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AIR 22 CSE 2019


AIR 22 CSE 2019


India-China Relations

India-China Strategic Economic dialogue

 Bilateram dialogue between Planning bodies of both country.

India-Nepal relation

Motihari - Amlekhgunj Oil Pipeline

 69 km pipeline from Motihari (Bihar) to Amlekhgunj (Nepal)

 First trasnational petroleum pipeline from India, First South Asian Oil pipeline corridor, First oil
pipeline in Nepal.
 Recently concluded 'testing transfer' of pipeline

Trans-Himalayan Multidimensional Connectivity Network (THMCN)

 Economic corridor between China and Nepal

 Part of Belt and Road Initiative.

India - Maldives


 Addu Tourism Zone- on Addu Atoll(aka Seenu Atoll) , southern most atoll of Maldives
 Hoarafushi bottled water plant- on island in northernmost atoll

India- Myanmar

 Bhabhatron II- medical radiation equipment for treatment of cancer patients offered by India to

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 Paletwa- Zorinpui Road- final leg of Kaladan project

Kaladan Multi-Modal Transit Transport Project.

 Connecting Kolkatta to Sittwe by sea, then Sitttwe port to Lashio by Kaladan River Boat route,
then Lashio to Mizoram by Road

India-Myanmar - Thailand Trilateral Highway

 Moreh - Mandalay - Mae Sot

India- Bangladesh

India- Bangladesh Inland Water Transit and Trade Protocol

 India to invest in infrastructure at Ashugonj port (on Meghna River in Bangladesh) and Akhura
Check post (Agartala) to faciliate smooth movement of goods to NE


SAARC Development Fund (SDF)

 Estd @ 16th summit in Thimphu 2010

 Secretariat - Thimphu
 Governing Council- Finance Ministers
 3 Windows - Social, Economic, infra

South Asia Subregional Economic Coop (SASEC)

 regional architecture of countries in Eastern South Asia

 Members- BBIN +Maldive +Srilanka + Myanmar
 NOTE- BBIN aka South Asia Growth Quadrangle (SAGQ)
 ADB- Secretariat and financer of SASEC
 Aim- cross border connectivity, boost trade, economic cooperation

BBIN Motor Vehicle Agreement

 Sub regional Motor vehicle agreement seeking regulation of passenger, personnel and cargo
vehicle traffic between BBIN.
 BIN Ratified agreement, but Bhutan still not due to environmental issues
 Technical and financial support- SASEC + ADB
 Recent meet- discussion to operationalise BBIN MVA without obligation to Bhutan

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 1997 Bangkok Declaration

 Secretariat - Dhaka
 Members - BBIN+ Mynm+ Thai+Sri (note- not maldives)

Places in News

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India - ASEAN


 Formed in 1967 by Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines (TI PMS)

 CECA in 2003, FTA in 2009

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ASEAN Outlook on Indo-pacific (AOIP).

 Reinforces ASEAN centred regional architecture which does not aim at creating new mechanism
or replace existing one, but to strengthen the ASEAN led mechanism.

Shangri La dialogue

 Aka Asia Security Summit

 By International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) - independent London based thinktank
 @singapore since 2002
 Who attends- Heads of govt, defence minister or military chiefs of Asia-Pacific ONLY
 Shangri La- fictious place in novel 'Lost Horizon' by James Hilton.
o Hilton describes it as utopian city in Himalayan Kunlan range, as a Himalayan utopia.

