributed with mean µ = 550 and standar d deviation cr = 110. Converting X into
. X-550
stan dard normal variable z by means of the transformation Z = , we have

675- 550
{t1 For X = 675, Z= - - - = 1.14
:. P(X> 675) = P(Z> 1.14)
= 0.5 - .P{0 < Z < 1.14) (see Fig. 7.20)
= 0.5 - 0.3729 =0.1271
(it1 For X = 450, Z = =-0.91
:. P (X < 450) = P (Z < - 0.91)
= 0.5-P (-0.91 < Z < 0) (see Fig. 7.21)
= 0.5-P(0<Z <0.91) (bysymmetry)
= 0.5-0.3186=0.]814

425 - 550
(iit1 For X = 425, Z = JO -1. l-1
1 Fig. 7.21

750- 550
andforX=750, Z= ll0 1.82

:. P(425 < X < 750) = P(-1. H < Z < l.8J.0

= P(-1.14 < Z< 0) • J"'O < z,. 1.o!)
(Sl ( Fig, f,2?)
= P(0 < Z< 1.14) • P(0 < Z< 1.8'.>J
= 0.3729 + 0.4656 = 0.8385
Fig 7 22
Example 4. It is known that amounts of monc) spent on t,·xtboob; in
. lar.
students of a particu '11O\\ a nonnal
umvcrs1ty 10 a}rar,
distribution" nh mean tJBO<J •·
standard deviation ?500. ci;;

(i) What is the probability that a random!) selected student ,, 111 spend I, ss .
~4000 on text-books in a )ear? ·
(it) What is the probability that a randoml) selected student \\ 111 spenrl rr.or tr.
~3600 on textbooks m a year?
(iit) What is the probability that a randoml} selected student \ ,r.,, l bc-
~3000 and ~4000 on textbooks ma )Car. (Delhi Univ. B.Com. (H) 2011,
Solution. Let Xbc the random vanablc denoting the amounts of mo .. t ur:,i t or. ·tr
books in a year by students. Then Xis normally d1strtbuted \I.1th mean 11 3600 ai
s.d. CJ = 500. Converting X into standard normal -.enable Z b) means c/ ·,.

Z= X-µ = X-JBOO we have

CJ 500 '

(1) P(X < 4000) = P(Z< 400~~SOO

f ( o 4l
fl. 4 f' (0 z O '1)
O c, ,. 0 l S!:> l
o £,!,54

\ .. (,001
1,lz 3600 3800 )
0 0 ••
Fig. 7.2J

p (Z"' 0 .4)
• o.5 + p (- OA • Z < 0)
• o.~ + p (O < z · o. t)
., o.s + 0.1554 = 0.6554 -0 4 0
Fig. 7.24
3000 < X < 4000)
p( ( 3000 3800 < z < 4000 - 3800)
• P - 500 500

• p (-1.6 < Z < 0.4)

.. P(-1.6 < Z< 0) + P(0 < Z< 0.4)
= p (0 < z < 1.6) + p (0 < z < 0.4) - 1.6 0 04

_ Q.4452 + 0.1554 = 0.6006 Fig. 7.25

A workshop produces 2000 articles per day. The average weight of a unit
16 5
ttCJJ111' ·ith a standard deviation of 10 kg. Assuming normal distribution, how
· h
J30 kg'ts" are expected to we1g
111a.n~e~~~han 142 kg (it) more than 142 kg [Delhi Univ. B.Com. (U} 2013]
(q ti n.. Let X be the random variable denoting the weights of articles. Then Xis
50111a:; distributed with meanµ= 130, and standard deviation cr = 10. Converting X
norIIl tan)dard normal variable Z by means of the transformation
Jflto s
z= 10
, we have

142 -130
rX"'l42, Z= IO =1.2

PIX< 142) = P (Z < 1.2)

= 0.5 + p (0 < z < 1.2) 0 12

= 0.5 + 0.3849 = 0.8849 Fig. 7.26

means that 88.49% of articles have weights less than 142 Kg. This con-esponds
8849 • 2000 = 1770 units (app.)
> 142) = P(Z > 1.2)
• 1 - P (Z < 1.2)
• 1-0.8849 = 0.1151
number of units having weights more 0 12
ka O 1151 >< 2000 = 230 units (app.) Fig. 7.27
7 12
a pa
rti cu lar tes t
1s 79. The
s %tis
instanctard d ¾
tes t ma rk s m
ly dis tri bu ted, how ma ny stu de nt s a cla
Example 6. Th e ave rag
oen nal f lhi Univ. B C ss of e"i 2o <l.tio~
rks are
f th ma k between 75 an d 82? De
is S. I . e . th T . oni, , 2o0q·lq
. Xi s no rm ••
not receive mar des e test. he n
note the marks obtained m z bally dis trib O~
_Co nv ert ing X int o sta nd ar d normal Variable Y Illean, llteq
S~lution. Let X cr = 5
mt h ~1 = 79 and soft14 1e
X - 79
_ _ _ we have f
transformation Z - 5 '
75 -7 9 <Z < 82 -7 9) i
82) = p ( 5 5
p (75 < X <
- O.B µ::: 0
= p (- 0.8 < z < 0.6)
= P(-0.8 < Z< 0) + P(
0 < Z< 0.6) (see Fig. 7.2
< Z < 0.6) (by symmetry)
= p (0 < z < 0.8) + P (0
0.5138 (using normal table)
= 0.2881 + 0.2257 =
51 .38 % of the stu de nt s have ma rk s between 75 82-1'his
This means th at stu de nt s (ap p.)
0 = 102.76 = 103
corresponds to 0.5138 x 20
ttin g ma rks be tw ee n 75 an d 85 = 200 - 103 === 97_
:. No. of students not ge
in facto ,
ly inc om e dis tri bu tion of wo:k~rs in a certa
Example 7. The mo nth
deV Iat10n eq ua l to ~SO Tb ry 11 as
an fSOO an d sta nd ard
found to be normal with me 00 pe r mo nth. How many workers ,~e e erem
r etrhe We:e
om e ab ov e ~6
228 persons getting inc • •
rmal curve 1s given as follow
are a un de r sta nd ard no
all ? Extract of 2.5 3
l 2
z 0.4938 0.4987
0.3413 0.4772
Area ~
. . (Delhi Univ. B.Com. {HJ 199
do m va na ble de no tm g the monthly salaries of wo ers.
Solution. Let X be the ran µ = 500 an d sta nd ard
devia tion cr == so.
tri bu ted with me an
Then Xi s normally dis va riable Z by me an s of the tra
nsforma tion
into sta nd ard no rm al
Converting X
X- 50 0 we have
Z = ,
6 =2
for X = 600 Z = 00 - SOO so
:.P (X > 600) = P( Z> 2} 2
= 0.5 - P (0 < Z < 2)
Fig. 7.29
0.5 -0 .47 72 = 0.0228
us if there
of the wo rkers ha ve sa laries more th an t600. Th
This means that 2.28% of workers having salaries mo
re than <600 =
all, the n the nu mb er
were n workers in
) ⇒ n = 22 8 = 10 000
0.022 8n = 228 (given 0.0228 '
rs = 10,000.
Hence total number of worke
,..,: .•,......
~ ,,.,
. 7.13
,s. Titnt' taken by a cons_truction company to construct a flyover is a normal
~\.h rne..1.n -tOO labour da~ s aud stan?arct deviation of 100 labour days. If the
~ _,!: ''~ rornises to construct the flyover ~ 450 days or less and agrees to pay a
~- •i~,111~~ 0,000 for each labour day spent m excess of 450, what is the probability
·.:l's t)
a penalty of at least t2 ' 00 I 000?•
r' dlt' ruin,· takes at most 500 days to complete flyover?
. (lle cvrnr--- .
l:~ [Delhi Univ. B.Com. (HJ 2004]
.Let X be the random Yariable denoting the time (in labour days) taken by
~111cioft. uction company to construct the flym·er. Then Xis normally distributed
:Y cvn~~ u = -WO and s.d. cr = 100 • Convert X into the standard normal variable Z by
,,:til nice,,• .
i the cransforma on
X- u X - 400
Z=--·=--...:.. ... (1)
cr 100
qince the company ~arees to pay a penalty oHl0000 for each labour day spent
.~ ~ escess of 450, ther:efore for pa~ing a penalty of at least ~2 ,00,000, company
rah-es at least (2,~0,~00 / 10:.,000), i.e., 20 extra labour days. Thus, company takes
arninll11um of 4;:,0 T 20 = 4 / 0 labour days to pay a penalty of at least ~2,00,000.
The probability that company pays a penalty of at least ~2,00,000 is:
p (X > 470)

