Rashaf's GNS 112 Key Points-1

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GNS 112 KEY POINTS WITH RASHAF(09030723510/09124248285)

1. _________ is a group of sentences dealing with a common idea. (Paragraph)

2. Structure and purpose of paragraph includes ______, ______, _____,

_______ and __________ (Introductory, body, concluding, inductive,

3. ___________ introduce the main idea and scope of the discourse.

(Introductory paragraph)

4. _______ can also be called conclusion-oriented paragraph. (Inductive


5. The central idea of a paragraph is called __________ (Topic Sentence)

6. _______ contains the background information of a written discourse

(Introductory paragraph)

7. The name of the scholar that itemized eight methods of paragraph

development is _________ (Carbello, 2014)

8. There are __ characteristic of paragraph. (Four)

9. Arrangements of ideas in a clear logical order can be traced to which feature

of paragraph? (Coherence)

10. The eight methods of paragraph development outlined by Carbello are;

_______, __________, _________, ___________, _________, __________,
__________, _______ and _________. (examples and Illustrations, process,
comparison and contrast, cause and effect, classification and analysis,
definition, analogy and fact and statistics)

GNS 112 KEY POINTS WITH RASHAF(09030723510/09124248285)

11. Paragraph can be classified into ____ type of sentences. (Two)

12. The sentences that expand the main idea in a paragraph is called _______
(Supporting Sentences)

13. The characteristics of a well-written paragraph includes ______, ______,

________ and _________ (Unity, Coherence, Completeness and Emphasis)

14. An evidence of reasonable development of a central point is called

_________ (Completeness)

15. The concluding paragraph contain the ___________ (summary of

argument in the discourse)

16. _________ starts with the author's assertion and provides proofs to
support it. (Deductive paragraph)

17. Repetition of an idea and summing it up in the concluding part can be

traced to ________ feature of paragraph. (Emphasis)

18. An Inductive paragraph can also be referred to as ______ (conclusion-

oriented paragraph)

19. ______ are used to achieve coherence between sentences or paragraphs.

(Transitional markers or devices)

20. ________ reinforces the importance of the central idea. (Repetition)

21. _____________ help readers to navigate the logical flow between

sentences or paragraphs. (Transitional words and phrases)

22. The feature of paragraph that explains that every sentence in the
paragraph is related to the main topic is ________ (Unity)

GNS 112 KEY POINTS WITH RASHAF(09030723510/09124248285)

23. The converse of an Inductive paragraph is ___________ (Deductive

24. Adding material irrelevant to the central idea has violated the the rule of
________ in a paragraph. (unity)

26. The characteristics of paragraph that focuses on the development of the

central point in a reasonable manner is _______ (completeness)

27. The four invaluable skills of learning in the English language are _______,
_______, ______ and _______ (writing, reading, speaking and listening)

28. _______is credited with teaching Adam all words/names. (God)

29. The world we are living today has been aptly described as _______
(information age)

30. Collin (1991), views writing as a way of ______ (communicating)

31. The main purpose of writing according to Forsyth (2010) include, to _____,
_____, ______, _______, _______ and ____ (inform, recommend, motivate,
play a part in debate, persuade and instruct)

32. _______ is a kind of composition in which a writer states his knowledge or

give an opinion about a particular subject. (Essay)

33. A well-written essay contain __ parts (three)

34. An Introductory part of an essay can also be called ______ (The opening)

35. _______ is like a perfume in an essay writing. (Introduction)

36. There are ____ strategies for writing catchy essays (five)

GNS 112 KEY POINTS WITH RASHAF(09030723510/09124248285)

37. ________ set a pace for the remaining part in an essay writing (The
introductory part)
38. The strategies for writing catchy essay are ______, ________, ________,
________ and _________ (relating a pertinent and interesting anecdote,
beginning with an arresting quotation, summarizing a common held view,
explain the specific occasion and emphasize the important of the subject

39. The body of an essay contain ________ (main point)

40. A well constructed essay must comprises _____, _______ and _______
(introduction, body and conclusion)

41. There are ____ types of essay. (four)

42. _______ essay present and explain an information (Expository)

43. ________ is the writing which is most oftenly used in school, in daily life,
business and profession. (Exposition)

44. ____________ provides examples of four strategies of writing an

expository essay (Eko, 1999)

45. The four strategies provided by (Eko, 1999) includes, ______, _______,
_______ and _______ (enumeration and examples, analyses, definition and
compare and contrast)

46. An argumentative essay can also be referred to as _______ (persuasive


47. The major aim of an ___________ is to convince or persuade the reader to

accept a particular point of view. (argumentative essay)

GNS 112 KEY POINTS WITH RASHAF(09030723510/09124248285)

48. Revealing of speaker or writer's stand from the beginning or by equally
making justification to the discourse and later reveal his stand at the end are
approaches of ______ essay (argumentative)

49. The main goal of ________ essay is to create an image of an event, person,
or situation in words. (descriptive)

50. Narrative essay tells ______ (story)

51. A group descriptive essay appeals to the senses of _____, _______, ______,
_______ and ______ ( hearing, sight, touch, smell and taste)

52. According to _______, a narrative essay should present facts in proper

sequences. (Thomas and Pink, 1981)

53. The first quality of a good writing according to Eko (1999) is ______

54. ___________ involves writing in clear and straightforward language.