Delhi Dialogue

 Annual event since 2009 between India and ASEAN

 Held along with Indian Ocean Dialogue

🔊🔊Mekong - Ganga Cooperation

 Initiative by 6 countries- India + 5 ASEAN through which Mekong Pass (Myanmar, Thailand, Laos,
Cambodia, Vietnam
o China- NOT a member.
 Cooperation in tourism, culture, education, transport, P2P contact


 International treaty adopted in 1982

 Lays down Comprehensive regime of law and order in world's oceans and seas establishing rules
governing all uses of oceans and their resources
 Convention Created 3 new institution
1. International Tribunal for Law of Sea
2. International Seabed Authority
3. Commission on Limits of Continental Shelf
 Note- USA still not Ratified law

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Indo- Pacific Region

 Biogeographic region comprising of tropical waters in IO, W and C Pacific

 India's definition - from East Coast of Africa to Western Coast of N and S America.
 Other's (Japan & USA) - Does NOT include temperate and polar part of IO or PO+ Nor includes
Tropical East pacific along pacific coast of americas

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Indo - Pacific Regional Dialogue (IPRD)

 First conducted in 2018 in New Delhi, recently held second meeting

 Apex level conference of Indian Navy
 Organised by National Maritime Foundation as Navy's Knowledge partner
 Permanent theme-review of India’s opportunities and challenges in the Indo-Pacific region

Indian Ocean Naval Symposium

 biennial meetings among the littoral states of the Indian Ocean region
 Initiated by India in 2008
 Representative- NAVY chiefs
 6th symposium, 2018- Iran
 Member- includes Pakistan
 Observer- China (but not USA)

Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA)

 Intergovernmental Organisation
 Tripartite - Govt + Business + Academia
 Secretariat - Mauritius
 22 members

 9 dialogue partners- USA, UK, China, France, Japan, Egypt, Germany + Recently added in 2018-
Korea and Turkey
 Formed in 1995 by India and South Africa, Formalised in 1997
 Six priorities- + Woman emp +Blue economy

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 Council of Ministers- Foreign Ministers

 18th IORA COM

1. Maldives - 22nd member (Myanmar's proposal not approved)

2. 3rd IORA blue eco conference 2019- will be in Bangladesh
3. eThekwini Communique

 Current chair- UAE

o next Chair (2021-23)- Bangladesh
 🔊🔊Indian Ocean Dialogue (IOD) - Flagship initiative of IORA
o Track 1.5 discussion
o 6th IOD recently held in Delhi
o Held with Delhi Dialogue
 Delhi declaration on renewable energy adopted in 2nd IORA Renewable Energy Ministerial
Meeting held at the 2nd Global Re-Invest India-ISA Partnership Renewable Energy Investor’s Meet
& Expo in Greater Noida.

Indian Ocean Commission

 Intergovernmental estd in 1984

 5 African ocean nations- Maldives, Seychelles, Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius

Indian ocean- Zone of Peace

 Demand made by 'Islanders Coalition for Peace' - formed by islands of Mauritius, Rodriguez,
 Concept originated @NAM summit, 1970 in Zambia
 Adopted by UNGA in 1971
 Opposed by US and France

NOTE- India Building 'Stratergic Asset' on Agalega islands of Mauritius

🔊🔊Indo- Pacific Ocean's Initiative (IPOI)

 Proposed by India for safe, secure and Stable Maritime Domain at East Asia Summit in
 Aims to create partnership among nations for Sustainable use of resources
 India to organise Indo Pacific Conclave in chennai this Year
 Considered as incremental step to Shangri La dialogue

🔊🔊East Asia Summit (EAS)

 leader led forum for discussion on political, security and Economic challenges of Indo Pacific
 18 countries- RCEP (16) + US + Russia
 Inaugural EAS- 2005 Kuala Lampur

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 EAS Maritime Conference - India recently hosted 4th such (all earlier 3 in India)
o By MEA

India- South Korea

 Agreements -
1. Naval Logistics Sharing Agreement
2. Forward Looking Roadmap


 Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement (ACSA) - Japanese ship to get fuel and Servicing at
Indian Naval bases

2 + 2 Mechanism

 With USA, Japan and Australia

 USA and Japan - 2 + 2 Ministerial Level
 Australia - 2 + 2 official level (secretaries)

India - Russia

India- Russia Strategic Economic Dialogue (IRSED)