== p lz' >
100 (11sing (1))

p (Z > 0.70)
=0.5-P(0<Z<0.70)(seeFig 7.30) _
0 0 70
= O.S-0.2580 = 0.242 (Using nonnal Table) Fig. 7.30
t) The probability that company takes at most 500 days to complete the flyover is
gin:n by
_ ( <500-400)
P(X~ 500) - P Z - lO0
= P (Z~ 1)
= 0.5 + P (0 < Z ~ 1)
(see Fig. 7.31)
= 0.5+0.3413=0.8413 (usingnonnalTable) Fig.7.31
~ l e 9. At the petrol station, the average quantity of petrol sold to a vehicle is 20
titres per day with a standard deviation of 10 litres. On a particular day 50 vehicles
took25 or more litres of petrol. Estimate the total number of vehicles that took petrol
from the station on that day, assuming normal distribution for petrol sold.
[Delhi Univ. B.A. (Econ. Hons._) 2003]
Solution. Let X be random variable denoting the quantity of petrol sold to a vehicle.
Tbcn Xis normally distributed with meanµ= 20 and s.d. cr = 10. Converting X into a
ltandard normal variate z by means of the transformation
X-µ X-20
z= -0'- = 10 ' we have

_ 25-20 = 0 5
for X = 25, Z- lO ·

:. P (X ~ 25) = P (Z ~ 0.5)
= 0.5 - P (0 < Z < 0.5)
µ:: O o.s
= 0.5- 0.1915= 0.3085
Fig, 7,3 2
This means that 30.85% of the vehicles have taken 25 or more lit
. . ~s~
that particular day. Thus, if N denotes the total number of vehicles t"'i,: Petr01
that day, then CU\ Petr on
0.3085 x N = 50 (given) ⇒ N = 50/0.308S ~ n
Example 10. The life-time in hours of a certain electrical equipment h::: 162 ·
distribution with mean= 80 and standard deviation= 16. as th enornia.l
(i) What is the probability that the equipment lasts at least 100 hour ?
(ii) If the equipment has already lasted 88 hours, what is the conditional
that it will last at least another 12 hours?[Delhi Univ. B.A. (.Econ nprobab%
· .cionsJ2
Solution. Let X denote the life-time (in hours) of electrical equipment Th oo~
normally distributed with meanµ= 80 and s.d. cr = 16. Converting x into. a : Xis
normal variate Z by means of the transformation darct

Z= X-µ = X- 80 we have for X= 100, Z = l00- 80

cr 16 ' 16 == 1.25
(i) The probability that the equipment lasts at least 100 hours is given by
P. (X ~ 100)
= P(Z~ 1.25)

= 0.5 - P (0 < Z < 1.25) (see Fig 7.33)

= 0.5- 0.3944 = 0.1056
(using normal Table)
·;i Th
( u, e cond'1tion
. al pro ba bili'ty th at th e equipment
. o 1·25
µ .33
will last at least another 12 hours, given that it has already lasted 88 hours, is
given by
P(X~100nX ~ 88) P(X ~ l 00) 0.1056
P(X~lOO/X~ 88 ) = P(X~88) = P (X ~ 88) = P(X ~88)
(using Part (1)) ... (1)

Now, P(X ~ 88) = P( Z ~ 8\~80 ) (Converting to standard units)

= P(Z~ 0.5)
= 0.5 - P (0 < Z < 0.5) (see Fig. 7.34)
= 0.5-0.1915=0.3085
Substituting P(X~ 88) = 0.3085 in (1), the required
probability is given by : O 0.5
0.1 056
0.3085 = 0.3423. Fig. 7.34
, ( //ill (/ull 7. 15
//JIii I ' ,
J 11•01 • n normhl drn1rlbu1.Jrm, I.he fimt moment about origin is 35 and the
11pltJ J ' 1 nlJOlti :35 ln O, J7ind Lh~ firrif. four central moments
fl' f 11101' 1'; 11 . ,
,vnd [Delhi Univ. B.A. (Econ. Hons) 1998]
t We J,avc
vl = imt moment about origin = 35

sotllttofl• mean = 35 (·.. mean = vJ (always))