55. According to Mozart, simplicity is a a true mark of ____ (genius)

56. There are ___ features of effective writing (four)

57. The characteristics of effective writing includes, _____, _____, ______ and
_______ (Economy, Simplicity, Clarity and Correctness)

58. _______ involves the avoidance of obscurity, vagueness, ambiguity,

redundancy and long windy expression. (Clarity)

59.Provision of correct information in correct language

is essential for _______ (effective writing)

GNS 112 KEY POINTS WITH RASHAF(09030723510/09124248285)

60. The following statement was said by __________, "whatever can be said
can be said clearly." (Wittgeinstein)

61. Types of essay writing includes ________, _______, ________ and

_________ essay. (expository, descriptive, narrative and argumentative)

62. _______ covers avoidance of errors of grammar and mechanics in a piece

of writing. (Correctness)

63. ______ and _____ skills of language are productive in nature (Speaking
and Writing)

64. ________ is an act of graphically representing one's thoughts. (Speech


65. The formal or informal address conveyed to an audience which can be

rehearsed, impromptu or reading through manuscript is called ________
(Speech Making)

66. Speech Making and Speech Writing are _____ acts that require mastery
and research. (Cognitive)

67. Module 12 is written by ________ (Dr. Mahfouz A. Adedimeji)

68. The stage of speech writing involves carrying out research on the topics is
called _______ (Pre-writing stage)

69. Drawing the attention of the audience

is a purpose of _____ (introduction)

70. Speech can be classified into ______ and _______ varieties (formal and

GNS 112 KEY POINTS WITH RASHAF(09030723510/09124248285)

71. Academic discourse, Presidential Debates and Job interviews are examples
of _________ (formal speech)

72. Informal speeches include ________, _________, _______, and ________.

(Wedding speech, social media chatrooms discourse, Colloquial discourse,
and couple discourse etc)

73. There are ___ types of speech making and writing. (Six)

74. _______ is a speech that seeks to inform the audience about an event,
issues, process etc. (Informative speech)

75. A speech that is delivered with no forethought is called ______ (an

Impromptu speech)

76. The type of speech which seeks to convince the audience to support the
point been pushed by the speaker is called _______ (persuasive speech)

77. _________ speech aims to stimulate audience sense of humor while

covertly criticizing any societal ills. (Entertainment)

78. A speech which serves as the testimonial, tribute or a praise about a

person, organisation or institution is known as ________ (commemorative

79. It's an objective of _______ speech to get the listener or audience

acquainted with a speaker or an awardee. (Introductory)

80. A good introductory speech usually _____ and ______ (brief and accurate)

81. A speech that highlights the achievement, educational background, and

positions of a speaker can be referred to as ________ speech (Introductory)

GNS 112 KEY POINTS WITH RASHAF(09030723510/09124248285)

82. An entertainment speech can be categorized as ______ (informal speech)

83. A speech aimed at giving vivid description about a concept is called

_________ (Descriptive Speech)

84. There are ___ stages of speech writing (three)

85. The writing stage can be categorized into ____ main part. (five)

86. Writing stage include, _______, __________, ________, _______ and

________ (The Heading/Title, The Salutation, The Introduction, The Body and
The Conclusion)

87. The title/heading of speech writing includes _____, ______, _______,

_______ and ________ (subject/topic of the speech, the date, the venue, the
occasion and the name of the speaker)

88. The act of delivering address to an audience is called _____ (Speech


89. There are ____ methods of speech delivery. (five)

90. Manuscript speech occurs in a ______ form. (Written)

91. The act of speaking without details scripts or note is called _______
(Extemporaneous Speech)

92. The type of speech of which audience can be carried along in a fast and
coherent line of thoughts is called _______ (Memorised Speech)

93. A mode of speech delivery which involves the anchor and the interviewee
or respondent is called ________ (Discussion Speech)

GNS 112 KEY POINTS WITH RASHAF(09030723510/09124248285)

94. Olowe (2003) identifies ___ types of audience (three)

95. A type of audience which is primarily at a event is called ______ (volunteer


96. Factors to be considered by a speaker before delivering a speech includes,

________, ________, __________, _______ and __________ (the age of the
audience, the psychology of the audience, gender, racial, religion and ethnic
background, and educational status)

97. An audience that's forced to be at a speech event is called ______

(captive/hostage audience)

98. _________ is an audience which is not primarily there because of an event.

(Passers-by/ Drifter Audience)

99. Which of the mode of speech delivery can lead to speaker's brain block?
(Memorised Speech)

100. Extemporaneous Speech can also be called _________ (Extempore).

NB: The above drafted questions only focus on the following topics:

i. Paragraph Development

ii. Essay Writing

iii. Speech Making and Speech Writing

Watch out for the second phase of the remaining modules!!!!!

RASHAF wishes you best of luck in your respective examinations

For guidance and mentorship: 09030723510/09124248285.

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