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Quarter 1 – Module 6:
Quadratic Functions
What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help
you master the different ways of solving Quadratic Functions. The scope of this module
permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes
the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard
sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to
correspond with the textbook you are now using.

The module is divided into two lessons, namely:

 Lesson 1 – Methods of solving real-life situations using quadratic functions
 Lesson 2 – Application of solving quadratic functions
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. model real-life situations using quadratic functions; and
2. represent a quadratic function using:
(a) table of values;
(b) graph; and
(c) equation.

What I Know

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of

1. What are the roots of (k+1) (k-5)=0?

A. {1,5} B. {-1,5} C. {5,1} D. {5,-1}
2. Given (a+1) (a+2)=0, what are its probable roots?
A. {-1,-2} B. {1,2} C. {2,1} D. {-2,-2}
3. In the quadratic function n2+7n+15=5; give the roots.
A. {-5,-2} B. {2,5} C. {5,2} D. {-5,2}
4. What is the graph of the quadratic function?
A. parabola C. curve
B. line D. axis of symmetry
5. What is the point of intersection of the parabola?
A. vertex C. graph
B. axis of symmetry D. function
6. What is the point of the parabola if it opens upward?
A. minimum C. vertex
B. maximum D. axis of symmetry
7. What is the line that divides the parabola into two parts?
A. axis of symmetry C. vertex
B. minimum D. maximum
8. The general form of the quadratic function?
A. f(x)= ax2+bx+c B. b2-4ac C. -b/2a D. a <0
9. Give the factors of n +8n=-15

A. (n+3) (n+5) B. (n-3) (n-5) C. (n+3) (n-5) D. (n-3) (n+5)

10. What are the roots of x2-11x+19=-5?
A. {-3-8} B. {-3,8} C. {3,8} D. {8,3}

11. Which of the following statements about a quadratic function is TRUE?
I. When given a table of values with equal differences in x, a quadratic
function has constant second differences in y.
II. The graph of a quadratic function is a parabola whose axis is horizontal.
III.The domain of a quadratic function is the set of all real numbers.

A. I and II B. I and III C. III only D. all of the above

12. Which of the following is a graph of a quadratic function?

13. Write the quadratic function in vertex form.

A. y= a(x-h)2+k B. (h,k) C. 4ac-b2 D. -b/2a

14. Which of the following statements is TRUE about zeros of quadratic function?
A. The zeros are positive numbers.
B. The zeros are two distinct numbers.
C. The zeros are complex roots.
D. The zeros are real, equal numbers.

15. What is the formula for the vertex of the parabola?

A. y= a(x-h)2+k C. h=-b/2a k=4ac-b2/4a
B. 4ac-b 2 D. (h,k)


1 Quadratic Functions

In the previous lessons, we were concerned with finding solution sets of a first-
degree function known as linear. This time, we will discuss how to solve quadratic
functions by means of tables and graphs.

There are many real-world situations that deal with quadratics and parabolas.
Throwing a ball, shooting a cannon, diving from a platform, and hitting a golf ball are
all examples of situations that can be modeled by quadratic functions.

In many of these situations, you will want to know the highest or lowest point
of the parabola, which is known as the vertex. For example, consider that when you
throw a football, the path it takes through the air is a parabola. Natural questions to
ask are:

 "When does the football reach its maximum height?"

 "How high does the football get?"
If you know the equation for the function that models the situation, you can find the
vertex. If the function is f(x)=ax2+bx+c, the x-coordinate of the vertex will be .

The y-coordinate of the vertex can be found by substituting the x-coordinate into the
function. In the case of the football:
 The x-coordinate of the vertex will give you the time when the football is at its
maximum height.
 The y-coordinate will give you the maximum height.

One way to understand where comes from is to consider where the vertex is
on a parabola.

Due to the symmetry of parabolas, the x-coordinate of the vertex is directly between
the two x-intercepts. The two x-intercepts are, according to the quadratic formula:

So, is in the middle. One x-intercept is to the right and the

Other x-intercept is to the left.