~ rnorncnt about 35 "' 10
AiffO ff ~J moment about mean - JO (· .· mean = 35)
~ p
cccoJ1 µ?. - ]O

l•e,, normal distribution, 11 = O

· r for a ·3
r,tirlhC ' r: d µ we know that for a normal distribution •
to !10 4
r,111iillY, µ4
f;2 = 2µ2 =3 :::-,> µ
= 3µ 2?. = 3 X (10) 2 = 300
r:rst four central moments are :
s the ii
fhU µ1 = 0 (always), µ2 = 10, µ3 = 0 and µ4 = 300.
l 12, For a certain normal distribution, the first moment about 8 is 22 and
etamP t~ moment about 30 is 243. Find the coefficient of variation of the distribution.
tbefour [Delhi Univ. B.Com. (HJ 2004}

n The first moment about 8 is : µ'1 = 22. But

solUti o · _
µ'1 = X - A =-.> X = µ'1 + A = 22 + 8 = 30
e mean of the given distribution is 30.
ThUS, th
Also, the fourth moment ~bout 30 (i.e., the mean) is : µ4 = 243
However, for a normal distribution,
µ4 µ4 243
P2 = µ~ = 3 ⇒ µ/ = 3 = - 3- = 81 =-.> µ2 =9

variance = µ2 = 9 ⇒ cr = .j;-; = 3
cr 3
C. V. = X x 100 = 30 x 100 = 10%.
Remark. Sometimes, we are required to find a value of z corresponding to a specified
probability that falls between values listed in Table 3. For convenience, we shall
always choose the z value corresponding to the tabular value that comes closest to
the specified probability. However, if the given probability falls midway between two
tabular values, we shall choose for z the value falling midway between the
corresponding values of z. To illustrate, let us consider the following examples.
Example 13. Given a normally distributed random variable X for which
P(70 ~ X ~ 130) = 0.8882 and P (X.:: 70) = 0.0559, find its standard deviation.
[Delhi Univ. B.Com. (HJ 2005]
Solution. Letµ and cr be the mean and s.d. of X. Converting X into standard normal

Variable Z by means of the transformation Z = X - µ , we have


for x =70, z = 70-µ = z1 (say), and for X = 130,

Then p (X 5. 70) = P (Z 5. z1) = 0.0559
This represents the area under the
standard normal curve to the left of the line
Z = z1. Since this area is less than 0.5, z1
must be negative (see Fig. 7.35).
Then P (Z 5. z1) = 0.0559
~ 0.5 - p (z1 < Z < 0) = 0.0559
~ 0.5 - p (0 < Z < -z1) = 0.0559
~ P(0<Z<-z1) = 0.5-0.0559=0.4441
By making use of the area table, we find that - z1 = 1.59. This implies ··· (1)
z1 = - 1.59 or -cr- = - 1.59 or 70 - µ == _ l.Sg
Also, we are given .,, (2)

P (zl 5. Z 5. 22) == 0.888

p (70 5_ X 5_ 130) = 0.8882 =>
This represents the area between the lines Z = z 1 and Z = 22· Since this are .
than 0.5, Zi must be positive (see Fig. 7.35). Therefore, a is lllore
p (z1 5_ Z 5_ ~) = 0.8882
p (z1 5_ Z 5_ 0) + P (0 5_ Z 5_ ~) = 0.8882
⇒ P (0 5. Z 5. -z1) + P (0 5. Z 5. ~) = 0.8882
⇒ 0.4441 + P (0 5. Z 5. ~) = 0.8882 (using (1))
⇒ P (0 5. Z 5. ~) = 0.8882-0.4441 = 0.4441
⇒ ~ = 1.59 (using Normal Tab/~
i.e., l 30-µ = 1.59 or
cr 130-~t = l.59cr ... (3)
Solving Eqs. (2) and (3) simultaneously for µ and cr, we obtain µ = 100 and cr = 18.867.
Example 14. In a normal distribution, 31 % of the items are under 45 and 8% are
over 64. Find the mean and standard deviation of the distribution.
(Delhi Univ. B.A. (Econ. Hons} 200~
Solution. Let X be the required normal variable representing the given distribution.
We are given :
P (X < 45) = 0.31 and P (X > 64) = 0.08
Let µ and cr be the mean and standard deviation of X. Converting X into standard
normal variable Z by means of the transformation z = X - µ , we have
for X = 45 , Z 45-µ =z (say),
=--;- 1 = 64,
and for X z-- ~
cr =z2 (saYl
Then P(X < 45) = 0.31 => P(Z< z ) = 0.31
ft , ... 7.17
. ' ~ -: .......... .
. "' ,_ ~ ht .1 ~., under the Srandard normal CUIYe to !:be let of the ~e Z == Z:
, ,- .-~c'•··· ~;nee this area is less than 0.5 ' 2 1 must• be ne,,...,,.-..-e
• "I. r - 'r) ..._ . . S"'~" .
- -. :,, ""\ · . . _. . . 0 ..,1
.:. ... .. p ,-' . . . -: l = •..)
• .• - '7

. - l __,7_, <0\ = 0.31

,5-l -: - ,Q) = 0.5 - 0.3 1 = 0.19
' ,
: l-:: ;;_.::,l
- = 0.19 (b1 symmerr,1)
:- -ll ,- -
· :• :- l _ z, = 0.5 [using Table)

Z = :r. .Z = D
4-5 - P = 0.5 ~ 45- .u = - 0. 5u
. .. . (l) Fig. 7.36

, ~-~:.:rlY·
:--··· ? tS> 64) = 0.08
P tZ> Z2\ = 0.08
:::- _ < z < z,) = 0 .08
.., -, - •3 l0 -
:::- ---~ ? tO <Z<.z:::) = 0.5- 0.08 = 0.42
:::- z.i = l. 41 (using Table )
r , - 11
~ = 1.41


~ - µ = 1.4lcr ... l2)

Z= )
Fig. 7.37

F.os. (l) and (2) s imul:aneously for µ 22d cr, v.-e find 62.t µ = 50 a::c. cr = :.o.
-::: -.,..;..:1
3:J•- -- :.i.
- le 15. b a ci:.sci::mtion e..~ct1:· 2ormal, 7~ o of -"ne ire::::1s are "C1cie::- 35 a:1c. 89.::-"
~ -C:ZL.--- :::.~ una:
are the ::iean and standard cie~iat:on o: oe c:is=-ibu::.o=.?

:,;"f .... [Delhi Univ. B.Com.. (HJ 2009]

5o!ution. X be the required. nor:nal ,aii.ab!e represe:nng □e gn-e~ c5.is_ ~::n::::o::J..

P (X < 35) = 0 .07 and P (X < 63} = 0.89

. __ 21:d cr be the mean and standard de,iiation of X Conve. :::ng X :.:::.:o s:a=.c.~:-c.
J; ~ ..

r th r • Z X- µ ,
--- -? • rariable Z b~ means or e trans1onnanon = - -, 'i\e na•;-e
---- - (j

35- u 63 - !!
:~ X = 35, z =- -
· = z,- (say)
and for X = 63 ' Z = - cr-· = z..- (sa,·-
P (X < 35) = 0 .07 ~ P (Z < ~} = 0.07
T::s represents the area under the standard normal ClL.,e ro ~e :ef:oi±e ·=-:e Z = Z:_
see rig. 7.38). Since this area is less than 0.-5, ~ nus t be negam-e.
P(Z< z:J = 0.07
::; 0.5 - P (Zi < Z< 0) = 0.07
P (Zi < Z< 0) = 0.5 - 0.07
= 0.43
er P 0 < Z < - Zi) = 0.43 (by symmeu]/1 7 - - Z=:
- - -◄

