Schizm 1

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1 - The Island World

From isle to isle

Ramps and lifts

Hannah has
landed in a
world of small
For the moment
you are
Hannah. You can
at any time shift
between Sam and Hannah by just clicking at the person in the lower right of the screen. In this
guide I let one person act as long as it is convenient.
Look around. You are standing on a small plateau in the water, the only thing you can do is to walk
the ramp.
When you have reached the top you'll see a brief flash of a bright light. You can't do anything but
turn to the right and take the ramp to the third floor.

When you search

the screen with
the cursor you'll
find two ways to
go forward. First
choose the right
Turn to the right
and you'll see
something on a table. Look at it. Hannah says it is a
mission log but it is wiped. Not much help there.

Return and go
left and you'll
see a lift. If you
click inside the
lift will come
down. Enter it.
Turn around and
click at the
upper triangle to
go to the third floor.

In front of you is
a similar lift but
the entrance is at the other side. Look to the right. There is a big button to call a gondola but don't
do it yet. In stead walk to the left of the other lift and you'll reach a new ramp. Take it to the next
Small trees are growing everywhere. Walk to the left and take the ramp to the next floor.

A new number system

Walk to the
right and
you'll see a
There is
some fluid
reaching up to a level marked with two vertical bars
under a horizontal one. It looks like a scale. Take a look at the different markings and see if
you can find some symmetry.
It could be a number system. One vertical bar represents the number one, two vertical
number 2 and three vertical number 3. Then they start again with one vertical bar but this time
with a horizontal bar on top. Next time two vertical under a horizontal one. The next sign ought to
have been three vertical under a horizontal one but that mark is missing. Instead they start again
with one vertical this time with a horizontal one both at the top and bottom. The mark at the
surface of the liquid must be 5 and the sign for the number 6 is missing.

Look behind the

bottle. There is
a small blue
bottle and a
picture of a bee.
You cannot take
any of them.
Listen and you'll
hear a humming
sound. Turn around and take a step forward, and you'll see the bees.
Walk down the ramp, to the left of the bees.

Enter the left

lift and press
the up-button to
go to the forth
floor. When you
get there you'll
see a green pool
and a lot of
A strange urn

Walk to the left

and you'll see
the ramp to the
fifth floor. Don't
go there yet.
Instead go to the
left round the
corner. On the
wall are some
lumps with protruding spines. On a pillar is an urn. Click at the top of the urn but check that the
pointer is not a claw, in that case you just take the urn.

Observe closely
what happens
when you click
the lid of the
urn. There is a
green light at
one of the
spines. That
spine and its
two neighbors
change position. Click a couple of times, until you understand the mechanism. Then click at the urn
(not the lid) and it is placed in your inventory.

Turn around and

take the ramp to
the fifth floor.
There you'll find
another wiped
mission log.
Take the ramp
to the next

The first coordinate plate

Suddenly a scientist appears or perhaps the ghost of a

scientist. He appears and disappears with an optical
effect all the time. He talks in broken sentences.

"... find the plaques...

...were deliberately scattered so we couldn't get back to
...navigational coordinates for operating the living ships, but they change all the time...
...old ones won't work now... ones, the new coordinates...
...please help us! We're trapped in..."

This must mean that the scientists have not been able to reach Bosh Tunnel because the
navigational coordinates, to go there, were changed. Now they are trapped somewhere and the
new coordinates have been scattered. They are asking for help and you have to find the new

Turn right and

you'll see eight
black tulips. Go
to the first one.
Click at it and it
opens. There is
nothing in it.
Turn left and go

Continue to the
top. Look down. At
the bottom of the
screen there is a
plaque. Click at it
to get a close up.
This must be one of
the plaques the
scientist talked
You recognize the symbols. You saw them earlier on the
flask. Here you also find the number 6 that was missing from
the flask.
The two upper rows are crossed, it must be the old
coordinates. Translated to our number system they read: 3,
6, 2 and 6, 8, 7.
The two last rows read: 3, 4, 7 and 6, 9, 11.

