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South Africa’s multilevel

During the COVID-19 crisis, women

shed more jobs and took on more of
the additional childcare burden. As
South Africa eased out of the stricter
levels of lockdown, men returned
more quickly than women to their
pre-COVID-19 childcare levels. For
women in particular, working from
home meant striking a balancing act
that left many feeling as if they were
falling short both at home and at work.
Drawing from recent research, HSRC
researchers discuss how employers
can better support women. By Candice
Groenewald, Zaynab Essack and
Andrea Teagle

Many women struggled to meet work demands while balancing the

added childcare and domestic work during lockdown.
Photo: Charles Deluvio, Unsplash

outh Africans are mostly in the care sector (where jobs are 58% of net job losses from February
supportive of women working, typically low-paying), occupied fewer to June.
but with some caveats. Women managerial posts and were paid less
Black women in townships and rural
contributing to household income than men for the same work.
areas were particularly affected. A
is fine – even desirable – as long as
With the onset of COVID-19, these study conducted by the National
this is secondary to their roles as
gendered divisions deepened at Institute for the Humanities and
caregivers. In fact, if a woman has Social Sciences (NIHSS) on the
every level and were particularly
children of school-going age, she impact of COVID-19 across five
stark during the peak of the crisis.
should rather not work, according to townships found that 7 in 10
Between February and April 2020
almost two-thirds of South Africans. women (72%) spent more on food,
the country shed 2.9 million net jobs.
These perceptions, captured by the According to the National Income compared with 5 in 10 men. And
HSRC’s 2017 South African Social Dynamics Study – Coronavirus according to the HSRC’s Street talk-
Attitudes Survey, are reflected Rapid Mobile (NIDS-CRAM) survey Asikulume Lockdown Survey, almost
in the gendered nature of work undertaken by researchers at Wits 1 in 10 women nationally reported
that they skipped meals in response
in South Africa. When COVID-19 University, women accounted for
to financial strain.
arrived on our shores, nearly half two-thirds of these losses. By June,
of the workforce was female. But some women had returned to work; Speaking at a recent lecture on the
women tended to be concentrated however, women still accounted for gendered COVID-19 impacts, NIHSS

Page 42 | HSRC Review | Volume 18 Number 4 • November 2020

CEO Sarah Masetsa noted that while that childcare prevented them from work patterns. To support female
overall income decreased, women’s going to work or made work very employees and avoid long-term
spending on basic goods remained difficult in June 2020. burnout, employers should prioritise
comparatively high. “Women are communication approaches
To unpack the challenges faced by
spending more of their money [than and timelines that respect the
women who remained employed
men], taking care of the basics, complexities of women’s lives, the
during lockdown, a team of HSRC
taking care of the household,” she authors of the study suggest.
researchers led by Dr Candice
said. Referring to the results from
Groenewald rolled out an online Beyond COVID-19, the choice to
the NIHSS survey, she added that
survey to a convenience sample of work from home can significantly
the burden of COVID-19 is not shared
equally. 58 adults, 40 of whom were women free women so they can attend to
aged 31–57 years. The survey was their duties; however, men should
made up of open-ended questions also benefit from this flexibility to
Impact on paid and unpaid
work where the participants could describe encourage a more equal division
While the proportion of women in the their anxieties and concerns about of childcare. The findings of this
workplace shrank, at the same time working from home. small HSRC survey, while not
the unpaid work women undertook Findings revealed that most of the generalisable, underscore the
increased drastically. women (70%) struggled to maintain need for employers to start asking
healthy boundaries between their critical questions about their roles
South Africa’s high percentage
home lives and work. The lack of in perpetuating (or not explicitly
of female-headed households
separation between work and home preventing) employee burnout. This
partly explains why women
time led participants to feel guilty is important, for not only women
disproportionately took on more
when working, and guilty when not but men too, in ensuring employers
unpaid work with the closure of
schools and childcare services. Almost working. consider the different responsibilities
three in four (74%) women reported women and men have outside of
“I always feel like I am not doing
that they lived with children, compared work, while also making room for a
enough,” one woman reported. “I
with 61% of men, according to NIDS- shift towards greater equality. In this
end up working until late. I am on my
CRAM. This disproportionate burden regard, policies should enable women
laptop [and] I never have time for my
is significant because female-headed and men to have a stronger (perhaps
family. I feel guilty when I am taking a
households are already at a greater more supportive) role in domestic
break from work.”
risk for poverty. and childcare responsibilities without
Another stated, “I feel like it judgement.
In households where men are sometimes takes me longer to
present, both women and men Questions such as ‘How do we
complete tasks because I’m not
reported spending more time on support women (and men) in their
focused. Ending my workday before
childcare. However, as the NIDS- 17h00 to have dinner ready by 18h00 work capacity, without compromising
CRAM survey showed, women when my husband arrives home…” their family life or mental health?’
still took on more of the increased or ‘What strategies and policies can
burden. Another participant summed it up: we, and should we, put in place that
“Healthy parenting is a challenge due recognise the multiple roles women
In April 2020, around 73% of women to workloads and home schooling.” (and men) play, without judgement?’
and 66% of men living with children Among the sample of 18 men, three should be asked.
reported spending more time than (17%) expressed similar challenges.
usual looking after them. Of those These ongoing conversations around
adults reporting a bigger childcare Women-friendly work policies the experiences of women and men
burden, almost 80% of women said The deep-seated patriarchal beliefs should be open, honest and guided
they were spending an extra 4 hours by the aim of finding ways to support
that underlie the wage gap in South
on childcare, compared with 65% women and men effectively through
Africa will not be shifted easily.
of men. The second wave of the the aftermath of COVID-19 and
However, employers accommodating
NIDS-CRAM survey showed that, as beyond.
the demands of women workers can
lockdown eased, men more quickly
help to make the work environment Authors: Drs Candice Groenewald and Zaynab
reverted to pre-lockdown childcare
more welcoming to women, and help
levels than women did. Essack, chief research specialists in the HSRC’s
to reduce the shrinking of the female Human and Social Capabilities division; and
workforce during crises.
The working-from-home Andrea Teagle science writer in the HSRC’s
balancing act The psychosocial effects of working Impact Centre.
According to the second wave of the from home during lockdown
NIDS-CRAM survey, twice as many emphasise the need for employers
women as men (roughly 3.4 million to implement targeted support
women versus 1.7 million men) said programmes to promote healthier

HSRC Review | Volume 18 Number 4 • November 2020 | Page 43

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