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CarePay Kenya invites applica1ons from interested, competent and eligible firms for prequalifica1on for the under listed categories of
goods, services and works for the period 2023 - 2025.

Trusted by over 4.7 million lives, CarePay gives access to affordable healthcare for all. In 2015, the CarePay plaCorm launched the mobile
health wallet under the brand name M-TIBA in Kenya, combining mobile technology and money so people could save up for future hospital
expenses. Since then, the plaCorm has grown to become the digital connector between the healthcare payers, providers, and members,
and covering the end-to-end healthcare journey. The plaCorm improves the way money flows through the healthcare system, lowering the
costs society must pay to get access to good quality healthcare.



1 Supply of general office sta3onery 27 Provision of electronic waste disposal services

Supply and personaliza3on of staff iden3fica3on smart cards, lanyards and Provision of occupa3onal safety and health advisory services (i.e. audits,
2 28
metal staff badges assessment)
3 Supply of customized rubber stamps and office seal 29 Provision of video, mo3on graphics and audio edi3ng services
4 Supply of drinking water and dispensers 30 Provision of marke3ng communica3ons/adver3sing services
5 Supply of branded promo3onal items 31 Provision of entertainment services, DJ, PA system, audio-visuals display boards
Supply of internal and external corporate branding services e.g., branding of
Provision of professional and ordinary photography, videography and related
6 vehicles, installa3on of vinyl s3ckers /murals for walls, window markings, 32
exterior led signage, billboards etc.

7 Supply of corporate giS items/ hampers 33 Provision of event/sales ac3va3on/exhibi3on décor and branding services

8 Supply and maintenance of office furniture, furnishings and fiUngs 34 Provision of tradi3onal and digital media monitoring services

9 Supply, installa3on and maintenance of air condi3oning 35 Provision of research/survey or market study services
Provision of social media management and digital media strategy, management
10 Supply of emergency water 36
and buying services
11 Supply and maintenance of power back-up systems, UPS & inverters 37 Provision of OSH, fire safety and first aid training
12 Supply and maintenance of ICT equipment (computers, laptops, routers) 38 Provision of MICE, air travel and 3cke3ng agency services
Supply and maintenance of firefigh3ng equipment, smoke detec3on and fire
13 39 Provision of office cleaning and sanitary bin services
suppression system
14 Supply and maintenance of CCTV and access control 40 Provision of security guarding services

15 Supply of electricals (i.e. bulbs, cables, sockets etc.) 41 Provision of team building facilitators

16 Supply of kitchen equipment 42 Provision of flowers and giSs

Supply and delivery of asset tagging bar codes and provision of tagging
17 43 Provision of internet services
PROVISION OF SERVICES 44 Provision of electrical fiUngs repair and maintenance

18 Provision of plumbing installa3ons and drainage services 45 Provision of survey plaborm

19 Provision of networking services 46 Provision of outsourcing of casuals

20 Provision of architectural and interior design consultancy services 47 Provision of catering services

21 Provision of Quan3ty Surveyor (QS) services 48 Provision of on ground ac3va3ons

22 Provision of local courier services and dedicated riders 49 Provision of hotel and accomoda3on services

23 Provision of interna3onal courier, postage and parcel service 50 Provision of garbage colle3on services

24 Provision of transport services (taxi, car hire, minibuses and vans) 51 Provision of generator services

25 Provision of clearing and forwarding services 52 Provision of cakes and pastries

26 Provision of credit reference services

Prequalifica+on Applica+on Notes:

All exis(ng suppliers are required to par(cipate alongside prospec(ve suppliers to be evaluated and considered.

Prequalifica+on is not a guarantee for business opportunity, bidders will be invited to submit their quota+ons on need basis based on the opportuni+es available.
CarePay Kenya reserves the right to accept or reject any bid in whole or in part at its discre+on.

The supplier prequalifica/on exercise will be conducted online via:

Tendersure™ pla:orm is secure, transparent and provides an efficient prequalifica/on process. Interested suppliers may access and register on
under the “Available Jobs” tab. Access to the prequalifica/on process will be provided upon adherence to Tendersure's pla:orm-specific terms and condi/ons.

The online prequalifica/on exercise closes on 20th August 2023 at 10pm EAT.

In case of any inquiry kindly contact us at or +254 709 557 000.

All par/cipants who duly complete the prequalifica/on process online will be no/fied of the outcome.

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