- ~ = 1.48 (using normal Tablel Ftg. 7.33


- 35-µ = 1.48 or, 35 - µ = - 1.48cr


Similarly, P (X < 63) = 0.89

:::) P (Z < z..i) = 0.89
:::) 0.5 + P (0 < Z < Zi) = 0.89 (seeFig. 7.39)
:::) P (0 < Z < Zi) = 0.89 - 0.5 = 0.39
:::) Zi= 1.23 (using nonnal Table) Fig. 7.39

or, 63-µ = 1.23 ⇒ 63 - µ = l.23cr


Solving Eqs. (1) and (2) simultaneously for µ and cr, we find th ··· I<)
cr = 10.33. at µ ::: so 3
Example 16. In a certain examination, 15% of the candidates passed . . . il.tid
while 25% of them failed. It is known that a candidate fails if he obt:th
marks (out of 100) while he must obtain at least 75 marks in orde s less thar/~n
distinction. Determine mean and standard deviation of the distribu;· to Pass \\lit~
assuming this to be normal. [Delhi Univ. B.Com. (HJ 2006, 2014 (so1t
of ~&!ks,
Solution. Let Xbe the random variable denoting marks. Then Xis normally : ~ifiectA
Letµ and cr be the mean and s.d. of X. We are given stnbuted.
P (X < 40) = 0.25
and P (X > 75) = 0.15 ··· (l)
Converting X into standard normal variable Z by means of the transfo . "• 121
X-µ 40 - µ rmation z,
- - we have for X = 40 Z = - - = z (say)
cr' ' cr 1

and for X = 75, Z = -cr- = Zi (say)
Now. Eq. (1) gives P (Z < z1) = 0.25, which __o._2s-:-_o_.2_
s _,___:_:.:.:::_~~
represents the area under the standard normal 11 µ=o z2
curve to the left of the line Z = z1 (see Fig. 7.40). Fig. 7.40
Since this area is less than 0.5, z1 must be negative. Further, since total area tothe
left of Z = 0 is 0.5, therefore
P (Z < z1) = 0.25 ⇒ P (z1 < Z < 0) = 0.25
⇒ P (0 < Z < - z1) = 0.25 (by symmetry)
⇒ - z1 = 0.67 (using normal Table)
⇒ - -0'- = 0.67 ⇒ 40 - µ =- 0.67cr ... (3)
Also Eq. (2) gives P (Z > Zi) = 0.15, which represents the area under the standard
normal curve to the right of the line Z = Zi (see Fig 7. 40). Since this area is less than
0.5, Zi must be positive. Now,
P(Z >Zi)= 0.15
p (0 < Z < ~ ) = 0 .35 (using Figure 7.40)
z 2 = 1.04 (using Normal Table)
= 1. 04 or 7 5 - µ = 1. 04cr ... (4)
,;::i • Eq. (3) from Eq. (4), we obtain
a.ctlllg _ 35
svbtf 35 - 1.71 cr ⇒ cr = 1. = 20.47
. = 20 .4 7 in (3), we get
·tt1tlllg <J
51,11JStl O-µ = -0.67 X 20 .47 =-13.715 ⇒ µ = 4 0 + 13.715 = 53.715
ean and standard deviation of the given distribution are:µ= 53.715 and
'fJlllS tbe Ill .
<1 "" zo. • . The lifetune
· · . kind of battery has a mean life of 400 h ours
o f a certam
~ a,ripled d deviation as 45 hours. Assuming the distribution of lifetime to be normal,
911d staJl ar
(!Jld: ercentage of batteries with a lifetime of at least 470 hours.
(1) The p oportion of batteries with a lifetime between 385 and 415 hours.
-~ The pr
!111 inirnum life of the best 5% of batteries. [Delhi Univ. B.Com. (HJ 2003]
··~ The Ill
(Ill • Let x denote the lifetime of batteries. Then Xis normally distributed with
tu.tton., 5 C . . .
S 0 _ 4 o and s .d . cr = 4 . onvertmg Xmto standard normal vanable Zby means
!Ileanµ- X -400
ansformation Z= 45 , we have
of the tr
z 470-400 )
(i) P(X> 470) = p ( > 45 •
(Z > 1.56)
= 0.5 - P (0 < Z ~ 1.56) (see Fig. 7.41) Z=O 1.56

= 0.5-0.4406 = 0.0594 (using Normal Table) Fig. 7.41

This means that 5.94% of batteries have lifetime of at least 470 hours.
(ii)It is required to find P (385 < X < 415) .
335 4 4 5 4
For X= 385, Z= - 00 =-0.33, and for X=415, Z= l - 00 = 0 .33
45 45
:. P(385 < X < 415) = P (- 0 .33 < Z < 0 .33)
= P (- 0.33 < Z < 0) + P (0 < Z < 0 .33)

= 2P (0 < Z < 0.33)

= 2 X 0.1293 = 0.2586
This means that 25.86% of batteries have - 0.33 o 0.33
a lifetime between 385 and 415 hours. Fig. 7.42
(iii) Let Xo (in hours) be the minimum life of the best 5% of batteries. The problem is
to find Xo so that P (X ~ Xo) = 0.05.
XQ -400
f0r X = x0 , Z= 45 =Zo (say).
p lX ~ x0) = 0.05 => P lZ ~ Zol = 0.05
=-- C\,S _ p lO < z < Zo) = 0,05 (see Fig 7.43)
p tO-< z < Zol = 0.45
Zo = 1.65 (using normal Table)

Xo -400 1 65
45 .
\' = 400 + 45 x 1.65 = 474.25
g, 7,43
Thus the minimum life of the best 5% of batteries is 474.25 hours.
Example 18. Two thousand electric bulbs with an average life of lOoo
standard de,iation of 200 hours are installed in a town. Assuming th _hours il.nd
. . . . e 1lVes 0f a
to be normally distributed, answer the followmg . bulbs
(z) What number of bulbs might be expected to fail in the first 700 burn·
(i1) What is the minimum burning life of the top one quarter of bulbs? hours?
[Delhi Univ. B.C~m
Solution. Let Xbe the random variable denoting the lives of electric bulb'~ 20011
normally distributed with mean ~L = 1000 and s.d. er= 200. Let z bet:~ hen Xis

X-µ X
Z = -- =

700 - 1000)
(1) P (X ~ 700) = P ( Z ~
200 -1 .5 0
= P(Z ~ - 1.5) Fig. 7.44
= 0.5-P(-l.5<Z<0)=0.5-P(0< Z < 1.5) (by symmetry)
= 0.5 - 0.4332 =0.0668
This means that 6.68% of electric bulbs are expected to fail in the first 700 burning
hours. This corresponds to 0.0668 x 2000 = 134 bulbs.
(ii) Let Xo (in hours) be the minimum burning life of the top one quarter of bulbs. Then
Xo is given by P (X > ,Xo) = 0.25.
Now, for X = Xo, Z= = Zo (say). Then
P (X > Xol = 0.25 ⇒ P (Z > Zol = 0.25
⇒ 0.5 - P (0 < Z < Zo) = 0.25
⇒ P{0<Z<Zo) =0.25
Zo 0.67 (using normal Table)
200 = 0.67 0 Zo

