Smart Helmet Thesis122

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in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree
of Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Submitted by

Prachi Adyalkar
Devesh Parate
Bhavna Balpande
Kshitij Meshram
Aman Koli
Under the guidance of
Mrs. Nishat Faizee
Assistant Professor

Academic Year 2023 – 2024


Wardha Road, Gavsi Manapur, Nagpur-441108

This is to certify that, this project report titled “Design & Implementation of Smart Bike
Helmet” is the bonafide work of Prachi Adyalkar, Devesh Parate, Bhavna Balpande, Kshitij
Meshram, Aman Koli. who carried out the project work under my supervision in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in
Electronics & Telecommunication of Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University,

Date : 10 / 04 /2024

Name of guide Dr. Harish Rajurkar

Mrs. Nishat Faizee Head, Dept of E&TC


Academic Year 2023 – 24


Wardha Road, Gavsi Manapur, Nagpur-441108
Design & Implementation of Smart Bike
Design & Implementation of Smart Bike Helmet (E&TC)
Table of Contents

List of Tables .................................................................................................................... [1]

List of Figures ................................................................................................................... [2]

Acknowledgment .............................................................................................................. I

Abstract ............................................................................................................................ II
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Communication System ................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Types ................................................................................................ 2
1.1.2 Sources ............................................................................................ 3
1.2 Types of Communication System..................................................................... 6
1.2.1 Analog Signal ................................................................................... 7
1.2.2 Digital Signal .................................................................................... 8
1.3 Modulation ...................................................................................................... 9
1.3.1 Amplitude Modulation ...................................................................... 10
1.3.2 Frequency Modulation....................................................................... 11
1.3.3 Pulse Modulation .............................................................................. 12
1.4 Demodulation .................................................................................................. 13
2. Literature Survey........................................................................................................... 14
3. Theme of Project ........................................................................................................... 15
3.1 Project Objectives ............................................................................................ 15
3.2 Block Diagram ................................................................................................ 15
3.3 Circuit Diagram ............................................................................................... 16
3.4 Flowchart ........................................................................................................ 17
4.Implementation ............................................................................................................ 18
3.5 Hardware Aspect ............................................................................................. 18
3.5.1 ESP32 Wifi Module ...................................................................................... 18 Features of ESP32. ..................................................................................... 18 Pin configuration of ESP32. ....................................................................... 21
3.5.2 INMP441 Module ......................................................................................... 22 Pin configuration of INMP441 Module ...................................................... 22 Specification of INMP441 Module ............................................................. 23
4.3 Power Management ......................................................................................... 24

4.4 Pin Diagram of INMP441 Module ................................................................... 26

4. Results .......................................................................................................................... 33
5. Conclusion and Future Scope ........................................................................................ 35
6. Reference ...................................................................................................................... 36
Annexure I: Plagiarism report .................................................................................. 37
Annexure II: Data sheets ......................................................................................... 38
Annexure III: Software Program Details .................................................................. 40
Annexure IV: Journel papers ................................................................................... 52
Annexure V: Project member details Details .......................................................... 58
CO, PO Mapping Sheet .......................................................................................... 60
I. List of Tables

Sr Table
Title of Table Page No.
.No No.

1. 1 Few analogue communication systems 6

2. 2 Few digital communication systems 7

3. 3 Pin Configuration of ESP32 21

4. 4 Pin configuration of INMP441 Module 30

5. 5 Electrical Characterstics of INMP441 Module 24

6. 6 High pass filter characteristics 29

7. 7 Project member details 58

II. List of Figures

Sr.No Figure No. Title of Figure Page No.

1. 1 Communication system 1-5
2. 2 Analog signal 6
3. 3 Waves of different frequencies 7

4. 4 Digital signal 8

5. 5 Modulation 9

6. 6 Amplitude modulation 11

7. 7 Frequency modulation 11

8. 8 Pulse modulation 12

9. 9 Block diagram 15

10. 10 Circuit diagram 16

11 11 FLOWCHART 17

12. 12 ESP32 WROOM DEVKIT 21

13. 13 INMP441 Mic 22

14. 14 System Block Diagram 26

15. 15 Mono-Output I²S Format Right Channel (L/R = 1) 27

16. 16 1 kHz, 0 dBFS Sine Wave 28

17. 17 Digital Low-Pass Filter Magnitude Response 29

18. 18 Pin Configuration 30

19. 19 DumbDisplay 1 31

20. 20 DumbDisplay 2 31

21. 21 DumbDisplay 3 32

22. 22 Result img.1 33

23. 23 Result img.2 33


For the successful operation of this project, a number of helping hands have been involved to bring forth the
working setup. It would have been unachievable without their constant guidance, help and encouragement.
My sincere thanks to the respected Head of the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
Engineering - Dr. Harish Rajurkar for always keeping me motivated all the way.

I am humbled to convey my heartfelt thanks to my Project Guide Mrs. Nishat Faizee for guiding us
throughout the project. Her dynamism and diligent enthusiasm have been highly instrumental in keeping our
spirits high. Her flawless & forthright suggestions blended with an innate intelligent application have crowned
our task with success. We appreciate her feedback, helpful critiques, and ideas during the report's production.
We are honored to be able to work under her guidance and I thank her for helping all the way with her immense
knowledge and profound experience.

I am grateful to our College Management at SVPCET for providing me with a wonderful opportunity to
showcase my skills and abilities in the form of a project and in some way help towards the betterment of the
society. I got to learn so much more about teamwork, modern technologies and their implementation than I
ever would have on my own.


“Design and Implementation of Smart Bike Helmet” is an innovative wearable technology to increase
passenger safety and comfort. It creates an essential communication system for passengers by integrating the
real-time engine IR sensor, leaning angle sensor, alcohol sensor, voice warning system and accident sensor
using a gyroscope. Proactively solve engine overheating issues with timely alerts while monitoring the angle
to ensure safety. This will provide rider safety and also provide various features of like an accident occurs
notification to family and inform the nearest ambulance in that area it will give a voice warning of the over
leaning angle while turning the bike to you and give notification, and it will provide Zigbee pairing to get
voice command from google map for next turning.

This paper proposes a novel smart helmet design that leverages the power to improve motorcycle rider
navigation and safety. The helmet integrates a Zigbee for seamless connection to a smart phone running
Google Maps. This enables real-time turn-by turn navigation instructions to be conveyed to the rider through
a bone conduction speaker or haptic feedback system, minimizing distractions and maintaining focus on the

The sensors can detect various environmental factors and rider behavior, such as ambient light, drowsiness,
and potential accidents. The collected data can be transmitted to a connected smartphone app, allowing for
features like automatic headlight activation, drowsiness alerts, and emergency contact notification in case of
an accident. This integration of navigation and safety features creates a comprehensive system that enhances
the rider's experience and promotes road safety.

