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Savage Museum
Written by Tate RF
Map by Tate RF
Cover art by Lee InHyuk

Narrator Resources
The Avengers Society makes use of the Marvel Multiverse Roleplaying Game Core
Rulebook (CRB). This adventure assumes the narrator has access to this sourcebook. Any
additional rules will either be listed in the appendix or directly below.

Where in the World?

The majority of this adventure takes place in the New York cities of Earth 201205, a world
almost identical to Earth 616 with a few exceptions.

This adventure is designed with a group of four Rank 3 heroes in mind. If you or your players
want to bring ranked heroes with higher or lower Ranks, adaptations in the combat
encounters may be required. Players can bring preexisting heroes, but the story may require
adaptation if they do. Some NPCs appearing in this adventure have a preexisting connection
to Spider-Man, Dr Strange, and Dr Doom.
For a truly strange adventure, consider having the players take control of Kull, Conan, and
Elric (stats found in the appendix).

This issue has two primary villains working hand in hand, the hunter of beasts Kraven
(Sergei Kravinoff) and the hunter of souls Calypso (Calypso Ezili).
Kraven - Having followed the heroes for some time, Kraven has become obsessed with the
idea of hunting one of them. If any heroes are animal themed they are his target (Reptil,
Spider-Man, Wolverine, ect.), barring that he chooses the physically strongest (combined
total of Melee, Agility, and Resilience scores). If no appropriate target is amongst the heroes
or there is a tie, he chooses whichever he feels is the most self-righteous (highest Ego
score) or one at random.
Calypso - Using a combination of potions, Calypso has hypnotised the Lizard (Curt
Conners), bringing him under her control. She plans on using the Mirror of Thune (in area 8)
to transport a host of history’s greatest warriors from the past to Kraven’s side as hunting

The heroes are called in by their contact (this adventure assumes this is Datastream, an AI
created through a collaboration between Tony Stark and Reed Richards) to the recently
opened New York University Museum. Upon arrival, they are told that Kraven the Hunter has
taken hostages, but promises to let them free if the heroes come in after him. Once inside
the heroes will find that a bizarre red mist has filled its halls, that it has been invaded by

savages from the ancient past, and that Kraven is indeed hunting them. The only way to stop
it all is to find the witch Calypso and end her dark ritual.

Starting the Adventure.

When your players are ready to begin, read or paraphrase the following:

“The small New York University Museum seems to shrink against the powerful towers that
surround it. Despite this, a dreadful feeling fills your senses as you notice a noxious red
mist belching forth from the open entrance. No light shines out from any of the building's
many windows. As you are observing the building, a Chinese officer approaches your
group and says.
“I’m Lieutenant Li, I was told to tell you what we know and let you through. One of the
museum's burglar alarms was set off at 8:23pm. My car was the first to arrive six minutes
later and when we did, a man dressed in … lion skins tossed out the museum curator
along with a note.”
Lieutenant Li hands the heroes a note which reads ‘Come join me in my hunt. Let us prove
who is superior. If you don’t show up within 2 hours, all the hostages die.’ At the top of the
note is the name of whichever hero Kraven has chosen to hunt (see Kraven’s Hunt).
“We’ve just been waiting for you since. So, is there any help I can give?”

Common Questions
Lieutenant Li doesn’t know much about the situation beyond what they saw.
● I didn’t know there was a university here?
“Yeah it just got finished a few months back. Don’t know much else though.”
● Who was the man you saw?
“It was hard to see any features, but it looked like Kraven the Hunter.”
● What do you know about Kraven?
“Crazy dude, thinks he’s a big game hunter but for supers or something. Old cops on the
force say one time he even drugged Spider-Man and killed a few gangsters while dressed as
him. Like I said, crazy.”
● How many hostages are there?
“According to the curator, there should only be four more people. The janitor and three
security guards.”

New York University Museum

Black indicates interior walls (20 damage required to plow through).

Purple indicates exhibits and desks (10 damage required to plow through).

