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(Prepared by M. P. Thomas) is more than 5000 years old.

It is believed that
Rishi Munis invented yoga for doing
The following is the pattern for PE Examination from meditation. (3 marks)
2019-20 7. What are the four paths or streams of Yoga?
* Raj Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Janan Yoga and Karma
8. Who created the systems in Yoga?
* Maharishi Patanjali. (1 mark)
CLASS XII-SESSION 2019-20 9. Which are the yoga periods? (1 mark)
* (i) Pre-Patanjali Period (Before 500 BC)
TIME ALLOWED: 3 HRS (ii) Patanjali Period (500 BC to 800 AD)
(iii) Post Patanjali Period (800 AD onwards)
10. From which Sanskrit word is the word Yoga
* Yog which means joining. (1 mark)
1) The question paper consists of 34questions 11. What are the benefits of doing yoga? (3 marks)
* By doing yoga, the body muscles develop. It
2) All questions are compulsory.
also helps in all the internal organs like heart,
3) Questions 1-20 carry 1 mark and are multiple choice brain, spleen, liver, lungs, intestines etc. It also
questions. helps the better functioning of the glands like
thyroid gland, pituitary gland, etc. It also helps
4) Questions 21-30 carry 3 marks each and should not exceed to give one the sense of peace and well-being.
80 -100 words each.
Yoga is typically a union between the body,
5) Question 31-34 carry 5 marks and should not exceed mind and spirit.
150-200 words. 12. Which are the four Vedas? (1 mark)
* (i) Rigveda (ii) Yajurveda
(iii) Atharvaveda and (iv) Samveda.
(I have typed 30 words, 60 words or 150 words etc. 13. Write a note on Upanishads. (1 mark)
below. Please ignore it. You have to follow the * Meaning of Upanishads is Sitting Down on feet.
pattern given above.) It means getting Shiksha or education. There are
more than 200 Upanishads.
(The questions of 1 mark which I have given may not 14. Write a note on the book Yog Sutras. (3 marks)
be useful from the examination point of view since The book Yog Sutras was compiled by Maharishi
the pattern has changed. I had prepared these answers Patanjali. This book has 196 sutras or formula.
before the pattern had changed.) The book has four segments. The four segments
are :
(i) Samadhi Pada : In this Patanjali explains
Class XI about Samadhi.
Physical Education (ii) Sadhana Pada : In this he explains about
Unit 5 (iii) Vibhuti Pada : In this he explains about
Introduction to Yoga and yogic practices. yoga.
(This lesson is useful for the Subject “Yoga” also)
(iv) Kaivalya Pada : In this he explains about
1 mark questions the connection of yoga with the body, mind
and soul.
1. Who is known as the first yogi or adiyogi? 15. Explain the various terminology used in yoga. (5
* Lord Shiva. (1 mark) marks)
2. What were the seven sages known as? * (i) Asana : Body posture in yoga.
* Saptarishis. (1 mark) (ii) Ashtanga : One of the major yoga path
3. Who carried the yogic science to the rest of the which has eight limbs.
world? (iii) Ayurveda : Ancient Indian science of
* Saptarishis. (1 mark) medicines.
4. Who was the saptarishi who spread the yogic (iv) Bandha : Internal lock which is used during
system across India? yoga.
* Agastyarishi. (1 mark) (v) Chakra : Seven energy centres of the Body.
5. What proof is available to show that yoga was (vi) Dosh : Body types as per Ayurveda : Pitta
practiced during the Indus-Saraswati Valley (fire); Vata (air); Kapha (earth)
civilization around 2700 BC? (vii)Hath yoga : A type of Yoga Path
* Seals and fossil remains. (1 mark) (viii)Mudra : Hand gesture during yoga
6. Write a note on the history of Yoga. practice.
* Yoga is very ancient and it is mentioned in the (ix) Mantra : Group of words chanted for
Rig Veda. Evidence about yoga is found in the creating positive environment
Indus-Saraswati civilization. It means that yoga (x) Dhyan (Meditation) : Practice of
controlling and focusing the mind and Eat natural food with nutrients. It is advised
process of self-awakening. to fill half the stomach with food and one
(xi) Nadi : An energy channel as per Vedic quarter with water. The remaining quarter
Beliefs in which “Prana” flows. must be empty. While doing yoga stomach
(xii)Ojus : The subtle energy created in body by must be empty or at least 3 or 4 hours must
discipline of chastity. have passed after the previous meal.
(xiii)Om or Aum : The original universal (vi) Breathing : Breathing should be through
syllable as per Vedic beliefs. the nose, not through the mouth.