Design of Digital Audio Transmission and Reception using Frequency Filter



In the advancement of security systems, we designed the smart helmet with many features which have become
an important replacement for the old helmet model. We must be aware of the need the safety measures in
motorcycle riding, so we developed the smart helmet. This project will be dedicated to improving the safety
and comfort of passengers by comforting the journey. The smart helmet focuses on the change in motorcycle
safety parameters by measuring engine temperature, measuring leaning angle, using a voice warning system
and detecting accident using a gyroscope device. Motorcycles, mostly known for their riding journey and their
efficiency, also face challenges when it comes to safety measures. The motive of the project to make the
motorcycle journey safe by focusing the various parameters like the temperature of the engine while riding,
by giving the voice warning on the extra leaning angle. Addition of accident detecting technology increase an
extra layer of safety by quickly detecting and send the messages to ambulances and family or connecting
family member directly to helmet. As motorcycles has become a worldwide crucial transportation, smart
helmet have become an icon of innovation and hope to reduce the risk. This becomes set of stage for a detailed
checking of the individual products, features and overall impact that this smart helmet aims to overcome for
the motorcycle community. The designing of smart helmet has become an important work in reshaping the old
helmet model. We have to be aware for the risks that come in motorcycle ride, that is why developed the Smart
Helmet. This new project is dedicated to improving the safety and comfort of riders by combining state—of—
art and features. Riders navigate using various methods, with smartphones mounted on handlebars being a
popular choice. However, this practice creates a dilemma: the convenience of real-time navigation comes at
the expense of safety, as glancing down at a phone can divert crucial attention from the road. Furthermore,
traditional helmets, while essential for safety, lack features that could further enhance rider awareness and
protection. This paper proposes a groundbreaking solution – the smart helmet. This innovative design
leverages the power to create a comprehensive system that prioritizes both rider safety and navigation. The
helmet seamlessly integrates with a smartphone running Google Maps via Zigbee, enabling real-time turn-by-
turn navigation instructions to be delivered directly to the rider. This eliminates the need for a mounted phone,
minimizing distractions and allowing riders to maintain focus on the road ahead.

Design of Digital Audio Transmission and Reception using Frequency Filter


1. Automatically Detect Accidents: Current helmets lack the technology to autonomously identify crash
situations, relying on bystanders to call for help. This delay in emergency response can be life-threatening.
2. Accurately Determine Accident Location: Locating accident scenes, especially in remote areas, can be
challenging, hindering the dispatch of emergency medical services.
3. Gather Comprehensive Accident Data: Existing accident detection systems might solely rely on
accelerometers, leading to false positives due to sudden maneuvers or rough terrain. Additionally, they often lack
the ability to capture leaning angle information, a crucial indicator of accident severity.
4. Understanding Rider Control: Current accident analysis struggles to determine if a rider lost control due to
excessive leaning, external factors (e.g., slippery road), or a combination of both.
5. Accurately Assessing Accident Severity: Leaning angle data provides valuable insight into the potential
severity of a crash, especially in situations like rollovers or high-speed turns. Without this information, accident
reconstruction and risk assessment become less accurate.
6. Developing Effective Safety Measures: The absence of leaning angle data hinders the development of
targeted safety interventions for motorcyclists. For example, understanding the most common leaning angles
associated with accidents can inform the design of training programs or safety features.
7. Reconstructing Accident Scenarios: Leaning angle data would provide a more complete picture of the events
leading up to the accident, aiding in accurate reconstruction.
8. Evaluating Rider Behavior: Understanding leaning angles can help identify potential causes of the accident,
such as rider error or unexpected road conditions.
9. Designing Safety Improvements: By analyzing leaning angles in relation to accident types, safety
interventions can be tailored to address specific risk factors.

Design of Digital Audio Transmission and Reception using Frequency Filter


Motorcycles offer a thrilling ride, but their inherent lack of enclosure compared to cars translates to a higher
risk factor. While helmets are essential for safety, a gap exists in the ability to detect accidents and provide
timely assistance. Traditional methods rely on bystanders calling for help, leading to delays in emergency
response that can be life threatening. Additionally, accident analysis often lacks crucial details about the accident
dynamics, particularly the rider's leaning angle. This information is critical for understanding rider control,
assessing accident severity, and developing targeted safety interventions.

This project tackles these challenges head-on by proposing a smart helmet system with two key goals:

• Enhancing Emergency Response: Current helmets lack the ability to autonomously detect accidents. This
project aims to bridge this gap by integrating sensors that can identify crash situations and automatically
trigger an emergency response. Imagine a scenario where a motorcycle accident occurs in a remote area.
The smart helmet, upon detecting a crash based on a combination of accelerometer data (sudden changes in
speed) and leaning angle exceeding safe limits would automatically send an emergency alert containing the
accident location via a GSM module. This critical information would be relayed to preprogrammed
emergency contacts or a centralized emergency response system, significantly reducing the time it takes for
help to arrive.

• Providing Comprehensive Accident Data: Accident reconstruction and risk assessment are often
hampered by the absence of data on the rider's leaning angle during an accident. This project proposes the
integration of gyroscopic sensors within the smart helmet to capture this crucial information. Leaning angle
data offers valuable insights into the potential severity of the crash, especially in situations like rollovers or
high-speed turns. This information would be invaluable for accident investigators, insurance companies, and
safety researchers. Imagine a case where an accident investigator is analyzing a motorcycle accident. By
having access to the leaning angle data captured by the smart helmet, they can determine if the rider lost
control due to excessive leaning, external factors like a slippery road, or a combination of both. This
comprehensive data would lead to more accurate accident reconstruction, improved understanding of rider
behavior, and the development of targeted safety measures that address specific risk factors.

Design of Digital Audio Transmission and Reception using Frequency Filter


Design of Digital Audio Transmission and Reception using Frequency Filter

1)The number of bike accidents is rising daily. Numerous people have suffered serious injuries and lost their
lives as a result of bike accidents. Bike riders can reduce their risk of collisions by wearing helmets. The
advantages of smart helmets include a decrease in the number of bike accidents. The primary cause of fatality in
the majority of accidents is a lack of quick first aid and emergency medical assistance. One of the primary causes
of this might be the ambulance's late arrival, with no one at the scene of the accident to provide information to
the ambulance. The objective of this paper is to develop a smart helmet powered by renewable energy that will
ensure the safety of bikers. The helmet includes an Arduino as a microprocessor, Global System for Mobile
communication (GSM) for phone calls, Global Positioning System (GPS) for tracking, and vibration sensors to
detect accidents within a minute of detecting the accident, the system calls the registered number with a message
and the precise position. Furthermore, if the user exceeds the average speed limit, the speed sensors will warn
them. The rider can summon help in an emergency by activating the emergency switch. If the rider is not wearing
a helmet, the bike will not start. Solar energy powers the prototype in its entirety. From the result analysis, it has
been found that the developed helmet can provide safety to the
bikers by conveying accurate and real-time information on accidents within minutes.

2)It has been observed that an alarming rate of road accidents occur in different countries every year with the
increase of bikes and motorcycles. Some countries are one of the densely populated in the world where roads are
narrower in comparison to the roads and streets. Although enough rules and regulations are made by the
government to avoid road accidents, but the accident rate is increasing day by day. Reasons such as avoiding
helmet by the bike rider during their ride as well as riding being drunk are worth mentionable. Motorcycle rider
involve them in serious road accidents causing fatality while not wearing helmet and riding motorcycles being
drunk. Wearing helmet can however reduce the risk of accidents largely. In this paper a very effective and
technological way of Smart Helmet using Internet of Things (IoT) has been introduced by which one can avoid
such problems. Arduino NANO and Arduino Mega-2560 are microcontrollers which control the entire
components of the system. Two 2.4 GHZ nRF24L01 acts like sender and receiver for communication. One MQ-
3 gas sensor is used which can detect whether the bike rider is alcoholic or not. If the bike rider is alcoholic, then
the MQ-3 sensor detects it and the whole system goes off. A Sharp IR sensor detects the head of the motorcyclist
within the range of 10-80 cm. The Bike rider's engine will start only when the rider will buckle the helmet. GPS
& GSM Technology is used for tracking the location of the bike rider and sending text message to the family
members of the Bike rider when an accident occurs. Our Smart Helmet is used for Accident Detection and Bike
Rider's Safety.

