Unit 25 June 05

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Unit 25

1.1 Two truths and one lie

Give three pieces of information about yourself. ONE must be false. The other student must guess which one
is not true.

I went to India
I met Ayana
I’ve been living in France for 3 years

I visited Japan
I went to an accountant school
My father lives in the south

2.2 Describe People

Physical appearance:
Height: tall / average height / short (petite)
Size: big / average / small / muscular
Hair color: red / brown (brunette) / blonde / black / white / grey/ salt and pepper /
auburn (red-brown) / strawberry blonde
Hair length: long / medium-length / shoulder-length / short / bald (no hair) / buzz
Hair texture: curly / straight / wavy
Weight: heavy / average / light
fat / average / thin
Age: old / middle-aged / young
Attractiveness: pretty / beautiful / good-looking / handsome / attractive /
unattractive / ugly
caring / uncaring
friendly / unfriendly
outgoing or extraverted / shy or timid or introverted
talkative or chatty / reserved
happy (optimistic - cheerful) / sad (pessimistic - depressed)
kind / unkind
courageous or brave / cowardly
nice / mean
clever - smart - intelligent / stupid - unintelligent
funny / serious
workaholic - hard-working / lazy
bossy - authoritative / _____
understanding - empathetic / apathetic - unsympathetic
quiet / loud
moody / stoic (even-tempered)
eccentric / original / unique
bad-tempered = gets angry often and easily, for no reason - overreacts
modest/humble – arrogant
- he has red hair, he’s tall and muscular, he’s wearing interesting/eccentric
- funny
- competitive (likes to compete in games) / gamer (video games)
- eccentric / interesting
- friendly and outgoing + extraverted
- chatty / talkative
- nice, loyal, friend

- she has straight, shoulder-length/medium-length, brown hair / she’s
- she’s average height
- average weight / average sized
- mean
- unfriendly
- bossy
- bad-tempered
- uncaring
- selfish

3.1 Grammar: Determiners

Countable Nouns – MANY
Uncountable Nouns - MUCH


-I have a lot of money (+)

-I don’t have much money (-)
-Do you have much money ?

-I have many / a lot of chairs (+)

-I don’t have many chairs (-)
-Do you have many chairs ?

Plural uncountable nouns without an article

He likes music = uncountable noun = no s

The little boy likes books
He has has a lot of free time
They don’t have a lot of / much money
He doesn’t like vegetables
He REALLY likes coffee
He has a lot of coffee
He likes sandwiches

3.2 would + like, love, hate, and prefer + infinitive (I’d love to go!)
Would you live with Nadi? Would you like to live with Nadi?
- I would hate to live with Nadi. I would NEVER live with Nadi.
Would you like to go to an Italian restaurant?
- Yes, I would like to go to an Italian restaurant.
- I’d love to go to an Italian restaurant
Would you prefer to live in a big city or small town?
- I’d prefer to live in a small town near a big city. I wouldn’t like to live in the city center because it’s too loud.
- I’d prefer to live in a big city because there are a lot of things to do.

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