~ ·to = 1000 + 200 x 0.67 = 1134 Fig. 7.45

Thus the minimum burning life of the top one quarter of bulbs is 1134 hours.
pi:dfl [
,,,,,,11 'fhe incomes o a group of 5000 persons were found to be no~ma ])Y
·'· ptc 19·. 1 mean ~9000 and standard deviation ~750. What was the highest
tt"1 ct wit 1 100?
&,< ·btite the poorest
t l1• fl'lc fl
rnong X be the . ll
random vanable denoting incomes. Then X is norma Y
11· ico t1ofl• 1,et·tll 1 == 9000 and cr = 750 • Now, percentage of poorest J 00 persons among
5olll d Wl r 1 •
·stribute 5000 persons is :
~ uP of -1..Q..Q_ x 100 = 2%
tl gr0 5000
h'ghest income among the poorest 100 . The problem is to find Xo so that
t to be ~eo.~2- converting X into the standard normal variate z by means of the
J,C vt. t ) X -9000
f(P 0 . z== 750 , we have
¢lsfor _ x 0 -9000
1 X == Xo, Z - = z0 (savl
fof p(X< Xo) = 0.02 ⇒ P (Z< z0 ) = 0.02

:. 0 s- p (Zo < z < 0) == 0.02

:;:; · p (Zo < z < 0) = 0. 5 - 0.02 = 0.48
:P p (O < z < _ .zo) == 0 .48 (by symmetry) 0
? - z = 2 .05 (using normal Table) Fig. 7.46

Xo - 9 ooo == 2.05 or x_ = 9000 - 750 x 2.05 == 7462.50

- - 750 · 7..1
? th highest income among the poorest 100 was ~7462 .50.
'fbUS e
le 2 o. The incomes of a group of 10,000 persons were found to be normally
~~: ted with mean = ~750 and standard deviation = ~50. Show that of this group,
distnt ~So/o had income exceeding ~668 and only 5% had income exceeding t832.
:~twas the lowest income among the richest 100?
l tion, Let X be the random variable denotin g incomes. Then Xis normally
5.0 ;buted with µ == 750 and cr = 50. Converting X into the st andard normal variate
dm .
by means of the transformation

z = X -50750 , we have !

for X = 668, Z =
P(X > 668) == P(Z>-1.64)
\ -/
= - 1.64
- 1.64
= 05 + P (- 1.64 < Z < 0) (see Fig. 7.47) Fig. 7.47
= 0.5 + P (0 < Z < 1.64 ) = 0.5 + 0 .4495 = 0.9495
This means that approximately 95% of persons
had income exceeding t668.
832 750
Also, for X= 832, Z = - = 1.64
P(X > 832) = P (Z > 1.64)
0 1.64
= 0.5 - P (0 < Z ~ 1.64) (see Fig. 7.48) Fig. 7.48
= 0.5 - 0 .4495 = 0. 0505
7.22 Ehis·
Th1s means ath t approximately 5% of persons had income exce ct·
e 1ng t
ess .t\.
Percentage ofrichest 100 persons among a group of 10,000 person . 83<. l~
S lS ·
l QQ X 100 = 1% '

Let Xo be the lowe;ri~~~me among the richest 100. The problem is to fi

1nu .
p (X > Xol = 0.01. \ S() th
-750 XQ q\
Now, for X =Xo, Z = 50 = Zo (say)
p (X ~ Xol = o. O1
⇒ P(Z~Zo)= 0.01
or, 0.5-P(0 < Z< Zol = 0.01
⇒ P (O < z < Zol = 0.49
⇒ Zo = 2.33 (using normal Table) Fig. .
7 49
Xo -750
⇒ SQ = 2.33 ⇒ Xo = 750 + 50 X 2.33 ::: ~8 66 S
Thus the lowest income among the richest 100 persons is ~866.50. ·O
Example 21. The marks of the students in a certain examination
distributed with mean marks as 40% and standard deviation marks a ~ro~ nornialh·
. s- 1/o o '
basis 60% students failed. The result was moderated and 70% stud · nthis
, . ~~p
Find the pass marks before and after the moderat1on.[Delhi Univ BC assed.
. . . . om. (11) 20o
Solution. Let X be the random variable denotmg the percentage of m k . 21
examination. Then Xis normally distributed with mean µ = 40 and s d ~ tn the
•.cr -oL
be the standard normal variable defmed by · et 2
Z = X-µ = X-40
cr 20 ... ii)
Before moderation. Let percentage pass marks before moderation be x Th
according to the given information, only 40% students could score marks ~o~e thanen
or equal to x1• That 1s,
P(X~x1) = 0.40

X1 -40
For X = xl' Z=
=z1 (say)
P(X~x1) = 0.40 ⇒ P(Z ~ z1) = 0.40
⇒ P(0 < Z< Z1) = 0.10 (see Fig. 7.50) Fig. 7.50
⇒ z1 = 0.25 (using normal Table)
X1 -40
or, 20 = 0.25 ⇒ XI = 40 + 20 X 0.25 = 45
Thus percentage pass marks before moderation = 45%
A'J"er d ati Le ecordi11&
m_o e~ on. _t percentage pass marks after moderation be X:?· Then, a\'. . Th,it
~o the given information, 70% students scored marks more than or equal to · 2
. •tri/JllfiOII
t /ll:- ) = 0 70
,,..11:,I p (X ~ X.2 • X2 - 40
for X = X:i, Z = 20 = ~ (say)
p (X ~ X2) = 0.40
> Zil == 0.10
p(Z -
z<0)= 0 .70
f 5 + p (z.i < 0 20
o. .P(O ~
z< - 7- ) ::

- .1. Z2 0
~ -Zi == 0.52 or ~ = - 0.52 Fig. 7.51

1J ~ == -0.52 ⇒ Xi = 40 - 0.52 X 20 = 29.6

1J tage pass marks after moderation= 29.6%.
ercen . .
f llll5 P e . The marks o_f ~e students _m a class are normally distributed with
~a,ttpl d standard deviation 5 . If the instructor decides to give 'A' grade to the
!l'leaJl 70 ant dents, find how many marks a student must get to be able to get 'A'
10% s u
toP ?
[Delhi Univ. B.Com. (HJ 1997]
. Let Xbe the random variable denoting marks. Then Xis normally distributed
S~ {l,ltto,i. Le b th . . 'A'
70 and cr = 5. t Xo e e m1mmum marks a student must get to score
,11thµ h n problem is to find Xo so that P (X ~ ,Xo) = 0 .10.
de 'f e
gra · . g X into the standard normal variable Z by means of the transformation
convertin X - µ X - 70
z = ~ = 5 , we have
x 0 - 70
- r- Z== 5 = Zo(say) .
for X - '1J'
. p (X ~ Xo) == P (Z ~ z0 ) = 0. 10
~ p (O < z < Zo) = 0.40 (see Fig. 7.52) 0.40