Design of Digital Audio Transmission and Reception using Frequency Filter

3) A motorcycle often called a moped or two-wheeler, which is most used than other form of automobiles due
to its low cost. But on the other hand, it is the most dangerous car. An accident can happen speeding or drunk
driving. Safety and security when traveling by car is paramount concern for everyone. With rapid urbanization
and staggering growth transport networks such as two-wheelers, road safety and security on the bike turned out
to be an inevitable priority for us. It spread accidents, leading to several damages with loss of life. In many
circumstances, we are unable to determine the location of the accident. A helmet is a a form of protective gear
worn to protect the head from injury. More specifically, the helmet helps the skull in protecting the brain. Smart
helmet it can detect accident sites, it also saves lives and produces a two-wheeled vehicle ride safer than before.
This paper proposes a smart helmet system avoid an accident. The system divides the helmet circuit into three
parts, automotive circuit and mobile application. First, the perimeter of the helmet has IR and an alcohol detection
sensor. The automotive circuit has 3 axes accelerometer, zigbee module, relay and load sensor. Helmet circle
sends a signal to the car circuit to start if the helmet is worn and not alcohol detects. Then the car circuit checks
the load condition Start. A 3-axis accelerometer senses impact or impact. After discovering the accident the
mobile application automatically sends the scene of the accident to the police and emergency contact number via

4) Falls are a major problem for the elderly people leading to injury, disability, and even death. In this article, we
propose a fall detection system that uses the acceleration sensor of a smartphone to detect a senior citizen falling
in real time and to use the communication capabilities of the smartphone to notify the administrator of such an
event. The proposed system conducts real-time location tracking using Google’s Map and 3D information to
cope with a critical situation and to make an urgent intervention in an emergency. Since Google’s 3D mapping
service can provide information on the surrounding buildings and their shapes with more precision than a 2D
service or text-based service, it is possible to ensure a prompt response for senior citizens when such location
information is available. To verify the validity and efficiency of this article, we measured the change in
acceleration sensor value by classifying the subjects by age group and gender. As a result, we found that the
signal vector magnitude value of the acceleration sensor value variation showed a great difference in daily life
such as walking, running, sitting, and falling.

5) Injuries due to fall or vehicle accident, including bikes or bicycles are relatively common. One of the reason
for a person severe health menace after an accident is the unavailability of first aid, due to the delay informing
about the accident. Thus, in the case of incidents involving vehicle accidents or falls, response time is crucial for
the timely provision of emergency medical services to the victims of accidents. An effective approach intended
to reduce the number of falls-related deaths is: the use of
a system for detecting and reporting the occurred accidents, as well as reducing the time between the occurrences
of an accident and sending the first emergency respondents to the scene of the accident. This paper presents a
solution using mobile terminals (smartphones) for detecting and preventing accidents like falls.

Design of Digital Audio Transmission and Reception using Frequency Filter


Design of Digital Audio Transmission and Reception using Frequency Filter


The project will focus on several key objectives:

1.Developing a Robust Leaning Angle Detection System: The project will integrate accelerometry sensors
into the smart helmet to accurately measure the motorcycle's leaning angle in real-time. Additionally, algorithms
will be designed to effectively differentiate between normal leaning maneuvers and situations indicative of a
potential accident.
2. Implementing an Automatic Accident Detection and Response System: The system will utilize
accelerometers in conjunction with leaning angle data to reliably identify motorcycle accidents. Upon detecting
a crash, a GSM module will automatically transmit an emergency alert containing the accident location and
leaning angle information to pre-programmed contacts or emergency services.
3.Ensuring System Reliability and User Comfort: A critical aspect of the project is ensuring the system's
functionality and user comfort. The design will prioritize energy efficiency to maximize battery life within the
confines of the helmet. Additionally, the sensor and communication components will be packaged comfortably
and unobtrusively for the rider.

The objectives of this project are as follows:

1.Develop a Robust Leaning Angle Detection System:
a) Integrate high-precision, miniature gyroscopes into the helmet for accurate and reliable leaning angle
measurement throughout the riding experience.
b) Design intelligent algorithms that analyze gyroscope data in real-time, filtering out normal leaning maneuvers
and identifying sudden or excessive changes in an angle that could indicate a loss of control or potential accident.
c) Calibrate the leaning angle detection system to account for different motorcycle types and riding styles to
ensure accurate readings across diverse riding scenarios.
2.Implement an Automatic Accident Detection and Response System:
a) Integrate accelerometers within the helmet to detect sudden changes in speed or deceleration that could be
indicative of a collision.
b) Combine accelerometer data with leaning angle information from the gyroscopes to create a more
comprehensive accident detection system, reducing false positives triggered by rough terrain or sudden
c)Implement a GSM module with a reliable cellular connection to ensure emergency alerts are transmitted
successfully even in remote areas.

Design of Digital Audio Transmission and Reception using Frequency Filter

d)Develop a secure communication protocol for the GSM module to transmit encrypted emergency alerts
containing the accident location (acquired via GPS integration) and leaning angle data to pre-programmed
emergency contact numbers or a centralized emergency response system.

3.Ensure System Reliability and User Comfort:

a) Conduct thorough power consumption analysis to optimize the system's energy efficiency and maximize
battery life within the helmet's size constraints.
b) Explore low-power sensor technologies and efficient communication protocols to further extend battery life.
c) Design the sensor and communication components to be lightweight, compact, and ergonomically integrated
within the helmet for a comfortable and unobtrusive riding experience. This may involve utilizing flexible circuits
and minimizing component size.
d) Conduct rigorous user testing with motorcyclists to ensure the final design is comfortable, secure, and does
not obstruct the rider's head movements or helmet fit.

Design of Digital Audio Transmission and Reception using Frequency Filter


Figure 3.2.1: Block Diagram Of Bike Section

Figure 3.2.2: Block Diagram Of Helmet Section
Design of Digital Audio Transmission and Reception using Frequency Filter


Figure 3.3.1: Circuit Diagram

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Figure 3.4.1: Flow Chart

Design of Digital Audio Transmission and Reception using Frequency Filter


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Design of Digital Audio Transmission and Reception using Frequency Filter


Software Requirement
• Arduino IDE

Software refers to the set of instructions that tell the hardware what to do. It's essentially the collection of
programs and applications that run on the computer. Software can be broadly categorized into two main types:

• System Software: This software manages the computer's hardware and provides a platform for running other
programs. The operating system (OS) is the core piece of system software, like Windows, macOS, Android, or

• Application Software: These are programs designed for specific tasks or user needs. Examples include word
processors (like Microsoft Word), web browsers (like Google Chrome), games, photo editing software, etc.

Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a free, opensource software application that allows you
to write code (called sketches in Arduino) and upload it to Arduino boards – small, single board computers
designed for creating electronic projects. Here's a detailed breakdown of what Arduino IDE offers:
The IDE supports a wide variety of Arduino boards and compatible boards from other manufacturers. You can
select the specific board you're using within the IDE to ensure compatibility and access to
relevant libraries and functionalities.

Examples and Online Community:

• Arduino IDE includes a vast collection of built-in examples that showcase how to use various sensors, actuators,
and components with Arduino boards. These examples serve as a valuable learning resource for beginners.
• The Arduino community is extensive and active online. Numerous forums, tutorials, and websites offer project
ideas, troubleshooting assistance, and code libraries created by the community, further
expanding the capabilities of the Arduino IDE.