Kraven’s Hunt
Kraven has chosen one of the heroes as his target. When they arrive at the museum he will
have one of his hunters monitoring them while he prepares a replica of his target’s costume
in area 10. Once the heroes have explored three areas Kraven will begin his hunt, following
them throughout the Museum. Whenever the heroes are in a fight, he will stalk his target,
attacking them before retreating and waiting for the next fight. If the hero chases him, he
tries to isolate them from the rest before turning and challenging them himself. If he can’t
isolate his target he’ll call his animals from area 10 for aid.

Red Mist
Using the burning brazier in area 9, Calypso has flooded the museum with a hallucinogenic
red mist. Anyone that breathes in the mist or has their skin exposed to it for over a minute
has their perceptions of reality begin to warp.
They see the world around them change into a wild jungle with trees growing out exhibits,
dinosaur skeletons coming to life, and a sweltering heat fill the area. The most important
aspect is that they become convinced that there are no exits to the museum.
The mist sits a foot off the ground. It is faintly magical in nature and is thick enough that it
blocks line of sight.

1. Entrance Hall
Key Elements. 3x Ninjas

See. The roaring skeleton of a T-Rex menaces over the museum’s main entrance.
Overhead, a pod of replica blue whales seem to swim through the air.
Hear. When the heroes first enter this area they will hear gunfire coming from area 7.
Smell. While the brazier in area 8 is burning, the heroes will notice the distinct scent of
burning wood in the air.

Combatants. A group of three ninjas (use Hand Ninja statistics) are hiding on the backs of
the replica whales.
Tactics. The ninjas see no reason to fight and simply observe. If attacked they try retreating
to area 9. These ninjas were on an assassination mission when they were transported to the
museum. They only speak Japanese but can understand enough Chinese, Korean, and
Portuguese between the three of them to communicate in those languages.

2. West Hall - Prehistoric Animals

Key Elements. 5x Viking Warrior

See. A veritable zoo of replica dinosaurs are placed around this hall, with fossils placed on
raised platforms and models kept within glass enclosures that replicate the environments
they would have lived in. Most of the fossils have been knocked over.
Hear. While the staff members are still locked in the storeroom, an occasional cry for help
can be heard coming from the door to area 4.

Combatants. A small party of five viking warriors have teamed up with the barbarian King
Kull and have set themselves up in this area while they plan their next action.
Tactics. If they spot the heroes, the warriors yell out a challenge in Old Norse warning that
they will “Hang you in the name of Odin if you take another step.” Any heroes that have the
God Heritage: Asgardian trait can understand the vikings and, if they identify themselves, the
vikings will recognise who they are and react accordingly.
If the heroes can’t communicate and move closer, the warriors will call Kull from area 3 for
help and attack.
The vikings only speak Old Norse. Characters that speak modern German can decipher
what they’re saying with a Logic vs TN 15 action check.

3. Origins of Man Exhibit

Key Elements. King Kull of Atlantis

See. A life-sized diorama shows several different theories on the origins of man. From
evolution, to divine creation by Odin, and the creation of men, eternals, and diviants by a

Combatants. King Kull of Atlantis is inspecting one of the deviant statues in this area,
recalling how similar it looks to the creature that kept him as a slave for two years.

Tactics. Kull is a careful fighter. He starts any fight by sending the warriors to attack while he
observes from the back for 1 round. If he spots any of the heroes using magic (or what he
perceives as an equivalent) he’ll target them first, otherwise he wishes to prove his strength
and challenges the strongest looking hero to single combat while the other characters
continue fighting.
Kull is from a time so ancient that only Divients or Eternals could share a language with him.
Though he does speak Atlantean, modern speakers would require a Logic vs TN 17 action
check just to understand him. He communicates with the vikings through gestures.

4. Storerooms
The storerooms are locked and marked with a “Staff Only” sign.
Any staff that were present when Kraven arrived have been locked away in these rooms.
The three security guards are locked in the lower storeroom while the janitor is locked in the
upper storeroom.