What’s In

Identify the missing pair.

Z Y X W ?
V The letters are in consecutive descending order
1 2 3 4 ?
5 The numbers are in consecutive ascending order

Find the x-intercepts of each function.

y = x2 – 2x – 3 3 and -1
y = x2 – x - 6 3 and -2
y = x2 – 3x + 2 2 and 1
y = x2 + x - 12 3 and 4
y = x 2 + 4x + 3 -3 and -1

1. Solve the roots of the equation x2 + 16x – 36 = 0 by factoring.

What are the linear factors of the trinomial square? (x + 18) and (x – 2)
What are the roots? x = -18 and x = 2
2. Get the sum and product of the roots of the equation.
What is the sum of the roots? Sum: -16
What is the product of the roots? Product: -36
A. Analysis
Look at the given equation again. What do you notice?
Is there an interesting relationship between the roots and the coefficients/terms of the
quadratic equation?
product of roots The product of the roots is the constant term.

x2 + 16x – 36 = 0

opposite of sum of roots The opposite of the sum of the roots is the coefficient of

What’s New

Nature of zeroes of quadratic functions (𝐷 = 𝑏 2 − 4𝑎𝑐 )

 If 𝐷 > 0, 𝑓(𝑥) has two real unequal zeroes and the parabola intersects the 𝑥 axis
 If 𝐷 = 0, 𝑓(𝑥) has one real zero and the parabola intersects the 𝑥 axis only once.
 If 𝐷 < 0, 𝑓(𝑥) has two imaginary zeroes and the parabola does not intersect the
𝑥 axis.

Deriving the quadratic function

 Using the table of values
 Two points
 Three points
 Zeroes

Examples: Derive the Quadratic Function of the following:

1.) vertex: (6,1) other point: (7,10) 𝒚 = 𝟗(𝒙 − 𝟔)𝟐 + 𝟏

𝑦 = 𝑎(𝑥 − ℎ)2 + 𝑘
10 = 𝑎(7 − 6)2 + 1
10 = 𝑎(1)2 + 1
10 = 𝑎 + 1
10 − 1 = 𝑎

2.) Three points: (−3, −3), (0,0), and (2,4)

Since the parabola passes through (0,0), then
0 = 𝑎(0)2 + 𝑏(0) + 𝑐
0= 0+0+𝑐
The parabola also passes through (−3, −3). Hence, −3 = 𝑎(−3)2 + 𝑏(−3) + 0
−𝟑 = 𝟗𝒃 − 𝟑𝒃
Equation 1
Also, the parabola passes through (2,4). Then,
4 = 𝑎(2)2 + 𝑏(2) + 0
𝟒 = 𝟒𝒂 + 𝟐𝒃

Equation 2

Solving equation 1 and equation 2, simultaneously:

9𝑎 − 3𝑏 = −3 18𝑎 − 6𝑏 = −6
4𝑎 + 2𝑏 = 4 12𝑎 + 6𝑏 = 12
30𝑎 =6
Substituting 𝑎 = in (2),
4 (5) + 2𝑏 = 4
1 8 𝟏 𝟖
Since 𝑎 = , 𝑏 = and 𝑐 = 0, therefore, the quadratic function is 𝒇(𝒙) = 𝒙𝟐 + 𝒙.
5 5 𝟓 𝟓

𝒙 𝟎 𝟏 𝟐 𝟑 𝟒
𝒚 −𝟑 −𝟏 −𝟑 −𝟗 −𝟏𝟗

3.) Let 𝑦 = 𝑎𝑥 2 + 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐 be the quadratic function. Since (0,3), (1, −1), and (2, −3)
are points of the parabola, then
−3 = 𝑎(0)2 + 𝑏(0) + 𝑐 𝑐 = −3
−1 = 𝑎(1) + 𝑏(1) + (−3) 𝑎 + 𝑏 − 3 = −1 eq. 1
−3 = 𝑎(2)2 + 𝑏(2) + (−3) 4𝑎 + 2𝑏 − 3 = −3 eq. 2

Solving eq. 1 and eq. 2, simultaneously:

𝑎 + 𝑏 − 3 = −1 𝑎+𝑏 =2 𝑏 =2−𝑎

Simplifying eq. 2 and substituting 𝑏 = 2 − 𝑎 in resulting equation.