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Design of Digital Audio Transmission and Reception using Frequency Filter


In this Section, we will go through all the hardware components used in the project in detail. The components
are listed below:

1. Atmega 328P
2. Arduino Nano
3. GSM Module
4. GPS Module
5. HC 12
6. Voice Acknowledgement Module
7. Accelerometer
8. Eye Blink Sensor
9. Alcohol Sensor
10.OLED Display

4.2.1Atmega 328P

Fig 4.2.1: Atmega 328P

The Atmega328P is a popular 8-bit microcontroller from Microchip Technology. It's a versatile chip
commonly used in hobbyist projects and embedded systems due to its features and affordability. While not
Voice Interactive Helmet Using IOT/GHRIET/EJ/2023-24 16 explicitly mentioned as a requirement in the
project description, the Atmega328P could potentially be a suitable candidate for the smart helmet system due
to some of its characteristics:
Processing Power: It offers basic processing capabilities, which might be sufficient for handling sensor data
collection, running algorithms for leaning angle detection, and controlling communication with other
a) Input/Output (I/O) Pins: The Atmega328P has a good number of I/O pins, which could be used to
interface with the various sensors (gyroscopes, accelerometers, GPS, GSM module) and other
hardware components within the helmet.
b) Low Power Consumption: While not the most power-efficient microcontroller on the market, the
Atmega328P offers a balance between functionality and power usage. This is a crucial consideration
St. Vincent Pallotti College Of Engineering And Technology, Nagpur 16
Design of Digital Audio Transmission and Reception using Frequency Filter
for a battery-powered system like the smart helmet.
However, it's important to consider limitations as well:
a) Processing Power: For a complex system like the smart helmet, the Atmega328P's processing power
might be slightly limited, especially if future iterations involve more advanced algorithms or
b) Memory Constraints: The onboard memory of the Atmega328P might be insufficient for storing
complex algorithms and data, especially if features like accident data logging are implemented.

4.2.2Arduino Nano

Fig 4.2.2: Arduino Nano

The Arduino Nano is a tiny but powerful microcontroller board that simplifies electronics prototyping for
various projects. Here's a detailed breakdown of the Arduino Nano and its suitability for the smart helmet

Overview of the Arduino Nano:

• Size and Form Factor: The Arduino Nano is renowned for its compact size and breadboard-friendly design.
It easily fits into small projects and integrates well with various electronic components on a breadboard.
• Microcontroller: At its heart, the Arduino Nano utilizes a microcontroller, typically the ATmega328P. This
chip provides processing power for running code, handling sensor data, and controlling other components.
• Input/Output (I/O) Pins: The Nano is equipped with various I/O pins. These pins can be configured as
inputs to receive signals from sensors (like gyroscopes, accelerometers) or as outputs to control external
devices (like LEDs, displays).
• Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC): The Nano has built-in ADCs that can convert analog signals from
sensors (like voltage variations) into digital values readable by the microcontroller.
• Communication Protocols: The Nano supports various communication protocols like SPI (Serial Peripheral
Interface) and I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) for interacting with other devices like displays or communication
• Programming: The Arduino Nano is programmed using the Arduino IDE (Integrated Development
Environment), a user-friendly software that allows you to write code and upload it to the board.

4.2.3 GSM Module

Fig 4.2.3: GSM 800L Module

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Design of Digital Audio Transmission and Reception using Frequency Filter

SIM800L is a GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) module that can be used for wireless
communication in various IoT (Internet of Things) projects. It is a cheap, compact and easy-to-use module
that supports various GSM functions such as SMS, voice calls, data transfer and MMS.

The SIM800L module works on the GSM 850/900/1800/1900 MHz frequency bands and requires a SIM card
to connect to the GSM network. It has a built-in antenna and also supports external antennas. The module has
a serial interface (UART) for communication with a microcontroller or computer.

The SIM800L module can be used for various applications such as SMS-based remote monitoring and control
systems, vehicle tracking systems, and wireless data transmission systems. It is widely used in agriculture,
transportation, healthcare and industrial automation.

4.2.4 GPS Module

Fig 4.2.4: GPS Module

A GPS module is a small electronic device that receives signals from GPS satellites orbiting the Earth. By
processing these signals, the module can determine its precise location (latitude, longitude, and altitude)
anywhere with a clear view of the sky. This information is then made available to other devices, such as the
microcontroller in the smart helmet.

Benefits of using a GPS Module in the Smart Helmet:

• Accurate Accident Location: In the unfortunate event of an accident, the GPS module plays a critical role.
It can pinpoint the exact location of the rider, providing vital information for emergency responders. This can
significantly reduce response times and potentially save lives.

• Data Logging (Optional): For advanced functionalities, the GPS data can be logged and used for various
purposes. Imagine the helmet recording the rider's entire journey, including route taken and timestamps. This
data could be helpful in accident reconstruction or post-ride analysis.

Features to Consider When Choosing a GPS Module for the Smart Helmet:

• Size and Weight: Since the helmet needs to be comfortable, a compact and lightweight GPS module is
• Power Consumption: Battery life is a major concern. Choose a module with low power consumption to
ensure it doesn't drain the helmet's battery quickly.
• Accuracy: For effective emergency response, a GPS module with high accuracy is crucial. Aim for a module
that can provide location data with minimal error.
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Design of Digital Audio Transmission and Reception using Frequency Filter
• Compatibility: Ensure the chosen GPS module is compatible with the microcontroller and communication
protocols used in the smart helmet system.

Integration with the Smart Helmet System:

The GPS module will most likely communicate with the microcontroller in the smart helmet using a serial
interface like UART or SPI. The microcontroller will then process the GPS data and potentially combine it
with other sensor information (like leaning angle) to create a comprehensive picture of the situation for
emergency response purposes.

A GPS module plays a vital role in the smart helmet project by enabling accurate accident location
identification and potentially offering additional functionalities. By carefully considering the size, power
consumption, accuracy, and compatibility factors, the project can choose an optimal GPS module to enhance
the overall safety and effectiveness of the smart helmets.

4.2.5 HC 12

Fig 4.2.5: HC12

The HC-12 is a wireless serial port communication module, essentially acting as a tiny radio transmitter and
receiver all in one. It falls under the category of RF (Radio Frequency) modules, operating in the 433 MHz
frequency range. Here's a breakdown of the HC-12's functionalities and its potential use case in the smart
helmet project:

Key Features of the HC-12 Module:

• Serial Communication: The HC-12 communicates with other devices using a serial interface, typically
UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter). This allows it to send and receive data streams like
sensor readings or control commands.

• Multi-Channel Capability: The HC-12 offers multiple channels (typically 100) within its operating
frequency range. This enables communication between multiple HC-12 modules set to the same channel,
reducing interference from other devices operating on similar frequencies.

• Low Power Consumption: The HC-12 is known for its relatively low power consumption compared to
some other wireless modules. This is crucial for battery-powered applications like the smart helmet project.

• Compact Size: The HC-12 module is small and lightweight, making it suitable for integration within space-
constrained devices like helmets.

• Wider Coverage: Cellular networks provide much broader coverage than the limited range of the HC-12,
ensuring emergency alerts can be transmitted from almost anywhere.

• Higher Data Rates: Cellular networks offer significantly higher data rates compared to the HC-12. This
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allows for transmission of detailed accident information, potentially including sensor data, leaning angles,
and GPS location.
The HC-12 is a versatile wireless module with its strengths in low power consumption, compact size, and
multi-channel communication. However, for the critical functionalities of the smart helmet project –
transmitting real-time emergency alerts – a cellular network module like the GSM module is a more suitable
choice due to its wider coverage and higher data rates. The HC-12 could be a potential option for non-critical,
short-range data communication within the broader smart helmet system design.

4.2.6 Voice Acknowledgement Module:

Fig 4.2.6: Voice Acknowledgement Module

FN-M16P module is a serial MP3 module that is with a perfect integrated MP3 and WMV decoder chip. It
provides micro-SD card driver and supports FAT16 and FAT32 file systems. It is able to play back specified
sound files and realize other functions through simple serial commands. In the meantime, this module supports
AD key control mode that facilitates users to develop their jobs in some simple applications. Without the
cumbersome underlying operating, easy to use, stable and reliable are the most important
features of this module.