Zo == 1.28 (using normal Table)

xo -70 _ . o 0
·e _;...-- - 1.28 ⇒ ,Xo = 70 + 5 X 1.28 = 76.4 Fig. 7.52
l. ., 5
Thus to be able to get 'A' grade, a student must get at least 76.4 marks.
Example 23. A hospital specializes in heart surgery. During the year 2011-12, 2 ,000
patients were admitted for treatment. Average payments made by patient wa s tl ,20,000
with a standard deviation of t25,000. Assuming the distribution of payments to be
nonnal, find :
(1) The number of patients who paid between ~1,00,000 and tl,75,000.
(ii) The probability that a patient's bill exceeds t75,000.
(iiij The maximum amount paid by the lowest paying one-third patents.
[Delhi Univ. B.Com. (HJ 2013 (SOLn
Solution. Let X be the random variable denoting the payments made by p a tients.
Then Xis normally distributed with meanµ= 1,20,000 and s.d. cr = 25,000.
X- µ X -1,20,000
Let Z = -;- = 25,000
Then z is a standard normal distribution.
(t) For X= 1,00,000, Z = 25,000 =-0, 8 ;

1, 75,000 -1, 20,000

for X= 1,75,000 Z= 25,000 = 2·2

:. P(l,00,000 ~X~ 1,75,000)

= P(-0.8 .'.: Z .'.: 2.2)

= P (-0.8 .'.: Z ~ 0) + P (0 < Z .'.: 2.2)

Fig, 7,53
= P (0 .'.: Z .'.: 0.8) + P (0 < Z .'.: 2.2)
= 0.2881 + 0.4861 = 0.7742
:. Number of patients who paid between n,00,000 and n,75,000
= 2,000 X 0.7742 = 1584 (app,)
(it) For X = 75,000, Z = 25 000 = -1.8
P(X> 75,000) = P(Z> -1.8)
= P(-1.8 < Z< 0) + 0.5
-1.8 0
= P (0 < Z < 1.8) + 0.5 . (by symmetry) Fig. 7.54
= 0.4641+0.5=0.9641
(iit) Let Xo (in~) be the maximum amount paid by the lowest paying one-third
Then Xo is given by patents.
P (X ~ Xol = 0.333
Xo -1,20,000
However, for X= Xo, Z= 25, 000 = Zo (say)

P (X ~ Xol = 0.333
⇒ P(Z.::..ial = 0.333
⇒ 0.5-P(Zo < Z .'.: 0) = 0.333 4 0
⇒ P (0 < Z < - Zo) = 0.167 (by symmetry) Fig. 7.55
⇒ -.ia = 0.43
x 0 - 1, 20, ooo
⇒ - 25,000 = 0.43
⇒ Xo = 1,20,000-25,000 X 0.43 = 1,09,250
Thus the maximum amount paid by the lowest paying one-third patients= n,O9 ,250·
. . are known t be normallY
Example 24. The scores of an entrance exammat1on °
distributed with a mean of 118 and standard deviation as 12.
. 7.25
J)istfl . . f 1 t .
rof11'ol didate obtauung ad~dcore oh at east 100 is declared successful, wha is
~ f ~ call b"lity that a can 1 ate c osen at random will be successful?
~ f 0 ba
(t tile P: tbe lowest score of the top 25% of the candidates.
. obtalfl .d d to pass 70% of those talcing the examination ' what should be the
(11) • deCl e
.. rfit 15 ssing scores? [Delhi Univ. B.Com. (HJ 2014]
,,1) est pa d . bl
1 10w Xbe the ran om varia e representing the scores of an entrance exam.
tiOfl• r,et ally distributed with mean µ = 118 and standard deviation cr = 12.
~oltl 15 . poJ1Il d al . b
P fl X X into standar norm varia le Z by means of the transformation
file verti.Ilg X - 118
cofl z = 12 , we have
x,; 10 ,
o z= 12 = -1. 5
(1) for p (X?. 100) = p (Z?. - 1.5)
= P(-1.5 :::Z< 0) + 0 .5
= P (0 < Z::: 1.5) + 0.5 -1 .5 0
= 0.4332 + 0.5 = 0.9332 Fig. 7.56
be the lowest score of the top 25% of the candidates. The problem is to find
(ii) 1,etth~t p (X?. .xo) = 0.25. We have
to Xo -118
Z= 12 = Zo (say)
for X,; Xo•
p (X?. .xo) = 0.25
p (Z?. Zo) = 0.25

< z < z0 ) = 0 .25
⇒ o. 5 _ P(O
P(O < Z< Zol = 0.25 0 z

Zo = 0.675 (using normal Table) Fig. 7.57

Xo -118 = 0 675
⇒ 12 .
X 0.675 = 126.1
Xo = 118 + 12
Thus, the lowest score of the top 25% of the candidates = 126.1
(iii) Let x1 be the lowest passing scores, if it is decided to pass 70% of the candidates.
Then x1 is given by
P (X?. x 1) = 0 .70
X1 -118
Now, for X = x 1, Z= = z 1 (say)
P(X?. x 1) = 0.70
⇒ P(Z?.z1)=0.70
⇒ P(z1 < Z< 0) + 0.5 = 0.70 z. 0

:) P(O < Z < -z1) = 0.20 (by symmetry) Fig. 7.58

-z1 = 0.525 (using normal Table)
- X1 -118 = 0 525 ~ Xi= 118 - 12 / 0.525::: 111 -~-- ·.,,,,.,_._,...
12 . -7
Example 25. The marks of the students in a class of 100 are
with mean marks as 40 and variance marks as 400. Find .. norrnau-1 ri· c.i~_,._,
(1) Q and Q and (il) coefficient of quartile deviation. •-'; ·\:
3 1
[Delhi Univ. B
Solutia~ Let X be t~e r_andom v_ariable denoting the marks of stu~Co1n.._(Ii] 20
Then X 1s normally d1stnbuted with mean µ = 40 and s.d. r; == ·/40Q ~s 1ri ~ r::;.~~
(1) By definition of Q1 and Q3, we have 0. · ::
P (X < Q1) = 0.25 and P (X > Q3) = 0.25
Converting X into standard normal variable Z by means of the tran £ ... ,.
X - 40 s Grrna.ttGn
Z= , we have for X = Q1, Z= ~ -
20 20 - 2. (S;t,,J • J -...1

and for X = Q3, z = 20 = - Z 1 (by symmetry)