 Established by bilateral MoU between NITI and Ministry of Eco Dev of Russia during Annual
bilateral summit (2018)
 1st IRSED- St. Petersburg (2018)
o 2nd - New Delhi (2019)

Eastern Economic Forum (EEF)

 Estd in 2015 for economic development of Russia's Far East

 Proposal for maritime route between Chennai and Vladivostok.
 Both countries finalised Agreement on long term import of crude oil from Russia's Far East

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Power of Siberia Project

 Oil Pipeline between Russia and China for import of Natural Gas from Russia's Far East

India - Central Asia


 Multimodal corridor signed in 2000 in st. Petersberg by IIR (Iran, India, Russia)
 New 11 new members

2*KITAB +USO - (Kazak+Kryg, Ind+Iran, Tajik+Turkey, Azer+Armenia, Belarus+Bulgaria, Ukraine, Syria,


KUTI PIO - Kazak, Uzbek, Turkmen, Iran, Pakistan, India, Oman

Istanbul Process- Heart of Asia Summit

 Intergovernmental platform to discuss regional issues and coop of Afghanistan with its
 3 pillars - Political Consultation, Confidence Building Measures(CBM), and cooperation with
regional organizations
 India- lead country
 Members - All central asian (except Uzbek) +India, Pakistan, china+ Saudi +Iran +Turkey+ UAE
 Supporting members- many (include USA)
 2016 summit- India- Amritsar Declaration

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 2017- Azerbaijan

First India-Central Asia Dialogue

 @ Uzbekistan
 Participation - all c asian countries

Note- India's only foreign military airbase - Tajikistan

🔊🔊TAPI (Turkmenistan - A - P - I) pipeline

 Proposed natural gas pipeline from Galkynysh field (Turkmenistan) - Herat - Kandahar -
Multan - Fizilika (Indo-pak border)

🔊🔊 India- C Asia Business Council

 By FICCI + Trade bodies of C Asia

🔊🔊Eurasian Economic Union

 International org for regional economic integration estd by Treaty on EEU (in force in 2015)
 Provides Free movm of goods, service, labor and goods
 Eurasian Economic Commission - executive body of Union
 Members: 5
o Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Belarus (BAR KK)

India - Saudi Arabia

 Modi attended Future Investment Initiative (FII) in Riyadh

 Outcomes of visit
o Estd of Strategic Partnership Council (SPC) having 2 parallel tracts:
1. Pol, cultural, social headed by Foreign Ministers
2. Economy and Investmenyheaded by commerce ministers
o India 4th country to have such agreement with saudi

Future Investment Initiative (FII)

 Initiative by Saudo to Diversify the Economy reducing dependency on oil.

 Described as 'Davos in the Desert'

India - Palestine

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 India constructing Palestine - India Techno Park for creating environment accessible for

India - Iran

Chabahar Port

 Jointly dev by India, Iran and Afghanistan

 2017- India sent first shipment of wheat to Afgan via chabahar
 Dev by India Ports Global Lmt, a SPV for dev of Shahid Behesthi port
o SPV jointly promoted by JNPT and DDU Port Trust


 Iran agreed to:

o Completely eliminate its stock of medium enriched uranium.
o Reduce stock of low enriched uranium by 98%
o Reduce almost 2/3rd its centrifuges for 13 years
o Until 2031, it will havd to comply with any IAEA access request
 Official reason by USA to withdraw -
o Treaty not cover Iran's ballistic missile programme and its nuclear activities beyond

India - Turkey


 Largest stateless minorities

 Treaty of Severes after WW I made provision for Kurdish State
o But Treaty of Lausanne (1923) which drew modern boundaries of Turkey had no such
provisions, leaving kurds as minorities in respective states.