5. East Hall - Modern Art

See. An eclectic collection of modern art is spread across the walls and several podiums of
this exhibition hall. The current centrepiece is Art in Scale, which is a collage of various
pieces of street art and formed into the shape of Manhattan island. A door marked ‘Staff
Only’ is tucked into the South-East.
Feel. This area feels much colder than any of the others. Characters with the Supernatural
tag will notice that the elemental beings which would normally inhabit a place like this have
disappeared. An Ego vs TN 16 action check will reveal that this is likely because of a ritual
being conducted nearby (specifically the one Elric is performing in area 6b).

6. Offices
Key Elements. Elric of Melniboné, 2x Kraven Hunters

6a. Researcher’s Office

See. This chaotically organised office has six desks crammed into it, each housing a
completely different collection of papers and oddities.
The museum provides this space to students from NYU to come and do research. Heroes
that search this area and succeed a Vigilance vs TN 14 action check find research notes on
the Mirror of Thune. Little is known about the mirror, except that it has been preserved using
magical enchantments and supposedly allows the user to view past events. The heroes can
attempt a Logic vs TN 19 check to remember that the Mirror of Thune actually allows its user
to view anyone that has looked into it before and create a copy of them from that moment.
Characters with the Supernatural tag lower this TN by -5.

6b. Curator's Office

See. What would otherwise have been a tidy office has been marked with dozens of intricate
runes written in ink over the walls. If Elric is meditating, they’ll see a ghostly white man laying

face down in the middle of a large rune. He holds a book in one hand and a black sword in
the other,
Feel. This room is unnaturally cold.

Combatants. Feeling the powers of Calypso trying to enter his mind, Elric of Melniboné has
locked himself away in area 6b and entered into a meditative trance.
Tactics. Elric will stay in his trance and pose no threat to the heroes. Should they try to
interact with him in any way besides speaking, the spirit in his blade Stormbringer will take
control of his body and attempt to steal the hero's souls.
Elric is communing with his god, Arioch, and cannot see or hear anything in the outside
world. Characters that enter the Astral Plane or communicate telepathically can speak with
him. They will find him blindly searching for his god, not knowing that in this time period
Arioch has been merged with Dr Strange. If a hero can communicate with Elric he’ll return to
his body. He offers what little help he can, but unless he steals the soul of someone and
feeds it to his blade he will be useless in combat. Elric can use his magic to understand any

6c. Security Office

See. The western wall of this tight room holds a dozen monitors, each showing a live,
camera feed. Two conference tables and a dozen chairs have been pushed against a small
kitchenette on the eastern wall.

Combatants. A pair of Kraven Hunters (use Dora Milaje Warrior statistics) wearing gas
masks are monitoring the museum's security systems to track the heroes for Kraven.
Tactics. The two Hunters were instructed by Kraven to monitor where the heroes are and
leave the hunt to him. However, if they were discovered they were told to “Do whatever
comes naturally.” Itching for a fight, the two hunters move one of the conference tables and
turn it into cover, if they know the heroes are coming. Once the remaining Health between
the two of them is 20 or less, they try fleeing upstairs to area 10 looking to warn Kraven.

7. South Hall - Life in Space

Key Elements. Conan, 7x Cowboys

See. Glass displays filled with alien space suits line surround an intricate maze of screens
showing diagrams of alien species while a hologram of earth slowly spins above.

Combatants. When the heroes arrive, Conan of Cimmeria is hiding behind a replica space
shuttle as a gang of seven Cowboys fire at him.
Tactics. Conan keeps to cover, avoiding any shots from the cowboy as he tries getting close
enough to steal one of their weapons. From a combination of the Red Mist and sudden
transportation, the cowboys have been driven to a fear induced frenzy and fire at anything
they see move with any true coordination.
Conan has been brought to this time period before and is searching either for the sorcerer
that brought him here so that he can kill them or Dr Doom, whom he knows can send him
back to his time. Since he can’t find either, when he approached the confused cowboys they
began attacking him out of fear. Conan quickly learnt modern English the last time he was in
this time period.