4𝑎 + 2𝑏 − 3 = −3 4𝑎 + 2𝑏 = 0
4𝑎 + 2(2 − 𝑎) = 0
4𝑎 + 4 − 2𝑎 = 0
2𝑎 + 4 = 0
2𝑎 = −4
𝒂 = −𝟐

𝑏 = 2−𝑎
𝑏 = 2 − (−2)

Since 𝑎 = −2, 𝑏 = 4, and 𝑐 = −3, then the quadratic function is 𝒇(𝒙) = −𝟐𝒙𝟐 + 𝟒𝒙 − 𝟑

What is It

This lesson presents a way of solving quadratic function using the vertex form
y=a(x-h)2+k. Another way is by letting y=ax2+bx+c be the quadratic function and the
table of values are given to present the points of the parabola. Solving simultaneous
equations is also used to find the values of a, b, and c.

We defined a quadratic function in standard form as 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑎𝑥 2 + 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐, where 𝑎 ≠ 0 .
This may be written in the vertex form 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑎(𝑥 − ℎ)2 + 𝑘 where (ℎ, 𝑘) is the vertex of
the graph of the function. You will learn how to rewrite a quadratic function to vertex
form in two ways: a) by finding the vertex of the parabola; and b) by completing the

Steps in transforming by completing the square:

1. Rewrite the given as quadratic equation.

2. Apply the steps in completing the square.
3. Move the value of 𝑐 to the left side of the equation.
4. Rewrite it as a quadratic function.

Transforming by getting the vertex of the parabola

1. Determine the values of 𝑎, 𝑏, and 𝑐.

2. Substitute the values of 𝑎, 𝑏, and 𝑐 to the formulas:
𝑏 4𝑎𝑐−𝑏2
ℎ = − 2𝑎 , 𝑘 = 4𝑎
3. Substitute it to the vertex form of quadratic function:
𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑎(𝑥 − ℎ)2 + 𝑘

Examples: Transform the following quadratic function to vertex form: (a) by completing
the square; and (b) by getting the vertex of the parabola.

1.) 𝒇(𝒙) = 𝒙𝟐 − 𝟔𝒙 + 𝟐
a. 1 𝑥 2 − 6𝑥 + 2 = 0 b. 1 𝑎 = 1 𝑏 = −6 𝑐 = 2
𝑏 −6
2 𝑥 2 − 6𝑥 = −2 2 ℎ = − 2𝑎 = − 2(1) = 𝟑
4𝑎𝑐−𝑏2 4(1)(2)−(−6)2
𝑥 2 − 6𝑥 + 9 = −2 + 9 𝑘= 4𝑎
= 4(1)
= −𝟕
(𝑥 − 3) = 7 3 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑎(𝑥 − ℎ) + 𝑘 2

3 (𝑥 − 3)2 − 7 = 0 𝑓(𝑥) = 1(𝑥 − 𝟑)2 + (−𝟕)

4 𝒇(𝒙) = (𝒙 − 𝟑)𝟐 − 𝟕 𝒇(𝒙) = (𝒙 − 𝟑)𝟐 − 𝟕

2.) 𝒇(𝒙) = 𝒙𝟐 + 𝟖𝒙 + 𝟐𝟎
a. 1 𝑥 2 + 8𝑥 + 20 = 0 b. 1 𝑎 = 1 𝑏 = 8 𝑐 = 20
𝑏 8
2 𝑥 2 + 8𝑥 = −20 2 ℎ = − 2𝑎 = − 2(1) = −𝟒
4𝑎𝑐−𝑏2 4(1)(20)−(8)2
𝑥 2 + 8𝑥 + 16 = −20 + 16 𝑘= = =𝟒
4𝑎 4(1)
(𝑥 + 4) = −4 3 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑎(𝑥 − ℎ) + 𝑘 2

