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Nama : M.

Rif’at Al Faiz
Kelas : XE.3
Guru Pembimbing : Berliana M S Sihotang,M.Pd

Original Story
The story of Nyi Roro Kidul
In ancient times, right in the area of West Java. There was a kingdom
called Pakuan Pajajaran. The kingdom was led by a king who was very wise and
wise. The people under his rule were very happy and respected the king because
his leadership made the lives of the people prosperous. The king was named King
Prabu Siliwangi.

The Prabu had many children, one of whom was Princess Kandita. She
was a very beautiful girl, kind and had the same nature as her father. The Prabu
Siliwangi loved Putri Kandita very much, and as she grew older, Putri Kandita
had an even more beautiful face and the area she was the only child was the future
heir to the throne of the king Prabu Siliwangi. Hearing Prabu Siliwangi's desire to
make Putri Kandita the successor to the throne, the concubines and their children
did not agree. They were not willing if Putri Kandita would become the Queen in
the future.

One day, the concubines and their children gathered to plan an evil plot to
get Princess Kandita and her mother out of the palace. To launch the plan they
asked for help from a powerful witch who lived in a remote village, who
possessed various kinds of black magic. One day, unbeknownst to the king, the
concubines and their children went to the witch and in exchange for the witch's
request, the concubines and their children wanted Princess Kandita and her
consort to be cursed so as not to become the heir to the king's throne.
Without waiting long, the witch carried out her task. With black magic she
bewitched Princess Kandita and her mother to suffer from leprosy. One day, when
they woke up from their sleep, Princess Kandita and her mother turned ugly, their
bodies that were originally smooth, clean and yellow instantly changed, their
bodies were filled with ulcers and gave off an unpleasant odor. Princess Kandita
and the empress had leprosy that never went away. Prabu Siliwangi, who was
astonished to see the strange disease in his two favorite people, immediately
called the palace physician to treat it. But after trying various concoctions, the
palace physician still could not cure them.

Princess Kandita and her mother's illness worsened. Their bodies grew
weaker as they could not digest food and drink. The young Princess Kandita was
able to survive the illness. However, the old mother could not survive until she
finally breathed her last. Princess Kandita and the king were devastated by the
death of the queen. For days, King Prabu Siliwangi was pensive alone, he felt
very sad because the person he loved the most had left the world first. However,
the Prabu was also devastated to see the condition of Princess Kandita who
showed no signs of recovery. He felt very anxious because Princess Kandita
would take over the throne of the Kingdom.

One day, the concubines and their children came to see the King to
instigate the expulsion of Princess Kandita. Initially, the King refused. However,
for fear of his illness spreading, Prabu Siliwangi was forced to agree to the
proposal. Without the knowledge of the King, Concubines and Brothers. Princess
Kandita who heard the conversation was very disappointed and she decided to run
away from the palace. In a sad, confused, and uncertain mood Putri Kandita
walked out of the palace without a definite destination.
For days he walked without direction until he finally arrived at the
southern coast of Java Island, which has many rocks and big waves. She rested on
one of the rocks until she finally fell asleep from exhaustion. In her sleep, Putri
Kandita dreamed of hearing a supernatural voice telling her to throw herself into
the sea so that her illness would be cured and she would be healthy as before.
"Throw yourself into the sea, Princess Kandita, if you want to be cured of your
illness. Your skin will be smooth like before."

Princess Kandita was awakened from her sleep. She then pondered over
the magical words because she was unsure whether the voice was a revelation or
just a prankster whispering while she was asleep. But after looking around, as far
as the eye could see there was only a stretch of white sand with waves rolling
around it. Therefore, Putri Kandita was convinced that the supernatural voice was
a wangsit that she had to carry out for the sake of her recovery. Believing that the
voice was a revelation, Putri Kandita immediately did as she was told. It was so
miraculous! When she touched the water, all of her body that was covered in
ulcers gradually disappeared and became smooth again.

Princess Kandita's recovery did not bring her back to the palace. She
preferred to settle on the south coast and mingle with the local people who mostly
worked as fishermen. Since living there, Princess Kandita was very famous for
her beauty. Many princes from various kingdoms came to propose to her.
However, of the many who proposed to her, Princess Kandita was not interested
at all. Some of them withdrew because Princess Kandita proposed very difficult
conditions. One of the conditions was to pit her magic on the waves of the sea
coast. However, some of them accepted the conditions.