Key Features of the Voice Acknowledgement Module:

 Supports FAT16 and FAT32 file system.
 24-bit DAC output and supports dynamic range 90dB and SNR 85dB.
 Supports AD key control mode and UART RS232 serial control mode.
 Supports maximum 32GB micro-SD card and 32GB USB flash drive.
 Audio files are sorted by folders; supports up to 99 folders, and each folder can be assigned to 255 sound
 Supports inter-cut advertisements.
 Supports playback of specifying folders.
 Support random playback.
 Built-in 3W amplifier that can direct drive a 3W/8Ohm speaker.
 30 levels adjustable volume, and 6 levels adjustable EQ.

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4.2.7 Accelerometer:

Fig 4.2.7 : Accelerometer

The ADXL345 is a small, thin, ultralow power, 3-axis accelerometer with high resolution (13-bit)
measurements up to ±16 g. Digital output data is formatted as 16-bit two's complement and is accessible via
either an SPI (3- or 4-wire) or I2C digital interface. The ADXL345 is well suited for mobile device
applications. It measures static acceleration due to gravity in tilt-sensing applications, as well as dynamic
acceleration resulting from motion or shock. Its high resolution (3.9 mg/LSB) enables measurement of
inclination changes of less than 1.0°. Some special sensory functions are provided. Activity and inactivity
sensing detects the presence or lack of motion by comparing the acceleration on any axis to a user-set
threshold. Tap sensing detects single and double taps in any direction. Free-fall sensing detects if the device
is falling. These functions can be individually mapped to one of the two interrupt output pins. An integrated
memory management system with a 32-level first-in, first-out (FIFO) buffer can be used to store data to
minimize host processor activity and reduce overall system power consumption. Low power modes enable
intelligent motion-based power management with threshold sensing and active acceleration measurement at
extremely low power dissipation.
Key Features of the Accelerometer:

 Ultralow power: as low as 23 µA in measurement mode and 0.1 µA in standby mode at VS = 2.5 V
 Power consumption scales automatically with bandwidth
 User-selectable resolution
 Fixed 10-bit resolution
 Full resolution, where resolution increases with g range, up to
 13-bit resolution at ±16 g (maintaining 4 mg/LSB scale factor
 in all g ranges)
 Embedded memory management system with FIFO technology
 minimizes host processor load
 Single tap/double tap detection
 Activity/inactivity monitoring
 Free-fall detection
 Supply voltage range: 2.0 V to 3.6 V
 I/O voltage range: 1.7 V to VS

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 SPI (3- and 4-wire) and I2C digital interfaces
 Flexible interrupt modes mappable to either interrupt pin
 Measurement ranges selectable via serial command
 Bandwidth selectable via serial command
 Wide temperature range (−40°C to +85°C)
 10,000 g shock survival
 Pb free/RoHS compliant
 Small and thin: 3 mm × 5 mm × 1 mm LGA package

4.2.8 Eye Blink Sensor:

Fig 4.2.8: Eye Blink Sensor

The Eye blink sensor was constructed of a paired IR transmitter and IR Receiver. The sensor was attached to
the implanted holder and positioned in front of the eye. During eye blink detection, IR transmitter rays transmit
and observe when the eyelids are opened when eyelids are closed a reflected IR ray induces to the receiver
from that we will get a digital output.

Key Features of the Eye Blink Sensor:

 Focus of technology
 System Capabilities
 Power supply voltage: 3.3V-5V
 No additional power supply
 3.5mm Connector
 Operating current: 100mA

 Initially 5V power supply is given to the sensor.
 Connect ground pin.
 Wear the eye blink sensor glass on the face at a particular distance.
 We can view the LED blinking for each eye blink; LED blinks for a closed eye and doesn’t blink when
eye is open.

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 The output pin gives to the digital output.

4.2.9 Alcohol Sensor:

Fig 4.2.9: Alcohol Sensor

MQ3 alcohol gas sensor is made by using SnO2 material which has less conductivity in clean air. Whenever
it comes nearby alcohol gas its starts conducting highly according to the gas concentration. So user can sense
the difference of output voltage using any microcontroller and can detect the presence of Alcohol. This is low
cost and a suitable sensor for many applications for alcohol detection. This sensor has a long life and good
sensitivity. Some of the applications that can be made by using this sensor are Alcohol gas alarm, portable
alcohol detector, gas alarms, Breathalyzer etc.

Key Features of the Alcohol Sensor:

 5V operation
 Simple to use
 LEDs for output and power
 Output sensitivity adjustable.
 Analog output 0V to 5V
 Digital output 0V or 5V
 Low Cost
 Fast Response
 Stable and Long Life
 Good Sensitivity to Alcohol Gas
 Both Digital and Analog Outputs
 On-board LED Indicator
 Technical Data: Concentration: 0.05 mg/L ~ 10 mg/L Alcohol
 Operating Voltage: 5V ±0.1
 Current Consumption: 150mA
 Operation Temperature: -10°C ~ 70°C
 Pin Out: VCC – Input Power Supply
 GND – Supply Ground
 DO – Digital Output
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 AO – Analog Output


Fig 4.2.10: OLED Display

SSD1306 128×64 Mono 0.96” OLED Display is a single-chip CMOS OLED/PLED driver with a controller
for organic / polymer light emitting diode dot-matrix graphic display system. It consists of 128 segments and
64 commons. This IC is designed for a Common Cathode type OLED panel. The SSD1306 embeds with
contrast control, display RAM, and oscillator, which reduces the number of external components and power
consumption. It has 256-step brightness control. Data/Commands are sent from general MCU through the
hardware selectable 6800/8000 series compatible Parallel Interface, I2C interface, or Serial Peripheral
Interface. It is suitable for many compact portable applications, such as mobile phone sub-display, MP3 player
and calculator, etc.

Key Features of the OLED Display:

 Resolution: 128 x 64 dot matrix panel

 Power supply Rating: VDD = 1.65V to 3.3V for IC logic, VCC = 7V to 15V for Panel driving
 For matrix display:
 OLED driving output voltage, 15V maximum
 Segment maximum source current: 100uA
 Common maximum sink current: 15mA
 256 step contrast brightness current control
 Embedded 128 x 64 bit SRAM display buffer
 Pin selectable MCU Interfaces:
 8-bit 6800/8080-series parallel interface
 /4 wire Serial Peripheral Interface
 I2C Interface
 Screen saving continuous scrolling function in both horizontal and vertical direction
 RAM write synchronization signal
 Programmable Frame Rate and Multiplexing Ratio
 Row Re-mapping and Column Re-mapping
 On-Chip Oscillator
 Chip layout for COG & COF
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 Wide range of operating temperature: -40°C to 85°C.

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1. Define Scope and Functionality:

Start by clearly defining the functionalities you want to test in the initial implementation. Here are some
Basic On-Board Diagnostics (OBD-II): This could involve retrieving real-time data from the vehicle's Engine
Control Unit (ECU) using an OBD-II scanner module. This data might include engine RPM, speed, coolant
temperature, and trouble codes.
GPS Tracking: Integrate a GPS module to track the vehicle's location and potentially log trip data.
Remote Monitoring (Optional): If desired, consider incorporating cellular connectivity (e.g., GSM/LTE
module) to enable remote access to vehicle data and location tracking.
2. Hardware Selection:
Microcontroller: Choose a microcontroller that can handle data processing, sensor communication, and any
additional functionalities you plan to include. The Arduino Uno or similar options are good starting points for
basic implementations due to their ease of use and large user community.
Communication Modules:
OBD-II Scanner Module: Select a module that can communicate with the vehicle's OBD-II port using the
SAE J1939 protocol.
GPS Module: Choose a GPS module with good accuracy and ease of integration with your microcontroller.
Consider factors like size, power consumption, and update rate.
Cellular Module (Optional): If enabling remote monitoring, select a cellular module compatible with your
chosen cellular network provider and offering data connectivity.
Additional Sensors (Optional): Depending on your goals, you might consider adding sensors like
accelerometers for detecting sudden movements or harsh braking.