8. History of Sorcery Exhibit
Key Elements. Calypso, Lizard, Thulsa Doom, Mirror of Thune, Wooden Idol.

See. A winding maze of glass displays house bizarre artefacts of obviously magical origin.
Scrolls written with living words and torches which turn without heat or smoke are just some
of the supernatural wonders.

Combatants. The most present threats are the Lizard and Thulsa Doom, both of whom
Calypso has hypnotised using voodoo dolls she’s created with her magic. This hypnosis can
be broken by destroying the dolls, which she wears around her belt. Calypso has created a
small barrier around herself while she uses a ritual to call upon the mirror's magic and
transport more warriors from the past.
Tactics. While Calypso has their dolls, Lizard and Thulsa Doom are compelled to protect
her. As such they try to lure the heroes away from area 8 and focus their attacks on anyone
that tries to interfere with her ritual. Calypso focuses on her ritual, summoning another
warrior (roll on table below to determine what type) under her control every even numbered
round. If her barrier is destroyed she tries fleeing to Kraven if possible but barring that she
fights the heroes.

1d6 Summoned Warrior

1-2 Ninja

3-4 Viking Warrior

5-6 Cowboy

The barrier is a 2 space wide hemisphere around a wooden idol Calypso has placed on the
ground next to her. This barrier cannot be phased through (though a clever player may go
through the floor underneath) and blocks any attacks or effects that target those inside. It
can be destroyed in several ways. If it is damaged three times, however, it ignores any
damage less than 25. If the idol is knocked over the barrier will break. If she sees Kraven
either fighting or defeated her concentration on the barrier will break and she will try to help
Kraven as best she can.
A character can destroy the voodoo dolls by dealing any amount of damage to them, though
they have to be targeted specifically. Once a character's doll is destroyed, they are freed
from Calypso’s control.
The Mirror of Thune can only be damaged by magic or sound and is destroyed if it takes 30
or more damage. If a character that was summoned from the mirror touches its glass, they
return to their time, even if the mirror was otherwise destroyed.

9. Culture of Wakanda Exhibit

Key Elements. Viper Runes, Red Mist Brazier.

See. A large square space of this upper floor has been cordoned off from the rest. Inside, an
interactive exhibit for children filled with replicas of Wakandan items are on display. The rack

of clothes based on several of the nation’s tribes, the nation's founding myth written across
the walls, and colouring sheets of Wakandan art would keep most kids entertained for at
least a few minutes.

Hazard. To defend the brazier, Calypso has placed runes drawn in ink made from shed viper
skin. For each space a character travels through this area roll 1d6. On a 1 they step on one
of the runes. Flying characters have no risk of touching the runes this way. Whenever one of
these runes is touched it instantly transforms into a ghostly viper and bites at whatever
touched on it. Resolve this as if Calypso was attacking the character with her Elemental
Blast power. A character can notice the runes with a Vigilance vs TN 15 action check, and a
further Agility vs TN 14 action check allows a character to move up to half their run speed
without touching a rune.

When she arrived, Calypso filled a plastic Wakandan brazier she found in this area with an
incense derived from the angel lotus plant. By using a little magic, she has caused the
hallucinogenic mist this incense creates to spread throughout the museum. Stopping the
mist is as simple as knocking over the brazier, however doing so causes the mist to hang in
the air for another hour. Dispelling the magic Calypso used with the Dispel Spell or similar
power will cause the mist to immediately evaporate. A character can learn these details with
a Logic vs TN 16 action check.

10. Lecture Hall

Key Elements. Kraven, 2x Lions

See. This simple theatre is set up with tiered seating to allow lectures on the small stage at
the front.

Combatants. When the heroes first arrive at the museum Kraven is meditating here in
preparation for his hunt. He has brought a pair of Lions (use Devil Dinosaur statistics, except
they are large size instead of huge) with him which he allows to roam free through this area.
Tactic. If Kraven is here he will pounce onto his target and try to prove he is the superior of
the two while the Lions try to keep the other heroes away from him. If only the Lions are
present they won’t be hostile unless agitated.

11. Bathrooms
All bathrooms in the museum are unisex and empty.



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