Thus P (X < Oil = 0.25 ::;, P (Z < Z1) = 0.25

::;, 0.5 - P (z1 < Z < 0) = 0.25 (see Fig. 7.S9)
::;, P(z1 < Z< 0) = 0.25
or P (0 < Z < - Z1) = 0.25 (by syTnrnetJy)
- z1 = 0.6745 (using rwrmal Table )

01 -40
or - 20 = 0.6745

Ql = 40-0.6745 X 20 =26.5 0.25 0.25

Also, = - z1 = 0.6745 X=Qz
20 Z =z1 z =o Z=-z.
::::) Q3 = 40 + 0.6745 X 20 = 53.5 Fig. 7.59
(iz) Coefficient of Quartile Deviation
Q3 - 01 53.5 -26.5 27
= Q3 +Q1 = 53.5+26.5 = 80 = o. 3375

Aliter. We are given µ =40 and cr = .J400 = 20

(1) For a normal distribution, we have
Q1 = mean - 0.6745cr = 40- 0.6745 x 20 = 40- 13.5 = 26.5
Q3 = mean+ 0.6745cr = 40 + 0.6745 x 20 = 40 + 13.5 = 53.5
(il'l Coefficient of Quartile Deviation

Q3 - Q1 53.5 - 26.5 27 ~
= Q3 + Q1 = 53.5 + 26.5 = 80 = o. 337::i.
·5 trt'btJ.tion

Questions . ..
eod salient features of a normal probability distribution. Write its probability
1~ aive ~e [C.A. Foundation, 1997, 2000]
1• fllfl
. of normal distribution?
cuoP· the different properties
wl'lat are [Delhi Univ. B.Com.. (HJ 2002, 2013, 2018, 2021)
. the salient features of binomial and normal probability distributions.
6l<PJaJJl [Delhi Univ. B.Com. (H) 1993]
3. [Delhi Univ. B.Com. (H)
are the characteristics of normal distribution?
(a) What
· 1990] . the normal probability distribution most popular?
(b) WhY [Delhi Univ. B.Com. (H) 1985j
e nonnal distribution hold the most honourable position in the theory of
WhY does th [Delhi Univ. B.Com. (H) 1984)
5. babiJity?
. type Questions
0~b·ect1-ve bether the following statements are True or False:
state w . . . .
1, t) The nonnal d1stnbution was first discovered by De Moivre in 1733.
( The mean deviation is 4 / 5 of th_e standard deviation in a normal distribution.
(iit) In case of normal distribution, X ± 2cr covers 99.73% items.
(iv) About 99.73% of the total area under the normal curve is covered from µ-3cr to
µ + 3cr.
(v) In a normal distribution P1 = 0 and P2 = 3.
{Vt) The nonnal distribution is a discrete probability distribution.
(vii) If n is large and neither p nor q is small, the binomial distribution tends to the
normal distribution.
(viii) The mean, median and mode never coincide for the normal distribution.
(IX) If Xis a normal variate withµ= 20 and cr = 4, then P (16 < X < 20) is the same as
P(-1 < Z< 5). [Delhi Univ. B.Com. (HJ 2013]
(x) The normal curve may be asymmetrical.

1. (1) T (iz) T (iiz) F (iv} T (v) T

(vt) F (viz) T (viii) F (ix) F (x) F

Pract~ Problems
1./(a) Let X be a random variable and follow a normal distribution with mean 12 and
standard deviation 2. What is the probability that the value of X selected at random
lies in the interval (11, 14}? (C.A. Foundation, May 1997]
(b) If Xis normally distributed with mean 50 and standard deviation 10, find the
probability that X assumes a value between 45 and 62.
:-i. / '(11) (\lvrn 1111111111111 dlt1\dl111llt111Xwl1l111- t11 1111 d ,, _ ,,
, (1) l'(X < lh) 1
(I~ l1 (1 '/ ·.\ ·'.! I) ~. ', l1i1tl
(Ii) l\lvr1111111w11111I dlt1lrllH1ll11n S wl1 l1 11- ~lUU t11id
11 _ 10 1
.,,md ~0\ 1, ' JIJd llir
I ' 'll fl11 b
:l. ;rhr 11v~1·t1~.I' 11u,11lhlv t111 lrt1 ol h()()t) Iii 11111 111'{1111111 ,111lly diril , r11t/r1
11 1
V (\rVh\t\<HI f\l'ti~:\(1,000 111)(\ ~10,000 1't1nprt'llvr ly J1'li,d >Ul c(I. ll111t 11,
' ,, '''%1 I hli1
(1) thr n11mlwr of lh·11111 1hr n1 dr 11ol willl'li 11 ,·c nvr, ~ l
40 I ){)() 111IIJ111
(in thr \Wl'\'t1nl11p,r of ll111111 lht-111il1't1 111' wldelt will i>r I .
Jr 1Wc1·11
11nd • "''
~.lfi,1 ,
00 1
111 I
(i/1' thr n11rnht'1' or l'i1·mn tlw tull1't1 ol wilh•l1 will 1,1. l>"I l ~4 1iJ"
'I " W Ct:11 \°'() ' Vi)
Tlw rrl~vnnt rxtrnrl ol' tlw l\1·1•11 '1'1d1h (1111d1·1· 1111· 111 " .
1111 11I' ll I V1•),J Iii,lJO(J, 111111~-1() !Jr,

2 : ().~~G o.~() () ,;) O(

V,IVr.1, be!( ' Vi)
Anv1 : 0,0()87 ll. I SM 0. I q I ,1·, • ' •
, [Deihl Uritv. DC
4. The monthly wnf(~·~ or 2500 wnrk1T~ 11n· 11or1111dly dinirilnil i· • 0»i, /ll/ l
dcvintion nrc ~ \5,000 nnd ~ 1000 rt:Hp1·1·tivt:ly, 1,:Hliinnlt:: ,! 1· 1lfi 111 cu 11 t111t1 lll~n: 9~
(i) The pcrC'cnlnl-(c 011(\ 11umlwr nf workcn, 1•ctt ini1 w- , ..,
' , 1' 1,,, 111 J()V(; ..,\ 17 0
I lJO.
(i1) The pcrccntngt: or wurkcni get Iing wngcHIJclow ~ 14 ,000.

(iii) The number of workers get tin!-( wage:-; between Z 14,000 uncl z I ?,Duo.

