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Copyright © 2020 Masculinity

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use of brief quotations in a book review,
crediting the author.

1st Edition: 2021

Twitter: @BecomeAManAgain
This is the second major addition of the Seduction Bible.

I got tons of DMs from you guys, asking me how to seduce and
sleep with beautiful women.

Many of you were facing problems in approaching, getting the

number, and closing.

Most of you had a problem moving the conversation forward.

I felt for you all. I tried helping as many as I could, but I couldn't
do it on scale.

Hence, I created this guide. It has *literally* everything you

need to know on how to open, talk to, and sleep with the 9s and

This is your Holy Grail. It's been crafted with masculine energy
and took months in the making.

When in doubt, refer to this book. Seducing Women is a

muscle, which must be regularly trained for maximum

Cheers, Brother.












BONUS - *******

You can't be jealous, insecure, needy, or afraid that she will
leave. Girls are attracted primarily to your personality.

Have the best life that you can, live life to the fullest.

Don't be afraid to look at a woman if she's attractive

All rejection or failure is feedback

The world is your dating and seduction playground

NEVER take anything personally

Focus improving on your social skills

It's about having a good time with her, having fun, and giving
her the opportunity to see
what you're about.
-Express, never impress.

-Be comfortable with being nervous

-Never have an excuse to not approach, because deep

down there are no excuses

-Put yourself out there

-The one who has the stronger belief in themselves will

control the frame of the interaction and the other

-Don't show any reaction to a shit test

-When it's on and you're in the zone, social situations

just open up so easily.

- When you interact with anyone, keep strong eye

contact with them.

Women have been socially conditioned to act like

she doesn't like sex, so take the weight off her
shoulder by giving her an excuse to come back to
your place.

Ex- Coffee, checking out a "cool" portrait or

something you made, After-Party, etc

Women are always living in the emotion of the

moment, lead her emotions.

change her mood and not her mind.

(Continue reading & refer Psychology Secrets)
First things first.

Set your standards.

What kind of women do you want to sleep with?

Now, this is a guideline. You can obviously approach

some girls as "warm-up sets", where you build up
comfort and fuck around with them so that you're not
stifled when the right ones come around.

When the right one comes up, follow the 3-millisecond

rule. Don't give your brain any chance to delay the
open, or it will never happen.
Always Open the girl, not the group.

This does NOT mean you ignore the group.

Acknowledge them, smile as you are talking to your
target. If they try to cockblock you, game them a little
and then return to THE girl.
How you say > What you say.

Most girls won't even hear what you say. They will look
for subconscious cues about whether your body
language is high value or not, and whether your tonality
is needy, or if it shows that she is just another girl who
is no big deal.

have piercing eye contact as you deliver your opener.

Speak with a commanding tonality initially, to grab her
attention. If people can hear what you're saying from a
few feet away, you're loud enough. If not, increase your
Some good openers:

- "I saw you from across the road and you seemed
pretty chill"

"Cute mask"

"Totally random, but you seemed pretty chill so I came

to say Hi"

Socially calibrated openers:

" Crazy party. I saw this guy XYZ( something interesting

or funny that happened)

"Hey, I wish I had the confidence you have wearing that

dress" ( I really like this one- because it can mean that
the dress is TERRIBLE or that it's so hot that it takes
confidence to wear it)

"Is that (XYZ brand)?
I won't dive that deep into openers though.

You can easily google and you will find Millions

of them.
Let's be honest though, no opener is as good as
great body language, great tonality, and Confident
Eye Contact.

You get those 3 on point and I assure you, you could

say the MOST STUPID SHIT and the girl will still be
attracted to you.

Because attraction is not logical, and it sure as hell

isn't a smart line. She doesn't care about the opener.

Just don't be a creep, be genuine, and she won't

dismiss you.
The most important thing is that you MUST be self-

Enjoy the conversation. If you're not, leave.

Create a fun, sexual vibe.

Don't try to be overly witty or clever, like you have a

"routine". She will sense it. Speak freely as you would
with a friend, except you add the flirtatious and sexual
remarks here and there, so she knows it's not platonic.

