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February 13th - Tuesday

Extra Activity: Answer the questions based on the audios.

Ana Cristina Henao Guerra. 1037670380.
Universidad de Antioquia.
English V – Group 17.

1. When was Pascal born and when did he die?
R/: Pascal was Born on June 19, 1623 and die on August 16, 1662.

2. Which another recognized scientist was he associated with?

R/: Another scientist associated with Pascal was Pierre de Fermat and Galileo because
they were influential in his studies.

3. What topic did his studies focus on?

R/: Pascal focused his studies to contributed to science thought scientific research and
studying hydrostatic and hydrodynamic of fluids.

4. Where did Pascal receive his education?

R/: In his childhood, Pascal was educated by his father at home.

5. Who was Blais Pascal?

R/: Blais Pascal was a French mathematician, physicist, and religious philosopher.

1. When was Isaac Newton born?
R/: Isaac Newton was born on January 4th, 1643.

2. Why is Isaac Newton considered one the most influential men in human history?
R/: He was considered one the most influential men in human history for his
contribution to science and for the development of his professions like astronomer,
natural philosopher, alchemist, among others.

3. What law did he explain completely?

R/: In this book called “The principia,” he described the universal gravitation law and
the three laws of motion.
4. Which is the most influential book in the history of science?
R/: The most influential book in the history of science is “The principia” write by
Isaac Newton.

5. How did he study the spectrum of light?

R/: He study the spectrum of light when developed a theory of color based on the
observation of a prism that decomposes white light into the many colors and form the
visible spectrum.

1. Where was Isaac Newton born?

R/: He was English, so he was born in United Kingdom

2. What did he study empirically?

R/: He formulated an empirical law of cooling and studied the speed of sound.

3. When was the book “The principia” published?

R/: His book called “The principia,” was published on 1687.

4. What as the function of his first practical reflecting telescope?

R/: the function of his practical reflecting telescope was to observe celestial bodies
and help him develop color theory by observing a prism.

5. What were the two principal Newton professions?

R/: Two of his principal professions was mathematician and astronomer.

1. Was what the name Galileo Galilei best known for?
R/: Galileo has been called the father of modern observational astronomy and the
most important father of modern science.

2. When did Galileo die?

R/: Galileo was died in 1642.

3. How many moons did Galileo discover, and which planet are they from?
R/: He was discovered 4 moons of Jupiter.

4. What tool was improved by Galileo?

R/: Galileo improved the telescope and consequently, the astronomical observation
were also improved.
5. How many professions did Galileo have and what were they?
R/: Galileo had 4 professions and were astronomer, physicist, mathematician, and

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