Important locations in West Asia

1. Khurais oil field - Saudi (attacked by drone)

2. Baku - Azerbaijan (18th NAM)
3. Hajigak mines- Afghanistan (india can extract and export iron ore)

India - Africa

African Union (AU)

 Continental body of 55 members

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 Secretariat - Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)

 As successor of Organisation of African Unity since 2002
 Agenda 2063- strategic framework for Africa's long term socio-economic transformation
 Context- India extended grant to Niger to host AU summit in 2019


 World's largest FTA

 Signed by all African countries excet Eritrea
o Ratified by 27

India- USA

2 +2 ministrial dialogue outcome

 Industrial Security Annex- faciliate exchange of classified military information between indian
and us defence industry
 Finalisation of DTTI SoP (Defence Tech and Trade Initiative)
 Coalition for Disaster Resilience Infrastructure (CDRI) - US as founding member
 Cooperation in space- both agreed for exchange of information in Space Situational Awareness
 Young Innovtors Internship Programme (YIIP) - short term internship opportunity for indian
students in US

Four foundational agreements

1. GSOMIA(General Security of Military Information Agreement) 2002- enables Sharing of military

intelligence and requires each country to protect others' classified info
2. LEMOA (Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement) 2016- enable deployed forces to share
logistics support
3. COMCASA (Communication compatibility and Security Agreement) - exch of C4ISR (commu,
comp intelligence, etc) + estd secure communication channels (CENTRIXS)
4. BECA( Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement for Geo-Spatial Coop)-sharing range of
geospatial products
o Improve Interoperability between militaries and allow transfer of high end military
o Allow india to use US Geospatial maps to get pinpoint military accuracy of automated
hardware systems and weapons

Triangular Development Cooperation (TDC)

 Context-India and USA signed statement of Guiding Principles (SGP) on TDC

 SGP agreement - 2014: framework for coop betn India and USA to mert development aspirations
of partner countries, especially africa and Asia

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USA - Iran sanctions

 Significant Reduction Exemption (SRE) - waiver granted by USA to India and 7 other countries
for temperory period

🔊🔊Trump's Recent Visit

 India - USA upgraded relationship into Comprehensive Global Strategic Partnership

 Defence deals
1. 24 Seahaek (MH 60 Romeo) anti - submarine warfare helicopter
2. AH 64E Apache attack helicopter
 India expressed interest in concept of Blue Dot Network

Blue Dot Network

 Joint project of USA, Japan and Australia launched on sidelines of 35th ASEAN Summit in
 Aim- evaluate projects on various parameters, in line with 'G20 Principles for Quality
Infrastructure Investment' including level of public consultation, transparency of funding, debt
traps and basic environment norms.
 Project getting Blue Dot will able to attract private funding and not have to depend on state
funding alone.

QUAD (Quadrilateral Security Dialogue)

 First time foreign Ministers' meet on sideline of UNGA

 QUAD is informal strategic dialogue between 4 partner countries
 Intiated by Shinzo Abe in 2007
 Note - Quadrilateral Coop Group = for Afgan peace process (U C P A)

India Not Developing Country

 WTO Rule- any country can "self designate" itself as developing country
 USTR (developed country)
1. GNI above $12,375
2. member of G20, OECD
3. Classified as High income by WB
4. Account for more than 0.5% of global merchandise trade
 India now be considered as developed for purpose of deciding trade related practices and duty

H1B and H4 visa

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 H1B- allows US companies to employ foreign workers temporarily in specialised occupation for
3 yrs, extendable upto 6 yrs
o 75% of H1B- Indians
 H4 - spouses of H1B workers
o Allowed to apply for work in US

India - UK

Joint Economic and Trade Committee (JETCO)

 Estd in 2005 to further develop a strategic economic relationship and develop business led
vehicles to enhance bilateral trade and investment
 Reviewed annually at level of Commerce and Industry Minister

Access India Program

 For faciliating investments by UK SMEs in India

India - Germany

Recent visit of Markel

 Joint declaration on intent of Indo- German Partnership on Green Urban Mobility

 "A New Passage to India" programme - increase no of Indian students studying in Germany