Say and do whatever comes to mind- your face should

be expressive, your body language should be open
and priding. You can pull her in, push her away
(playfully) taking her hand.
Don't be worried about how she'll respond.


She should be worried about how you respond to her


If you're not genuine, she will sense it and you will lose
her anyway.

Always Calibrate AFTER the fact, not before. This

means that you should move the conversation forward
and behave the way you know how to. Worry about her
negative response only after it happens.

How to handle her negative response-

Calibrate, empathize with her by making a statement,

and change the topic. Only re-acknowledge it if you
can tell she isn't over it. This applies throughout game.
Always make more statements than asking questions.

When you ask too many questions, she becomes stifled

since it appears like an interview, and they hate it. Keep
the pressure off her; let her naturally speak more about
herself by being a good listener.

A good tip to make your conversations interesting: Talk

about the "why" more than the "what"

- WHY you do what you do.

- WHY you keep going even after so many struggles
- WHY she is pursuing that course.
- WHY you loved that particular time.

"What" is close-ended.

"Why" is open-ended- it allows her to go on and on about

the topic.
Also, don't be stuck on one topic for too long, There
should be no range on the topics.

One minute you could be talking about your purpose,

the next minute you could be discussing squirrel fails
on youtube.

Keep the tone positive, so that she connects you

with positive emotions.

Don't deliver bad news.

However, if you disagree on some points, don't be

afraid to tell her.

This way you both know whether you're compatible

or not. This is beneficial in the long run.
As you escalate the conversation, you will either receive
compliance or resistance. Keep moving it forward as long
as she's complying, but take a step back if and when she

When she resists, you need to continue building comfort

and the vibe. Realize that she isn't "warmed up" enough.
Don't bring up that awkward moment again, just hold your
frame and focus on the fun, casual, non-judgmental vibe.

You will encounter Real and Surface-Level Resistance, so

it's important to know the difference between the two.
Real Resistance is when she is clearly telling you to stop
the escalation, and she is no longer comfortable. Here you
must completely back off but not behave weirdly. It's
normal. Keep building up the vibe. Make her relaxed and
more "into it"

Surface-Level Resistance is when she is saying something

but her actions contradict it, i.e., she's kidding.

Example: She says "We should totally not be doing this" as

she kneels down to open your jeans and give you some

You both are into it, and she is just saying it as an anti-slut

Here, you agree and say "We should totally not" as you
move her head back and forth onto your dick.
A good screening mechanism is to be sexual with the girl
early on by being physical- touching on the shoulders, upper
arms, thigh, etc. and making casual sexual comments.

This will make her know what's up, and if she's interested- this
will turn her on. If she's not, you will know and both of you
save a lot of time and energy.

Example: " You look hot in that dress. It's a good thing you
have a boyfriend, or we might've been in trouble."

This is great because she will also reveal whether she has a
boyfriend or not. Either way, as long as she's there, the
boyfriend is never an issue. In most cases, girls are unhappy
because their guy is a simp loser.

Another example: "You look smokin' in that dress. It's a good

thing that you're too short/tall for me, or we might have been
in trouble."

Did you see how you totally disqualified her there? That's
having the upper hand in the conversation.
Always remember that your end goal is taking her home/ to a
hotel/ (parking lot for the adventurous). Keep moving her
around, farther away from her friends and closer to the
location where you plan to fuck her.

Great way to escalate: hug her, pull her closer as you speak
into her ear ( something sexual or funny), then go for the
make-out. If she complies, say nothing- grab her hand and
lead her towards the exit, towards your place.

If she or her friends aren't letting her become isolated with

you, it's likely that the close isn't happening that night- take
her number and keep her in the funnel. However, you can also
try to game her friends so that they let you escalate right

Always give her a reason for the movement that she can tell
her friends there or later, as an anti-slut defense.

Example: "I got this cool __ at my place. "

"There's this bar down the road that (something special about
that place)"

Within the first 5-10 minutes of the interaction, you should

indicate to her about the pull. This should be the location
where sex can happen. This way, you know if he has any
concerns about going home with you.