3 (𝑥 + 4)2 + 4 = 0 𝑓(𝑥) = 1[𝑥 − (−𝟒)]2 + (𝟒)

4 𝒇(𝒙) = (𝒙 + 𝟒)𝟐 + 𝟒 𝒇(𝒙) = (𝒙 + 𝟒)𝟐 + 𝟒

Graphs of Quadratic Function

 The graph of a quadratic function 𝑦 = 𝑎𝑥 2 + 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐, where 𝑎 ≠ 0, is called

 It has a turning point called vertex which is either the minimum point or the
maximum point of the graph. The vertex has coordinates (h, k), that is, the x-
coordinate of the vertex is the value of h, while the y-coordinate of the vertex is
the value of k in the equation 𝑦 = 𝑎(𝑥 – ℎ)2 + 𝑘.
 If the value of a is greater than 0 (𝒂 > 𝟎), the parabola opens upward, but if a is
less than 0 (𝒂 < 𝟎), the parabola opens downward. The parabola that opens
upward has the minimum point and the parabola that opens downward has
the maximum point.

 The line which divides the graph into two symmetrical parts is called the axis of
symmetry. The equation of the line is 𝒙 = 𝒉.
 Since the graph extends without bound to the left and to the right, the domain
is the set of all real numbers. The range is the set of all values of y such that 𝒚  𝒌
for the graph that opens upward and 𝒚  𝒌 for the graph that opens

Steps in graphing a quadratic function

1. Determine the vertex (ℎ, 𝑘) of the parabola.

2. Determine whether the parabola opens upward (𝑎 > 0) or downward (𝑎 < 0).
3. Determine the axis of symmetry (the vertical line 𝑥 = ℎ).
4. Find the other points on the parabola. Choose points on either side of the
axis of symmetry.
5. Find the domain and range.
6. Plot the vertex together with the other points on the parabola. Connect the
points with a smooth curve shaped like a bowl to form the parabola.

What’s More

Transform the following quadratic function to vertex form: (a) by completing the
square; and (b) by getting the vertex of the parabola.

1.) 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑥 2 − 2𝑥 + 7
a. 1 𝑥 2 − 2𝑥 + 7 = 0 b. 1 𝑎 = 1 𝑏 = −2 𝑐 = 7
𝑏 −2
2 𝑥 2 − 2𝑥 = −7 2 ℎ = − 2𝑎 = − 2(1) = 𝟏
4𝑎𝑐−𝑏2 4(1)(7)−(−2)2
𝑥 2 − 2𝑥 + 1 = −7 + 1 𝑘=
(𝑥 − 1)2 = −6 3 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑎(𝑥 − ℎ)2 + 𝑘
3 (𝑥 − 1)2 + 6 = 0 𝑓(𝑥) = 1[𝑥 − 𝟏]2 + (𝟔)
4 𝒇(𝒙) = (𝒙 − 𝟏)𝟐 + 𝟔 𝒇(𝒙) = (𝒙 − 𝟏)𝟐 + 𝟔

2.) 𝑓(𝑥) = 3𝑥 2 − 12𝑥 − 1

a. 1 3𝑥 2 − 12𝑥 − 1 = 0 b. 1 𝑎 = 3 𝑏 = −12 𝑐 = −1
1 𝑏 −12
2 𝑥 2 − 4𝑥 − 3 = 0 2 ℎ = − 2𝑎 = − 2(3) = 𝟐
𝑥 2 − 4𝑥 + 4 = − 3 + 4 𝑘=
4𝑎𝑐−𝑏 2
= −𝟏𝟑
(𝑥 − 2)2 = − 3 3 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑎(𝑥 − ℎ)2 + 𝑘
3(𝑥 − 2)2 = −13 𝑓(𝑥) = 3[𝑥 − 𝟐]2 + (−𝟏𝟑)
3 3(𝑥 − 2)2 + 13 = 0 𝒇(𝒙) = 𝟑(𝒙 − 𝟐)𝟐 − 𝟏𝟑
4 𝒇(𝒙) = 𝟑(𝒙 − 𝟐)𝟐 − 𝟏𝟑