(xiv)Patanjali : Indian sage who compiled all (vii)Body condition : One’s body should be
Yoga Sutras which were earlier scattered in relaxed and calm. One should not be
different forms. suffering from any disease like fever etc.
(xv) Pranayama : Types of breathing exercises (viii)Asans in inverted position : Female
in yoga practices. practitioners should avoid shirshasan etc.
(xvi)Props :Tools used for assisting yogis in during periods.
doing yoga practice. Eg. Mat, straps etc. (ix) Body pain : If the body pains abnormally,
(xvii)Power Yoga : A type of Ashtanga Yoga the yoga must be stopped for the time-being.
which has more focus on fitness. 17. Mention a few Do’s of Yoga. (5 marks)
(xviii)Sacrum : A triangular shaped bone (i) Yoga practitioners should go to bed early
situated at the base of the spine. and rise early. Take a bath, clean yourself,
(xix) Samadhi : A state of meditation. and do yoga in fasting mode. The ideal
(xx) Sadhana : Spiritual discipline for getting timing is Brahm Muhrat which is from 4:24
siddhi. to 5:24 a.m. (when morning tender sunrays
(xxi)Shani : It means peace and is frequently fall.)
chanted during yoga practice. (ii) Yoga can be practised one hour after a liquid
(xxii)Shodhana : A purification process in diet, 3 hours after refreshments or 5 hours
Hatha Yoga. after full meals.
(xxiii) Sutras :Classical text for yoga created by (iii) If bath is taken after yoga, some time must
yogis. elapse.
(xxiv)Sushma Nadi : The Central Prana Current (iv) The floor must be level and if yoga is
(xxv) Svadhyaya : Self study practised in a room, it should be well-
(xxvi)Ujjayi : Sound of breath taken from a ventilated.
slightly constricted throat. (v) Yoga should be practised ideally in the
(xxvii) Upanishad : Ancient Vedic text written morning.
by Indian sages (vi) Yoga should not be practised directly on the
(xxviii)Vinyasa : A body movement linked with floor. There should be a mat or some other
breath. material. If yoga is practised in the morning,
(xxix)Yogi or yogini : Disciple of yoga. face the east or north. If practised in the
evening, face the west or south.

16. What are the basic rules of yoga? (5 marks)

* (i) Age : There is no age restriction in yoga. 18. Explain Raj Yoga (3 marks)
Only some type of yoga is associated with * In Raj yoga, yoga is practised to gain mastery
yoga. over the mind through will power. Raj yoga has
(ii) Place for Yoga : It should be open space or two branches.
a well-ventilated room. There should be (a) Bahiranga yoga :
sufficient space in order to avoid accidents Bahir means external. Bahiranga yoga
while doing shirshasana etc. Avoid means external or outer path of yoga. It
situations like strong winds, smoke, cold, is controlled by four limbs of ashtang
or dirty circumstances. yoga such as yama, niyama, asana and
(iii) Clothes : Suitable clothes according to pranayama. Sometimes the fifth limb,
one’s culture and customs should be worn. pratyahara is also associated with this.
Remove spectacles, watches, jewellery etc. (b) Antaranga yoga :
(iv) Yoga mat : The mat should be made of It means the internal or inner path yoga.
natural materials. A folded blanket can also It is controlled by the last three limbs of
be used. Such material should work as a ashtang yoga such as dharana, dhyana,
good insulator between the body and the and samadhi. This yoga gives internal
earth. Spongy or air-filled mattresses do not benefits. It awakens the mind and soul
provide the required support to the spine. of the yogi.
(v) Diet : There is no restriction on the diet. 19. Explain Bhakti Yoga (3 marks)
* Bhakti yoga aims to help a person evolve
emotional maturity, love for society and to inner perceptual awareness
spread the message of universal brotherhood and (vii)Dhyana: Devotion, Meditation on the Divine
oneness. It helps in transformation of conditional (viii)Samadhi: Union with the Divine.
and desirous form of love into true unconditional 24. Write a note on Yama and Niyama (5 marks)
love. Kama (desire), combined with tyaga * Yama and Niyama are the first two limbs
(sacrifice) forms prema (love). Prema along with described by Patanjali. The Yamas and
saranagati (surrender) results in bhakti. The path niyamas are the suggestions given on how we
of shakti yoga leads to satisfaction and calmness should deal with people around us and our
of mind. This path is easy and not rigorous. attitude toward ourselves.