India - France

Mutual Logistics Support Agreement

 Enable Indian naval warships to access to French naval base in Djibouti to refuel

International Organisation


 Interngovernmental military alliance between 30 countries estd in 1949 thr North Atlantic Treaty
 HQ- Brussels, Belgium
 Members -

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 Context- Colombia (1st Latin American country) - as "Partners across the globle"
o Most recent added- North Macedonia
 Other PAtG- Japan, afgan, austre, Korea, Iraq, pakistan, New Zealand, Mongolia

🔊🔊NATO like status to India

 US houses passed amendment to National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which upon
enactment will ensure that US States Dept treats India as non member NATO ally for purpose of
Arms Export Control Act.
 Benefit to India
1. Eligible for cooperative R&D projects with Dept of Defense (DoD) on shared cost basis
2. Enable purchase of depleted Uranium Anti Tank Rounds
3. Priority delivery of ships and military ratio
4. Allow possesion of War Reserve Stocks of DoD owned equipment that are kept outside
of American military bases

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 54 members- on all six continents

 Created by Balfour Declaration in 1926
 Formalised thr Statute of Westminster, 1931
 Current commonwealth - London Declaration, 1949
 Members have no legal obligation to one another
 But united by English language, history, culture and values

 Head- British monarch (position generally not hereditary, but members decided that queen will
be succeeded by Princes Charles)
 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM)- Biennial

Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)

 Regional Intergovernmental political and economic union

 6 members- All monarchies : all arab states of persian gulf except Iraq

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 Estd in 1981, annual summit

UN Counter Terrorism Coordination Compact

 Agreement betn UN chief, 36 organisations, INTERPOL, WCO

 Chair - UN Under secretary General for Counter Terrorism

UN Peacekeeping force

 Latgest contributors- Ethiopia >> Bangladesh >> India

 Paid by own govts
 Decision about estd, expansion, maintenance - UNSC
 Deployed with consent of parties in conflict
 Financing of UN peacekeeping operations - responsibility of All UN members
 Each UN member legally obliged to pay respective share wrt peacekeeping force


 Only body to issue binding resolution on members

 Task- accepting new members, approve changes in charter, peace forces, authorise military
 5+10
 UNGA- elects 5 every year for 2 year term
 10 non permanent :regional distribution

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1. 5 - asian +african
2. 2 - Latin + caribbean
3. 2 - Western European + others
4. 1 - Eastern Europe
o Retiring member NOT eligible for immediate reelection
 India elected for term 2021-23 with nomination from all members of Asia Pacific Group

🔊🔊Asia Pacific Group

 FATF style regional inter-governmental (international) body, the members of which are committed
to implement international standards against money laundering (AML), the financing of terrorism
(CTF) and financing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
 Estd in 1997 in Thailand
 2 chairman-
1. Permanent Co chair- Austrelia
2. Rotating chairman - Currently Bangladesh
 Members- 41 (includes India, Pakistan, US, China)


 Estd in 2006 replacing UNHCR

 47 Members - elected yearly by UNGA by secret ballot
o Seats allocated on basis of equitable geographical distribution
o India currently is member
 Specialized agency of UN

UN Habitat

 UN Human Settlements Program (UN Habitat) - UN program for human settlements and
Sustainable urban development
 Estd in 1978 as result of 1st habitat conference (Habitat I)
o Till now 3 Habitat conferences
 Aim- promote socially and environmentally Sustainable towns and cities
 Context- India elected at Executive body of UN Habitat

International Court of Justice

 Est in 1945 replaced Permenant court of International Justice

 Official court of UN- countries became member by ratifying UN charter or Non-UN country
become member by ratifying ICJ statute

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 Only principal organ not located in NYC

 Two types of cases
1. Contentious cases- Legal dusputes submitted by states
2. Advisory procedings- on request of UN organs or specialized agency
 ICJ decisions are BINDING on parties
 NO individual, NGOs
 15 judges- 9 yr term- 5 every 3 years (if judge die: special election to complete the term)

