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Name? Sankel Kalale Somos lars VE | Regno’ rie, Doth : Subject + (ampotite Material. Fal ay ' fal Ln i) A Gomporite 2 mabrtal which 8 Produced faom a tl _ Conviituent Maderialy ‘There Constituent Matenialr haue netalely Aissimilar chemical or physical porpadios and are minged 42 Creal O material with prpertion unlike the indiviclual Modeiaty. 3) The Maloia iu havically a hemo genous and Mon blithic, Naltrial in ushich a fibre. Sysem cf a (émpebile it embedded, aya Completely Conlindul. The Matoin provide o@ medium jor | Binding and hald ing ‘sein forcomonts togedur inte a Solid. | ag A Pelymes Matsia Compesie Cemc) iu Cornp Obite Pladericel Comppyel. Of waricly of Lol of Continowr bres bound tegeta fy an Organic Polymer Matsin. PMCs aro cuned 40 Loandfor Leads fibres Of a Meitrin, | | | Dime) .u mpolie maternal wit | BME being a nulal reco anily | | Potlicles 0% HS SRS ae Ane aT ae bret, jibve Ass ela ae fo increate 102 Michag > Thhe yeia forcement janclamentally nec | Prepertir of q Compariler. The main Purpore | vemn farreemany 12 fy tue Kuperior Jeuuels of Slyenglh ane Stifpneat v0 CGmpaite. Aa] A durmoplaitic Ba plaslic Volymes Maleial thal b ecomer Ptralide oy matdalee al a Cudain elovated lemp evettedl and | Seltdi fier upon Coating. ad A dhesmo Setting Moluymes afte called a dheméseh ay P&L poner that vu eltaind by ins eudttibly hardening o GOL Selid 09 wiscowt Liquid Poepelymu. Curing is inducect by eat Or Bui tall radiation and may be prdmaled by Nigh presse o Medng With oa Catalyst. oe ' lariat Bl] A poly mu malnia. Comp etike (Pmc) is cm Composite mali Compete material Competed of variety 6 Gord 0 Contin | fibres bound togedter by an or%anic ‘pdlymes Matyix PMCs | are datigntd 40 toanph beads eeluan gibod of Matrior, | ome de advantages wilh PMCs inclucte Hoe Lighet wtergld, “high Shiyjnett and dheir high Strength along dhe clivction Sf Iku rein fercomonts, Olbu advantage ae good abranon VUiStance cund Good Corration yeStance . Consent of & Pmc: © Matix? function is bond fibres rogetter and transfer ice dharn, Thay O22 typically, cit errnorete or them éplatha . O@Beinjoromeuts: Principal toad - heating Componcni. Ft can be gla, Quarts, basall oy Carbon fhe. @ Tatesplote: Behuecon Reinforcement and Madrin Phases usberg load toantnustion take p(aa. %, BINS Gre utcel 40 auebmobile , anraipace, mavint, biomedical S pretrial Indu total Sectors, Cle. ; i lial. Mami 62) Acmim Stengel taal anil nae ae ug - can he ducmbed as Solid Ma: Fe Steg Fonic Bonding ingenral and in {uo Case Covalend Bonding, high Melting points, geod Commotion Ruistena, Seti al elwadd semperahue and Ligh Comprertive Strength, rend, Coramic based Matmiq Mealevaly o favourite fOr Applications MQU09 g SHouctral Mater cel Wal deein't give way te Jemperctur aboug 15006, MOL Gamic Pamers hissh Modulus 6} statticiky and lou Lenio Strain kig Com bintd to Cue failure Bf attempts iy adel vei nforcement! 1 bleh Strength Smpaouemont Lelue to as 0% 6f fibre volume]. The makecal is wabrecemend ty wile highwd Jergite StrengJt of bine Prdea AN inetage in load bearing Capacity cH 83) Reinjoroment jo Compoliks Can he Hbyes, fouleric Porrticde © ushrsker. dt Pypuiele sho Strengik that make dhe (orm porte thal is it, but they alo Sewe Cian eddihional Purpale Of haat reiStane oq Conduchion reusteng 1) Corovion and prpuide mgicliy. Reinborement can he made (2 perform enw 07 all oH thue funchons based or) Ho Reanixmont - ‘Rein}oscomonts ! | Fibves Pantie filed 1 Gach of dese Filled Microsphuy ' Rein feveements will | at Halle Splid « | fom a tyre of | Parhculaty Cmpctixe | Direchonally Splidifiec! Eurechia fn ' . o 84) @mposile Malerial 4 6 Malaial Gmpeted af hwoor meee x dishact phaser (‘Mataix phase and clispersed phase] ond hateing ~ yy ! > Properties Significantly difgoet Joom share Of any of ae Wg Consdituents sMabin Phases Fimary phase hating a Gntinew characky, by Called Matix. Ha iyually n70%@ ductile and let? hard phate + Dispersed PwUe! Serondasy phuse Smbedlded in Marian in | discentineut Jom. Also Callecl svaforemeat phate ancl 1 aiuatly Staenger dhcan Matra ' | Clasijication on basig oy) Matmiat Melal Matsa = CuramicMalma — Coben and Com patits Comp ayiles Qraplule Matyi Com petites MAyenr Mairi Compete S thermesels —Thrsmeplathis. B5laTheam oplastia have Oné o> two climenien al Melcular 6 laucluto “and they knd te at an elwated kemperature and Show | exdggevated anulling Point. [© Prottar crcluantoges can veutled 1D regain its prepertioy | during Cooling, facilihing applicaki &f Cenuenti¢nal Compress | Wchnique i meta ta Omptunds , the wcaling Cepling Cycle | Can be repeated Mulliple timer giving Kes aoe Le alr ext imebfinle Wey Le. 7 BY oe - s trymeplathy Compatile could alia be Shaped wing beech quee SAeitud ram wood and metal Werkeag , They hang iacwased yeeycling and clamage telrance duc to Mu tough nce 6 Matai Mabsial. Thesm eplas Hu! J T 1 Py edhuline —°, | | yclhylenr — Pdys Inyeng nen PAlyeorvicls PEyprpylne| 1 | | BET A Tne veinponced Composite [PRE] va Comparite building malena! Meat Consist 6 tarce Compenenl, @ Te fibret ay clisc@ntineut o> cispw%e Phase @ The Marin at Cowinaus phe, and @ Me fae Inferphale wgion, alio called Aniafac | FRC high Reotumance fibve Cempetite oclieurd end mace | Peible by CHB HaKing Qllaleric fbyic Mélrculs ids Naval fa ake FRE malaial Mataix Hoayh a pspwelarey Molecular Engineering precet yielding o pruduct 4 excepienal | Stmichied ‘Patpettion. | | ‘This Maltial sinlike eller GQmpaier canbe vecyclecl upto | ) Had , allowing Senup FRe ta he xusel again Yat] ct, "

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