1. 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑥 2 + 8𝑥 + 15 4. 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑥 2 + 2𝑥 + 5
2. 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑥 − 4𝑥 + 9
5. 𝑓(𝑥) = 6𝑥 2 − 12𝑥 + 5
3. 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑥 2 − 4𝑥 + 6 6. 𝑓(𝑥) = 2𝑥 2 + 16𝑥 + 31

What I Have Learned

Graphs of Quadratic Function

 The graph of a quadratic function 𝑦 = 𝑎𝑥 2 + 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐, where 𝑎 ≠ 0, is called

 It has a turning point called vertex which is either the minimum point or the
maximum point of the graph. The vertex has coordinates (h, k), that is, the x-
coordinate of the vertex is the value of h, while the y-coordinate of the vertex is
the value of k in the equation 𝑦 = 𝑎(𝑥 – ℎ)2 + 𝑘.
 If the value of a is greater than 0 (𝒂 > 𝟎), the parabola opens upward but if a is
less than 0 (𝒂 < 𝟎), the parabola opens downward. The parabola that opens
upward has the minimum point and the parabola that opens downward has
the maximum point.
 The line which divides the graph into two symmetrical parts is called the axis of
symmetry. The equation of the line is 𝒙 = 𝒉.
 Since the graph extends without bound to the left and to the right, the domain
is the set of all real numbers. The range is the set of all values of y such that 𝒚  𝒌
for the graph that opens upward and 𝒚  𝒌 for the graph that opens

Steps in graphing a quadratic function:

1. Determine the vertex (ℎ, 𝑘) of the parabola.

2. Determine whether the parabola opens upward (𝑎 > 0) or downward (𝑎 < 0).
3. Determine the axis of symmetry (the vertical line 𝑥 = ℎ).
4. Find the other points on the parabola. Choose points on either side of the
axis of symmetry.
5. Find the domain and range.
6. Plot the vertex together with the other points on the parabola. Connect the
points with a smooth curve shaped like a bowl to form the parabola.

Determining intercepts and Graphing of Quadratic Function

 The graph of a quadratic function is a parabola.

 A parabola can cross the x-axis once, twice, or never; and the y-axis only once.
 The values of x or y of the coordinates of these points are called intercepts.
 The x-intercepts are also called the zeros of the function since these are the
values of x when y equals 0.
 These zeros of the function can be determined by setting y to 0 and solving the
resulting equation through different algebraic methods.

Steps in graphing a quadratic function and finding the intercepts

1. Find the vertex.
2. Find the y-intercept. To find the y-intercept, let 𝑥 = 0.
3. Find the x-intercepts. To find the x-intercepts, let 𝑦 = 0.
4. Graph the parabola using the points found in steps 1–3.

Examples: Graph and find the intercepts of the following:
1. 𝑓(𝑥) = −𝑥 2 − 2𝑥 + 3

𝑏 −2
1 ℎ = − 2𝑎 = − 2(−1) = −𝟏 4
4𝑎𝑐−𝑏 2
𝑘= =
(−𝟏, 𝟒)
2 2
𝒚 = −𝑥 − 2𝑥 + 3
= −(0)2 − 2(0) + 3
=3 (𝟎, 𝟑)
3 2
0 = −𝑥 − 2𝑥 + 3
0 = −(𝑥 + 1)2 + 4
−4 = −(𝑥 + 1)2
±2 = 𝑥 + 1
𝑥 = ±2 − 1
𝑥 =2−1=𝟏 (𝟏, 𝟎)
𝑥 = −2 − 1 = −𝟑 (−𝟑, 𝟎)

