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 As the bridge between the spirits and the mortal world, the Avatar is regarded with reverence
and respect even by royalty, and numerous shrines dedicated to former Avatars can be found
throughout the world. When the Avatar dies, it is often a day of mourning for all peoples, and the
next Avatar is actively searched for in the next nation of the cycle.
Quest Starter: The Avatar is dead, and people in one of the four nations are seeking the next
Avatar among their bending children. You hear rumors about one other nation about to go to war
to seize control of the next Avatar. What is your connection to the Avatar? What will you do to
protect them?
 The Avatar is but a legend, a story told to children before they are sent to bed. If there ever was
an Avatar, no one has seen him in decades, although some people still secretely pray that he
returns to the world one day.
Quest Starter: You meet a guru who claims to be the Avatar, and who has gathered a number of
devoted followers. He now plans to overthrow the Fire Lord and take over the Fire Nation. Is this
guru really the Avatar? Will you help him, or try to stop him?
 There is not one, but two Avatars: one of them is the embodiment of Raava, the spirit of light
and order, while the other one is posessed by Vaatu, the spirit of darkness and chaos. Both Avatars
are of tremendous power, and when one of them manages to kill the other, the world enters a dark
age (or an age of peace, depending on who won) for a few years, before the other is reborn and
their eternal fight resumes.
Quest Starter: Harmonic Convergence is growing near, and the Dark Avatar intends to take
advantage of it to permanently end the Light Avatar cycle and plunge the world into never-ending
darkness. How much time do you have to ready yourself? What are you prepared to lose to save
the world?
 _____________________________________________________________________________

 Only a select few can boast power over an element. Bending is a jealously kept art, and those
who can teach it never do so lightly. Being a bender is seen as a sign of great proximity with the
spirits, and thus benders are often revered and feared by the common folk.
Quest Starter: To the amazement of your whole non-bending community, you discover one day
that you are a bender. How will you help your community with your new skills? What unwanted
attention does it bring upon you and your kin?
 Although not everyone is a bender, it is a rather common gift. Some nations even rely solely on
benders for certain tasks, like the all-firebending military of the Fire Nation or the gateless giant
walls of Ba Sing Se, built and operated by earthbenders. Specialized bending techniques like
lavabending or bloodbending are rare and ill-understood, but not unheard of.
Quest Starter: You hear of a remote village where strange disparitions occur every full moon.
People think a monster is kidnapping the villagers. What is your connection to one of the victims?
Why do you think the culprit is not a monster, but a bender?
 Bending is so widespread that benders are almost as numerous as non-benders. It permeates
every aspect of society, from bending-based sports and games to bending classes in schools.
Specialized bending skills like metalbending or lightning generation are no longer seen as random
gifts of nature, but rather as the result of hard work and training.
Quest Starter: A renowned bending academy has been built many years ago by a powerful bender.
What do they teach their students? Why is it important for you to enter this academy?
 _____________________________________________________________________________

 Technology is almost non-existent in the world. Nations subsist on hunting and gathering, or on
agriculture for the most advanced. Cities are small and distant from each other, and the world
remains largely wild.
Quest Starter: You’ve been following the track of a strange beast for days, hoping to claim a rare
trophy, but you realize that it’s not a mere animal. What is this beast’s true nature? What does it
want from humans? Do you still commit to slaying it, or will you try to help it?
 All nations exhibit some degree of technology, whether it be sophisticated mechanisms or simple
machines. Some of them even have discovered industrial-era technologies through the use of
bending, like steamboats powered by firebending or earthbender-manned monorails. Cities are
sometimes very large, but there is still much uninhabited land.
Quest Starter: Someone close to you is a genial inventor, whose research is about to bring a
scientific breakthrough to the world. What is this miraculous invention? Who wants to take
control of this technology by force?
 Technology is booming and advancing rapidly, thanks to brilliant inventors and clever use of
bending. Electricity and oil-powered engines are now a common sight, and the most
industrialized cities consist of high skyscrapers made of metal and glass. The majority of the world
is settled, and there are very few places where one is more than even a day’s walk away from a
Quest Starter: Your home town’s lands have just been bought by a rich industrialist who wants to
extract precious minerals from the ground. Will you try to change their mind with diplomacy, or
will you organize a local resistance to fight them back?
 _____________________________________________________________________________