International Criminal Court

 First permanent, Treaty based int Criminal court

 Jurisdiction - individuals with international crime, Genocide, war crimes, crime against humanity
 Governed by Rome Statute, 1998, But estd in 2002
 Independent of UN, But reports annually to UNGA
o May receive referral from UNSC
 HQ- Hague, Netherlands
 India- NOT member

🔊🔊Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA)

 Intergovenmental Org established by Hague Convention of 1899

 Independent of UN
 Jurisdiction - Member states, International org and private parties
o Decisions are Binding which no appeal mechanism
o Cases- UNCITRAL, Investor-state disputes, inter state disputes
 Ruled by two statues

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o Hague Convention of 1899

o Hague Convention (amended in 1907)
 Members- 122 states


 2006
 First summit- 2009: Russia (BRIC)
 Partnership on NIR (PartNIR)
 BRICS plus - inviting few countries from diff geographic locations

Shnagai Cooperation Organisation

 Formally estd - 2002

 Aka "alliance of the East"
 Members-
o Shanghai 5- ||China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Russia|| + Uzbekistan, India,
 largest regional organisation in the world in terms of geographical coverage and population
 Highest body - Council of Heads of State (Ram nath Kovind)
 2nd highest- Council of Heads of Govt
 Secretariat - Beijing
 RATS- permenant body based in Tashkent - head elected for 3 yr

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 Observers- Afgan, Iran, Belarus, Mongolia

 Exercise SCO peace mission- Biennial


Asian Premium

 3 benchmarks in global oil markets

1. Brent - European mkt

2. West Texas Intermediate(WTT) - USA mkt
3. Dubai /Oman- Middle East + Asian mkt

 Why Asian Premium- as Mkt in USA and Europe have prices based on future trading, while asian
mkt do not have Derivative trading


 1960 Baghdad Conference - SIKIV (Saudi, Iran, Kuwait, Iraq, Venezuela)

 44% of global oil production
 HQ- Vienna, Austria
 Now 14 members

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 Lapsed membership - Indonesia and Qatar

 OPEC conference - twice a year
 One member, one vote
 2020- Ecuador left membership

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

 Intergovernmental, treaty based, Autonomous org

 Autonomous org within UN system thr own IAEA treaty

 1957
 Reports to UNGA amd UNSC
 HQ- Vienna, Austria
 Nobel Peace Prize in 2005

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European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

 1991 after fall of Berlin Wall

 Aim- promote private and entrepreneurial initiatives in erging Europe
 HQ- London
 uses investment as a tool to build market economies
 Members - 69 (INDIA- 69th)
 Largest shares- USA
 NOTE- lends only in countries of operation (thus not in India)
 Environment friendly - do not Finance coal project + goal of 40% green financing by 2020
(achieved in 2018-41%)
 work only in countries that are "committed to democratic principles". It promotes
"environmentally sound and sustainable development", and does not finance "defense-related
activities, the tobacco industry, selected alcoholic products, substances banned by international
law and stand-alone gambling facilities


 Brasilia Declaration 2003

 IBSA fund- managed by UNOSSC (UN Office on S-S Coop)


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 aka Bangkok Agreement

 6 countries- ICSSLB
 Oldest PTA among developing countries in asia Pacific
 Initiative of UNESCAP


 1997
 HQ- Hague, Netherlands
 Members - 193 (excluding Israel, N. Korea, Egypt and South Sudan)
 Powers- verify if chemical attack took place + 2018- given power of assigning Blame
 Chemical Weapons Destruction Facility - 24*7 facility inspection to verify success of destruction
of weapons
 Conference of state- equal voting rights
 Nobel Peace prize in 2013