3. Software Development:
Develop the code for the microcontroller using an IDE like Arduino IDE:
 Include necessary libraries for communication with the chosen modules (OBD-II, GPS, cellular).
 Write code to establish communication with the OBD-II scanner module and retrieve vehicle data.
 Process and interpret the received data (e.g., convert raw sensor values to meaningful units like RPM or
 If using GPS, develop code to track location data and potentially log trip details (distance, duration).
 For remote monitoring (if applicable), implement functionalities to transmit data over the cellular
network to a designated server or application.

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4. Initial Testing:
 Conduct thorough testing in a safe environment:
 Test communication between the microcontroller and each module (OBDII scanner, GPS, cellular).
 Verify the accuracy and consistency of data received from the vehicle's ECU.
 If using GPS, test its ability to track location data accurately.
 For remote monitoring (if applicable), test data transmission over the cellular network and ensure data
reaches the intended server/application.
 Refine the code and address any communication errors or data inconsistencies.

1. Define System Goals and Communication Protocol:

Clearly define the overall functionalities you want to achieve with the combined helmet and vehicle module
system. What information will be shared, and how will it be used to enhance safety and rider awareness?

Decide on a communication protocol between the helmet unit and vehicle module. Options include Bluetooth
Low Energy (BLE) for its efficiency and ease of integration, or Wi-Fi for potentially faster data transfer
(consider trade-offs between power consumption and data transfer speed).

2. Hardware Integration:
Helmet Unit: Refer to the initial implementation steps for the helmet unit [refer to previous explanation about
helmet unit implementation].

Vehicle Module: Refer to the initial implementation steps for the vehicle module [refer to previous explanation
about vehicle module implementation].

Communication Module: Integrate a communication module (based on chosen protocol) into both the helmet
unit and vehicle module to facilitate data exchange.

3. Software Development:
Helmet Unit: Develop code for the Arduino IDE on the helmet unit, incorporating functionalities from the
initial implementation [refer to previous explanation about helmet unit implementation] along with
communication with the vehicle module:

Vehicle Module: Develop code for the Arduino IDE on the vehicle module, incorporating functionalities from
the initial implementation [refer to previous explanation about vehicle module implementation] along with
communication with the helmet unit:

4. Initial Testing:
Conduct thorough testing in a safe environment:
Test communication between the helmet unit and vehicle module using the chosen protocol.
Verify that sensor data from the helmet unit is transmitted and received by the vehicle module accurately.

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The advantages of implementing a smart helmet system combining a helmet unit and a vehicle module can be
categorized into benefits for both the initial development phase and the final product for users:
Advantages for Initial Development:
• Early Identification of Issues: By testing a limited scope of the system with both the helmet unit and vehicle
module working together, you can uncover potential problems early on. This saves time and resources
compared to discovering issues during a full-scale launch.
• Improved System Validation: The initial implementation allows you to validate how the different
components (helmet unit, vehicle module, communication protocol) interact and function as a cohesive system.
This ensures a more robust and well-integrated final product.
• Reduced Development Risk: Testing on a smaller scale helps mitigate risks associated with a full-scale
launch. By identifying and addressing challenges early in the development process, you can avoid costly
mistakes or delays.
• Valuable User Feedback: User trials with the combined system provide crucial insights into how riders
perceive the warnings, data analysis, and overall user experience. This feedback is instrumental for refining the
system to better meet user needs.
Advantages for Users (Final Product):
• Enhanced Rider Safety: The system provides real-time data analysis from both the rider (helmet unit) and
the vehicle (vehicle module). This allows for more comprehensive monitoring and timely warnings about
potential dangers (leaning angle, engine overheating, speeding).
• Improved Situational Awareness: Riders receive relevant information about their riding style and the
vehicle's condition, allowing them to make informed decisions and adjust their behavior for safer
• Potential for Accident Prevention: By prompting riders with audio warnings about risky maneuvers or
exceeding safe limits, the system can help prevent accidents caused by inattention, speeding, or improper
• Increased Confidence: The added layer of safety and awareness provided by the smart helmet system can
boost rider confidence, especially for less experienced riders.

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The applications of a smart helmet system that combines a helmet unitand a vehicle module can be extensive,
promoting safety and awareness for riders across various scenarios:
Enhanced Rider Safety:
• Real-time monitoring: The system continuously monitors rider posture (through gyroscope data in the
helmet unit), engine vitals (through OBD-II data from the vehicle module), and potentially even
surrounding traffic conditions (if integrated with radar or camera systems). This comprehensive monitoring
allows for timely warnings about:
Excessive leaning: The helmet unit can trigger audio warnings if the rider leans beyond a safe threshold,
reducing the risk of losing control or tipping over.
Engine overheating: The vehicle module can detect rising engine temperatures and alert the rider to potential
engine problems, allowing them to pull over and avoid breakdowns or engine damage.
Speeding: The system can combine GPS data from the vehicle module with speed limits to warn riders when
exceeding safe speeds, promoting adherence to traffic regulations.
Future Applications:
Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Communication: As V2X technology advances, smart helmets could
potentially interact with other vehicles and infrastructure, providing real-time warnings about upcoming
hazards (e.g., sudden braking ahead) or optimizing traffic flow.
Augmented Reality (AR) Integration: Future helmet displays might incorporate AR features, overlaying
essential information like navigation directions or blind-spot warnings directly onto the rider's field of vision,
minimizing distractions and enhancing situational awareness.
By integrating rider data with vehicle data, smart helmet systems have the potential to revolutionize motorcycle
safety, offering a comprehensive approach to accident prevention, improved situational
awareness, and a more informed riding experience.

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Chapter 5: RESULT

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Figure 5.1: Circuit Designed Using Diptrace

We have designed the pcb for our vehicle module circuit using diptrace.


Figure 5.2: Bike Section

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a) We have implemented different sensors on our pcb on the vehicle module.

b) We have used sensors like heat sensor, accelerometer, GSM module, Zigbee module.
c) We have used Bluetooth module on our Helmet for communication between helmet
module and vehicle module.
d)We have also used voice acknowledge module.

Figure 5.3: Helmet Section

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Smart helmet systems, combining a helmet unit and a vehicle module, offer a glimpse into the future of
motorcycle safety. By leveraging a powerful combination of sensors, real-time data analysis, and timely
warnings, these systems have the potential to significantly reduce accidents and improve rider awareness. The
initial implementation phase, focusing on a limited scope with both the helmet and vehicle module working
together, is crucial for identifying potential issues early on and ensuring a well-integrated final product. For
riders, the advantages translate into enhanced safety through real-time monitoring of rider posture, engine
vitals, and even surrounding traffic. Data fusion from both the helmet and vehicle allows for a more complete
picture of the riding situation, including biometric data, vehicle performance metrics, and navigation assistance.
Furthermore, the system's ability to detect
risky maneuvers or potential dangers can prevent accidents and provide crucial assistance in case of

Future Scope
The future scope of smart helmet systems is brimming with exciting possibilities that push the boundaries of
rider safety, connectivity, and overall riding experience. Here's a glimpse into what the future might hold:

Advanced Sensor Integration:

• Biometric Sensors: Helmets could integrate advanced biometric sensors that monitor vital signs like heart
rate, blood oxygen levels, and even brain activity. This data could be used to detect rider fatigue, stress, or
potential medical emergencies, prompting rest breaks or sending alerts to emergency services.
• Environmental Sensors: Helmets might incorporate sensors to measure air quality, UV radiation, or even
rain detection. This would allow riders to make informed decisions about their route or utilize
features like automatic visor tinting to adapt to changing conditions.