 The spirits are everywhere, in the forests, the mountains, the seas, and even the cities. They come
and go at will from the Spirit World through the two Spirit Portals at the North and South Pole.
Cohabitation with humans is sometimes difficult, though we don’t have a choice other than accept
their presence.
Quest Starter: Your spirit childhood friend has gone missing for some time, and you are starting
to worry. Where and why are they gone? Who wants to hurt them?
 Although most spirits prefer to remain in the Spirit World, some of them still inhabit the Earth.
They can usually be found in the most remote of places, where they act as protectors of nature. It is
sometimes possible for the most enlightened of humans to enter the Spirit World through
meditation, though they cannot bend while their spirit remains there. Conversely, some spirits can
take a mortal form and enter our world in exchange for their immortality.
Quest Starter: You encounter an angry spirit who has been terrorizing a small settlement for
months. Who is this spirit? What is the cause of their rage? Why do you swear to appease them?
 The world is almost completely devoid of spirits, to the point that most people think of the Spirit
World as a metaphorical concept rather than an actual place. Even to those who believe in the
reality of the Spirit World, the way to acces it is a complete mystery, if there is one at all.
Quest Starter: You encounter a group of pilgrims travelling to meet one of the last sages of the
nation. However, the only road that leads there is crawling with bandits and dangerous animals.
Why do you want to meet this sage as well? What are you hoping to find on the road?
 _____________________________________________________________________________

 There is not really such things as “nations”. Humanity is divided into multiple tribes
independant from each other. There is still a distinction between the four elemental peoples, but it
is more a matter of ethnicity and culture than of territory and politics.
Quest Starter: A foreigner reaches your community after what seems a long and exhausting
journey, and amazes everyone with tales of distant, strange lands full of weird animals and people.
What kind of relationship do you develop with this foreigner? Why do you swear to go to these
strange lands?
 There are four distinct cultural groups, each of them tied to an element. However, these groups
are themselves divided into numerous smaller clans or petty kingdoms with complex political
relations with each other. Only when confronted to another cultural group do these small
territories define themselves as a nation.
Quest Starter: Your homeland is threatened by a powerful invader who wants to “unify” the
nation under their rule. Who are they? What makes them so strong? Do you swear to fight them,
or to lead your people to safety?
 The world is divided into four distinct nations: the Air Nomads, the Water Tribe, the Fire Nation
and the Earth Kingdom. Each of these nations is unified under a centralized government, even if
there can still be some degree of tensions within a single nation.
Quest Starter: Discontent is brewing across the nation, and it gave birth to a rebel faction trying to
overthrow the current government. A person close to you is a member of this rebellion, while
another is fiercely on the loyalists’ side. What is the ideology of the rebels? Which side will you
 _____________________________________________________________________________

 The four nations are mostly minding their own internal affairs and ignoring each other.
Commerce or war can happen sometimes, but it is rather unusual for any of the nations to reach
out to their neighbors.
Quest Starter: Despite numerous calls for help to the rest of the nation, your community has been
enduring famine for months. As a last resort, you volunteered to search for help in another
nation. How much time do you have before it’s too late? What does it mean for the future of your
community if you succeed?
 All nations are actively collaborating to improve the well-being of their citizens. Commercial as
well as cultural and technological exchanges are frequent, and there has not been a war in decades.
There is still violence, but it comes mainly from criminality, terrorism and insurrections rather
than from open warfare.
Quest Starter: You hear of a group of people from different nations who have seized a piece of
land and claimed it as the territory of their newly formed nation. They now want recognition from
the major forces of the world. What is your connection to these people? How do the other nations
respond? Will you stand with them or aid in the retaking of the land they stole?
 The world is in a constant state of war. The rulers of the nations, driven by their ambition, send
their forces to take the land of the others, even going as far as genocide in order to achieve
Quest Starter: You are the sole survivor of a culture that has been entirely wiped out. How did you
survive? Will you seek revenge, or try to make your lost culture rise again?
 _____________________________________________________________________________

ASSETS AND ABILITIES:__________________________________________________


BIRTH AND DEATH:_______________BONDS:________________________________



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BIRTH AND DEATH:_______________BONDS:________________________________



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BIRTH AND DEATH:_______________BONDS:________________________________



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BIRTH AND DEATH:_______________BONDS:________________________________



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