Asia Pacific Institute for Broadcasting and Development (AIBD)

 context- India elected as president (first time) - 2 yrs term

 Regional Intergovernmental org serving countries of UNESCAP in field of electronic media
 Estd in 1977 under UNESCO + Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) (ITU+ UNDP are also
founding insti)
 Secretariat - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Prespa Agreement

 Between Greece and Macedonia

 Macedonia changed its name to 'North Macedonia'
 Also, Macedonia joins NATO


 1961
 36 Members

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 Origin- OEEC
 HQ- Paris, France
 Imp Publication -

1. Economic Outlook for SE Asia, China, India

2. International Migration Outlook
3. Going for growth

European Union

 Maastricht Treaty, 1993- Creation of EU +single currency + ECB

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 European Council- sets priorities of EU + brings together leaders of countries

 European Parliament - directly elected MEPs
 European Commission - members appointed by national govts
 Exit from EU- Article 50 of Lisbon Treaty

Copenhagen Criteria

 Criteria to join EU laid down in Treaty of Maastricht

o Country should be European
o Democratic Country
o Rule of law
o Human Rights
o Respect for and protection of Minorities
o Market Economy

 Nobel peace prize in 2012

 Newest member - Crotia (28th)


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 Changes during Transition

o UK to vacate all positions from EU institutions
o UK to contribute to EU budget as of now
o Till deal is signed, pre - BREXIT era trade rules will continue. However UK free to negotiate
with other countries individually
o For any legal dispute, European Court of Justice will continue to havr jurisdiction


 Monetary Union of 19/28 EU members

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Schengen Area

 26 European states aboliahed passports and all types of border control (22- EU)
 Out of 6 EU members who are not part- UK and Ireland maintained Opt out, while four—Bulgaria,
Croatia, Cyprus, and Romania are legally obliged to join

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DiEM 25

Democracy in Europe Movement 2025

 aims to reform the European Union's existing institutions to create a "full-fledged democracy with
a sovereign Parliament respecting national self-determination and sharing power with national
Parliaments, regional assemblies and municipal councils

🔊🔊Council of Europe

 International org to promote democracy, as well as protect human rights and rule of law on
continent of Europe
 Distinct from EU
 By Treaty of London, 1949
 47 memberz (Russia is member)

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 Can not bind the law

 Organisation - made of foreign Ministers of all member states and parliamentary assembly of
member legislators
 European Court of Human Rights - Part of council charged with enforcing 1953 European
Convention on Human Rights.
 Context- Russian voting righg restored revoked after crimean annexation.

Resolution 2428

 UNSC to impose an arms embargo on south sudan

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Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)

 Second largest Intergovernmental org after UN

 Estd in 1969 with membership 57 member

 HQ- Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

 Has permanent delegations to UN and EU

🔊🔊Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT)

 Context- India has been invited to participate as observer


 Multilateral treaty that bans all nuclear explosions, for both civilian and military purposes, in all
 Adopted in 1996, with 184 signex and 168 ratified
 In force - after ratification by 44 states with nuclear capability
o India, N Korea and Pakistan - Neither signex nor Ratified
o US, China, Iran, Israel, Egypt - not ratifiex

Nuclear Weapon Prohibition Treaty (2017)

 First Multilateral binding instrument for nuclear disarmament

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 India, US, Russia, China not participated in negotiations


 International forum for governments and central bank governors from 19 + 1

 Formed in 1999 in wake of Asian Financial crisis
o Expanded in 2008 to include heads of state/govt
 No formal criteria for membership + composition remained unchanged since it was established

🔊🔊Artic Council

 Estd by 8 Artic states through Ottawa declaration

AIR 22 CSE 2019

o USA, Canada, Russia, Canada, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden

 Not a formalised treaty based entity Nor it allocates resources
 Not prohibit commercial exploitation of resources in Artic
 India- observer

🔊🔊Conference on Interaction and Confidence building measures in Asia (CICA)

