Key Quotes Revision Macbeth

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Key Quotes

Revision Guide
How to use this revision guide

This revision guide is best used with someone else who can test you. Try to do some each day. Little and often is the best way to cement learning.

Follow the steps below. It is important that you do this in order, to ensure that your knowledge is sufficient enough to progress on to the next step.

1) Get someone to test you on each quote. For each quote explain who says it and why.

2) For each quote tell someone which of the themes it can be linked to and why.

3) Make sure you learn language features/word classes (see the list at the end of this booklet.)

4) For each quote you will see words/phrases highlighted. This is because these words/phrases are language features/words that should be zoomed in on
in detail. Focus on explaining to someone why these words/language features stand out. You will need to identify the word type/language feature and
explain the effect/why the writer has used it.

5) Explain to someone how each quote can be linked to the context.

6) Explain to someone what you think Shakespeare's message is through using the quote. What does he want his readers/viewers to learn?

7) Get someone to prompt you on a quote and then finish it off yourself. See how long it takes you to learn it word for word.

8) Once you are able to memories and explain the key quotes, take a practice question and then explain to someone how you would answer it. You will
need to explain the points you would make and the quotes you would use to support them and why.

Quote Speaker Act & Scene Theme(s) Contextual Link

‘fair is foul, and foul is fair. Witches were seen as being deceptive and able to control the
Hover through the fog and filthy Witches Act 1 Deception weather.
air’ Scene 1 Supernatural

“Disdaining fortune, with his Sergeant Act 1 Scene Men were expected to behave as violent and brave warriors
brandished steel, 2 Heroes, Violence, during this time period.
Which smoked with bloody Ambition

“Till he unseamed him from the Sergeant Act 1 Scene Heroes, Violence, Men were expected to behave as violent and brave warriors
nave to th' chops, and fixed his 2 Ambition during this time period.
head upon our battlements.”

“If chance will have me king, Macbeth Act 1 Scene Ambition, Loyalty, As a thane, Macbeth would be expected to be one of the king’s
why, chance may crown me 3 Good versus evil most loyal servants.
without my stir.”

“The prince of Cumberland! Act 1 Scene Ambition, Deception, Malcolm is next in line to the throne and will be expected to
That is a step Macbeth 4 Loyalty, become king. This is called the divine rights of kings, (the
On which I must fall down, or Good versus evil suggestion that God chooses who becomes kings) by interfering
else o'erleap, with this line of succession, Macbeth could be breaking the great
For in my way it lies. Stars, hide chain of being.
your fires;
Let not light see my black and People were extremely religious during this period of time and
deep desires. would have believed in God, heaven and hell.
The eye wink at the hand, yet let
that be
Which the eye fears, when it is
done, to see.”

Quote Speaker Act & Scene Theme(s) Contextual Link

“I fear thy nature; Lady Act 1 Scene Femininity versus Men were expected to behave as violent and brave warriors
It is too full o' th' milk of human Macbeth 5 masculinity, good during this time period whilst women were expected to be
kindness versus evil nurturing, kind, caring, weak and innocent.
To catch the nearest way:”

‘Come you spirits that tend on Femininity versus To talk to evil spirits would be seen as a terrible thing. Many
mortal thoughts, unsex me here Lady Act 1 masculinity, good people believed in evil spirits and the devil and that they had
and fill me from the crown to the Macbeth Scene 5 versus evil, almost as much power as angels.
toe topfull of the direct cruelty’ supernatural,
“Come, thick night, Lady Act 1 Scene Femininity versus To talk to evil spirits would be seen as a terrible thing. Many
And pall thee in the dunnest Macbeth 5 masculinity, good people believed in evil spirits and the devil and that they had
smoke of hell, versus evil, almost as much power as angels.
That my keen knife see not the supernatural,
wound it makes, ambition Men were expected to behave as violent and brave warriors
Nor heaven peep through the during this time period whilst women were expected to be
blanket of the dark nurturing, kind, caring, weak and innocent.
To cry “Hold, hold!”

‘look like th’innocent flower but Deception, good As a thane, Macbeth would be expected to be one of the king’s
be the serpent under’t’ Lady Act 1 versus evil most loyal servants.
Macbeth Scene 5

‘who should against his Loyalty, violence, As a thane, Macbeth would be expected to be one of the king’s
murderer shut the door, not bear Macbeth Act 1 good versus evil most loyal servants.
the knife myself’ Scene 7

Quote Speaker Act & Scene Theme(s) Contextual Link

“I have no spur ambition As a thane, Macbeth would be expected to be one of the king’s
To prick the sides of my intent, Macbeth Act 1 most loyal servants.
but only Scene 7
Vaulting ambition, which
o'erleaps itself”
“False face must hide what the Macbeth Act 1 Scene Deception As a thane, Macbeth would be expected to be one of the king’s
false heart doth know.” 7 most loyal servants.