There are nine forms of bahkti. (A) Yama : The attitude we have towards things
(i) Sravan (listening) and other people. The yamas are broken
(ii) Kirtana (praising) down into five "wise characteristics. They
(iii) Smarana (remembering) are : (i) Ahimsa (ii) Satya (iii) Asteya (iv)
(iv) Pada-sevasna (rendering service) Brahmacharya (v) Aparigraha.
(v) Archana (worshipping) (B) Niyama : How we relate to ourselves
(vi) Vandana (paying homage ) inwardly. The niyamas are :
(vii)Dasya (servitude) (i) Sauca (Purity) (ii) Santosa (Contentment)
(viii)Sakhya (friendship) (iii) Tapas (iv) Svadhyaya (Self study)
(ix) Atma-nivedana (complete surrender of self) (v) Isvarapranidhana (to lay all your actions
20. Explain Janan Yoga (3 marks) at the feet of God.)
* Janan yoga helps in developing a logical mind 25. Write a note on Ahimsa. (3 marks)
with intuitive knowledge and immense * Ahimsa involves compassion for all living things
awareness. There are three phases in Janan yoga. The word ahimsa literally means not to injure or
(i) Sravana (reading, listening, watching) show cruelty to any creature or any person in any
(ii) Manana (revisiting the knowledge for further way whatsoever. Ahimsa is, however, more
understanding) than just lack of violence as adapted in yoga. It
(iii) Nididhyasana (the phase of experimentation) means kindness, friendliness, and thoughtful
In janan yoga the ultimate aim is to consideration of other people and things. It also
understand the reality of atma (soul) and the has to do with our duties and responsibilities
ability to differentiate it from the body. A too. Ahimsa implies that in every situation we
person truly established in the path of janan should adopt a considerate attitude and do no
yoga becomes free from all worldly desires harm.
and achieves contentment. 26. Write a note on Satya. (3 marks)
21. Explain Karma Yoga (3 marks) * Satya means commitment to Truthfulness. It
* Karma yoga emphasizes on performing actions means "to speak the truth", yet it is not always
with detachment without worrying about the desirable to speak the truth on all the occasions,
results. for it could harm someone unnecessarily.
Actions are categorized as : We have to consider what we say, how we say it,
(i) Tamasik : they are binding, deteriorating, and in what way it could affect others. If
violent and is a result of a state of delusion speaking the truth has negative consequences for
and confusion. another, then it is better to say nothing.
Satya should never come into conflict with our efforts
to behave with ahimsa. This precept is based on the
understanding that honest communication and action
(ii) Rajasik : when performed with craving for form the bedrock of any healthy relationship,
desires with egoism and a lot of efforts. community or government, and deliberate deception,
(iii)Sattvik : when it is free from attachment and exaggerations, and lies harm others.
done without love or hatred. 26. Write a note on Asteya.
The essence of Karma yog is to convert kamya * Asteya means non-stealing. It means to take
karma (action with desires) into yogic karma by nothing that does not belong to us. This also
inculcating detachment and committing one's means that if we are in a situation where
energy to unceasing work. someone entrusts something to us or confides in
22. What is the meaning of Ashtang Yoga? (1 mark) us, we do not take advantage of him or her. Non-
* Ashtanga yoga means ‘Eight-limbed yoga’. stealing includes not only not taking what
23. What are the eight limbs of Ashtang Yoga? belongs to another without permission, but also
(3 marks) not using something for a different purpose to
* The eight limbs of Ashtang Yoga are : that intended, or beyond the time permitted by its
(i) Yama: Universal morality owner. The practice of asteya implies not taking
(ii) Niyama: Personal observances anything that has not been freely given.
(iii) Asanas: Body postures 27. Write a note on Brahmacharya. (3 marks)
(iv) Pranayama: Breathing exercises and control * Brahmacharya is used mostly in the sense of
of prana abstinence, particularly in relationship to sexual
(v) Pratyahara: Control of the senses activity. Brahmacharya suggests that we should
(vi) Dharana: Concentration and cultivating form relationships that foster our understanding
of the highest truths. Brahmacharya does not way of this goal. Another form of tapas is paying
necessarily imply celibacy. Rather it means attention to what we eat. Attention to body
responsible behaviour with respect to our goal of posture, attention to eating habits, attention to
moving towards the truth. Practicing breathing patterns - these are all tapas.