 Multi national forum for enhancing cooperation towards promoting peace, security and stability
in Asia
 Membership - for membership, state must have atleast a part of its territory in Asia.
 CICA summit- every 4 yrs
 India- founding member

🔊🔊Financial Action Task Force (FATF)

 Inter governmental body estd in 1989 by G7

 Members- 39 Full members (Including India, NOT pakistan) + 2 regional org : EU and GCC
 Lists
o Grey List - "Other Monitored Jurisdictions"
o Black list - "Non Coop Countries or Territories (NCCT)" or "Call for Action"
 HQ- OECD HQ in Paris


🔊🔊Christchurch Call to Action

 Initiative by France and New Zealand after Christchurch attacks to combat online extremism
and secure the internet
 Involves collective and Voluntary commitments from Govt and Online Service Providers to
address violent extremist content and abuse of internet.
 India - signatory (total 26 nations)
 US - declined to join

🔊🔊International Arms Transfer Report 2019

 By Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)

 5 largest Exporter - US, Russia, France, Germany and China
 5 largest Importer- Saudi, India, Egypt, Australia, China
 India's Arms Exporters -

AIR 22 CSE 2019

1. Russia
2. Israel
3. France

🔊🔊 Open Skies Treaty

 program of unarmed aerial surveillance flights over the entire territory of its participants.
 Signed in 1992 by members of NATO and former Warsaw pact members

 Open Skies Consultative Commission- implementing Body of treaty which meets monthly at
Vienna at HQ of Organization for Security and Co-Operation in Europe
 covers the territory over which the parties exercise sovereignty, including mainland, islands, and
internal and territorial waters
 Observation flights may only be restricted for reasons of flight safety and not for reasons of
national security
 Each state party is obligated to receive observation flights per its passive quota allocation.
 Data collected is available to each party state

Thalweg principle

 Principle demarcating Line in Sir Creek

Disputed Projects between India and Pakistan

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Geneva Convention

 Adopted in 1949
 Ratified by ALL states - thus universally applicable
 Applies in Peacetime, declared War,Conflicts that are not recognised as wars
 Implementation - International Committee on Red Cros


 Convention I- wounded and Infirm soldiers

 Convention II- Shipwrecked soldiers and other naval forces
 Convention III- PoW
 Convention IV- civilians


 P1- protection of Civilian popu as well as Civilian and military medical workers
 P2- high intensity internal warfare (but not applied to internal disturbances such as riots)
 P3- Humanitarian services

India-Nepal Projects

 Pancheshwar, Kamla and Bagmati, Sapta-Kos, Kiarnali

India- bhutan project -

 Tala, Chukha, Kurichh

India- Australia

AIR 22 CSE 2019

 An Indian Economic strategy to 2035

Caspian Sea Breakthrough Treaty

 Betn TARIK
 Declares 15 Nautical miles as sovereign water +10 Nautical miles as EEZ
 Gave Caspian Sea 'Special Legal Status' - Neither a sea nor a lake
 Allows member to lay pipeline only with consent of neighbouring states, not all states

Intermediate Range Nuclear Force (INF) Treaty

 Between USA and USSR in 1987

 Eliminates all land based ballistic and cruise missile with short and intermediate range (500-
5500 km) within 3 years
 Covers both nuclear and conventional warheads
 Treaty NOT applicable for Air or Sea launched missile
 Until 1991- only USSR and USA but after disint of USSR- includes Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine
(thus INF- 5 members treaty)
 European countries like Germany, Czech, Hungary, Poland also destroy their Intermediate range

Arms Trade Treaty (ATT)

 First legally binding international agreement to regulate global trade in conventional arms
 Endorsed by UNGA in 2013, in force in 2014
 Covers battle tanks, vehicles, combat aircraft, warships, missiles, etc

AIR 22 CSE 2019

 India- neither sign, nor ratify

 Context- USA to withdraw

Egmont Group

 Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence Units- informal network of 159 financial intelligence units
 Aim- money laundering or terrorism financing.


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