Even if she doesn't seem receptive early on, keeping the

seduction process going, and bring it closer to the sex.

The reason for doing this is to make her open and

comfortable about the idea of going home with you. She
won't be surprised when you go in for the pull, and it removes
the other girls.

Make sure that there is a purpose for the invitation. This could
be an "after-party", check out the view from your apartment,
that magnificent painting, etc.
Don't be surprised by objections. In most cases, it's slut
defense and needs to be handled carefully, and making her
feel at ease. Be well aware of the logistics so that you can
answer her concerns quickly.

These concerns can be related to:

- being seen as a slut by her friends
- logistical issues for traveling back home
- being away from home too far
- missing her plans for the night.

What she's really trying to say is " I really want to come but

Help her make the decision and come up with an excuse.

Don't give them special importance or she will sense
neediness. Treat her like she's being crazy and ridiculous.
Sarcasm really helps. "Yes you are, but we're going anyway"
"Oh right, I forgot you are the mom of the group"

If she still doesn't agree, then use logic, and tell her the
logistical solutions.
OBJECTION: My friends won't let me leave!
SOLUTION: I know. we're just going to have 1 drink and come back

OBJECTION: Who else is going to be there?

SOLUTION: Just us and a couple of really chill friends I want
you to meet"

OBJECTION: " I have an early morning"

SOLUTION: If she says she has to get up at 7:30, Say that " I
have to get up at 6, so that's not even an issue."

OBJECTION: " How far do you live?"

SOLUTION: " Just 5 mins! ( if you lie far away, reduce the time
to a little less, say 30 becomes 15, etc)

OBJECTION: I'm not going to have sex with you

SOLUTION: ( Smirk in your head because you know it's going
to happen.) "Don't worry, I'm not in the mood either. We're just
going to have a drink")

NOTE: Often, she will insist on bringing her friends along. You
have to find out how many cockblockers she will have, and
get wingmen for her girlfriends so that nobody can spoil your
This is crucial to understand the girl's logistical scene and help you
proceed. For example, if she's leaving tomorrow, you know that you
have to go for the pull early.

Landmines are unknown pieces of information that might hurt the

pull. If you pull her and then realize that she lives with her parents
and has to be home early, you have a nightmare.

How to handle this? Slide-in these questions while building comfort

and being playful. Don't ask them one after the other. or the
interaction becomes serious.

Every situation is different, and it's tough to predict these, but

below are some common questions that will blow the potential
landmines early on.
Who are you here with? | How do you all know each

It is essential to know her group dynamic. If she's with

somebody close who might judge her, you're going to
have to isolate her from them, and if that does not
happen, refer "Day 2" in the Bonus section

Who do you live with?

SOLUTION: It's crucial to know this. If she lives

with family ,ask her if she's allowed to have
guests over. If not, you will have to pull her
somewhere else or go for the day 2.
When do you have to be home?

If she has to be home early, tell her she should go since it's
way past her bedtime (reverse psychology + disqualification
+ non-neediness), that will buy you some time. If it doesn't,
screen the date for another day, or else move on.

What does your week look like?

If the pull is unlikely, you will have to screen her week for the
date. If she has a busy schedule, and it's unlikely you'll see
her soon- cut it short. Don't waste your time.

What part of the city do you live in?

This is crucial if you're taking her home. If she lives too
far, you will have to work out the logistics, or perhaps
move on.
Time for the close- only after you're noticing that she's sexually
receptive to your advances. Tell her that you're going to your place
and invite her, as discussed earlier. Grab her hand, and lead her
towards the exit, to your home.

Your place is always better, because you have the logistics in

check, and it shows dominance. She will have to submit- prepare
your home very well- check out THIS THREAD ON TWITTER for tips
on making it sex-friendly, and in the bonus section as well.

The average pull takes about 35 minutes, but as long as you use
these strategies, time should not be an issue.

Beware of Last minute resistance, that she gives after she's agreed
to go home. This will happen at the club exit, before you enter the
cab, etc. These are not to be stressed about;

She just wants reassurance of your earlier promise- that you're a

fun, chill, sexual guy whom she will have a great time with. Convey
Example: You will drop me back to my friends, right?
You: Yeah, don't worry. We'll have a drink and head back.
You: Yeah, you're my responsibility now.