2. 𝑓(𝑥) = −2(𝑥 + 4)2 + 18

4 = (𝑥 + 1)2

1 (−𝟒, 𝟏𝟖)
2 𝒚 = −2(𝑥 + 4)2 + 18
= −2(0 + 4)2 + 18
= −14 (𝟎, −𝟏𝟒)
3 0 = −2(𝑥 + 4)2 + 18
−18 = −2(𝑥 + 4)2
9 = (𝑥 + 4)2
±3 = 𝑥 + 4
𝑥 = ±3 − 4
𝑥 = 3 − 4 = −𝟏 (−𝟏,0)

The graph of a quadratic function f(x) = ax2 + bx + c = 0 is a parabola.

When we ask when is ax2+bx+c < 0, When we ask when is ax2+bx+c > 0,
we are asking when is f(x) < 0. We we are asking when is f(x) > 0. We
want to know when the parabola is want to know when the parabola is
below the x-axis above the y-axis.
What I Can Do

A toy rocket is fired into the air from the top of a barn. Its height (h) above the ground
in yards after t seconds is given by the function h(t)=−5t2+10t+20.

a. What was the initial height of the rocket?

b. When did the rocket reach its maximum height?


Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of

1. What function models the graph below?

A. y=(x+4)2+2 B. y=(x+2)2+4 C. y=(x-4)2+2 D. y=(x-4)2-2

2. Use the second difference to determine which equation models the table below

A. f(x)=(x-4)(x+1) C. f(x)= 2(x+4)(x-1)

B. f(x)= 4(x-4)(x+1) D. f(x)=2(x-4)(x+1)

3. What is the graph of y=(x-2)2+4?
A. C.

B. D.

4. Use vertex form to write the equation of the parabola

A. y=(x-2)2-3 B. y= 3(x+2)2-3 C. y=3(x-2)2-3 D. y=3(x+2)2+3

5. Identify the vertex of the graph. Tell whether it is a maximum or a minimum.

A. (0,0); maximum B. (0,1); maximum C. (0,1); minimum D. (0,0); minimum

6. Which of the quadratic functions has the narrowest graph?

A. y=-3x2 B. y=1/7x2 C. y=1/3x2 D. y=-4x2

7. If an object is dropped from a height of 39 feet, the function h(t)= -16t2+39 gives
the height of the object after t seconds. Graph the function.
A. B. C. D.

8. Find the equation of the axis of symmetry and the coordinates of the vertex of the
graph of y=4x2+5x-1
A. x=5/8; vertex: (5/8, 4 5/8) C. x=-5/8; vertex: (-5/8, -5 11/16)
B. x=5/8; vertex: (5/8, 3 11/16) D. x=-5/8; vertex: (-5/8, -2 9/16)

9. Graph f(x)= 2x2+2x-2. Label the axis of symmetry and vertex

10. Solve x2+2=6 by graphing the related function

11. Which set of data is correct for this graph?

12. Which set of data is correct for the quadratic function: y=-(x+20)2+14?

13. Which set of data is correct for the quadratic function: f(x)=-3(x+2)(x-3)?

14. What is the y-intercept for y=3x2+2x-5?

A. (0,5) B. (0,3) C. (0,2) D. (0,-5)

15. Given: f(x)= x2+7x+10. What are the x- and y-intercepts for this function?
A. (2,0) (5,0) and (0,10) C. (-5,0) (-2,0) and (0,10)
B. (2,0) (5,0) and (0,-10) D. (-5,0) (-2,0) and (0,-10)

Additional Activities

A table and a graph can both be used to show solutions to a quadratic equation.
The graph and table below show points for the quadratic function.

y = x2−x −6

Both representations of a quadratic equation can be used to find the solution.

The solutions to quadratic equations are called roots. Roots are the x-
intercepts (zeros ) of a quadratic function.

A quadratic equation may have two solutions, one solution, or no solution.


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