As it turned out, of all the men who competed in this battle, none was able
to defeat Princess Kandita. They eventually became loyal followers who always
escorted the princess wherever she went. Since then, Princess Kandita has been
known as the Queen of the South Sea of Java Island, Nyai Roro Kidul.
Fractured Story

The Tale of Princess Kandita and the Enchanted Sea

In ancient times, in the mystical land of Pakuan Pajajaran, there lived a

wise and benevolent guardian named Prabu Siliwangi. His realm flourished under
his guidance, and his people adored him for the prosperity he brought. Among his
many children, his heart favored the kind-hearted and radiant Princess Kandita, a
healer of remarkable talent.
As Princess Kandita matured, her beauty and compassion only grew,
leading Prabu Siliwangi to declare her his heir. However, this decision ignited a
blaze of envy among the palace's scheming nobles, particularly the concubines
and their ambitious offspring. They conspired with an enchantress known for her
dark sorcery, aiming to remove Kandita from their path to power.
One moonless night, the enchantress cast a vile curse upon Princess
Kandita and her mother, covering their bodies with festering sores. When the
kingdom awoke to the horrifying sight, Prabu Siliwangi summoned the most
skilled healers, but none could reverse the curse. Desperate and heartbroken, the
king watched as Kandita's mother succumbed to the illness, leaving him to grieve
Fearing the spread of the curse, the envious nobles convinced the king to
exile his beloved daughter. Though it pained him, Prabu Siliwangi reluctantly
agreed for the sake of his people. Overhearing their scheme, Princess Kandita fled
the palace, her heart heavy with sorrow and betrayal.
Days turned into weeks as she wandered aimlessly until she reached the
southern coast of Java Island, a place shrouded in legend and mystery. Exhausted,
she collapsed on a rocky shore and fell into a deep sleep. In her dreams, a
supernatural voice whispered,
"Bathe in the enchanted sea, and you shall be healed. Your skin will be as
pure as before."
Awakening with renewed hope, Kandita approached the sea and, with a
prayer, stepped into its waters. Instantly, the curse began to lift, her sores
vanishing, and her skin returning to its former radiance. Rejuvenated, Kandita felt
a powerful connection to the sea and its ancient magic.
Rather than returning to the palace, she chose to remain by the sea, where
she could harness its enchantment. Her presence brought peace to the coastal
inhabitants, and her fame as a healer spread far and wide. Princes from distant
lands sought her hand, but she set near-impossible challenges, testing their valor
against the sea's might. None could surpass her, and many became her loyal
followers, pledging to protect her and the coast.
Embracing her destiny, Princess Kandita transformed into Nyai Roro
Kidul, the revered Queen of the South Sea. She ruled the waves with wisdom and
grace, ensuring that the enchanted coast remained a sanctuary for all who sought
refuge and healing. Her legend lived on, a testament to her strength and the
enduring power of the enchanted sea.

Traditional Version My Version (Fractured)

Title The story of Nyi Roro Kidul The Tale of Princess Kandita and
the Enchanted Sea
Characters  Prabu Siliwangi: Wise king  Prabu Siliwangi: Mystical
 Princess Kandita: Heir to the guardian
throne  Princess Kandita: Healer and
 Concubines and their future queen
children: Plot against Kandita  Envious Nobles: Scheming
 Witch: Casts the curse. for power
 Enchantress: Powerful
Setting  Kingdom of Pakuan Pajajaran  Mystical land of Pakuan
 Southern coast of Java Island Pajajaran
 Enchanted southern coast of
Java Island
Problems  Nobles and witch curse  Nobles conspire with
Kandita and her mother enchantress to curse Kandita
 Kandita is exiled due to  Kandita leaves to protect her
illness people from the curse
Solution  Kandita bathes in the sea,  Kandita discovers the healing
curing her illness power of the enchanted sea
 She becomes Nyai Roro Kidul  Embracing her destiny, she
becomes Nyai Roro Kidul and
rules the coast


No I have done the following Yes No

1. Change a word in familiar title. √
2. Insert a new character or swap characters. √
3. Change an Important object. √
4. Change the setting. √
5. Change the point of view. √
6. Change the story resolution. √
7. Use another mode (picture) in my text. √

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