Use the fastest mode of transportation. The shorter the

distance, the less time she has to back out or come up with
more objections because the vibe will die down eventually.

To prevent that, keep the energy up and keep building

comfort. You might even ask her some personal questions
and tell her about your personal things, now that she is
definitely coming home with you. This will make her feel
comfortable and at ease.

You can make out at regular intervals, but not for long
because you want to be a tease; keep the tension and
excitement up.

There will still be times when her resistance becomes too

much, and you will have to baby-step the pull. If she still
doesn't comply, check out "Day 2"

This is a crucial yet hard part because it requires patience, a

LOT of wits, and improv. It will come with practice and
experience, so don't stress if you don't get this right the first
few times.

One way to baby-step is to ask her to "come meet my

friends" near the exit of the venue. You obviously won't be
able to find them even after trying hard, so you go outside
to check if they're there. You get hungry and tell her about
this burger joint just next block, and on the way you
remember you have some at home along with some shots
of tequila, which is just 5 minutes away.

See what I did there :-)
The venue has changed but the vibe should not. Great music
is a must. Buy the Alexa speaker, and create a playlist. You
will thus just have to tell Alexa to play the playlist, which will
make things infinitely convenient. Also, have a playlist called
"bedroom music" Women love it when guys are prepared.

Take out the alcohol, cigarettes, etc, and have a chill "after-
party" vibe going.

The close will be you giving her a tour of the room ( either
immediately or after a while), coming to your room, and then
once you get there, you can look into her eyes and go for the

The house must be clean and organized. You don't want it to

look like the "stoner's abode". it should show that you give a
fuck about where you live, eat, shower and shit. Invest in a
good couch, soft pillows, incense sticks, and multicolor lights
that can connect to Alexa, so that you can change the light as
per the mood.
Keep the bathroom clean, have toilet papers, hand towels, air
purifiers, and fresheners. A lot of guys have told me how their
pull blew when she went to the bathroom, only to be horrified
by the conditions. It's a MAJOR TURN OFF.

Slowly build-up to the close, if you don't want the room close.
Make her sit next to you, begin with one arm around her and
the other on her thigh, then gaze into her soul and kiss her.
Neck bites make women go crazy with pleasure. I personally
like to kiss on women's neck more than on the lips- the tease
makes them go WILD.

if she backs off at any point, go back to building the vibe-

change the song, light color, and don't bring up the moment
again. Make sure it's real resistance and not surface level.

She's at your place- she wants to fuck. She just isn't warmed
up enough. She requires more intimate details of your life so
that she can trust you as a person.
Take the pressure off her, and reassure her that she
doesn't have to do anything that she doesn't want to.

The nicest boy line if it gets bad- "I don't want to sleep
with you if it means I'll never see you again"

Shift the focus towards building connection- tell some

personal childhood stories or recent ones that stand
out and show you in a positive light. It also conveys to
her that YOU like and trust her, which will make her
reciprocate the feelings.

Be calibrated to her body language and emotions. If

enough comfort has been built, don't open up more- go
for the close.
The Palm Reading Game-

Tell her that you know Palm Reading.

She'll say "oh really? blah blah"

Offer her to read hers if she promises to not make fun of you.

Take her hand, and then point your finger at any random line,
and say- " This is the luck line. You have brilliant luck. It says
that you will meet a handsome guy today. I wonder where he

The next line, again say something random.

The third line, look at it and tell her- and you know which line
this is? This is the stupid line for believing in all this crap".

Watch her jaw drop and eyes widen in excitement and

laughter :)
Goddamn, you already have that new energy around you!

Your eyes are more clear, and you look superiorly confident.

That was a LOT to take in, I know. It will take regular practice,
out there in the field to get you results.

Put a daily alarm on your smartphone, to revise this book daily,

along with other components of the course.

You have the gold in your hand.

Now it is on you to get the results.

I can't wait for you to charm the women and dominate them- in
conversations and in bed.

Enjoy, brother.

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