Brainstorming Mapa Mental Formas Orgánicas Ilustrado Naranja

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Bashar al

What happend
why was he important

Because he is sirias He transformed

whem Was he born
dictator and he is The siria in a dictator
responsable of He was born on
all the sirya wars September
eleven on 1965,
he is 58 years old.
how he affected people
The civil war has killed
around 580,000 people, of
which a minimum of 306,000
deaths are non-combatant, BASHAR AL
with pro-Assad forces causing where is he from
more than 90% of the civilian
deaths. The war has also ASAAD
He is from siria
forcibly displaced 14 million
Syrians, with over 7 million
refugees, causing the largest
refugee crisis in the world more especiflicly
The city of bagdad
santi: It seems disrespectful
to me that one man makes the
decision of an entire nation
nico:For me it is very sad what he did
that such a wonderful country
is considered bad because of
the decisions of one person. He is the president
Samuel:It seems to me that it
is very bad because it is not
of siria but siria
possible that people continue
to exist so badly that just
transformed in a
because they want to, they dikttatuur
ruin everything as they
War crimes allegations
against Bashar al-Assad
The siryan conflict, and his government
which has led to Bashar
al-Assad's control over a
have been reported
since the start of the
Syrian conflict in 2011.
portion of Syrian territory
2000 ands now he mains the
These allegations
involve the use of
25% of the country
2012 chemical weapons,
targeting civilians, and
carrying out The relations between
indiscriminate attacks. Bashar al-Assad's
government and several
Bashar al-Assad Foreign support for countries, leading to
became the President Bashar al-Assad, sanctions and
of Syria after the death
of his father, Hafez al-
2011 particularly from
countries like Russia
2013 international
implications, have been
Assad, in 2000. He was and Iran, has been ongoing since the start
chosen as his father's ongoing throughout the of the Syrian conflict.
successor and has held Syrian conflict since
power since then. 2011.
It is devastating how
millions of people die,
are torture and get out
of their country just for a
decision of one person
fighting wars.

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