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Camden Rooney



02 November 2023

The American Dream as a Veteran

THE MILITARY, how much do you really know about when your in and do you know how it

can affect your life once your out? In the military your exposed to many things including war. In

war though your exposed to death, heavy weapon use, and constant stress on your body and your

mind. These can effect how you get a job, a house, your education, and your social class. PTSD,

or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, is a infectious psychological condition characterized by a

range of symptoms resulting from exposure to intensely distressing or traumatic events. These

events arent limited to military combat, natural disasters, physical or sexual assault, accidents, or

witnessing violence. Individuals with PTSD often experience distressing memories, nightmares,

and flashbacks related to the traumatic incident. Furthermore they frequently try to avoid

reminders of the trauma, leading to social withdrawal and emotional numbness. Additionally,

PTSD can trigger persistent negative alterations in mood and cognition, including distorted

beliefs about oneself or others, feelings of guilt or blame, and a lessened interest in previously

enjoyed activities. The disorder can significantly impair one’s ability to function in daily life,

impacting ones ability to obtain a job and home. So understanding the different parts of PTSD is

crucial in developing effective ways to improve these life of these effected people and their

ability to obtain the american dream.

Within the mental condition ptsd the people that are effected the most are veterans. These

veterans have trouble getting and/or keeping a steady job which effects how they obtain the

american dream. As stated in an article “Veterans with PTSD were 19% less likely to be

employed at discharge”. This is only the percentage at their discharge it doesn't account for the

rest of the time after service. So what would the percentage of veterans that are effected by ptsd

that aren't at an discharge point but much time after their service. And is it greater or less of an

percentage. After further research you find that 65% of veterans that were using VA healthcare

were unemployed. This is seen in another article where the author goes more into depth on how

employers feel on ptsd stated “Because most employers do not know much about or do not

understand PTSD, they hesitate to hire someone they believe may have this traumatic disorder”.

This is very significant because you get a greater insight into how the employer of these veterans

are thinking. This has a worry brought over them that if they employ these effected soldiers then

it may effect their business. Both these texts prove how the american dream is effected by being

a veteran with ptsd by going into greater detail. They do this by describing how employers feel

and the statistics of un/employment of these veterans. And by it showing that information it

proves that ptsd effected veterans have a harder time getting jobs which increases their struggle

to achieve the american dream. Can we make some jobs more open to ptsd effected veterans so

that even they can achieve the american dream and succeed the american dream.

Veterans aren't just effected in the job field they are effected in even getting a house to

sleep in. “The Urban Institute, in conjunction with the National Survey of Homeless Assistance

Providers and Clients (NSHAPC), projected in 1996 that each year, 2.3 million to 3.5 million

people experience homelessness in America. The survey found that 23 percent of all homeless

persons ? and 33 percent of all homeless men ? are veterans. By taking 23 percent of the total

range, that would indicate there are between 529,000 and 840,000 veterans who are homeless at

some time during the year”. This text goes into detail on the percentage of homeless ppl who are

veterans in the united states and that if you really think about it the seemingly small amount of

23% is huge when you fully put it to scale. This is also seen in another article talking more about

ptsd within the united states veterans. “When you look specifically within members of the

military, combat exposure and PTSD are associated with higher risk of homelessness. “ This

quote from the article explains more deeply on how ptsd is a big factor in the homelessness on

american soldiers and that not necessarily being a veteran means you'll be homeless. Both these

texts prove how the american dream is effected by not only being a veteran but being one with

ptsd. And how it effects their ability to get a home to sleep in. The american dream is without a

doubt effected by ptsd effected veterans.

Employment and housing is a major issue for ptsd effected veterans and how they

truly need help when it comes to succeeding and achieving the american dream. And a takeaway

from all this is that the amount of homelessness in america is an issue so why not start with the

men/women that served and protected and fought for the country you live in. and why haven't

you tried helping them yet? In conclusion, housing and employment for veterans is affected by

PTSD and it presents a critical challenge that significantly impacts their pursuit of the American

Dream. The dream of a stable home, meaningful employment, and overall well-being becomes

impossible for these brave individuals who have served their country. Addressing this issue is

not only a moral challenge but also essential for upholding the principles that the American

Dream stands for. By providing housing, tailored mental health support, and employment

opportunities that accommodate the unique needs of veterans with PTSD, society can empower

these individuals to rebuild their lives, regain their independence, and contribute meaningfully to

their communities. Through support systems and understanding, we can work towards ensuring

that all veterans, regardless of their mental health challenges, have the chance to achieve their

version of the American Dream, just as they have sacrificed to defend ours.

As a side note theres an artist i really enjoy the bands name is Flatland Cavalry they just

released a new album and on it theres a song called “New American Dream” i recommend that

you give it a listen because it sorta relates to our full topic.

Work Cites

Flatland cavalry, “New American Dream” Wondering Star, 2023,spotify

Resnick SG, Rosenheck RA. Posttraumatic stress disorder and

employment in veterans participating in Veterans Health Administration

Compensated Work Therapy. J Rehabil Res Dev. 2008;45(3):427-35. doi:

10.1682/jrrd.2007.06.0093. PMID: 18629751.

The Ranch TN, the ranch tn. “Does PTSD Make It Difficult to Get a Job?” The Ranch
TN, 23 Sept. 2022,

Mightyspark, pine street inn. “Facts about Homeless Veterans.” Pine Street Inn, 2022,

Roets, Shirley, and Bill Ewing. “Why Veterans Remain at Greater Risk of
Homelessness.” Boston University, 9 Nov. 2022,

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