Brahmacharya means that we use our sexual 32. Write a note on Svadhyaya. (3 marks)
energy to regenerate our connection to our * Svadhyaya or Self study. Sva means "self' and
spiritual self. It also means that we don't use this adhyaya means "inquiry" or "examination". Any
energy in any way that might harm others. activity that cultivates self-reflective
28. Write a note on Aparigraha. (3 marks) consciousness can be considered svadhyaya. It
* Aparigraha is neutralizing the desire to acquire means to find self-awareness in all our activities
and hoard wealth. Aparigraha means to take only and efforts, even to the point of welcoming and
what is necessary and not to take advantage of a accepting our limitations. It teaches us to be
situation or act greedy. We should only take what centred and non-reactive to the dualities, to burn
we have earned; if we take more, we are out unwanted and self-destructive tendencies.
exploiting someone else. The yogi feels that the 33. Write a note on Isvarapranidhana (3 marks)
collection or hoarding of things implies a lack of * Isvarapranidhana means celebration of the
faith in God and in himself to provide for his Spiritual: Isvarapranidhana means "to lay all
future. Aparigraha also implies letting go of our your actions at the feet of God." It is the
attachments to things and an understanding that contemplation of God (Isvara) to become attuned
impermanence and change are the only to god and god's will. It is the recognition that the
constraints. spiritual suffuses everything, and through our
29. Write a note on Sauca. (3 marks) attention and care, we can attune ourselves with
* Sauca means Purity. It is related to purity and our role as a part of the Creator. The practice
cleanliness. Sauca has both an inner and an outer requires that we set aside some time each day to
aspect. Outer cleanliness simply means keeping recognize that there is some omnipresent force
ourselves clean. Inner cleanliness has as much to larger than ourselves that is guiding and directing
do with the healthy, free functioning of our the course of our lives.
bodily organs as with the clarity of our mind. 34. Explain a few do’s in Yoga. (5 marks)
Practicing asanas or pranayama are essential * (i) One should practice yoga calmly without
means for attending to this inner sauca. Asanas any haste or exhaustion. If one is tired, he or
tone the entire body and remove toxins while she should rest for a while in a comfortable
pranayama cleanses our lungs, oxygenates our posture.
blood and purifies our nerves. But more (ii) One should try to practice yoga everyday
important than the physical cleansing of the body regularly, preferably at the same time.
is the cleansing of the mind of its disturbing (iii) While practicing yoga, one should
emotions like hatred, passion, anger, lust, greed, concentrate on yoga alone and try to keep
delusion and pride. away the other thoughts.
(iv) During the practice of Yoga asanas, the dirt
in the internal organs of the body is directed
towards the urinary bladder. So soon after
completing yoga, one should pass out the

(v) During yoga practice, if anyone feels to

30. Write a note on Santosa. attend nature's call, he must go and attend to
* Santosa is related to Contentment. We should be it immediately. One should not hold it back
at peace within and finding contentment with forcefully for a long time. One should also
one's lifestyle, even while experiencing life's not try to suppress sneezing, cough, etc. If
difficulties through all kinds of circumstances. one feels thirsty one can drink a little water
We should accept that there is a purpose for as well.
everything - yoga calls it karma – and we (vi) If one sweats during yoga practice, he or she
cultivate contentment 'to accept what happens'. It should slowly wipe it out either with a cloth
means being happy with what we have rather or with the palms. It is better if it dries up
than being unhappy about what we don't have. automatically in the air.
31. Write a note on Tapas. (3 marks) (vii)Pranayama should follow the asanas and
* Tapas means disciplined use of our energy. It meditation should follow Pranayama.
refers to the activity of keeping the body fit or to (viii)Always lie on your back for 2 to 5 minutes
confront and handle the inner urges without an with relaxed breathing, after finishing Yoga
outer show. Literally, it means to heat the body postures.
and by doing so, to cleanse it. Behind the notion (ix) Movements should be slow in every case.
of tapas lies the idea that we can direct our Sudden movements should be avoided.
energy to enthusiastically engage life and achieve 35. Explain a few don’ts in Yoga. (5 marks)
our ultimate goal of union with the Divine. Tapas (i) Women should refrain from regular yoga
helps us burn up all the desires that stand in our practice during their menses or pregnancy.
However, for them there are a specific set of
asanas to be done.
(ii) Don't have a full tummy while doing yoga.
Wait until 2 to 3 hours after large meals.
(iii) Don't take a shower or drink water for 30
minutes after doing yoga.
(iv) During illness, after operations, when there
is a bandage either for sprains or fractures,
one should refrain from Yoga Practice. They
can resume yoga after consulting experts.
(v) Don't do strenuous exercises after yoga.
(vi) One should not Practice yoga in
unclean/smoky place and areas with a foul
(vii)Yoga should not be practiced in strong

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