Session 4 p91 TEL

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Background: The four hallmarks of good practice. Have the class jot down
each of these principles, and be sure they understand them.
Don’t take for granted that your students will automatically
know how to navigate Kaplan program resources, or their • Always complete your required HW and maximize
time, effectively. Get them on the right path to success. Smart Reports’ practice recommendations. Kaplan
has ID’d the work that every student must complete
Specifics: to stay on target. Don’t get behind on it! This is not
like college, where you can get behind in all your as-
Welcome students back from the break and point out that signments and cram at the end for the final. Kaplan’s
we’ll briefly discuss their study skills and some helpful LSAT program is a skill development course that
tips for how they can be more successful in building great requires constant rehearsal and review. Finishing the
study habits. req’d assignments will ensure that you’re using your
time wisely.
(1) “I’m not sure I’ve set up a good study schedule.”
• Make the choice to start your practice with a strong
Proper study schedule. Provide advice that will help students area or a weak one. Some like to get a weakness
block out their time in these early weeks of preparation. attended to right away; others prefer to work on com-
Don’t get too granular. Integrate student ideas as much as fortable skills to lay the groundwork for the tougher
possible. Advice that has worked includes the following: concepts. Either approach is fine as long as the
students consciously decide which they prefer and
• Give time to all three section types each week—and
eventually work to develop all areas.
consider spending more time on LR, which accounts
for 50% of the score. • Study every Q’s explanation—not just the explanations
of the Qs you get wrong. Elicit why it’s smart to read
• Never study or practice for more than 3 uninterrupted
an explanation of a Q you get right: Doing so builds
hrs (unless taking a full-length). Why not? Diminish-
confidence (“I’m thinking like an expert!”). This review
ing returns set in after that amount of time; adults
(1) reinforces that Kaplan’s Methods will improve your
can’t absorb much after hitting the 3-hour limit. If
performance and (2) increases speed by explaining
planning two 3-hour sessions, take a good solid
how to get Qs right more quickly or more cleverly.
break between them.
Thinking like the test maker gives Kaplan students an
• Set up short-term or limited goals for each week. edge over all other test takers. Shortchanging yourself
Examples: “Complete 10 Assumpt Qs.” “Devote a is a mistake! Every explanation has the potential to
total of 3 hrs to FL.” “Finish three RC passages in reinforce something or teach something fundamen-
9 mins or less each” (that goal will likely require tal. If you never read it, you’ll never know how it might
skipping a Q or two in each passage, which is OK). have helped you.
Important: No goal should involve a particular
• Make mistakes happily. You’re gonna get Qs wrong
number right; goals should involve the quality and
anyway, so why beat yourself up? Even students who
intensity of one’s study in a particular area.
score perfect 180s can miss questions. Make mis-
• When studying at odd times of the day, acknowledge takes gladly, grateful for the chance to mess up when
that fatigue may damage your accuracy or concentra- mistakes don’t count. Every mistake in practice offers
tion. Students must never beat themselves up—but a way of reducing errors on Test Day. You’re familiar
especially not when the problems they’re facing are with the idea that “I learn from my mistakes.” Now’s
the result of being tired or distracted. Cut yourself the time to prove it!
some slack!
• Never practice seven days a week. Everyone needs Takeaway:
at least one day off once a week to rebuild one’s ap- The right approaches to test prep may be counterintuitive,
petite for the exam. but Kaplan’s been training LSAT champions for over 40 years
• Try to maintain your schedule, but if something and we know what works. So students should follow the
comes up or you’re just not feelin’ it, that’s OK. LSAT advice they’re paying for.
study goes best when the student is energized and
engaged. Take a break and come back when you’re
ready to dig in.

(2) “I don’t always know what to do at each study session.”

C O N F I D E N T I A L A N D P R O P R I E T A R Y — F O R I N T E R N A L U S E O N LY
Goal: Timing: 10 mins
Discuss how students have been approaching their out-of-class practice and
reinforce good study skills for the LSAT.

Study Skills
(1) Elicit student
responses to the first Using Your Time Wisely
question and offer
helpful advice to “I’m not sure I’ve set up a good study schedule.”
steer them in the right
How can you be sure you’ve scheduled each week’s preparation properly?

(2) Discuss the four

hallmarks of good
practice. “I don’t always know what to do at each study session.”

What are the four hallmarks of good practice?

Boardwork: Transition:
N/A “Let’s take a look at LR-Str/Wkr Qs.
You can use these study skills to
practice on these Q.Types after today’s

2h 6m

C O N F I D E N T I A L A N D P R O P R I E T A R Y — F O R I N T E R N A L U S E O N LY

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