Safety and Security Features:

Automatic Emergency Response: In case of an accident, helmets could automatically deploy airbags, send
SOS notifications with real time location data, and even connect riders with emergency medical

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Design of Digital Audio Transmission and Reception using Frequency Filter
Anti-theft Technology: Helmets could integrate biometric authentication or GPS tracking features to deter
theft and enable easier recovery in case of a stolen motorcycle.
Future Work
• Apply for a patent for the helmet and vehicle module.
• Study the market needs and methods of fabrication.

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Chapter 7: REFRENCES

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1)M. Kamruzzaman, Bangladesh: Alarming rise in road crashes, 2020, [online] Available: https: // www .aa
.com .tr / eniasia pacific/ Bangladesh alarming- rise in -road-crashes /1692643.

2) M. M. Islam, Mohammad Mehedi Hassan and Eui-Nam Huh, "Sensor Proxy Mobile IPv6 (SPMIPv6) - A
framework of mobility supported IPWSN", 2010 13th International Conference on Computer and Information
Technology (ICCIT), 2010.

3) M. M. Islam, Tien Dung Nguyen, Aymen Abdullah Al Saffar,SangHoNa and Eui-Nam Huh, "Energy
Efficient Framework for Mobility Supported Smart IP-WSN", Proc. 2nd International Conference on
Computational Collective Intelligence Technologies and Applications, 2010.

4)J. Santa, P. J. Fernández and M. A. Zamora, "Cooperative ITS for Two wheel vehicles to improve safety on
roads", 2016 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), pp. 1-4, 2016.

5)Archana, G. Boomija, J. Manisha and V.K.G. Kalaiselvi, "Mission on! Innovations in bike systems to
provide a safe ride based on IOT", 2017 2nd International Conference on Computing and Communications
Technologies (ICCCT), pp. 314-317, 2017.

6) D. K. P. Gudavalli, B. S. Rani and C. V. Sagar, "Helmet operated smart E-bike", 2017 IEEE International
Conference on Intelligent Techniques in Control Optimization and Signal Processing (INCOS), pp. 1-5, 2017.

7) D. N., A. P. and R. E. R., "Analysis of Voice Interactive Helmets and Designing an IoT based Voice
Interactive Helmet: A cost effective solution for Riders", 2019 1st International Conference on Innovations in
Information and Communication Technology (ICIICT), pp. 1-4, 2019.

8) Fanca POP, A. Puscasiu, S. Folea and H. Vălean, "Trauma accident detecting and reporting system", 2018
IEEE International Conference on Automation Quality and Testing Robotics (AQTR), pp. 1-5, 2018.

9) Lee Youngmin, YehHongjin, Kim Ki-Hyung and Choi Okkyung, "A real-time fall detection system based on
the acceleration sensor of smartphone", International Journal of Engineering Business
Management, 2018.

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Pin Configuration of Atmega328P

Pin Pin name Description Secondary Function


1 PC6 (RESET) Pin6 of PORTC Pin by default is used as RESET pin. PC6 can only be used
as I/O pin when RSTDISBL Fuse is programmed.

2 PD0 (RXD) Pin0 of PORTD RXD (Data Input Pin for USART)

USART Serial Communication Interface

[Can be used for programming]

3 PD1 (TXD) Pin1 of PORTD TXD (Data Output Pin for USART)

USART Serial Communication Interface

[Can be used for programming]

INT2( External Interrupt 2 Input)

4 PD2 (INT0) Pin2 of PORTD External Interrupt source 0

5 PD3 Pin3 of PORTD External Interrupt source1


OC2B(PWM - Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Match B


6 PD4 (XCK/T0) Pin4 of PORTD T0( Timer0 External Counter Input)

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XCK ( USART External Clock I/O)

7 VCC Connected to positive voltage

8 GND Connected to ground

9 PB6 Pin6 of PORTB XTAL1 (Chip Clock Oscillator pin 1 or External clock
(XTAL1/TOSC1) input)

TOSC1 (Timer Oscillator pin 1)

10 PB7 Pin7 of PORTB XTAL2 (Chip Clock Oscillator pin 2)

TOSC2 (Timer Oscillator pin 2)

11 PD5 Pin5 of PORTD T1(Timer1 External Counter Input)


OC0B(PWM - Timer/Counter0 Output Compare Match B


12 PD6 Pin6 of PORTD AIN0(Analog Comparator Positive I/P)


OC0A(PWM - Timer/Counter0 Output Compare Match A


13 PB0 Pin0 of PORTB ICP1(Timer/Counter1 Input Capture Pvvin)


CLKO (Divided System Clock. The divided system clock

can be output on the PB0 pin)

14 PB1 (OC1A) Pin1 of PORTB OC1A (Timer/Counter1 Output Compare Match A


15 PB2 (SS/OC1B) Pin2 of PORTB SS (SPI Slave Select Input). This pin is low when
controller acts as slave.

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[Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) for programming]

OC1B (Timer/Counter1 Output Compare Match B Output)

16 PB3 Pin3 of PORTB MOSI (Master Output Slave Input). When controller acts
(MOSI/OC2A) as slave, the data is received by this pin. [Serial Peripheral
Interface (SPI) for programming]

OC2 (Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Match Output)

17 PB4 (MISO) Pin4 of PORTB MISO (Master Input Slave Output). When controller acts
as slave, the data is sent to master by this controller through
this pin.

[Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) for programming]

18 PB5 (SCK) Pin5 of PORTB SCK (SPI Bus Serial Clock). This is the clock shared
between this controller and other system for accurate data

[Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) for programming]

19 AVCC Power for Internal ADC Converter

20 AREF Analog Reference Pin for ADC


22 PC0 (ADC0) Pin0 of PORTC ADC0 (ADC Input Channel 0)

23 PC1 (ADC1) Pin1 of PORTC ADC1 (ADC Input Channel 1)

24 PC2 (ADC2) Pin2 of PORTC ADC2 (ADC Input Channel 2)

25 PC3 (ADC3) Pin3 of PORTC ADC3 (ADC Input Channel 3)

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26 PC4 Pin4 of PORTC ADC4 (ADC Input Channel 4)

SDA (Two-wire Serial Bus Data Input/output Line)

27 PC5 Pin5 of PORTC ADC5 (ADC Input Channel 5)

SCL (Two-wire Serial Bus Clock Line)

28 PD7 (AIN1) Pin7 of PORTD AIN1(Analog Comparator Negative I/P)

Pin Configuration of Arduino Nano:

Pin Category Pin Name Details

Power Vin, 3.3V, 5V, GND Vin: Input voltage to Arduino when using an external
power source (6-12V).

5V: Regulated power supply used to power

microcontroller and other components on the board.

3.3V: 3.3V supply generated by on-board voltage

regulator. Maximum current draw is 50mA.

GND: Ground pins.

Reset Reset Resets the microcontroller.

Analog Pins A0 – A7 Used to measure analog voltage in the range of 0-5V

Input/Output Digital Pins D0 - D13 Can be used as input or output pins. 0V (low) and 5V
Pins (high)

Serial Rx, Tx Used to receive and transmit TTL serial data.