(Dclhl Univ. B,Corn

5. The mean and standard dcviut ion of the wuge:-; uf 6000 wur·k•·r" · /Ii/ 202,,
arc ~1200 and ~400 rcspcclivcly. Assuming the clistribu Lion to"be" normull
cngttgcd 1· .,
~ a!actory
estimate Yd18tribu1cu,
(ij percentage of workers getting wages above ~1600,
(iij the number of workers getting wages between ~600 and ~900, and
(iii) the number of workers getting wages between ~1100 and ~1500.
The relevant extract of the Area Table (under the normal curve) is given below:
Z 0.25 0.5 0.6 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.5
Area : 0.0987 0.1915 0.2257 0.2734 0.3413 0.3944 0.4332
[Delhi Univ. B.Com. (HJ 1995, 201~
6. The marks obtained in a certain examination follow normal distribution with mean45
and standard deviation 10. If 1000 students appeared in the examination, calculatethe
number of students scoring
(1) less than 40 marks, {it) more than 60 marks. [C.A. Foundation, May 199~
7. ln a sample of 1000 items, the mean weight and standard deviation are 45 kg andIS
kg respectively. Assuming the distribution to be normal, find the number of item;
weighing between 40 kg and 60 kg. [C.A. Foundation, May 199•1
64 inches WI standard
8. The average height of 2000 women in a random sample 1s . .th a
deviation of 2 inches. The heights have a normal distribution. How many women·
heights :
(1) between 62 and 66 inches?
7 .29
I piStfl 60 and 68 inches?
, b tween
,. (it) e 58 and 70 inches?
· ~een
(iil) t,e up of men, 5% are under 160 cm in height and 40% are between 160 and
of~ lgrge ~~suming heigh ts to be normally distributed, find the mean height and
9· 110 cJll~· deviation.
s~da! k.S obtained by the students in an examination are known to be normally
than 40 marks while 15% got over 80, what
111e Jllaf d If 10% of the students got less
jO• di5t;rib1.lte · and standard deviation of marks?
~~ .
~ of a group of 10,000 persons was found to be normally distributed "1th
. · equal to <50. What was the lowest income
111e lll al to TT50 and stand ard d eviation
. co!!le
1J.• rriea.ll ecg:_e riches t 250? [Delhi Univ. B.Com. (HJ 1998]

afll g life-length of a certain make of light bulbs is 1500 hours with standard
!Z· r11e_ hours. If the life-length is assumed to be normally distributed, what is
devta~bability that :
t11e p bulb will fail before 1400 hours?
1_11 a bu lb will las t longer than 1550 hours?
(rt) a
bulb will las t between 1450 and 1550 hours?
(iii) a . -
distribution of monthly incomes o~ ~_oo workers may be assumed to be normal
13, 'fbe an of<2000 and a standard deV1ation of<200. Estimate the number of workers
with rne .
with incomes •
(t) exceeding <2300 per month,
il) between <'1800 and <2300 per month, and
/-~ what is the lowest income of the 25% workers in the highest income group?
tI1 [Delhi Univ. B.Com. (HJ 2014)
h rnean of the inner diameters (in inches) of a sample of 200 tubes produced by a
14· 'f e rune is 0.502 and the standard deviation is 0.05. The purpos e for which these
01ac .
bes are intended allows a maximum to1erance of 0.496 to 0 .508 othernise the tubes

tu considered defective. What percentage of tubes produced by the machine is defective
diameters are fou n d to be normally distributed? [Delhi Univ . M .Com. 2003)
. The results of a particular examina tion are given below in a summary form :
Result l?o of candidates
(1) Passed with distinction 10
(it) Passed 60
(iii) Faz1ed 30
It is known that a candidate fails he obtains less than 40 marks (out of 100) while he
must obtain at least 75 marks in order to pass with dis tinction. Determine the mean
and standard deviation of the distribution of marks a ssuming this to be normal.
[Delhi Univ. B.Com.. (HJ 2014 (SOLJJ
16. For a certain normal distribution, the first moment about 10 is 40 and the fourth
moment about 50 is 48. Wha t is the arithmetic mean and standard deviation of the
distribution? [Delhi Univ. B .Com.. (HJ 2022]
17. Time taken by the crew, of a com pany, to construct a s mall bridge is a normal variate
with mean 400 labour hours and s tandard d eviation of 100 labour hours.
(1) What is the probability that the bridge gets constructed betw·een 350 to 450
labour hours?
(it) If the company promises to construct the bridge in _ Bljs&
agrees to pay a pe~~ty of 00 for each labour ho;)O labour h ~ ~k
what is the probability that the company pays Ur spent . O\\rs ,1u.

a Penalty tn e 0ti~ "
[Delhi Un. ' of aq ~ce~ ¾,
(a) For a normal distribution with mean 2 and Varian tv. .B..J1· ~on, east ;I',, or "'~
18 '<Oo ~½
that the probability of the interval [2, xj is 0.4 llSce , finct th.e lio~/ ) '
. va..1u is9
. . . [C-A. li'ound . e Of I'll
-1: s ,
(b) If Xis normally d1stnbuted with mean 10 and standar .Qtio11, 1rt Ile~
that P (10 < X < Xol = 0.4772. d de\!Jation Qy <oo
· normally d'1stn'bu ted W1'th mean 11 and sta d
(c) If X 1s , %ct \sllii
such that P (X > Xol = 0.09. n arctd . Ch
e\!Jation , '
e income distribution of officers of a certain company
· , %q,
. was fou ...
stribution. The average mcome of an officer was ns 1 ooo "'h nct to foU '
'J' f th
the income of officers was ,5,000 . I ere were 242 officers drawm
w many officers were there in the company?
• l e gt,., _
~ 01\•
1darct de~l'to~

[C.A F gsalai:y abov ation ,

• 0 undQti e'18 • 0·
suming that the height distribution of a group of persons is no on, Nov.<~~.
and standard deviation, given that 84% of the persons have h _nna1, finct th 0i1
· hes and 68% have heights between 65.2 and 62.8 inches eights less the lll~
. an 6'
r a normal distribution with mean 50 and standard deviation ~-2
~ ffi . ·1 15 n
(t) Q3 an d Q1 (u, coe 1c1ent o quarb e deVJation.
. f . . ' fi ct .·

1. (a) 0.5328 (b) 0.5764
2. (a) (t) 0.1151 (it) 0.5403
(b) 0.6106
3. (t)1723 (it) 9.28%
(iiz) 1906
4. (t) 2.28%, 57 workers (it) 15.87%
(iiz) 2046 Worke~
5. (t) 15.87% (it) 959 (iiz) 2233
6. (t) 309 (it) 67 7. 471
8. (t) 1365 (ii) 1909 (iiz) 1995
9. µ= 170.86, cr = 6.58
10. µ= 59.105, cr = 14.925 11. ~848
12. (t) 0.0227 (it) 0.1587 (iiz) 0.6826
13. (t) 33 (it) 387 (ii~ ~2134
14. 90.44% 15. µ=50.17, cr = 19.4
16. µ = 50, cr = 2
17. (t) 0.3830 (it) 0.2420
18. (a)6.05 (b) 18 (c) 13.01
19. 1000 20. µ=64, cr = 1.2
21. (t) Q3 = 60.1175, Q1= 39.8825 (it) 0.2024

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