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Kleptocracy is a form of government in which

the leaders—often referred to as kleptocrats—

use their power to steal the country’s resources
and enrich themselves. It’s a system where
government officials and politicians are corrupt
and engage in extensive embezzlement and
misappropriation of public funds, often at the
expense of the general population.

Kleptocracy comes from the Greek words

“kleptēs,” meaning “thief,” and “-cracy,”
meaning “rule,” so it literally translates to “rule
by thieves.” This type of governance is
characterized by a lack of accountability and
transparency, with leaders exploiting their
positions for personal gain. It is often
associated with dictatorships, oligarchies, or
other forms of autocratic governments where
there is little oversight or democracy.

The term was first used in English in the early

19th century and has been applied to various
governments around the world where
corruption is a significant issue. Kleptocracies
are different from plutocracies (rule by the
wealthiest) and oligarchies (rule by a small
elite) because in kleptocracies, the corruption
occurs outside the rule of law, with leaders
secretly enriching themselves through illicit

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