External 2, 3 To trigger an interrupt.


PWM 3, 5, 6, 9, 11 Provides 8-bit PWM output.

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SPI 10 (SS), 11 (MOSI), 12 Used for SPI communication.

(MISO) and 13 (SCK)

Inbuilt LED 13 To turn on the inbuilt LED.

IIC A4 (SDA), A5 (SCA) Used for TWI communication.

AREF AREF To provide a reference voltage for input voltage.

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ADXL345 Module Pin Configuration

Pin Name Pin Configuration

GND Ground Pin

VCC Power Supply pin (3V to 6V)

CS Chip Select Pin

INT1 Interrupt 1 Output

INT2 Interrupt 2 Output

SDO Serial Data Output

SDA Serial Data Input & Output

SDL Serial Communication Clock

Pin Configuration of INMP441 MODULE

Pin Description
SCK Serial data clock for I2S interface
WS Serial data word selection for I2S interface
SD Serial-Data Output for I²S Interface. This pin tri-states when not actively
driving the
appropriate output channel. The SD trace should have a 100 kΩ pulldown
resistor to
discharge the line during the time that all microphones on the bus have
tri-stated their

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GROUND power ground
Chipen Microphone Enable. When set low (ground), the microphone is disabled
and put in power
down mode. When set high (VDD), the microphone is enabled.

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#include <GPS++.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <U8x8lib.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Wire.h>

SoftwareSerial bt(4, 3); // RX, TX

SoftwareSerial sgps(A3, A0);// RX, TX
U8X8_SSD1306_128X64_NONAME_HW_I2C u8x8(/* reset=*/ U8X8_PIN_NONE);

#define ADXL345_ADDR 0x53 // ADXL345 I2C address

int x=0;
int y = 0;

bool screencleared = false;

const int buz = 9;

String rec;
int cnt=0;
int smscnt=0;
String latt;
String lonn;
int hrs, mins, secs;
float gpslat=0.000000;
float gpslon=0.000000;
int cnt2=0;
int temp;
int speed;
TinyGPSPlus gps;

void setup() {
writeTo(ADXL345_ADDR, 0x2D, 0x08); // Power control to activate
writeTo(ADXL345_ADDR, 0x2C, 0x08); // Set to measure mode
writeTo(ADXL345_ADDR, 0x31, 0x08); // Full resolution mode (10-bit)
digitalWrite(buz, LOW);

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void loop() {
int x = readFrom(ADXL345_ADDR, 0x32) | (readFrom(ADXL345_ADDR, 0x33) << 8);
int y = readFrom(ADXL345_ADDR, 0x34) | (readFrom(ADXL345_ADDR, 0x35) << 8);
int z = readFrom(ADXL345_ADDR, 0x36) | (readFrom(ADXL345_ADDR, 0x37) << 8);

while (sgps.available() > 0)
latt = String(, 6);
lonn = String(location.lng(), 6);

u8x8.print(" ");
u8x8.print(" ");

hrs = time.hour() + 5;
mins = time.minute() + 30;
secs = time.second();
int yr = date.year();

if (mins > 59) {

mins = mins - 60;
hrs = hrs + 1;
if (hrs > 23) {
hrs = hrs - 24;
u8x8.print(" ");

St. Vincent Pallotti College Of Engineering And Technology, Nagpur 46
u8x8.print(" ");
u8x8.print(y);// humidity
u8x8.print(" C-"); //
u8x8.print(" ");
if(cnt2>5){u8x8.print(cnt2);u8x8.print("A ");cnt2=0;bt.println("A");ggsm();}
else if(x<-120){
if(cnt2>5){u8x8.print(cnt2);u8x8.print("B ");cnt2=0;bt.println("B");ggsm();}
else if(y>120){
if(cnt2>5){u8x8.print(cnt2);u8x8.print("C ");cnt2=0;bt.println("C");ggsm2();}
else if(y<-120){
if(cnt2>5){u8x8.print(cnt2);u8x8.print("D ");cnt2=0;bt.println("D");ggsm2();}
/*else if(temp>40){
} */


St. Vincent Pallotti College Of Engineering And Technology, Nagpur 47

Helmet Section Code :

#include "SoftwareSerial.h"

// Use pins 2 and 3 to communicate with DFPlayer Mini

static const uint8_t PIN_MP3_TX = 2;
static const uint8_t PIN_MP3_RX = 3;
SoftwareSerial df(PIN_MP3_RX, PIN_MP3_TX);

//const int ply = 4;

//const int stp = 5;
const int alco = A5;
const int blink = A4;
int plyflg=0;
int stpflg=0;
int rec;
int count=0;
int alcostate = 0;
int blinkstate = 0;
void setup() {
//pinMode(stp, INPUT);
//pinMode(ply, INPUT);
pinMode(alco, INPUT);
pinMode(blink, INPUT);

// Start communication with DFPlayer Mini

if (player.begin(df)) {

// Set volume to maximum (0 to 30).

// Play the first MP3 file on the SD card;
} else {
Serial.println("Connecting to DFPlayer Mini failed!");
St. Vincent Pallotti College Of Engineering And Technology, Nagpur 48
//67 RASH C
//68 FALL D
void loop() {
alcostate = digitalRead(alco);
blinkstate = digitalRead(blink);
if(alcostate==LOW){;delay(5000);Serial.println("A");} //
else if(blinkstate==LOW){count=0;}
//Serial.println(" ");
if(count>1000){count=0;;delay(5000);} //Serial.println("B");
else if(rec==66){;}//B
else if(rec==67){;}//C
else if(rec==68){;}//D
else if(rec==69){;}//E

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Sr. Name Rol Sec EmailID Photo

No lNo
. .
1. Prachi 15 B in

2. Devesh Parate 38 B

3. Bhavna 04 B

4. Kshitij Meshram 46 B

5. Aman Koli 32 B

Table : Project Member Details

St. Vincent Pallotti College Of Engineering And Technology, Nagpur 51

Course Name: Project Course Code: BEETE806P

Semester: VIII

Course (Project) Objectives :

1 Implementing features such as integrated lights, turn signals and brake lights to increase visibility

and alert drivers and pedestrians to the presence of cyclists reduces the risk of accidents.

2 Inclusion of sensors to monitor important data such as speed, distance traveled and heart rate,

giving cyclists real-time feedback to optimize their performance and be informed about their health

during the ride.

3 Using built-in sensors and connectivity to detect accidents or impacts and automatically alert

emergency contacts or authorities, reducing response times to potentially critical situations.

4 It offers seamless integration with other smart devices and apps, such as fitness trackers or cycling

apps, to give cyclists a holistic experience and simplify their routines and activities.

Course (Project) Outcomes (COs):

To define problem statement for the project by carrying out suitable literature
survey and keeping emphasis on industry based innovative application in
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering.

BEETE806P.2 To present work, ideas, and also interpret, analyze, test, integrate real life systems
[CO2] with good interpersonal relationship and leadership qualities.
BEETE806P.3 To develop a real life system using different modern computing tools and
[CO3] innovative ideas
BEETE806P.4 To understand importance of lifelong learning with an emphasis on social impact
[CO4] and concern to environmental issues.
To enhance entrepreneurship skills

St. Vincent Pallotti College Of Engineering And Technology, Nagpur 52

Mapping of COs & POs

Attainment Level:

1. Slight 2. Moderate 3.Substantial


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2

Types and Relevance of the Project and their contribution towards attainments of Pos

Attainment Level:

1. Slight 2. Moderate 3.Substantial

Sr. Title of Relevanc ICs S/W Quality Type

no the e to used
Project Course/s



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