‘Is this a dagger I see before me, Supernatural, As a thane, Macbeth would be expected to be one of the king’s
handle towards my hand? Come, Macbeth Act 2 ambition, guilt, most loyal servants.
let me clutch thee.” Scene 1 insanity
Men were expected to behave as violent and brave warriors
during this time period.
“Or art thou but Macbeth Act 2 Scene Supernatural, By killing Duncan, Macbeth will believe that he has gone against
A dagger of the mind, a false 1 ambition, guilt, the great chain of being. His insanity could be the ‘chaos’ that
creation, insanity erupts when this happens.
Proceeding from the heat-
oppressèd brain?”

“Had he not resembled my Act 2, Scene Femininity versus Men were expected to behave as violent and brave warriors
father as he slept, I had done’t” Lady 2 masculinity, good during this time period whilst women were expected to be
Macbeth versus evil, nurturing, kind, caring, weak and innocent.

Quote Speaker Act & Theme(s) Contextual Link

“I could not say Amen” Macbeth Act 2 Guilt People were extremely religious during this period of time and would
Scene 2 have believed in God, heaven and hell.
‘Macbeth shall sleep no more.’ Supernatural, People were extremely religious during this period of time and would
Macbeth Act 2 guilt, insanity have believed in God, heaven and hell.
Scene 2
“Will all great Neptune’s Macbeth Act 2 Scene Supernatural, By killing Duncan, Macbeth will believe that he has gone against the
Ocean wash this blood clean 2 guilt, insanity great chain of being. His insanity could be the ‘chaos’ that erupts when
from my hand?” this happens.
“There’s daggers in men’s Donalbain Act 2 Scene Deception, Loyalty would be expected of men like Macbeth and this highlights
smiles: the near in blood, the 3 violence how deceptive he was. This could also be a reference to the
nearer bloody” Gunpowder plot and a warning not to trust people.
“Upon my head they placed a Macbeth Act 3 Scene Ambition, A king would have felt a lot of pressure to have a son who would
fruitless crown, and put a 1 kingship become heir to the throne (prince and king in the future), Macbeth
barren sceptre in my gripe” knows that instead Banquo’s children ill do this and not his.
“O full of scorpions is my Macbeth Act 3 Scene Supernatural, By killing Duncan, Macbeth will believe that he has gone against the
mind” 2 guilt, insanity great chain of being. His insanity could be the ‘chaos’ that erupts when
this happens.
“Be innocent of the Macbeth Act 3 Scene Femininity Women were not included in many of their husband’s decisions as they
knowledge, dearest chuck, till 2 versus were seen as being unintelligent and too emotional to deal with them.
thou applaud the deed” masculinity,
“none of woman born shall Witches Act 4 Scene deception The first successful caesarean section took place in the USA in 1794 –
harm Macbeth” 1 much later than this time. It would have been unheard of a person
being born this way.
“Macbeth shall never Witches Act 4 Scene deception Witches were seen to be extremely deceptive.
vanquished be, until Great 1
Birnam wood, to high
Dunsinane Hill shall come
against him”

Quote Speaker Act & Theme(s) Contextual Link

‘what I am truly, Loyalty, A good king would be expected to give everything to his country.
Is thine and my poor country’s Malcolm Act 4 kingship
to command’ Scene 3

‘Foul whisperings are abroad: Deception, Loyalty would be expected of men like Macbeth and this highlights
unnatural deeds / Do breed Doctor Act 5 violence how deceptive he was. This could also be a reference to the
unnatural troubles’ Scene 1 Gunpowder plot and a warning not to trust people.

“She has light by her Gentlewoman Act 5 Scene Supernatural, People were highly religious and would have believed in heaven and
continually” 1 guilt, insanity hell.
“all the perfumes of Arabia Lady Macbeth Act 5 Scene Supernatural, After committing a sin like this people would expect to go to hell.
will not sweeten this little 1 guilt, insanity,
hand.” Femininity
“What is done, cannot be Lady Macbeth Act 5 Scene Supernatural, After committing a sin like this people would expect to go to hell.
undone.” 1 guilt, insanity,
“Life’s but a walking shadow, Macbeth Act 5 Scene Ambition, Because Macbeth was not divinely chosen to become king, he has
a poor player that struts and 5 deception, guilt, broken the great chain of being. Perhaps this is why he has been so
frets his hour upon the stage regret, unsuccessful as a ruler.
and then is heard no more: it is
a tale told by an idiot, full of
sound and fury, signifying
“Producing forth the cruel Malcolm Act 5 Scene Violence,
ministers of this dead butcher 8 deception,
and his fiend-like queen” kingship

Interesting Context

 ‘Macbeth’ is a play written around 1606 by William Shakespeare.