The Tulip Puzzle

On your way
down you pass a
narrow table
with five circles.
Click at it to get
a close up.
Click at the
different circles. A tulip opens and tosses something to another tulip.
This is probably something that you should try to take.

But the only tulip you can reach is the first one. You have to make the other tulips toss the thing to
the first tulip.
As you probably have noticed by now is that you have to click once at each of the five circles but in
what order?.
If every tulip made the same toss each time it would be simple. But the throw depends on which
tulip throws and on the order in the sequence. The only way is to try all the combinations. It is only
120 so you can do it with a little patience. If you lack patience, mark the circles with A-E from left
to right. Click C, A, D, B and E and the thing will come to the first tulip.
Walk downstairs and look into the first tulip. There you'll find the second coordinate plaque. Check
the coordinates. The crossed ones read: 7, 10, 5 and 9, 1, 5 and the new ones 7, 8, 10 and 9, 2, 9.

Gondola to next island

Return down to
the floor with
the two lifts and
the button to
call the gondola.
Press it and the
gondola comes
and takes you to
the next island.
Turn right and take the ramp to the next floor. Recognize the spines? Click at them to get a close
up. They look like the ones you earlier manipulated with the urn, you picked up.

Zoom out and

turn right.
Walk on the short ramp and look behind the tentacles. You'll find a pillar similar to the one where
you took the lamp earlier.

The Spine puzzle

Click at the
pillar. The
pointer changes
to a claw which
means you can
use something
here. At the
same time the
urn in your
inventory is
high-lighted. When you click at the pillar the urn is placed there.
On the pillar are 14 small lines. At start the pointer is at the rightmost line. Move the pointer and
click the lid of the urn. Look closely at the spines on the wall when you click.
One of them shows a green light. What happens with that spine and with its two neighbors. Check a
couple of times and you'll notice that if you number the lines on the pillars from right to left you
have to number the spines from left to right to make them correspond. It is the same principle here
as it was earlier. When you click at a line the corresponding spine and its two neighbors change
position. Your goal is to make all the spines long.
You sure realize that you have to start with the line 2 on the pillar. Click it, check the spines and
decide your next move.
If you need help look at the right picture above and click in the marked order.

The left picture

shows the spines
before the last
If you put the
pointer at the
last but one line
and slick, the
three spines
come out and all the spines are activated.
Walk to the wall with the spines. Step on them to go to the other side.

A long pole is
barring your
way. Turn right.
The pole seems
to come from
the next island
but you can't use
the pole to go
Click at the point where the pole ends at the wall. There
is something under the pole. Click at it. It is a chair-lift. You are automatically transported to the
next island.

The Living Ship

The coordinate-puzzle

Turn right and

walk down the
ramp, you can
see at the
bottom of the
Enter the lift
and go up.
When you leave
the lift look left. A strange plant with a bud in the middle. Click at it. It seems to be empty.

At the right side

there is a
console with
The rightmost
one is not
accessible but a
bit further down
there are three instruments and you can zoom in on each one separately. Examine all three of

The instruments
to the left and
right are similar
except for the
symbol in the
middle. The
symbols are the
same as the
ones on the
plaques. This must be the navigational instruments the scientist ghost spoke about.
Both are divided into three circles. The signs at the outer ring are followed by one dot. In the
center circle there are two dots and in the inner circle three dots. We use a similar system to show
degrees, minutes and seconds in longitude and latitude, 15' 40'' 35'''.
Here there are only 12 instances of each coordinate.
At the moment the instruments show the new coordinates on plaque 1.
The central
instrument has a
hand in the
middle. Click at
happens. This
must mean that
the coordinates
shown, are the
ones for this position, where we are now. The new coordinates on plaque 2 must be those for Bosh
Tunnel, according to the scientist. You can see them on the picture at the right.

Now transfer
coordinates to
the three rings
on the two
The upper row
to the left
instrument and
the lower row to the right instrument as shown on the pictures. Just click the symbols to enter
Then click at the hand on the middle instrument and you are off. This must be the Living Island the
scientist spoke about.

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