 Shakespeare would write his plays for the king and would perform them to him first. The plays he wrote
during the reign of King James such as ‘Macbeth’ were much more cynical and darker reflecting the
insecurities of King James.
 Shakespeare's plays were written for the average man or women in the street. The concerns of the time
were reflected in Shakespeare's plays, many of which feature kings and queens struggling to hold onto
their power or having it taken from them by someone considered evil.
 ‘Macbeth’ is loosely based on a true story. The real Macbeth was a Scottish warlord who lived from 1004
to 1057. Macbeth became king of Scotland in 1040 after killing the ruling King Duncan I in battle.
 King James is actually a direct descendent from the real Banquo – this explains why the witches tell
Banquo that he will have kings – a reference to King James.
 In the Shakespearean era, Witches were associated with the dark and death. They were said by many
Christian countries to be agents of Satan and performing evil acts at night.
 When Shakespeare wrote Macbeth, witchcraft and supernatural happenings were of high interest. King
James I was highly engaged with the idea of witchcraft and even wrote a book about the topic. He used
them for his play, and many of his audience would have believed in them as evil servants, trapping the
power of men and women.
 King James ordered many witch-hunts during his reign. A person could be tried for witchcraft by being tied
up and dunked under water. If they drowned then they were human, if they didn’t drown they were a witch
and would be burnt or hung.
 Witches were believed to have the power to time travel, change the weather: causing natural disasters,
and were believed to have pets that were helpers of the devil.
 Religious thinkers in the middle ages had come up with the idea of ‘the great chain of being’. This was a
belief held by many, that God had designed an orderly system for both nature and humankind. Everything
had its place in the great chain of being. It was considered a sin against god for anybody to try and alter
their place in the chain. The order went like so, God was at the top, followed by angel and demons, kings,
noblemen, men, women, children, animals, plants, rock and minerals. If the ‘natural order’ within the chain
was broken, chaos was expected to erupt.
 People believed that kings were chosen by God - The Divine Rights of Kings. Throughout Shakespeare’s
time and beyond, monarchs were seen as being God’s deputies on earth, having a ‘divine right’ to rule; the
monarch had absolute power, and an attack on him or her, even a verbal one was considered to be a
 In Macbeth it was a shock to the audience when Macbeth had planned to kill the King of Scotland. This
meant at that time it would have been an incredibly dangerous crime to commit as it was going against all
 There was a large divide between the expectations of men and women during this time period. Women
were expected to be weak, innocent, kind, nurturing, emotional and unintelligent whilst men were expected
to be brave, strong, powerful, intelligent, and unemotional.
 Violence was usual during this time period. To kill someone violently would be a way of showing your
power and authority. Once a traitor had been killed, it would be custom to keep their heads on a stick and
hang them for others to see as a warning. This is arguably why Macduff brings Macbeth’s head to Malcom.
 Britain had been a catholic country until 70 years ago when Henry 8th created the Anglican church in order
to divorce his wife Katherine of Aragon. The religion that the British people practised had been enforced
upon them ever since. It had changed from Catholic to Anglican (Henry 8th), back to Catholic (Mary 1st) and
then to protestant (Elizabeth 1st and King James There were still many secret catholic followers who
did not approve of King James 1st being king, and wanted a catholic ruler on the throne. On the 5th of
November 1605 a group of catholic supporters attempted to blow up the houses of parliament and
assassinate the king. Guy Fawkes got caught doing so and this day is now celebrated every year as
bonfire night. After a brief trial, Guy Fawkes was sentenced, along with the other surviving chief
conspirators, to be hanged, drawn, and quartered in London. On January 30, 1606, the gruesome
public executions began in London, and on January 31 Fawkes was called to meet his fate. While
climbing to the hanging platform, however, he jumped from the ladder and broke his neck, dying
 In many ways Shakespeare provides his audience with a warning of what could happen if. like Macbeth
and Fawkes, you attempt to commit treason on the king.

Practice Questions
 How far does Shakespeare present Macbeth as weak?
 How far does Shakespeare present Lady Macbeth as weak?
 How does Shakespeare present men in the play?
 How does Shakespeare present evil and witchcraft in the play?
 How is the theme of loyalty explored in the play?
 How is the theme of deception explored in the play?
 How does Shakespeare present kings in the play?
 How is violence explored in the play?
 How is ambition explored in the play?
 How is guilt explored in the play?
 How is insanity explored in the play?

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